HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1909-4-1, Page 7NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS Copy of change of running advertise- ments must be left at this office by Monday noon to ensure insertion in issue of same week. Pobjio IlloUoe, NOTICE, -THIS 1'1'BLIC HEALTH ACT of Ontario requires that all penous en or sae of 3 womthe must 1. • awlnated and teat parents are liable to a aneend oonetctloce for failure to comply with drop regulation*. The ,medical health officer will ler in hie Mos on the ant Balurday afternoon of each month at 1 o clock for the free venin ton of psnow* attend) for such puruo, A. C. RRUNTEH, Medical Health or salth OIDoer. ``IYNOPMI$ OF CANADIAN N)RTHWEST LAND REGULATIONS. Any person who 1s the role bead of , taut lly or eny male over 13 years old. may I „,,,read quarter-rscUoo of available Domini.. land to Manitoba. Saskatchewan or Alberta The applicant must appear In pereon at the Domin- ion Londe Agency or Sub Agency for the district. Entry by proxy may be made at any agency, on certain conditions, by father, mother. eon, dam hier, brother or rioter of luteudlug ho'Mteeder. Duties. -8.z months' reeidenee upon and cultivation of the land in each of throe years. A homesteader may the within nine miles of his homestead on • farm of at Meat 40 soros solely owned and *erupted by hlu, or by Ma father, mother. son. daughter, brother or dater. In oerte/n dtaUicta a homesteAder In good .tending may pre-empt a quartereectlon eiongslds his homestead. Prion Sal) per acro. Innties -Moet reade.1. months an each of 4. )ears from date of homestead entry (lnen ding hr time required to earn hour etead patent) and Cultivate fifty acre. extra. A homevteader who has exhausted hid home .teed right and cannot obtain 8 pre empuon mar take • ppur'onseed homestead to *.rials district. Prime 11401 per erre. Duties --Must ...tie six months In each of these yawn, ogIU ate fifty acres and erecta house worth 331)I11 W. W t UHY. IMputf of (be Minister of the Interior. H.. Unauthorised publication of Due ad erttement will not be paid for. Wattshmakng, oto, HALEY PARK WATenNAESR Jgwgl.Laat OPTICIAN. South elde of Bemire. Ooderlob, )Jot Civil Engineering VAUGHAN M. ROBERTS, CIVIL aatd Ifitraalie laagssesr, Ontario Land BoMeello[saa Bleak. Dederick), turner *sewed street Telephdee 137. Single LFRED E. 000K. TEACHER OF Jt Pieneplytng, Theory. Harmony and t'oenarpoint Pupil. prepared far stamina Koos of Toronto( 'oneerratory of Musk. Apply at Tkesawn'a Music Store. Uoderich. Mondays In Cantosat residence of Mr. Alex. Macken. lie. Qatari° street. A. ROY ADAMS Taiga,* or Prase !Studio in Hank of Montreal Hteok. Medical (DRS. EMMERSON A TURNBULL. U A. T. EMMtaeos, Y. D. w S. Tv*saot. M. R °moss Hamilton Street- Phone 101 Dr. Emmerson • residence, North street, Opposite St- (eorge's church. 'pbooe ISG. Dr. Turnbull's residence. Montreal street. Beuthwest sat -Public Wbrarr. }'hone 1911. 1)R. W. F. (TALLOW. M. B. (Imes, Colbsree street, ,next door to Rover. sire Hoek. '1Vgkoesi,-Olaee, 121 house, Legal L KiLLORAN, BARRiSTER. .su e solleltor, [rotary, eta Money to lend at lowed tee. O4eas-North Street, Uod.rtck meas Symal umosl- In Seeurd tortb Buays and Mondays, I G. CAMERON. K. C.. BARRIS- 1.. TER, solicitor. notary public. UtaOes- e wlRonn Sweet. Uoder(cl, third door from 'iguana DROUDFOOT, HAYS A BLAIR 1 barrister,. sol cItors, notaries public pre • Lorain the Maritime Courteta Oahe. riot Pile 8quar,. next door C. A. Nlairn's imagery. PR ate hand. Gr lend at lowest rater, of Interest. W. PROUDYOUT. X. C. R. C. HAYS. U. HAIR. DICKINSON A DARROW, BAR- S(ISTKttA, attorneys. enllclWra, etc. t.oderlok. Mossy to lard at lowest ratue. g 1. DICKINSON. CHAIU IL! GAIti O W. LL.N 11O. JOHNSTON; BARRISTER, iglleltdr, oommtsdo nor, notary entitle.tea street ()Werlob Ont. insurance, Loans. to. II' 11. IWBERTSON, iNSURAN('E Ali ENT. „x as» Lentreten : Hritfeb, Canadian and American. A,• mewl, Mick VOW Axn 3.MPIJ)T RM. WASH, - IT r The Ocean Aootdent find Guarantee or u,r*tJon limited. et London. Ping. n,xl,rre ANe Oil'A8aarae HONDO : The U.S. H4,lit f. and nnarantee Company. O3lre a residence, northeast comer 0( Vic. mole and SL Deride st.reetn. 'Phone 1713. IO1IN W. CICADAE, LIFK, FikK et and accident Innuranon. Agent for healing mutual and %pock °companies. lnelasnr» In all line. effected on bent plans and at lowed, man, Call at ohne, turner Wed Street and Square Or %ldrere J, W. UitAJUf7, Nederlek, Ont. fele ,hone 24 lUeKILLOP MUTUAL FIRE !N- at Nuisance CO.