HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1909-1-28, Page 7THE SIGNAL GODERICH•: ONTARIO ..4444,4,.4.4.******44,44444,+.*4.09e4+41,444,444,****-4944,4****4**44. The News of the District. .4,4,4,.....,..,,,,,,.40++44,44,45.454:4444444,44454544,4454,4645444.444545+4,45+01) OODERICH TOWNSHIP. KNOX CHURCH ANNIVERSARY. addreNN by the pastor, whu aMu `4.e.4DUNGANNON. (e .nlrtude,d 4.a Y•Re r. -- - ----:: -. formed the da ntir of chairman. rte., . __- - Auburn Presbyterians HMI Successful luwiug is the program : Chorus, t 1. NEWTON, DENTIST, L[hOK- oLher former resident of this township died recently in the Pierson of Dr. Jas. Knox church, Auburn, held its an - Churchill, V S., of North Battltford. nivel-awry services last Sabbath when The Doctor had been in the Wast for about thirty years and was Dominion verton. preached loth morning und (ands agent. His death. at the age of evening to large congregations. In sixty-one years. was due to catarrh of the nrorniug lie pr•eaa&hvd 111101 the Nations, Mr. MwcDunald, who gave al !t In Dungkronon for The Signalise'. the hea- ths stomach. His wife and one child text in Johu 14:27: "My.peuce 1 give lunette selection entitled "WVedding °Me will beandoai8 stationery .ubsSttore, Whine . survive him. untuyou," atui in the evenin frhlO .hells." ar an encore; IJdress, Rev. A. 1% ertldttg and Job work. and receipt. will ba WKDNRIDAY, Jan. lith, Mph. 3:17: "Being rooted rind E.Jouea,un "Euvir•unment;'chorus, gtveui'otamouatapaid fur the image. Chile. Sturdy, of Dakota, ix visiting grounded in love." His discourses "Call Ye Upon Itiiu While Ice Is:4EETHE NEW LINE OF VALEN- his paueots on the 7th cute • --hit. were both impressive•, and were heart) Neat'," the parts being taken by ,Misr 1 TINE postcards ,UU the Dungannon post Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Trewartha, of tense store. Souvenir and 'Actor., puetterd. in Holmesvtlle, visited at the borne 4.f r wetly vitriolic.. MISS M. RYAN. Wm. MacMath on Sunday. 1 WKUNltsuwv, Jan. 27th. Jas. Mcllrien, of Crystal City, Man., ! Division Court will be held burr on Wednesday, February 111th. Services and Concert. • Rey. N1 L.. ltteKinnon...JJ. A.. at %141- \Wingbam choir; reading, Miss Me- U .-Atkomesveryddeye esptTbun• R days New remedyfor extr'IUagtesth 18uutuo• Donald, Winghaul ; chorus, choir : foetal. butter thou (rata Crown sad brWsn work, address, It 0 v. Mr. Charlesworth . auk,. Aluminuw i ate. (nun- able . Scotch tenet, "Mary of Argyle," Miss 4.t It -You eau always .,L oI� oe a -work OOch rKY better dune In the dnnt.el -war Vera Unee .,jyy,lny,..c...,__.tayu.-..Ji+{iuwed -wide;?•.ues(aeHieie.ferdoMgebe•wwt;'t�ppro toll! "Loch Lomond," as lin encore ; cut-fortable tor tits visitant.semina selection, "Anthems of All I OTICE.-THE LOCAL AGENCY returned home on Tuesday, after upending a month vielting retailed(lu - Win. Mule and wife vivited friend!, the township. in titsderlch township 011 Sunday last. Wm. Mole and Robe. McKeuv4• made as business trip to Goderich yrs- terla y. W. H. Rob •t•tson, of Goderich, , made a business flip to our village I yesterday. ► �a - sw- Howard Mow and Miss Daisy Rye'', LEEb1URN. 'ruaku,%Y. Jan. Guth. There have leen a few dances on the )eke road this winter. 1'i country dance was apopular institu tion twenty-five or thirty, yearn age hut it is now 111110at $ thing of the past. Dau. Carnet's threshing outfit went down the read the 414hit day -.!air geoid clip, to all appearance not much the worse of wear. Den. Intends t et another machine with the latest tu- provements. 