HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1909-4-1, Page 1 Busy
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The Signal
(I Read The Signal's
Clubbing List
on page 6
tbie work.
Send renewals and new subscrip-
tions by Postal Note, P. U. or Ex -
preen Order, to
The Signal
vateATTZR & ROBERTSON, Pva_e_s'tg,.
am offering for sale Debentures tearing interest
at HNC per cent, per annum. payable half•yeai•ly.
These debentures offer an absolutely sate and prof-
itable investment. 1 would advise anyone having
money to invest to be lure to call and see toe.
bound or repaired.
GOLD. LRT4'BRIN(i .-_-..
Alt orlon. ptomp t1tt > attended Won leaving
wme will' THIO f1IONAL Goderich..
Fol lab
11 have ler aide • quantity of white Irish
eats, geed aa.4pII for seeding and guarantee
free from weeds. Fifty Bente a bushel. Alm
mane ant weeks' potatoes. HUUH HILL
Wyse/lore. eJaWe birds. If not sold will
sell negefrom them. also egg* of Buff Urping
Woe W3(.dALLUU41, Cemetery. it
8 isle pun bred, wtLb ped{gme.
NHITH, Star Itrrlecuic Novelty and Rgelr
Work.. Uoderlch.
mak Natio* for bale.
i' en eat street, one tram* and ono fine
atone re.Weae%, modern Improysnrnte : meet
he sold Imnwtlatel.. No teasona4Je offer re-
f uwd Stone house hem stable on the pretnlw
Mltr.. HRl'WC(,
11 brisk dwelliag. with lM modern Improve
pleasahtlyaltaatod and Dear Ow Square.
11 ,alu*bl. little home. being part, of lot 43.
len em•cesides. Hallett. containing thlrteon
aerie mor, or kale. one mile from Auburn
.'anon. There ka a good t•rlek holm and
kltehen and tart barn orrbard and •mall
trop.. Would be a dealrable property to re
tare un or fora drover. as It u only tar mile
fort .t.Uon. 1t 1a known ea the estate aisle
1Mr Gabriel Sprung. For hoarier !anon Itailere
apply te l'HAVS UIRVIN. 1W:star. NIB
P. 0.
r) rooms.
on areas AM& kP lore ago be
ha.1 by
Wittig at SIGNAL Uvea. » tf
I' ('RSIttH)N g,Colborne: LYS acres of good
.NI. been under Rewe for eigbt yearn, ! mile
east of Dunlop and 11 miles from Uodertrh,
with good building, and artesian well and
windmill, 5 acme of orchard. best of winter
fruit, and ten aeras of bu.h. For particular,
apply to JAS. YOUNG. jr.. 114'1 N `Vater. *l..
4 hkago. ret. 3,30.
1' up the mania of the Into O. C. Shannon.
M. U„ hl. /ate rsidente be now ler ea)e. 11 it
in very fair om.dltlon, ha* modern eonvent0n-
*s. can be inspected at any time. For neither
particulars apply to Proudroot, liars t HWr,
C. .1. HAMILTON. Executor.
In the Yorkton dietricL Your chole of
four forme. containing 11(1 %ers each : two
with buUdlnim on and telephone• in the
home... WIII sell on easy terns., Information
rnrgg.ardln`` the country cheerfully given. J. II.
TKw'8LItY. Yorkton, Sank.
11 NIA road ; all modern oonvenlencs In
good rendition. good looellt For further
naeUcnMts *WY to J. 11.1(OHERTtlUN. _
block D lake road east, Colborne town.
ship. two rollout from Goderich. 150 acre.. good
"ley loam, brick how', barn 311 it «1, with
.extent stwhling, artesian well. water In build
Inge and .pring creek, 2 aures etanding timber
e'doung orchard. Apply to C. C. 111eNE►
Dunlop 1'. 0. 43.41
In Whorl hand or Hurine*a will bring You
boo ro.nit. If taken at our old
0stab11.hed and • thoroughly reliable
*chool. WinterTerm begin• Jan.
1414. relators.. free. HRtrten Allan
ICU, Rn0IM1e.l'nt.t.cnt. "entre) Y. M.
C. A. Building, Toronto. /
IMOI mranaaaasd
HtAO Ovvtcz Tremont
AOTuoIUZ*D CAPITAL. • $1.000,OA0
1'n aecommodate the Farmers
we have opened Branches in the
villages of
We solicit the Patronage of the
Bata )erfl' a nmetonymtsn.
Highest current rate of Interpol
paid in our
on deposits of 111.110 and upwards.
A. 9. GAMMA, Maagee,
Tnvruoar, April let.
