HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1909-1-28, Page 6j '1heRanAY, JApuARY'?R, 1909. ;•"err': r THE SEI:NAL: GO.)FRIC ONTARIO. t 4•1•4*******ctic+4,90243 Meadow Brook , ,, BY MRS. MARY J. HOLMES Author of "Tempest and Sunshine," "Law 42, Rivers," "The English Orphans." }� If everything els' '. t the house did its slare of the work as well F18 "Black Knight' Stove Polish very few e omen would complain of the housewoek. "Black Knight" does away with ' the everlasting rubbing andpolishing. It shines quickly and rode .•s a result that satisfies the most particular. Always ready for use for. Stot'es, Grates and other Ironwork-:-------- ___ It's the best polish tad -the biggest can for the money. geed dealer's baste and ilk for fb11 sire ear If you con t get "Slack Knight" In your tows. Ma r. r. atLlr r0 Lo me 1 ,LLLTO*, out, 8A -Notice to Water Takers Off all Water RatesTor 1909 paid by January 31st inst., a discount at the rate of ten per cent. per annum will - be allowed. W. L. HORTON, CO11rs tel r. 1 The Canadian i Way to the Canadian West Daily oar -vice or express trap. by the most direct and Iniereai,ng route. 1h. only lhrough.car line, ere JOS. 10(:0, Agent. Ooder,rh. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY ..SYS EM The Attractive Route to MANITOBA, SASKATCHEWAN and AI,BERTA Is via Chicago and[: . Paul, Minneapolis orll)u uth. Through St.'Clair Tunn 1 by electricity. CALIFORNIA, MEXICO, FLORIDA. Round- trip tourist ticket • now on sal to all iprincip;ll Winter Resorts. Through Pullman _sleeper Toronto-- let- Ottawa, leaving Toronto daily 10.15 p.m. Full information and tickets from F. F.1,L.%11'RENC1:, Grated Trunk Town 'Ticket :1gcnt. Office Hour. 1.:a, a.m. to 1 p.m. WINTER TIME TABLE Effe;.tive Nov. 3001, 1908 NORTHBOUND N0. a am 1'. M. 8.54 '• 1.h15 8,17 10.10 1.s. Toronto Richmond 1110 Mount Albert Waterton , (freebie' / we*nage Arr. Parry Menial NO, 1 Monday. Wednc.dah•, 11401'.M. Arr. Malibu,' SOUTHBOUND N0. 2 NO. B I(L8 A.M. Arr. Toronln el 1' 91 Richmond 1011 1 a, 8.65 -' Mount Albert. :SSI " 1112 " heaverton 30,18 •• .61 ,' Br,chin 2.1* It Washaen x13 m I,, Parry Sound 12.01 noes Leare endhnry Y'uesstag'• T'j'huredar a A. M. Saturday 4.84)'. et. Observation Dining Pari .r Cars en trains one and six between Parry Bound and Toronto. For through tickete apply to n.areet Ticket Agent. 4646 636 -4 e 4646+4664646464 a medium, widen assumpelon he nae-• 1 descended to the dining -room. Tn ed open the fact of my having admit., were, we gathered „,„,,„7,the week,. ted -tint onmetinles when falling await--' fain cable, awl then 1 xaw that my to sleet, 1lstatted suddenly and awoke. father was absent. "Where was her' Phis, he sural casesl a apilit shock, and I faked, and was told that. having t►okld ill the end lead to great Ica business 10 Southbridge, a town trev- nult,. eral miles distant, he had left start,. About .nine p'elo-k we stopped for telling my mother to bid me good-bye rcfreelmieut::, and un re-entering the for hits. All my good resolutions were ears, I found-tei my joy that the dark forgotten. and again I said harshly, stranger's seat was upprupriated by a "I think ho might at least have bid- 1 THE son of Erin, who ...wines! [melee in- den me good-bye himself, and you HERS n-tu+usswular -it,- iesieoel, .yew