HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1909-2-25, Page 34 mtG.'S � ; '.ser••'.'. fit, THE SiGNAL GODERICII•: ONTARIO 1'HNIt DAY, lrebruaryg.:,, 1909 r=Min I THE BIG FIRE SALE IS AS HOT AS EVER 1 11 I During the past week we were forced to close our doors quite frequently in order to save any calamity, as the crowds were so great, hundreds of people lysing turned away ; but now that the first wild rush is over we have had time to dig down into the balance of our reserve stock, and everything is being put on to shelves and on tnlelef?. Every article that was in the store at the time of the fire must go out of our doors, and must go quickly, as we have a lot of our new spring and summer goods on the way ; some are on the,boats, and some on trains, and we are anxious to get everything out at once, so that we may have a chance to get our building renovate ], and all ready for the swing openings, which aro almost mons us. WEARE STILL CUTTING PRICES, and will continue to do so until the last article is soul. Every department is in full swing. -Don't_ be disappointed if ,you don't get fill the things you are looking for, as they are being rapidly picked up, anti .wo will not open auy new goods until the last of our present stock is gone, and 'Ne Must hustle it quickly. During this sale the store is open only from 10 a.su. to 12.15, and from 1.3(1 to f1 p.m. Open Saturday night, We still want 500 MEN AND BOYS Tfj CARRY AWAY THE SUITS we have in stock, not damaged except the price. COME AND GET YOUR SHARE CAMERON & MOORE, ,., • THE DEPARTMENT STORE QODERICH 1 • ea 111•1111110 111111111111110 111111111111111.1 111111111111111 ININD IMO 1 1 sits! UP Aso ter Oleo , Tose annual goring stock Show will ! church. Botwele. on Wednesday, the be held at 'thrums on the 1st of April. t Ord inst. The familyof Rev. E. H. Bean. of I Thoma. W. Huggins, of Clinton, Crediton, is enarantine•tl with a mild end Miss Sella it••acom, of Munnnor- a' forts of Ncaoet fever. I hill, plighted their troth in Mt. Paul's Thr evasgeliat Itole•rt McHardy is . rectory, Clinton, on \Vednt•aday. the • condurtire le -refers in Ontario street 17th Inst. Methodistchurcb, Clinton. .l !Oriole McDunaiJ, of then Thames road. t's(orne, who has reeehed the remarkable age of ninety-five year, tell on the ice and fractured lits thigh Iasi week. atic who claims tn have the power of On 1Verlueedav, the ieth lost., Rev. heelin( and making himself equal to E. F. Mcl.. Senith, of Hermon, tied the Jewel/lit-Oa. nuptial knot between Misr Eliz.lheth Join Beattie, who, recently disp teed Jane Davidson' and Joseph Ameee, hit grocery business in Seeaforth to 10th 01 lleusidl. Cif Miss M rvilb•. dnull)ter of Arch. T. h Blues, is sthe up a are/! and Somerville. of Winthrop. who has profile(' businesr4 in flue town. tarn ill .ince lest ► r, underwent ('farts Hen1y Wer.. e4d of Monis, an ()sweatier' last week.. She is pro - end s Margaret A., e . Comm.dangle gteeeug Tavurably . ter of Mr. and MIM. Alex. Cof A ,Viet wrddir took place at the theclth line of that township, siined a I K L lefecontract in Mt. John's Episcopal h of Me. Mulligan, nt JatoeNtOwn, 00 Wedn..dey, the 17th inst., when her daughter, Maggie. was united to Mr. Waddell, of neer Whitechurch. %Ven. Nash, a termer resident' of \ is- ilia in %i r -1 c. o died at 1 4 h M hII 1. 'M survived b cur. sin rrrutly. Ha I y his widow and nine children. Mrs. P. Duffey, of McKillop, is a sister and the Moors: Nash are cousins of the . eased. le -� 1 o[ Mullett, to Henry peen., the press• (ews 6f the 2itrkt. 