Fall wheat, per barb el W 10 1 1 d
Spring wheels pen bush i 10 to 1 02
RK ssat
to 0
buckowheat, per Etch 0 1e to 050
Owls, per bush., '' •, 0 **to 0 13
Pea.. per bush 010 to 0 aS
Harter. per bush 0 ti to 0 at
licrwenln4e, per ton Lt to to 10 00
Flour, fatally, per cwt 2 e) to 2 m
Flout• patent, per pmt 3 to to 3 m
Bran, per ton 24 in to 24 sit
Sborte, per ton 2.. 1n to 25 00
(fry. per ton 9 111 to 9 0'
World. per en : 1 5 In to 6 in
Rutter, per lb 0 y' to 012
('beam. iter Ib m 15 to 0 15
Eggs. treeh. per dew 0 1.5 to 0 1;
1'olal0... new Mt to a,
( able, ordl. y to good, par owl 1 Irl to 1 511
Cattle. export, per owt 1 SII to 3 )0)
Hogs 7 at to a1
Lamb. 5 b to 7ol
Sheep, per cwt 3 5n to 1 (s)
Ham, ,0,r lb " 1. to 0 17
Bacon, per Ib 0 le to 0 Bl
Lard. per Ib 15 to 15
Tallow. per Ib t)4 to 0 W
Hides, tor owl 6 lit t0 6 bu
Sheep * 1, t, 100
(Mower 10 to 10
Turk.ra ..... .... 12 to 11
Outside markets on page 7 this week.
Annual Vesting
Annual meeting of the shareholders of the
Goderich 4 inland and Seating A..octa!lon w111
Is* Meld or the epees imams t%odesie1,.AMA IY •
der, April 1."h, at n o'elork R m.. fn. the elect
tion of cancers and consideration of other gen-
eral budnewc R'M. ('AMPRELL
Godencb, April bat. Iva. Secretary.
Mame take notice that the annual gener.l
meeting of the .hareholden of the Underl•h
Murat.w and Trmeut Company. Limited. will
be held in the oleos of the town treasurer.
Goderich, on
at 12 ()chock nom.. for th., election of directors
for the ensiling )car and the transaction of
other bummer that Inay properly be drought
before the meeting.
ism/twit W. L. NORTON. Manager,
(lodench. Marc► -lath,
1110111001. of the stale of the lata
Ueoego Acheson hart decided to offer the
whole slate for sale. The property oondrG of
real state, debentures, bonds and stocks
Parties wishing to Invest in any of the above
properties ran get full particulars on applies'
Hon W the executor..
Mw. ki.s.A 4'. Aosttsog•
J. 1'. Mame } Rxecttors,
Gods.kh. Dee. 6141 use.
Auction Sale/.
l/ sir
1 ass Instructed by Mrs. 1L L Dickinson to
'e11 by public auction ret her residence. Nelson
attest, (iodorch on
commencing at 1 o'clock sharp :
DNA% 1s.. n4m,M.
1 walnut frame sofa.
1 coo> corner,
walnut recrlo n) ,-hair",
Y walnut drawing mom emit.,
I walnut whatnot,
1 walnut table,
Pietesea. curt.m•t Winds, etc. ..-.-.
*I111 to 1514)M.
2 oak tahleo.
1 oak Morri. (hAu,
3 walnut chalet, .
1 walnut oval table,
1 dinner wagon,
1 chim. dinner wt.
I'to taloe and blind..
togitt.,'.M 1 IT, hr.
walnut bedroom
2 walnut c
a t h tl r
1 Iron fwd,
t dra.dns table,
1 walnut cheer of drawer•.
1 oak chiffonier.
('atpete, curtains and ban;Inv, nlattre.les,
springs and other bedroom fnrnl* htel +
g ,
Bathroom fvrnft ore and furnh hinga,
CIT.fire 4'l•..'ITl'Rl.
1 coal range. nearly new.
1 refrigerator,
1 cad oil sem .•.
I carpet mwe.per.
I cabinet table,
1 wringer and t oh.,
1 It,rn mower.
riarden hale rtnd * Mt of Yacht.* toenails.
Everything ad.ertl.ed to practically new
and will all be dlspo*rd of
TKVM* : All nerd+ of ,ill and under. ca+h
mer that amount, throe month.' credll .111 be
Maroon' allowed ton on i or maes ll on crved edit amorunfs A
l'mprlet me-. Anet l0neer
I,ATI'RDAY, APRIL 4141), Al' 2
t n'elork, at the Anet km Honwe one buggy..
r inrnle, or
ameba 01e, or one light m wof h ne
and hen Ins, several .n1A of hern,'m, one real
range.. ' aanUt., of h1,w
o .hnld furniture and
effect. (.1114). Ill cKE:TT. Allclloneer.
(.1 4TURDAY, AMC 1, 17T1 4. AT 2
17 o'r10ok.-1 have been Instneeted by the
owner to Sall at the motion Hens. the wow.
loghon..shnld gond. whlrh are nearly new,
only In the honer event .Ix month* : 1 kitehan
range, 1 brow burner. 1 A foal eiteneon tahln, e
dining chain, 2 oak rorkere, 1 willow rocker,
Iron Md'• mat l rwwml and .0.4010, Y drawer.
end .sande. 2 centro tehle,. .44 yard. of r*rpet,
kitchen table, t kitchen 04,04,0, 2 lollet seta,
blind. curtains move pipes, etc. Tense, each.
1: RE('KICT1T, Anctioneer.
I1 O'10ork, 74'' pteturr•. Inelnding alt pirairt
Inv. targe mirror.. Thl. .air will M held oe
the 24th Instead of the 1n h and will afford a
rare opportunity In picture buying. (iK44.
Intuit ETT. Anetlnn'.r.
k o'einek, on the pr0m1,.0. 'Trion *,reef,
gond Protan ho,,*c, stone cellar, bath rend
rime to the house. 3 Into. moor for two or more
homer& n the
pphseett pair) of the town artien
rroswl•tor (m from the 310o. 841CK4111'. Ate tttoeesr.MA
Festival of the Lille..
