HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1909-2-25, Page 5FARMERS IN SESSION.
Siccs'uful Meetings of West Huron
The *t rima of supplementary Hiet•t-
inge of the West llurou Partnere
Insulate whiffle -was concluded et `?t:
Helen's on Friday fart -was, in Secre-
tary B.tikie'e ..pial the lest the
lnetitute in West Huron ever had
The attendance aggregated over on
tht,ueand, and the Interest shown in
the meetings was ental.. -aging and
stimulating, The visiting delegates
were L. E. Annie, of Toronto, *trendy
well known in this riding. tied Miss
Shuttleworth, of Guelph, who ad-
dressed beton( particularly le the
ladies. Both of these speaker.' gave
Stormy Weather much tegretted that Miss Shuttle -
excellent satisfaction, Mutt it was
Coming worth waif called away on 'I heredity
pretty soon. The re 'n for wet
walking. wet feet and pneumonia.
That is, if you are not provided
with etorny weather footwear.
lir wise and secure a pair of our t
They are not the big'aUJ clumsy t
kind you have been used to seeing. 1
They are snug. warm and water- d
tight, yet are email enough in 1
appearance to weal' in any weather. w
by a telegram informing her of iftnew
iu her but and war not able to be
urrsrnt at the Duugenmou and Jt.
Helene meetings. Mr. Aunts' ad-
dreaaea were exceptiomdly good, and
M•e W4411 pleaee•d with him were the
1fneers of the institute - (hat they
hope to urinate his preaeuee at the am
real meeting to le held in June.
11. J. Morris, president of the West
Junin Parser.' Iostitnte, preaidr4 at
he meetings le his uiiiZtil Mffable and
eelful 1mem110r, and by his brief ad.
t 110101 added touch t., the iutt're•,t of
he meetings. Wm. Bailie, of Nile.
Nr ou hand as serretery, and give
uch assistance in 1 he meetings,
Fust Day at Loadesboro',
GODERICH The belies of meetings r•,mmeneed
at Lond.'.bori on Sututdty, 13th
At the afternoon meeting Mr. Jinn's
HALBIaY PARK talked on "rho Drought Horse,"'
There is a good market ser Caned* for
WATORMAE1R Jxwal. tat' OPTICIAN. the.dt•sughLJuuar-Jia e•a7Ad-._.
South aids of Heiler.,Uadeefch, (h4 Tay e,m+traction and egri':tlltural dM•
velupttlents give a good market.
1)reu,tht horses aro easier to rimae,
Civil Enlltlneerin
they nature earlier and are market-
--- _aide/ _► yeer _haute light learsear -A
AO(i IAN M. ROBERTS, CIVIL farmee should breed r'nly from the
V_and Flydrsullo K1lglnee,, Outran, lend real and should refuse to sell hie beet
teflon --McLean Block. Underlch, corner stock, even though a high Iwire be
Moateaal street. Telephone 137. offered, Our ( sett ish friends breed
•-t1n1y`'flvfm .the left and 41(11 .to our
Menesetung Mineral 'Water (!an •lien people what they do trot l
thent$elvus. Mr. AnnisI1
Watchmaking, etc,
Jnternatronal )Yewspaper
Bible Study Club -
Sugyertivc Quest(' ins on the International Sunday School Lesions, Prepared
by Rev. Dr. Linscott, Brantford
41— —
Hk ��
wcunlan.:c tv,lh Ili.. t�ul+)r,gl,( .t.Y.l
February With, grog -The Gospel in Samaria- -
viii. : t-2.'. conjurer., fortune-tellers• and bindle.'
(hildenText.-Toe people with ole fakirs?
accord gave herd unto herr things Verse 12 -le it re,aboltab!e W believe
which Philip beeping and see- that all who welt- baptised were
ing the wirdele which he did. Acte genuine converts?
Viii. :
H. %Purse 13 -Whatever change tray
Verse 4 -What causal the "scatter have enols over 'Mini after, do you
ing Mbrued " of the ChrtatInn COnlnum- think Sinton-w,tb really convert -ed at
Iilyr this ties%
%Vats the ierreeutiew of the church, %Vl,at were then, and what are
hauled by Simi, a',Irssing Ora curer? now, the conditions for the forgive -
Was this persecut ion according to nese of our sins 4* conveniun P
Oal'u fllst teat pplan? Verses 11 -17 --At the lime of the
%Vh.n OId's that or original plan is "scattering 'thread" did all the
IlpMet by an evil, 1s there. any evidence Amist les remain at Jerusalem/
to show that he 414448 that very evil to IVhat wee the puirpeae of 'wilding
bring about that which he had •.Id*n- Peter and John to-Samatl a, peeing
sledtoaeetureplietr another way? (yes they hid just hada great revival?
ease of Joseph, also of Jesus 1 1)10 Puler and Johtt
pray that these
Ver4nu-%Vhowoe Philip? - yy,ung converts Wight receive th,
should Ile church briny utilize lay- 11 'Iy ,'pint 1
men more in preaching he game'? Did all the eonvet'ts in altostolie
%Vh tt did Philip preach wt Sou one/ days, leei4 a the, Holy Spit atter
What do yon understand by Philip'.' i their conversion ?
prtesehing Christ? . Why wee not the Iii,l M phir.