1.. B. Ramsden, of Port t ollorne, has bees engaged as manager of the eelectrk.igbt plant at Winghaur. (Jhisehurt is intested with it fan - NOOSE VOR1( Unwinds of American women to ou homes are daily sacrificing f - their 'yes to duty. In�odeerr to keee{pp the_home neat andpltttr,theei tett weiPdltteeeed' and tis, women overdo A female weshp or displacement is often brongbon and they suffer in silence, triftinialong from bad to worse, knowin *ell that they ought to neve b to overcome the pains and aches w h daily make life s burden. It is ttheee faithful women that LYD► E. PINKHAM'S VEBEABLE COMPOUND rntliies as boon and a blessing, as it (rid Mitis W. Barrett, of !169 Moreau Montreal, who writes M to Mrs. am : from tem' swe•kneea,anand e despite every nates van me by dodos for this teen worse. One day end advised me to try Lydia Z. 's Vegetable Qom' ponnd4 I d so, and am thankful to say that It "Ss me strong and w.U." FACTS FIt SICK WOMEN. Lydia L Pink - For ham's V is Compound, made tam reels herbs, has been the standard for female ille, and has cured thousands of W1.1., who h been troubled with tpleeemen fiam nloers- tion, fibroid p�rindio nShok�' tomties, dieheat bear - b -down teen tMn,dhziness,Mormso di� 'Why don'tour ft? Mr.. Pus'hs` NYMM SII s(e)t women ~ Moles. �hY.riwet o s es on John Bannerman. of Be) •flet 1. aged se%:rnty three )'care, died at the county, linos • of refuge last. week. New 'tomatoes of the house are 'rhos. Hallentyne, art Blyth, aged seventy. Mur, end T. Wall, of Ashfield. aged .ixty•ttte. Moe. Robert Craig, a ngnogenarian. lolled Ito ceremony in the pn'sence "AO had resided with her Pieter, Mr. of atom seventy guests. The bride, John Taylor, of Clintnp, fur 440814) who Ms. given away by her tether, years, peered away on Monday. the was gn}vt,r•t in point el' tem it over 15th inst. The remains were taken n.•, - p.,nsiila Itis" K118 ('1111, e0usay , 1 1h,• grid,', placed the wed- ding march. Mr. and Mrs. Kerslake are spending their honeymoon in. ent tenant, for the sum of $1.IM. The farts. which is About two -miler-. from Auburn, contains Fel acres., in- cluding twenty -6,m acres «f hush, And on 0 are a gaud brick house and two bank bonus. During a gale on Tuesday evening of last week the residence of (ienrpr 1'. Dale, of the Hutton ro+d, Mullett. west of Seam tut, with its content', was c ptetely) destroyed hy fire. which 'originated. it is supposed, in the furnace. The houses had just been re- furnished, so the hoes, tl gh partly covered Fy insurance, is very heavy. Israel Harris, en old And highly re- mpecle"i resident of Eliwville, joined the silent neajotity on,Mend•ty, the 15th inst. He had been in poor health for severe) the and his death was not unezpeetcdI)rceaai(1. who ware ,it n•ttive of Devon. emigrated to, Can.. oda in his youth. '114 1 i v-pye years sgo he married Miss Matilda Perkins, who survives hiui. The uuuriage of two former well. known resident. of Wingham, in the { e•rxons of Rev. E. It. Fitch, raster of Kenilworth avenue Baptist church, Toronto, 'formerly of % ingham 11 sp- 11r1 church, and Mis" Pearl I, menu to place at the h • of the brides patent's. Mr. and Mrs. M. 1. 'mono of••'llillcrest." leeelon Junction, pn K n setaY. the loth inst. On :waiv- ing at their hum'• in the Q.ieen City Mr. and Mr.. Fitch were entertained by the iiierlll"•1" of the grlxnn's con- gregstion and tiro bride was presented With A purse of gold. The home of Mr. and Mrs. Mjchsel Fletcher, of bet 14 of the 1e011 entices - sem of I'elornes was gay with fee- Grids' ewuritis' on Wednesday n[ last week, the mession of the nnarritge of their daaehter, MAIO*. to %Vatter Kerslake, id l'sINrhe. Kev. 11. J. Fair peer• to Gas.rgrlown, her fun mer house, for interment. Wm. 8. reeler. of Knoell, Man., a formleYleulfte"fit of the l.t concession Michigan. of lirey, and a _btolher of J4d►n Neil McNair, an estimable young Cr•u,r, of II"' 9 II conrcesinn of that wan of the 15th conreeeion of Grey, township, died in Winnipeg bn"pital succumis.l In a severe attack of after an .