-F.rm .d Isolated town property lionized. (Mtcerw-J, B. Mclean, gree. Klppen P. O T. Fraser. Vloe-1're•„ lertieefleld K 0. Thomas 16 leafs, Sen-Treas., Me*forth P. 0 Directors -Wm. Chesney, Seaforth ; John D. ()neve, Winthrop • George Dale. Rewfnrth; John Hennewete Dublin; James Evane, Beech- wood ; John Watt, Htrlook ; That Fraser, Hrnrnneld ; John It, McLean. Klppen ; Jas. t'onnolly, Clinton. J. W. Y,o. Ilolme.vllle, agent for Wed Huron- Polley -holden ownptpa Mawr.,h.mis end 'frown n. Clint ton, r o r wt R. 1$ Cart's At Tozer k gtocery. Kingston suect. (loderlob. llenesetnng Mineral Water ►11HR OODERIOH MINERAL WA- IL TER M., m*nntaeturere of "Menm lima." are prepared to deliver to 807 part of the town Helfaet (finger Ale 1n pints and 'Pert., "leo Mlnerwl Water 1n three sloes pllt.., pint. and go*tteb, %elt.ser [Vater end trouble Kola Thee soda are made fmui 0alarsl miner*I water, and hoe therefore fn. seer 'Phot,, 9 en,rn .1l Imptl01rlUoe. P. L. WAI,TON Man - Marriage Licenses WALTER E. KELgLY Watchmaker, D Jeweller OtoTme. boner of MarrLlp IdM.iUe. w, LANK, ISSUER OF MARRi- AOa ne eess• 6telteriolL Ont SHAVING PARLOR BEDFORD BLOCK BARRER SHOP. Is well-known sed popular ',land lar Twill pints the heat .sults In aharing, Aalroott res, eta. ern Ladles' sottemprelng a ralty. Only •klllevl hand■ employed. patronage will be appreciated. H. H se It M Ira, Proprietor. -_ Anetioneering THOMAS OUNDRY, LiVR STOOK R,1Men.yag asMUon.er. ()Mnuw ,m ftenth traaeertee ee will be found at ell Um saTerew eosem � to it i iatleliugrevisal e. - AUCTIONERRINO. Al) hnnehe. carefully attended to. Perm MIM, live deck *else. reel •+tarn and merehen enemies merle anywhere. Write for dates or Ball and talk ftover with Geo. Beckett, Hamilton street, Goderich Out Telephone Na yea THE SIGNAL GODERICH.: ONTARIO PEN AND SCISSORS. /1... 1',J Yre P,g'rr You are Swarm to earth t Well, well. 'a that) Come up will, a mailing Noe. It auLLw,t aralwt yea, W hill down Hat, Hut to lie there -t bat'. degraoe. TM harder you thrown, why the higher you bottom ; no proud 0( your blackened eye' It len1 the fact that you're licked tiled **11111* ; It'd how did 700 Mitt--u,d why 1 -Edward Yams took. There is a popular notion that the English gave op ruling the Autericau' colonies a 2eutury and • quarter ag}o. Hut the rumor is ill-founded. The British Islauds have furnished the United States with twenty-four of the twenty-six Presidents who have guided the destinies of the Republic. Fifteen have been of Euglirh origin, three of Scotch descent, five of Scotch - Irish parentage, and one of Webb blood. The nthet two were of Dutch extraction. Washington himself cent of an oriel ocratic English family, the Stsrs sad Stripes ..'u whose 13egllsb cwt -of -acme furni-Led the basis of Old Glory. sig ilaaZTanadi i eatTonal air ? There has been an interesting dissuasion' --a series of discussions, in fact -In the Canadian press on this interesting topic. The Montreal Herald make, this contribution : .. • " Whets the-CUttdttotUt_at - thea Abet - field choir announced that the Cana- dian national song wpuld lira given, a good many were 'surprised to hear the air 'O l'anada,' with which they were iu various degree," unfamiliar, sung with ovoids they knew not at all. It app•ate that Mr. Vogt's Mendeles•ohn choir in T0111hto also sings ib. Mr. Recorder Weir has lately written words fur it. and the other day a teacher aroused the wrath of The Toronto Telegram by calling upon the pupils to sing it as the Canadian nationalanthetn. The Canadian edi- tion of Collier'u prints the score of the music and offers a prize for won', that will lir. arnil which preferably will have no relation W thee* by Judge' Routhier. Of course, all this doer not make it a national air, but it is s fairly 4:,..od start on that road. The chorus of 'The Maple heal' has hitherto dun., duty pretty well. but there is no disguising it that" for the I,urpores of Canadian unity the song itself merle off rather badly, and there are plenty of people who confine their adnlir*t-ion to the chorus. On the other hand, The 'Telegram rays Lsyallee'. ruusic to '0 Caned.. sounds like what the g'*Ilhearere hear when they enter the church. it doesn't ring that way when a few 'core Laval students are up uneome gallery wait- ing for a curtain to rise, but -it ' must be admitted that the etudenta' render- ing is lar more inspiriting than that of the Sheffield choir:- There is no esanaer-of-duuhr that -'U Cantle' bee - come lar stay in 'Quebec, but whether 0 r h t ran be successfully transplanted may depend on man circumstances." The Hamilton Spectator admits hat u far es the mimic goer "0 Ca - Ada" is infinitely superior -iso "Muir's ather piece composition," art as tar as the words are concerned a really national sung has not yet been written. A great may will Agree with Thu Spectator that Canada is young yet to commit itself to the choice of • national anthem. "As a makeshift." The Spectator says, "The Maple Leaf has d • good service, but no one who bas given the matter any serious thought would be willing to suggest that thin composition should be declaredie our permanent notional anthem. '0 Canada' may do Inc a time, but it is doubtful if it will ever be stamped with the Beal of perman- ency as the national hymn. We should not be rushed into snaking choice. It is doubtful if the psycholo- gical moment hay yet arrived for the birth of it genuinely permanent Cana- dian national anthem. 