The Signal, 1909-2-25, Page 88 ' Tautssaai, February 25, 1808 THE SIGNAL : GOUII:R1CIt. ONTARIO OBITUARY. Graham. A somewhat suddeu death was that ot Dan Graham, which occurred yes. teyday morning. Mr. Graham was sixty-six years of age and war a native of the Island of Lewis, Scot- land. He had followed the fishing business practically all his life. Ile is survived by his wife and a large family. The funeral will take place on tsaturdsy. Muu. Many friends sycop ithize with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Muu in the death of their little daughter, Thelma, last Thursday. The little one was two years and doe months of age and her death was due to bronchitis. The funeral, un Saturday, was conducted by Rev. Jae. A. Andetsou and the pall -bearers were Albert Baldwin,. James Leonard, Charles Inkster .sud Edgar Sweets. Carl. The fume -lab of :(base 4nnie Carl, whose death occurred on Sunday last, took place yesterday' afternoon to Maitland cemetery. ltev. Dr. thrugall conducted the services and the pall- bearers were William Tait, Charles Videan, l.'hat•Ie,Griffith, Hai ryRubon, D. Wiggins and Robert Crai,;ie. Mier Carl was thirty-five years of age. She had been at Oriilia but was brought home a few weeks ago. Gray. The death of Mrs. MAY, grand• mother of Mrs. F. J. Butland, took plat* on Monday morning at Mr. Wit land's residence. the lady being sev- enty-two years of age. The deceased was burn rn Lauder, Scotland, and is survived by a brother in Edinburgh. Thirty -live or forty years ago site came to this country and until com- ing to Guelcrich last September she snd her hu band, Mr. John Gray. had lived in 1talil»rrtoa.---Haw husband and her it ,ly daughter, Mrs. Howie, whose husband died about two years ago in South America, are living with Mr. and Alta Butland. The funeral took placeon Tuesday to, Maitland cem- etery, Rev. James A. Anderson, par tor of Km*: church, condbcting the services, and the pall-Ixwrers being h. Downing, James Rochaaan, sr., James Buchanan, jr., O. Millar. U. A. Nairn and Col. Young. Chubb. Another of the old residents of the neighborhood of Staffa has paai.ed 10 her reward, in the person of Mrs. Wm. Chubb. who died onWedneeday. Februaryn ' after 1 th ter s few days' illness. Her husband predeceased bey about fifteen years, Deceased was a native of Devonshire, England, and carne to this country with her parents in 11511. Being of n social and friendly disposi- tion she wen much esteemed by the people of the neighborhood. She leaves one eon and one daughter, Wm. Frederick, of Stadia. and Edith. of the city of Detroit, also one brother and two sisters, Wm. 'r. Pellow, of Goderich; Mrs. Downs, of Bowman - elite, and Mrs. Baird, of Chicago. The funeral was largely attended. The services were held in the Anglican church at Stella on Friday, February 12th, being conducted by the de- ceased's pastor, Rev. Mr. Dougherty, of Hensel]. Miller. The funereal of Elizabeth McCut- cheon, widow et the late 1Vihiant Miller, took place on Friday last to Maitland cemetery. Rev. M. Turn- bull. rector of St. tieotge's church, conducted the services and the pelt - hearers were William .tndrews, John Beatty, John Andrews and O. F. Sturdy, of town ; and Timothy and Patrick McCarthy, of Ashfield. The deceased was eighty-four years and three months of age and had been unwell for many years. In 1881 she sustained an injury 1,, her back and eight years later broke her leg. She was born in lk'a in Mancheeter, Eng- land, being a daughter of the late Robert Mcl'utcheon, who was of Irish descent. The family came to Canada in 1831, when the subject of !hie reference was only seven years of age, and settled at Cavan. Mr. Miller died at Galt in IHfN, and since that time Mrs. Miller and her sister, Mire Mc- Outcneon, had lived in Goderich. Mrs. Millers father died in 1881, his wife having predeceased him in 1Artti, and thev are both hurl -ell here. Marquis. The ("Hewing resolution, referring to the Int' Thomita Marquis, son of John Mantuan, of.Goderich, speaks for itself : NISIVILM Fan+,1. Y., Feb. 1:4 to %I -berate Almighty G.