The Signal, 1909-2-18, Page 1[Read The Signal's Clubbing List on page 6 thie week. Send renewals and new subscnp tions byPostal Note, P. 0. or Ex- press Order, to The Signal BIRTY,OW OND TEAR -No. fcli nat. fr Renew Renew • 60DkatICH, ON l'1t1U , CANADA : FEBRUARY 18, 1909 Financial LOCAL TOPICS. THE STANDARD LOAN COMPANY We offer fur b, ' debentures blaring interest at FIVE per cent. per annum, payable ball -yearly. These debettturcr offer au alwoluttly safe and profitable investment, as the purchasers have for re•urity the entire assets of the (:one pany. Capital and Surplus Asw•ts - - 1111,340,0 00.011 Total Asses $9,600,41110.0) President: ALEXANDER SUTHERLAND Vice -President and Managing Director: W. S. DINNICK. Directors : RIOHT HON. LORD 8TRATIICONA and MOt'NT ROYAL, (.1. C. M. 'O., J. A. KAMMIHtER, DAVID RATZ. R. H. GREENE, HUGH S. BRENNAN, J. M. ROBERTS, A. J. WILLIAMS. • - - HEAD OFFICE COR. ADELAIDE AND Vicrtiat1A STN., TOW.INTO. Goderich Office, W. L. HORTON, MANAGER. NOT ICE TO ADVERTISERS - Copy of Change of running advertise- ments must be left at this office by Monday noon to ensure insertion in issue of same week. BOOKBINDING `- MAGAZINES, PERIODICALS and LIBRARIES bound or repaired,' GOLD LETTERING gd�rr pro pun LEATHEI3.'ROUD ami with THEmdIO NAL doderlr/hjn kav A. E. TAYLOR, SYnavetot GODERICH MARKETS. 'fHga.pay. Fcbruar 19th. FSB Aheat, per bush lir', Spring whs.u, per bush a s; te Rye, per bush 0 45 to Buckwheat. per bush 0 tit to Oata, per bush.. 0 II/ 10 Pena. per bd.b r r srLq 0 Ei Barley. per barb *14 44 e.'rr re ningr r ton , . :51 u/ t ..1 al our, hunllpyc per act r e, to 9 m flour. W 0t, per owt 3 In let 3 til Bran. per o0 94 eo (0 24 UY r:... 8hor4, r r ter . at W to 2•;Ut1 boa .d It to- Ii•s6 I� / W u sm But . %or lbw ^ 021 to 0.24 ler lb 0 IS to 013 fl, -h, per dos a 23 to 0 LI lie. eettr'v i to good per ewe 4 de M r 440 33 tile. v art , 430 10 . 3 , e4 a 1,AmIM ..-... r 5'La •y 60 Sheep. per owe,.,. �3 In to J 10 Hain. per lb s 1, to 017 bacon. per Ib 0 Li to • 0 911 Lard r I Tattoo. per lb Hides, tar eweF , 6 (4) e Sheap .kin;..,.. Chickens. • _ In to 10 12 1.o 14 -.40 5 LAL•weok• The Winner of the field. Auctioneer George Beckett had J1)2 rimes on hit list of chance -bikers fur the half -sovereign, rod when the lucky ber wet drawn on Satur- day ttfterutwn the winner was found i. to let Miss Roby A. Pentland, of Ilan - genitors. The four silver coins went to Choler Black, J. J. Foster. Mrs. U. U. Reid Ant Mrs. T. Pulley, of lawn. Lamp Upset. tiri Stturtay alreett eta -Mrs.' 0. J. Harder was entertaining ensue frirtu45, wheo A Iar,(e lamp War 1140444 , MIs. Ilarpet: a11eeeeded in - throwing he lamp out of the window and her friends gat. the blase pot out before it had done umch damage. The carpet Was somewhat damaged, the fringe of a window blind was burned and Mrs. Harper had her dress scorched. and h4 is descent from the window the Tamp o-eeowty. i j. au a passer.. by. Goderich Business College Notes. Mr. Uud,nundson, principal of (Ain. The Cold Storage Proposition, We understand that the bylaw to grant exemption from taxation and other eon&o ions to a culupatty turw- .d to erect a cold storage plant in town will not now its gut 'tied. The municipality 44 nut &(UW empowered by swine to ssalst an enterprise of this kind. Only manufactories and certain verified concerns can by Isw he *s- leeted ire the Provincial Municipal Ae now stands. This dura not maul the abandonment of a scheme to provide cold storage for liollerich. Wake Up, G. T. R.! The Brand Trunk Railway is not ins. proving it)1 renutation in the de- spatching of balite. On Tlniraday evening the hockey ''special" ter t'liu- tun Was titled to leave here a•- .7:10. It ;pettedly Inft'n. few Iuinutet le•fore 8.o'clock. Yesterday the special train advertised to leave at :i °lock for London went through a i erforu3aucc that thoroughly disgusted the pas- sengers. The "delay in starting was due )tidyy of'tau• nse, to the with of the Uoder1�r people to i the ailing a certain member of t he bunt who had nut intended making the trip and who was sent for after the train should Have you renewed your subscription to THE SIGNAL for rocs,/ Renew Resew VA -NATTER k ItOHERT'80N, PusLaKsss 0IB Mixings. College dw tog the week.... remelt' for other delay! along the line. u54 Miss Jessie Wratun spent Sunday at At Clinton Dicta mss a wait of over 0 121 her Louie in Bs),fleld Since halt an hour and the regular traits Christman the following pupils have south With all iWe,f 10 go aheed of the 5tfrr, ssKate . Yanatter,-oT�pertolt. Wtrtttr idle had to ..41tt fort 1" Applegate, Mich.: Mite V. Dalton, convenience of a freight train. It Kingsbridge ; Miss Celia Cunningham, was *lout 7 o'clock when London was r „ ( e reach and the h R•k Iw err had i tut t Albert ; Miss Tenn Yuun,s, (ilxle d. rich; Mr, . Laullllu.L . rs'rt LI�U1yjI11D11��,, to rush for their supper wdy(ben go Muskoka, and Mr. Marquis, lioderich. straight to the rink to play a Tisn1 Owing to the 'increase iu attendance Ranke. two new Underwood. Machines have b.wn added to the typewriter depart Sold Their Clinton Business. meat The Clinton New Sia of Taut wait The baptistSoc .