•l.eration for peel "Mats on typhoid fever on 1ue•eday, the 10th Frites., 4 he nth inst. inst. He had been progressing revolt - W. .1. loci -u 1, ei the Exchange ably for a time, but complieetiorns set hotel. %Vingh.uu, was in 1'hieago Is14t in which proved fatal. Deceased, week wool 1,•luriseel (Ilene* wills it neer who war in his thirty seventh peer, auto nlatele • - rend a wife. '1 he lady was a won of the late Jetties McNair, who is new• Mrs. Le•panl woe, prior tool of Grey. In the discharge of his the event of the 10th inst. , Miss ltnssie duties as township assessor he won Bette 14111 rot tt.erville. lieu. IL 11:. Lmng•lrord, who has in con Inc t. 1 ie widow. whn was been rector of Ht. John's E iscopalI lornierly Miss Flor.•nce I lane tn, of church. Brussels. and Mt. Georges Clinton, two sone and a daughter are church, Wisha u, for the pest four kit to mourn the loss of a kind hue - )eats. hose tendered him resignet ion. tn' band and father hecome pastor of l'hri-t church, Mrs. Duncan McKay. of Exeter, I•islon, et the recommendation of the j rased away at her home north of Bishop. 1Ithat village on Tuesday, the 10th Inst. Mr. and Mr. J. W. King, of Blue- A few weeks sae deceased. who war vale, sir mout•nlag the loom of their seventy-seven years of age, fell and onlychild, Florence Blanche, a bright sprained her ankle. On recovering litte girl of eight years. About a she fell again. this time fracturing is bone. While in bed she contracted a severe cold which developed into pneumonia, with tatiil result.*. De- ceased was not only one of the moot highly esteemed but also one of the oldest ieeldents nt heves, having passed the fifty yeees of he married life In the 'village. BesideN her hus- band she leaves two sins and four daughter to tnourn her. Death of Dr. Calder, Blyth. his early days he practised medicine et- Delhi, but had been • resident of Blyth for ever thirty years. Dtsd in Alberta. Mus. Walter Turnbull, u former 44Stdent of the vicinity of Welton, died at the home of her daughter in Mlrathcona, Alt.*., uu Sunday, she 1 M boat. lk•ceey►wl, who war in her seventy-M'cond year, had herrn ill bel a few weeks of neuralgia of the heart.. Her touales were taken W %Velum for interment, the services being con- ducted in Dias church, which she had attended fee many yeses. Eleven, children survive ; \Acs. '1'. (irituoldy, of Seaforth, is nue of the daughters. Bullet through Car Window.., While O. '1'. K. train Nu. 7 war run- ning from Sesforth to Clinton on l'hurextay et• ' g. the Ilth inst., a revolver bullet crashed through a double window of the tear passenger costch, nariowly missing the heads of Iter. Father Hanlon and another pasrrng er. The vain had gone a con- siderable dialance before the officials learned 01 the incident, so no attempt was made to capture the perpetrator. A stone was thrown through a car window at about the same place some time ago. Death of Thomas McQuaid, Seaforth. By nota few out"ide the cirele of his family the drool' 141 iftouias McQuaid, of Seafom,h. Is keenly regretted, lie - crowed was the youngest son of the latae Jetties McQuaid and was born sizty year(, age 4•11 the farts on which he praised all his days. Last winter he suffered a "eyel•e attack of pleuro pneiwronia, linin which hes wirer fully reco'verrd, and, although always bright and cheerful, he gradually' grew weaker until death released bis Mplrtt. 