HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1909-4-8, Page 1rBUS
USE The Signal's adverusng
columns each week. For per
ananence to results they end
advertising pays when placed
• ' The Signal
atgTYSICUNL Y[iWt-1411. trNt -.
1 am offering for
at five per cent.
These debentures
itable iilve•tnimit,
money to invest to
axle IIeIN•IItLI'er beat tug interest
per annum. payable half -yearly.
Ivor an absolutely rate and prof-
! would advise anyone having
be num to call and see ole.
bound Or repaired.
Ul orders pproonptllh attended to un leaving
welt "rl{EUN
y•• w 8 ALUod.rich.
A. K. '1'AYLO[{„,,t3TItaoruHn
7 lar. AMA, to M. U. t'4 M
Marti ter, Itamllton .Creel, Goderich.
Fel Sale
I tow FOR SALE.-- A (foul► Mu,cH
row for stale due about the Leh of April.
AP{•ly to WM. IiI('HAN, lot I':. tonce...dun 2.
--'v,o.Prleh township.
VA 1\eelg t..pe.=..M t'. W. l.egborns and lter•rtd
Ithofx. ,1 T.
Soc. per I. and Mai par Po. Extra
`I per setting. All from high class
P. u•:. rite to #Il'Ft-T MUM., Benmlller.
Ont. - 11 tri,.
Smith -Newton, liwe y
day lit the fkMir and
Clement Newton, Oolerictr tow
when their only daughter, Pearl
united ill marriage to Mr. Swi
Customs Receipts Nicking Up.
A sign of unproved cowutereis
ditious ie to be seen in the, increased
custoeux receipts. Goderich and its
outperts collected during March of
this year $7,031.28, of which amount
the port of Goderich contributed $2,-
650.57. In Mar/•h, IOW, the total re.
eeipte were $5,127,07; the increase
this year is therefore $•2,2110,61, or over
forty per cent.
Annual Meeting Farmers' Institute.
The executive of theWeet limon
- hold the annual Institute
atve clMeoli•rie-
dale, the home of H. J. Morris, in the
second week of June. All Fanners'
GODERicH MARKET*, ..rancbe* in (he. riding are invited 40
join in spending the .t..y with the
lNewgete street.
and the erection shop, which will bei bride ix Mier Augusta Potter, rutin
Gm higher building, will be of brick,) daughter of Mr. and Mr.. W. C. Po
ter, of town, formerly of Culler
township. and she held the p•oaition
ester- superintendent of the Autericau Min
Mrs. tug Company's hospital. The pal
r *Aye .;
nahip, Iuutuwobttr"Ou Thursday eight, Marc'
1 l nmrlllrn lit 1 Pith: at turrnci occurred the mar
war rive of :hiss Augusta Potter to Joh'
Wood. At the cozy little haute
which the groom had prepared. a
small party of the iutieuato friends of
the bride an 1 groom gethrrt• 1 to wit-
neie the ceremony which made this
wan and woolen one. The cot-
tage had been beautifully decorated
by the friend* of the hl•ide, pink and
white carnations baying the principal
aoheme, and promptly et (i:f0 Rev.
Mr. Kitrhl ni pronounced the words
which uuitt•d 'nisi Potter and Mr.
Weal in the holy bonds of matri-
muny. The bride was attired in a
simple gown of white and was a
lovely picture ut happiness ii. ahs en-
tered the parlor on the arm of the
groom. Mills Potter has resided in
Morenpi for about two yt•ars, and has
won many staunch friends by her
quiet, kindly ways, while the groom is
well known alt over the county, best-
ing resided in Graham .county for
eighteen years. After the ceremony,
the guests were invited to the dining
Huth these solid
ono will face on
Automobiles Are Uut,
1Vilh the drying up of the I
s are eteuitIg out Of their•
winter t 'Mere illi ,, i•
iia of bes jointhe rink f
A n the
h I make an appropriation for the laying
t• of the necessary traeks, and the U.
Colbert' P. H. war willing to lease the xhedr
of for three years at en minuted rental of
1- .i per rl cedC., the rental to to limited to
M r $'240 a year. The freight tranarhippeth
i at %Vindrnt. lust season from the
- Mutual Tt•aneit Punttwny's boats' to
i the C. P. H, Amounted to 5O,tN10 tons.
Kiane protect bet sh-liild be found for
ia.e:ti.r .nl
land till hie car nut this week. W
L. Horton and Wes. (iruttalu are two
I con- ultimo who will have machines 'this
year, in addition to th•i 11414i I., or
so who "motored" last year. Two or
three of the later are getting new
machines.' The advertisement of the
Reo Motor Car Co, in this issue of The
Signal will be of interest: to intending
purchasersof mutase. -- - -
---L -
--' lube a n d Women's Institute
Fall wheat, net bush Tut: u m' , April slh. rnetulier•s of the Farmerei ['talcum.
S, sigig wheat, per bush _ '41 t4 to i ► WH. J. Mo*Rta, President ; SVS(.
Rle per bus a .. .•• 1 to to 1 W IiAlui, Kilcreta•y,-
Bue l: wheat.' car bush O M Ld T 091
wh-- .. -
time, per bu h., a 18 to u Sir Looks Like Minister.