- ' 'send: 'The asinointoeuent made elsewhere that Hedger's jll'Oi have K Card otTtb: LARD OF THAMES. To Mr PATRON., -.' Baying d pond of my Lu..tne. to Mr. %alter Her . I dedre iu sererina m7 connection wet you W thank you for your patronage in the pt ■od to an soltelt a continuance of ,,ho wt-ne for fey •tmeee.or. Y¢ur. truly. JOHN SHAW. Jadnt HOUSE TO RB, T. -000t) EIGHT - roomed house. with modern conveni- ences. warm and comfortable. convenient to Square, will be rented ata reu..onablo rue W good Le,woL For further particular, apply at THE S10NAI. OF'YICF.. Turkeys (lw+ide a.a Dressmaking. , f EARN 1)11Es4SMAKING.IN TWO •1J %'EEKd.-f teach everything from the Mittman .hint waist to the mist elabarato toil- ette that can be found in the fashion books. I teach you how to rut, fit and put together not only the Beteg bu4All the rater geode in east0. skirt.. waists, wrapper... children's dreeie.. etc. Why .pend your shim At A dresomaking nhep where ou do nothing but hem. overcast. sew nl w ole The musical. and literary 11.eCe8iltate Ilia_ rrtngyal Ifu:u Gl]v.W can°°�ra'"reye+c'trtd ttrenr'ittwrT°w ISi'tgraih rrentrereit Uy 3ire). Bug- He has re+ided httr+t all his deny,, and served menthe there, what Ao you know about matting! Absolutely nothing, You will know gins. Mina Ileinickn (violin), Alford has leen good citizen in the fullest no more how to cut out a dress at the end of a C odik Mr., .1 E. Jordan rcadiu ( d 1, soba e year 1144* you Std the and day yon went 11rs. Andrews laccompandetl, G. F. of the term. and, while alft'.nu there. So, why spend lour ,time there .wheo 1 regret his -portent:. return -at from clan torch you in two week.I A few day.' Blair delivered »short address on town, .he very best wishes of his Iw gts•en frreenfrh*rge.-andtestudema end i. •••emcees*".and:the pastor. -Nev. (-. K. than friends will h.• extended to hint. out all I advertised it to he they have the Priv Y Sege ro+up, there W nu in advua' Jane,i, WAS •in the chair. Light !•e - The Valentine sock social under the disposed of their stuck of drygotals aumpices of the Philtthea Bible class here, Mr. Newtiotithe purchasing aha of the fl*ptilt church on Monday evening was very successful, th0 staple good., and Tows 1I Brown the R > the cal pets. For some time, this old-rs- favol s of a fin. eveniwg-rsnd-s guts 1 M- tahtf.hed firm. he • been trying toelatetcndanee falling to the class. Tile out business here, tied as a result of opening of the schoolroom Wile the tate stale _ m'utkoned the etohe will n447*510n of the *octal. The Bat'aca Cen.e.to 40.buslneeat. tonight, 4)041 the Hibh' clan has and.rtaken to Furan- ,Luck wilt be remos-ed st once t0 the plebe the schoolroom and has so far res ctive stet e+ of J. W. Newc b' accomplished the work that the and Tozer A: Brown. Mr. Frank room can bre treed. The class has al- Hudgins, who his bad charge ready expended $Ilya upon the work. of the !wsioess here for ■rule time, I he room miss prettily. decorated .on wilt remain it1 town to wind up the• Monday with evergreens, binning affairs of 'the firth. - We have. not sial flags, T1te limey work booth Wes (earned what he intends to dl after - draped in yellow, and the candy booth wird, but the change wits prroliahly 1' Xy,� i+%ate tor bale. ( hsrsr (,- full mune, is only 54,, Including one frebhmena were served during w; Engineer Kelly Gets Increase. Tof the need peltset nttingc rte In toe which soviet hour following the program. L"OK A -LE. - FRAME HOUSE i nog/occupied occupied by Mn. It It Smith. Cat. borne tames. for reeova4 Yoe full wprtSeetars apply, to MRA. R. B. SMITH. Hotel B.dtord-• L IARM FOR SALE, LOT 11, CON- E (ICSRltr\ a, Colborne : 147 acres of good Mil. been under grass for eight year*, 1 mile out of Dunlop and 31 miles from Ouderich. with good buildings and artesian well and windmill 3 acres of orchard, beet of winter hull. and ten sere. of bush. For oaruoular- L JA y to JAS. i OUN';. jr., 4A: N Widow et.. ream OR BALE. -iN ORDER TO CLOSE F Up the estate of the lave O. l'. Shannon. 31. 14.. his late reeldanoe is now for .ale. It 4. 1n very fair condition. ha+ n'ndern convenlen gee. can be inspected at any t lme. For further 'articular. apply to I'roudfoot, Hay t Blair. C. J. HAMILTON. Executor. IVESTEItN LANDS FOR HALE 1I In the Yorkton di.triet, Your ehc4e. of four farm.. ronfwlning 1e. waree each : two with buildings on and telephoner in the hnn.ee. Will .ell on nary terms, Information regarding the nountry cheerfully given. J. H. TIC%'MI.EY, Yorkton. Seek. HOUSE FOR SALK--ON BRITAN NIA road : all med�er f �eocvet(MtHva In Particular.tapply good H. ROBERTSOrN further ia10K MALI . A VERY DESiR-- B street, to the SquareApply,to�lKINONR4RU%, LIARM FOR SALE. -PART OF block 1), lake rout east. Colborne town- ship, two mile. from Goderich. 150 acres, good slay Ilam, hriek hon... bore 311 x 137, with cement .tabling, cartesian well. water In bond Mira and spring creek, 3 acres nlanding timber land you a(chani. Apply to l'. ('. slc:VL I HOUME FOR SALE. - A NINE roomed frame dwelling having a good vitiation. on Keay. unreel. atone foundation and Hummer kitchen. good stable. Will bo Hold reasonably. Fo farther particular. apply to MRS. WM. MoCAUGHAN, 11 Davies. ave., Toronto. 