rimy toll him act._ e. _riisel-hee had with him his wife, baby. and "Hush, Rose. hush," said my fee- YQII bundle. This time the fates were pro -tier. "Your father isn't the man he petrels, fur after looking arodnd him war before we left our old home. He fF awhile,-tile.str anger luskevt permission is broken down. and it may be you 01111 ` to sit by- ate. rr a g- 1 e- ahuukl net _ bawl wort him for the last time"• sews ode me chore than two oe. i '1t e4 -harsh, prnbai.I L.aoseser - three hours. us by that time he hop- ; ed, and with a'eweiling heart I bade He replied in the mc:11n', suer••- that she, the canis m I;. ,. :a ..t : 1,;.e ed 4, reach his luurney's end, a re- ! my mother adieu; but I left no mes- innf alter besetekt -(q: -',rear on«iw-rr �7.1Lf�II-Id'i411y rarity have broken mink whlclh gave me 1uore punk than AagN which would Id! my father how le• of illoor, en99rlets. bl,nikets mid the habits of hon sll' lovenetter than pleasure, for evert• nerve thrilled with"' much I repented of my rushnexs. p r 1 t br i 11 t 'beiu Shu near to one who l ',eon:, a little tiny, red-faced, snide herhle. But ht coup 01 . arc a lay a g• d thing. to which ehe :aid , tures through the bright sprint: days she though an entire stranger,•-to:eeeeed tent! i knew, then. rhv Ada cloth. dropped. and faded, and struggled for ole a particular attraction. It adulated Heehert, *1141 • mentally hard to keep from in, the fntnt truth; wits quite dark where we sat, and the .;tiding myself far my stupitity.- I end Nheti the warn breuth et summer night lump burned but dimly. so ho '„Ok the bundle of eambrir• .and flan+, was over all the land; when thit role did not nice obtain a full view of my ",.•1 ,ill my arms. while Aunt said,.. ins' sung .was Heard in the maple face. He proved n must agreeable We call hon Jamie lees', and. we trees; and the neeete hloa.:allled by the and attentive companion, opening and :'link he looks like you. isn't he a .0191011 door, they brought no gladness shutting the window just us Often as I,-auty?” to her heart; no love -light to here es I evinced 14.11 inclination to have trim; Re did look Ilke lues•, seed h owing have when she looked upon her baby; holding ply' .*ehel in his lap; placing .!;ac I wondered t 1 t'"' r-1 `a• Pix#4u}:-hittcciswuee• ellild, •' •• J(is--stun--lsaveling trunk at coy lent a , won ems n Ona s g100 mfr; it where ie the young mot•rer'whn yFet and i'Inl ul the house. fur a footatoul, and offeri�ngg me his Itr•1Ti (eel overcoAf Tora illiiw be- ' inks her first !tint baby homely? At last Aunt Charlotte a rote to Ole. t l1 Slates ea rens' mag fears that 1 "Irgh his nose be flat ---his iun•hea(p asking to b , assured of lu•r son's s p Ittg W e and his abouts extend from ear Safety; mid then pour -Anna begged me would take roll whenever the win- The Best Way to Keep Them In Win. • ear! Not Aura. most certainly. tie not to tell that the Niue -cup Naas Itis shah• NILS open. At almost every xta- I e ter. . ' -ishan to coutp•u'i4,lat ihstr1l:R hie leelai't at ties..,, .t,,,“ha y+1.,..1 ••i( I ee;ahwI 1"r ' It requires are sad a keowledge .;t her Iparti:l eyes he N'a beautiful. even Itsx,4, and •hi: eunhfon at night. Yield- „ anything,” but 1 did not, except its- , the bailie of vegetables ln.order to t-hew{It he dui rex..ntbl a