1'he rain wo had last -week has su plied the want of water felt by en many of the neighbors. The frost has gone out (tithe ground and plowing is going on at is goo) many farm*, a -very tautened thing -its. nary. •John Clutton paid a very short visit to hie old home. calling on only a law friends, as his time was very limited. John expressed considerable surprise at the transformation that has taken place in the neightorhfxxl of Dunlap VIII sodthe splendid bridges built by the C. P. R. There is not Inucil change in John's appearance since last we saw him a few years ago. SHEPPARDTON. Misner, Jan. 25th. D. Carney shipped his threshing machine hack to Waterloo last Thurs- day. Frank Hayden- loaded it for hilt'. Inspector Toni visited the school on il'ednesday morning and found every- thing satisfactory, and gave the children a half -holiday in the after- noon. John (Graham in preparing to build an addition to his new house. A few days ago he removed the old one. which had been in use for sixty years. The old landmarks are gradually dis- appearing. Some of the farmers are ploughing. which is quite unusual for the 25th of -January. The weather is ver ringlike and the Image were t> Owing to the rapid thaw, work on the cement abutments for the electric railway was stopped for a short time. PORT ALBERT. WEDNKRDAY, Jan. 27th. John Olver, of Staffs, is visiting at his home here. A Dumber from this plare attended John Shields' party last Tuesday. Medford Elliott, of Dungannon, spent Mundey evening in this locality. Robert Scott wee in Goderich Tues- day evening to attend the play at the opera house. The Misses Gertie and Lizzie Cur - Fell, of Goderich, are falling on friends In this neighborboott Miss Evelyn Hayden entertained a number of her friends last Friday evening. Thr evening was much en- joyed by all Present. KIN FAIL. TUESDAY, Jan. 20th. Thos. O'Reilly, sr., is indisposed this week. Mies Allie Harris, of Ripley. spent thetas' week visiting friends in this vicinity. ,T. Y. O'Reilly left last week fur 111F1sfonsin to take a course of study In a seminary there. t Miss Flora McDonald left on Thurs- day last for a month's visit with fi lends in Toronto and Hamilton. Rev. A. Miller held the reg❑ler weekly prayer meeting last --Thurs-. day at the home of Neil McDonald. Mike Dineen haat Thom. Randy's en- gine and saw cutting wood 'sat week. We were glad to see such an extra large pile rut up. is it looks as if Mike means busineee this time. The Kintail branch of the \\ einer1's Institute will meet next Wednesday. February ant, at the home of Mee. J. T. Griffin at 2::30 p. m. All the ladies of the vicinity are Invited to attend. The mild weather of the past few days is stirring the farmers to action. Some are plowing. while a number of others are gathering up the lune shingles on the (reach and drawing them home. AMBERLEY. TI'E911.SY. Jan, 26th. The farmers around here are all bay at. their plowing. Alf. McBurney is et present visiting friends in this vicinity. Service in the Methodist church next Sabbath evening will he at the usual hour. Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Boyd, of Minne- sota, are at present visiting his brother, Charlie Boyd. We are sorry to hear of the death of Mrs. Win. Potter, which occurred .,n January 20t1. Mims Florence Huston, of Pine itiver, is at present visiting her sister, Mrs. Robert Shields. Hugh Ferguson and Ram McNsin are busy men thin winter. They are starting into the hog business. LOTHIAN. TnisnAY, .Jan. 28th. Miem Woods *pent Saturday and Sunday at ber home, Mies Bella McLe in, of Lncknew, %leiteed Mre. Rod. Campbell nne dory Net week. Some of the people from around here attended the wedding reception given at Kintall last week. MIM Jean Gilmore has returned to (Jhat.hamtoresume her work In the Rt Joseph linapitel after *pending • few month, with her mother, Mrs. Jas. Gilmore. Subscribe for The Signal. KNOX CHURCH, AUBURN, which celebrated its anniversary on Sunday and M with profit. The pastor Mann. 13. A., occupied 14e Kinnun's pulpit at Milvert -On Monday evening tete Knuz church provided e supper in the basement of the c_ There was no lack of g.xxl t • day 'est Key. J. It. Farquharson, end M Mr. Mc- Master ('harles McOon. 'To Sleep:" duet, Mr. C lies of Farquharson, "Love Divi Int iful Excelling ;" chnruP, choir, • arch. U hells ;" address, Itev. Mr Cline : 4010 I, "Sing Me e and Mies All Love ing Out, Small, cline, for the ng. Wanted : A Man ;' solo, Mr. wherewith to supply the wants of the "The King Is Coiniog." an• inner Iran. As the paiople vacatedwit encore "The March of their-phew*tat -tables •tory-a c r ma se journed to the auditorium of the lion, Mr. MacDonald, "Marches i church. where another treat was in British Regiment!," followed by a sol- itaire for them, this time the intellect- ection of Scuttiels medleys a« an en- na part of their nature being the co ; chorus. choir, "Remember Thy et•tint of attack. The choir of the Te er Mercies ;" the National An - by choir end congregation. hfr. Mann, irrthe Home of the , . thanked the Wingbam thcit• excellei t services. the ministers ht' had addressed then). ary part of the program wee taken and the 1 s who had provided the part in 4.y Miss McDonald and Rev. good things • east. Meese.. t'harlesworth. Jones end The recei to Monday evening Smell. The enteIt.inment w as Iutnotunted to $ . which with the of - opened with prayer followed by an ferings on Sunda totalled $'270. tit` (L C. l., spent Scantily at t heir homes here. J'nta D January 28, When Y011 Take Cold One way is to pay no attention - to It; at least not until it de- velops into pneumonia, or bronchitis, or pleurisy. An- other way is to ask your doc- tor about Ayer's Cherry Pec- toral. 1f he says, 1e The beat thing for colds," then take it. Do as he says, anyway. W. publish our furor.,•• w. b..•.n •aeonnl from our 0).d UlnM vers do,tor When the bowels are constipated, poi- sonous substances arc absorbed into the blood instead of heingdaily removed from the body as nature intended. Knowing this dinner, doctorsalwsys inquire about the condition of the bowels. Ayer's Pitts. by tie J. 0. ester 0.., Lowen, Meas+- r.il1er earl to proptway glut and possibly before- iilany days we �ha7t` have some northwest weather end ire e gh fur all out needs. Chas. Elliott and D. McNeviu were Shwlvl; BSE. -A very su'eoesful _liuelyhJayl...jri.lay_ja .vtnurt•tia.q,,,lewilag tuetias..held_• 4.L, h. o....pt, with a trial that r1.1 1_J there. in(Tills Presbyterian church on lues: Mr. Palmer, editor of The Neste., /stout afternoon of last weeit, when htov. d last week inti the house form. •grunt thirty of tete ladies e[ the rem• erly occupied by 'flies. Elliott acd garmgregao ntion ta thedaithflan ielett .s et do s edsewnti, nnw owned Ly'l'hos. Shelley. the Horne Miniiona.y Sot'iety by the \VIII. Mole had w Lee drawing gra- Menthes• and ftieuds. The gartneots vel last week for the :tor- and dwell- will be sent to the Society's hospitals ing which he intends t• sting on in the Northwest. Slain street during the co . ing rum- Rat. - The open air link. which as the eceueof much gayety fur a co plc 4.t weeks is gowa t_4ir►1Lof tlm pt. • the thaw on Saturjay causing 11 td lose for the present. . Remember the concert to 1* giv n in the Methodist church on Enda evening. 