HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1909-2-25, Page 22 Taems.yAx, February 25, 19U'J THE SIGNAL : GODERICH. ONTARIO iorutt OODLRICH, ONTARIO.' PUBLISHED EVERY THUES1 AY BY ,VANATTPdt. t ROBERTSON Telephone Cali No. la Terme or eubsoription 81.00 per anuam in novenae. !fa taenthe, sou ; three mono,., Aic. To United States rubeorib•,., 81.311 a year letriotly in advauoe. Subsoritlen who fall to tooeive Tee Biels•I regularly by mail will confer a favor by &c- omba tang us of W e fact at ea oily a date ea !Vasa a champ, of addrs ur dmdred. both the ild and the new address should be given. Advertising Rates : Legal and other shriller advertisements, Ii o per line for first lusertiou rid tc per lune fur each aubwequent insertion. Moasured by • nonpareila twelve liner to an Inch. Business oar•dreof nix lines and under, 15 per year. vertiseinente of Lost. Found. Strayed, Sit• mations Vacant, Situations Wanted, Houser for Bale or to (tent, Farms for Sale or to Rent, Article. for Sale, etc., not exceeding eight lines, Mooch insertion ; 11 for fest month, 50e for each subsequent mouth. Larger advertise- ments in proporUon. 1 IAnnounremente In ordinary reading type ten osnta per line. No notice loin than Mr. Any special notice the object of who in the pecuniary beueflt of any individual or areool- •tioo, to b, eonrldered en advertisemt'nt .ata to be charged accordingly. Rales for dleplsy and eontraot advert•*• 0101. will be given on application. Address all communions)... to VANAIT6R a Rt)HER1140S, Ting Swa♦1L,, t7weKloh. Ont OODSRICH. THURSDAY. FRB. fie. Ho EDITORIAL NOTES. War on the automobile is promised by members of :be Legieletuzc repre- senting rural constituencies. The Young l.iberals of Toronto'plan an educative campaign in the city. Toronto win stand a lot of educating: Free lumber and free coal ate said to be two features of the proposed new tariff legislation in the t'nited States. Is the moon falling down? The Wentworth Teachers' Associa- tion at its annual convention last week declared it■ oppoeition to the use of "u" in such words ae "honor," "labor," etc. This is probably the at- titude of teachers everywhere In the Province The soldier boy. want to coma back to Goderich this year for their annual training camp, and Goderich fs ready to welcome the Tads with open arms. The Ottawa authorities' should not he an obstacle in the way of the happy realization of this mutual desire. Sir Gilbert Parker says all Coma - diem are tariff reformers. lair Gilbert is about right. Those who get the benefit of protection legislation want to reform the tariff up, while those who have to bear the expense are anxious to have it reformed in it downward direction. Yes, we are all tariff reformers of some kiud or other. Toronto Globe: Mr. McCdnnack of East Lambton has made a vigorous demaud for the restoration of the model schools. The present system of a compulsory normal school course in a city shuts out many able aspirants, not by requiring higher professional or intellectual standard,. hut by in- volying the expense of city life-- ex- pense which many parents are unable to bear. It is nothing short of amazing to hear Sir Thomas Shaughnessy speak of the "necessity" of making the trend of traffic in Canada east and west rather than north and "south, lest in the latter movement the trend of trade and of social intercourse should become more pronounced between Ca- nada and the United States. For one of our captains of industry to talk in this manner seems rank nonsense. ince when did it become good policy interfere with the ordinary course o rade or to seek to make it flow filo artificial rather than natural than Is %-Kingston Standard, The . ndard is supposed to be a' Conservative paper. Does it want to be read out of the party? The Tiverton Watchman, edited by a mi t' of fine diserimination and excel- lent judgment. in good enough to say in its last neck's issue : -- The