rue, whom but inr 1rr-hlT 1•rltmatie., i--IP'Ivered , deed to know Nhether he Na•+ yet the xa easeful keep them ales it l' the late one person had ever culled pretty.. As evasively ; and thus -the shock, when husband of Ada ilontroxe, and. to- ub- t„r myself. I hardly $n. W, Whether tea it earns to that mother's heart, wet. talo that in(urntatinn 1 would -have 'lull aud cannier. They must, as u rule, Upon his grave the tall grass is growing -howling storms have swept acmes It wintl'v sliip%s have been piled upon it the summer's mellow sunlight fns fnll,•:1 around it -Bowers have bloc; 0:ced end faded -changes Lave eome t., n., all and still 1 have nev•'I Peak's,: 10 r, grel that last inter- ,• tea 911rth r0) father. or to mourn over nv dtsett01 of ill, Love for rhe. - ( re p 111111,N•1•IN1' 1'1.1 STORING VEGETABLES. ..1111111 G. JOHNSTON EMBALMER AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR Furniture and Undertaking war'eranur, West elde Square. PHONE: Store aA liudurlcb Residence lea Night nulls: At re'Idenoe, SS William bl vol. .. r r ..., t.., armee hero •1s lax tool Lit nut J r a nee b'er i}e t r Yt h u (serf D 1 ..jt6 ..t b i. b- 1. -r.. -et ..dole a cl.alssnart .-�aki•'Ftnrt-Eitttt-T-=a- yee m P 7 E �� nut. linbi4s, p,..hticul r little tiny seiluntc ,she bud telt. :)t Meadow upon, the •following eirpx5iient. He � caul enough to freeze. But pumpkin , •nes, had never • hewn t wpetci:tl, de. Brook, Luo. they little-dreamedhow mode' some remark about the country • and squash need a dry, warm air sad ,•ht, but on it -s ices inn, feeling their-ahaeot dauvhter-v.•ept•end ''pray- through which we- were passing, and lu gathering must be carefully hau- „It 80111' c)etjnun. anon c• exkiecle 1, e11 over neer 'alien lut::bunl, retia, . as' rp rurlied by sang that "1 believed :-Ailed- It b best to leave the stem lung, .141 me, 1 kisse . my- lift nephew, titter deny', nau�e r.,ptd sUl•ic'.<. r1oNu it Neta net the first tints he hal been Ind never store squashes until ripe- - !:o returned my 1.r•tiig 'th a wry 4.109 rued to death: for, on her bend- oyer Mat n,Rd. us, if 1 mistook not. Potutlxe Jo boot In a cellar that is • and en outcry' : , loud t t Aruna, ed knees, Anila implored me to keep 1 saw fain ill 111e ease with his wife .:, great alarm 1e• -t be vi IL; 'nap, int. her sh:1ute a ferret yet a Iftite longer; 'I, •sr i„.(,. • " cool n d damp and should be kept in 1) y lit," suu!Imuc.,,l from the k r}hon Mid with this it Ill -t I els( complied, The tenuk' a dna (reheat gmw h eliere-rhe wear enjoying at Quiet s !ledvand(�drr1 �rd tO hte nathundrerl hay l wets _sun. Jw pihf.l.,ntly .AL :1,4 to do the :-ante service. for two`. „19red and fifty more ere her tife's e was set: the du 'oke, doing whatever i could to smooth the deeper and hit haps flushed. as ISP• there Phu amit • paTh9•ay 445 was %reading. Mail quickly, "t do not remember of g�1 (Tran II CHAPTER SVTT. nteeting you before, though I was here . Barrels or Inst full. but not With my. wife, .for I • rots, parsnips, The long summer days had merged have nom.. --It Tyra n yy wart: Miss'er'atoring to these inte umumn, who... ' hazy breath Dfnnem,ie." i .flue soli abottld be p oated like a mist, yell over the dig- Nothing could have given me more !ng 1t to run down be t t chills: slowly and noiselessly