5th tont. There will be a good program, contributed by Miss Duncan, [wader, of London, and the L aelnow choir. Wm. Anderson, fol•merly of this nllace, but now of Goderich, called on friend' here last Saturday. He has erected a store and dwelling in Mel- ville, Bask., and purposes moving there with his wife and faymily in a few weeks. THE RICK LrisT,-Mia. McMath le somewhat indisposeel wt Reesent. MIs. Crawford 14 suffering from an attack of pneumonia, but is slowly recovering. Ford Robinson, who hes been confined to the house with a sore knee, the result of a kick, is still un- able to attend to business. 1, Presbylerun church, Wingham, un- der the able Insides *hip MP. -(;tine, had come over in full force, and fur• Dished the audience with a retest inter- esting program of music. ' he liter - then Rev. and in, choir for LANLS. SATURDAY. Jan. :Med. Mr. and Mrs. Within!' Baldwin- vis- ited relatives at Alurnoeh on Sabbath last. Tony Pierce', sale on Fliday lust was very largely attended by farmers of this locality. Mrs. W. 1'. Sanderson and family visited the home of Mrs. W. 1). Reed on Wednesday last. • C. E. McDonagh, our former mer- chant. showed his pl.•aaant fete in otlr carload of maple rollers the end o burg one day last week. Inst week. James and Elliott Miller, of 8 , A FIIIOUTENEI, HonaE.- Mr. Tis - Helene, are cutting wool at present dale. of West Witwanoell, passed on the formet's farm at Lancs. through herr last Friday on his way Mr. Sander eon. of Dungannon. to Parry Sound, where he bas seemed visited his son, W. P. Randrtwni, our a ,,(11001 for the present season. His genial merchant, on Thursday last. brother brought him to the station. His hot Fie was frightened by Inc cars, AUBU-N. Tclian. Y. Jan. 20th. Thevchont has prover it a forty -foot fl•lg tele. It is on the rounds and will be erected in & few da s. ''he annual convention of the Auburn Union Sabbath Sch. • Associ- ttlon will be held in the Presh :terian church here on the Ith of Febris y. Qeorgo Younghlnt shipped ac of cattle from the station here t Saturday. Cherlee Howson shipped The recent rains have been very upset the cutter and jumped through welcome to many farmers of this the wire fence. 4 slight break to the vicinity, puts an end to the dashisretrd of the rater was about all scaar•ity of water. the damage done. A namhet• of yonog men and ladies • - of this line enjoyed an oyster supper and evening's entel'tainlllept at the =home of Nathaniel Saunders. of Mafe- king. o0) Friday last. Hubert and Thomas Fert•ieh,- of Manitoba. are visiting under the par- ental roof and seeing old school day chums again. The Weed seems to agree with them. We hope they will he -peered in health to revisit the remitter scenes of their boyhood ulaye many times in the future. NILE.' Tricsn.ty, .lan.:54th. Mise Minuie Currie is visiting friends in Cc tar Valley. Reggie Rvan and Will Kerr intend to taken trip to Blyth before hong. SVP. Sheppherd was in Clinton last week attending a tentyerance meet - tog. Mr. enol Alts. Taylor. of Rdskatche. wan are renewing old acquaintances around Nile. Meedford Elliott and Roy (Grain spent. Rnnday evening