HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1909-2-11, Page 9THE SIGNAL GODERICH : ONTARIO '1'HNIt'DA t, 11'01ruary 11, 1 t U 7 **** a °°�vvQv°�c° °**41e°�e° e°�v°�°'�e°� ****** *****4.0i Qv4°°Q°40447 `'° 4+ t' '°i***4 ,4, 4 The News of the District. 4 1C4,46*446+ a°� 44444444444444 454644 4544,*4444.44 4454444«5440t LOCHALSH. TIEy1DAY, Feb. ttth. "Hiram" was viatting friends iu eiodeneh last week. We regret tolearn that R. Hulleu, sr., ie coutned to led with illness. John N. McDonald, Kintail, was tae guest of Tom McDonald last Sunday. Mien Bella arwetroug is visiting her sister, Mrs. Dan S. McD.tnald, 11! Huron. John Cowell, p„ and l'd. Itavey ate at pretreat cutting wood in Neil Camp- bell's teazle. Miss Tena \Icl.enital, , I Barrie, formerly of lloderich, is visiting her slater, Mrs. I). A. McDonald. A. it. Finlayson, who had been ab- sent while auditing the hooks fur the township of Ashfield, returned house a few days ago. President-elect Taft will soon he making his home in the White House. J. Cowan and T. lfueglass also intend doing the same. The hitherto wild and benevolent - looking countenances of Lieutenenta McIntyre and McKenzie have &(heady begun to assume that stern and mar- tial mien chars terintic of veteran army offlcere. Rollo (hart, whittle injured hand has so far recovered as to wield the pen with considerable facility, is at present busy reading the "History of the Fenian Raid," with apocryphal additions by (apt. liendeisoo. AN EAKI.Y SATURN. --The prairie horned larks, ref.•ri ed to in a former issue of The Signal. have returned un- usually early this winter. They were seen In this section about the 25th of January. This is, 00 doubt, owing to the abnormally mild winter, and especially to the bare roads ,tint fields, where they can score sbunditura of toed, which is impossible when there is s heavy snowfall. THE DEFENCES 1W KINTall. -The .eaprt.trwn of Kintaih which had been hitherto exposed to the danger of being razed clean off the (ace of the earth, and becoming like Tyre and Sidon. can now calmly go to sleep, es it. In protected on the north side by the inviocible Loehalsh Rifle Brigade, while it has the Lanes Rine Club on its right wing. 1Ve.hope this will not call forth scorn and derision. as tate substance of the above remarks was expressed by one of the most lion- ( -treble citizens of that quarter at the meeting of the L. R. C. lest Wednes- day evening. Meier Cue' O,ureeezgn.- A very enthueiaati.• meeting was held in Locbeleh last Wednesday evening for the purpose of orgsniziog a rifle club John McIntyre was appointed chair- man, and A. Iii. Finlayson, secretary of the meeting. After aurae prclim- teary remarks by the chairman and others. the business of organizing the club was proceeded with. Twenty. , two recruits were form illy enrolled, and sworn in se memherw of the uew association; and other -re sod a man- aging committee were selected. .1 hearty vote of thanks was tendered to John Griffin, of Kintail, for his kind- ness in coming, without charge. to swear in the new member+, +also to Messrs Lane end Mmeltzer, of Lane+, ew giving important information. The club when fully organized will be quite large, as we learn that fifty -tour young men heve signified their inten- tion of joining. The following are the officers and member. of commit- tee : T. F. Henderson, captain ; J. McIntyre, let lieuten+nt ; D. C. Mc- Kenzie, 'led lieutenant; V. D. Mc- Lennan, secretary ; A. R. Finlayson, treasurer. Committee -- J. Barnby, R. Mclennan. E. Armstrong, .1. Me• Lerman and D. K. McKenzie. KINTAIL TUgSDAT, Feb. 9th. Miss Mergarea McDonald. teacher at Clover Valley, spent Saturday in the village. Mies Lily McLean, of Sheppar•dtnn, and Miss Orae+, of the G. Ie. L, were home over Sunday. Dave McMnre6 vent Saturday and Sunday with h is aunt, Mrs. Wm. Finlayson. at Lorne. Miss Clifton and Joe Austin at- tended the party given Inst week by the Misses Bogie, of Mhepparlton. J. McDermott, of Kintner., and Den Mclinnald, of British Columbia, were guest. one day last week at the regi• dence of Dian McDonald. The Misses liannsh. 