1k•ceased was a devoted member of Mt, James' Roman 1'stholic church. His widow and two children, Mr.. Dr.) Mulligan, at Grand Forks, N. D., and Janes, at hurls, aur Iola to lours his removal fr the scene of life. 4J1ditesidwt of Grey Passes Away. On Tuesday, the 111th inst., Peter MoNrit, an old resident of the Iltl: cence•s•i0n of Grey. crossed the Greet Divide. On :Sunday he was stricken with Ie,tralysis and betted into un- consciousness, from which he never rallied. Deceesed, who was in his sixty-rifth year, was a native of Lan- ark county, but had settled in Grey with his parents in his boyhood. (Its reaching )uanho.rl he married M,ir- geret Marlin, sinter of Wiu. Martin, of 111 Wong*. who `wedcceasasl him fifteen year$. ,1u hertret, industrious, kituliy man, deceased was held in high esteem by those who knew him. Ilia surviving children are : Uani.•I. of Manitoba ; Hugh A. 'trod Miss .tnnie, at home. Lay in the Show All Night.. Mi -a. A. Proctor. sr.. of Belgreve. an aged lady who lives alone, was tike victim of a sho.i•kini( accident nu Fro dayevening, the 12th inst. She was emptying ashes into a bot some forty feet from her door when she was ap- lettsot ly. ll sicken_ with-paralyaia.atul fell in the snow, where she lay all night until found in the morning by het granddaughter, Edna §candrett. fru ring the evening several persons had parroted along the sidewalk a few feet from her- without noticing lief. When rescued she will able to steak aril was not at all frozen, the snow arutind her being thawrtf by the heat of her ixaly. As the unfortunate woe reran is over righty rears of age her recovery is very doubtful. Found Riches in the North Country. year ago deceased had an attack of whooping cough which affected her lungs and she had since contin'led to decline. . Joseph Kitchen, a respected resi- dent of the 7th concession of Turn• berry, who had been in failing health for the past two year, pooled away at his hong 1n that township on Wednesday, the 10th inst. He is stir- elated urvived by hie widow, two sons and two daughter. Wm. C. Mcleod, of Meaforth, who bad been in failing health for some title. departed this lite on M•stutday, the l:1th inst. Deceased was a quiet, unassuming man In his stet -eighth year, respected h .he whole cnin- niunity. Hla widow, four eons and three daughters survive. After a lingering illness MIN. Chris- topher Secrete, of the 2nd coneesaion of Hay, passed away on Tues ley, the Vith inst. iteeceased. who was sev- ent -five yearn of age c:elebr•ated her golden wedding about a year sgo. Her hushand and several children are left to mourn their itreparallk bats. Bpb. Hall, of Clinton, hos enM his fano on lot 42 of the fah concession J. W. Sanderson, traveller for Bu s - hand Brom. A Prte•r, wholesale fruit Inc i chant ", 'Toronto. a fot•m411• Wooer - ter storekeeper and on of the late .1oahn Mtpd.nroou, mt that place. has it the - o 114 rnurur.us footnote l uis h i silver. mines of Northern Ua.iuio. Teo years ago when travelling in that part of the Province he ware seized with the ruining fever and with a party of friend., guided by an wt 4x41- 441 A trip of exploralion tis, the Montrol itiyer. The red en to en grtlitnde• for their kiiidnr•sm 14.11 them of ,t 'letter "hunting ground," whet..., there was "good stuff." Relying on him they ("Hewed hire over ue rocky wilderness, .•uduring meat hardships. Iin.illpy reaching the Bloom fake min- ing district, where they eeteleirhrd claims which they h w ihave Moll for :1 falndunb sum. They have the distitic• L•of raining several lakes, one of the largest of which es lake Sender - son.... D. wet with motel' regret that the resi•'en•a pf ftlyth learned of Ibe death of 1),•. 