-: the Supreme Ituler w els 1 nlver.e in Hie Inflnite wisdom and ;prey, ham mallett from our midst to dwell with Him In that realm beyond the skim, our he loved brother, Sir Knight Thomas F. Marquis.. who was one of the mmpen,ion Hridge Tent Nu. • 13n, Knight.. of the Maesoebee.. always wlllirrtr and ready to help in the caw.' of the fraternity, e1Wherpp.�+ecly the widow. ea, Mit Knight wl onawill be tulwed at the review. of the. Tont by all ofcer* and member. with whom he took a very active part,lt and a„ a mark of respect to hi. memory. L !Wool, ed that moipen.ion Bridge Tent No. 111, Knight• of the Macoabeea, render their heartfelt 't wp.thy to his bereaved wife and family in Mi.! heir hour of affliction and that our chapter he draped for the period of thtttr day., and that these reewlntl .un he spread upon the minutes of our tri law and a toll forwarded to the wife and family of our late Brother ',r Knight Thorns. F. Manful.. and that they be tmbll.hed In the dolly ls.tsn of this cit and be it further Resolved that we wait. with patience to meet our beloved brother when tho trumpet .ounds at the lot grand review. committee: Slr Knight Leo op nhetm, Sir Knight It 1. -•otr4(i, nt W m; , rt of ard, of Huntsville, 'inters of the de- ceaaed, end Mita Wady* McLean, of New York, -apiece, also were present. Johnston. Another of (ioderich'e octogenarian raid's!' passed away lest week, JiTin WCJohnston answering -the final summons on Saturday evening at his house on Noun' street, to which he had been confined fur about a fort- night, Mr. Juhnetou lacked only a few day* of being righty-tfve years of Age. but in spite of his years wen;:al• ways olive and made his:daily trip to the poet -office until his last Illness overtook him. A large p ortion of his life was strut ill IOOd&'I Ieb township, and the funeral, on Tuesday, was at- tended by the members of L. 0. I.. No. 145, lioderich township, of which the deceased was an honoraryl,mem- ►.er. The services were conducted by Rev. Jatlter A. Anderson, pastor of Knox church. and the pallbearers were four -of the members of L. P. L. No. 113 together with Jamesfurljansn and William Andrews. ,Mr. Johndtoo was born it Newtoeardes, county Down, Ireland, and cause to this country when s young man of eight- een, Hie father, William Johnston, and his Mother and the family of five boys and three girls carne at once to the Hump tract, settling in AsIljejd, where the suhjeet ot.l4i. *ketchn#-a`, time engaged in the sawmill and car- wntering business, which he also fol- lowed after moving to Goderich town- ship. His marriage to Elizabeth Scott took place at Kincanliue. His wife _urrdectaecti him t y..i)latuJ six. pylar* but he is survived by it 1451011Y of lie ,eons and three daughters. These are Juhu Johnston, of Acstin, Nevada; Robert and William, of town ; Samu- el, of Sarnia ; I Azzie I Mrs. Cesar/Fie), of fuliermotAy ; .Ulert, of Portland, Oregon ; Maud (Mrs. Marshall). of !tarry, and Mie France:, of town. A brother, MAI/IOU'. 1 Monument, Kan- nlrrv. also aarpivese Tile--deelr'ed--woe a member for over halt a century of the Presbyterian church and far about the same length of time had been a member of the lh'ange order, Inpoli- ties he was a Conservative. Those who cause from outside points to at- tend the obsequies wets as follows : %William Scott, br)tber•io-law o1 the deceased and his dieughte,, Mts. Rob- inson, of Kinlough.