29-1f j YOUR COURSE I In Shorthand or Helie, will bring you beet remits if taker, at our old. eetablinhed and thoroughly reliable School. Winter Term begin. Jan. Ito. 1 'atalogue free. IPRITlan AMCR- ICAN AC.INe.. ('o4. Luny. 'entre! Y. M. C. A. Budding, Toronto. TRE STERLING RANK • OF CANADA Rasp Owes TORONTO s woman= mamas - 111'000• INCORPORATED HY SPECIAL ACT Or DOMINION PARLIAMENT TO RECEIVE DEI'o91T8 To accommodwtm the Fanners we have opened Branches in the villages of DUNGANNON, AUBURN, VARNA and BAYFIELD. Ws eolioit the Patronage of the FARMER. SALE NOTES DISCOUNTED. Highest current rate of interest, mild in 0111' HAViNOS HANK DEPART- MENT on deposits of •1,4M1 and upward. GODERICH BRANCH A. B. HAMEL& Manger 1 I glue free- 1 will tench at Uedorlrh from Starch Oh to March 37th, All wt.hifC to learn pee me at the Hotel Medford on tlelneedw March 3rd, het weep le and S oeloak. Miry L. PAUL Notice. i TOTICE TO INVESTORI4.-THE 11 executor. of the cata,e of the late Ooorge Acheson 1 -. a der•,ded to offer the whole e.tate for .ale. The proprny aro-i.t. of real estate, debenture.. bond. and monks. Pertice wishing to inve.l in any of the shoe*, properties ran get 1 .0 porticnlan on applies: Goo to the eae^utors. Mira, ELL% l'. ACH.AoN, Executrix. J. P. I1Ro.,, t ExCCU tett. 11'I,.IJAM AChIa5ON I Ooderich, Dec. 5th 1517. Public Notice. NO?IOE.=1THK PUBLIC HEALTH A( T.of Ontario reunite. that all persona over age of 1 montho must be vacclnated and that parent. ere liable to a nue and convict lois for (ailuro to comply with auch regulwtion•. The medical health oale•r will be In his office on the dna Saturday afternoon of each month at 3 u clock for the free vaccination of per.nns attendingfur such purpose. A. Cl. HUNTER. Medical ealth Ofllcer. - - -, -- --._..-- APP\ 14'ATION TO PARLIAMENT. Notion I. hereby given that an applica- tion will be made 10 1h. Legialat are of tht Province of ()nutria at the nest session tberoof fee we wet el em.* * the *PIMA of Tim Usrterio W0d SMva Electric Heil way l antinomy to 'I he (iptetlo We Shore Railway 4' pony and dcclnring valid a ,,ertaln root rata between Ihr rid company And The Maitland I(Iver Power Company. Limited. whereby the latter (mop any ha, agreed to supply to the former comp any light. heat awl power for the peeled of thirty vnar. from the first of July... t'r44. awl repro% in¢ ar•d count Ming a certain Indenture dated 11, t Mar, 19:14. between The (tntsel,' West Ahern liisotsle 1MYwate-k:etalway wad Thn Toronto licnrr'l Trusts l 'orpr*tlor.. and the land. authorised to be Wined ss therein mentlonod.-THE ONTARIO WI4ST 8HORE ELECTttt4' I1 tb11%'Al' ('4)MPAN2'. Dated atTFovuw this 2:m1 ay u_rnii•e 4 .Thkr, ler. . 3fer MOTI('I 154 HEREBY GIVEN that an :, 'plir,n ion will be made to the 'arllanleut of lien via :4 its next .4,4.0,0 by the Nl. Marys k We.tcrn Untnrta Hallway I'ontp- any furan Act townneml the art of Ineorpora-. lion ,f the company by gi% bag the nompnnr power to arm-druct the following lines of reit- away : MI From the city of Wosldork. In the county of Oxford. to the city ,1 Brantford, in LGTiUN HALF, Gen. McCulchron, Saskatoon. Meek the county of rant. • A nr Ah. 'Untold, Wingbam ; Robert Me- te' Fron, a poh t at m near the town of Ff ��py oonpl•u r Millan, Seaforth W (udgore, Mary. to a point at or swear -Mw -elft of ,111st• �'..6:., '.* R (- ..•'Vrd, in the e rmmty fir TRIM: r •N! lTAieRrt ICI From w int on its ronin line between the town of St. Mary. and the village of Exeter In s northerly And westerly direction through the collate. of Perth and Hum to 11 mint or point. on the 17nelph and (lodertrh Rnl1w-y between the vMaze of Milverton And the town of l :nderirh. Ida From wint on 44s mein lino at or near the vitiate of Exeter ton point on Lake Huron at er near t 1,e harbor of (tr*nd Bend : end for other and forther p,wrr,. J. W GRAHAM. Secretary, St. Marlla, Ont. Dated January Illth. IUUI. A -,K IIR. OVENS. LONDON, SURE V OEOS, Oculist. etc. will be at the Rod ford hotel on Monday. February 21 likeness et eye. ear. 11o4e and throat treated. Ulas.ee properly fitted. Notion to Crediton A I) I TiSEMENT FOR OREUI- t Pursuers, et to a judgment of the Hien Court of town was much smeller th • o Gods. Justice made in the matter of the estate of rich and there was only it :.•ct io William Jonel. deceased, the creditor. of wit- light plant. The danger tit the work, Ilam Jones, tate of the township of 'oiharne 1n in consequence of which he was un - month intim} ecemtvn. who died, in or aboutbefore the able to et insurance, and the increase of December, Iwo:, aro on or before CM R 1 of March >1eta ed do to tprepaidn lu^dlMcuhy o(kee ithe of y t y o tint in Loftus E. L). cey, . 