1'611611A and Annie Dalton have left for Toronto, while Miss Vera Dalton has left to take a business count in Grxieneh. A number from the village attended the party given by Miss Belle and Tom McDonald, of Lochalsh, last Wednesday evening and report a good time, Thos. O'Reilly, sr.. still continuee'Io be in a very weak condition. His daughter. Mrs. P. Finn. ()f Goderich, is with him. Mrs. .iothn T. O'Reilly was called to Goderich a week ago owing to the illness of her mother. Mn. Lennart. WnMMe'R INHTITUTK. - The first meeting of the Women's Inetilnte of Kintail was held at the home of the vice-president. Mrs. .1. T. Griffin. on Wednesday afternoon of last week. when it very enjoyable time was 'gent by the seventeen members prev- ent. After the business of the meet- ing ee -ing way over a number of instru- mental and vocal duets and solos were rendeteri. Mrs. Albert Beckett hes kindly offered her hone for the next meeting, March aril. it is to be 'hoped a larger number of the ladies of the neighborhood will attend. DUNGANNON. fI A. NEWTON, DENTIST. LUCK - .1. NOW. -AthomeeverydayezoeytThurs- days. t,New r medyfor extracting teeeth Itiomoo- then�a�. bridge work. eta Aluminum plate. (non•breakablel. N. B. - You an elway. have your work much better done in the dental otflue inure flute. better faontLlea for dolug Um work, more owm- fortable for the patient. kr O'1Wk. --TSB LOCAL AGENCY 111 itt l tunrrwtnon for The Signal is at the root - Mine hook and Stationery Store, where order, will by received for autos:rlption+ ad verti.ing and job work, and receipts will be given for awouute paid for the same. LIE THE NEW LINE OF VALEN- 1 USE puetard, at the Dungannon post Manu store. Souvenir and picture postcards lu many varlet.), MISS M. RYAN. WBnNItNUAY, Feb. VAIL Rev, U. M. Rutherford attended $ meeting of 111e Presbytery at N'ing- harn on Monday of this week. Wm. Anderwm, formerly a bald. ware merchant here, ha. disposed of his property in t .f, village to Robt. .trinstrong, our drayman. ?dry. Crawford. sr., who has been ill with pneumonia, is now recoverin satisfactorily. Mrs. Thos. Pentland has been 011 lbe sick list for a few days. Thos. Windmill, wife and family, of Sask*t bewen, have been visiting at the h • of Itob+rt McKenzie for a few daysMee. %Vieldruill is a deter of Mer. McKenzie. c JigwMLi.tiKY (IAioKti. -- A jeweller from Hlyth wits in our village on Monday lest with the end in view of opening a jewellery store. If he de- cides to locale here anti %V La. Mole_ pr'oc'eeds with the erection of his cement block. which will be occupied by a jeweller from M'aterloo, our vil- lage people will have no difficulty in getting their wat'bes and clocks re- dOutsets.-The trustee board of the efethodiet church has formally decided to build the new church on the site tient agreed upon. .Although two or three other sites were men- tioned, Cie corner lot on Main street purchase.) some tune ago seemed to Meet wi h the approval of the ma- jority ot the hyar. A number of teams ate at present busy drawing gravel for the new edifice. Pt:Rt.tc LIBRARY. - The minuet meetings of the public library board was held on Monday evening of this week. The officers for the ensuing year were elected. It. E. Henning was electe 1 president and Dr. Case w as re-elected secretary treasurer. Mrs. Mole, who has been the efficient librarian for a couple of years, was re -appointed. Other L ninees of im- portance was transacted. FARM EIts' INSTITUTE MEETINGS,-- Meetin s under the auspices of West Huron Farmers' institute will las field in Sniott's hall. Dnt►g$onon.-.