the -•'satisfaction than this announcement, Wearied with toy ride, 1 a1kerl per- The ail! should be shat • -ionto retire early e whereupon 'le yes were dropping one by one from for if Ada were his ward, it explain- •nhe NhFtsn'eulunkered to show Ole the maple treep,.strew•ing�the"with0red '•I, in a pleasure, his attentions to to fill all th. spaces. way t my room. Pp Mia' narrow kl'as: silk a rgepet a go'r ons be., _or= and as I cast stoleu glances at Iq han•estIng the vegetables must n -' - utile), creaked at every step The irons had sung t dein r 'farewell him, I felt more and more convinced be carefully handhd and the tope rut I on through deli.. gloomy room after s('nR hs their :•untmer nests, and were that there coati -lie no atpnity o9 Df nn Inch or more from the top. Tlils lin_ltie1c.Larc_tttltiL-aLlll?t,_ for a warmer clime; while here tweerrhint and the haughty, imperi will prevent a chance of decay from r,.• to a chamber, fighter, and more and There -brise• hand;:'"anit-feet were--Min-girl to whore he wee guardian: 11 ,'rne cutUng. II beets 8n 11, ' cut t. c. -w' mere 41,' luta, my Aster hadeesteen-gnttrennlrin the autumnal "totes. seemed to me -n very short time err' ,lose they will bleed, losing their sweet eereed. painted., and titled up for on Herbert's farad, however, them he aroie, and offering me hie hand. ,avor, and quickly spoil, . _adding• ai ehe set the candle .Wall a -look of,decal•. The yellow corn saidt lie trust go. adding. We shall Ontc,rls should be perfectly dried as •n the table and closed the Window, end golden p( pklna were yet ill the undoubtedly meat again, as 1'oecd• sa,u as all • t I , gathered and not allowed In n as much as possible, but d be an arrangement for a air. sea are best for car- ts and turnips. Aft- ptaelee sand, or on top, allow - ecu the root down so Work Like This And 1(oii Need Not Stiffer Every little household task becomes a burden when you suffer with kidney trouble. In- stead of being the bright, happy soul nature intended you to be you are becoming a -new :, "u wreck. This need not be '-- few doses-of{)12 -RO( KIDNEY AND LIVER PILLS -will delilonstrat:: lhjs. They are rho world's Fpecific for k+dney -1ml liver trouble, Sold by druggists and store dealers in tin boxes at 25c. Thee are -within the reach o'l'ds receipt of price post- paid from DR. ROOT CO., Spadina Ave., Toronto. Six boxes for x1.2S. Send to- day for free sample. tit front the platform, due to D1 utalriage. Ile will now the audience. 0 J. BNOPflEY 6c SON --Ina LBAUINo Funeral Directors and Embalmers 0,1ers carlully thenad to at .IIA bourn, nlgat or day 'PHONE 15 oR14 (warehouse) When rne, want (a d Yards T11S at Look ` .,tar. h •. e4' COAL AI.L KINDS OF COAL ALWAYS ON HAND arArl foal weighed on the market soaks where roe get t,t*D Ib. for a tea. —11111101. LEE—: e Orders ktt at C. C. 1.EEb Hardware Siete tart aids S*UArn 4ro1Aealy etterded to. • -11 ain't afraid of spooks nor no- held; the app( the gest nd;.the ' +Iloilo*"' w a.. to me a new wised. -in- -wind: - sa tl(1 I in SOME, Surprise' i .asked whatcared or and nada menet. 