4 1loderich. On rid. the rtlnning order nod the probable prob. •r)ticltor for the executors of the said deceased• their CM -fallen namoo+and surname.. addresse. tem of the ,•Flange of the plant, frank and descriptions. the full particulars of their steam lu electric power, were also claim•. A.tatonient of their securities. and Ino urged. The increase was granted. on nature of the .ec•nrltie. of any) held by them: Ittutinn ofMayor the Mor and (lomluie- or In default Gismo( they will be l erem torfleY excluded from the benefit of the said judg- simmer Me(;aw. It was decided to meal Everroduce y creditor holding any security is shut off the Nater OT light to cooaunt• cheer- At the meeting of the water and light comntiesion on Monday night Engineer Kelly wan granted an in- crease of VIII in his eatery, which was rained from S91M) to $1,100, the in- crease to take effect irumediately. This was in response to a letter from Mr. Kelly which st tied that he had leen approached by the town of Wingbam, which, would probably nay $1,8x). The town of Kincardine also psid41,'DIMI and in both three cases the At top 1%e i same .ore m• , at my whose arrears are notpaid h April Dors at I:oderlch, on the Ith day of ]larch. 1!ee, Y P at eleven oclock to the forenoon, twine the 1st and the follgwitlg ae nnnts were 01- ttnte►ptynlatM for aQinhicnUon on the claim+. tiered paid : ('. C. Lee, $13.M$ : Pinder Dated thl. 13th day of February. II04& it Paulin, Ali it Fostoria Glatss "H. L IMYLE,: load Master. Specialty lb., $1.743; It. M. Miller st 21 Electric ('o., still ; l'anadian Express Co.. $1.15.Auction Sales: Iof the fancywegk tehlu bj' disposing of a number 01 Irtt-over....rcllclet -try auction. Of the fifteen numbers on the program no fewer than nine were taken part in in Bowe way or otter l y u(ewbtn•s of the Hlecketune fw,uily. I Mi•a Heioicke gave a violin solo with u-tistic ability, acdo.upanied un the piano' b • Mr.. Andrew.: and Wei' Etas Heinieke, Mr. Keinicke and Mrs, Andrews Itwo violins and piano) gave the Overture of the Marionettes. ; Miss Henstridge and Miss Wells won lard applause in their vocal bolus and t e trio, "The Waterfall." by Misses, Wells. Westhead and Tye, was a I pretty "election. 'reel tdhieaux, 'Thr. i Children's Hour" and "YeSeho,I Dir.! of Ye t)trten Time." were- very pretty, -I little Miss Eleanor Hays reciting it descriptive's-twee,in each case, two; chor,leca by a number of ulenftet•a of the choir were Interesttng- tewt'trer-nn the program and the male duet. trio and quattettc were very well given. These were '••rheq Pilot,' by F. St ufdy and R. Blackstone; ••Y4 Mariners of England," by l'. and It. Blackstone r.l F. 'Steed., -4Nd-O-vMwt- Bucket," by R., ,ll anal H. Bla',k.t',ne and H. Sturdy. • The 111'.4 4-Iectiuns 1iy the BI u•ketoue't rchertra wl!re yd- µahlw cun)eihutlone skin progl'44)1� The proceed, of the enlert.iuulent gu to the choir ntusic fund. 0. C. I. Literary Society. At the meeting of the d✓ollegtate Institute Literary Society last, Friday evening the apeciwl'attracthin Wet 'Dr. Strang s long promises'wuised talk on Lir impressions of London. Though this woridaFAer-r1pHIW haan- upulation- six and a half millions nue of its moi striking charrctet'ietic0. Dr. 8tr:v'g stated, is an absence of hurt•y. "It Wei from the teeming throngs of Loudon.' mid .the -speaker, " tat i learned to tate the good d 'fife," I)••. Mt.rarees pictureeliue views of the city were secured from a vantage point the top of an omnIbn-. and he profeesrd hta profound admiration t•f the London drivers, who have ac- quired the consummate art of doing three things at ti•'•', guiding (heir horses iu .and out . •w labyrinth of vehicles and p rioting 011 ccut res intet•e•t to traveller*, while they arc ever on the alert for new passenger.. Misdescription of his experiences in "the lube," the enl4R4ui:d 1.1/11' 6n• the underground lailw4)'.w.ts graphic and amn.ing. London is not the city of fog and mint.be ha 1 expectwi to ilnd it The "longs of London." the msg- nifle:•nl public parks covering almost, t wt. thou...nil Alveoli in tilt bo:art_nt the city, and innumerable smaller parka to whirl) the residents of their vicin- ity alone have admittance, keep the. air quite (rash :uud pure_ Dia Strang conflaell his tent srks int the buildings L.) the Tower, whoa! dungeon walls; air carved in tears with the names of noble men and w 'n. The tither numbers on the program were not wholly outshone by Dr. Strange in- terceding remarks. The sweet slrsins Of Mise Grace Warnock's plano solo and Miry Mabel Youngu' piano iotas captivated the audience. The (flee ('lulls selections trfiectel creditably un the m Inagsment of the pianist, Miss Ina Wel-h. Mies Eleanor Walk- er slit -eel every drop of Scottish blood in her hearers' veins as she recited in clear, ringing .ones "Edinburgh after Flislden" anti as an elleOro "Mtuenien) and 1)ougles. Masa •41rice \'rid• I oruus recitation. "The In- ventor's Wife." relieved the tension and ales called forth an ent-hrlsiostic n so to which she re- in tau burst of apt sponded. 1 t meld ('lark road a thril- ling fil- ling tale of the heroism of a Hlghlaua regiment in South Africa. Mins tier - ((rude H,sl,(e, of the teaching st dr, was the critic of the evening, Thu singing of the nation LI anthem el.741 a eery enjoyable pr.4gr,►nl. • LOCAL TOPICS IN BRiEF. Thl. i. the shortest month of the item.. nut there f.- yet time to have Rollo*. utak.- that photograph you have been thinking of gelling. 