Versa 8 7 -flow do you account for, to the converts at 8 uuari.► when they
it th it the people turned to (Jo 1 with were converted?
aurh 'mit; s 1. -flit-the - and
Does the Holy Spirit*alw•aye taecotm- Christian to be conscious that the Horivilege ly
piny the prix hit(, of 111• gospel? ' Spit it dwells in him and that he is divine -
•11 Philip's rongregNtinn bad Veen ly guided in al/ things 1 , T:us question
made ' up of 011It( ex-fiuuday school I must be answered m writing by ,*embers
seholars, would the ,&malt of his i of the club.)
pr -aching have leen different 1 terser 182.1 -Ate deceiver.' 4111
Verve 8 -What ie the proof that I t i e•ksters apt to thunk that all utheis.
Pbiliiioconvett4 were real and Sit a ,r-,• like !h+•no,'Ives?
ie the proof of.. the reality of every - Is � nnesibla to obtain • epiglteaal
s on? (Newer with the purpose off making
Is j•)7 a neeees.ary uccutup:wiment money out of it 1'
of rnnveraion 1 ' Is it
Verses 0-11 -What is; or what was been converted a dssible t that his love Attie Simon of
aernrry 1 __. - fame ATM Pt `money-fi ad -Te r iu1 •Ti
IN there any evidence to believe that (his evil
here are or ever have leen pe(M.nlw Vere lei -What is the only haven(
with the power cleinted by witches*, getting the world reeve' led"
Mareheth, rgop.-Philip and the, Ethiopian e
Philip and the Ethiopian -Acts viii.: and bis fears, as (ire'* voice, would
2�)' i that be no really the voice of he Hidy
Golden Text -Ye Nearch the ycrip-`SP" rit a8 if surd. were Apuken by
II IM heeauxe ye think I hat in t heal (ro:l °"1"f the rlouds ?
e have eG•rnvl lira; and three Teti,: Is it always safe fur utt_lo siteits the
hey which hear wit nese of me, -John Holy 13pirit te114 err, an in this case ?
Verse JO -Was this Ethiopian a de-
vout than 1
1f a' ..tan devo4tly searches the
Scriptures, is her sure to Hod Orad ?
Liverpool Wheat Futures Close High-
er, Chicago Closed- Live Stock
•'-Latest Quotations.
Monday Evening, Feb 22
Ilverpool wheat futures to -day closed
ts•1 higher than Saturday, and corn clos-
ed led higher.
Winnipeg Option*.
Wheat -February SlArl74 sellers, July
11.0014 bid, May 11 00 bid.
Oats -February 421kc bid, May 441kc. sell-
Toronto Grain Market.
Wheat, fall, bush- *1 01 to $I 03
%•ileal, red, bush
Wheat, goose, bush 0 9t ... Rye, barbel 0 in
FJuckwheat bushel 0 57 058
Pres, bushel 0 V6
Barley bushel 006 0 eV
Oats. bushel 0 q
Toronto Dairy Market.
nutter, separator, 4atr7,0 34 0 fd
nutter, store lots 0 21 0
Rutter, creamery, solids.,0 Z
Buller, creameryIb. rolls0 21 076
Figs, new -laid, dozen 0 30
Egg., cald e. lb e 0 24 017
Cheese, large, Ib 013
Chem '
Cheese, lwlp, 10 0 14
Honey, extracted ,,. ....,,, 0 1O% Q Il
Cables St• eady-Hop 6c Lower at
Buffalo and Chicago.
LONDON, Feb. 22 -London cables for
cattle ere steady at 1214c to 1)%c per
pound, dressed weight; refrigerater -beef
is quoted at Retie to 10',4c per Ib.
OLAHUOW, Feb. a -Edward Watson
and Ritchie report XS States and Cana-
dian cattle offered. Top steers, 13c to
ffeea1 alley,, IO>!i'c�ee'ro�� 19'kv; obulls. pep
l+ound. )ic to lot per
Toronto Junction Live Stock.
