HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1909-2-25, Page 1Read The Signal's Clubbing List on page 6 this week. Send renewals and new subscrip- tions by Postal Note, P. O. or Ex - prep Order, to The Signal AMAMI SIXTY eiresONL' TRatt--Na nos AMEX f Renew ionat. Renew Have you renewed your subscription to THE SIGNAL NAL for Renew l9.9 T Renew hlj GOD! ftIt; ;._0N FEBRUARY --25, . 19 • vawarroiret ROBERTSON, Pessimisms Ithassial THE STANDARD LOAN COMPANY - We offal. for s.., dobenturee bearing interest at FIVE epeepe annum, payable half -yearly. Th eat debentures H an ahal utely sate and profitable investment, es the purchasers h ve for security the entire assets of the Com- pany. Capital and Slurp! Total Ameta Assets Ii 1, 3%),1100.01 $2,51),(eat I President: ALEX NDER SUTHERLAND Vila -President and ringing Director : W. H. DINNICK. Directors: RIGHT ION. LORD HTRATHCONA and MOUNT ROYAL, ( C. M. -G., 1. A KAMMERKR. DAVID RAT'L, H. . GREENE. HUGH S. BRENNAN, J. M. ROBERTS, . J. WILLIAMS. HE D OFFICE CCK. ADELA II)h ND VIcT(11i1A HTs., '1'oeUN•nr. GQdtrich Office, W. L. HORTON,__MANAGER. _j NOTICE TO ADVERTISE Copy of change of running advertise- ments must be left at this office by Monday noon to ensure insertion in issue of same week. BOOKBINDING MAGAZINES, PERIODICALS and LIBRARIES bound' or repaired. ()OLD LETTERiNG on LEATHER GOODS All order. ppremppUYY attended to on leaving .wme wllh TIIK SIU\AL, (Jtderkh. A. E. TA\LOR. HTaterroeu - - waif» *. Raton. ►TOTiol3 TO iiEBTORs.-4B J. Ti. It Worrell 1a leaving t'wo'M a a wb1Y W mounts owing to J. H. W L i NON Matt be settled anon. - - GODERLCH MARKETS, - Tatnrear,.February 23th. Va1I wheat, per bexh ti11its 10 e 0104 mew wheat, per bush, ye, per bush whist. peeJo.aab ta, ter bush_, per bush Y. per bush Mimi, m per fou Flo family. per cwt ., Flo pate•t per out -,..r--3alato Bran, mr on 14 01 0 Shorts •er ton tl W 0 Hay, Ix ton . 1) 00 to Wood, 1 r cord 5 00 to Butter, 1 r Ib 0 21 0 Chee..e, I, lb - - - a 16 to num, frr 4 per doe , 0 22 0 Potatoes,. n w .. *4 to Cattle. o,•11 0 good, per owt. 330 to ('acus, ex per owl. l 50 0 Hog,., . , 0 4n 0 Lambs 4 5410 Sheep, per cwt ...."----"--3°1) 3 Oe 10 Hem. per Ib 417 to Bann, per lb 0 l3 to Lard. par lb 15 0 Tallow, per Ib 04 0 I1)4.parcwt.... 600 to Sheep *kin _ - .NIto Chickens 10 0 Turkeys .......... Uuteide arketa ra Ba Satiation' Vacant IWO AP -PR -ENTICES WANT9ED Totems dlerrmaktae. Apply to MltI.- . LLA/W. Anglers ..tree[. gliktlY WANTED TO LEARN THE it hardware bu.lne.e. Mud be willi'iji 40 Work. WSItSELL8.4,hardware and stove store. Wanted _ 1- AUY WOULD LiKE BOARD 1/ wlth private family, coovonleot to the Square and lake. Fur farther lLUiSOl:aer apply at fhb onlac. 14'1)WARD J. BIGGER. TA X I- le DER1',wUl,Yirlve tai highest price for eeglos 254 Mala et Meath. Niagara Falls South, Out. [)ERSONMI .WISHING MACHINE i1 knitting dune or oto wins.+ r. -soled apply at His SIGNAL *Moe. {1[1ANTEI).•-POySbITION1AS DOM ES- l'ounth- Apply a• l the SILL N AL °Mtlo . • rhe old WANTED. - MOUTH AFRICAN rs veteran scrip. Will pay $54Y10') cash. Apply to 140X 73. THE P41UNAL, Goderlch, Ont. 3541 0 W to 060 n Is in --41111._ 0100 012 0 tie to 0 6 11 I.i 0 .Yrs fJHa0 )00 11)4 to 2e) 3 to 2400 25 se s , 440 0 21 0 a 3✓ 4 10 3 tel Eli Y) iii 0*) 15 0 03 6 50 40 10 11 4146 .4 the week. - OPIUM king. ING IN .TWO yhhing from the t elaborate toll- frehion Woke, . fit and • ut together tot only the lining but all the out. a wets. els. aklrtr. weiets. wrapper., cbildre, dreams., etc. W by .pend your tin.* ata d -tusking whop where you do not hist but berm er ,4*t. mew on hooks and eyes, and then. ata• you have .erred month,/ there, what do you 1 ow - about la e ting I Absolutely nothing. You 111 know no more how 0 cat mit n dress at the end of a Trier (non you dirt the beet day . went. there. So why-sptd>uur lune there 'he.1 OM teach you id Iwo weeks( A few da ' Lrio' M siren free of charge. and If 'student. d 1 Dot a111 advertised it to b_• they have the ric• Mage to+top. a.+ there 11 no fay In idea r Charge for full meow 1. only RIO, Including e moo motet -4 • the motet -4 fitting charts 1n n.e whi , 1 Ire free. 1 all tenetsat U.ylcrirh fro U March nth to Merel, C.. All whittles totemic see me at, the Howl Iledfud es wednndayy, rat }er, 3rd, between to wet .1 a clock. M1aa 1.. PAUL. j EARN .DRES$MA • J WEEKS. -I teach e. Leal oto for sato.Walaeet shirt wales to the etfe that can Ins found In th !teach you how to cul HOUSE FOR SALE. --A TWO- NPORY brick house with seven rooms. on Brace ,.ere[. PaUediltil gas be had by calling at SIGNAL Oven xitf VOR $ALLL.-A8 -A--DWELLING 1 only. and .Runts on lot 1306 w, east Aide of Britannia toed letreet the furniture factoryy i. on). Also • dwelling on Brune street. ' tbta' house. here nine room., god ("pilaf, wood .Bed.. e0. Will wit very reasonably to 41'' 1 0 of property •e ono.. For tern. and par- ti.ulafapplyto MR -N. WEBSTER, *west. et rest L30R HALE. - FRAME Hul'3E 1 now occupied by Mrs. IL B. Munk, Col I.rte ,trre4 for reaava4, For full parabolise* &poly to MRS. R. R. S . Hotel Belford. L1ARM FOR SALE, !A)T 1l, CON- T CESSION. ft, ('ottor)e: IV aeras d wool mil. been under grans for eight yeera, mile east of Dunlop and 31 mill« from U erlch with good bulbingo and ottoman well and windmill 5 acres d orchard, beat of winter fault. and ten acres of bush. Foe pp.a14400ler. Neely to JAS. )0UNI:. Jr., MIC N Waters M., thicago,111. Tj OR SALE. -1M ORDER TO CLOSE A"- ep the saute of the lata U. C. Shannon. M. D,. his late r.eldenoe le now for sale. It b In eery fair roodlUon, ha. modern eourenlen- oes. min ►Dwruyouai particulars y Pudfoot, HaetBlr a�J. HAMILTON. Executor. UTESTEKN LANDS FOR MALh `1 In the Yorkton dl.tric., Your choice of four farm.