1)u it now. Picture frtming-i. 0 p*rtntent that 0 Goderich Horse Market. rn:..lm a •p.0iwlty ..t W titer '4,dur.. 1'..11 'The RIYt_11nr+e market en'Tilesil3)' «ith-ywwrp4rlaren wad.61«'twwe4"laing tmm" last WA. 4t pronounced o ,eceaa and the Ia03- .Darya of '. hZiretlH4e. pan rr,. •ui'- able fur all sort. of yr(le•L._ Nan, as a Cnlilmelli'Ptllent, satisfying M.,,,,'(Idem w'rone i4t. London lot night. Th t o till interested, notwithstanding the Dalt:Met hay. looked like: %winners but did wit pn'icu'.11ty diswgreenble weather, Met out theelwingfifteen minutes.. The Luh urine made by,F. J. Pridhanh b+ dlReent, re lite greater ii,I,uoer tit Lhe....owners. Ir- latus51s /mak appearance Aual +ty'luaelon u. lured to torn their anirtmit out in the 1be cloth Lvo(.. exceedingly heavy fall of snow, and. Jas. 1.. Killoran has Innen appointed air -1141.41. February be h. at 2 tielork and at al -1 -conserpMn!e; Meet orf the salve, Tep...4*ntative of the l .,.parete aehtstl -:104: 2 new antlers.' 1 coal heater', I Largo 4145)341 six y in all, were made in the lamed on the public 11 nary tamed. bots,, .writing desk. 3 organ, 1 kitchen cup- stel,les. Tin•,.' were aloin 130 liaises hoar• N�tlkeld wax tat HAytield on board, kitchen table, eaten Ion table, bed and in all offered, and t'Ha4e wap, 'tad lbo ` ilITI.4�ltr'e'i 5& by haves n Invalid len (day dcH . eh*, reunite emelt Webb. and podding maw.; teurierily len 1.1140 .out -so the- suit snow bwrw...r�I�iT • scram -J ^!rf men's fur costa, Iwends. I cutting hoz, 1 cut- Iii I very- shortly to tenure the exceed- .,, -4).__ . ler, single+leigh. quilt. hand mace, and ober tri 1 bedraggled household ne(xwitlm. Hove your goods to by R y gR Appearance of -1}t l' Thur -dry moth week. Tide 1+ the people. near. :onto/tie after vo.ry few fninutee:' es- te) and everybody outlet. We .ell anything Retire. This was very much to,')e re- am everything. h,�. I(ynu have a, article w dis- t S,'etted. The management hope for pose ohere s your market. If you have w rune to scat or A row, bring It along- We have letter weal her rax t time.. A monk{ the buyers here on Saterdays at the auction the blyerr present were N, ttsndfoa , u 4 how.. iu . Bits. asTT Auctioneer. Exeter • John Galbraith, Brussels -42sikt UYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN ( N'JRTHWEST LANi) itFA4ULATIIN8. Any person who 1s the' -ole head of a family, or any elate over Ie roans old, may hnme.tond w quarter ace( ion of available Dominion land In Menlloba, Saskatchewan or Alberta. The applicant meat appear In person et the Dentin- ion Atnlmion lands Agency or dub Agency for the dldrfet. Entry by proxy may be made at any agency. on certain conditions. b7 father, mother. non, brother n, daughter, brher or .lder of Intending horne.tewdcr. !intim . Stix month,. re. letter upon and cultivation of the and 1n w*ch of three yenta. A homaetAwler may live within nine ndlrs, of hla horn..teal on a farm of at 1ras1 ie) seri. solely- owned and °erupled h him or by M. father. mother. eon, dangler, brother or . Iger. In nerteln dl.trlets a bomm.tewler In gond at andln` mal preempt a quarter-we^.lion alona.Me hl. hnteewtrest Trite Stoll per Imre. (intim- - Nod, rwdde .tx month. In each of ate year. from dale of horne.teadl entry tinelnding the time re,nlred to earn hone+toad patent) and reit hate 0437 &ere• extra. A hnmw.tender who ha+exhandenl hl. home Geo. Hill, 8nrntnerhilt: Hiram Hill, TOWNMHIP OF COLAORNE Clinton ; Peter MeiCentsie, l,nrknow : Jas. Archibald, Swtforth ; Ephraim TN--''lilt;-3t*711111-o, THE ESTATE 04'• Butt. Clinton :.1. C. Johnston, Blue - WILLIAM JONES, DECEASED. vale ; John Mallough, Goderich : -- Jame. Evans. Beechwood : Robert JJNEa 1.. JONIGu• McLean, (Foderich ; William Fisher, Pnr.osnt to rho judgment made in this Clinton; James McCluskey, Goderich : action bearing date the nth day of February, Frank Allen, of (4,Rlerich and Hea- eat there will be sold with the approbation of forth ; H+n R. Allen, of Cobalt ,and 11, oderL. rDoyle. 7 (lKeq�eorrge Beckett. auctioneer. at (ioderich : Charles Wallin, of Clive Miner'. Goderich, in the village of Carlow, at the Ion, and•odhet ti. One of he hovers of hour of i3ioclock in the afternoon on the 'very large experience expreseli him. tiro DAY OF MAItCH, 1!rn, self as having looked over as line a the following land and remleee in ono parcel, via.: lobs number one In the ninth eoneemion, bunch of horse. AM lie had seen even in western divlelnn M the township of (•olhorne, this county of intron, which is noted In the county of Huron. containing one hun• hsic N• mock. A fine slant, B'rod Acre. of land. more or less,*ye and et for '1if rapt one sore thereof heretofore .old to the matched heavy draught, weighing vi est Heron nutter and Choose comp,nr, and neer 3,44)1), owned by James Hayden of AT YE OLDS CURT Y fluor, Hamilton street, one tail° sewing machine. Singer. and tailor's se ; also two good second-hand organa. for sale cheap. "Reddy" Mclhon- On Mendel,'1dd ++iR1H Y aid was sent to jail by the police mag- istrate fora twenty-one day term for being drunk and disorderly. un Noah street belonging to the estate of the late (1. N. Davis and in. tends making use of it for both office and residence. A convention of temperance work- ers of Huron county is to he held at Blyth on Thursday, .April Lith, when the