—_ -- _ want to keep
Tti6 (iODKRI(•Fi MINKRAL WA. .p -die the differences in the Clyde•
TKR CO„ manufacturers of "Menem• anti ti ire 1,,.-ttlo, end wlvised „stint
tn,yt.-are prepared to deliver to any part of el•tesei"rt the breeds. ,Different 111ttmda1
the town Nelfeet UIryn r Ale In terms and with t: Rerent chsncteti4tics irnpreee
quarts, also
aandrt.ral tvauart..l, and
atnr In three else. thee44 � hrrecterl4ties on their off-
feellaer water
I *,able Mode, Thee roods are made from spring, and when we mingle the
natural mineral water, end are therefore fret blood 1 h result is very uncertain,
from all Impendes. P. 1. WALTON Man There i. nn mesh lees( 211 hott
ager Phone SII sae as the
— general parttime. WA s ousetisaea call y
11n11C _ may bate n "general purpose" for his
can 4444, but should not use it for
+ 1,1•'RED E. COOK, TEACHER OF breeding stock. The speaker advised
t Plano-playtng. Theory. Hermon, and, great cat,• of the health of hrocdin
t:osuteruMnL Pupil. prepared for examine. g�ck , g
Dons of Toronto Conservatory o pp t sesta that they
air Thomson M 1 N M exrlri0 114),1, su1Hcienr. food. Es.
;socially whuukI tare he taken with the
it to Dowd, mut it le not. A fernier
_ rs t Music. w ly K y getfresh air,
t'larvnrw fn • 030' c (ere, or ronldem•e of r
Pennington. Brock street, (luderich.
Monday. inClimate at teddence of Mr. Ale& colla, the Ilist year of their life` being
' Mackenzie, Ontario Newt.
--- - - - 11114 snort important. Kew11 them in
i' acs¢s 0* P5A,N0
Studio in Bek of Montreal Itlock,
A. T. Krrgtautr, heD.
W S Teamstrua M. B
.,f6rn Itemllto0 Street ITone 1,
Ilemltereona residence, North street.
Opposite NL OsoI>te's church, 'phone 1410.
Ut. rurnbull's residence. Montreal street, 'P
Seat hwent of Public library. hone 101
be ('mads. fulure cnenmrlitur. The
good flesh with exerriee ant fre■h air.
Juuw Snell. of Hallett, end Mr.
-?(mfrs, th, secretary, also gate" d7C
At the ea eningmesio B Mr. Annie
spoke on the dairy q tion and ad
wised the increase of the output of
l'Anaclian cheddar (*tweet. for Ibe )iti4-
half ter market. Siheri4, said, would
2. Siberian people ere poorer than ('ane
diens, but they can ..lake the dairy
prdurta for less money, We roust
therefore increase neer output or be
drowned out of the toarket. Cana-
dian dairymen should realiz • this sit.
lint Ion and improve the breed of cows,
glee them better food, better sanitary
surroundings, milk Haeme better and,
nit W, F. °ALLOW, ki, B.
team. Contort' street. next door to Sorer
eye Flank. Tslepbooes - (Hike, 121 ; bow.•
ei wel1Yltmr, notary, sift Monet. to lend et
-toweittatse - O41rss'-North reran. (h.derlch
Meet In Seatorth Seterders
Nonntee Street, Ooderich. tbtrd door front(i. CAMERON, K. C.. BAR!tts-
• TLB, solicitor, notary public. O1goee-
atnlltee Street, (Ooderich, toted door from
ban -Wen, solicitors, nntariee public pn
tore In the Maritime Court, eta Otpce. ret wide
Beware, nest door C. A. Vatrna (emery. Pry
rate (aidsto lend at kvr we rates of Interest.
W. PROUINel JT, K. C. R. C. HAYS, O. 44
RIISTAIRp4„., Wenn solicitors, etc.
GL DICKINSON. (`HAfilito RL lowest
�t0//so° Imre nstseurIOriwr, notary pnbllc.
mm908.8. LfarsallN strep Underlch Ont.
insurance, Loans, ta.
a AND Unwritten : lhrltleh, Canadian +�.r►.
AtY'IbaNT 111/.•&I1g11. AND krr1A)r4Ra' Lit .n. -
ITT : 'Ills Ocean AoMdent end 1Jn►rantee
.'orpnratlon Limited, of London, (ing.
)'n'wi.ITT AND 1t•aIANrga !00411x4: The 1', M.
(item lre'ddence northeast isomer of Vic.
ewes and eL t)avid'e etreeta 'Pte -me 171.
I/ and aecldent Ineuranee. Agent for leading
minted end neck companion. lnxornnee In all
lines effected on best Mans and at owe•.t rote.,
1'wll et oaloe, corner Welt Street and Square
or address. J. W, CItWWUiPti Uodertch, OnL
(este hone 94
l` S UR A NC L CO. -Farm end Isolated
town property !neared.
otlicere-J, it McLean, Pres.. K, pen P. O
T. erase, Vic -Pres_ Ilrarotleld P. 0.
Thomas K. tiara, SsO,Trees„ ee.sfortb 1'. Q'
-......ieassi...urea, 2544. ,._ a.a _.,.t ;elms
41 UTI ve, Wlnlbmp; Uenrge 14410, M"4enrth;
John bennew,iN Dublin; Jaime. hv4na, Beech.