-Qs. Thursday. loth inst. There will be an afternoon meeting at 'l o'clock and one in the evening at 7:311. Practical addressees will he given on subjects pertaining to the feral and the home, and there should lee a gaod attend- anee. See bills for further pe rticu• ler•. AMBERLEY. WereexaD.eY, Feb. loth. Bob Wilkie visited friends in Rip- ley last Sunday. John Campbell visited Hugh Fer- guson lest Sunday. L O. Wild's/mg was in Teeswater li Zest week for a few days. Hiram Snaith, of Wiogbun. is et present visiting Wm. Potter. , Wm. Blue is home again after sev- eral weeks' visit at Nanticoke. Service will he held in the Metho- dise church next liebbath evening at the usual hour. Mies Lizzie Hr.tdlcy. of Nanticoke. kr at ()resent visiting her grendmr, they, Mi.. Jetties Wilkie. We are glad to report that James Blue is refile to be Aroullil again after a couple of weeks' illness. THE DKIt.erit -The debate whirl' wee he'd at Laurier on the subject, "Resolved, that ntartied life is a fail- ure," way a fair sneers+, The decision was given in fav of affirmative. Neil call be heard sl ing. "Will She No' Come Beek Again.' Two POPULAR YoUNoL.eritot.-On Wednesday evening. February let h, a large crowd gathered at the home of Mr. end Mrs. Kenneth McKenzie and made Misses Rebecca -and Bell AfeKeo- zie the recipients of a Is•zutihtl pres- ent. which showed t he esteem to which the two young ladies ere held. Neil N. McKenzie and Neil D. McKen- zie and MissAnnie 13. McLennan were among the movers in the presentation. Deeoenous Roms. -The Goveru- utent °relate ought to pay a visit In Autb•rley and ere the poor condition our marls are in. Fol' years every council that we have elected tried to wave wnney and lower the lazes sap that we could say to the members, "you aro• bled fellow+." Rut pleas. it' is "good 1 •?low" thet evt•rdill cinch fol hhner•If 1.1 for 1h, -r• he wee woo king for. lbw• 1. Ink urs• in It dangerous condilioe, at present, and anyone doubting this statement should drive over Chore hills between Amberley and Laurier, which are rougher then the old cr•oseway of fifty years ago. We sro,uld advise t he preeent council, tr ' 1 �e-elp cte n neat r a . to it sect 1 try y it on iter i1, ;tn.l lint. pttSC ay atJrtd fellOe P. ST. AUGUSTINE. MI1tDAY, Feb. SI h. Mies hiss Thompson visited .Au burn Mende the letter port ref last week. Mee Eliswleth Elliott. of Dungan- non, visited Mies lietspy McAllister last week. David McAllister spent a couple of very pleasant drys the; week near Teemwater. • Miss Alice Clarke, of Althorn. is visiting her sister, Mrs. Will Thomp- son, at present. Michael Leddy had a very encreesful wood bee In T. McCelre's hush last Saturday afternoon. Mine Corinne faurende+n has re- turned home after an extended visit to friends In Michigan. Mise ids Ilsvldeon, of Winnipeg, is renewing old argasintwnces in the neighborhood at present. Quite a number from this vicinity Wended the Sunda *chose] conven- tion In Auburn lest Thursday. Read all The Signal thin week. ASKS US TO PRINT. Tells How to Prepare a Simple Mixture to Overcome Disease. T., relieve the ss.,rst forms of rhoutitntistu, take a 1esip onful of the following mixture after each meal and et bedtime: Fluid Extract 1),i,lelion, one half worse ; Compound Knrgnn, o n e our ee ; Comps t Syrop Hxreaparllls. three ces. These harmleaa ingredients can be obtained from our home druggist►. and ate easily mixed by shaking then well in a bottle. Relief is generally felt from the first few doses. This prescription lovers the clogged - tip. inactive kidney,. to filter and stein front the blood the poiuonoua ',mato matter and uric aeid, which reuses rheumatism. As rite umatlen) is not only the utast painful and torturous dimwit. but (Imngerou* to life. this eilnple recipe will no Heriot 1x• greatly valued hy mansufferers here at home, who should at, once prepare the mixture to get this relief. it is said that it peruon who would take this pretrription regularly, a dose ne Iwo daily, or picot a fear Iimes a week, would never hove seroma kid- ney or