Goderich Signal is easily the best paper published in Huron county. Each week it reaches this office brim- ful of news', with a healthy advertise ing patronage as well. This is very pleasant reading, but if our brothers of the press don't quit' snaking such remarks we shall have to he at the expense of buying it new - bat, larger size, ('. M. Hays, general manager of the Grand Trunk Railway, and =anthem of his staff were entertained at a ban-_, Floret at Stratford on Thur.,dav last, the. occasion orarkiwg'the- Slogan*' the splendid new G. T. K. shops there, costing in the neighborhood of $1,500,- 000. it was a red-letter day for Strat- ford. In connection with this reit- bration The Beacon with commend- able enterprise Retitled a compre- hensive special edition dealing with Stratford's poeition A. a prominent rellwey centr 1t is told of Philip Jamieeon, the well-known clothier of Toronto whose i death occurred last week, that he was the Bret merchant in -Toronto to pub- lish • full-page advertisement. When he submitted the advertisement to the late Hon. George Brown, of The Globe, Mr. Brown tried to dissuade the ambitious young merchant frotn so great an inveetanent in newspaper space. Mr. Jamieson Aga good Inset neAs in it, however, and the advertise- ment wM published, and Mr. Jamie- son eontinued to be a liher•al adver- tiser. He justified his belief in news- paper publicity by dying a rich man, Hard to Satisfy Them. Aylmer repress. Some people think that the more banks there ere in town the better it is fm- the people. We can't tee it that way. The t wn t hat are here now nom, In after every rent we can get., and If there were two or thin more pre simply could not keep them going. Where's Mother? Heisting lar from school or play, This Is what the outtdren say. Trouping. crowding, big and mall. On the threshold, In the hall Joining In the oundant cry, Ever as the day gorse by, "Whored mother I' From the weary bed of pato This dune ,tueetlon Domes •pati, From the boy with sparkling eye, Hearing home his earliest prise. F'row the bronzed end bearded sou. Perils poet and honors won "Where's mother r Burdened with a lonely task One day we way vainly risk F'or the oowfort of her face. For the reet of her embrace : Int us lore her while we way. (('e11 for un that we oan ray, "Veber.... motherr Mother with untiring hands At the poet of duty .lauds. Patient, sleeking not her own. Auxioue for the good alone Of her children, as they cry. Ever as the day goes by. "Where's mother !" --Oood Housekeeping. FROM OUR CONTEMPORARIES. Just So. Atchison lilube. Automobiles are like people. The cheep ones are noisy. Coming Our Way. Montreal Herald Bad and all as times ,•.ere, over a quarter of a Trillion new people entered Canada 1 tet yea'. It is the growing time. Wanted -M, re Lincolns. •Guelph 9: rcury. Lincoln could give .in oration in 210 words, but the average member of Parliament cagnot get through a de- cent_introductlan JLA speech is Lena than an hour, It Is. Brautford Conner, There are ao wary Conservatives in tbg Ontario House that many of them have• to sit on the Opposition side. isn't that enough to jolt Nome of the old-time Qrif,k_'l,_.,, . SL Paula Lack 'of, Foresight Seekatoon Phoenix. If the Apostle Paul had only known how this old exhortation to Timothy to take a little wine would be used as a weapon against the teniae of abstin- ence he *ould have said it in a whir. - per. Hoggishness that Dot. Not Pay. London Free Press. Fifteen Ontario municipalities made offers as good as cash to a horned -out Kingston factory to locate in their midst. The factory -owners demanded 510,400 from Kingston to remain. Thus fifteen meddle.ome cities end towns put Kingston in a position to Lose heavily. whPtber the factory goes or does not go. This effort of one city to feed upon another is unworthy or Canadian.. Burns' Favor.te Words, Olargpw News. A contributor has had the curiosity to look