1n the mean- time we should he privileged to sing as lustily as we please any and all of the compooitions that aspire to Imo Lionel anthem greatness without hav- ing to commit ourselves to the choice of env one in particular." Sand catwlogu.w Iu&vecome, again To tempt our easter eye., A(� owing. 'Orem.- .peer acle Vowing. I.' 4 'e. Long pewee( Betel e. dawn the walk*,.__ And around+ of four o'rl ock. ; sunflower+ by theanlen well. A hedge of hollyhock, Itamberrins Merlons. black and n4 Ind e..eso.a,bles galore: *lore ; A.ea A rich and wondrous -tom. Rhubarb clow b • the gen path, !Coen bustle. Jill ardattire The eprm.gtime rOIOL,gnr* present lu.mont attractive wnye. HJones way an in temelyhurg Ha* c,tah.sueu piled high ; Amt every lhing lie 0111es within 110 surely went' to try. Ile plan+ for fruit end veritable. Y„r eel( and notebbor., nm : AnA fill* hi. helpmeet's tired ear* With what he'd going to do. i1'. fine to have .red catalogue. When +pringtiulr 111110 around, And plan what you are som.s to do On your email pitch or ground. It's Are to drown of your back yard All through the otllre grind. And read these brilliant ratalosnoe And farm ib -In your mind' At • wedding Mrakfast * pretty bridesmaid was heard to tell the true reason for rice being used at wed. dins. It wee onre believed that. if on their wedding journey a newly wed- ded couple Pew a flack of doves it would mean a long life of peace and happiness to them. A bridal party in parsing R0 frightened a flock of these timid birds that they Hew away in great. Alarm, and so, to avert the evil omen that then flight signified for the newly married rnnple, rice was thrown in great quantities to lure the birds hack to the piece from which they had flown. ['his plan was so successful that the wedde'i pair went on their way rejoicing end lived ever afterward a happy and prosperous life. Sinee then rice has been used as a almb)l of good lick, peace and hap- piness at weddings. Women would seen) to have achieved rnlitiral enlsnripltinn in Sweden without proving their Ehnen% for it by barbarous lawlessness, and measuring physical strength with men. The Sw.dieh (diet, by a vote of P3) to RR In the upper chamber, and of 1:14 to R in the lower, hu passed an art t.0 estehlish universe! .nfrtg., Hereafter Swedish women will be en- titled to vote in all elections in the same way as men, and he eligible for randidetes for ell elective bodies. A similar hew is In forre in Finlend, and some eight women have risotto iii the Diet of that (trend Durhy. Sweden le the first independent nation to adopt this system. in severs) of the States, in the United Rutter, uni- versal. or, rather, equal suffrage for both seise has been in operation for CANADIAN LAKE TRAFFIC. THE WATER INTAKE. T82ra DAT, APRIL 1, 1909 7 Geveremtmt'a Policy to Develop • of Goderich and Other Ports. Yruw T'1. Loodou Advertiser. -Atte - be Governtueut of the Dom y i'esogoizes the great `op u dee-Which eklst for the develop of trade between the shores of Su rior and the ports of Eastern nada by way of the great lakes. Thie war clearly demonstrated by the Min- Irter of Public Wurkr in a recent speeeli. At the present time the harbor at Port Arthur is heing deepened. it is already down to • depth of twenty- two feet, and the intention is (0 deepen it to twenty-five fret, so as to give accommodation to the largest lake oteamers which can go to any port on the western shores of Lake Superior, A great breakwater, which will ultimately extend a distance of two or three miles., is being built at the saute pier., the object being to *Hord not only a safe harbor, but one iu which the Chipping will ire moved with the grealwt economy and con- venience. At Fort William, in addition to the terminal, of the O. 1'. P., the Govern- ment is engaged in a barge scheme of deepening and widening the Mission and Kamluistit ria rivers and in ruak- iuK,a turning bin with an area of thlety-two scree, with a 'view to giv- ing every possible facility for the handling of vessels. The Government is also cu -operating with the C. P. R., 0. 