*rood ; John Watt. Hartnett ; Tho.. Feuer,
Brumfield • John K McLean. Klppen ; Jan
ronnolly, Clinton.
J. W. Teo, Holmesellle, went for Wert
throe- IolteetwMere ding= 4480Wrnent.
Ind set their aced. re.-otptos at Tome &
Rrown a, Clinton, or at R. H Cute. grocery,
Kingston Neel, (Oodetinh.
Ramage Licenses
Watchmaker, er
R, Jeweller and OpUcian.
Issuer of Marriage Wesnses,
• AUK ifeean,y 47oderleh, OMR
- -T isswel-klown and powder
sawednflP .itepatrons the beet service. In ahaving,haircutting,eta, etc. .44npl"dT.lelt,. Only skilled andstoyd
tkorH* rvelappreciated. H. R.
send general ancUoneer. OAlees on Rooth
when stele he will be found at all time:
net •rrving 'edea, Tere rwalwmable end
Seeryeffort riled to [mfre you sat4fwnmon.
mins. I N ltes eseefelly Mewto Farm
ark ellen. NAM estate end merehate
dao"num made anywhere. Write for date. nr
MII end telt It term with
deo. Beckett,
Hetailtea street. Goderich Ont
Telephone No. to*
keep 1 he product from being contam-
ivateJ by undewirahle elrrruundings.
Mr. Fittlie addressed the meeting im
reference to the formation of a
farmers' club, and a . committee was
appointed to 01-ginize suet) SStift at
Londe -0,0,m%
Mrs. Watts, of Clinton. secretary of
the West Huron Women's Institute,
spoke of the work of this organiza-
Con, a hrauch of sehieh has been
established at lemelesbor.i ,
- Miss Shuttleworth gave a very
elot rent end plea4ing addreww on the
subject, "An Evening at Hece."
A literary, and muwtral progremwas
rendered by Mrs, James (Iouthromh*,
Miura Cole and Brogden and Messrs.
Cole end Allan.
In the afternoon a meeting of the
1441144* WAS held and Ras reldreN+eel by
Miss Shuttleworth, and ween result a
branch of the Wumen'e inetihtte was
inetetu aced with a memlctship of
At Holssssville--------_-_--
Mon'lay's meeting wsrst-Htthaee-
vine, where both the 9essi1104 were
eel! attended. In the afternoon J.
Etgln Tnrn, of Otalerirh, and Mr. An-
nie were the speakers at the teen's
meeting, and Mies Mhnttlewnrth .d•
dreaseu a meeting of the %Vornenb In•
'Ai trite. There was a fall house at the
onion meeting in the evening, when
addressee were given by Miss Shuttle.
worth; Mr*.,leukins,of Holinessille,
president of he West Huron Women's
Inatit.nle ; Messrs Annie end Tom.
the -olhrases were Alt heard with in-
The Carlow Meeting:
At t''How on Tt*.*:I.y era.' noon
Mr. Ann's -poke un 11* *dlhject "H-ef
('stye. H•• maid our ('iljt1.- Were 4,01
g as they should :be, though
Huron .tool among the feeding beef-
pr.ducirig dounttes iAf Onter)n,
setnlTd 'maim the the British
t.. art, 11.
c cwttlr Tt/!'•be
removed, The Irish and Mtbttish
farmete were opposed to a.teh n1'tion
and the English fellness were not
anxious, In Great Britain they re-
qttir•ed good cattle, better cattle then
Canada was sending them, and our
fermers sole to-ing their trade thele
because of their failure to buy the best
breeding cattle. Another point was
(het in Britain they -grew twelve
tunas s* much turnip. ns Can:tdiens
did, end to get the hide beef turnips
must be fed. Mr. Annie urged the
improvetnent of our conte by breed-
ing, and also spoke at some length on
the feeding of rattle.
John Dant, of fenmiller, contrib.
uted an excellent paper on "Produc-
tion of Winter 1(gge."
After the discussion of Mr. Annie
address• a committee wee Appointed.
including it. M. Ynnng, Jantor Olen,
F. W. Men. negh, Alex. Young, Alex,
Robertson, Gordon Young end Wm.
Rollie, and as a result of their deliher.