up Mr. J. D. Reid'. "Burns Concordance" and measure t h e amount of space devoted to remain words. In the result he found that Burns used the word "heart" more than any other, the quotations under this word filling no fewer than six of the closely printed columns. "Leat," "friend.. and "heaven" come next, each having about two columns, B C.'s Cheap politicians London Adsertisor. The Dominion Government has dis- allowed the legislation known as the Natal act, which would have enabled the Government of British Columbia to exclude all Japanese. Chinese and Hindus from that Province. Of course, the McBride Government had no desire to go to such extremes. It pmased the act in order to play to the gallery, knowing that the Federal authorities would he obliged by Im- perial considerations to override it. The paseage of the bill was an exhibi- tion of cheap politics by men who are playing their own selfish game regard- less of Canadian or British interests. An Evil Influence. Hamilton Times. The influence of Chamberlainism has been vastly for evil in Great Britain. It has tended to awaken feelings of envy, hostility and die trust, arousing in a large body of the ignorant unwarranted enmity to- wards other nations. This is especial- ly true of Germany, which bad been represented to be merely awaiting Its opportunity to make actual war on (creat Britain. King Edward's visit to the Kaiser and Sir Edward Grey's speech have done much to allay appre- hension and to produce it better feel- ing. • As Sir Edward pointed out, "the pees* of various countries is much more fertile in inventing motives and intentions for their gov- erninent, than the foreign minigtere of those countries are themselves." "Them is an old warning," said he, "Gest you should not spend toxo much titne in looking at the dark clipboard for a black at whirl, is not there, and 1 think if sometimes we were a little lees suspicious of deep design or mi- tdve that the dtfatte of the world would progress more smoothly." -Pti ttew1-t$t5ffe. their beneficiaries and advocates nm p.•ohably the great- est influencesexisting for the creation of international enmity. iN THE LIMELIGHT AGAIN. Nircisse M. Canon's Chequered Career Takes Another Turn. Toronto, Feb. 'L3. -The civil emit brought by Narciu•e M. ('an - tin. the well-known St. Joseph promoter, against %iha Gallagher, a barrister of Toronto, for an account - ti in the Non•Jury ng of certain transactions between hem was interrupted Court yesterday by the arrestpf Mr. ('antin on a charge of theft. 'rhe charge we.. laid by N. E. Willner, president of the American Silver King Mining (Jompeny, who alleges that Mr. ('antfn wrongfully appropriated • certificate for nine thousand shares of tbe company'. steels. Mr. Oantin was at once led away to the detective office, where his rnuneel arranged for toil in a sum of $210. thus enabling the plaintiff to return to court early in the afternoon to witness the con- clusion of him suit. fn the end Mr. Jnetice Britton dis missed the civil action, with crista, The theft Omega will bet proceeded with in the pollee court this morning. The civil suit dismtaserl by the court yesterday is the last phew of a Ions/ - continued diepnte between the part- ies, whirl) meteor neer a year ago. when Mr. Carotin approached Mr. Gal higher tor A turn to ae+iot him in pin. muting the Ht Joseph Land Improve- ment k Development Oo tppaanv, own- ers of a summer resort at Rt. lnsaph, NEWS FROM OTTAWA MR. LANCASTER MOVES F ABOLITION OF THE SENATE. THE LEGISLATURE.' Leaders Take Mart nn the Opening De, bate of the Session OR Toronto, Feb. 22. - The address iu reply to the speech front the Thtuoe was moved by W. H. Hearst, meiiibct for Sault Ste. Marie, and seconded by J. W. Johnson, West Hastings, Mr. Hearst spoke suthusiasLicelly of the north country and its development. "We are now producing silver and nickel in abundence," he declared. "Iron and copper will follow, and