0 40 kr 0 43
HorHealer, ver be .h oat to it a; The. Minister of Public Works, tion.
eningm tet ton W 44 to St 00
' 1)r. Pugsley, is said to have, a
Fleur, 6.•.,dy. per cwt
Flour, ...stew, per cwt ....... en t nu to t le "double" in the person of Major BeaL-
HharL,, her to, : i
s to 23 rt,
Hay, per ton L', p, to 't' W
µ'ted, per ,V.nj b :n to b in
Rutter, per Ib .... It St to (4 ort
cheese, per W o St to a tt
Fip. teeth, per doe .... Af5fr to.. - 17
l'otatoee, new, 0 IJ to 0 1,
(tattle, ()milli') to ' o 11 to 30
I'Attie, export, PC.-ccwwt• rowL (en to .130
Hog., ( to s m
t.iiuub*- w to ekt3
etheep.per ow' '"'•''- S¢llto. 4W
Mauper 14 . 1.s, to
i, per Ib a 17 to •U t7
lard, per Ib U 13 to 0 O,
Tallow, per Ib r3 to
Hideo. Cher cwt a4 to
!sheet. skint ... '1 .. rot
thickens 4. 1:3
Turkeys In to
Cut I h• imarkrt un ..... L. to
I -4(e , the. week.
0 53
Boomers or Boards, Wanted
Y.D. -Vuong 1.41-s prcfetr.xl: 1'otufort•
able home. COSI ,vn.-nt Io (blk•gh.ur nn=Tums.
F:F!) (iHA1N FOR MA1,F;. _ 1NI.innsMcibutorInky. Apply at Tilt: St(:
have for wale a quantity of white Irish
AL uFF le t:
cwt... a Read .ample for mods lg and guaranteed
frte from weeds. Fifty tent, a Muhel. Ales
-onus six weeks potetee,s IIUUH HILI.
1lunmillrg. has
)l•I'•S soli S.1LE.---HED Y'OCKF:it
8r4101.1, pore bred. with pedigree..1)1 F. M.
>.U1TH. Mar-Electele--Novelty and-
Works. l:nderleh. Repair
Seal state tor bale.
Auction Sales.
11. Choir. lett In (iarww pmpert v• .vomer
MArket street and Arlo avenue. fiv. min
ae,x walk from churches, 'e1tools, poeGittl.e
.u.l stare's fewer lu in avenue. Parucu
lar. nt tr be hind from J. IT. BROWN. Oolerlch.
las for sale situated on Newgate and
kat -trews. Gaderk-h. Tern• u may be
sewed ((5Cw n. For particulars apply tot F'. J.
WK SALE. -TWO 0004) 11O17SEA
on le.t street, one /rotor end one foe
tone residence. modern lmprove•m.•n,. , mot
Ow told immediately. -No reasonable offer re.
heed, :pons house has stable on trio prrmlmee
Mft*. 11111'1 O F:P.
Imck 1w,- Ill nqq with the 'nalern imps„1-
trashtWwaBwnllyattested and near lhertenare.
•t9My to W. !i Ronettreoe.
I7 P1ORY brick hoose. with *even rooms,
un. Bruce at rect. 1•anlculara oat bo bad by
rtelleg et MON AL armee.
tF:s4DINT tl, f'ON-
A grew : 127hyep. of good
.nil. ores under gra for least years; (r utile
eat of Ih.nlol, and K miles from f: rich,
writ good builds and artesian well end
1111, 5 acres "- n
ed bas f
bolt, and ern acres of bush. ' FbrtWnfc particulars
sl•plp to JAS. YOCt\t;, )r., ilr7 N Rater- .t..
t tt.ego. III. 7i -3m
1a uP t he estate of the late G. C. Shannon,
M. D.. his tat. reddens is now for sale. It is
In very fair cm,dfion, has modern ronvenien
twrtit ul a Malieoted at flute. - For timber
wpplg to Prood Hwy t filalr.
C;_J. HAMILTON, Executor.
in the Yorkton district. Your choice of
torr farms, containing INp acre. tech ; two (
with bulldinow on and telephotos. in the' ee
eaogcseri'ns-t►'iilll men term., fnfnrmwtton W
TFAVSLIty, Yorkton. Hack cheerfully given. J. H. iii In
t,AT(Hi►AY. Aral, lorii AT '1
.r. -
) 1
) o'clock .harp. at the Auto.. u' lino
1 '.1, .,.'more.. fmrntnR te, .(Iw a
p. en. 11 EO. 5$gt'KETT, Auctioneer
MAT[;RI►A-t, Af'HH, FtT[F, P'Itf
t. : to s orl.,rk P. m. - 1I4.,,r, of the d
geed. reel ion of 4'macron t Mauve • ding
Iork, nr the corner *tote on Montreal *1
Everything at y,,i own r•rirr. This vile
',leder+ dna. gad., 1800-- re Ady I0.w,-,r. I
rumor., lace. Leila, rottar., gine.•• anti nen
everything rlsr yon can think of. 1:
HF:('!(ELT, AOetuttewr,
1T1'Itl►Al'. AI'RII. 17111, AT 2
117 ocluck.--1 ha%t 10tiu lostrne1Arl by t
owner t0 ,elLat tie Atu•..um.li,w.e_.t.ha.tuuow_
ing household goats . whish are nearly- new.
only in the hoes.- atone, -1x month. 1 kitchen
range, 5 base burner. I s fora eaten -,on Iable, 0
Airing choir... ask Yorker., 1 willow nicker.
:iron bed., mattresses and -tomgs.: drams.
and stood rtttL_tAt
tdltehen bft5n'1 bitfpr -0 eO4tyr.rttg1,1 ..ee-'tr
Minds, rortain., stet, pipes, ete. Terms, Cana.