Much interest is being taken in the
approaching production of the Fes-
tival of the Lilies, to be given in Knox
church on Easter Monday evening,
April 12th. Souvenir programs may
he obtained' at H. C. Dunlop's drug
board of Trade Council.
The regular monthly meeting of the
council of the Board of Trade was
he d on Monday evening. when Rev -
al matters received attention.
bt. Elliott was present to eubruit
his scheme for theerectiou of a grain
elevator for local trade, and the coun-
cil passed a motion recoutmendiug the
scheuie to the town council provided
the intereeta of the town are carefully
The Last Horse Fair.
The last of the Goderich horse mar-
kets for the season will be held c)q-
Tuesday nett, April 0th, and theproe-
pecte are fur a good fair. A number
of horsemen who did -trot dispose OF
their aninialr at either of the two pre\
%sour markets have nignifled their in-
tention of being on hand, and it is ex-
pected that light hones will 1b• a
strong feature of this fair, as the light
horse buyers who were not here for
the other market,' intend to be present.
Brown -Batter.
A marriage an which many (lode.'
rich people are pleasantly interested
took place on Saturday lest at Gen-
eva, ill., a suburb of Chicago. The
bride was Mies Margaret A. Baxter,
daughter of Captain James and 'Mrs.
Hester of town, and the tacky reran is
Edwin Brown, of Chicago. Mr. and
Mrs. Brown have taken up their resi-
dence at 1845 Wellington street, Chi.
cago. The bride's many friends in
Goderich extend best wishes.
What Canada Should Uo.
Alex. Ssur•,Iere, of Ue>*lerich, cIn-
tributeelthe tuilowing to Tho Toronto
News' symposium on the que•.tien of
(.entad%'', position in regard to naval
defence :
"i think Canada sho,dd build sev-
eral battleships mf kin/lier tyle, in-
stead of one Dreadnought. wanner)
by Cauadisn sailors. This would
make a more effective roast defence,
and form * nucleus of a Canadian
navy. I7aBailisiisifiin3 To n second
place among the colonies when the
motherland needs her aid."
W. H. Kerr Gets New Era.
The Rale of The (Clinton New Era to
W. H. Kerr. proprietor of The Brus-
sels Post, is announced. Mr. Kerr
hex taken p.,slesrioo this week. J.
Leslie Kerr. who has been running
The Blyth Standard, goes to Brussels
to tale chs[•ge of The Post. We du
not know what disposition is t, Ica
made of the Blyth paper. The -new
editor of The New Ere to a -livetrewe-
paper in in. a good ratan all round, In -
G /11V lean. Apply to M. 0. CAM-
kRON. Barrister Hamilton .treat, Ooderich.
Situations Vacant
1V for general hoerowm k for email family.
References de.in'd Highpat wage.* paid.
MRS. R. H.AWLKl•, ('olborne,•tmet.
IITANTEtriei►, r m -111 IMdieMEDIATELY,
good , or grl.t mgt, 1n the
enmity of Boron, near the town of Oaderich.
Will pay spot ca+h, or give pert 00.43 and bal-
and In cityl property. Addre., BOX 101, TILE
NIUNAL Ooderich Ul tf
Card of Thanks.
I, Ha, Mg old our grocery bootee.. to the
new firm of Morrish R SnyAcr, we dr,lre to
return our thanks to all our cu4tomen for
their generous patronage during the time
we were 1n bu.lness. \.'e trust that
our ..ucoeaeory will receive the mine liberal
It Hammon street, Ooderich.
To Sent
Ao house, 61 'Mat Street. 11 *tory orlrk, in A 1
oondldon. I'oa*eoelon `ivenq the first of April.
For particular* call at. RIO NAL OPTIC E.
loosen or )boarders Wanted
1)RU-Y ung D4'eferret. Comfort-
able honin, convenient to r'oost,d. In+4tute,
huippsw reef on or lake. Apply at THE 1014:.
Notice to Creditors
1 n0
NOW* lit Ureter given pnnnant to H. S. G.
IAe7. chapter 129, motion 3a. that all per"on.
having elalme *galea the entrain of the new
Morgan Philip Au+)In, who died on or about
the 1•t day of March. 19111, aro required on or
he -fore the 20th day M AprIL 17U. to rend b
poet prepaid'or deliver to the on/tersign.&
,eileilor for \v'illlam 11 -aisle •, exeent.or of the
loft wile of the.5)4 deceased,their names, ad
dre.and de;cript ion., enn full .tat anent
of particular. of their clelm, end the nature of
theeeeurity (If env held by them. duly cortl-
Anil notice it hereby given that after the
.am AMe Gee w0d executor wilt proceed to dis-
t.thole the *amt. of the dec.a.ud au,00g the
part le ,,i entitlrvl l hetet-+, Mt, Mg regard only to
f he claims of which he .hall then have notice,
J. L. K I 1.1.4/RA S. Onelerleh. Ont.,
14 .1 -,'iter for said executor.
listed the fah day of Merril. Lire.
f %wee any lee Houses filled with
the largest and hest supply of
lee that 1 hive ever had, end
AT prepared to simply both old
• and new customers this cowing
Pit -Isbell able handle froth fish.