the great white owl from our harnessed wktorpowere will create a wonderful industrial centre of the north." Mr. Johnson urged that every ef- of fort should be wade, not only to etreugthen the bonds between Can- ada and the mother country, but to bind more closely the different cuw- pnnent part. of the Dominion itself. To improve the intereourae between Outario and Quebec he advocated the establishing of two "colloquial" schools, one its Tor,uto, where the E oglish IanguaRe could ba learned by the Frena h ('anadiau, and the other in Quebec •ir Montreal, tlit•re the English-speakieg Canadian could receive instruction in the liutgiu.gge of his French fellow -citizens. Mr. John - sow also urged the forivation of a -Provinciat/Sece orru'a pe tect elite and propert in the country districts. Mr. McEwing's First ort. . Mr. Miller Claims that Public Opinion Is the Most Effective Check Upon Hasty Legislation W. F. Maclean Attacks the C. 1'. R. Stock Issue - international Fisheries Dispute to Be Arbitrated at The Hague. Ottawa, Feb, Y,2. -'line abolition the Senate was advocated in two vig- orous speeches in the House of COM - mons today. The subject was brought up by Mr. (.ancsater, premise for Lincoln, who moved a resolution look- ing to the amendment of the British ortb America Act to pr vide for the proposed elituination' of the .ecoid chamber. Mr Lancaster argued that the talk of reforming the Senate is futile. He WAS supported in an able speech by Mr. Miller, who claimed that if the question were submitted to the people they would be overwhel•,• lolly in four of abolition. He dot not see that anything was to be gained by an elective system, and to appoint Senators from the Provincial Legislatures would be simply to per- petuate the Provincial spirit. With regard to the srguweut that a second chamber was required to protect the minorities, he claimed that no in- stance could be cited in which the Senate had acted as a protector• of minorities. The etnmgest check upon hasty legislation was public opinion. and the abolition of the Senate would tend to snake the House of Commons mere careful in its legislation. E. W. Nesbit (North Oxford) de- fended the Senate, and Dr. Sproule was for mending rather than endiug the second chamber. The debate was adjourned, Still Another Lewis Bill. Mi. Lewis (West Huront introduce a bill providing that all paeseeger v sell over - 5119 all tons register and freight vessels over 1,2(11 tons shall ne supplied with wii li.s! telegraph aD parents. • To Arbitrate Fisheries Disputes. Announcement has been made of the terms of the treaty between Great Britain and the United :hates for the reference to the Hague court of arbi- tration of long outstanding dispute's between Canada, Newfoundland and the United States. relative to the rights of United States fishermen in the cosstat waters of British North America, under the terms of the treaty of 1818. it is hoped that by means of this reference a settlement writ be o.,tarned of disputes that have teem standing for nearly a centut•y. Sir Charles Fitzpatrick is nomin- ated as Canada'e representatire at the arbitration. Dr. I.tnat-.eh of Vienna has been agreed on al umpire. Hun. -1. B. -►yle.worth, Minister of Jtt.tice, is to have charge of the Canadian rase. Owing to the time allowed for the preparation of the case on either side, it will he over a yeti• before the matter will actually came to hearing at The Hague. TheC. P. R. Stock Issue. LAURIER. THutwu.ty, Feb. l$th. Mies Mabel Formes, of I.othian, ie "he guest of Mis.. Annie Mclennan this week. Dune. McIntyre, attended the fun- eral of his uncle, the late Hugh Melo- tyre, of Bt. Thomas, Net week. Miss Maud Robertson has returned to her home in Lucknow after• upend- ing a few days the guest of Miss Sarah McIntyre. The debate, "Itaeolved, that mer- 1.ieNt Iifc is a failure," was eon by the afhrwative side. Su the bachelots of the lake shore way eoneider them- selves lucky after all. Oatarrh Cannot Ill. Cured with local appltuatione, as they cannot reach the west ofthe diwa.e. Catarrh iso blood or orouwtttutlunal disease, and in older (1 cure It you must take Internal 'medics. Hall. (A- tari's a -larch (Pure ie taken internally, and +ata dt r.otly on the bloat and mucous surfaces. Halls t'aterrh Pure is not a quack medicine. 