• Hreceac.amty ; James Scott and -chin sister, Jl' Frances, of Armow. Kincardine town- ship ; Robert Wall and Mise Lizzie Wait, aritervte-; -Mr. and .Ln, Mare shall, of Sarnia ; A. Rockett, of Kin- cardine ; and Samuel Johnston, of Sarnia. Among the floral tributes was a wreath from the Goderich town- ship Orange Ledge. PERSONAL MENTION. I:. J. A. he,ou war. in Seafurth on Monday. Miss Flora McLean 1. sWtina el Smith* Fall'., Min. Lillian )b,cltonald i. ri.iting in To - seers . l'harle. maunders wit. in Toronto during the week. H. W. tt'lI.ou Ivhon Monday a, a trip to Montreal. MI' Margaret Galt la_awar. at. a tilt to _. Dr. Oven..of London .was in town on Mon - tier on a i'ro1e..loael visit. Misr Helen ahephq,A i..4411u t hat irkul, MIs McDilde, in W, ' lou. Mr. and Sir+. Paul T .n,bnll. of Sutton, am gue.b. at Mt, lieorge • rectory. Mr. and Mrs. T. T. Lookiearr earths'. 1 Ituton and Hruceneld. hi,zie Kneesh.•, left on Monday for Toronto w fiat the nt ., uerr' opening.. Mi.. Lrttie Grahenu. late of the 1'. 1'. It. odic*, ha. left for Winnipeg to Join heaved). Mt... Leckie returned to Kincardine on Bat urday after attending her bruthe'rJ 1'. T.. dor ing hi. T. G Pry t. of the Bank of ('omrne•roe, anent Mtor,day and Tuesday of this week at hent home at Allsa Craig. Neil ('atnetnn. of the llnu of Cameron k 'Moore, ,. at present at eastern points on Im• portant bu.ine.+. -Wm. .%Iebergall. of Parry Sound, made a brief tlslt to town la.t week bind wad gr'eewd by many old friends. W. f,. Horton. J. ft. Kelly. ft. J. Mrtaw end W. Marlton were in Toronto this week attend- ing the automobile show. John U. Kuntz. of Purl Albert, was in town on Tuesday on bini way to Hawke.tille, where het. making a holiday visit. Frank H. Martin ha: returned frown a week visit to Detroit. where he wa.. looking up the latest styles lc 'nen. clothing. J. U. Mrflonald• dist riet pas+enger agent of the °rand Trunk, and Towelling Pa..anger Agent Duperow were In town yesterday. • Mrs. Henning. returned to London on Mon- day after spending some day. with her friend. Mi++ MM'etcheon, and attending the funeral of Mrs, Miller. Mia. Eleanor ncherer, of Berlin, 11 again en gaged as head tnllliaer f tr the coming season at 12anteron a: Moore. store end to now in Toronto at tending the opening.. t11•l K R m zi1) R N 21X1 1 i) A Ft •1 T Ya in to las taw NILE. Tt•KMDAY, Feb. 23rd. SC11(xtL KglOHT.-The following in Ie report of Nile public school for the tomb of February: V. -Gertrude irkpntrick, 310 ; Reginald Glen. 240 Mehra Wilson,---ld1,-- 1 -V. --Worthy y'an,210; Olive McNee, 207; Victor snug, 1111 Sr. 111. -May McUer- aid, 2RI ; Harold McIlwain. 122; Liz - e MrDermaid, '215. Jr. I11. -Gerald unbar, 1!3; Leslie Pentland, 244 'nest Olen, 119. Sr. 11. -Viola Mc- Vhinney, 270; Marion Ryan. 2tf.3 arguerite Olen, 210 ; Lloyd Young, • *Lucy Currey, 1117: Vera Tiffin. 93.' Jr. 11. -Harry Dodd, 177 ; ante - rd McNee,'159; Lorne Pentland, 152; A. McDermaid, 120. Part lice Shepperd, 371; I dger.$hepper•d, i24 ; .'Isaac Currey. 1St ; •Violet Kerr. ler. 1. -Henry Matthews, 152: rank McIlwain, 138; •Myrrel Currey, tette, Young 31. Jr. I.