- ounWning len acres each : two with building. on and telephone. In the Iegun.wa,ngWill well on ewer terns. Inform•.fon regarding the Yorlcountry cheerfully gi.'en. J. It. 111 OUSE FOR SALE. -ON BR11A N ▪ 1 NIA mad ; all modern convenience*, In good condition, goid motley Tor further particulars apply to J. H. R(14ERTSON. LIOR SALE. -A VERY DESiR- 11 ABLE lot on West street, clow to tine Omture. Apply to DICKINSON t 0 ARROW. L'ARM FOR MALE. -PART OF Wook U lake road east, Colborne town- 'Mp, two mliee from Ooderloh. 1.50 acre's, good day loan, brick holt.., barn 36 x 67, with cement mobiles. arte.Mn well, water In build inge yredeerin creek, r sora standing Umber !Memo {filed Apply 0 C. C. MccN.0 I1. UO(JHE FOR SALE. - A NINE ▪ retained frame dwelling, hexing it good situation, on Keay..trert. (atone foundation and .nmmer kitchen. good .she. Will be sold reasonablIFor further particulars apply to Mint. WY. MoCAUGHAN,41 laves ave.. Toroot 2P tf YOUR COURSE • in rilsortMtd or B.vinees will being you best result. if •ken at our old• reabllshed sod thoroughly reliable school, Winter Term begin" Jan. Ith_ Catalogue free. BRITISH AMxa- 1(: AN Btrsldraa COI.1.gia, ;:eotrwl Y. M. C. A. Building. Toronto. THE STERLING BANK OF CANADA Haan Oman AUT olitzsD OAe1TAI. ToaosTo • $1,000,000 INWRPORATED BY SPECIAL ACT or DOMINION PARLIAMENT TO RECEIVE DEPOSITS To acoommolate the Farmers we have opened Branches in the villager of DUNGANNON, AUBURN, VARNA and BAYFIELD. We solloit the Patronage of the FASM114 SALE NOTE. DtWOUirrsn. Highest current rate of interest, paid in out. RAVINGS BANK DEPART- MENT on depodta of 51.00 and upwards °ODSRICH BRANUIM A. N.OAN1nUA ManAger. Notice. - 1kTOTICE TO INVESTORI.-THE L executors of the weal, of the late George Acheson have derided to offer the whole *sate for mala The property conei.Le of real Witte. debentures. Frauds and .lurks. Perles wi.hl,g to Invest in any of the above 0111les can get full particulars on Replica: 1 he exelutor+. Mita. KLI_A ('. AcnseoN, Rxecutrlx. J. P. Dames 3 Executor• WILLIAM Ac11aeON Dederick. Der. 5th 11117. Public Rosie.. -- •�STGTICE.--THE PUBLIC HEALTH la AI aro( Ontario require. that ,All protons o. er as,• of 311,- 'ntho must be tacclnated and that parent. are I1,ble to a Ano and convictioni for (Allure to comply with such regulation+. The ne-tical health Darer w t11 JO iu lila ditto on t 4.e fled 8,Uirday afternoon of a,deh 1000th at 2 oaloek or the free vadcinetion of vensrts attending for+n,n partioee. A. C. HUN TER, Medical Health °hoer. APPLICATION TO PARLIAMENT. -Notice le hereby given that an implies, tion -will be made to tits Leeielatnre of 410 trop ince of Unterin at the next .nasion thereof for 'apart changing the name of 14, Ontario Wes,% Share Kleetric Railway Company to The Hnarlo Wed, Shore Railway Lerman'', and declaring valid a certain eontrect bid ween the melA company and The Maitland River Power ('nmlwny Limited, whereby the latter--eeuap- any LM .gt'eod to .apply to the former comp any light. heal and power for the period of thirty year. from the nest of July. 1140, and approving and ou frming a certain Indenture dined flet May. IAOW, het ween The Ontario West. whore FJectrir itallwny Company end The ToronO Lien,-nJ Trusts ('orpromtloa„ and the bonds authorized to be leered as therein rsentlonled.-THE ONTARIO WKMT SHORE KLF.I'TRII' it4II,IVAY ('lMl'ANY. Dated at T0rebto this '22nd day of December, 444et NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that sir application will be made to the ppwrilim,mt r f ('welch at 4h. next '4e.elon by the St- Marys & Wader's Ontario Railway Comp- any for an dot to amend the sal of Il.ov(eora- 140,, of the company by nt gtcins the company power to construct the following line,. of rail- way lay Kron the city of Woodstock. in the °purity of oxford, to tine cit y et Brantford the comity of Brant. Bbl From a point at or near Ibo town a NI. Marys to a point a1 or near the city of ate&• ford. In the e,unty of l'un h. Oct From it point onF main line between the town of Y1. Mary. and the village of Exeter In a northerly and westerly direction through the counties of Penh and Heron to a pointor points on the (Heidi and (iorlerich lallway Int worn the village of Milverton and the town d Ooderich. Id) From a point on its train line at or new the tllhure of Exeter to a pps'olnt on Lake Huron at er near Ihe harbor of Mrand Rend : and for other and further powers. J. W UIKARAM. • Secretary, St. Marys, Ont. 11,1,1 January 12)54, 1WO . 31 5t SHAVING PARLOR 'MEW BARBER 24110P -J HAVE AI opened a shay on Wait abet. In the stand fonuerly occupled by J. Nichol.mt hardware uaerchxot, where shaving. haircutting and all other tonsorial work will be olteoded to In the 1004 up-to-date fashion. Having had wveral rears oroartwasa w ties 114Wnsee 1,e Cao Leas two year; In the city of flue[ph, l can guaran- tee drat -dna Sark., A call solicited. 