11 was pru.critavl by one of the tom'. phy.elans In this country for year. and 0. a regular prc .cnipt(un. 1t is ..amassed of tho test toile known. ruunbo.ed with the lest blood purifiers, acting directly on the urtu, u. surfaiw. The perfect eouubhmtiw, of the two uugrudfeuts L+ what mediate. such wonderful result. In Cur. Ing catarrh. Sethi for te.tlui,u isle free. F. J. l'HENEY t l'O.. Props„ Toledo. O. Sold by dao tgista prow Take Hank Family IM11.for cuts -t that ion. J. Nick:wing (West 1 ellington) in his maiden speech in the House proved himself a ready nd forceful debater. While fully a , preciating the references of the previous speakers to the _taint sof , sirvelup- 1nt•nt of the mineral resou ee of the north country, he raised a note of warning. Some eight hnndr ruin- ing companies had been incur( .rated, capitalized at ail or sevru h ).red million dinars, and something a ould he done to protect the ignuran in- ves'or who might `regard the gr art• (Of ,i Pim : risr cbit•ter ea ng king in -cute--gray--of ment guarantee as to the legitirua nature of the enterprise. He n d minded his hearers ,that egticulture b- )yruar still re n.ln the gtratwhile staple mimi dustry of the Province, fur n- ing took everything out of the land, • leaving nothing hut A hole in the ground, agriculture ecriched it. Mr. McEwing thought the time bad cnme. when Provtpelal aid to privately - owned t•silvfayp companies should cease. Headvocatd law reform, generous and a more generous treatment of the public srhodis of the Pnwinee. Hr criticized severely the adruinistrelion of the liquor license lag-, staling that the Government had failed- to carry out its promise that floe adniiniatra- Lien of the law would he token out of politics. He knew of his own knowl- edge of cases where liccnee commie - Menem and in•pectnrs had actively canvassed on behalf of his aoppon• nt in the lust election, whererhergea had been held over the hotelkeepers he tilt until after the election and then dropped, and where elter a man had openly sold without a lieen+r proceed- ings bad been stopped following the visit of a deputation to Toronto. Mr. McEwing was followed by J. P. Downey. his neighbor in South Wel- lington. who defended in, tiavetrn ment in a flunem ous speech. Allan; Studhohne, the Libor mem- ber from Hamilton, declared strongly for public ownership and- fon-civil service reform. . The Opposition Leader. Hon. A. G. Mar -Kay. the Opposition leader, gave a vigorous address which was received with enthusiasm by h s followers- He expressed the hope that the proposed in enure of law t•r- rotm would he fairly radical. Remov- ing the number of appeals was useful, but he counselled a change in tbe method of paying lawyers and men- tioned some other points at which changes might be made with. general advantage. "if law reform is to mean anything," declared the Liberal lead- er, "the Government roust put the pruning knife in solidly, and not stop et mere picking and pricking." Referring to the retest election, Mr. MacKay enumerated certain mower - meted statements in the Govern- rnent's campaign literature, "We must not divorce politics from moral- ity," observed the leader, *mid ape please, after effectively rounding upon the Government fit its erroneous campaign utterances concerning the O'Brien and Canadian Northern Rail- way issues, which Mr. MacKay dealt with in detail. challenging a contra- diction that was not forthcoming. Mr. MacKay also spoke of the neces- sity of civil service reform, particu- larly in the administration of the license