G EO. II FA •KF:rr. Aut.Limo• i,„
`t.tTL•RDAV. APRiL 21111, AT 2
I' o Leers, :7n l.ir•t ur-... ineltel g oil 'mint
sua•.large mirror.. This .,:d- will Lc held on
the a(h int, -t1 of the. bah ,awl will afford a
rare oppori unit y In ;net tire buylag. OKI1,
13E('h tr7. . e.
A olio e
1 ,
T t
A It .1 '
APRIL 11. •'
_PotA7 ui•b. k. on the renis•-; AT
l Pr.
In street:
good '. norm boost .101w . Ilor, tau h and
el.lset in the house, 3lots, rr.m ter l we or more
sons.. In the hest part f the Inc n. 1',.rti, n
ben frntn the undersig1tn t u F;n. M I I.I.LAMs,
Proprietor. (1101, HECK ETI' A w •in(
[)E('KETT A CI)., Llti'I' O1•' 1'001'•
We have forms, hotels and town property for
-•d-. imok over the 11.t. 150. Is only w few of
the Properties.- we..J ave_fos_yk;,-J131y_aowr
t.efo}r' the b0001 -nuts.
$9/ ;) Frame house with 7 rooms. close to
factorie.:.p.,e. fetmdtUon ; Iargaiti.
$1,100 Frame house on Hrn.r street ; ft
roni n.•, -em-,, IN aro central loco
ion. 3 minutes walk from Sounre. _-
1t3t0 Hri^k rot? r of Dee
7emm+, tenter s oi,.• ee or, *p
$1,400 chopping mill, 7h h.p,- Interna
tlbnal gasoline engine, motile Leaf.
chopper. building "-Kist, all complete.
1,625 N, -w• cem,n( brick house. 11 rooms,
but h, h, ruses, will Ilnlsbid ell
conveniences. on Trafalgar street..
$1 900 New red brick house, It roost•., fek
teller full deeofpiouse, 5 bath room.
vs tairw.ay Trea
gar street.
$1 ,160 Iloe..4 items of land in l:olrrirh.
Brno hoot,. appy.•. plum and cherry
trees. Ilayaeld road : Iaresin.
$1 ;►00 (food broour frame house on Kray.
ff street. Barn on the place. Uc.d
$ay Gond hou.e'aml lot on 11'ol('street.
*.,J00 10 room.. Burney furnace, bath
room. electric lights, easy term,.
NIA road ; all modern oonvenlenees. in
gond condition, gaol loeadify) For further
(amenia,+ apply to J. 1I. ROHPRTMON.
Klock D lake road east. Colborne town -
'bit two mile. from Uoderlch, ii, sere.. good
clef /nem• Arlt hou.e, barn ;B x 117, with
rement stabling', artesian well. water In build'
ing, and sprler creek. 1 acre. wending timber
and young orchard. Agply to C. C. McNI11.,
Denby 1•, O. 8841
RNAs orrice Towotrro
• Vaxe,000
To accommodate the Farmers
We have opened Branches in the
villages of
We Solicit the Patronage of the
Highest current rate of interest
on depoeite of s1.H0 and upwards.
A. 0. (SAMPLE. Ma.ag.r.
of Commons. Another man who
beard a striking resemblance to the
Minister -aa judged front the Tatter's
picture in the. papers -ie Mr. A. tie
t f the Sterling Beak.thimble, manager of ihaNext time local you
come across Lr. Pugsley', picture, see
if this is riot right.
Austin Chisholm Buys a Paper,
The Wroxeter Planet has been pur-
chased from R. S. Noble by Austin
Chisholm, late of Arthur, Ont. Mr.
Chisholm is a former Goderich boy
and it gl.•tdu,tte of the Signal Office, in
-whieh be }ear'n'ed his trade as, a
printer. ' We }re pie/lord to see • Ilii--
Making It Venture in ,jeurnatieht, sad
will look for his success. Ile has the
Ilecessary attn. .,.. and if the pimple of
Wroxeter stand by him there' is uo
reason why be should not turn out a
goal (toper.
Doty Engine Works Enlarging.
The Doty Engine Works Company
is preparing to erect severe' new
buildings this s*'aw011 ' 1t the prem
i.«* bet wren Bomar And Newgate
streets the r,nnpany ham already cone
tuenced work -on a new- hhu-T;stditb
hOwl; and a new erecting shop is to
t..11nw, and after• these are completed
,t is intrhded to proceed with the
boiler .hol1t at the ether premises near
Die 'lt ,1. fornT salt works. The two
new buildings at the oil premises will
1.• Po feet'Iontr by El feet wide. The
blacksmith shop will he id cement
Situations Vacant
t P• l'.l fl ATI()NS "ANTED,. -Al'-
• I'll( ' %THINS for the position ut chief of
rams, and 'f revt insts•etnr of the town of
Goderich well be received by the underlie/lost
up 10 s,icla'k on the evening of Wetne,dat
April lPh. II'.9. rut any information regal!'
Ing acme ripply to
L-L.Kao;. Da-W.-F',Okbis.w, -
Town. trek, chairman of special and IL•
ti'nitri,li• lief Committee, Galerit+.
for general housework for small fttmllr.
1i' K I ANQ :(; mornestret wage. pelt.