'j'„ R. Sud C. N. R. in building a lung revetment wall, which will be of lynornl,„w b*urilt W this .hiyping. in the harbor. The appropriMMion for improvelneuth at these ports during the corning reason le 001;0,000, and the result will be that before long there will be Geminal facilities at the western end of Lake Superior which will not be rurp..sed by any port in the world, The Government's ails I* to provide that any lake vessel which can enter the harbor of Duluth or Chicago shall be able .tar, enter the harbor of Fort %Vidian) and Port Arthur, that our harbors shall be equal 'or superior to those on the United States' aids of the line. For many years the hulk of the grain traffic of the West has [leen go - Ing to the port of Buffalo and the Government is determined to divert it through 4 Canadian channels and through Canadian seaports to the tuarkete of the old would. On the eastetu shores of Georgian Bay Targe aunts Savo been spent in the imptuvement of the harbors of Petry Sound and ('ullingwoxxf, $1.00U,.000 having been expended *t the latter place alone. The result bus been W greatly inrzeose the .facijities for the carrying trade on the great lakes. The harbors of Owen Sound, Midland,ci Southampton, Goderich, Mara, Mea- forl, Penctanguishene and Depot Harbor have been improved, and all are capeble of doing a large business with the Canadian `Vest. Mr. Pugsley considers it wonderful how the trade of Goderich has in- creased. Tworwthreirmilliva bushels ,of grain came there a few years ago, hutt tart season 10.1133,010 bushels were delivered. The Government has spent a good deal of money at Goths - rich and hopes to be able to grant re- quest,' to spend tuore. it is only by liberal ezpeuditures on works such as are here outlined that transportation between the East and West can be fully developed, and the carrying of all Canadian products brought into Canadian channels. New Boat tor -Intend Navigation Co. Trade New Scheme Being Tried to Clear Out the Old Pipe. inion The water and light cowwiesion h*e anew scheme for clearing out the Cin• rluui' take pipe which may do away.#ith burnt the tleemseity of asking -the people to hake vote $20,(3l0 or mote for laying • new lou- pipe, et all events for the present. Au opening wee made in the intake pipe on the beach near the bathing hoose and it l -inch pipe inserted abut shoved out inside the larger pipe, ad- ditional leugthe being added as the pipe advanced. The small pipe hurt no obetruetion until within eighty- three fee, of the crib. showing that the intake is clear that far out. The plan it is now iutrnded to adopt is to lay a 2 inch pipe from the 'power house to connect with this l -inch pipe and then to apply premium from the pumps and try to work a way through the obstruction, which ap- pears to be a tnass, of gaud. The 1 - inch pipe can be shoved out as the water pressure mikes w way for it and it is hoped in this way to get an opening through the sand and then Hush out the remainder. The commission has been In car - respondence with the office of Willis Chipman, C. E., in Toronto, with, the idea of having hire cows to Goderich to advise as to the beat piens and ma- terial for the new intake, and word has been received that Mr. Chipman will be Irick in Toronto by the 13th of April. However. if the new plan' works it will be unnecessary to havfy, him conte. h wrfl probably be -a week twenties fore this plan is gone ahead with, as the emergency intake to the harbor is being completer It is now aimo.t finished and the town Water supply comes frhm the h*rb*or, the end of the intake having got part the mineral water which made the supply so held for a time. Hamilton, March 24. -The Inland Navigation Company, which has ite headquarters in this city, hoe practic- ally completed its arrangements fur the coming season's work and expecte to begin to operate its boat' about April 21. The company's naw host, the Stad•cona, which is being built et Detroit,•will be put into commission this season, and it will be one of the biggest freighters on the Greet Lakes. it will he 501 feet long and of 11,1110 tons Marlen, And will be equipped with the most modern appliances for handling freight of all kinds. The company now has a tleet of eleven hoote, as follows: Dundee, Dundurn, Dumelm, Donnacona. Glenellah, Nee pawah. Itoeidelc, Strothcona, Wa- conah, Winoneh and the new Stade- cone. The company will give a tier - vice of two steamers weepy between Montreal, Toronto, [la`ntiton, Cleve - lend, Windsor, Courtney and Sarnia to Port Arthur and Fort William, and at these points. will connect with the C.H. R. and C. 1'. R. for. the West. MISERY IN STOMACH Aad Indigestion Vanishes in Pive Min- utes and You Feel Ftoe. Why not .tart now -today, and for- ever rid yours,•If of stomach trouble and indigestion ? A dieted storosell gets the blues and grumbles. Give it is good rat, then take Pane's Diap. {p- ain 0. start the digestive juices