laws. He concluded, amid the applause of his followers, with a note of cheerful optimism for the future. The Liberal party in Ontario, he said. was still strong, vigorous and confi- dent. W. F. Maclean, the member for: Month York, loses aro opportunity to wage wordy war upon the railways, and the authorization of an additional issue of 'stuck by the U. P. H., to the amount of $50,0110,48 fl - gave him it grand occasion for indulging in his favorite pastime. There is enough in Mr. Maclean'e contention that the shareholders of the• l', P. R. are get- ting a pretty good thing to tn.tke the subject an interesting one, and it was held with some force by Dr. Mc- intyre, of Strathcona, who to At part in the debate, that the Government in -tusking any concessions to the C. P. R. should hold out for the re- moval of some of the injustices to the people of the West which were in- cluded in the original bargain made with the C. P. R. by the old Conserv- ative(}overnment, Particularly Ur. McIntyre mentioned the tax exemp- tion of C. P. R. Iambi. The Minister nt Justice explained that the new is- sue of stock was to provide money for legitimate and laudable develop- ment of the C. P. R.'s undertakings, and, although the original hergain with the company was disadvan- tageous to the Dominion, it was.con- tract that should be carried out in good faith. - To Prevent Secret Commissions. Hon. Mr. Aylesworth's hill to pre- vent the giving or acceptance of secret commissions was advanced a stage last week. This hill is intended to put a stop to what is said to be becoming a common and a very evil practice, namely. the giving of a commission or "rake-off," eecretly, to an agent for the purpose of securing business with the firm or corporation or interest which the agent represents. Mr. Fieldings Return. Hon. W. S. FieldinK a entry into the House Inst week, on his return from his trip to E prop., was the sig. nal for an enthusiastic greeting from the Government lenehe+, Mr. Field- ing eaten that he is well satisfied with Irte result of his mission.; to Pati+ and London. lint the particulars will he-rer served for his budget statement to the House. Lake Heron. Both parties clnirned to have got the worst of the treneac tion, Mr. Cutin claimed that he had agreed to pay interest et, the tate of 400 pi r cent. tor the loan. but Mr. Gallagher denied Chet he had charged hint interest at this rate, and AAsertwi that Mr. Crntin'* security was un- satiefaet ory. BANQUET AT WiNGHAM. Dr. Macdonald Receives Many Tributes on Eve of His Departure. Wingh:un, Fels. ,. 1:i. -Dr. Peter Mac- donald. recently appoint -4 poet - master of London, was tendered a banquet by the cilium' of this town last evening, prior to leaving for the Fotl'et City to take up the duties of hi• new position. Nearly one hun- dred perfume sat down in the dining hall of the Hotel National. Warm tribute was paid tri Itr. Maclonald on ecrornt of hie long and honorable career in the Federal Parliament and his close identification with and active interest in every mnyeihent that per- t4lned to the welfare of Wingham. in hie. reply Dr. Macdonald regaled the company with an interesting ac- count of the early history of the town, and reviewed It* onward tnsrr!h to Ila present position. Dur- ing the evening the i)nctor- was nreeented with a handsome gold - heeded cane, suitably inscribed, "A man dat pate in all his time find - hr' Dolt." said Uncle itiven, "ain't no more real use Nan a t' a-• h •r prophet who can't Bards "--W ingt • i $ ,r t olir.