11. (a. MULHOLLAND. Notice to Creditors itDVBRTI$RMENT POR CREDI- TORS. l'ut•-wnl to ajndgutent of the l 4gh rourt of Justice made In the matter of the iodate of William Jones, deeau,e.l, the creditor. of WIC.. lia,n Joes, hate of the township of Colborne I. the county of Huron, who died In or about the month of December. 1912, are on or before the 1st day of Starch, 14489. to send by poet prepaid 0 Lofts. E. 0..n,ey, of Goderlch, Ontario, the solicitor fon the executors of the raid deceased. their ('hrt.ti.n names and surname-., addresses and descriptions. the full part:culara• of their claim.4 a statement of their .erurltiue, and the uature of the wcuritles Alf any held by them : or in default thereof they will be peremptorily excluded trout the Inman of We said ludic ment. Every creditor holding any security I- to produce the same before me, at my chain bete at Uodericb, on the Ith day of Metal, 1910. at eleven o'clock m the forenoon, hirtngYhr time appointed for adjudivat ion on the claim.. Dated this 13th day of February, 1110. •'44. 1,. WALE. - Local Mader. u.n . - - Auction Sales. PJBt .x.. lu'.t, . ,1..11 y 5:1 a, 5 08,0.. wad is .. 1h* ctenfug :. Ilolaladls, mattresses an, .1 - n one knitting machine with them cyl .dere ani ribber, one Enfield rifle, one bath tub. wo wt., of harne-s, Memo 314 odd roll. 0 !nein and sill paper, six fancy parlor lamp. we -hl machines, organ, kitchen en pb'yard: gritting odd Brut diehe., we.h 44.hce. 1,. po'e pie plata,', two keen of 11ai14, one new dog.ki' rent, one low wombat coal, one bureau. two -mall wh e rob;• for children, one teethe bef; one g. . Mohr carriage, odd chairs, and P. number ofo. er tbl11ge that -will oome In be- fore aaturda Send in the articles you have to ee11. We nee selling anything and every thing for any r0person or every ',mon who wiehee 0 put aclse In the sale. Sales ever, Mteeds,' at the ACCrIoN Hous. IlamllLou /greet, Ooderich. Upas Bscsarr, Anabfooee. LOCAL TOPICS. Home Circle Installation. The following (Arent were installed on jllundayeeight in the Hume Circle for the yetis. 19U I)-7 -bender, d. E. Toni ; vice -Smiler, J. 11. Wut•.wll ; secretory, E. A. Pennington ; treasurer, 8. E. Hick ; financial setretery, Mire. War- nock ; chaplain, Mrs. Studdur•t ; mar- shal, Miss -M. Murray ; W., MIs. Mc= Demerit int ; G., M. Carl ; sen., A. Clark. • Notice for Teachaya, . Toy uniform promotion exawiva• tionstir the publiq schools of Huron will be held on April 1st. $ad and 5t11. Papers will be sent out fur Junior and senior second. junior and senior third and junior fourth classes. Taachere are requested to send a postcard at once to the public school inspector, stating the exact number of pupils to write is each. cleat._ _ The.. parcels .-cru:_ taming the papfere will let sent to the teachers by Meech 27th. To Enlarge the Hospital. The inempirul melting of the uewly elected trustee hoard of Alexandra Mar- ine and liencral Hoopital was held on Monday afteruuon in Judge Holt's chawhers, when the following officers were -lv. te-d s--Harreidetrt; --Hae-!Ione, Judge Holt; vice president, His Honor Judge Doyle; treasurer, C. A. Nairn ; secretary.. 11. E. Hodgens, After as .dievuseit*D it was deckle i to je it has* e portable bath for the use of thehospi- tal, and to complete the operating room by putting in tile floor and panelling. The matter of erecting an additional wing to provide anddch-needed accom- modation for both nurse and patients was takers up and finally referred to a committee to report at the next meet- ing. Comets Temperance Convention. , Thursder preceding.. tical Friday (.kpriI SLIM has been selected as the date for the Huron county temper once convention to be held in Blyth. it promises to bo one of the most im- portant temperance conventions ever held in the county. as the question of the "abolition of the Lar" from, eyeiy municipality of the county n •t now under local option isen he, esmeidered. Jos. Gibson, of Ingersoll, president of the Ontario Alliance, Bae peen secured to sppa*F, wino Nei. IT T.1 McKeri•.sdf of Lucknow. as well as local men. Delegates are expected from all the. •hurehes of the county and repues- eentatives from the various temper- nce societies. The railway will give -..a ffe fare for the return trip for chic .Late tall• usual Easter Jatea). High Tea at Knox Church. There was :a Targe al lend once at the high tea given by the ladies of Knox 'hurch on Thursday evening lair, and he mem •I,)11 Wa+:a very enfoyeirle and uccessfnl nnee1 eve. y respect. 'Phe aides laid in the school.rooin p1 u- .•ided it very ar,petizing billof-fere, the ladies autply waintaining Alter remotion in this inspect. • Alter horougghly enj,tying the generous 1'wpptrtatlity of tea table' the large :athrring was entertaTnedby aTrter- pry and musical program, during the presentation of which the pastor of he church, iter. Jee. A. Anderson. Iischerged the duties of els .3, nem. Keading@ were given by t: : Jas. Hamilton, G. F. Blair anal Mex -War. nick, a recitation by Master Keith Walker, a vocal solo by Mrs. Antler - on, a piano duet by Metes (}race Warnock and Retia Clark, and piano otos by J. E. Jordan and Mis- % rima Wilbon. The Indies of Knox church •re to lie congratulate upon the Nor- ress of the event, which was enjoyed try a very large number. 