work- ing. There will be no dyspepsia or belching of gas or eructations of undi- gested food : no feeling Tike ie lump of lead in the etomwch or heartburn,ick heartache and dizziness. and your i'�00d will not ferment and poison your breath with nauseous odors. Pape's Df*pep sin costs only 60 cents fora large .nae at env drag store here and will relieve the most obstinate ease of indigestion and upset stomach it) five minutes. There is nothing else better' to take gait from ntnmechand cle*nae the stom- ach and intestines, and, besides, One tri- angule will digest and prepare for as- simil*tion into the blond All your food the same as a sound, healthy stomach would do it. When Diapepsin works your stom- ach mets -get* itself in order, cleans up -and then you feel like eating when you rnme to the teble, and what you eat will do you gond. Absolute relief from all stonnacb misery is waiting for you NA 110011 es yon deci.fe to begin taking Diapepsin. Tell your druggist that ynu want Pape'. Diapepsin, because you want to he thoroughly cured of indigestion. Semen Nature, 1 "Why on earth do*'t you mend the roof of the shed, PAt ?" "Och, room, ye merely wouldn't have me gain' nut to do it in thin ponrin' rainy" "No : but yon weld do it on n fins, day ! " "Num sore, it doesn't matter n2N,nt it then et all, at All ! " many ]ears. More recently It has been adopted in Auelialia and New Zealand. 1,i.inr. mitring lmo on de mmmtAin. Wheh dr ell flower+grow Honey, bring dem high top home. 11 sot 10 Whoa- el snow Springtime In de valley, !temple' to *Atniee ; Honer, chop d*t kin lin wood At.' stent de kitchen era. Teuln"bout de .prinrtlms '111ineatly los* mybre',: 'Tela' mi Menne Mk einglt' Waw yea'. *1.e.' trees ode'/ • MAKE IT YOURSELF. Says Many Persons Here Can Be Made Happy Again by Using It. There is 40 much theumatism here in our neighborhood now fleet the fol- lowing advice will he highly appreci- ated by three who suffer : (let from any good pharmacy one- halfouncnFlui 13xtlactDandelion, ore ounce Compound Kargon, three ounces of Compound Syrup Sarsaparilla. Shake these well in a bottle and take in teaspoonful dose, after each meal and at bedtime : also drink plenty of good water. it is claimed that there are few vic- tims of this dre,ul and torturous dis- ease who will fail to find ready relief in this simple homemade mixture, and in most cases a permanent cure i6 the result. This simple recipe is said to strengthen and cleanse the elimina- tive tissue of the kidneys so that they can filter and strain from the Mood and system the poisons, acids and _wade .natter, which cause not, only rheumatism, but numerous other dis- eases. Every man or woman here who (eels that their kidneys are not healthy and active, or who suffers from any Urinary trouble whatever, .bold not hesitate to make up this mixture, as it is certain to do much good, and may save you from much misery and suffetingl after while. Our home druggists say they will either supply the ingredients or mix the prescription ready to take it our readers ask them. Mi -O -NA MEANS STOMACH CUM FORT It's of Special Value to Many Here in Goderich.. A notable. discovery and one that appeals especially to many people in Goderich is the combination of senom. *ch help in the Mi-o-na treatni • This preparation works' wonders in case of indigestion or weak stomach. 1t acts directly upon the walls of the stomach and bowels, strengthening them so that they readily take care of the fno*1 that is eaten without distress of suffering. S') positive are thegood effects fol- lowing the use of Ml -o -nes that the remedy is sold by Jas. Wilson under en absolute gid*rantre to refund the money . if it fails to cure. A 30 -tont bnz of Mi-o-na'will do the gond the stomach needs• which is simply to snake it do its own Wolk. IN A BREATH THERE'S REST. Breathe Hyotnei and Be Cured of Ca- tarrh, Bronchitis, Asthma. remedy--fnr- entarrh, epidemic enlds and bronchitis that is tar better than dosing the stomach with medicine and drugs. it is the healing nils and Isthmus of Hyomei which mudirate the air you breathe, rearhing the moot remote air rolls in the nose, throat and gunge, killing all catarrhal germs and restor- ing health to the mucous membrane. Hyomet arts like a curative interne! air bath, and has the same healing end antiseptic effect as the air where the pine and enc/styptic forests give off their fragrant and healing balsams. Breathe healing Hyomei and see how quickly you will get relief from ca- tarrh and heal colds. If it does not help you there will not be a penny's expense, as .1**. Wilton agrees to re- fund the money. The complete ilyo- mnei outfit creta only Navigation Opens. Detroit, March 21, -The passenger traffic season for 1120(2 on Lake Erie opened