reatirwirlg old acquaintances near Hcn,,iiticl•. Quite a number took in the box sflciel at Dungannon last Thursday night. All mime a goad tune. A noutber amun'l here attended en oyster supe. r et the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Watson last week. At the Epworth League next Tues- day evening the subject will bre "Look air," taken by the president, Chas. (Girvin. The weather being very spring-like a nninlwr of the formers are taking advantage of it by doing some of their spring ploughing. Pretty good for January. A very pleasant ,evening was spent et the home of Mr. and atty. John Taylor Iasi Werinesday evening in honor of Mims Pearl. who is now 'unit- ing at her home here. Rr1Ta or Qeto, City of Toledo.) ,ria LLUCA. COUNTY. f Frank J. Chen makes rat that het. loonier partner of the firm of r'. J. ('henry t Co., deme hnstnesa in the city of Toledo count and State efo said and that .sld firm win pa the ,nm of One Hundred Dollar. for each and every matt of catarrh that. a►nnot be enred by the Oso of Holl'. ('aterrh Cure. FRANK!. l•IiSNK4. Sworn to before me and snh.eribeel In m presence. Una nth (ley of Ir4rember. A. J. Halt Itiewle A. W.(1LEASON NMary Pnbile. Pall's catarrh (are is Taken Outman,. and seta dlrsetly on IA. bland and mmcnn.:misses of the system. Send for testimonials tree. F. J. ('iIRNWY & CO., Tole.tn, o a11 d s 7akl eke all. family Pill. for eonsttpadon. MAFEKINU. MONDAY, Jan. 25th. W. Finlay is visiting et N..Shackle- tt�a ..-�---- -. James Saunders has hisyhingle ruin in running onler again. Wm. Phillipe, of Goderich, visited his brother, Jas. Phillips. J. C. Stothers, of Benmiller, spent Sunday at hie home here. Mre. M. Wilson, of Pt•ospeaity, vis- ited the pest week at Godfrey Hans. Thos. Menary had a sawing machine in his bush cutting his wood this week. The thaw of the post week was a welcome one to people who were scarce of water._ _ The jt7nrties Who so kindly assiste.l •t tui i lz.aoelaLissiela-treated to -an - oyster supper on Friday evening et the home of N. Saunders. LOYAL. Tt•ttsu.ty, .tan. diltb. It. .I. Morrie waw in Wingbam on Tueaelay last. Mrs. Clark has returned after a plea.ant'werk's visit with friends at Port Albert. Miss (irate Wise has returned home after spending the past two weeks with friends in (Guelph. Mr. and Mre. W. F. Young visited their daughter, Mrs. J. Redmond, of Westfield, during the p.set week. W. McPhee and H. Somersell took in the concert and supper given at Henmiller under ,the auspices of the Son of England and report a pleasant time. "%Ve'll go again ere long." ST. HELENS. Tuannev, Jan. 2ftth. Mies Lilian Clark, of Lo !'twlah spent Sunday et h Mr. Ford, of Winghent, is visiting his eon, T. Find, of the loth. Mr. Bell, of Dakota, and Miss Tay- lor, of Blyth, are visiting at %VIII Tay- lor's. The farmers are taking advantage of the One weather and getting their clover threshed. - We ago pleaded to know that Wit McGregorle able to resents his school dirties thin week. Mr. and MIM McOnwan are reenrn- leg to Rlyth this week, sifter vending a tnonth with their friendm here. SPRfNG� NEW SPRINU SHIRTS, NEW SPRINU HATS, _.