1�1 1l�f0RTOAGE SAtat,. I'unmant to the power of .ale contented ie mortgage iamad i by JohnNrBride, 1 will ode for sale, by Thomas Gundry. auctioneer, et chi Colborne hotel. in the town of liodorlcb. or SATURDAY, M*I0 U nCll. A. D. tan, at t2 o'clock noon, the following valuablv property : PARCICL 1. Being compos d, of the mirth t wentyd.'ur aero* of the south part of. lot three and the north half of the south Cory serer of the west half of lot two, both to the fourth ,once --tun, western division of th• township of A-htlrld, cunalning in all forty four acre. more or lee.. Thin land 1Pi all cleared and In a fair stat 0 cultivation. The soil ie a heavy clay loam e the front and wnIewhat lighter tie it ap preaches the rear. . The b•aildlnl; . const -t of a small frame ho.tse a frame barn 341x511 net on blocks and w leant, enable thitty.Avc feet long. All In fair condi tion PAs. F.I. '' Heins composed of village lot. ,awl to 4: tieluslve, aur thu-8e4 Nide of Uurol ,treet and lot• In In 1: Incl'isIve: on the ea. .Ids of Helen street, all In the village of I'or Albert. committing about eight and one -hal, acre. In01•e or Inas. The bul'ding. cond.t M a small frame house Immo horn tittle, net on block+, cow ah). and shod •2:x:12 with etone foundation. and one pig pen tlxIM All In fair condition. TERMS OF NA I.F..-Ten per emit. on the day of sale and the balance within thirty ,ley. thereafter when the 1.nrcha.cr will be entitled to a oonveyaurc and let into poone■•lou. If desired immediate powesslon can be ob- seined. Both of tl,o .aid parcel- will be pet up sub- ject to a r,aerve.l bid. tither torne and condi- tion, will be Renounced at ..In, For further tarllcular. apply 0 the under [acted Ole ?eh days of FohrowrrX: fBAY lh 1N,tt RUCIrFUII OT. AYtl t NBLA 3,Mde THOMAS ifUNDRV, Auctioneer. (1YNOPSIS DV (-ANADI AN I7 N')1tTHWI*ST LAND ItlOULATIONS. Any person who le the sole heal of a family, or any me over le years ol4, may hn,nn.tea({ al a nunrtereed ion of nvailehle Dominion land In Manitoba. 8eeket.ehewan nr Albertan The applicant murk appear In person at the I0ndn• Ion Lamle Agency or Nub Agency for the . betriet, Entry h `.roxy may be made at any agency. on cerin condition'', by father, smother, son, danghter, brother or Aster of Intending homestender. Ihltlee Hu mont.ho' re.ldence upon and (mitt Tinton of the lend In each of three year.. A homesteader may live within nine nabs. of hie homestead nn a tarn, of et least. 6) acres ▪ nlely owned and napier[ A him or by Bin (ether, mother, mor. de,ghter, brother or .inter. Roo'! In (attain dl.t.rinte a homeet.eder in standing may preempt it interne. 'incline Mongg++IAo hie homestead. frier &len per erre. l)ntiee Mn,t. reside .Ix menthe In each of isle years from deb, M hom.Mawl entry Ilnelndtng the time reenlred to earn homeeteA.i latent! and cell.[ rate flay aero• mitre. A homesteader who Bae 111Mn4d his home . lead right and (anent obtain a preemption may eke a ppnreheawl hnmeet.wd In mortal,. MM,rlotA. Pries, $tm per were. thole. Mn -t. made Mx months In earl1 of three years (vitt rate fifty were anti erecta hone. worth PSI (10. W, w' ((MY. Tlapnt of bo IMinister of the Interior, v Nir54 a$ w1E at 10tor.tor.on of MN 64 AUCTION MALE VALUABLE !''ARM PROPERTY IN THE TOWNSHIP OF COLBORNK, IN THE MATTKIt OF THE ESTAT14 Or WILLIAM JONES. DECEASED. J)Ng8r.,JONFkt, Poirot ant the Judgment node in this action beano date the 9th day of February, 4200. there ail he ,old with I.he nppprol»Miou of II. 1, Doyle, Require. Master of lhl. (Court at (;rdorlch hy George Beckett, auctioneer, at Miller'., i1otel In the t Mage of Carlow, at the hour of 2:7) o'clock in the afternoon nn the MT11 DAY 1)F MARCH. 19114, the following land and prem[. e. In one parcel, vh : Lots number one fn the ninth conrewlon, western divi.iw, of the town.hlp of Colborne. In the county of Ilumn, rontnlning one Bun• Brad neer. of lend. more or leas, save end ex- ect one acre thereof hertanfore wild to the p ter and chases l:om n Wend Huron Better company, wed the south halt of the east halt of lot number two In the tenth oonea,.-ion, western ItH- son of the did township of Colborne, ronain- Ing Iwent y live acme of land. more or ler. on I it one Is merlins[ n Finnie Molise and kllchen in gond repair. Also n large bank hers with -tone Peindallon, driving house .table and hog pen. There 10 riles on this lot n net er faging aprinu giving ample ,nppdy of venter &11 :he rear round. (hi lot two there 1+ a I trgr het,, with +tune foundation 'I he .oil 4.4. gnr,l. rich clay loam. Th^ property will be offend for salc .ab,ierl w'a re.ertc hid which ha. been fled hy the bid Mader. And whew ,tih.lenl tea I...e which exppires on the let. day of April, tele. Tease nv Rem In per ren[.. of the per rheas money shell he raid In ra.h upon the day of the aide and the halanee .hall be laid hythe pnrrher within thirty day. there. titter. wn 14 all other re.neet.. the term. and onndl Horn of ale will be the standing conditione of the High (hurt of Jinn le., f,w Ontario. Further p ert.lrilar- ran be hid from Loft,,. IC Merry, .nrlettor, (Ioiorioh, .ollrltor for the f ireeappntn. of from (t. O. Cameron, R"n . K.