- Ina .l,tt•vis. �-dwa hose marked • w era absent during axattiftrattdn: "P' `LS 1 metier. Wt itoutnaY, Feb. *WI. Mrs. John Duetnw spent a few dere Oodertrh vtsiting ft lends. Mr. and Mile. (beet. Currie enter- ined a number of friends on Monday t. Bechtel, The following reference to the death of Mrs. Bechtel, of Elmira, which, as noted in The el I last week, oc- curred on the lift i is from The Elmira Advertiser "On Monday afternoon the Carrie, beloved wife of M, -T 13ech,�, V. 8., took plane at her a on Arthur street. The de, eeeed hadyaet been very well for several weeks pre- raiding, but nothing serious was ap- prehended until a week ago, when she suddenly became worse, owing to a serious affection of the heart. Every- thing that medical skill and careful nursing could du was done for her, but, though she rallied from two at- tacks and hopes were entertained of her t•ecnvary, a sudden collapse ended her acute sufferings, and she passed peacefully to her rest about 2:13 on Monday afternoon, Mrs. Bechtel wits of a gniet,,kindly disposition and en- joyed the esteem of a wide circle of friends, who heard with a shock the news of her sudden demise, few know- ing of her being seriously ill. De - cowed leaves a sorrowing husband, a little daughter of four, her father anti mother Mr. and Mrs, .iames Whyard, of Dungannon), five sisters and four brothers to mourn her early de- parture," The interment took place at lione gannon on rherrlay Iasi, Rev, W. A. Rmith conducting the service at the ggrrave. The pall -bearers were three heathers of the deceased -- David Whyard, of Wlnnitxit • Chita., of Waterloo. end N. F., of Dungannon - two brothers-in-law -Hymn R. Bech- tel and Wilson B. Bechtel, broth of Waterloo -and a rennin, David Hen- derson, of Dungannon. Mrs. Turner, of New York, and Mita Znbtne Why - Mr. and Mre, John Faegan and fighter, ot Zion, spent Sun lay with hire. (leo. Currie, sr. Miss it an, of Dungannon, and -Mr. Scot , Port Albert, spent Sunday at the how of Mr. and Mrs. IL Pentland. EAST WAWANOSH -- MONItA y,1'iah.:.�Ltld. Wedding bells are ringing in-.ths vicinity of Fordyce, At tirne of writing, little hopes are held out for the recovery of Alex. Bruce, sr. Mr. Ilei ne has passed the threescore and ten limit by almost twenty years. Jas. Stein leaves ,for his home at Yellewgraas. Sas omorrow. Mr. Stein hes pros pA In the Western o country. being owns,' of a fine section of farm land in that die- trict and shat of a modern threshing outfit. A good program, got up by the young people of S. N. No. 11, under the directrtm of the teacher Mire Sylvia Seel, will be given in the 'chord -house on the evening of the 12th of March. Remember the date -store about the program later. Iroquois v. G. C. I. On Monday evening in the town hockey Isagtt' the Iroquois defatted the (1. C. I. b a acorn of 10 to 3. For .roquoia E. Dean put up a splen PURE OLIVE OIL We hay' been p,tyy'ing a good deal of attention to this POPULAR FOOD -MEDICINE for some years, have had a steady ei the for it, tinct have not sold an ounce that wan not FRESH, STRIC rLY,PURE AND "SWEET AS A NUT." We are receiving a new purchase of ,SEVERAL GALLONS of this FRESH. PURE OLIVE OIL, and have it foe sale in bottles of various aims. or in bU LK in any quantity desired. S. E. HICK Central DrUg,Store, - aoderich, Ontario •not FACTORY AT LONDON . WA k F./1Ot'SE$AT OtITkEAt,.. OT I., WA, HAMILTON. KINGSTON /11%0. its' AND,CALGARV This Enormous Plant is the Result of 50 Years' Experience in Making did game iu goal, which to a large extent accounted tor the sutall score their opponents succeeded in piling up. Dan McDonald refereed the game and the line-up was an follows :Ina quoits , thud, E Dean ; point. "Bus. ter" ; cover poiul, .1. Edi' ; centre, J. Hood ; right, H. Thomp{utu : left. U. Swans ; rover; L WNT,b. (1711:1-.-T Goat, C. Webb ; point, Bickle; cover puiat, D. Nicholson ; centre. J. Chia. holm! right, E. Colborne left, Frank Foster; rover, Vase, This 'melte.. titst h.Miuois the Winners in Division ft. of the town league. 