--NEW; SPRING &Li -T -S. 300 Now Spring Suits, the hugest stock in Goderich. All the latest goods. Call early and get the best choice. McLEAN BROS. Art Tailors and Clothiers GODERICH, --ONTARIO Rather Personal. In a small village a clergyman rnar- rii•(1 a lady with whom he received the substantial dowry of EIO,ti4I, and is fair prospect of tame, which feet tette well known to his flock. Shortly wfterwxrd, while as•eupying -' • hu I, pit, ho ve out a hr.., 114,414 : e tlr.tt EAST WAWANOSH. (our corms:, and -was more, ing 4.v read the 111th. couenlant•ilag Fut ewer MONDAY. Jan. 225th. let my grateful heart,' " When he !trot- Miss Annie Naylor spent- a week tatted, ermghtst-Alen pak : TrAbiati with Wingbam friends recently. omit the• Hfth verse." and then sat Mise Elisa Phillips was A visitorat down. The congregation, attreeted lite home of her brother, E. Phillips, Icy his apparent confusion, read the Auburn, for a few days. verse btu thenlsrlvr«r wa,d aemited at - Mr. and Mrr, Albert Stein visited 0)4.x4. audibly us they rend : riends at Lochalsh and Pine River "forever fct my grateful leearl it later pari. of last week. His boundle.. Lowe adore• 4.v hi d bid. me t for ble..}r.R„ nnw, \ rs. Qroige'S. NiiyTor visited for a And bad. the hope for nacre." fe days with Mr. and Mee. %Villiant Nay 4.r, of Langside, recently. Hair -purling In Prospect. Mi Caat to left e tnfor Toronto "On my husband's birthdays," re - la Y commercial marked the club woman, I always ositiot?, She is a graduate of the staty at home Is nese a him a cake. John P 'lli 4.e, f"r 'wets. of Fonlyce, "I'm sure he deep," said the home Wil. hoine o a visit -to his Chu,. is, (taverna', re -husband that he regards your birth- SV nnghani Bt i College. ge. anthe a and make appreciates thPIII. but now o , Sask., who woman. "I've heard I say to my toned to the West ort Tuesday. day cakes as milestones along his mar- ritd life." -Exchange, ST. A OUSTINE. ----T.-- --- AI0NDAY. Jan. 25th. His Condition. 'I homes Donova is wanking with "1t' w atemail inn was `*xTtt=T, , -t,rtt mete tiat0'�-A bSetJohnston at i ;ea- f Patrarc o t at the end of nix life Y" t in Elliott's hall on Fliday re'st'ing Mies Mary Sark... f Aubunb via- awked a Sunday school teacher of under the auspices of the Orange ited Miss H. Thompson lest week. genet-Iooking boy at the_ Amt. t;,.- dge was a success, deapitft the In - men weather. A large crr,wd ere! an 'njoyed i pleasant even- r good program was rendered. era ser tie w gond-ttgttre, some er a dollar mart. M. Pent - 1 auctioneer. ' CRAM K Uostr.4NY.-The 'ng of the .West Wawa - ranee Co. was held in Hall on Wednesday times* of a general character wax tra &acted. The finan- cial report showed . large surplus on hand. This met wit' considerable op- position from some of . , e policy -hold - et m, who thought the co ny should not have such a hogs opens, -but that their premium, sho Id be re- duced. The retiring di ctors - John Kaake, of Kincardine John Griffin, of Ashfield, and J • C ruin, of West Wawanosh -were a re- elected by acclamation. c t e:n. 1 d 1 1 The id going • 4.6 land act • i FIRE L . annu•e1 'nee nosh Fire in the Agricultur of last week. •41.1-Nn.tNNoN AORIctLTt'HAL So CIETy.-The annual meeting of - the Dungannon Agricultural Society was held on Thursday last and was well attended. The reports presented owed the Society to 1e in a lid and prosperous condition. an there is every prospect of fur- ther %twee., in the future. Offi- cers ere elected as follows: Presi- dent, \ m. Bailie, Dungannon ; first vice pre:'rent, Jas. :Vallougb, Dun- gannon ; eeond vice-president, Jae. Hayden, ort Albert : directors - John Mc •.., Dungannon ; Thos. Stothet•s, Dn • anncm ; Jacob Reed, Behave ; Wm. Watson, Nile ; Isaac Hetherington, e ; John bestow, Nile ; Jas, Chisb. in, Dunlop; T. E. Lolrnin, fhrngann. inc. Alton, Belfast. The only henge in the directorate is that Stet en Medd, who resignett-ia 1 • Jus. Alton: `` 11. J. Morris, of Loyal, t president of the Society, wan eleetet an honor- ary member of the boar • T. O.