Tl T
r% VITT). s
grail grist mill .ire. or grist mill, iu the
t•o..nty'ofHuron. near (he town of Goderieh,
Will {{toy spm cosh, or give pari cash and bal.
atter In rity property. Address BOX les, Till-:
s14:NA5.NaIerirh. -- - --
Annual Resting
Annual meeting of the•shwreholders of the
Ifederich Curling and Skating A's'oclalion will
be held at the court house, liudetlrh, on Mon-
day. April Leh, at. **clock e. m., for the elec.
01dAlrer.wt.deveadeg iionof-other Ren•
oral burnnc,., WM- CAMPBELI. -
Uolcrirb. April 1st. 1>Ao. Secretary.
Please ta-
nee ng o e I. are o , en o the Ooderich
Elevator and Transit Contently, Limited, will
be held In the ofce of the town treasurer.
Goderie(, ori
at L'' ocloc•k. 00011• for the election of Ole/agora
for the ensuing year and the transaction of
other business that may properly be brought
before the meeting,
'sixtieth W. C. HORTON. Manager.
Oodcrlrh, March:Inth, Beth.
road. about 1 mile from ( 'our( Amuse, t
$1,75n G.0414 room frame house, Iwo lots
on LVellington street, close to West
2,S00 Newbriek Inner on victoria rt.. 7
room., bath room. electric light ax.
re., furnace. all modern conveniences.
Two acres of rhoiee, garden land,
ilnns, and barn on 1 he place. ff uror
900 One and n half *tory frame hon,, In
Boal condition, K room., good cellar.
owner going Weal.
$1,000 New hou*we on Oxford street, Good
a sellar and fmundetlon, 7 rooms,
oboe to Wheel Rig.,
1900 New cottage near 55 heel Rig., r, rooms
more or less. Easy terms.
1,!00 flOoabodframe ot1acreofIan& born0andstreet,
tidings. Home IIRA8 rooms.
$ -tree- make n Bne stiles fur any
line of skin -.s. 1test .t reel hu the town.
$1,200 hood Name cottage on Angkeime
r'• street, . rooms. good 'mouton.
Look It b/y es.
jt•4 2110 G...t tarn,• cline t0 (ialeHrh, new
'4'' 1 hoes, good barn' and shads. A11
new wire tone.,: K acro. of orchard.
2.600 /trick warehouse on Ilandlton
$ 1,400 Mirk hones on Klein avenue, II
room., olo*et and bath room. This
I** a rare bargain.
$400 hey.
e orerll hnyldooks yng(lot on ('elerlonla
Terre'. 1', 1L
$! 500 Farm of Lop *cr.. gond hniIMnR.,
v s brick dwelllne. '(hl. 1. one of the
beet, (*emaciate to Gnderlrh.
$60 andpartlrnlrip faor.x Rood tOwn tot.. 1Vc 'lye fon
$750 114118 1Rr4,, building, engine and holler
etc., for removal,
$1,600 tiny. new cement brick house, tl
rooms, furans, cellar fall *lee of
house. elegantly finished, near Notelet,.
$4,500 R opateon.0 In gist) f reshl y. Push:
per oPnt. nn Inves(mnin :
past d pay is per Dant, with the rxhrs mining
past door.
Wrlte,'pho0e Ix CRU at. the Auction Hou'c.
vertitsr sartl.ulenv from f.,wergCR 61'r.
(Merge Achesoof have decided to offer late
whole estate for sale. The property consl,ts of
real estate, debentures, bonds and stocks.
Parties wishing to invest in anyo( the above
properties can get fall particulars o, applica•
Uon to the eae:mtors,
MRa, ELLA C. Acngaoe,
J. P. BROWN !Executrix.
Wn.f.IAM ACHESON (tt.xe'uteeL
Ooderirh, Dec. 5th 1907.
Noii4e to_Creditors
" otlrc I. hereby given pursuant to R. S. O.
IOW, chapter Ido aectlap 71, that all persons
hating claims against the estate of the maid
Morgan Philip An'tin who died on or alarm.
the 1st day of March. Ili$, are required on or
before the •10th day of April, 194$0 to send by
post prepaid'or deliver to the nalervierled.
solicitor for \Pillion Quigley. r•xertoor Of the
last will of the said drrrasevl, their nam,.,,
Mane and do-eripiions, and w full *tatement
of;artMnlar+of their Often. and the not ore of
the moult, tit any) held by them, duly <Teti.
And notice is hereby given that after the
maid date the, Bald etecutor will pr,c,wwt to els
tribute the wmmete of the deceased among the
parties entitled thereto. loo ing regent only to
the claims of which he shall then have notice,
J. 1. K I LIA IRA N, th.lerteh, (bt..
Dated the SSh day of Marcfor
. -:►ills caec•utt0r,
(0 4
1('E ICE
We have our lee Haase wen
filled and are prepared to sup-
ply old and new patron.' with
the hest quality during the
coming season.
I. O. U. F. Notes
HuronoLldge,Ni.62. 1. O. members , u t
lose attending the longe of instruc-
Lien to be heli at Clinton on Good
Friday afternoon 'old evening. The
degree teaiu from lturou Lodge is to
put on the lira and second degrees,
and 8eaforth and Clinton, rerprc-
(it'ely, will put on the initiatory and
third d'egr'ees."
The Rebecca degree is being instit-
uted in Connection with Huron Lodge,
and the names of t ladies t
drat n o cone
improvements at Farr s Hotel.