('., OoAerich. Dated wt (}plerloh thin 13th day of Fobro- ars. MN. "B. L DOYLE,' *1.11 lana! Master. rendered by :b. t.illowing young [llees foiuiers : Mines Ev.i Somerville, AUe. hide Nairn, Dorothy Eli., Aluelie Urtel, Evelyn McLe.tn, Dori. McGaw, Lilian Edward, Not in 1Vhitely, Mebel Lloyd, (hits rule Porter. [Aura Pries, Mab Baker, Hole Halliday. Mary Davitl«nt, Loewe KllsoU, Carrju Orah'un and Doris 11aya. Business Notes. Henry Homey is going heist the Hour and feed bueinest and the pre- miers next to 1). Mtuddarl'e harness stlbp on Hamilton street are being fitted up for the purpose. The store OOi 1Vebt -street-tormerty occupied by Jabtwr Nicbolbt+n liar been partitioned off and nue-hall will be used as a huller shop try 11. 0. Mulholltiud,,whore awnounceweut sp- peat•s in our advertising coluwus *his week'. Alterations are in prowess at the British Exchange' hotel which will provide two additional sample roowe at -the reerwf the-dining•room. A stairway at Wilmer Smlth'e store is being moved to. crake additional room in the trent of the b;oye. Robert Holmes' Appointment. The xppointeneut of !tithe,' I(oltpes, editor of The Clinton New Era, to the position of .ury eyor.nf customs at To- ronto is announced this week. Mr. lfwmes * s West i cutin in the 14,411ninion Parlia- ment for five yearb, being elected in IMO at a bye -election to succeed the .Into III.. L:. Gaaseaaai. --[Jia -waw 44044• elected at the general election of 10484. He has been Dot• many years one of the leading politicians of Huron on the Liberal side, and .116(4 as a prominent member t>f the Huron county presto hr has been • in the public eye for it lengthy period. Ile is still in the prime of life,- however, and will be able to do ample j.uNtice to his new duties. While congratulating hien upon hie appointment, his friends in this county will regret the severance of 'the *lose and pl.asant relations they have had with him. and erpeci ally in the town nt C,inWu •Mr. itolwee and his ex. Dole family will be greatly 'nosed. 'Phe position to which Mr. Holmes has been app,inted carries with it a sal try of $2,11*0. 4... Lieut.-Coienet-Yo*m a Retirement. e ordsd Oiie work noMililirwr:er cb4wgxersis.inue[lye_COIUr an,lau- of the *Sol Regiment. • (.ieut,•Cul. Young'a term of five years es C1.111- mending officer expired eriwe mote 411k ago, and he now retires and is trans- ferred to the reserve o[ _officers. The 'yew conlltu-udiitg.officer is Lieut. -Vols Alex. Wits in. of 8'afor:h. who has teen the rfilrient senior wxjnr of the iegiment. LirurL3hr1._ Yuuut retiree with the goodwill of the whole reyri- Inept in which he It 44, taken 110 'Ie. -pan interest for many years.. During his Iran in command be has beet, very popular with the officers and men o[ the various companies and h a g brrnt'bt his regiment to a high Mtate of emeienry. It is quite within the mirk to easy that he haw done a great deal to popularize the militia- in this coun- ty and to give the Heron regiment a high ---standing - in ices orteera at--tbn people of the county. Another announrement in the mil• itis order. just i -sued. is of (oral in- tersest, though the date. mentioned in- dicate that it is "sewn' fluty in a mili- ter),eenOe. It i1. ss fglloe'e "Cmpt-tTii W. T1. -Gunder, 3ird Regi- ment, attended the School of Musket- ry, Myth... England, from the 14(11 October• to the 22nd November,. 1902. qualifying with ,Tistiuetioe, t. e., Qualifir(1'-'1)istinguished' at tholx- amination held MI the 'land nt NOV- e,ryher, 1141re." . McKay-McDonatd. The residence o11dr. end Mor, Mal- 'olm 'McDonald, Quebec s' met, was he scene of h festivity yesterday. in the r(•cnsiun of the marriage 'of .heir youngest daughter. Miss ('hris- enx. to Robert MeKay, of the fishing ug 'Two Me.k6." ' Rev. James A. knderson performed the ceremony at high noun in the prciener of about eventy-five guests. The bride was, whir',,' in a beautiful costume of white taftela over white silk. with pleear! tri 111111pigs, and carried a bouquet of •Bite roses, anti the hridretnaid, Mise Katharine McDonald, of i)etroit, won', white net over white taffeta, in the lirectnire style, with irate blue sash au4. l*1wllr ga. Donald McDuu• old, Cousin of the ride, WAS the lest ,uau. The house decorations were of cut flowers and palms. The bride wee given away by her father and the wedding march was played by Mrs (Captain, Angus McDonald. The grooms present to the bride was a pair of cult -links and to (he brides- The honeytunon trip includes a visit to runlet° fond tit her -point*. 'the --happy sou le leavin_g nn the ':40 e. m. train wishes. Recital by Mr. Jordan's Pupils. At .a recent recital of 141r. Jordan's pupil* at the Goderlch College ..f Music an interesting -program wee cos dale FOR SALE. -PURE MAPLE 8111{- 17)' 11.311 a galleon. Also p maple .y1ar Man orders filled. AddeoT0MAs uIAddeo.,I4 Benmiller. I13dt 1 /iOH �HALE. 1 3 h. p seeoli,.e engine. 1 3 h. p. steno. engine, 1 boilermaker s Minch, f net bending roil. 1/0r.rnokeslmek works, . I blecionnith's drill Iran he used by Bend or with power,. tt blacksmith a bellows. - Seamhteg will be mold cheep. Apply to JAMES A. SrItA,HAN, s . (.norstea ('remote. Two Presentations. Cutler .the' feint_ -atieviced.