urinary disorders or rheums. ti -m, Ont this out and p it. (heel rheumatism prteee eript inns which really relieve are ecareee indeed, end when you need it. you want. It badly. PORT ALBERT, Tues AY. Fah. 9th- Het•tor McKenzie, teacher at Car- low, spent Staidly at his home here. Miss Lillie Gouley is home from God- erich calling un relst Ives in these parts. Mia Lizvie Rutherford, of Belfast, visited with her sister, Mn. J. Ben. nett. jr , last week. Mrs. Johnston and daughter, Mies Attie, of (loderich, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. Gordon on Sunday. Mrs. Janes Stott, who has been very i11 fur a couple of weeks., is, we are glad to report, getting along nicely, About fifty invited gueeta Assent - bled et the house of Mr, and Mrs. Jas. Olver last Tburetiay and had a most enjoyable time, the evening being spent principally in dancing. LUCKNOW. Tulwu.ey, Feb. Uth. $Te Hunter has been appointed engiueer at the waterworks pumping station. • The Lucknow orchestra held a very enjn able assembly at the town hall on Friday evening last. Sunday next, Itch inst., the iacre- meut of the Lord'e Supper will be dis- pensed at Lucknow Presbyterian church. Preparatory services will be held on Friday evening and Saturday afternoon, to he conducted by Rev. ee P. Duncan, of Whitechurch. -LUCK it Non PIPKKs ARE POPt'LAR.- The Lucknow pipe band, W. Young, J..'. McLennan, A. McPhermon and N. McCallum, were in (lt•and ltapids last week and furnished intuit. at a curling tournament held in 'that city. Like Longboat. they were heartily re- ceived and lefts good impression of tht•ir home town. They were out to win and won the apprt.dietiou of those they had the honor to entertain, Tint WHY REAPER. -The interment took place in Kinloss cemetery on Thursday afternoon last of the late Arabella Teakey, wife of W m. Switzer, of Wingbant. Deceased, who was over eighty years of age, had guttered a stroke of paralysis. a cohort time pre- vious to her death. She wee a native of Ireland and was married before coming to Canada forty years ago, when the•; settled at Holyrood. Two years ago Mr. and Mrs. Switzer moven to Wingbam and purchased several dwelling house', in that town. Besides her huebend she leaves a fam- ily of five: Garrett and William Switzer, of Holyrood : Arnos, of Sleethclair; Mrs. Colin Eadie, of Turn - berry, and Mrs. Johnston, of Ripley. lint. Angie Bowles- relict of the late Charles Bowler, died at the reni- debce of her son, Wm. Rowles, tot 12, concession 12, Ashfield, on Thursday, lth inst., aged sixty-four years. In- terment took place In Green Hill cem- etery on Saturday afternoon. Among those from a distance to attend the funeral wits J. Bowles, of Sombre. Angus McGillivray, a pioneer of Kinloss township, died at his home en the Hth concession on Friday last in hie eightieth year. The funeral eervires os. Monday afternoon were conducted by Rev. F. A. McLennan, interment took place in Kinloss ceme- tery .. The death on Friday, lith inst., of David Agnew removes owe of the most highly respected residents of Ashfield township, Deceased, who wag in his fifty -a inth year, had been i11 for over two yeere, but recovered sufficiently to move with his wife, to Lucknow about a year ago. A few months ago Mrs. Agnew died and since then Mr. Agnew had resided with Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Beaton, in Aahfleld, front which place the fun- eral on Monday was held to Hope church, where the services were con- ducted. Interment took piece in Hope cemetery. One brother and one sister survive : J. E. Agnew. ot Luck - now, and Mrs. E. A. McKenzie, of Montreal. Dem:teed was a member of Hope Methediet church and way a devout worker in the Master's cause. LANE.S. MONDAY, Feb. Slh. Mrs. Henry Johnston and Mrs. Saunders, of Mafeking, are at present spending a few days with the former '+ daughter, Mrs. W. P. Itejed. Kenneth. McLean. who has been home from