M. J. Farr is undertaking extensive
im rovements at his hue . '
en 1 i e been mune whet a tt lltx t --erste wedding elute the charter arm- g
m b Pee ' 11C WI not e the prop- 0 le Wo Owns,
erty a first -Alas one. The building is To Build a New School
to be raised about two feet and a half The public school board has leen
and th • Con' downstairs -lowered to l,uktn, foy_t;1Ute_ tinttifu>:A_maileble
MOTs- -- 'ITw>ie higher. A cellar will property for erecting a new primas
be " + a steam heating system 4 school, and at the 11
meeting oil
per was srryed. it, was the unani-
mous opinion of the guests that this
was the prettiest wedding among the
--lost harmonies, surroundings that
has occurred in man a da • in eithe
This production, tri be given on Faster Monday evening in Knox
church, under the direr idnof Mr. J. East Jordan, promises to be the
musical event of the sea sn. The program is as follows :
Chorus 1a1 Old Hundredth
tb) !'Monarch Over Atl" Mefedt/h
•ititoer. ri VE -11, AI. CHORUS
Piano .. Martth and Chorus "Tannhauser" Sa(o'Ie- Wagner
MIS+ \Ant'. and 51, J tp
Su:o 's • Lifs's Lullaby"
MIg8.4010:Al DK N.URV
Chorus. sal ••Wethe Sea" -
lb) • "Risen Gabor(
• C,HLUR is s Emil-ivAi. I'Hokus Meredith
•soloists; Bliss Lottie McCreath, spoteo; Mi+hes Ethel Nairn and Kathleen
Sutherland. alto. _
'•"L'Argentine" .
Mlles F:, A `SusieRwl1t, _ "" "'' herr
• • • • • "In Thy Dreams' Buck
Mites t)LtcRSoli li
la' "Happy Springtime' Teller
Ibi "0 Canada I Our Fathers Land of Old
( ,I11.pag' .1 I'A;8rlt Au t ntl,u'+
Reading .. •
. Selected
MRS. T',- .',a EA.r Jdap4w -
*•Praise His Nalne" Meredith
('i1(i.(hR'., tjyx,,n-,
Piano ..... ..
. ..Prelude
. 311x. iMM G. A ktl./J,T,' .. ` itCflnlelllnOf j
Organ .Introduction and Bridal Chorus, Third Act Lohengyin,.. Wagner
31R. 11. K. JOHDAN .
Solo "A Waster Lullaby"....
`Ar Kobtn
BAs.+Aai:i.0 Very!.
....Vitae De Concert WirniaasAi
. • .......(a) "The
Ib) "The
-Icy -"The
soloist*: Miss 1-iolet
Aocontpantal: H. K. JORDAN.
God S
Lily"........ Judson
Violet's Secret" Roache
Lord Indeed Is Risen".... .....,011eredith
a FLrn VA ('11(R1'8
It tutees and Master Hort Cu((
ave the King
Proiram to start at 8.15 she i ,•. Admission 25e.
moaned .rn the tenement. New siti-
ng will repiiice the old, new windiiwe
will be put in tend a new iron roof put
on. The new floors dowuetairs will
be of hariworxt, and the whole hotel
win be overhauled and made thor-
oughly up to date.
Building Notes.
R. J. Arhrson bas the excavation
made for the house he intends build•
ing on the old ()Relic church property,
it is n g(..i,loration and a line house
will be put up.
B. 0- }turnings has an exeevati/rn
on Newgate street fora house he in-
tends putting up.
Mrs. Bussey intends building this
season on Anglesey atrre•L John
Young will build on the fo•undation he
' _last- fall. 'genre, lints
tends building, and now tha
son is opening up a good ,n
who have b. -t' thinking of
will probably be letting
Goderich Girl Graduates.
t the sea -
'my more
colli races
Mica Clara Daniel, formerly of
Goderich and now of Kincardine, has
recently, graduated from the Bruce
county general h(r.pital at Walkerton.
A largely attended meeting of the
hoard and citizens friendly to the
institution was held . in connection
With the great* .tionexercises. Miss
Daniel's friends her congratulate her
On her soleus,,. Besides her were two
othergraluatea. As in Goderich, the
hospital depends to a large extent en
the assistance of the ladies for its
support' and the press aectlunt of the
graduation exercises says, "it costa
$5,000 a year to run the hospital and
it is no joke to provide the funds. A
goad portion of it comes from the
efforta of he ladies."
The Horse Market. *
The third and last of the horse
markets for the present Reason took
place on Tuesday and was a fair snc-
cea,. There were many splendid
light horses shown and most of the
sales were in this class and the prices
the animals were held at were high.
Besides the local buyers the follow-
ing from outside places, were on
hand : Mr. Vannorroan, from Wing -
ham ; Oliver Johnston, of Clinton ;
James Torranrt', Clinton, and Johns-
ton pros., from A'n erley. Probably
hespring stallion .bow in Seaforth
may have prevented the presence of
some who would otherwise have been
on hand. The success of the horse
markets this first" Reason has been
quite encouraging to those who spent
their time in working up I he matt •r
and we hope they will be resumed an•
other season,
Wood --Potter.
From a Morenci (Mich.) mire of re-
cent date we take the renewing
account of w wedding whi(ah in of in-
terest to the many friends of the bride
in this neighhnrhosl, who join in
wishing her and her hied -and many
years of happy wedded life. The
ley a night a
i g htresolution was poised
that the board purchru.e the lots front-
ing on Britannia road and Gibbon.
street known art the property of the
late Sheriff (lihllntus, the price being
$5,0(11. The iutentiou of the board is
to erecta new primary school ,to take
the place of the old ward schools,
which are not in the hest of rendition.