11, D. Tiede,-. who pease I *way n' his h..nu on'I'hur- day ,.fte•n.run from heart t o tble, Decea"ell was the second eon of the late D.. G. W. Carder. of Oaterville. Oxford drily, and an elder brother of M. 1). Girder, Tem tit°, Brand re- corder of the A. O. U. W. The late Dr. Carder leaves three sorrowing daughters, Mrs. F. A. Lewis, Mount. Forest ; Miss Zella, of London, and Miss Elva, at home. His wife pre- deoeassd him two roars. He was a prominent Mason and a member of the A. O. U. W. and of the ('tnsdian le now three years ago since I was Order of Foresters. In tw►litlrs be You may have observed that the cured by fhdd's Kidney Pills sod was a etauneh Idberal, and in religiob man who isrsssts that he eon drink or 11no have had sign of the trouble te- a amistbetr of lbs Amgllom- thumb. In iM it state usually drinks, I turning." Former Hurenite Dies in Detroit. Janie+ Ferguson, one of the early settler of M.Kilioppo died athis home in Detroit on Friday, the I2th inst., after a few weeks' illnrsa of cancer of the stotnacla. Deceased, who was scv- rnly-thr.•e years of age'. was ;torn in Scotland, lout came to Commie will, hi" mother in his infancy, i-eSiolin with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. %Vatter di4Millan, of Tuckcrsniit11. Ile received 1.i:e rally (*duration at 4114• s.vLn"I at Cal nochan's corner, then taught by the late Wm. (irrrnnd. 1114 leaching nlateln0q(1 he followed the prdagugir prulrseion, teaching in l-Lty. 'eu • 'rnrtet•mnlrh and Stanley. For some }'ears previous to him relit. mint mrd removal 10 Detroit he was Principe! of %Vinghaul public settee!. Deco+aced i+ survived by Ilk widow, Who wet -1 formerly \lis+ Marie Ferguson. of Tucker'mith, together with their three deughto•s and four s us. H•+ remain', were taken to Harpurllry for interment, the funeral taking place from the home of John Mel) )w• - Ki. Only part of tl,e %sht'.tt Kerry is lit for food. Yet much that i;n't otter gets into dour. You c:►sunt see it or taste it, but it's thcrc. it is simply a case of the miller t.;ci,ing ,I:;ure flour front hrs 5vheat al -d your getting less rot:mhm•nt. Royal Household Flout is so millc.1 th.a nothing got': inf.) it except the part (f the wheat that i; (x,d. I's Al- get-jlii.t who -i'tftt-raY-- for-the hest- ani jlurc•;t flour made. It goes farther because it is all flour. Your grocer can supl'Iy you. Ogilvie Hoer Mills Co.. Ltd. 156 - EostreaL PUBLIC LIBRARY. IlnasaF Meeting of the BOUT- 7.-11: Tigert Again Chairman. The annual sleeting of the public library board was held on the l:ftb fret,, _gheri_ !ha following - were appointed for the year : Chair- man, J. H. Tigert, re -appointed; treas. 'tree J..1. Notelet. : secretary. 1). J. Neftel, 're appointed. The following_ enmmttteet • wile. aplxlmteel : TATA eotnmittee. I)r. Strang and Messrs. Fowler, Kennel."'" T , Kidd and kev. Joseph Elliott.- Homo. eorusnit- tee, Mr, Fowler. Mr. Tom and Bev. Joseph Elliott. Finan. -e. Rev. - J Elliott, Mr. Tigert and Mr. Killoran. From the annual report which is sent to the Department of Education the following statement of receipts and expenditures is taken : - kat MOT.. .Mss.:.. Italan.•e front l!*c ..�yt-a',' 12(.11ai Le4a.latlre gra.t 11511 Municipal grant ..... .err-- iai at 14.1e of maaaxu.es - _ .Ll a1 Nines and card , 114 Interest on bank depo."' .. 11 14) (tent 14 IMI Basdrie.i ... --•. :..... stn 11.:.'18 1 1 rxrr]tITI&lM. , Ltabt and heating . - . -1=w 1: ►qyis..,ka• 1G r. t{ gsstns and wsrryapefu . - .... "Tin yt `n. a ... .... in W 4447111 %Vat. r rate . Atrerstfens and repairs Malting lawn .. ... Lawn mower and hese Sundries t... Balance or►\hand . ... ` a .tet 19 a. 2 81 14, 2.5 11 .Y• 13 40 11014 11.nS ••I The foltnwitig accounts were or- dered t0 he paid : The Star, book slips. g7.61 ; .1 McD. .