-of_.the choir end the Chi ham Endeavor Mo- del y of Knox church a delightful en• tertainnueet was given on Monday eve'ing ins the school -loom of the Munch. The psalm. Rev. Jas. A. An- derson. n. presided while ?tri excellent program was-rdudered, including vogml solos, by Mrs. Hu •gins, Alis. Ortel and -Miss Adelaide Nairn; vocal .Inset. by Misses Smith anti Urtel. And Miss McVittie and Mr. Jordon ; read- ings by 11rs. J,nden. Miss Florence Yuung and Mr. "Blair ;'a violin solo by Miss Heinicke; 'piano restos by Mise Eva Somerville and Mie* McDonald, anti piano duets by Miss Dyke and ale Jordon, end MissesSolnervilleand I.:d I4, The clotting number of thls pro- gram was arhornt by the choir, Miss McVittie taking the solo part, and this was immediately followed by a double presentation. With a few fitting remark+ Appreciative of Mr. Cuter; services in the choir, the chairman presented to him, on hehalf of the choir, a handsomely -bound book of Songs as a prize for the most faithful elterldanLte arthe choir meet- ings during the past year. Mr. Cott reeptlndtet to a- neat madness. Then Moe Jordao....oa behalf Of. -tlta_a;httit'. prtFe1Ptitrot-ttritIfie--Mi V9[ffi(`lttittlit handsotue volume if sing's in ref -emit - tion of her Invaluable assistance in the service of -song in Knox church. accompanying the presentation with a well.merltel tribute to Mists MC- Vittle for her unselfish devotion to the interests of the choir, end her unfailing cheerfulness in giving her men -jeep, which were of inestimable galio to the choir and the church. Both pre.entatione were greeted with warm applause by the audience. Re- freshments followed, and a very pleasant soviet evening tees brought to n close. Poblio RoUos. 1 N THE SURROGATE COURT OF 1 THItcOUNTY or RURON: IN THE MATTER or THE (l'ARDIAN- SH11' Ur TRE INFANT CHILDREN or NORMAN 04'1.1001), LATE 010 Title TOWN OFOOI)419H0. 014 THE COI: STY 00' NCHON, ('(s)PRR, D4G'EASfin. Not Ire 1e hereby given that she nndrnlgnest heve implied to the Surrogate relief ef the roanty of Herm. foo • grunt '1f lrttr. of ll i.ritianrhlp to t4,, {perretin. rind 00141101 0( Hnh.rt at,.),Ingtoe Melaad, Norman Peter Me Le •d and 4'r, a 51 • I.ne1 Ile infant hltlren of Norman Mrlr el, Into n1 the town of 41 ode- rich, In the.nnntpp of Ilnren. temppeer. dn.ra+ed. Ills'1LI V14)N t (4 % RR(1W, Solicit ere for Margatl•t Anthrrlanl noel ('hs l.ty Ann McIver. applle.ntn. 1 Dated IBM twenty third day of 4',brnari, A. 14, IAO. N1 of the present generation- Mr. Fer- guson also dealt forcibly with the great question, Ci1111i1ent:Ind his ad- ilt-..s with the declaration of hie belief that %bib century will be differ-ent from the last in the development. of I lie spirit of uusedfist11yes• and in the wore active e0-tl84erat1i41 of hy men roll women with tile pastors in the work of the chnr,•h. The call of Christ to His followers to "go forth and teach all nations" laid a emceed obligation upon all Chtistiaus to hear the Gospel news to (boss who need it, and it must los .dare in this genera-. tiin: Dr. Dougall "followed in a few earnest wotria, expressing thi-Tiupe that North street wild,' 1e• to great mission:uy church. The layuren if the church wet-• thea invited to est - press their Views in the matter, and es the result of smitedLruesioe a motion was putted- that the church pledge 11 - self to raise the *41111 of gial. Tbis sum is largely in exeets of the-previ- ons missiotiery giving. of the church, LOCAL TOPICS IN BRIEF. Alteration. in prugre.. at Wilmer nIIh's art .ore will allow of bettor display of as teeny hanao 4ste 1d ... ran Fancy work and ant euppltee. picture fronting, etc. March the ties[ w ay 1 0,k like a lino or a lamb. we rant te11 'yet Out If you c your yid ore taken at Sallow*' studio it is u became that is the kind of photo he a "Whatsoever a man wreath th, .hall he aim reap] . For example' If the .ewing is done at F. J. 1 Ifdham s tailoring shop, the ,• u.tmucr !cope the satisfaction of pared -tlt• tinge anuenr.;'be'ih'rc'14�6l'tri't citaile perfect werve t*Lely can't pr./du c e any other kind of harvest. T',o (1, T, 1(. is putting out et rife time .•.ud, showing the time of arrival r. ...-,. Before of ail trains. at the Gnderich station. ' The Ooderich branch of the Sterling Hank has just heeded a new eard telephone directory of the town. This periodical courtesy -ef the Ster- ling Bank is much appreciated by telephone eubycriberd and ie w goof advertisement for the Bank. MR. LLOYD IN REPLY. Missionary Banquet. The inauguration of the laymen's missionary movement in Ooderich was the immtnion of a noteworthy schoolroom in the schoolrooof North street Methodist church an Friday evening last. Thin gathering had been &evenged t, take the form of a Banquet, at which nearly one hundred men, including clergymen and laymen representing Dearly ell the churches of town and some of the nearby country churches., sat down to a re. - past which was very s*tisfying to the loner man. The better part came afterwards, however, whet. Rev. 11r. Dougall, acting as chairman, intro - The Signal is in receipt of the lowing letter frotn Rey Lloyd, of G,derich O. H. A. team :. DEAR SIH, -1 notice In The Star the reports re Stratford anti (Ioderich hockey game in London, censuring we. I think this is Unbtir..._Fur the benefit of my friends 1 write this ex- planation. I admit that I was not up to fore but there were others P111111.11,71v as p . a• myself that night, and 1 %Link th •y are trying 1.0 /bolter thetl>setveo 1. tputting the iesp,•n+ibility on elle. As o the different reports wh1dtl Are citrulated around -_town, they are untrue. I went to London on early t rain, 7:10 a. m., an. I had h41sinese to transect with' other whoh•aatr dealers there and tl gilt 1 could snake the one trip do for loth, this. mixing Wei - nese with pleasure. Atter dinner 1 went to Frsser'n hotel, got a room and retired until 4:31 p. m., getting up to meet the Onderieh special. I met a couple of lady 11ieids iu the buret who accompanied me to the station. waiting there*- freta -fere -4Th until the arrival of the, epeeist train. 