We have our ire Hoene well
filled and are prepared to sup-
ply old end new petrnng with
the hoot quelity during the
rimming season.
deed, and he will keep the paper in death the wane day. Mr. Brechler the intermiesiou Ice cream was serene!
the (rout rank. •had the first stroke about *ght yyears The g Obeying nulubel'ed about on.
(hotting Ready to Build Freight Sheet. 'Ku and the .ecoud shout eleven hundred.
The Mayor is iu receipt of a bettor '°culths ago. The txxly wwr brought Last 1n 'nth Berry Washington, of
Y to Goderich for interment and the fun Hodgen. How. mole, ,won one of th
C fr1I. Superintendent
iPexpressingntet hiraiutentiun of rne of the real took plate on Tuesday morning prizes uffeted by the Curtis Publiahipg
/rota the residence of his brother Cu, for 1434' Iwai window decor;►Bone
being- ng- in Ooderich this week to a4'- Joseph, to St. Peter's church, where Liter -
advertising The Ladies' Home Jour -
range OA to the building of the freight the services of the church were con nal.
shade for the handling of the Aetna the ducted by Rev, Father McRae, The •there will lw an Iltt.•1.44tn u1w•t-
Mutual Transit Co.'s boats will bring palt.learers wren William Chisholm, K
to this port. We understand Mr. Jacob Moser, Ki^hard Willson, Chris ing of the Collegiate Instituto Litet-
tbObe C. Prue ezRprbese9 the bwillingness
anl topher Sauderson, Cherie.. Young and 41 Withl,i strpeeial prugiwm tlA none
pay pre Oeu a Ashton. Mr, Haechler ors
nue) rental for the shed. : that ie. 5 I ,, incl ad ui+eion fir of Nh, will be
born 1n Elm*, } r rth county, work(d chs ed.
per cent. of the cost of constructiuh for about ten years for the Wateruue `
shove the wharf. The Government engine work*, at Brantforljaad subset- hart v' ILayden, general iurrchant,
has men here removing the lifeboat 1 iisntly worked i1) Waterloo and Port All.err, found a sum sit numay
station and adjoining shed farther alt. L.art ellUllller he visited the Old between Sall furls and fort Albert last
out on the wharf to snake room for Country . Hr is survived by siz sateirdry. The name (an he bad on
IN building of the freight sheds. brothers and tour eiater', : Jacob, of satisfactory proof of owuersuip and
Lodge of Instruction, Port Huron ; August, of British Col- P+tYntrot of exLeur P*.
Hpmeseekees-Canadian Northern Hallway.
Keeler Excurions-F, F. Lawrence $
o Readers -0. T. R .
',Seib and Goad -W. L Unday 130
Binh and IKgs for Bale -Wm. Aldous.... l
Lau Expensive Wall Paper -Cleo. Porter. 10
! Just One Week 1111 Raster -1), Millar Co 1
1 Hoye' Clotting -Walter C. Priebeat r Y
I salient service -C, P. R. g
Two Bargain Days -J. H. Coteau" . s
Swell Furnishings -The Two Martina9
Netter. to Creditors --J, L ([;Horan 1
Reader -C. N. It
Eater Iv ('oming-S, Ifs id10
ol ,10
Clearing Auction tL1e-Mn, L L Dickinson'. 1
For Landscape Gardening -Jelin Stewart
torte to .
Hicycle Swami Now Open -Wm. Yule e
Rester -A. Sua.el .... .. 1
Houses For Sale -Mot Breda* 1
Millinery Showing for Banter -Hodge., Bree.ln
eie per cent. Pure Paint -Worsen'. Hardware 4
Auction Males --(Geo, Beckett. I
Annual Meeting -Gods/lob Curling and Skeet -
Ins Association 1
Announcemeute-Jar. Wlleon. 1
Announcement -Geo, Beckett - 1
Du.tbane-Howell Herdware CO.,. Ltd.....,,, T
Servant Wanted -Mrs, Hawley 1 -
Seed Grain for Salo -Hugh HBI. BsnlfHler,,1
Large Stock-Morrisb t Snyder to
mwuncement- A. J. Cooper.. . 1
-rat Mill Site Wanted -1402 101, Signal 1.
w Linen $uiUnsr-1'amerou t )1oor• 3
ds to Loan --M, G. Cameron
of Tbahk0-McEwen Bro.. • 1
A lodge of inatntntion tor the tnnbra ; Peter, of Nipiseing ; Edward The employees of the (Odes 'ch Or -
benefit of Huron district Independent andArthur, of Canilachie, and Ran Company have donated I)1 to the
Ostler of Oddtellows will be held in Joseph, of town ; and Mrs. °ensurer. Huron county Y. 11. C. A. Mr.