the West for the past few weeks, intends returning in a abort time, accompanied by his brother Angus. Mr. and Mrs. Alexander McLean, we are sorry to Iearo, see not improv- ing. Mr. McLean has leen bedfast for the past ten weeks, giving slight indieatione of recovery. Mrs. Mc- lean is almost h.'lplees, though bight and cheerful as ever. The annual meeting of the Lanes Rifle Association will be held in Linen Foresters' Hell nn t'Sattrdey evening. Febrilery lith, et7::1t1o'clock. All per- sons inter++led, especbelly members). are requested to attend, sa there is considerable Intsinese to be transacted. LOTHIAN.. WKHNIMreeveFeb. 19th Master .flex. Hamby spent Sunday e at his bomr s %lex. McLean, jr. spent a few days visiting friends et Elution last week. John Rillie and John McDonald were cutting wood lest week at the patter a place. 111. A. Melliarniid and Mr. McDonald. of Kinloaa. spent a d ty ;at Vex. Me• (clan'+ pant week. George Swan and Gamily have. movedto the fern' itt titer neighbor- hood owned by Mrs. Mclean, of Lucknow. We extend a hearty wet• come. MAYFIELU, TIHNnAY, Fel). nth. .1. Doneldson, of the S,o, is visiting his parents in town. Mr. end Mrs. George Chesney were in the village on Monday of this week. Ice is regain terming in the river and the Hibernian and others depending on le supply of ire fire cheering np, with the prospect.• of an ice -harems, After nit. A very pleasant evening was spent, by the young people of the Methodist church and others at the home of John beaten on the Minable line on Friday of last. week. The Home Missionary Society of St.. Andrew's ehurrh held a very success- ful welting bee in the basement of the church on Turgidity afternoon of this week. The weedlike wee very diva- greeahle, In fact almnet the worst day title winter, bit the ladles turned out in anMcient numbers to finish feint- quilts, nnrquilt*, which err to be trent to the Mooiety's hospital In the Northwest. DUNLOP. W EDNtepAT, Feb. lUth. J. H. Ryan sold a valuable horse tl M. J. Tobin thio week. Charlet Spence, of Goderich tows• ship, vivified this village lest week. J. if. Rysu, who hat lived hers for the la* five years, hos gone to live in Sell ford. 1Ye are glad to know that Mr. Lynn Knox, who taught our school here about six years ago, has been ap pointed to the petition of town clerk in (iedericb. Ile was well liked herr, being conscientious and painstaking, and we are sore he will prove the same in his present office. LEELIURN. FRIDAY, Feb. 5th. Scutari. RKPo er.-The following is the January report of 8. H. No. 5, Col- botue: Fenn l.-Mriwie Thurlow. Form 11, Senior -Mary Glidden, Bt' tripe Chisholm, Phillip Bogie. Form 111. Junior -Adele McCann, Terence Hunter, Andrew Bogie, Ernest Bogie, Ji y Thompson. Form IV. Junior -Regie McCann, Tont Chisholm, Annie Thompson, Lorne Thurlow. Form IV. Senior -Hervey McCenn, Allan Watson, Bert Bogie. Alex. 1Vatso11. Forst V. Junior-Darrt•II McCann, A L I c• M M. TKarree. Teacher. TUgsnAY, Feb. 9tb. The weather 6 pretty cold. but the made are good and some people :are Stitt ptowing. John Ryan, who moved into Mrs. C ming a place five years ago, moved int() Maitlandville this week. The annual congregational meeting of Ieeburn chureeh was held in the Sunday school roost on Monday night and the attendance was Larger than usual. The treasurer's report mai not as favorable 118 last year's, the church having felt the pinch ot herd times, es well sa any other institution. BENMILLER. MINDAY. Feb. nth. PROPOSED IMI'RiuVICMICNTH, -- Mi- chael Pfrimmer, the proprietor of the Beumiller flour wills, is preparing for extensive improvements and will in- stall a new chopping plant with a capacity of fifty bags per hour to cost =1,151(1. Our Mich, ra not No slow. and with hie son Ernest AS head miller the old "meet" will become a lively place. There will be no delay and- customers will have their chopping done while they wait. • Tux