- • New Styles! in Eye Glasses 11'e urs• always adding new surd ul, l,. dale giutude in our Optical Department, and just now we -RFA- -re very neat and new style of eye glass mounting, celled ' THE SMART SET. -Our Bifocals, or Double Glasses As they are more often Callers," will'euable 'the wearer 1., make one pair do .torAnsa weak . as well as foe - seeing at a distance. I any the only one in our town using the new and ue-todata sy s- tew oiliest ing the byes, called HE SHADOW TEST . E. KELLY, JEWELLER. asrtasss111•10 NEW SPRING GOODS,,.. Among the advance shipments of Spring Goode have arrived our New Prints, a big shoring of reliable colors, clear printed cambiics, fresh crisp goods, I2yc and 15c a yard. Table Cloth Specials A tut of tlne linea doubly 1)oruask Table Cloths, sizes 2x2, 2x2; Sx t, 2;x2#, '1;x3 yards, Nightie damaged, at One -Third less than regular price, to be uleaa•ed at once. Ladies' Fur Coats Bedroom Latub ('oats, beautifully wadeland superior trualit), about tweuty still to cheese flow, pricer were PO to goo rash. \V.. are now cleating at frow l 518.00 to 530.00 Metes Black Calf Coats with Astrachan Collar, Men's Coon Coats., P'en's Black Dog Coats, Men's Wombat Coats. Priceis wr;u h.uu 1 t , 1111.01, now unreserved clearing sale at from - 514.00 to 140.00 Carpets F.ngli.b Brussels Carpet*, :a inches wide, its a Iou•ge range of eolnriug. ;un1 patterns and suitable for any rant er 13 t.l, all $1.15 and $1.26 quality, made and laid at per yank DOt Blankets . 60 pain white Union Blankets, largest double beat -size wade, regular .tai per pair, for ' 52.60 •to pairs finest Pure Wool Saxony Blanket+, double -bed Niz:, „liecial perr..... .56.00 W. ACHESON & SON ColoaEs1Rates Northwest I.ow ole. in Mart dailfor sett)«n.' our trey tickets to all No meet polo.. by C.P.R. direct line. Only through merrier with tie ehange ole.,,. "blur{. and f.,..ilt. gp\Wawa Toronto a'r day 1.. eetoeI.t or toari.l>far• attached to regular train. %Viten tr,vrllioor etch liye\dock and elects, settle r- -1 null take Special Trains fromToronto each Tuesday In }tenth with Ade aC•': (or fn» copy of ''Sett!..' Guide," - n. n• and fur InformiWon. $4Lre l5F OMa(iOOER CH ro PACIFIC COAST \'nneouier. Victoria. Seattle, Portland. 'laity March Ito April 31. Apply to JOS, F.IUn. Avail. Ooderleh. 2 rss TEACHERS of rape a eF�J hol•r,hfi,, nide teach. trig and business caper - thrice in leading Canadian .1141 Amerltnn centres, employer) by our chelu of High-(irt.ds e'olle•gea,. hey. belt up a •eperlor unap- t r,ached curr!calum. Estee vat yat his µ s ownde.5. % aseJ sist our grad unto. to the best pont tun+. Three countess- ('o in In ercl a 1. stenography. en,t Telegraphy, Nltll ('ounce. Enter any day. Write for partienlen,. GODERICfi BUSINESS COLLEGE neo, Brorror, - - Principal. Central Business The Premier in Reply. Premier Whitney closed the debate. COuege He deprecated attacks upon the rail- Coliege ways, which were entitled to fair.- play. He expressed -eeay halo ybtmg men the manner in whichhis Mr.sMtaniehmehwingnt and womSTANDSenrtow din:; independence and had spoken in reference to the license administration. and declared that he success. It has given the start to (Mr, McEwing) Ihould give p:u ticulera thousands upon thousands of young of the AMA complained of. Ile claimed people. it can help you. Write for that the Government. had .separated Cnue. Enter any bore. the hotelkeeper, Dom political inner- cure- Ho W: S AW, contact in regard to late O'Brien win. ing,q_cesieens, the (tpadlan Northern Y(,i4_and_Gerrzrd it;. Toront f -- Railway goa,ant,•e. • nd el iinied that. good !repels'. ion f -. eulntinistratton t'• alone n,•,e y.apnneib'e f 'r the result - ... nf the genet al elution. In four ye,rtt e Gocernment oubled the Pm- A GREAT SCHOOL I vithneial revehme, Ihadarurdly lncreeee 1 the ( (attar to RF:PjT,11'IOv. RESULTS, IN. aid to ednesliou, and el 01 heti a Ade- 01.1'RNCF: tent TllofloUn 1NF-R+! Now ee.eion of FM (`lures, "1>a 'it surpris- 1' 1e""Imo to enter tho papular ing," asked the Pia mier, "that the . ELLIOTT people of the Province. stood by the roadside end looked on wonderingly Business Colle as the bureau of political quackery }tee went fly, directed by the Mf-cnbrred Iheology of The (ileus, which, tumor sty., 1. now t+cing directed against the hum. gl'ntlentan oloporite?" To