%Ilan, hooks, 615 ; (ieorga Porter, looks, irs1.711, balance nu magazines.,$70.25 It. has become a habit with some persons fteepuegling the reading ronnns to abuse the privilege" they enjoy hy appropriating to their ow n use 111agazieem placid on tow targe" for the use of the general public mrd also by cutting ant pect•Ir.•s or reeding �. 'moor. r. et rr'�tl w tun es have s- nt 1. n d u:apealed of late an•1 hmgr not beisiq l ' retuIre r. aiuT the b.ilr.l I. de•cAe'd t rt offer a 'Sward of e2 (0 Nnyone giving Mini -moo On leading to the conviction 1 of icuch offenders. '¢O"`J D. MILLAR 00. FEBRUARY SPECIA S Only a few coats lett. Every '4144 of 1lu0u • genuine btrgsin. We lave there as 1"w as 6'2.)5). 1111. - Children's Coats at almost your own price. some good 141181)1 in Ladies' Dress Skirts .\11 this season's 10041•+, 11111 'I be cleared to Make t•oolil for the new apt ing goods. Sateen Underskirts Heatherbloom Underskirts We have 110.• tve•ek recei1ed a delivery of our 11111ird Underskirts, and ale otferi45 better value than ever before. See our spt•eiul dol int• sateen skirt-. a !Wirer! at the price. Some new and attractive lino sin the ev.•r Io11n18r 1leatherbloeml skirts. 'these skirl. aur the nearest approach Dr silk yet produced. • Special Values.in Wash Goods 'rhe new 1'artaul Itoliwns look• just like• Silk. In popular elan width 27 inches, regular :irk, for Mk a yokel. _ _ The new Radium Fuulars uall thnw stripe _- - - elft"'ta. This is One of the new cloths this season, and .huuld prone, very popular regular lie, for :Mie a )card. Special values in Swiss Embroid..t-ies (luring F'eln-uary. Dress Goods Snaps Only a few piers left of those suia,t TWe"•d$. legulldr ,-11k•, for 2.c a yard. A few pied th:.t sold as high es 7tL2', for Or. +► yard. "rt Flava youl_i fed the,.Akeal11'atteea.. sat= 11tsy- she--nsCMMSK -with great .u(•cr•oro, k; drool 1:a• each. • 666 0 AGED PEOVLE. Mrs. Sarah j. Windrom of Chicago, Grandniece of Alexander Hamilton, Who Signed the Declaration . of independence, Says : "Vino) is a g."1 -end to old people. 1 nun seventy-six yeers old, but 1 have a hearty appetite. tite. sleep.oundly, and feel a e iveand well today -thanks to Vino!. %Vhe'n 1 was yollng. end liver oil was dispensed in a greasy, unpalatable form, and it fairly gagged me to get it down. Vinol is entirely different, very paletahle and nnuriahing to im- poverished blood. it is the finest tonic and strength-creetor 1 ever used. ' Mrs. 11. W. Avery. Norwich, N. Y., says : "At the age of eighty-nine 1 feel the need of a tonic, something to strengthen and (wild me tip. For some Lime 1 have t'+ketr Vino', and have found that it bring. vigor anil life to the aged it. nothing else will." The reason Vinol is 50 beneficial to old people 14 hecsuse it Is composed of two world -farted tonics -the medicin- al elements of coil liver oil -and Iron. Vinol tones tip the digestive ergane, aids assimilation, mkkes rich, red blood, and strengthens every organ in the body. We will cheerfully return money to all th one who try Vinol and receive nn benefit H. l', Dunlop, druggist, Goderieb. _ Kapott It :-"Shiloh's Cure will al- ways sire my coughs and e:'olde." ADMITS HE'S A i11T OFF. Aged Wineham Man Asks Readinit- tenc! to Lonfoa Asylum. I.onit(o, Feb. 22. --A recent happen- ing at the lemdnn hospital for the i's• morer has i 0 something of hornier end ,'-.,siderit hueI of 1.41 hoes" e nn,1 l 114 show, the attitude of many .,f lite patio towards the liege tit i(rn il.,rlf. Op" night rere•411j 1)r. I{ubioomoe, the superintendent of the invtittalon, received a tele hour n1e.cl • from the p K rccei.ti..n hospital telling him that an old gentleman would like to Nee hire. The doctor went rover and the ol•l men told him ,t story that heti a t.nnrl, of. pathos to it. 11e• asked l0 be re ndmit te 1 to the aryl',in. 1: mking as if he weer well on fur rerenty year.. of age, the old gentleman told I)r. p{ob- in-on that lie was from Wingb.mu, and a former inmate of the asylum, having 1 een discharged es sane. • Fltbite hehal felt. thatb• wa+•'aat .1 'site right" and felt I lint he hnd h •i- ter go hark to the asylum Iwf ,re any- thing might pie:011y hemIen. He had maid no word to anyone, but had left the home of his Nun In Wing• hams mid got on the Huron & Bence train, arriving in London at Matlock. What he hiui done during the day could me he learned. 