.Non the following motion was drawn bin,
up and afterwards approved bythe
Verse 28-tVhen (iced directs tis by
eireums:. (tees or by a friend, or by rot
angel. i.4 it just MN •h from (Lod tie
though He 'make to us direct 1 if a roan devoutly 8 18 the book
1 do not know whether thee angel was 1 of nature, with a desire2)0 to obey her
1 mental lase, tN he eirevialed neat
a devout nun, or woman, ora men
picture, ora dream, or a *pint ; but Ite, e Verses 31 whish ere in the Bible is
she or It conv;aced Philip that God theiing?ge which the Ethiopian wee
wanted loin to re,u ing?
go south ; now how did+ 1N ie always neseomy thea some
Philip know that the impression to go' oaa alwslkd ee-rile the
south was of God ; and how may we urs ? , t script -nem
know under similar nrcmmmuces -- '
!This question must be answered in wnt-
Ing by members of the club.)
or get the full import of any fact
without the aid of the Holy Spirit ?
May tiny,.•(»on who is not playing %V bynt
could a, nr di•I nor, the Holy
double with God safely trust '•the Spirit explain this `tripture to he
inward voice." to direct as to outward Ethiopian direct
cireumelan es % AM :1 mutter of feet, was n it the
Verses 27, 2S -Philip found that he l Holy Spirit guiding the Ethiopian as
had not come on a fool's errand : now much as he was Philip ?
is it not meal iably so, that results of Was !mai ah coneciouw, when he
tomorrow always justify the faith wrote these words, that they *miffed
vision of today ? , to Jesus ; or did he think that he was
Seeing th12 Ethiopian was a man of describing some other person or per.
exalted position inn foreign country, sons?
whet was the significance of Philip's Did not the p•ophet•, as other in•
being sent to hint 2' 'mired men, often Write more wisely
Verse 2D- When Philip saw this than they knew %
tnan'achariot looming up in the die-�. Verses 33-3S4 -Did this Ethiopian
ranee. perhaps after deys or weeks of . need "converting' the RAMO RN a wit.
waiting, with n1 or or leas doubt, he ful sinner, or did he, 114 a devout child
got the impression that this wee his uf(iod. si.nply.recogniae Js.fs es the
opportunity ; now from whom did he sent of Ord, and waa then baptized in
get the impression ? hie name ?
With what sort of voice did the Verses 3i), 40 -Weis Phil/ •. 4-1 00
Holy Spit it speak to Philip ? speak, "spirited" away, or dim . Meese
if we should learn that the Hely in a natural manner %
Spirit' used the circumstances, and lesson fur Sun lay, March lith, 1900
Phili{iM reasoning proceesee, his hope-AeneasantllDoreas, Acte ix. : 31-43.
advising straight breeding and the
raising of Clyde,dele and Shire horses,
Afterwards he conducted a Mock -
judging Cine( in the church sheds, the
lodging being done on the horses. A
great deet of interest was taken in
this feature of the meeting.
At the evening meeting Mr. Bailie
gave an address on "Agriculture es an
Occupation, and Mien Shuttleworth
Talked on "Hume Dairying." She
enlpheaized the necep.it of cleanli-
ness •. en understanding r the nature
of the animals and of the character of
the .'-ti•-les produced in the dairy, and
a koowlege of labor-saving appli-
seeps. Miss Mhuttlewotth's address
was veru practical and instructive.
Air. Auris evoke oft "Home En -
trireme.. it ."
( (slur r: club, with a goes) n)pm.
4,', *15111. Will c.rganizad Mete, and alto-
gether the tit. Angnstine meetings
were considered the (test of the seeries.
Dungannon on Thursday.
At Dungannon on Thursday Mr.
•toms again dealt with the subject of
heavy hors •s. He described the dif-
ferent breeds., their characterieti44M and
their uses.. The Shire, he point,d out,
was targe end strong and adopted to
drawing a heavy load on a level road.
The Clyde hors. was built to take e
areiavy bad- 44p it hie. 'Phew. -two were
the only profitable breeds fur the
Canadian -Winer "Best,
"get a perfect type in your mind, and
Hien breed to that type." .
In the everting M very interesting
address* on "Our Native Birds" was
given by Ed. Lawson, of Dunlop. Mr.
Annie spoke in "Dairying for Proflt,"
and Rev. 1'. (ticks contributed a few
practical remarks.
Closing Meeting at St.. Helens.
The concluding meetings of the
series were held at St. Helene on
1n the afternoon Mr. Annie agein
took '•Tho Heavy Rorse" sa bis sub-
ject and afterwards conducted a
edging contest in the Presbyterian
church sheds, where some forty
farmer's witnessed the contest and
picked up 40010 velnahle pointers.
A meeting of the Women'. Insti-
tute was addressed, in the Mba44nes of
Miss Mhuttleworlh, by Mr. Bailie and
Mr. Annie, There was a large attend-
&nre et the ladles.