The grounds here are large and the
location is looked upon as bring fairly
central. This was moved by Mfessr•a.
Cott and Blair. Mesons. McLean and
Hodgene voted with the motion and
Mr. Acheson voted nay. The were..
tail's report showed payments for
March of $537.8.5 and total payments
for the year OS date $1,015.3'4, - Appli-
cations from Mise Burrett and Miss V.
Watson for increa,es in salary were
left ei'erurrtil the Jmrr ureettn )-
plications for the position of teacher
of the temporary primary class to be
opened in the Temperance Hall were
received from Mrs. McKim, of town
Miss Hunter, of Toronto, and Miss
Sherman. of Stratfibrl. The appoint-
ment was given to Mies Hunter, Mrs.
McKim being named as alternate, in
case Miss Hunter should not .accept.
The finance committee reported in
favor of the increase asked for by Mr.
Tigert and the board adopted the
cornrnittee'R report. The increase
Ie-ing, his 'salary np to $1,107. -James
Mitchell was prevent on behalf of the
Horticultural Society and opened ne-
gotiations with the board for- the
adopting of the Suggestions of the
Horticultural Society as to beautify.
ing the school grounds. The ctintiu-
gent committee reporte 1 having
ordered two fire escapes from the Par-
kin Elevator Co„ of Hespeler, and the
action of the committee sots con-
firmed, The staking of arrangements
for the use of the Temperance (fall for
the extra rinse to be formed to relieve
the crowded condition of the Central
school was left with the secretary, and
the caretaker of the Centre! was ap-
pointed caretaker of the Temperance
Nati chow rooni alma:
C. P. R. Officials' Visit.
A special meeting of the town coun-
cil wag held nn Monlay evening to
meet Snp,•rintendent Ohnrnt• and
others of the C. P, R. officials with
referenhe to the pr./Treat to build
freight shells et the .bock. The of-
ficials arrived on the evening train
and were met at the station by Mayor
Mecklin and Reeve (tallow and driven
to the council chanlbper. The party
consisted of Superintendent (Thorne.
Assistant Superintendent McNeily of
the London division, and ALeerits.
Hertzherg, resident engineer, and
Walker, of Toronto. Alt the mem-
bent of the council, with the exeeption
of the Deputy Reeve. were present rip in th
sad Mr. Ol.)rne addresemi the conn- near sh
cit. He said the 1'. P. R. h'ul tomtit to the m
(indiru•h et great evens.. The rum- end
{pans had good terminals here end annou
hhaaurll P gond ronrd. It was .doing i. pw,rat
good hu.inene lint WAS here to (lo a ready t
emit deal more hm.inew. Mr. Otlnrne lines,
said he had inducted the cowpemy to ped las
I Read The Signal's
Clubbing List
on page 6
tthie week.
Send renewals and:new subscrip
tions by Postal Note, P. 0. or Ex-
press Order, to
The Signal
vaNATTKIt R It(HERTSUN, Pu.rraassul
Real Estate for Sale -J. I' Hrown. , ' 1
Have You Seen our Store tately,l-Woe *lee
Hardware sad Stove Store
Fater (tate, -(', P. R ...... . .......... ... S'
Easter Perfumes -F', J. Buttons ...... .......
Enter Ally Tiwu-Uoderioh Business ('allege 11
oat mg W.ekly Store Nsw.-('at/terou t Moore,. 3
Nile of he /might at the proposed spring ('luauing Tens -D. Millar Co 3
tht•p, trine the swell .•tattle toin shelter ntermine ciotbintT-tY.C•liTi
th 4
e lake in rough weather. .. terra- tteo Motors -Red Motor Car Co., 8t. Cath -
tion inside the (backwater apparently •wings. „
would suit Mr. OIorlie better than the heading Notices -Prof. Taabe t
prepored site. A plan the ofiieinls had cow (Graeae -win. tt
with them showed an extension of New 8pnngcar m. Btehan 1
the siding alongside the petBand Rugs -W. Aobesw3
present t Son y.
freight ihesl. to true waterfront by Any Has fiat-McLe►n Brat
\Peter Zane. • This is an alternatiyt• to Eng. for Sale -Dunt livor., 9
the previous proposal of a truck To Farmers -8. E. Hick PI
)ienmGter I
circlingon the' beach. tine sutures_ Lyall Pettier Induesments-ueo. Porter to
tion a .Jr. Obsn•m-, •tons that if the Building Lot. for Sale -F. J. IRidhtam
*bode were built further to the east A %otld of Com rt -Cleo. Jolootoa I
than proposed the %Vest era (,mads Star Brand Port Ian Cement- -
k'lour Mills Company slight Leake use ware Co . Howell Suet.