today When the Detroit R Cleveland Line steamer City of De- troit left here for Cleveland. Leas ice in Lake Erie than for many years and splendid weather made it an ideal day for the opening. e Wireless on the Lakes, Chicago, Meech 211, -- Pensenger steamers on the great lakes are to be equipped thin *eastern with wireless telegraph Appsratue to be operated by the United Wireless Telegraph Com- pany. Contracts were clotted here to- day with the steamship companies, and station. here been established to he ready by the opening of navigation et Chicwgn. Detroit, the Sox), Msok• into and all the principal lake ports. Dental Levatorlea In Sleeping Cars. Feint of the wastern railways have been calling attention to dental lava- tories which have recently been intro - (lured in sleeping rare on their line*. A. a .natter of fact, the Pullman Company here dP.'ided to provide in all new sleeping ears that they build, and in All the present sleeping cert when they are next pot through the ,hops, dental lavatories whirh will donhtlP,* be much appreciated by their morons. Already dome of the Pullman eleepin earn operated over the Grand Trunk Railway Ryttem are provided with this new and special 1 sanitary feature. ei THE MARKETS. Liverpool and Chicago Wheat Futures Close Higher -Live Stock - Latest Quotations. Monday Evening. March 3 Liverpool weeat futures to def closed tad higher, and cure closed yd higher than Saturday. Chicago May wheat clotted '4c higher. corn closed iec higher, and oats 54c high- er. - Wlnnipea Options. Wheat -March 61 11 bid, July 31. IS% bid, May 111.1444 bid. Oats -March U%c tad, May 43a bid. Toronto Grain Market. Wheat, fan bus., 33 07 to 31 Oa W heat, red, bush 107 Wheat, goodie, bush 101 .... Rye bushel 076 Buckwheat, bushel 0 61 •• Peas, bushel 0 96 . Harley, bushel , • 0 G 0 ,a OM., bushel 0 W 050 Toronto Dalry Market. Butter, separator, dairy0 23 Butter, store lots 017 019 Butter, creamery, solids0 30 0 21 Butter, creamery, Ib. rubs0 36 0 le Eggs, new -laid, dozen 0 la 019 Cheese, large Ib 0 1344 ... Cheese, tete, Ib 014 /toner. extracted 0 1054 011 New York Dairy Market. NEW YO*IJ.C- March 3. -Butter -Firm; receipts, 4317, creamery, speclals, 31c to 31(4c; official, 31c, extras, aR4c; third to first. 21e to lac; held, third to first, Soo to 29c, process, common to special, He to 24c. western factory. three. 19c to I34c; western imitation creamery. (frit. Ski to tic. Cheese. -Firm; recelpta. 672; state, full cream, specials 16c to Pc; do., fancy. 16%c; do., gond to floe, lbi4e, winter made. frig 14ikr; 4u., good to. pr1mA 111%c to 16440 do., r0mrnon to fair, 13, to Ile, 'skims, full to special*, 2% to 133,4.. Eggs-leirm, receipts, 17.977, mate. Pennsytvanie and nearby; fancy, selected, white 24c; do„ fair to choice,. 23e to Sac; brown and mixed, fancy, Mr t1,lltr; do., (5}1, to choice, 30c to 2054c, western first, Mac to 344c; secooda, )3c to Mi4c; south- ern, fire, 19%c; *ecocide, Ile to 1954., CATTLE MARKET'S. Cables Steady -Hogs Steady at But. Palo and Chicago. LONI>ON, March 19. -London cables for cattle are steady, at !Pee to 14. per pound for i nadtan steers,dresaed weight; refrigerator beef is quoted at Mks• per pound. Toronto Junction Liv. Stock. TORONTO JUNCTION, March 20,. -- Receipts of live stock at the Munn Stock Yards were T2 carloads,'000- misting of 1615 cattle, 42 hogs, 71 sheep, 86 halves and 100 horses F%sHerteys. Export steer. sold at $6 30 to M.71 Ver loads, and Corbett & }tall sold oar•• prime steer, 15211b., at M; export bulls *cad at 34.S to $5 end Dunn ! Lecn••C sY.d one eseepUnnal quality bull at tai per cwt - Cows, $4.50 to /6.'s. hateae, Prime picked lots, and Well. sold at from 16.50 to 16.70; loads of good, 3 to 3.40. medium, M-40 to WOO. common. V.77 to 14.30, and 34.40; cows, 0.46 to, 34.40, eannere. 61.75 to $2.75 per cwt. lrtla.,..aa apea�assw. Not many were on sale. Prima -aOIS4 at from $15 to *t0 each. esj About 100-lenr' vestwasejd at µ 40 Gehl per cwt. ................... *beep are Iambs. Receipts light. but prices owe reported aaaser. 3`wee, 14.00 to 36 per cwt., J�t grain -fed, 37 to n W; common. VW tot M60 par cwt; spring Jambe 36 to M each. H. P, Kennedy and Ormns. Ilmlteaa Port prices unchanged at 3115 for s�esQr�, fed and watered, at the market, enol glory f.o.b. ears at roaatry podas*. Montreal Live Stock, (11. MONTREAL. r .0St Storkrch At Yards Wert t Mar- ket the reedpu. of Ilve stock for the. weak ending March 77 were MO cattle. 