At the evening meeting Mr. Annie
.ke on "H ' Dallying" and again
intrd out that Coterie was toeing
er hold 011 the British Market In' not
pro.ln, ing a better article of hotter
era A teener quantity of cheddar
At the close of the sheeting a vote
of thanks, on motion of Wm. Balite.
ascended by A. E. Durnin, was tend-
ered to Mr. Annie, on behalf of the
farmers of West Huron, for hie ad-
dremei, at this aeries of meetings,
meeting ;
"At a nieeting of the Wert Huron
In libel.' held nt Carlow, it
was resolved that the meeting metn0r-
ialize the Dominion Government
through the live stork commis -loner to
do what in it.e wisdom it deems Adria -
able to sardidin developing a dead
meal (rule between our eounlry and
Greet Britain."
At the evening meeting Mr. Annie
reeve another intereaf ing 1uldr.as.
At St. Augustine,
Rt. Angu4tine wan the next, point.,
excellent meetings' toeing held there nn
Wedneadey. In the afternoon Mr.
Annie spoke on "The Heavy Horse,'
Repeat. it :-"Rhiloh'. Cure will el -
was* r11re my roughs and cold...'
"Ever try an automobile, Judge?"
said a friend. "No," replied the
Judge, "hot i've tried a Int of people
who have." Yonkers Statesman.
What Zam-Buk Did is a Western Home,
trete is just one illustration of the
wiednnl of keeping a box of 7,,*ut-Buk
always handy. It is a true record of
the veiled uses to which this great
hello Wan put -with highly satisfae•
tory (...lilts in every case --in just one
family, and daring a few months only.
Mrs, t;, 1, edam, of 107 Witham
avenue, Winnipeg, makes the report
as follows : -
"I have found 7,am-Bok to very
useful as a household bible that I
want to make its merits still more
widely -known: Some eight weeks;
apo my brother, Mr. C. Proctor, hap-
pened is serious accident. While nt
work, n rusty nail penetrated the
Palm of his right hand, The rues of
the nail pi4el4 441al-the He.h and i
1111, tint1 eel ill quickly. Ile went ler
the OI•neral'Hnwpitel and consnitel n
doctor, who advised 's.ulticis.k to
draw not the poieoll. This WM! Al,
plied, but when there was no inletorr.
merit *ft -r tt few days, I began apply
ing Zito -Bilk h.am, leaving oft pout
he effect tette almost magical I
'Lim-Buk soothed the pe1)),- direr oat
the poison, and allayed all. .inn cnl...a-
tion. Healing then roneneneed, end
in a timeless,* .he was able o regime
Wnr ,
' Eiix weeks ago my husband, Mr. U.
J. Isiam, while returning from work
quite date in the ('4Pntng, was bitten
by a dog,
the dots teeth )wnet ret her
the fleshon his thigh just above the
knee, Directly he Cance home 7..m-
Butt ems applied to the wound, and in
n few days the soreness wee .'tone and
the wound thoroughly healed,
"A third instance of the heeling
power of Zoe -11(1k wee provided when
my little boy had a nasty fell, 1(e is
Ilse years old, and was playing One
day when he fell. His head amuck on
a sharp atone, which cut a nasty gash.
As soon an I had washed the int i
applied Zam-leak in the usual way.
and it waw really wonderful how
quickly it relieved the little fellow's
pain. Within a week the cut -a deep
one -wen quit. heeled.
"Ever nth441 who once proves the
all-round m)value of Z,m-Hak will never
again he without it."
Zlm-R,tk ie a pure herbal halm, and
cures cute; heels, lrlli*44a, Iah*ce4444a,
..lees, eczelit*, scalp wren, ringworm.
ehapprd hende, cold sores, frost•hite,
dad leg inflamed latches., etc. it *len
cure* Olen, reed se en embrocation
it will he tound to remove rheuma-
tism, rick flea and nenraigpi,. All
druggists and stores sell at &h.: a hex•
or post free from 7.am-Buk Un., To.
ronto, for price.
Oh 1 Hush.
Rho -What is ynnr favorite kind of
meat, (ieorge?
He -To meet you, darling !
Repeat it :-"Shiloh'* Cure will al-
ways cute my coughs and colds."
The receilste of live stock ai the Union
Stock Yardie were 36 carloads, con-
sisting of 791 cattle, 87 sheep and
lambs and 7 calves,
F.apert era
--ince -wee 00* road and only see load
export cattle that reaehed i:,.00. But
seen on the market
for Kerne time, being corn -fed and
weigh -
lug ItnO IbP. They were sold by Dunnunn& &
Erlich. Ti). - text 111¢bees Pelee ',ported
was for a load of 21 steers, 1510 lbs. each,
rot,) by Corbett & Ball, at 15.40 per cwt.,
and 110 over on the 1st; Maybe* & Wat-
son sold orb lot of 15 steers, 1300 lbs. each.
of very choice quality at $5.40 - These
were the only three lots hat reached *6.441
and over, the rest sailing at $5.76 down to
115 for medium light exporters. Bulls sold
at $4 to glee, the bulk selling at 14 to *4.5.