of them in the winter far storage Announcement -UoderllhProduce and Com- 7
sheds. Building he sheds inside the miselon Company
checkwatel' of course would mean lemmas, Woe/ad-Lloyd's wholesale1
Grid the pmperty would have to be Koster Meat -Morro Connolly le
purchased fi-o the owners. Announcement -Cameron t Moore
(hover for Easter -Hod l
Contests at G. C. b ren. Bros ...... io
A u a. -1 -1, --age r of the 'citizens of are Youl;oin¢ toHulldthie eummer_p o_ t -
the town evinced (heir interest in the rich Plroing Mub
Collegiate Institute Literary Society, In Ouderieh April t4th-W. J. Frost .. " 10
by taxing• the capacity of the as Application. WCnted-L L. Knox.. •
aenibly hall last Friday evening. The Propertio.. for Sade -ileo. Beckett -
lay i' .i- ROwdor-Jis. vi peon I
dent Leppert' and his staff was an .ip. specialties` for Saturday -J. H. Colberot
pr,priate culmination fur the a„le- Apple Trees, etc. -John Stewart Potato.... 10
ceesful series of meetings held 1 ; he Meat
Society during the nt'esent term. The Yule ins lu Rebuilt K'hesy-tym. J.
chief attractions of the evening were
the keenly contested competitions for
the annual prizes of books donated. by
the Society s patron saint, Lb: Strang, -
Benson Lohg'a eloquent declamation
nn "sSure.•'s" was the keynote of the
wbot • •• - .ern. The speaker ampli-
fied hi, "wee essentials -"tact, push
and principle" -with potent illustrs-
tione which reveilles a wide knowl-
edgelthe prophesiedli. fututhe re of high-
eat attainment for young Canada.
Donald Finleyaon &milt with the
weighty tlueetlon of • Canadian 'trans- fatter Meat.
portation with is skill and insight he- Morrow & Connolly are making an
fitting a future Minister of Railway., attractive display of meaty for. Easter.
Two of the school's most enthusiastic , The display comprises he following
advocates, of woman'. wider life. Miss animals : Two steers of good quality,
Aline Hargitt and Vias Augusta Mac. i two years old, fed b It. M
Railway Bones Bylaw,
to e
elettorrs of the lrtoowo hipt t Usborge
for the purpose of granting aid to the
extent of *20.0140 to the ht. Marys &
Western Ontario Railway, The rail-
way is to run from St. Marys via Ex-
eter to Sarnia or some other point on
the Itiyer St. Clair or Lake Huron.
Lem', ably vII1dICRCWI their' "right'' tel I weighing 2,1:35 the. • two extra good
express tht•IlltelVea in public affairs by Aid wurwthK one extra Its., fed by 1.
song sty, In s charming manner and tra fine calf fed by
im a very Sweet vuise tom . , a z J ,lemon me/imaged!. of Porter's Hitl,
MI -portrayed the nigh of the un -fir KnR Rill lfis. ; oneifoe young calf
11 ppy King Charles Ii., ingesting the fed y Alex, Olen weighing 275 lb.
di facts of history With a halo of also an extra good -calf fed Sandy
lou rice. Miss MacLeod in a remark- ' ' tug, not killed yet. Tbert, am
ably lever address dealt with some of ing Iambs fed by Peter Fisher,
he current arguments against beet (Irr, W. Walters and H. An-
toci 'et enfranchisement. and with I Brews, and some Ane porkers fed by
scnrnfu ridicule, logical reasoning James McCabe and Peter Fisher.
and pa. onete Appetit made out a`
strong Cab for the political einancipa-
tioof her x. If the entries in the i
n Easter Cards,
14011 0R )clay the regaldwl as One of the features of the Easter
typical Gode . ch Collegiate can hurl " e a a o n very noticeable t h i s
defiance at th critics who are censor• year is the large number o f
ing the readi g in Ontario high Ismael' rands that are being sold.It
mchools, Donald 'lark did full justice ahleare to be becoming more and more
to Charles Dull Warner's. iniwit- the custom for friends to exchange
able story of "Ho He Shot. a Bear," greetings at Easter, and certainly
while Edgar Sickle read a humorous 1 there is every temptation to do BO
selection rieininisee 1 when nt of boyhood wn such pretty and appropriate
pranks. The---reeitaticros weer. -of car"are tl tie o readily card,red--
'1' The finest lines of Easter cards, of
Course, come from the celebrated firm
of Raphael Tuck & Sons, who are
noted for their holiday and gift publics, '
Gone in caide, booklet.,, postcards, etc.
Raphael Tuck & Sons publish a very
extensive range of goods, representing
the latest achievements in litho-
raphy and color printing and show-
ing ex 1111t.ite tastefulness in dtesign.
The flrru has a worldwide reputation.
Return Tickets at Single Fara
On account of Easter. The Grand
Trunk Railway System will ieelle re.
tura tickets at single fare between all
Mations in Canada, ale.. to Detroit
and Port Hltron, Mich., Buffalo and
Niagara Falls, N. Y. Good going
April H, IJ, 1H, 11 and 12. Return limit
April Il, 10.16. Full information from'
F. F. Lawrence, Grand Trunk Town
Agetit, (iodericb, Ont.
Wtatera ewes - its all P(ylee-; Kn
cry am bricks, confectionery and
cigars, C.-BLICKM'rOYK, West street
I have he largest stock of timothy
and clover steel ever' shown in (lode -
rich. Lots of Reed oats, barley and
peas. Alun a car of bran and short..
(live Cue a call. A. J. COOPitit,
A clews -rip aale of the balance of our
darnnged stock will be held in- the
corner store, Monti pal Rtreet and the
l*gnr(re, on Aaturdily next, commenc-
ing at 2 o'clock p. in., by public nuc•
Cion. Yet your own prices, CAM•
ture Cream. Try it on the best furni-
ture in your house. That is what it is
tor. if others have failed trey ours
and see tar difference. You can get
it in 15c, M and 2lac bottles. J. Wit,.