the town hall, Clinton, oil the alien of British Col bis ; Mrs. Morris, in Fleming, the county secreta*, , •8-
0000 and evenlog of Oood Friday,Michigan ; Mr's. Verifier, of Sarnia, and presses his gratification at the inter -
April 9th. 1t is expected that repro- Mrs. Dentmer, of St. Avaths. est taken ih the work by the Organ
eestives will be pr'eeent from alt the The Scotch Social. Co. employees as shown by this gen-
erous contribution,
lodges tndpr in the district.th, The "Scotch social" held on Mondry IL McC. Smith, of the eulyertisin
deg rrich, Ezeter, Blyth and Clinton(ilievening last in the @school room of department, of the Grand Trunk Rai -
degree teams will take part in the Knox church. tinier the euapicee of h
different degree's : all the work will t h e Marliillivray the Hand, w"Y, Montrean.', waw in (own on Tuns -
he exemplined. 11 15 also expected brought out a large attendance, The 'lay for the ppw lose Df oeeurintt a
hat the port district deputies of the pn,gratu, which was rendered in excel• re'Irctiun of t Marlowe' psi be:
together with Grand Master lent style, miss largely deredsh in its graphic views for the G. 'P }t diel'' try
Bride, of Waterloo, will he pees. len txcter, commencing with air sir on '!t 4130 Alaska -Yukon -Pacific eis 41,,:;-
. It is prubeble that r banquet the bagpipes by Robert Crwigie'anel tion W be held at Seattle, Wadi.. dor-
( tlte. in the evening. -Clinton ending with the %meal solo “My Ain
in tbe ancce teos i e11srluctiMror! whichn
Folk," boy Mina Adelaide Nairn. The
will no douht.idd ver c y
(Some g This Way. audience, too, MILS lrrgr}y Scutlleh, y oneillerabl
but those of other uattunalitiete who to the attractivenesr of the Colo-
ford Herald : A respectable- weue promo. teemed to eujoy he 4'u- pany'a exhibit. Mr. Sallow, also has
looking, City
fellow ndiia the credos almtee as much wtif theyan order from Mr, Charlton, the *(1-
Clsrric Oity last night and ilwuetdi- verti.i , ''sager of the 0. T. R., for
ately began to make himself a fit seta wore cult lhewsalver. In addition view. ,;enrol advertisingur-
mate for the police cells, which 'feet to the e'''7‘ons :the sly named, the poses p
he easily accotnplished. According to program included vocal enlne by Mr,
his story the rooming he is • native Jordan, Mr, McPherson, 'Mrs. Ander-
son, Moo Brown and Miss McVittie:
of Guelah nd walked to Stratford
front Berlin •n route to Ooderich.
Evidently he • ad estop -over privilege
on his welkin ticket at Stratford
and tuade full u . of it, This morn-
ing be reeeived t e fate of all topers
in this fair C1 ie City and found
himself before We , M. on a charge
of being drunk en abusive. He was
taken hack w` the Hs, there to re-
main until bis proses tors appeared.
back from Europe.
J. W. Moyes, of the k ntario West
Shore Railway and Me'tland River
Power Companies, wail town on
Monday and Tueiiltay, hay tg juet re -
welled from a trip of sevens weeks to
Switzerland and Italy in c. recti ,n
with the purchase of the elect cal me-
cbinery for the Maitland Rive power
developweat. Mr. Moyes' trip)eover-
eel only about six weeks, but he saw a
good deal in that time, and he Clays
that we on this side of the ocean Moot
much to learn from the Europeans'in
the way of water power develop:nettt
and electrical equipment. What he
saw made him more c onfldent than
ever pt the ,ogeele .1 the p twee devel-
opment scheme, and we may expect to
see operations pushed ahead at once
both on the Maitland River and on
the electric• railway line.
Farmers Clubs.
H. J. Morris, president of the Went
Huron Farmers' Institute. told The
Kignal the other day that the farmers'
club idea i4 taking firm root. in this
district. ' The Kintail Club hes ea .. t-
ber•hip of about 'sixty and - is an
active and flourishing organization.
At St. Augustine there is mother
Club with a large mentherehip, the
meetings being held. with the kind
permission of Rev. Father Lsuren-
deau, in the church hall. it is hoped
that other parts of the riling will or-
ganize similar clubs, so that in every
neighborhood there may he a gather-
ing place at which the farmers and
their sons may meet regularly to dis-
cuss questions affecting their business
are well as - for social purposes. The
Signal would be glad at any time to
publish reports of meetings Of Farm-
ers Clubs in this district.
From Harry Armstrong.
Thomas Huckstep is in receipt of a
letter from our former townsman
Harry Armstrong, parts of which are
of general interest. Mr. Armstrong
is located at Snowflake, Man., and Le
evidently- a believer in the Great
Went, He writes : "We are having
mild weather at present There is
any amount of snow on the ground. so
we should have a good crop this year,
as there will be plenty of moisture in
the ground. My tnother was eighty-
nine on March 1st. She is not very
well at tittles; she has fainting spells
sometimes. Of course her great age is
against her. We can't expert, her to
Rain much streetgLh. are
all well.
My boy 1Villie is now oration agent
away out on the Grand Trunk Pacific
and doing well. i am kept pretty
busy all the time. We are still ship
ping out last year's wheat, so you can
guess that we grow lots of it here.
This i* the country for the farmer to
make money instead of poking away
one few a .•res of ground. the same as
they do in Ontario. There is a Mil.
lion of are.. yet to be taken up in the
Burns' Nephew in Ooderich.