• Allen and Dr. Case, of Dm annon, were appointed auditors. fter- wards the board of directors meand re -appointed Robert Mellwain as r•etary mud J. M. Roberts ea tr1•aser The fair of Mull will be held the Hr. Thursday and Friday of October, with the usual concert 0t' the eloping day. The flnanriaal statement gives the 111 lowing figures : MEely1•M.. Valance from I:e.t Year. .. . . ... . .., a CUM (ROAM lye gran) ...... .. •. .... 211.M Municipal grunt .. . Olen Munaber-'.ubscripUonaand dotlaliow - Je9i jh iss'mwm yc yet*tmert for seemlier:- _ thin fee. tor IMO 111.00 Adml..ien feel to exhibition, rent ofo s4. e etc 480„0) F,ntrance fee. for horse.' Tole! 111. h:xegsprrl'R,M, Trite e,oneys paid ..... .. ..... ... aiL.Yi Special Itxlxnatothracn.bM3msaa...and Rronttd.... 332 Working expen.e•.,. '23.91 IIJanre on hand... ... .. !la Total ..... a. . ft MAR Thomas Pollard, of St ►!ford, called glass on friends in this vicinity ecently. De'm " calmly replied the yniet- Itichard Svllihs, of Bra don, Mani- looking ing !the, visitrd.hts brother, rant, forte - Gowganda. a few day** {am Sirs. J, S1c(Glen and Airs. illiam The official announcement ix made Mc(h•ogen, of Delmore, visited ends by the Canadian Northern Ontario in this vicinity lest week. Railway, that they well .eccrpt freight John [.eddy and William Mein eh for shipment to Gowganda on and are cutting logs for Allwrt Johnet n Theafter January 21kh. in Tout' McCate's swamp, tieing pusslehed from etion cod is William McAllister and daughter, g pushed to rnnapletinn with spent R great rapidity, and an announcement yynnuuncenlent Miss frie nds nin sIdruaselst and James• of 711117. The CI. atmenger N. Oce aths limbe ited bull town, le 4.r No. 1 giving ;freight and pas - A number of yours people !l'vnt_rite, er rater and Horeb valuelele UTOnnTri'ook'spent a peasant evening nation-, together with a male lest week at- Robert Routledge's, .shovel g the whole 'elver area. Ebenezer. For 1 information write C. Price - Rev, Father Lanrendeau returned Green, nadian Northern Bedding, Price - lest Saturday after a week'. vielt tri Toronto. friends in Ponta/se, Detroit, London and Stratford. Repeat it . "Shiloh'. Curt will al A number from chi. vicinity at ways cure I1I )coughs and odds." nded a party at Donald Fowler's last Succuss et thonly thing that can N 'dnesday night and report having t r" a "Ian's he. h good lime. neck. W are sorry to hear that Mies Marth Wallace -is confined to the house op ccount of sickness, but hope to hear o her recovery in the near Inter e. y t week. ' We are plea. ed t4. eee T. McCabe out again after • cs recent illness and also Mr. Craig, ho has recovered from an accident which befell him about two weeks Chin may worship nov heroes, but in oral life they prefer m 1 who can provide them with three square /Heals a day. HAYFIELD. Tu es n,a y, ..l an. 3(Ith. Miss M. Cimphell *pent lest week with friends on the Bronson line. The reading club held its weekly meeting on Tumidity evening at the hotne of Mrs. Hiles. Mies Olaire Npaekman and Miss Edith Cleave ere spending the week with friends in Hensel!. An afternoon tea under the auspices of the %Woman's Home Missionary Society of Rt. Andrew's church will be held on Thursday afternoon, lmnn ary J'tth, etthe home of Mrs. 1Dr•I Smith. All nee cordially invited. CIIARITY