1)n. Kobenson r tiled up the pateent's son in %Vinghem and found the man's whole'lory was true. 1'pun suggest- ing to hint that perhaps again he !night go beck after he had recovered suggest - !somewhat the old man replied that s'4Nu ' film days in the asylum." lie world 1N• better there and he preferred to std there. as he had . nut -enjoyed his liberty. Alma Colleges The alumnae of Alma College, Ht. Thomas, Ont., will hereafter he repre- sented on the general hoard of the rnliege. The charter of the culleggr wee amended by the Ontario Legisle• tore at its last session an ws to give Aline Daughters, the ml ae society of the college, three women reprepent- atives on the board. The hoot election ender the amended charter has just been held. There were fourteen can- didate" In nomination nod the Inter - pet shown in the electinn was extended and and general: Those elected were Mist 8. F. Sisk, Toronto, (minder of the society ; Mrs. K. I. Warner, Mt. Thomas, president of the Rt. Thornes branch, and Mr.. E. N. , HAker, To- ronto, ex president of Toronto branch. iT WAS LASTING. Elliston, Trinity Hay. NH.I , Feb. 22.--19 rels1l1.--The plostmamter here. Mr. Alfred Crew, has something of Interest to say about the lasting effects of the cures trade by 1)odd'a Kidney Pills. He writes : - •'1 suffered for a long while with pain. in my heck and sciatics and lumbago. 1 had the servieea of a doctor and took a good deal of medic rine Inst could get no relief. 1 tried Dield'N Kidney Pill. and after taking six boxes i was completely coml. It • ;makr '* ni.,,,,, .. `l - „0f1G •R„asrMa, i'7l.'g14dNltl,'°R 74 Bay Street, Toronto. More bread and Better bread And the Reason for it STRONG FLOUR can only 4`"'be made frotp'strong wheat. Manitoba hard wheat is acknow- ledged theatrongest in the world - and that is ,the kind used for Purity Flour. But that's not all. Every grain of this wheat contain. both high- grade and low-grade properties. In separating pa g the high-grade parts from the low-grade the \1'eytern Canada Flour Mills put the herd wheat through a process soexacting that n,rt n single low-grade part has the remotest chance of getting in with the high-grade. Of course this spetial process is more expensive to operate but it ineans a lot to Purity flour users-:- that's ser-that's why we use it. It means that Purity Flour is ade entire! of the highest -grade m b 7 flour parts of the strongest wheat in the world. Itmeans ahi high-class, stropgr wflora R and thereforeiel r y da "more bread and better bread." Purity may asst • little more than some flour, but results prove it the cheapest and most econom- I after all. ► PURITY FLOUR WESTERN CANADA I't,ht'k MILLS COMPANY, Mixt AT WINNIPEG, GODIRICII, I4RANIX)N LIMITED Milk Chocolate Stick, Medallions, Cro- quettes, Cream Bars etc. are truly delicious. For sale by all dealers from Coast to Coast. THE COWAN CO. L1MtTIO, TORONTO.' Hot -Water Bottles A nice thing to have in the horse these cold days, Moto in rale of Flo knee. We nave the beet money can buy, and -• WE GUARANTEE THEM FOR TWO YEARS, oe, you prelate in buying . %Ve have them in' 'Oft. 111441 att. wises at F. J. BUTLAND'S Drug Store Goderick "THE STORE THAT PLEASES."