1y in their stalls N(tw _du tell, she replied.. seating they were thus;neglr. ell•ippon the deet of .the bed. "tines rus:ter was a dntrhkar tailsseiady where emu wn Ilrotigltt drunkard's wife, and mine a drunk- ting .to receive me. Very kindly he tient you don't know what armee* •trd•s home: It WartnoTonger ase- Inwh'rt- 111e:- irtttninng eagerly after Why. it's 'e sperrit-n ghost -and e'er there. and the OIdlen shook Anna and her boy. his grandson. ),ow*'. they say, is full on 'am. their llogde, wnile the y ung men whom he expressed a strong desire 9 1 dsn't h'tirc, it word • on't si1:Lec1 tit Shank -how he -h - -fallet3.-- to see- - "But" 1 never shall," he said •,•iu'it gal.was nterdered near forty Nhyht after night we sat u_p •or him, sadly. as he walked slowly beside me ens. ago. 'titin't likely she haunts the my sis-fe'r a and TTiftirg T,im fr re ,the up the long hill -which led to the ..Sere yet", --and, then, 100. 8110 v arn't threshold *ernes which he wnul fall, village. Of Herbert he spoke not a ^• • a� the bet of ' :r14, i guess. 1 om and herring Ism to this bet. here word, though my mother and my sis- T-,t 1 ye 11011,l1 nr• Oath: r say. ' 'v1l'`retwi 18v 0101 0-0! !e•h+s inno '-n: Z4'Tlrlttd. t➢iktlii lite numblviless ques- tions,Thr t: it;,l was b' steins hard, and•^'+. whins.1 btu. eyes often open some of which 1 answered, I1 -,ne Matson offered these last +vin!+ wflider rt trine Hnis•di:.turb44 while the otters I managed to evade, I : the door, which .she haul left ' 1:,4.111 ,1 deet, hash it as always follow- keeping them ignorant of the existing 1;:h r, ratan toarther with n hong. while yid b, a eley of weakoe..4 And debility, state Of things. 1rr*m the Inks i heard [Wein the wail- 'n 14I,irh he wit.: ire^(.able of exertion. I found them all busied with the ire /'rye. whir+. this tin,,. had 1h it an .;"'! .e ' eery'thinr. seemed on the' p 0parations for Juliet's wedding, ,try lone, as if the niailpn were in- ,•e of rain, when he sud lenly ern- which tank place within a week after tenon* at she wrong done her by the e Ted the idea of advertising -for an my return, I officiating as bridesmaid, •' 1 deans. whnoe eyes seemed to ex- -!:`el••nt man. who would take the en. while the groomsman was none other • 1 and grow blacker nt the sound. ' i.-- ,•:tar^r of affairs and relieve him than my old enemy, John Thompson, . rr'ome. as 1 was -with fatigue. i• .n all eerienow' a 4t1 young man of eighteen, :I 1 riot iep; and for beets 1 Isy `hos`t--this -**m+'--t-'scent-- heck -fie -and enfnai a to Juliet's husband. When -.9.^'..,. ',Atoning t•1 the rain as it tell 1 `lsseert Rreok. for o few weeks to he firet the plan was suggested to me I •n,,n 11e' rnnf, and to the howling' ""'O•nt,r.1 the bridal of my oldest- refused for I bore him no good will; -ter. Anna, too. was urged to nee • '.rl.any ale. h:it rine dcclinchl, extnrt- re ream Me e- promise that if it were 0'81h' f'avetttld-firel- etitl ;ate of t - ' o• T.11 them 1, am Seepy.aiel de cot regret what I have '!ohs.' -a6•1 sh •. ea she• kith -need me 't -•...•t1- tr, the • rate. - ":1nd 5:wild that ha truer` I naked, o'Otie .free fn the fuer: i•nr an i7)''arit she hesitated. while f .:•r pale she •1.: fleshed rind the.tear• t:•!''(t to her r ''•'1 then glnneing at 4a -•o w-.nsets- -iwt -leelet 1'. -tees Ort:.. eh' en were.l. "Yea, it would a.