Prime picked heifers aid steers, 1050 to
1150 lbs., were quoted as being worth 14.16
to *710. Inad,, of ¢004. 1160 to i4.31; me-
dium light •alt!., 54 to $4,40, common,
*3.* to (4. ,sows, M to $.76, with a very
few good ,•nuugh 40 *port at 14.40, can-
ners aria ,mrnon cows, 1160 to 44.26
bulls, $3 to 34
Milker, van Sprenger,
A limited number 0.•' 1 at 126 to $62 earl,
and better quality Id have noel for
more money.
Veal Galore.
Meet steady at *3 te, 17 per cwt..
sheep wad Lambe.
Receipt. light, pekoe firm. Oraln•Stii
Iambs sold at 16.61) to 57 per cwt.; cony a
Limbs, 1550 to $s per cwt; export eweek
N to 14.50; rams, 37 s to 13.75.
—. - Mesa, TT_
Gunn. and If. P. Kennedy reported
-petrel unchanged at 10.E for s Iece,--Yed
and watered at market, and $610, 0.0.4,.
ears at country Dolma, to drovers.
Montreal Live Stock,
MONTREAL„ Feb. 22.-9pectaL)-wt the
Montreal Stock Tarda, West End Market,
the receipts of live stock for the week
ending Feb. 20, were Z126 cattle, 661 sheep
and Iambs, 1641 hop and 321 calves. The
offerings for local censumpUon this
morning Were 1060 cane, 160 aneep and
lamb., 700 .hogs and 110 calves. A firm
feeling prevailed In the market for cat-
tle, ewing to the fact that the supply was
smaller (hart a week ago and the quality
of the stock better, but on account of the
near approach of the Lenten season the
demand was not so keen as the consump-
tion of beef for the next few weeks will
be curtailed to a0115e •=tent. There was
some demand from exporters for small
lots to complete shipments with, and this
coupled with the buying for Quebec ac-
count, helped the market considerably.
and on the whole a fairly active trade
was done. Cab)es from Liverpool on Sat-
urday reported trade In cattle firm and
noted an advance lu prieee of tic per Ib„,
as compared with those of last Monday.
Choice steers here sold .1 Pese to thee:
Brood, at 5c to 5%c; falx, at 414c to Ac;
medium, at 4c. to 414c; good cows, at 354c
to 174c; common, at wee to Pee: choice
bull., at 414c to 4%c. and common, at 234c
to 4c in the condition r lie of (15. mark ther for sheeep
and lambs, prices being firm under a
good demand for local consumption and
small supplies.
Choice clots of lambs sold
at 65
while choice lots Of beep t
brought454cr to
laic, and culls, 31,yc to 4c per Ib. The de-
-manQ tor-catves continues Rood, or which
the offerings are email and price rule
strong, with sales at be to 7c per Ib. , live
weight. Surplice of hogs were conelder-
ably smaller than a week ago, there being
only 70o head on the market, as against
over 2400 last Monday, and this, coupled
with the fact that advice! from Winni-
peg state there will be no more chs
menti 0T -dressed hogs Ude way for`
1alasce of this season, has created a
stronger reeling In the market, and high-
er priers are predicted later on. The
demand this morning arae good and sales
of selected iota were aside at 17.50 per
cwt., weighed off cars.
EasFINWile Defile 'Ma kit,
(:AST RUPFALO, Ltib. 33 --Cattle-Rt.
r"elpts, 7600; slow and 10e to 15c lower;'
prime steers, M.16 to X50; ehlppleg, 15.50'
to 66; butchers,' $5 to 65.10; heifers, *4 to
$5.75; (-own, $3.50 to *6,10; bulls,, 62.54 to
Teats --pose slid sp1Tngere. `steady,
S.T. to 166.
hl he
V parl, rR toelit0.76. 11100; active and 36,'
}loge-Recefpu, 15,700; Plow and rc low-
er; heavy. 66.65 to 66.75: mixed, 1655 to
$6 el; yorker,, $6 t0 to 8,65; pigs, 66:5 to
16.3„,;. roughs, $5 50 to 66.75, stags, 64 to
84 75; dairies, 6625 to 109).
Sheep and Lambs -Receipts, 22,0)0 ac-
4h•e and steady: lambs, 65 to 17.116; ysar-
llnes, M 50 to A: wethers, 115 to 10: ewes,
f3 to 11.50; sheep, mixed, *3.60 t0 60,61,
*Yew York Lhs- Stock. - - --
TOR, Feb. S. -Beeves -Re.
r; Air; mitre. 1' to . , hlg er;
ricers, PIM to 50.60; Dille, $3.50 to $4.50.
am to Ks; no chole here; dress-
ed. beet,..lo.w at se to roe: no exports.