MAITLIND POWER DAM. -A lacte staff of choppers has been'at work for, some time under the super- intendence of J. T. Goldthorpe pre- paring the plats -where the proposed Maitland River Power Co.'s dem is to be erected. by chopping the timber growing on the hillside and clearing the underbrush. Several hundred glee, from twenty to fifty feet in length, are now ready for transporta- tion to Port Albert for the trestle- work over the Nine -mile River, where a heavy embankment 6 being filled in connection with the electric railway. The poles are all ready end will be sent forward just as soon as sleighing will permit. CARLOW. MONDAY, Feb. Stb. The annual congregational meeting of Smith's Hill church will be held on Wednesday of tbie week. The return spelling niitch. between No. 1 school and Nile school wee ry(d at Nile and was won by the pal. of No. 1. The former contest was at No. 1 school and the Nile pupils were vie- torioue. Meetings of the West Huron Ferm- ent' institute will be held here on Tuesday next, 19th inst., in the afG•r- noon at 2 o'clock and in the evening 9t 7:31). See the bills for particulars. Let everybodyturn out and help snake the meetgs a success. There was a strong representation from Smith's Hill Sabbath school at the eenvention of the 'Union Sabbath School Association held at Auburn oft Thursday lax. Alex. Young was elected president of the aesocietiou. The repast presented by the Smith's Hill representatives showed it very eetisfactory condition in the school bore. A Goole Ttxg.-The at-home given by the Woman's Missionary Society of Smith's Hill church at the township hall wee a very successful occasion. Rev. J. R. Mann gave an address ()n the great laymen's rniesionary move; i mens, and another interesting feature was a ttronoimcinR mab-h, Over which Coughs of Children Especially night coughs. Na- ture needs a little help to quiet the Irritation, control the in- flammation, check the progress of the disease. Our advice is -give the children Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. Ask your doctor if this is his advice also. He knows best. Do as he says. We publish our formula• W. e.�la• io„b,t Ayers.r.ta•ur_.alcohol W ore. you to .wa•wu year dewier if you think constipation is of trifling consequence, just ask yourdoctor. He will disabuse you of that notion in short order. "Correct it, at once!" he will say. Then ask him about Ayer's Pills. A mild liver pill, all vegetable. rises br Ike a. C. ayee Co.. twsR. and the.exe8utors of the late Thoritak Nicholeon. • .Willisut Pinker. of Clinton, Ilse leen renewing old antuaintances during the: past week. Last Satuniay evening the ice on the river disappeared. In all probe - ye iee will be a scarcer commodity here next summer.SABBATH S('111111. UNIDs. - - The n eighteenth anual rottvention of the AetbM.ib rx Utterer $bettie Seined Anse. elation was held in the Pi•r•sbyterian church here n on Thttday, Ith inst., when a number of interesting ad- dressee were given. A report of the ilunvcntioiwill h9 glvan,aavt wt:ek, SHEPPARDTON. WEDNIO,DAY, Feb. 101•11.Mr. Pollock, of Pine River, is visit- ing hie sister, Mrs. Nelson Graham. Miss Bell, of Gotlerich township, 6 her aunt, Mrs. Alin. Young. Mise Mary Gordon is speeding a couple of week+ with friends to Kip - pen. Miss Annie Tigert was the guest of her brother James, of Uodcricb, for it few days hint week. Last Wed cicada y afternoon Mrs. Irwin Foster entertained the ladies' Guild of Christ's chin - . Port .' lbert, to high tea. One evening last week u number of young people enjoyed themselves et a dancing party at the home of Wm. Bogie. The music was excellent. ST. HELENS' TUMNDAY, Feb._9th: t Mien Mary K-Fraikeld Te v iiiiirig friends herr. J. W. Seiko:14 roti Aiuderich, spent Saturday stere. Miss Margaret Rutherford is visit- ing et A inb erley. Mr. end Mrs. H. D. Weod, spent Sunday in 1Vinghaut. Miss Ford left for Wingbant on her return home tb Milton. Mr, Johnston, of Verne, 6visiting his sister, hire. Rubinson %Voods. Jas. Stein, of Yellowgress, 8.isk., is spending a few days with his sister, Mts. W. J. Humphrey: The Farmers' Institute will hold their meeting in the public hall, St. Helens, on February 19th. PItWRE:v"rATtos.