Regulate Moving Potter* Shows. In reply to a question by the Oppu. ninon leader, t.ho Provincial Treasurer stated that the 14 gislalion of lest see- •ian newel ing ing picture shows had been fnund to lie inefTective, He ,moored the House that during ttie present •essinn All amending trill would be introlured giving the Gov- ernment the necesary powers of con- trol over these exhibitions., In utder that the eefety of (Mote attending then) might be assured. Ask Repeal of Three-fifths Clause 'fod*y'e silting lasted only a few' lninnt,,, but in Ihet time the fettle wire ft tgle'I with thirty-foor petition* ' praying for the remit' of the three- fifths local (Opti in chute, two sooting through the Premier. There were *leo eleven municipal petitions seek. Ing a repel ref t,•ellnn (0$ of the mini- 1 i pm' am 0. under tt hich mnnieipalitics are Iialdr fest d images for areldert• on 1 nil it roedwey.. A man may Ihiek That he is killiag time. tut semi ne later littte'puis him nut of the rooting. TORON TO and pn•p.ut for profit abbe empI yuuu nt Our gm d+nms.1 duates tole obta,n good positions ern Inde ,y, to aloguin I. he, \V, it fl tot toll. y. idents Adm!t.tnd et. any time. g,. upon the elfin) yesr. W. J. Elliott, Principal. • nr. %'ung, and Alexander streets. WiNTER TERM OPENS JAN. 4th. aaa CENTRAL GTRATPOR'. CNT. 1 his school is one of the twiner to the Province. 11 le noted for the Ibmeteghaw, • f Its work and the muses of Ila student* Three departmetes- COMMERCIAL SHORTHAND TELEGRAPHY Ihnr iesedi ate. are In drmo n,l t s Hewer* College tearhnrx op well e. nM. -e assistants. flet our msen:fl eetr,ttalgne, It le free, • ELLIOTT A McLACHLAN, IMualaala 1 NEW SPRING SUITS AND OVERCOATS . You are invited to c*0 and see THE NOBBIEST SUITS ever prieluc,•.l in Catlada. have detlgned such a variety of •tyle~ as wit never before at. tempted by any designers of fashion. Handsome is the word for the cloths used in these suits -- with colorings in brown, olive and green mixture.. Those will make the strongest belling shades for spring ot 111'., We have the goods the people want, - and we are Aiming to do the beet busine•s in our history. Is art I Mad.. • t u vier ifyoar wish -1e1 N .am It» to rhoaafrom We are Sole Agents fo: nth Century Brand Clotting. K ng . English and Borsalino 1 Italian Hata. 1 1 WALTER C. PRIDHAM 1 --- 1Mena --el� TELEPHONE ORDERS promptly attended to. Lots of GOOD BUTTER AND EGGS. William L. Lindsay Hamilton St 'Pbose No 165 • Il/ (Take a Free Trip to Europe as it guest of the London Daily Advertiser, the beet trnetroga,l• Han IMI''r printed in %Vesran Ontario, All the r.ews from all our Int est market quotation,' and all general nod lural news worth printing. SPECIAL OFFER �'•nd $22.11 for the London Daily Advertiser for 14 month. and Ns) votes forour choice of candidates in the European Trip Contest, fl The Best Clothes Made BUILT BY THE TWO MARTINS. READ THE TOP LINE AGAIN. Furnishings. Tailoring. 'Phone :80. Live Daily Paper Will Put Nosey in Your Pocket. With- Toronto Daily Star's accuratll' dally market reports you could *ell yonr grain and live stock at top- notch prices. Half a cent extra on just 300 buahels of wheat or oats would pay a year's subscrip- tion. 25c. a hundred weight on g dozen bogs world cover three year's' subscriptions. Don't you,dependi n g on weekly reports, or daily reporta that are old when you get them -miss top prices by at least that mtich several times a year t Toronto Daily Star • Publishes Market Reports 13 1. 1A lours Earlier Thai the liming Papa's Every afternoon's issue of The Star contains that very day's quotations on the grain and live stock markets of Toronto, Montreal, Buffalo, Chicago, and other important cities. These are the same quotations that the pest morning's dallies publish -12 to 18 hours later. $1.50 CLUBBING OFFER A YEAR ride Iles► sad Ms Towle ,teary itAr feeder 4Nos* rOno tint; topir- seal M eMw saismaiNes prism a