The reference in butt we'ek's Signal
to the statement that William Beteqg, a
nephew of the poet Burne. was about
fifty years ego a resident of (lo.lerich
Mos brought forth Revere' responses.,
and there is no doubt that the state-
ment. is correct. It appeare that has
with a Os:triter or totem, *nil toned !+t
stay in turn at the homes of the people
whew• chit hen he taught, Jes, A.
Mcinto.h stye he knew him well, and
knew that he was a nephew of Horns.
Mrs. H. Me(irattan remembers that
he was a school teacher in OnderitIt
township, end afterwards
went to live
with Dr. ('old, near Clinton,° and, she
believes, died there. Richard Welters
is another who recollects a man of
that name who lived In town.
W. II. Woods, of Mt.snley Mayfield.
P. O.), writ.'.:
LIR \n SI0NA1.,--i Was pretty young
in 1854). hit 1 have a fairly good mem-
ory, and, if 1 ant not n,ietaken an ul 1
roan named Wm. Begg and said to
be a nephew of the poet Thane, wan a
tutor in the family of the late Dr. H.
W. ('"Ir, who resided on the Heron
reading* by Mier'Mtraitun and 1L'.
Blair: recitation' by allele Elsie GAOL
Miss Gracie Pinder and Alrrter Stalk -
ley Walker ; Veeel tiueta by Mtge s.
McPherAou ant L'o)d, aiii Mis:o,
Nos rua Whitely And .t'nerSvrntrter•r,
a violin trio by !•' . e ;Miran.
Young and ('la -k ; -a i...en'v duet by
Misses Roth H'tmilton and 01+.170
Sault., and a dialogue by Misses !so-
h.' Matheson and Mary Clark. After-
wards their seem rcfrerirweuts, with
scour', and oatmeal cakes and „bier
things goal LO eels Altogether it wos
o moat successful ind enj )y.ebin rcrn-
Sharing in an Estate.
The following paragraph frau[ The
Wail) Index of Kaunas, California, re-
fers to u son of Mr.. Lynn, 'of town.
We understand that Mrs. Lynn It -.-
self and other members of her family
are expecting a similar piece of good
fortune from the same source :
"Nt. Patrick's they brought from
Ireland good fortune to Denny Lynn,
the keeper of a fruit store on Meiu
trent, neat' Central rveuur. Oil that
y there arrived Lem the K.uerold
Ir a letter containing a draft for $2,.
the draft representing his share
in t e estate of a distant but wealthy
relat ve, whose death occurred- about
ten y Ire sg0. It was not exactly; a
aurpris , as Mr. Lynn had been ex-
pecting o receive something from the
estate of his relative, but the amount
war cones erahly in exc ars of whet he
thought est rld he hie share. H Ong of
a practical t ten of mind h: iutmrdi-
ately began t e.ul about for a chance
prolttably t ' , vest his inheritanrl',
and finally deei ed to ;escaiso a home
for himself and family, with the re.
suit that twenty- sir hours later there
was recorded a deed from Mrs. N. E.
Blankenship conveying to Mr. Lynn
the lots and imp. vements at- 110
John Mateo The to extend through
to William street. 1 . Lynn ).all)•
received many hearty gnat ulathint,
from friend', who had earcl of hie
good fortune."
The Huron County Y. M.
The following report of tie work
done by the various branches of the
1'. M. 4'. A. in Huron Bounty uring
the month of February will be of in-
terest. in Goderich during \ the
month four meetings were held for
Bible study, with an average atte
ante of nine. There are twent
seven member on the roll. At. Clio'
ton two Bible study meetings were
held and two mock council meetings.
The average attendance WAN twenty
and there is a total membership of
thirty. in Wingham there is both
men's and a boys' branch. The melee
branch held four Bible study meet-
ing.., one debate and one eveninv at
stump speeches. The average nttend-
ance was eighteen and the total mem-
bo i. fifty-six. ship r fl ly s x. Th .e boys' depart-
ment held three 13i131e study tueetings,
one evening at stump speeelte4 and
one practical talk. Average attend-
ance was ten and total rnrmbership
sixteen. In Exeter four Bible away
meetings were held, two night* at
mock council, average attendance
forty-four, number of membera
-righty-six. At Blyth two meetings
were held, two debates and one night
at mock council. Average attenden.•e
wan twenty-one, total mrnbrr'ship
mal twenty-five. The tootle for the
five branches chow nineteen) Bible
study meetings with •n average at
tendance of twenty, and eleven edu-
cational meetings held. The total
membership is 240.
Ree the elega',tmeleeU r, of 6. 1'•1 earl
Wilmer Smith'*. Etat street. A largo .'ock of
.elect wall paper. Alan on. hand. Call and
make your choice from the new goods.
Iia reboot time to throw nit your overcoat
end blor.mn forth In n spring suit. F. J. I'rid
ham has the good. the 4471r and the tailor. to
give you the beet to be had. at the right prices.
The *moon for amntour photography IA open-
in41g R. R. Mallows has nil the necessary nip
piles, and give. *p*ciel attention to the need..
of amateurs.