-The Yeller! Onus, Sask., Journal reports a presentation to Mr. and Mrs Win. Hi •uphrey, es follows: -"The house of Mt. anti Mrs. Jas. Stein, seven utiles north of" Mc- 1iiltgert, was crowded one evening last week by an assemblage of about fifty neighbors and friends. who flet to do honor to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Humphrey. who ere returning to their old horse in St. Helens, Ont. Mr. and Mrs. Humphrey and family have been nearly five years in the dis- trict, and during that time have won the goodwill and esteem of practically all in the neighborhood. A very pleasant social evening was spent; and In the course of it Mr. Humphrey was presented with a carving set and e dozen silver knives, forks and spoons for Mrs. Humphrey; silver 'having utensils and beautiful glove for him- self; glover for 1Vlt. Humphrey. jr., and silver t sa in rings for eliss Humphrey. Mr. D. Muir made the presentation on behalf of the corn - the same reverend gegtleman pre- sided. The opposing sides were cap- tained by Mrs. Henderson and Mrs. John Walter, and the honors were about evenly divided. .tefreehments followed this strenuous per(oi-in trice. and an enjoyable social time was had. AUBURN. TI IC$UAY, Feb. nth. 7'tt1 ORDER OF MMRIT,-The follow- ing shows the relative standing of the pupils of Auburn public school for January, beset! on test papers and niers! proficiency, nc Names int order �� 'WATT V:=F:MA'TPtb - I►;)yle, Milton Plunkett. Sr. 1 - al - lister' Mann, F'ronuldi Pfeffer, l ; race Plunkett, May Denetedt, Winnie Howson; Ruth Jaekeon, Bella Stalker, !aura Jackson, Zell& I)syle, Ernest Jackson, Mary Reithby, David Mc- ('itochey, :%them Doerr, Wesley Mee ('linchey, Clarence Symiegton. Jr, 1 V. --('lass Tulervele, Neese! King, Blanche Ferguson, Elena Younghlut, l;la Howatt, Alfred 1 'nip, %Vni. Letup, Ivan Armstrong. Sr. 111. - Jennie Stalker, Verde Asquith, I.t- verne Robinson, 1Joyd Ferguson, Fern Symington, Esther McJlinehey, Karl Raithhy, Robert Phillipa, Jr. ii1.-Gordan Mrfelinchey, Edna 11 M- inton, Arthur Lemp, Willie ('aster, Henry Taman. Enrolled, :M; average attendance, 3(1. A . F. JOHN., Teacher, Junior Division. Mr. IL -lids Stewart, Effie Stoltz, Ellen Phillips. Lana Plunkett. Jr. 11 A Reggie Mann, Agnes Creighton Birdie Fere/mem. Jr. 11. H --Elbe Stalker, John Stewart, Olive Tainan Archie Rnbinton, Elwin Reithby. Nr Pt. if,-(lraemo Symington, lends Rudd Leonard Yunghlnt, Victor Yu ngbhlt, Jr. PL 11.--leireetha Mc Knight, Georgina Beadle, Innerr Mc ('llnchr , !terry Beadle, Gertie Ladd Mr. Pt. L.-IAN/lie Shultz, Ezra Mhnitz Jr. Pt.. 1. -Harvey •Arutatrong, ('lay I Ladd. add. Enrolled attendance, 20 average, 31. C. A. St•LATRK, Teacher WanwtmnAT. Feb. 1111h. Mr. Triose last Tneeday no el to the farm of the pate Thomas Nicholson 'The chief Interest of the poet week centered in the lawsuit of John Barr "II can testify to -the - great merits of your Emul- sion, especially in all diseases of a pulmonary nature. It has saved many lives that otherwise would have yielded to consump- tion ... we keep Scott's Emulsion in the house all the time and alithe family use it." - MR. C. . BUD - LONG, Box 158, Wash- ington,R.I. - R.1._ -.:r. All the Latest New Spring Soitiugs... JUST TO HAND. ENGLISH AND FRENCH IMPORTATIONS made up in THE LATEST AND BEST STYLES McLEAN BROS. Art Tailors and Clothiers -Mr, Pane, andHumphrey suitably re• (fu bis usual good humor and quite plied. Accompanying the gifts was a ready to extend his hospitality to hie neatly worded address, wishing Mr. unexpected guests. Thees-eningwas and Mrs. Humphrey soil family aur-- spent pleasantly- fn games and song ---`amt Mr: Rivera eras presented with n loud of oats. for which he expressed his thanks' in as lt,•nt speech_ EAST .WAWANOSH. MONDAY,, Fah. 