MOWN prescription drug store.
1 haulg variety and all showed
marked elocutionary ability in the
young contestants. Miss Gladys
Levy's selection, "The Bishop and the
Cow," kept the audience in an uproar
of laughter; Miss, Mary 'foul stirred
the flame of patriotism in every
breast, whirr Miss Florence Young
moved h
to tea
with tk-
pathetic poem.
were interspersed with .... Meal Helm..
Guns, inebitling a brilliant instru-
mental due mei encore by Mies Agnes
Hamilton an d)e Legume Millyarda
t•inlin duet . by. _.the Misers Maine!
Young and Grace McLean, and selec-
tions by the glee club., and orchestra.
A few renlvrke by the chairman. .1. E.
Toru. 1. P, S., were lollow,'l by the
judger: decis' aunounc ti y Rev.
.Joseph Elliott. and' J. L. Killoran,
who, on behalf of themselves into ripe
third judge, Principal J. H. Tigert Of
the public school awarded the patine
to Miss Augusts Mt.Le(pd, Ounald
Clark and Miss Wady, Levy, Dr,
Strang then spoke briefly. As he had
wished to snake the )prizes apprnp}'i.
tato-the1TelllleHls he deferred the
presentations and temporarily re-
leased he yietont from further public-
ity. The singing if the maimed an-
them closed a very ..npr•o-
grant, and one which did infinite rr'd-
it to the clever young Irene.' and
gentlemen who took part in it.
A few days yet In which to purchase gaster
med.,. Wilmer 1(mllh, (Last street, hes a large
tof be u «Icratue ioeMnnn. l He1 j're
them. see
Ihpn't eat ton many Easter egg.-anddnn't for
get that you promised your friend+your photo.
graph long ago. ('.11 et It. R. Mallow, nail
have a "tome --he will do the rest. studio
wenn' Square And Moot real atr--t.
That WK. quite a blow yesterday : hen there
i. no necowlty for E. J. 1'ridham the 'railer to
"blow' snout the high r'uality of the gnnnenta
Ito turns Ont. Everybody knows that the hest.
densest men In town get their goofs front the
Uld Rellabler
li(M leu t'er(ra a dwelling elorig has pure/timed
na Victoria
'facet, the consideration being $1,015.
d Trunk
theh Id freighshed and srrmovwltaken ( the
timber, lumber and plank to Stmt.
fowl. - .. .. -
of the
hotel ataflitingann m yesterday did not
result, in a transfer, the hide not rang.
ing high enough.
A number of boys were le•fnre 1 h
'police magi.trate on :Saturday for
deotroying w p quantity Of rSeed.sP The
rase watt adj ournewl fur a fortnight.
On Monday five boys were tined lei
and cords for being a nuisance at the
.Collegiate institute on the evening of
(hi Literary Society meeting on Fri-
The Ooderich Produce and ('omnlis-
%ion Company is la new business ven-
ture in Goderich, whielt ham Opened
e store next to Mtntldert's ha
tannic, April 9th. -Auction mile of faire
*tock and inmpplements, at lot 3. concession 3,
W. D, Asheeld, commencing at 1 o'clock.
/tone MT !Arabi/Ian. Proprietor, THOM A'
I it'.v ItIt v, auctioneer,
MArt-shay. April I•Kh.--Anetitn3 sale of two
good bowies on, le eawed. ionic brow and
harness enmmencinq at 1oelocksheep. '
erty of Is tall. and %VAI'rKR SUARMAN. Tnoa,
(it s nit i, suet tanner.
MONDAY- April 171h. -auction *ale of farm
stock, imlement... etc.. property of MRa k. A.
Prnr.4,.. Int 1:1, lyase Line. FlulletI. T. Gcvuav,
aunt loneer.
'spss'snA V. April lith. --A nr•tlon mala of
farm .leek at north halt M Int 17, eoneeesion
Feat WAwanu.h. 1t'M. feints. proprietor.
Time AS GI:N not• auctioneer.
Tnrtwos v. April Lith, - Auction •axle of
farm stunk and Implements at lot 3. Haptens
(Mneessinn, Colborne, commencing at 1 o'eloek '
. m. MRs. w 111ta, proI'rl,tre0. THOMAS
(1 ,come, anet loneer•
Tltt a.o Ar, April 13 -Salo of form stock and
Implements, property of Mra. White, at lot. a
Alnitli od nonenewion, Colborne. commencing
at 1 o'clock. Everything well he *old wltho,t
reserve. a, the proprietress has sold ber farm.
Tuna. (ir*nut•, auctioneer.
F'snt.v. April lath.- Auction wile of -arn3 '
stork and Implement,, at lot {, Maidens Mock,
I)allrtt.'Hew line) : nommer3ctno al 1 o'clock.
op on Hamilton street, under Ui :•iiar r'llmilo0eer,N' Prone m.o. Tn 0a
enagement of George McPhee
W. A. Chisholm. The company
Hees that it is ready t, receive BORN,
4etr ares experts shortly In hu 1t F.•I1!,, to Mr.
els, N.
Mer j,,
o handle a
daughter. an I Mr Merritt, n
good nsriny other
A earleerl of potatoes we.. ship- REc'KF:TT. In (3..terieh
t Saturday. March .flat, to \(r. and k1 nn 1t' n. ti ^rtnnardA/y••.
eft, a daughter. ''a"• Iter'`'