The spring stock show is Irving held
at Clinton today,
1t is not always gold that glitters.
it is often the bargains at The Auc-
tion 11
A. J. Cooper is shipping tw., car-
loads of oat* this week to St, Johu's,
N. 13 , and two c.srloaele of peas for
export to Liverptol.
toed In the tnwnehip of Oiolerioll, I The Lucknow Sentinel hos en-
near the birthplace, i Think, M (Col. Talgea! ire peeves re seven coliunnd
(Ittrr, about the time mentioned. patronage
Sentinel le receiving • gored
patronage and we wish it continued
A Sudden Death, atIccesa,
A sadden death was that of Met A very pleasant noeial evening was
Raeehler, which co. -correct .t London spent last Thursday night at the (1Nid-
lest Friday. He hod gone to Chet elf fellows H^II, when Ile Woodmen of
only a day or two before a11d a para- the World ent'Netnfel their friends.
lytic stroke on Friday re.ultA'd in fila A good program war given and during
There will be meetings in the Salva-
tion Army hall on Good Friday at
11 to w. and 8 p. m. Saturday. April
lOtb, being General Booth's eightieth
birtlnlay, there will be a birthday tea
in the hall at 7 p. w. Admission free.
Special services Sunday at 3 p. w. and
8 p. in. Everybody come.
The sermon topic. at the Baptist
church next Sunday are 1l8 follows:
Morning, "The Lordship of Jesus
Christ," Evening, "A Notable Cow-
ard." The ordinance of the Lord's
Supper will be observers at the close of
the morning service. Bible classes
wort at 3 o'clock, A cordial welcome
to all.
The anniversary services of North
street Methodist church, held lad
Sunday, were well attended. Rev.
E. B. Lwnceley, of London, a gifted
speaker, Occur led the pulpit both
morning and evening and gave ex-
cellent discourses.' The pastor, Rev.
Dr. Dougall, also was present and as-
sisted in the services.
"The hatchethas been buried" in
the incident which has become known
as the Carman -Jackson controversy.
Rev. lieurge Jackson has been con-
firmed in his appointment to a pro-
fessorial chair in Victoria College, the
resolution contlrmiog the appoint-
ment being signed by Dr. l' arman
The professors of Victoria are to he
allowed intellectual Liberty in their
investigation of the truth concerning
the inspiration of the Bible,, it being
requited of them that. they "maintain
their personal vital relation to Christ
and the Holy Scripture and adhere
to the doctrinal standards' of the
Methodist church,
S: O. S. Service.
On Sunday morning last the mem-
bers of Inverness Camp, S. O. S., to
the number of about forty-five, et -
tended Knox church and a special
sermon was preaehed by the praetor,
Rev. J. it. Anderson.
Mr. Anderson, Iuide •,.n); the con-
gregation, spoke at the oat -+et of the
character mf the society wn.n'iipping
with them, stating that it wee ineti-
tutd to promote goo feeling and
kindly intercom -me touting Meotenten
and their descendants : to petpetuate
among them the worthier tra(litione
and meulorire of their native land,
and to give relief in cages of destitu-
tion and suffet•ing ; and declaring the
fitness, in the presence of Inverness
(!erufe-i4-s tfrr regoi eel -tette -to t:heee
ho have formed N ea • 4.1, net iunal
arncter, and w(n11.b•.I That typo(' mf
t d end seligl.Mue life whish Sento
of the present day are privileged
are. Choosing his text from
: 11, ""Hold that fast which
t, that no roan take thy
Mr. Anderson went on to
speak n 'Scotsmen's heritage, and
their dut)f, regarding it. This heri-
tage compriee(I a strong is,,, vigorous
physique, a `richmental endowment,
ran ardent lova\for their country and
a heritage of fd41.h in the living God.
This latter watt' emphasized as con-
tributing to the magnificent toted of
Scottish character Above their in.
domitelde persevet nee, their un-
daunted courage, the stern honesty,
their strict regard for nth, towered
a deep-seated venerati( for religion
and en unswerving lova to Christ
AN the only King and ad of the
church. The ditty of h ding fast
such a heritage Was pressed pun the
notice of the congregation, an Sento
men mid their descendents in **nada
1 of
were urged to make the high i
their enceMtors a reality in the tend
of their adoption.
For Sailors and Fishermen.
Th.' seating of Knox rhumb was`
fully taxed et the evening service last
Sunday, when the sailors and fisher.
men, with the Marine Club in a Maly,
ae*embled to participates in their A4-
nual service. The pastor of the
church preached from Acts 27 : 41,
"And falling into a piece where two
seas met, they ran the ship aground,
and the forepart stuck fast, and re-
mained unmoveahle, hot the hinder.
part WA* broken with the violence. of
the wave.," Mr. Andel*nn made the
service en occasion for speaking on
religious. moral and spiritual wrecks,
and in the course of his sermon he
gave expression to much good salu-
tary common sense. He earnestly
exhoried the seamen. as they were
soon to leave their homes, to guard
their cnnecienres carefully, to keep
their moral instincts right and true,
and never allow them to he di*gulsed
hy sentiment, or obliterated by self-
Indulgenee, or deluded hy lies, ever to
choose the clear channels of life, and
avoid those fill of shnele and rocks
and currents, which heed to the sweat-
ing, the 101111 and wreck of human socia.
He eeminde11d the young men e. -
y, w10 might he boasting in the
h of their manhood, that their
ars were now in" process of
format' it. and that theme must he
wade str ng to resist the Morino and
tempests hal will assail them, even lin
the boats that KIP to carry their
mere and h m
b have been built to meet
the strain of storing and waves. Dur-
ing the service lifts, Haggina mann
with witch effect, "Peace, peace, be
Steamer Appointments,
The list of celestine. and chief engine
errs to act uu the ships of the St.