Calves -Receipts, 3660; 50e higher; an
sold early; vests, s to 111; cults, N to 16.50,
barnyard calves, :3 to 0450. no western,,
I) d calves *truing: •Ity dressed vette.,
10c to-1*c, country dressed. ik to 14c.
sheep and Lunbe--Reeelpts, 14,046.
aheep, steady; lambs, is to .150 lower,
r hoop, :1.50 to *1) no choice here; Lambe,
$7 to 17.16; culla, 11 to 50; yearlings. Ia,00
to Ngo.
Ifnge-Reenlpts, 1*,S1l ltc lower; state
and PennsyIvnnie hogs, *180 to K16; few,
16 -Ba; pigs, **.116 to an.
Chicago Live Stock.
r'lftr•AUO. rsb. 61. -Cattle --Receipts,
22.010; market steady to 10c higher; sten*,
64.40 to $7, cows and heifers. LL>n to *1,
hulls, 13.40 to $.36; esteem, 1.160 to *t6n,
stockers and feeders, 13 8i to 66.:10.
Iloge-Reempt. of 46.000 market .teadv
to to lower. eholen heavy, M 4o to Mee
light mixed, 66 15 to 60.70. chore light, *6 K
("X36: packing. sus to 66.40. rough, WM
to xis, nitre, 1.s to 50.10, bulk of sates,
mai to x115
Rheep..Ttweepts, 10,4 0. market steads
Jambe 16hoop. 34 �nI 57.f �; yearlings, 06 to M le
When made by
t�s�m sl���
The Taw
West St.
TN11a PAT, Februney1O-t, 1909
Wet. F1
One of the most spNetacular successes of
the century, amine, , art isles fur
r- --brat -T►f--ttlo-Washing
achine. • It has been a boon to many an
worked housewife, who has in turn thank-
-and- praist',fl the maker.
thing which lightens the burden of
k slakes a v'igoi'o.us appeal to women.
111111' owes its tremendous
fact that it tills a long -felt want.
*span thousands bass
,t,l,l broadcast: one Make :liter another bite
CO1)111 obi to rho nl'tet, each with its particilt-
ar go(Ml points- • i Llmt•nll it, and at' the:7w
we have selected. th most reliable and loCi4t7
Iik(etI machines.' -
Every Machine is th,roughly reliable- and
the pvdh(f ly rid h
'I IIOLIiceseclttl�llle(if _ivt, 1 have- - found the
Washing_ Macltinc the - 111 t satisfactory
illVeStlneilt they have ever ma( '
Let us guide. you 1)y what
has told us is the hte-st,
Pllcl't'&s to t
01 experience
The Hewell Hardw
Co., Limited.
if y.41 m. k, pm can have a pet Lege of
seal of this ran'ellotra Russian Giant
Leasee included absolutely free with our
new handsomely Illustrated 1909 Cata-
logue. This'letttke is nearly as large and
solid as a cabb.gget;' Stands hot weather
surprisingly wcll,:and has a rich, buttery
flavor. If you prefer, you may choose a
package of 0hr\ C -10,,a1 %\ hit., 1)111.4
Deet ora package of Ostrich Feather Aster
Write to -der and name sour theism, also
meetion name of the pap.'.
See(4Of flail mNTNNI Lea Rrr:aan Giant Lettuce parch & Hunter Seed Co., Limited,
•�� ,nr- 6,580 away free London, OnL
Don't be laid up in bed with La Grippe.
Break up the cold and fever with Coleman's Campho-Quinirte.
Cures in 24 hours -no bad effects -26c.
At alt dealeresr-free, COLEMAN MEDICINE CO., TORONTO.
POMPADOURS, Wo give yon the same choir',
CLUSTER -CURLS, • toles•tion and Matiafeetien tel 70))
CORONET BRAIDS, i1would get at our Toronto
TRANSFORMATIONS, ' establishment..
WAVES, WIGS, etc.If -
Prof ,Darenwesd
of Toronto,
14. 4.14 1' o - Hai
iundM Ar'Mt, it
entiitg irt f
and.%ill hr at
lotel Bedfo'd,
. d)
Friday. March sth
tie willlef Chow
"g the very tato..
Pao iaian and New
Y.-rk style., *nd
volt (IMP morticed-
.rly invitett to
in0peet and try re
piny of them
j leatio4ls.
( .441dle111en who are nalrl, ,. ,i
t it
it64-4 40.
rntst.•rpirce of scientific Hair (:on•
nt.tertion yt'rrurly Adjusted.
('n 'emir r and Mush them jest Aa
your own hair. Absolutely
inde•techebte. They protect
• Nou fnnm Colds, ('at arrh,
euralgia, Pte., and will make
you bink ler years younger.
Over K1514 of our Toupees
*she now in nee.
ltn't fail to one them,
1)orenwcod Co. of Toronto, Limited.
,0) in, VONGE ST.