'SPECIAL SALE eliable Shoes My! How Comfortable! Blank Books and Pocket Memorandum Books Full chilli indexed books, sev- eral Imre to choose trout, regular :i3c and Inc, sale price 25c. Foulu';tp size blank hook, , per hundred -pager, all sizes 111 Ir' 1101 pages in stork, bound in half rough sheep and cloth sides. Leather Covered Mem- orandum Books. 1'esl pc,e �[tt size, also seem:4i ices turger, -with and. ttltout index, 'emitter'Lire . a1 1151►,, ale price I_e•, 31c, and sac. ltic and 15c n►etnorandum' hooks, spacial se and loo each. These prices are for February only. Watch for Wall Paper Advertise. ment next week. GEO. PORTER 'Phone too . Cour t House Square Goderich. ■ JERSEY CREAM SODAS ---_ and Hundreds of Varieties of FANCY rc O K E SWEET BISCUITS and CONFECTIONERY ablish iu I8: T. Mc - in by Co in a ver small shop, about `ft. -x 18f �� t. Now, 1..k at the picture of the largest artd ost modern biscuit and candy ory in Canada, et -by -tits -three - 'SOH!. A wonderful business growth — an enviable reputation—won solely on the High Quality of McCormick's Products. McCormick's Biscuits are made ltlea.lr.l Fleece Riss4Qaality June Creamery flutter, Presh Sweet, Whole Milk, I'ure Sugar, etc. All materials are analysed by an ex- pert chemist awl therefore McCor- mick's arc in a position to guarantee the Purity and Quality of their biscuits. So perfect is the manufacturing Try our GA'SHot'SE Cotte trine for furnaces, ranges, heaters and grates. mote heat and cheaper than coal $6.00 per toll cash. system that McCormick's Biscuits are baked, packed, labeled, seal- ed and ready for shipment in about one hour from the time the dough leaves the mixing "room. This, .soupletiwith_an _euarl,uta s daily _ output, insures daily delivery of fresh, crisp biscuits to all parts of 'Canada. -- _ ___ ._ To produce biscuits like McCormick's has taken a life time( f careful !teary by expert bakers and large expenditures in experirpenting. Iben_t forget to ask for McCormick's Jersey Cream Sodas anal' prove their superiority ? Ask your grocer for 3Ib. tin -or a file. . clsage. Sec that " i,ittle Lord Pauntleroy" --our trademark -is on the package. SC { RMICK ,s d E RS EY CREAM niel >�y S G D.'+. <- 4-->, Cdr ,. . .VIIIIIIIIIIMIMIIIMIBMMENNItglearriffrellavPabessee!^ner 1 You can know the Mason ,,.bat:: Risch piano inside „re, out, before you buy it. ;w1 P,Tr�rrws.l i New Coal Yard After March loth. 1 will handle all kinds of hard and soft coal. Satisfact:on guaranteed. Nothing but the best anthracite will be handled. Terms, without exception. CASA. D. F. Namlink, Phone 177 r>rz,>rw-,mer W lien you say a thin; is comfortable you mean it makes you feel pleased with t•ourself and all the world. You close your eyes and forget your feet, they feel so easy. You open your eyes, look at your feet, and their tasty, natty appearance, and feel more comfortable. You open your pocket- bouir, lotlk at the money_ you saved, and feel still more comfortable, anil all because you bought u stair of shoes from Downing _ = Maa icer Another in GROCERIES Friday and Saturday, Feb. 26 & 27 ART BAKING POWDER, with Premiuum. regular Soc. for 43c. MAGIC BAKING POWDER. regular 25c, tor ex. NAPHTHA WASHING POWDER, regular 5c, for qc, 3 Boxes PRUNES only,.... ..... ...... 5c per ib. TOMATOES 3 cans for 25c. STOCK FOOD. regular Serie, for ............. .. STOCK FOOD, regular 5oc, for 381 BAKING SODA. "Bee Brand," regular 5c, ....for 3c. a package. I sold hundreds of pounds of RICE last week. i still have hundreds left to sell on Friday and Saturday, at 7 lbs. for 25r STOVE POLISH, Sc, 1 for 5c. 7SC STOVE POLISH. ton for 71. I-1. I. Llorrish, HAMILTON ST . GODS I H. 1 .