Lawrence At Chicago Steam Navies'.
tion Company for the season of 1909
will be as follows :-
Steamer E. 13. Osler -Captain W.
H. Wright ; chief engineer, E. J.
Steamer W. D. Matthew.- Oaptain,
John Williams ; chief engineer, Chas.
Steamer G. R. Crowe -Captain, P.
'raw ; chief engineer, WalLiic• Robe
Steamer Iroquois -Captain, C. B.
Robinson (Ooderich) ; chief engineer,
Wm. Harwood.
Steamer Algonquin-Capta[n, Ped
R. Johnson ; chief engineer, R. Taft.
Look for Beckett & Co.'s Hat in
next issue of The Signal. Ono.
BEcx)rrr, Auctioneer,
Oysters served in all style. ; ice
cream bricks, confectionery and
cigars. C. BLACKSTONE, WOOL street
1 have the largest .tock of timothy
and clover geed ever shown in Gode-
rich. Lots of seed oat., barley end
peas. Also • car of bran and shorts,
(live me a call. A. J. COoeen.
THR SPRINGTIME -}n the best time
to take blood medicine. Try Wilson's
Sarsaparilla, 50c and $1.00 per bottle;
Wilson's iron Tonic Pills. 25c per box ;
our headache powders, 2 for 5c.
Everything that is ttsiyHy required
can be found at J. Wilson's Pr•escrip•
tion Drug Store,
HORSE MEDICINE/4. -Before starting
your horses to work this %pring give
them some of our condition powders.
The formula is on the wrapper. Our
stock of disinfeetante is complete.
Any one of them can be bought in
sealed bottle or in bulk, Anything
that is not eatiefectory please bring it
back and we will cheerfully return
the money. Wilson's Prescription
Drug Store.
Special from the Toronto Wall
Paper Decorating Co.: Our papers are
the best ever shown in Goderich, from
4c to 50c per roll. We were the first
to sell borders by the roll, and we
have been doing this for the last four
years. We. are again in the lead.
Bonders are free with papers they
match, and we guarantee eight yard',
to the roll. Have our books sent to
your hoose and be convinced by ex -
^mining them. Drop a card or leave
word with our representative, Mr,
A. 9uazel, paper -hanger and decor-
ator, to call. All orders gent to cus-
toruer c. o. d., charges all paid.
Quite Appropriate, of Course.
The fiance of a certain girl has been
spending the winter in Florida in eon-
nPrtien with his father's business in-
tereets in that quarter.
"Marie," said the girl to a friend
the other day. "Walter has jest sent
me the dearest little alligator fmtn
"Dear me!" rejoined Marie, with
affected enthusiasm. "And how shall
70(I keep him ?"
"I'm not quite certain," was the re-
ply, ••hut i've put him in Florida
water till 1 can hear further from
',HID* V, April 2nd.- Auctinn vale of farm
.tock and Imidements, including t wentgoody ewe. and heavy draught horse.,
propertyof Charles Siewert, Mt 3, eanoesslon
11, W, ., Colborne. THOMAS OegDav, •eo-
an:HuaY. April 3n1„ - Auction Male of faro)
et. k and Implrmente. property of A. Hanoi •R,
lot 47. Malt land eonne .ion, Ooderich township.
T. (1(tdp10, auctioneer,
Mev v, April :ah. 'lering aucllon property ale ofof
k sand Imple(ement.,
Arthur mie.nn, lot Y N a ennrawlon 10, Hollett,
e bonne
Tnu*A+( v tet r.
Tl srlDkr. April rlIh.-Msct.lon air of term
stock and Im1leu.ent., property of Twine AM W.
M.CA.TNgT,"lnt 1:. min. la, lioderich. T.
lll•NDev. atlntt4Mlnr.
WKDNxOnsv. Apr117th.-- Auction ale of the
ngggggt1es, harness, eke at the penile". t4' n the
clllwge of Ihsnganndn. J►.pelt MocNTAtN. pm.
prlrtnr• T. Ge abet. auetioneer,
Tut Kenai, AprlI kit -Amnion male of
choice honeehokt berniture and f»rniehingm•
the property of Mas K Iv. Dlrtmmane, Nelson
street TOON. (4CNDRy, taotIOneer.
FHTD.,♦ Apoll nth.-Aneolnn ale of ferns
stock and ImpDlements, at lot 1, ooncesekm A
W. D. AAhMl,, onmmenNn,t at ► o'clock.
R0.gar MTAN[Oma, proprietor. TwoMi•.
(al'NDRT, *nrtio,leer.
1ATr*ne, A Hl10th,- Anrtlon ale of two
goal tov*s on Keays street, hone.
hwrnea, mmmenetnei et I o'clock .'harp., 'mD
a(n1yNoDfRr,Ia,lrm,tferea•and `'stain Sittlt*AJ.a.'.
Memoir. April I21h.- Antoine ale of taro.
*leek. Implements., eta, peeper,*, of Mea. N. A.
Sr.,'.,. let 43, Mime lino, Bethel T. (11 ' nay,
1 'C