question orsimnitanenus action on the part of meth municipality in the county pot now under local prohibi- tion will be thororlgbly considered. two *0 the h*tenth c noe esw, Ion Itof weeslot eerntt number Port Alpert. end aired by a well-known sem sof the laid township of Colborne, erm(atn• ,Port horse owned by Fergueso.t k log twenty-five *err. cif land, more or lees, Son, Calow, is eperially worthy be of 4113 tat coo I. em:ted n frame horse, and mention. The next - market will kitchen in good repair. Al+n n In-ge bank hon with stone fotwd*tion, driving hntt.e. held on March 18. .rnbtn awl hog pen. There Is Men m, ill. int n i.e. erf*llIs,r +pHng glvb,m ample •apply of 8t. George's Choir Concert. water all lila rear e.aind Un Int two -ware f. They hese anowtall an Tues - n liras toI ver learn with stone foundation ' de milf y Is n gond, 1 ch clay loam. Th-, prtptrt w111 be nRerel for .al, sulkier -I. to I. r.• -era r DIA whteh ha. been liver) by'ho ,carnia given bythe ladies and choir aald Ma+ter. And also.htt,eet tow lean, wMeh I g R expire. on the Id dal of April, 1910. i of St. (41444444110 church, but *good time TIMM, 07 SA4.R:-III per ,amt. of the par . awaited shoe•) who aenlwed out. .1 chase money shell he p,waeki In rash upon the and varied program was iven day of the Stile and the hal/tore shall ho ped longR b7 the pnrchaasr within thirty days there end during the intermiesion will b'' therefresh- lifter I melon cern served. A Raney work In all other bs the the term. and condi table and a candyMIAs ale-) were Mn, of sal'* t eondlllnn. of .lead rightend error obtain a pre•emplmn t h.e High ('unit of Jneur* tar nntnrto. fairly well patronised. .1 very prmn- may take a p'n'oheewl hnnRnlead In eertoin i ynrthe1 pnrt.lrul*n r•rn 10' h:vA fmm (.1111' Anent part in the mI3sIe 4I program was dl.trletw. F'el4en i1.0rn p*r *rr.. D,ulr* -Marl E. t)*neey sonMtnr, (ln.1,elch, *nllMter for the ken by the talented Blackstone fern - reeds .11 month. In each of throe renal, malt' ex•e0tora• nr from M. O. Cameron, Esq.. K.1'., cats fi43.y swims Ind er,m•t w hon.N worth tpflD.011. I aederlrh. it and at the eonclu.ion of the concert W. W. 1 o3Y'�.,cnn Dated st liederlch the* Itth day of F'ehrn• it Idlark*tone, whoa*rlier in the N R.- Deputy i wo/Aroff theend (ntstv.tl4ntk Interior. ` . I9tle. "A. LL. oom evening made a hit in his hnluorou. 4)4 41. erns 45111 cot be paid f«. 3l 3( oats Mester. songs,. added to the financial returns day inter erwi considerably with tho attendance at he at-home In the ✓ s WATER FROM THE HARBOR. What Do the People of Goderich Think of This? It will be hear to the people of Giml- et ieh that work hits been Stal'ted on the constrlct(on of an independent intike p+pe in conueetiult with the town .waters supply to bring watts' (roll between the piers near the lifeboat station to the atdiluenatioii basin. A I'3 -Loch pips is being put M. Isle same size of pipe am the present intake from the lake. The engineer points out that as the pipe w 4hort the friction will be small and consequently * larger volume of water can b) got through this iutske than could be gut through the present in- take from the lake even if it were free of obstruction. 1'he new int ►ke will discharge into the sludge well of the wxlitnenti►tion Navin . n. t NEW ADVERTISEMENTS -Feb. lath Purls Flour- Potswren, Camels near Mille l'o., 34 How to (lei \Poll -111. Uro. le. Clarke. London 4 Pant of Thanks --John Shaw ... . . l Advertisement for Creditors -B. 1. Doyle t European Trip Content -London Advertl sr &hunk Hoy. abs (ilrts-Howell }Ludlum l'0. 3 Auetlun Salo -R. L. Ibyle. ' 1 February Specials -D. Millar Co 3 Lean, Urwemakfn)-54445 L Paul 1 shorthorn Cattle Sale --It. H. Reid & None1 i iowganda-Canadian Northern Ontario Ray: way.. t ..'ur.. , r. Anuouuo4ment-Old tioldty whop 1 Cutters at Bargain Priori-Robt. tt-lleon• 7 et►e*5tf'trearala--Cameron a Moors New Sprtpg Goods --W'. ACha+on R Son Spring flood. Ate Coming Earl' -J. H. 1:o1- ., borur Pure Olive OU -14. E. Hick -. A Stool Silks-He1d11,g. Paul t l'9, 3 Hair Goods-Dorenwend Ca Iteader-1Yurenwend Co. '1 The Hest Clothes -The Two]fattise special Bargains In Groceries -II. L M.erteKS thrmp$ afore-H04t5ere Bros.', ('arhart( lh-erallm-McLean Bros. • 7 Asicli,li Salo -Geo. Ikfakitt.-..._._. 1 Core»D .F. Haudink`.v • •- will consequently 'pate through the srla'eti+'and all wiuuuws, etc., will he screened out of it. The new intake, it is .said, is only fur Ileo ill ease e.( emergency, when the pile t the lake is obstructed or .!her - wise uuavailtble an a source til .rater supply. We have been havie,; quite -tt-heintthy-raip ret-rot.r.arra' lately, h'twe+era as the ph of the commission adopted to clear the intake (if otletrue- tion has failed.