1 met many supporter. from. O(eleHeit and asked theta about the team, as I wanted them to stop at the Fraser House. .As regards the report that l was late. I might say -that i eastenay and walked down to the rink with the team. After arriving there 1 (1'41041 that the trainer had' taken Buy sup - poi te up-poite out of 111)' show*, before getting the skate« sharpened the previous day. and hast left Name in hockey box. It. McDonald ran up tit the hotel to get then[. I thought it better to take a man off the oppnaing team. rather than go on myself without supporta, after being used to wearing theta. I regret to hear that there west con- siderable money lost on the game, but think it wan negligence on the part of the team in not playing on the defen- sive the last ten nrinutar nt the game that lost it. 1 challenge any hockey delegation, nr any person in town, 1e, prove any fault on my part in Paid gams' and will meet them al any time or place. and if necessary will give a eat16fact0ry account of all my pro- eetslinge that (lay. !loping this reply will alert with your approval, 1 11, main, Yours respectfttly, R. Lime°. AN OPEN LETTER. To Our Many 4 n,tomete I. Town and Sar- - tons nee country. We beg to announce that we have nu intebtion of leasing Goderlch or geitting hll.inewe herd a. has been falsely reported. Cur new goods for summer are bought and are on the way and aa 600 ae we can clear ant our proaent stork and renovate the building from top to -bottom -we will open up on as huger itinttler141ffrljr. fol. the NEW ADVERTISEMENTS -Feb. 26th Fags Cacilc Coast Kscureloue-0. 1'. It -' Iteadrr-l;. T. R a:oawbk id . Co Jrrwy ('mul ah dee-M New Style. in Eye -plebes-- W Twenty ate T.a.•ht:rv- t'ullclio Sottisen.' l'rala+-4 . P. N : w Veteran Serie noT Signal 1 Knitting The Nlgn*I 0441ou. . .. y 1't„ Il ion.%Voide1 -The Signal tattoo ,. ,. 1 tt .u.hln�� M,u•hloe, Howell Hardware Apermit Mai Wanted -Mrs. Fellow For the rravcller-U. St. Klllott , 1 Mortgage sale-Proudfoo, Hays & Blank Hooke and Memorandums --.NM Porter, (lanoline I. eglnee_ Et-,. Pur.. sot. _ J.. Ntra•hrn . , 1 New Spring Suite Ord`Oveteoata -Waiter C. I'r.dhaut Maple :Syrup and Sugar -'11,,s. limes Ben- udllcr The His Eire aiaya-(:a rue & Moore '1'o Our Many Uu.tomer- (Meerut, d'. !louse I New Coal Yard -D. F. (falai Ink Sample White 81,derwear Hat,rrne Bros.. x Ite.uler.-l'. 1'. It, .. . . Furui, err- Geo. Johnston Hoy'Vant(d- Worselle Hardware 1 Notice to hebto.w - •J. Il. '.4 or.eU t tlos-.,.,1 Monneltwelle_.0 Tin,... CI, o t`, t,otr=t- Atielion Sale. -!'hos. Uundry New Herber 8hoe,-H.M. \tui holland , ... .,1 Hou., for Sale - Niguel (dice. ,1 Notice re titterdlan.hll'-Dlckia.on*IL O r - Y NOUS reports have seise been circulated that we were giving short weights in our grocery department. The origin of them' reports cen ertaily be guessed at (not any of our Mende, we cgs as- sure you). We are therefore offering 5141 reward two any person proving that WP"are giving short weight+ and *to reward will iet given to any per- son giving information that will lead to the (Nlnvietion of any person circa-. dating such reports. We are Indeed sorry to use such. drastic measures in Suppressing such maliel otic and mieleeding report+. Since coming here we Have built up a r•eptltttinn for honorable and honest dealing and we wili not at tide time have our reputation trampled under font ; hence the reward offered. ^ Thanking our many ruetonrerw and friends for the iib -cal support given us in the pent and regretting very h the inconvenience caused et the resent time in eccounl of our recent present by fire, bat asMuring you that (hie inconvenience will le very short-lived. we are, Yours very truly, ('.tslplu,, fi Moons. ANNOUNCEMENTS. 1nwber Chance is m uncement . { Auction :• Jr -ileo. 1'iano }'uning -A. 8 Stolon It Rich l'Inn Iteader - IMre,wiud l melee reeve. T7t: ro'r Board %Vented- Signal Iliahc.t !'rice for I'.aalo.- t. tt.. • .... .... ......... Urocerie,-111. 1. Mefflsb 6 Beckett 1.. 