••n THE more you know about pianos and piano con- struction the more you will appreciate the Ma.Fon and Risch. That is our reason for telling you all about our in- strument - inside and out. We want you to know cx- actly-why it remains in tune so long, what gives the entire register the deep, rich, pure tone that is not equalled in any other piano. Mason and Risch The piano with a soul. Some makers put most of their work on the case in the hope that a brilliant finish will sell it for them. Such pianos are merely handsome, but useless pieces of furniture. It's the inside of the piano that makes the music, we put our hest skill and workmanship on the hi.•: parts. During our thirty-six years of / Piano making we have discovered many im- provements in construction which are ex- clusive td the Mason and Risch piano, -We would like to tell yob 1 about these im- MASON y and RISCH provements which add to the life i' PIANO CO., and beauty of tone of the instrument. Limina Fill out and mail this coo to TORONTO 1�tl us Send me your PI. - to -day and we'll send you /t Insid4 � trate(' heekh.t explain. Information." ^' the res• ^, Ohl 1 etoeld ewe a Pt..on and R;ah piano. Tills to no way obligates me 10 purchase. The Mason and Risch Piano Co., Limited, 32 West King St., Toronto.cay /Aavless lame a Annual Sale of Sample White Underwear HUNDREDS OF GARMENTS TO SELL AT MAKERS' PRICES AND LESS. Once again we have been fortunate enough to secure from one of Canada's foremost makers of whitewear his complete range of sample garments. These samples are chargeduarter to one-third to us at one-quarter less than the prices of the goods they represent have been sold at from one end of Canada to the other. All are in first-class condition, save that some may he slightly soiled from handling. Beforeshipped being all were sent to the pressing room of the factory to be rfolded, and to e - all intents and purposes are as fresh as if taken from the boxes. In the lot are dozens of high-grade garments better than we usually carry in stock. Saturday, February 27th, the whole logoes on sale for the first time. Hundreds and hundreds of garments, all perfect and all marked at prices that are decidedly money -paving. We bought there one-quarter to one-third less than regular, sad are going to sell the same wm'. Sk, Corset Covers, Waists Dressing Saeques, Drawers, Children's Dreams. Wrappers, Beyond a doubt the Underwear chance of the season. One that cannot possiblybe duplicated. Don't miss it. Saturday, February 27th, is the first day. The sale will continue until all are sold. New English Prints and Ginghams Dozens and dozens of pieces of English Prints and Ginghams passed through the customs and into our stock last week. Splendid washing And wearing qualities. New designs, spots, stripes and checks. also plain chamhreys in all the popular shade*, eery soft. ;loth, free from al r]t dressing. tiplendid value at, per yd. ILA.. Odd Corsets 65c. We are discontinuing some makes of corsets, and are going to elerr out the bah !Mee of these broken lines Saturday. Nearly a doyen makes in the lot, grey or white, regular IMMO. *1.25 and BIM per pair. Not all sizes of any one line. Coat Bargains Extraordinary $4.88 for $12.50 Coats, $6.88 for $2o.00 Coats, Thirst mate were never orad' for the money, hill we positively will not 'arty them over and .how this season's g.unenta next ideation ; that is the only rt'aaon we hey, to give Int. such ridirnlrnts priers. Never sit ' u gains In stylish, up-to-date garments'. Not much chanee of there being again, for the eireumsta.n-es that make them poasibl' now are exceptional. Ladies' Costa, all new, black and colors. regular $lo.00 to;t5.00, only Ladies' Coats, black and colors, regular $15.0o to $22.00, clearing at ;4, tiA PAR 1