- Connections nnectiun with Uh the pumps were m it anti ii large quau- t1(7 T water as pumped under he:►vy pressure into the pipe with the me of expelling th .obstruction, but e of stn• jointa of the intake wet. so densly inede that this water which was tweed into the bo' throe t the sett of hs, beach throegh- ou>. of the joints. • Besides' in sr I uusatisfdc r emote of Affairs f in the point of view of the leek of sure in clearing >wthe intake, Chir suggests . the questiotrs. Now many more of a joints in the tnteke all the way nu are faulty ? How notch of the snpplywe-hsve been get: tint; has-been comfit from. the outer end of. the int eke d how h from joints near the shore? How nisch mineral water has en snaking through the -send of the sch and finding its way into t , intake through faulty joints? CHURCH NOTES. At Victoria street Methodist chitr'h on Sunday the peter will preach on the following Mnbjeetw : 11 a. m..' "A Sad Utterance : " 7 p. m., "The lodg- ment ; " special evangelistic service. Rw. G. H. Cobbledlek. pastor of Central M,'thndlet chnrch. Wood- ,.tock, and knotln to many readers of The Signal, has accepted a call to he pastorate of a Methodist congregation in the city of Quebec. Rev. W. E. Kerr, pastor of Ont.'s, in , street Methodist church, Clinton, hie received en invitation from the Till- eonbnrg Methodist chnrch. Ontario street chnrch Imo invited Rev. T. Wesley ('owns, of Wallacebnrg. The sermon topic. at the Baptist chureh.ervicce for next Sunday are annonneed as follows : Morning, "Living Feit.h." Evening, "The Full, Tru' Lite." A hearty wrlrnme I na• 'tired to all strangers and visitors, Rer. J. W. ll,slgins, who was rector et the Anglican chnrch at Mca- forl h for Nome years. 1n4. who has been etChatho m for the last four years, Sasrsi.atk1.. town, and Miss Vers, t Toronto, and the two children lie' away from stere were called home u account t.f fatber'rtdhal-h.-Mr. forty-two years yf age. Tate funeral took place nu Sunday Afteen m from Mr.1 Iclvn ' t r t•ewi N diner We. . street, to Maitland cemetery. The s "vices were -condnctett - ti -Rev: Jain ludereim and the pallbearers W. Cestie, Hector Hays, J. Tait, 1. Rutson, M. Colborne and Alex. ah %W. -The Carnival. There were n (air number of NM - tinned e- ill ill a *t Hr at m kthe West t v beet rink b on Friday, night lacy ou the , occasion of the fancy dress carnival. The prizes were wwatded as follows : I. idles' fancy, Miss Norma Sanderson ; "Queen of Hera" ; second, Mrs. Rob- ert Metter. (lents' fancyy, Cockburn Bays; second, A. Wilkins. Gents' • 'Perry Kidd and Joe Kelly, • null Duet Twins"; 'second, Ernest Iofter, "Clown." ,1 he obstacle race wee 13 amusing event and was won by ' Pis�u Longboat." however, is hi.: Do tine pasttip ,• PEIrNAL MENTION. het on Meda/ on a visit a up heal Tomato ors" "rhe moat important questi.in .11, C,.sterich wish to have a perrla4,l\-• Miss L.wrol inosite' pipe -front t -frohe teadroc, try-tiadkb:- means of which the water mains luay'\ ('he -ter Farrow et any time be tilled with dirty wai.er Sunday. from the harbor% What guarantee Will the people then have at any time that the water they are dridking ii overt supposed to i*• dean ? What has the board of health to say in the (natter ? At the !resins time we still continuo to get the town water supply through the pipe which supplies the coudenee•. ritewaterComes from the harbor just outside the checkwater and passes through the einideneer and into the sedimentation basin, from which it is pumped leek up town, but as the water gets to the b*ain through the pipe that forms the ,outlet from the basin it does not pale through the screens and consequently there is no protection, against small•fish being' served up through the water main% has been appointed rector of St. 'mere church, Stratford. Mr. IIidg s is weknown in O ere N lYdih Rsthe c iti- kin of the:tlyd Regiment. Rev, Rieharl goblet, of Gerrard asset Methodist church, Toronto, has been invited by the buatd of lame* street rhumb. Exeter, to become pastor of the church at the expiration of the preneut ,onference year. Mr. Hobbs has accepted the invitation, subject to the transfer of the station- ing committer of the ,onterence. The evallgeliltiC services in North street Methodist chi ns•h ended on 1Veolnesday evening and next week the work of the char::h will assume its usual form. Friday evening of this week sees the initial' of the laymen's mi•seionary movement, and there will Its a 14►ngnetin the lecture room, to which over 23t4,mea have been invited. This inehsle. finalsters of GoHltt•ieh and surrounding country and t•epe- 'tentative laymen. The speakers will be W. J. Ferguson, of Mtrattnrd, and C. 11. Keenleyside, nt London. Music will be given by Roy Adams and a mete mien -este; Mr. Keenteyelde will (reentry North street pulpit morning and evening on Mundey. Everyone inter•.ted in this new and distinctive movement. ehnuld seize he opportun- ity of hearing Mr. Keenleyeide. - .1 national missionary congress, In neclion with the Laymcn'e Mis- sion Movement, is to he held in Toronto . treh 3Ist to April lth. His Excellency . I Grey, the Governor- General, General, has ted the Invite -thin C"ngrees, ant t e ape's .,n a reedy secured are : Robert E, M r , New York ; Bishop Thnhurn, Ind' Dr. %wemer, Arabia ; S. H. Cspen, Boa (chairman Laymen's Missionary Move- ment) ; J. Campbell White. New York (general secretary Laymen's Missionary Movement); lion. D. F. Willer, Halifax (United States Oonsnl1Gen"1'al) ; Hilae McBee, New York (editor The Churchman1 ; Charles A. Rowland, :Athena, (ia. (chairman Mo. Pres. L4ym.n'w Move- ment) ; N. W. Hoyle., LG