4 kelt. 1 bier rad • ----i1Netimen Cattle The second annual sale ei hulls, heifers and young caw held,at Clover Lea Stock Fru Ripley. on Thursday March 11 at 2 o clock. Ruaeel M.Heed k the proprietors of Clover Lea F have a herd of shorthorns of Judi, feel merit headed by their Isom imported stock bull, Gulden Crum, Vol. 53. This animal is by Mpion Kip, hy Touchstone, is a l'iestkebenk ltrawtb Bud bull of 'superior quality. Fernier* lutist recognize that short- horns are again bringing the highest price and that this Pale will give theta a gond opportunity to secure the beet- le ed annuals as a nucleus to a herd. Parties desiring to attend the sale will be driven from Ripley to the Dane. Teams will meet 1304n train= day ut sale. Those arriving at Ripley on the night before will be taken to farm in the *nothing. -- _ .._... Gentlemen Who Are Bald. hurthorn still Ale 1, near 111110, Investigate and bee for yourself the art covering in wig.. and toupees. Prof. 1)urenwenal patent toupees are now worn on over 90,00) beads hy all teasers in all stations of life. In this particular .tincture the ven- tilation is perfect ; ate light as a feather ; ie securely ad,jilted to the tread :earn -be cntnhrd just as your own hair ; they make any roan look ten years younger, besides the pro- tection you get from caterl•h, colds, nenratgla, enc. Cali and see them at the Hotel Bedford, Ooderich, Friday, March 5th. 1 u" -d Mn C. it. K4'enley.ide, Ft. A..Ynu ran become a contractor with lis U., of London, and W. J. Fergu- me in one rninhte. (Igo. Itecite:Tr, eon, ex -Mayer of Mtrntfor.l, and when Auctioneer. these gentlemen gave earnest and en- Oyster•, served in all -tyles : ice lightening addreeeee on the great rn-am hrb'ks, confectionery and theme of the laymen's illusionary rigwre. C. HLACKRT0*F, Went street movement. Mr. Keenleysido In a restwnrant. very clear and arrrinetmanner ex- Mtt. A. HTI.KNI.RK, piano tnn.'r for 'drained what Wan involved in the 11einlzn,an and other*, is In town. effort for which the le'mm'a mme Orders left with F T Rutland drug No Change of Cars going-trreire Worth west by tie - Otsn. adieu i'acific direct line. Trains make fent t' , no changes en route, no transfers or customs exawinations. Thu route is nttrnctiJe and interest- ing. -- Hating the short line, the C. P. It. -eels- the --standard for low rates. , Special settlers train service dining March and April. Ask agent for particulars. 35.31. The Voice of Flattery. A newspaper nran, connerted with one of the leading daily newapapere of Ontario, writes : "i might say that i find The Signal growing bright- er every day, and it Is without doubt the hest weekly sheet in Ontario." AUCTION SALES. FHIDA y, February :711th.-('learin` auction wile of farm el.ek. Implement. end household furniture. Property of Jne4{p,h Curry, lot 37, ronWw,iw, 0, (luderlch township. No redo -s. I'roppriet.w hoe sold the tern. TIIoMas GCit. Day, auctioneer. MON par. March let.-- At 20'i:deck, at the mei. dente, Int No, 130, St. Dat -Id • street I lot, onus little Bonne and all the hou.ehold urni- 'tire and nlfect. Further {articulate from Wit.ui1I J. Jx11 RLI.. proprietor, or G. W. 0*1 45TT, auel.laneer. MONDAY, March 4t. MI 2 n clock. at the rel• dense., N0. 130 S(. David. amet , opposite Alt. Nlcholeon'e, ail the household furniture sed the property.. Everything to be e"ld. M pro. Wenn in leaving fur North Dakota. The will. be sold at 3 o'clock. ALL s64 prole -tette. 0, %V. 8.c,'14,TT. MOW tloneer. TvasD*v, Maroh _nd, -Auction sale *f stook and Implomente at lot 15. conemettlf West Waw•noeh, comniencing at 1 o'olook.' Davie Fnwt.ee, pmerle'or. noMa6 (WIN. Dar. auctioneer. RAT1'HI,A Y. March 42.54.-('ewrirg auction lade of Iwu,ehold furniture and tarnishing*, propyeerty of \Drs. 1'. N. Dunlap. at her re.ldenoe• bawd. street 44dotich, at til *clock sharks. T. G, -e tot v, a,rtioneer. weesaatAr. March DNB.-AuoUo, eel, of ait..t ..1... hennaed brh•k Motel, the Calmer - Md. in the village et Reynold, at I o clock hates: -Brie ewer: proprietor. Tnvs V7OR7, suede neer. F'HIis v. March 11 h• siert inn •ale of ferry stuck and implements. property of Mr. Finlay. cn)oe-.Ion 2, A.hncld. Timm .s G1 emir, sort inner. Tuseiti4. Maroh Itkh. - Auction sale of farm dock and Implement.., property of Thom. I;adrlifftat lot 1, cottee,wdon 3. West Wawa. nosh. Meryl hl g moat be dlspo,cd of, as Mr. Itmlrllll'Bae -old she term. TIMOM tit Ile ((nor, a y.l ionise r. Tut Ital,AO. Mardi Pelt, (leering auction 'sale ol'farm stock not lmplmnente. property pt F:rlmon,i -Lear, cnnee.don 13, Hallett. Unman Ot•NUHr. anetIonN,l. BORN. LINi)SA4.--111 (ioderlch, on Monday F'eb- rnary tete, to Mr, and Mre. Wm. 4.lnday, It '4011. 14144'1i.-ArtIFederirh,on Tee.day. February t'.trd, to Mr. end Mre. ('ha.. HI ck. a son. HUM Ilolerlch townnnlp, 1111 lVedneeday, Fehrnary 21th. to Mr. and Mr-. Janie. 4011. Di4TR1('IL- in Grderleh nu Saturday. Feb- ruary 1:1, h, to Mr. end Mr-. W. A. D r trach. a daughter. MARRIED. M*. KAY Ml DON A1,D -- In Iloderlch, on FVodne-'day, rebrnary 21th. at the reel• den'e of the bride'* parent.. Quebec at r, et, by Re.. Jae. A. Anderson H.A.. Robert. .'blest son of Donald and kin. Ma^Kay, to ('htlstrns, y unreel daughter of Maleolm end Mrs. McDonald. DIED. JUHNST')N. -In ftalertrh, ori Neter toy even. Ing. Fishman( 2 ah, John 11 Johnson, ,aced el rear, It month• and 10 eBay.. DRAY. --in oralerlch, on Mond ,y. Vetruery 'lied, Mrs. Albion 1(r..y, aged 72 rear-'. CART. -In tloletirh, on Wende Fru ebary 21.1, Annie, Mughter of M. tm�. DIETRI(1R. In fkwter'ch, m, Randal. Fehr., my 11141. Pauline (tribes, infant daughter of Mr. end Mrs W. A. ihetrich. ORAHAM. -In Mntlerirh. on Wednesday F,h• ,nary Jllh, Doneld Urah*m, aged ,el The funeral will take Muse from hl. Me neednoce, (.In.ee.ter Terrace, en aatnrAay. ment stens[, namely,, 41183 ev*ngqelizse Riot. will receive t'otn d. attention. , 2 0011 r c',,•N•r sen ne the hm..e al ton of the world- within the lifetime' Telephone 19. P 1 M.0 rd'•edlwefe sl �t -J. ne•Inrk P. ole, to