103 sheep and lambs, 2240 Atoka and tea calves, while the supply on the marks& this morning fur local consumption was 1100 rattle, 40 sheep and lamb., 1250 hogs and 100 calves. A feature of the market was the de- cided Improvement 1n the quality of rat- tle offered. there being princlpsn, sty weU-ffnlehed •tee -e, heifers and bulls fro. 1 Ontario points, which In many eases were suitable far the coming )Bested trade. The supply, Mt ho 0 .,.r than • week ago, Was not excessive, and In con- sequence a •tror,gvr feeling prevailed in the market, and prices were 8 good i a per pound higher. There was a large at- tendance of buyers and the demand wag good, sepeclally for shipment to ostslde polata; cnnsequently trade on the whole 0885 more activr than It Asa been of tato, Among the offrringa there ware some extra chnlce stall -feel steers. of wh)cb Messrs. Johnston. hemmer and Luiglnls, wbole.aie dealers of thle city. bought three steers, weighing 4410 pounds, at 7540; one bull, weighing IVR Ih• , at .,u,' per lb. This stock wee raised an4 fwd by J. Stuns of Saintfield, Ont. Another lot of tea steers, weighing 1103) py.o,und., wan bought by a local butcher at 60t,c per pound. and Messrs I)rolet • P11e of Quebec boughs one bull from 1. 1)Worme whirl, .Wghsd 2 t700 pounds, at 6c par pound, and 112 over. In addition to this, they also bought a targe number of other heavy bulls at 6c. 634r and 544x, and steers at [.Mir to 614, per pound Altho mires were higher and 'there firm In their stew.*, 1,. ,l,butchere showed more disposition 1. ,.. -s1., and bought -ft- few there then mouse on so - count of the fact that they anticipate still higher prloss later on In the week for Easter stock, If awppnes do not a- rmee. materially. Choice steers sold at Nie to 6r; good at 614, to Mee. fair et 4%c to 6c; medium at 4% to 4i4', bulls at µ4r to 14.- and common 'mirk at 3n to 4. per pound. Supplies M sheep and lambs were very *mals, and trade ( Consequence was quiet, but the undertone to the market war stronger, and prices had an upward tendency. The demand was good for what little •tock was offer- ed, enol sales of yearling bombe were trade at 6S4' to Pee per pound, and sheep were higher. at 6r to 1V) . per pound. A few spring lamb. mold at 14 to 3 each. The offerings of calves wer• also small. An extra choice one weleal%g 440 pounds, sold at si4c per pound, and the range of prices for the others era* from 12 to Ix each a to quality, A Strong feeling 0OfUnuee to proven in the market for hogs, and prices are stead- ily tending ,towards a higher level, they having .Cored a further advance of Sc to 10.' per 1M pound. since this day week, 'on ,,•count of the Bruited supplies cor'n- Ine forward and the keen demand for the same from packers. name of selected lots weer made at 97.90 to 3. and straight loss at 37.76 to $7.16 per 160 pounds, weighed off , are. East Buffalo Cattle Market. HAST 11t;F11'ALO, Much 3.-i attle Reredpte. MOO hand; fairly active rad 10c to 15c lower; pelme steers. M.x, to 11.'15; shipping. 35.40 to 16.S. butchers Y to 16.15; heifer., 14. L9 to M'. row. and Snits, 3.1.00 to 3.6; stockers ■nd feeders. dig to 35; stock helh•rs, 1.9.50 to 31.31; fresh rows end •pringers In good A•vnand and 12 to 13 higher, 371 to M0. Vesta-- /tecelpts, 2901 heed, active, 37 to 0:6s. • IIogs--nerelpt• 14,500 head, active; pip nteaAy; nips, [c to 1Or higher, heavy, 31.76 to 37.40, mixed, 17 25 to 3tM; yora- er,, 3.76 to r 26. pigs, M 40 to a6/e; roughs, $ to 35n, stags. 14.60 to 3.i; delMes, 33.76 to H.2a. Sheep end Lambe -receipts, 21,010 bead' sheep activo and steady: Iambs slow anri Me lower, lamp' 1e, to 1, 40; yeirlioadi, 37 to 1711, wclher', /e 611 toat ia; ewes, 3.71 to 31.73;w sheep, mixed, to *116. Memories of Rome. in , London drewingrxtrn recently the berate/et Reid to a eornfnrt*hle look- ing lady, the widow of a wealthy Mid- land tn*nnferturer, whn had been touring during the winter in the Runny eolith : "01 comae, you went to Rome, d.Rr Mr.. Web r" ")tome 1" replied the widow, vaguely and niedltativel , "dirt err go to ibme, Ethel P" --to her slaughter thi.. "Yes, ma, yeti know ere did. that rig place where 1 bought those lovely Ik .rocking.," 1 THE NEVI' SWEEPING MATERIAL0 KEEPS AI.L DUST DOWN AND KILLS THE GERMS The finest thing we have seen for Carpets, Linoleums and Bare Floors, largely used for Dwelling tiouses, Stores, Schools, Churches, Halls and anywhere one has to sweep. We will give atrial to all who ask it. Get a 33c package; we guarantee it to do the work or money refunded, The Howell Hardware 0 Co., Limited. %0E oo l=o1 Fullness and Bloating After Eating? 25c. a box. Little Digesters Cure or your money back. At all Druggists or direct from COLEMAN MEDICINE CO., Toronto a Liniments can't cure Rheumatism " Liniments aro only /1 elccp." Liniments can't roach the muscles, nervcU, 1 putts. Liniments can't get to the sick kidneys, which Mose ltheunlaLiam,Siciatice and Lumbago. GIN PILLS en-, Rheumatism because they care the toys. -If you are a sufferer, don't money on clack,* remedies- Cnre 1.ourselfwith Gin fills. 