HALL -The Verihest Club of Hayfield will give an "et home" and dance in the town hall nn the evening of February 5th, the pr,reeds to ie given to the Mick Children's Hospital, Tumnto. Come and help a good come, Admiration, )Sec a eoople. No invitations will he Issued. At h. me from 8 to Mein. Mining -like weather still continues, with +, with the heavy tains of Inst week, hes freed the river of lee, so that Rome are tearing there will be no i •c harvest this winter. Hut It is "1 purchased a bottle of Scott's Emulsion and im- mediately commenced to improve. in all, I think I took 14 bottles, and my weight increased from 133 pounds to 184 pounds in less than six months. 1 know from personal results the efficacy of Scott's E ulsion.;'-FRED. R. S &C11 AR; Ali Bath- urst S London, Ont. f,et us se you a copy of Mr. Strong n's letter. He had a trying rience, had got run down Scott!s Emulsion built him up, as it has thous- ands of others. . The 'strengthening and flesh producing properties of scores Emut.stON, are un- equalled by any other prepa- ration, and it's just as good for the thin, delicate child as for the adult. Be sure to get scores. It's been the stand- ard of the world tett 39 years, and is worth many times the f flat of the numerous imita- tions and substitutes. DRUOO,*TI 1.a as teed rue a fell ••►r of M, s l r..a.atee'. t,tt.r .ad soma MM., I It.r, flit* as tae.M...4.. Jwa la..tlea thl. Pa.at. SCOTT • DOWNY 1Pe WWMagasa aa.. W. Teranta when he has it Stiff TE EPHONE O'DERS prompt y t�ttended to.' Lots of GOOD BUTTER AND EGGS. William L. Lindsay Hamilton S1 'Phone No. 116 Superior Harness 0, 1(11 your bottle is like a suit of clothe. for your body. If you are fasti- dious, 1 ran suit you ; -if yon- feet that emerinmy t be pructised. I atu just es willing to help you; no clatter what your demands are, 1 can satisfy you. Subst antial Harness i. the I•Iivito it lel the nd. Quality, worknianship and the low pricer, snake me a friend -winner. Make a judicious comparison and you wil}-derider in my favor. N. E. Knox AUBURN. o STOCK REDUCING SALE of RANOL4 and HEATERS, • CREAM SEPARATORS, HORSE BLANKETS, BASKETS, etc. In order to make floor space\for our Spring d Summer goods, wo quote extrencly low prices ie following goods. STOVES. Empire for $35.00. Iles Ma \\na. Buck Rto Walker's Pilot $f,tl.(p, for $4:3.(42 Royal Art Heater, t has a self-feedet• that ca also has at place for a hot Ruck Prize, self -feeder, w Also e -SECOND-HAND HEATERS • ween with r'servoir and High -shelf, was neesl N.,. ,.. wftlr htglr alfnif; 4.'n„ was $511.(41, for $1:t.uo. teel Range. high .heir, teserv,ir, w hard or soft real nrwood. This stove he retrieved when burning wood ; it r pitw.`A,as $241.00, nuw $2;1.IN►. now $21.I0. d ' A D RA'7IGES at low prices. i HORSE BLA KETS. '2 Rlatak 4.m ifhs easy 4.n, wee• a_..,. e, nuw :Rl.;u. 41 Itlankrt,(*ere *2.90, mow $l.G'.). 5 lilankets, were $1.83, now $I.:3.;. Large number o W OW BASKETS. eme-bushel %Willow lhtaket s at Mc. Also 1 i -bushel basketa al 5d'. No. 12 Coiled Spring Steel Wire. We have two (often? this wire which we want to steer out, which we error von at the ton prier of air per lb. One pound of this goes as far am ten pound.: of No. 9. • SEPARATORS. One Nn; :3 Rharpifss RepernIor, $13.:A). One Ne. F Ritarple•os Separator, $17 54.. Plumbing. Heating. Steam -fitting, Electric -wiring F'ROMPTI-Y ATTENDED TO, AND ALL WORK FULLY (GUARANTEED. 111 Store 'Phone 2) Home 'Phone Ill CHAS. C. LEE •••o......amino= I.. _-o..•