'nh. Miss Myrtle ,'add.__ 1lustiu L 'wenn . spent Sunday et Win. Robinson's. Miss Icily Kinsman, who has been iu Michigan for the past few months, is home for is short eisft. The Misses Pearen and Miss Sylvia Seel visited at Mr. Agnew'+, Wing - ham, over Saturday and Sunday. Janie* Stein. of Yellow Grass, Sask., who hss been visiting friends in this district and at St. Helens for some tiruo past, purposes returning to the %%'est the latter part of this month. A SURPRISE FOR TRH P.aSTOIt- Quite a large !mintier of the members ot the Brick church congregation plemently surprised their pastor, Rev. G. AV. W. Rivers, et the parsonage at Helgrave on Friday night last. Al- though the night wan lather disa• greeable and Mr. Rivers had just re- turned from Wiughat t, he was found .111 Call and examine our new Eye Glass Frames, The Smart Set_ - We teat the eyes by the most up- to-date method and guarantee every fitting. W. E. KELLY, Issuer of Marriage L enscs, Phone 153 WESTFIELD. FRIDAY, Feb :it h. SCHHOOL. REP. .It r -Tbe following re- port shows the sandingg of pupils in 1', 8. 8, No. e, leset Wawanosh, for January :.-e Senior V. - Thos, Red ger. Junior \', Erums Cant!iltell, Russell Wonde• IV: --Nelson Robison, eleggie Farrow; Leslie Buchauan, • Jennie Tunney, May Cook. Senior 11L�MAy Tunne,yy, Lillie Hibbitt, 'Colin Campbell. Junior 111, -Violet Buchanan. 1L -Charlotte Tummy, Roy Farrow, Willie Hibhitt, Part IL-Aggie Howatt. fart i. -Louis Tunney. MARY CLARK, Teacher, 11(peat it :- 'Shiloh's Cure will al - wive cure my coughs and colds." We do not keep Har- nessl We Seli Them! We have them at all PRICES. M. E. KNOX AUBURN. 21111041Mmin-o-_O STOCK o REDUCING SALE of RANGES and HEATERS, Scott's Emulsion does AL1. it does by creating flesh and strength so rapidly that the progress of the disease is retarded and often stopped. It is a wonderful flesh builder and so easy to digest that the youngest child and most delicate adult can take it. if you are losing flesh from consumption or any other cause take Scare's . EMULSION. It will stop the wasting and strengthen the whole system. Be sure to get SCOTT'S ALL DRUGGISTS 1M r weed roe • ,tees of Mr Ratted • (cher -411• eve In wally w.m,Iarfnl - sea '..nt• reireMine err t,,.,aeel5w. J•ra wad .. • sari wen tl, wine mot, e•e•v. SCOTT & sOWNx 1 x Wtl'elew at.. W. T•reass CREAM SEPARATORS, HORSE BLANKETS, BASKETS, etc. lu order to make floor space for our Spring and Summer goods, we quote extremely low prices 011 the following goods. STOVES. Empire Queen with reservoir atm] high shelf, wsrllR6.000 for $35.00. iter Majesty 8teet htgh shelf, mmadtrlvy the Wm. Buck Stove Co., wee $180.09. for 54:4.151. +sitter+ Pilot Steel- ---htgh ettetle- etteAeh';"tt'stl.- po,q►, for $13.151. Royal Art Heater, for hard or tuft coal olrwtod. This stove has a self -feeder that can be removed when huruing weed ; it also has a place for it hot air pipe, sags $214.0), now $21.1111. Huck Prise, self -feeder, was $2'i.ItI, now $21,151. Alen a number of SECONDHAND HEATERS AND RANGES at low prices. HORSE BLANKETS. 21tlankets with Midi. 4on'. $2.25, now 1/1.711. 41 Illankr•t., wet,• 11'3.(51, now 5, :en :i Blankets, were $l.ti,i, now 51 WILLOW BASKETS. Large number of nne•-bushel Willow Muskets at sic. Afro li-bushel basket+ et :etc. No. 12 Coiled Spring Steel Wire. we heve two Ilfianf (hie wire which we want to clear ort. which we utter you at t he ton prier of air per 1b. One pound of this goes as fm es 1 wo pounds of NO. D. SEPARATORS. Ono No.:1 S1111'01411+ Separator, $13.50. One No. 4 Mherpreirs Separator, $47.541. Plumbing, Heating Steam -fittings Electric -wiring ATTENDED TO, AND ALL WORK FULLY GUARANTEED. Store 'Phone 21 House 'Phone Irl 1 i 1 1 1 CHAS. C. LEE .1 i ...o.■......■...... _o_ •