50c. •box;6for $2.50. J f all healers or ner,Rwyayes� ,.Gro • Ie'"'' DEPT. A NATIONAL DRUC & CHEMICAL CO. Immo,-•TORONTO Icy OHTPHYSIC YOURSELF �i o,t It is a Tonic you want! Physicing lowers ,,/;=i 3 the system and makes it more susceptible to disease. The winterbeen a great strain upon your vitality and unless you put henths blo deve in good condition all manner of evils will overtake you. PSYCHINB is the Greatest of Tonics and should be taken by every one at this season of the year. PSYCHINE assists the Qastric juices and ferments In their digestion of the food, cleanses the mucous membrane of the StoMach, and has an invigorating and beneficial effect on the muscles and nerves. For Catarrh of the Stomach, Ulceration or Weak Stom- ach, Dyspepsia, the use of PSYCHINE is strongly advisable. PSYCHINE acting on the Stomach restores it to a healthy condition, then acts through the stomach upon all the vital organs, creates an appetite, bringing teneaed vitality and strength to the entire system and enables it to throw off dlseas0 of every' kind. It is the greatest health - giver known to medical science. for IFire l0om nSto-day. All druggists Toronto, stores sill 1': Y l l (l N y; at 30, and it per bottle P.5-.ONPINIIO S. R I NE tali lIMII l(k I 1 - I;:T 1111 7GEF' ', I YOUR SKIN REFLECTS YOUR HEALTH! .T CST as y"ur skin is, so 1s your health. 1 f the pores of your skin are not acting properly-, the wastes of your body are not getting away as they should, and this means that our kidneys, liver, lungs, and Mart Lave to take on extra duty. Your L kin requires periodical cleaning, jest asthchousewife knows that tea l,rnvc requires periodical shaking duMTllo Mate it burn brightly.; just at this 6eason, pimples, face f0res i ruptions, sererulous discaeee, a11.1) eczema, are Adry• common tecanse the winter has thrown extra viols oll.to the .:kin, and in many rases the skin Inas been unable to do P I this extra work. %ant-Ruk is a skin 1111 tonic. Your [•kin needs a tonic just as much 0.11 3cur stomach or liver ! If you have any skin di0^;,:r, scrofulous :.ore, festering ulcer, or an outbreak '1( pimples ':rniI rMNion', Apply f:atn-Iluh, Apply if freely at night. Let its healit); t0nrnces-tan![-col! tlr?-- Ton- Witt Cc bntprised at hs won,lerfnl h^:.lin'• g,,,•,.•, HOW ZAM-OUK nkb1OVES SKIN DISEASES. Mr,. S. Jev)I, of (,.len 5 ire,.. phasic; An I . nr, 7.r',k a (tot r n in 1.....'., ,, ; - }' '- ' .. ' .,t a to ••Mme time beck 1 ) 1,1"� ;it •.t , r the whole 1 one ride e( my taco anJ nee*. A.n.,Il .red piinplrs, j,, nu•g nh nrtb a kind *1 rod rash, w'hieh dehhaltettarr'Ittrl!TrIS wine Tree4„re, era, ft • lore, the dress, Ieok. The irritation ifrroen 1hw oat term4 et 1 w•bnn.'l''r 1 1v1111out •.11 !4,,1 11 wee eery ;quo (III. 1 con- e -Shod the family physici.n, Mahn lave me a 1• dinn t ,Ise. '1 his only seemed to irritate the 4,. :date th.i MOOS, n4-134. lout,e lever t ,mrh-v err r g•grnr, rn 1 left cry using the lotion ant team ap,lv,nJ tan 13,1. to a ,0'' 1 ,', .lit !3"o ' pa, e l ( Ilme the. peeved Merllve, and every pen7,le WAS N!,fve1/, 'ea.et 1. a ,., to c m.1•r. urn un .1:., stray 401 enn,n,h n before. I have het IIT tlid?Lf alrl;,'6wa.,•.,•,.',., • l Ira., r .1. r rear. I+ vn:aneet I Zein114k 2 or an 05,11 ran o04 w t.n11 •1, , ,.. ,.If of nn tight 1, t here dto for Com., tem-, ni.l k sleet 1 A Graf -dl ,', • f.,:'d i,, 011,1 m,1 Leale.laits .',n >.1 up neelr• for tlr. %Voltam Rlrr,, of ri<i, t:fs,. A.oese. Sim. Iwo. ?tall., Nye; -"As a cure for ekln , 41.r of n 1 do rest Ih, ', III'', +, envied,/1 1 cyu.l 7411. 1401. 1 s• t out all over my fat ,.a.)Id.m.l yar1A1. o +male, is plop, /r,.", ernernme. I o'rat 144111140.1iljtto heca. Not rely wore 111, a 4w0, • ,, 44• Ir. 1..n 11,, , oh. ray ('.nnf,4. • 1 ra mor two !meths 1 ....fillets,',n tht• way. ,n.,I 1 was a 1 -O... t 10 tri /ears. link. 1 fete/ 1kit- brim was rnmely different to the oriels?' few. 1, r. It r . 1 , e 1 1', • irritating, and rho • mTors. min The sore., from first bane anwn,ed wi11, 11r 23,,s. leer 1•.1 .n.! 1,0 • ,Mgr), and li.e, 1Nein to dry of. With loeneveran e 1 w.s able to Cees my .lin nearly 2,.,, .0 the {pies and eruplod.. 1 eigbly re ..emend tam 8,k to dl w.1 , stir Lam en) Mb did . r." Lase-ney ern.. caro. Aur,'. A.Peisr,, 010rain., 4,7r.. feslrn41 ores. wirers, *twat.. Ale.•1.4.n..M,a •, re':I.r sc„hs. ,Lo4,,4 l 1,,.A.. ...f.( r,, 4, , '44110 sorer, had /cr. 0 r*euaed ....kir, ,.e.4 elf . 31 sr • Asl ..Id ti. n J.M6g4f, and so,.rer .eU nt Jot Moa, three roe ( si.n ho ,'., .end Som -S5 A,, Taranto Lar prior R �• or Mel leer Ir,,,n lam -teas (ls FREE BOX. Send this contest, name and date of Wlntr, and lcsump to the tam-I)uk Co., Tnrnn tn. A free log will he mailed you.