D., Usgonde Hall. Toronto: i.. H. ?Sever- ance, Cleveland, Ohio : J. A. Martino - Aid, Toronto : J. Lovell Murray, New York ; Principal Dandier, Toronto : N. 1V. R(rwelt, K C., Toronto ; 8. J. Moore, Toronto ; Canon Tucker, Tor- onto ; lion. S. H. Rinke, Toronto ; Canon t'43tty, 'Turibttto, al nee tise"n ie- atuna. to he 0t-ient and reprellentn- tive men from (treat Hrit.ain. OBITUARY. McLeod. Norman McI,old, brother of albs. A. Meteor, Mr. James Mutherlarid and 1 Mre. ,lame. Wiggins. sof town, died on Friday last. He had not been in gond health since retutning to Goderich ;.limn six years ago, anj during these years he made the coripering trade his chief occupation. H" spent his boy- hood days here but later re+ided st Cleveland until returning to Goderich Ion aeeount of poor health. While at Cleveland fbr a time he captained one of the finest tugs running mit of the port.He is survived by three chit- dre: Robert, of Chicago; Norman, of Wei Oraee Smith left on Moglay on a vial', to Toronto, - \ym. Marlton made abusiness trip to Bea - forth on Monday. Mi.. Ell* Itan,ie, of Zurich, i- vl.lting her sister, Mir. Ii. P. Paulin. Mie, time° Polley1�'I' Is on a t wo week. •,,,, to Rle Mia oJones. of Calgary. i. the guest of herconaln, Maw. W. IL tlundry. Mn. Steinbach and family left on Tuesday toans join Mr. Steinbach In Kansa-.City. and Mia. Evelyn (:rota, of 140.10 th, vi.lted their relative. In l:ederieh over Sun- day. W Mrs. ail !Olinda. and daughter have n•- turned home to Ingersoll after apendlna a month In town. The Mi.weo lampbell and Clark, of Mina l)otogh's millinery establishment, left on Mon- day on a trip to Toronto. se Clark left on her return to Port Dal. hou.le on Mouda after a v1.1t at the resldentw of Mr. and Mot. V. M. Robert.. Mir. Fanny 141sek.tene returned home Mon- day of this week after having spent a couple of week. visiting Mend. at Hlyth and Itrua,els. M. S. Schell. M. 1'. for Mouth Oxfom. brother of Moa It. 4V. Mlllyard, Vlcta is street parson- age. ha. been elected chairman of the standing committee on agriculture and tolonis.tlo,, of the House of Commons. Thl+�l+ one of the most Impoltaot nonumbtee. and Mr. Schell. �(ele•tlon. M a tribute to his worth and quah- ficatlon. ANNOUNCEMENTS. e Oysters .served w all styles; itis cr►aam bricks, confectionery and cigars. C. BLACIIOTONE West street restaurant: -Knox chard choir and Y. P. H. C. E. will give a chncert and social in the lecture room of- the church on Monday evening, the 2lnd inst., at 8 o'clock, to which the public is cordially in- vited. After the musical and literary program, refreehmena will be served. Admission 15 cents. Brantford and St. homes. Important to Ladles. Itis not often all opportunity occurs at your door to see the latent Parisian and Now York styles in hair goods, yet such ia the case, re Prof. Doren - wend of Toronto is visiting this town, and invites your inspection of these gbode at his private apartments re - Nerved at the hotel. These Bair goods styles, when properly adjusted, pro. teltand ornament the hesd, soften and beautify he expression of the face, - and consequently tone up an saved apper"arenee. Be sure to see them at Hotel Bedford, Friday, March 5th. SA rummy, February 29) h, at '2 o clock. -One team of hoAas 7 end tl years old, with harness. wagon wild boa which as nearly- new 1 eltae- rd, 1 bedroom .uitc. a kROTlen chain, 2 h . y chairs 1 .q., .re (tock. Terme made lino at wile Atthe auction hotae, U. W. s • netloneer. N',r,,. lana 'eb. 241h. -Archon male of farm .to•k and - ,temente. hml+ahold fund lure, ate., props of Alex. Dunkeld, wonceoelon 4, 1'cvt 1A', !-osh. Eve•ythln40 un bo dlspo.el of a. proorletor cold the farm. T. (lrsnar. Suet ioneer. Tit Rs,,AI', Fedraery 2'. -Auction sale of farm stock, implement.. and hen...hold furni tare, property of Moor., O. E. Durnln .and \ilt hew Wood., at 1o. 7. toner..Ion 0. E. 1)., Ashfield, No reserve, M proprletore are going W'c.t. TAOMA.(it'NnK1, auctioneer. FRtmA,, February Jith. - (attiring auction sate of taro .tock, mptem*nte and honeebold furniture. Propt'rtyl of Jo.epph furry, lot 3;, motors+Inn s, Uaferlch town+h(p. No rewrvo, Proprietor hats .old the tarn. 1'noMAe OCN- ( 5v. nucth,noer. 3tnsutr, Maroh I.L-At2n'rlock, at there.i• deme, lot Ne. 131t. St. David* .tree? large lot, Anne slate holme and an the household furoh 'ore and effect.. Further particular. from W,I.I.IAMJ. JRNRLI., proprietor, or (1. W. HRcs ITT. auctloneer. Ti- oDAv, M*rch 2nd,-Aurtlon.ale of farm .Urea and Implemmn s *I. lot IS, eomeewlon t, %'cwt Wawaanah, commonetna nt 1 o'clock, I1AN ip, 3.,w,,11R, proprio 0r. Trow,* (.CN Day, urctllgmer. BATt RDA?, M*r.h nth. -Clearing auction male of hou.ehold furniture and furnishings. property of Mr.. 1'. S. Dunlop, at her reddenre. Oxford street, 0oderlrh. at 1-.11 oclock .hart.. T. Oc4nar, eiwtloneer. DIED. McL10DD.--1n );*enrich. on Friday. Pehruary 1401, Monsen McLeod. . 1'ItAIO. - At Clinton. on Monday. 7ehrnary 1.l, Ann Craig, widow of Me Isle Ilnhert. t,• of leramptmt. In hereto; year. MILLER. In lyaleNrh, on Tnendayr' Febrnary fah, Rll.vheth M('u rtehenn, wirinw of the late Wllliom Muller, nerd el year. a,4 3 month..