• true: 1 de net regret it. I had -.a1h, r 1.., 1io1bert's -wife ns he is. then rot to have been hie wife nt a11." ;'h. elle -earl Intimrn the • depths a w•anan'e'love,'mid what .punish - s lay In 1waps upon Aton y rave 1 u• wA9• renew aswung-►tloauly ' Yes. lie should meet again. )t felt damp place. If kept to a dry room e ttie-iroreea-'•un- sure of that, though how and where where the thermometer 1e barely , neighed piteous. I could not tell. above freezing they will keep well. s if asking why It was nearly noon of the pert day Cabbage placed In a barrel and sunk 'set. Alas! their when i reached Meadow Brook, where In the ground and so arranged that Anna was n I fourd my father: at the depot. wait- moisture cannot enter and then thiek- its•1. a',i-:e, in,b•, 11. produced the • . 1 m1,1111119. ani. -ea i had ever "1.. 11 I,..t. however. natore could 1 anger endure -rear( --T- fell irtIe a sInn',b•r, from which i did not !. ere! the sunt WAS high up in hravrn•', and preparations were ee Ili lot -ultra in the 'kitchen for din- - was • , 'rverl exactly et h1re (;reatly refreebed. i was ready • 1•1•• t•.: 1 ret my fears of the night pre - .It t with childish joy I ex - !.',,,,,I , very ,nook and corner of the ••4A--feretle; finding - .many -a rat -bele, v.'1^'ti Threw some light on the sounds Geer my heed, which 1 had likened to Om trampling of hnrees Ti thin' Mata few days for me to die- • •r, thea Herd, -rt was exceedingly, 4 p`ultl1' 111 111e4x,' Hill. as1he neigh - re Irf •Axles►, 1.,•. t.v.,I "VIQr ;! . ir,. :o•-tal manners had wen for ay\1y friend... Mei made hien al- \1horh of a favorite. At least, I -ed e - Clint-dd. -_s&int lr the iong ..:,ler 59 1illat. when Anna sat with 9lest; v . . .n- hew- -lap.: lu.teaing for 1-. ae 4r4h th., mseal y. ' ,klie•' eider. humid 1 • tan lea II,S rl f1'r P. 1-6011 1 hhud , of 1 1) rl ate. an. '..•.1 from her n w ren 1.1 .heal .l1 r ww,,i ' 1.a1g 1Venn,..11n 11,1 watt Ortel pedal Ito. ,:,•t'r rem -rine: Latino t the into 9.0011,1 ahi-p.'r •-._car_.4_tie' d "l r•••:e a1 ie..••riny alar. An.1 n11 i ) fireside, was creak - die. and quaffing the. Mel, at ilrreze Hill r_. .nlnal. to hospital - the winter weees .k_ITS aniiion.s 1 seem in 111y m Imes, when diger an naunl. b, fo..l .d there. alone, far hos- 4. : os - Is t r. !hit. nfn welly In r u /IM .elatie Ills 11111e tier- •rate • 1111 11'1. It nen a 11111 , e 5 - are 1. trl•,•Idng l''('tuu•r 11-1.1 fort in the ..ht I,•,t ,,lon,lhouse,; thunders 1 his i0ntlirtiln.: 115:iit1: r fh.' use r all irihmnla liquors: Herbert was the 'wet zealous , f all itis listeners, epnd at tier close-Yof the Icotiire, arose h •N -5 ,th•sve.l rile assemb , 1.,iiring mat W1 •11 a tide of eloquence n,d,mideel the audience, who ,rent tie. Will 0iot4s of "Litijo`1Py for - Knee ine or- Kneeing tine. 1 was greatly surpris- , -I. after our return home, to see the t•nu1g orator /PO up to she ai41eb,ar,l '19.1 drink off, at one draught, a 5(,h- 1,,1 of the porter which hod Men or - for :Irian' She saw it, too, and 4.r en instant her inee Wats pressed : I galnsthtihtit of her steeping boy, and e hen swat -the lamp -light fell upon it, I sew there trneee of tears, while n 1 faint smile played nr d her mouth, + she _said, "1 ane Afraid. Herbert, i•Mlr &Wiener would, hardly think ynitr theory end ',ratline agree', could • that• see yen new." The words Were ill-timed; for they nwolui the young man's resentment, ad with a fltlnhdd hms he retorted nngrily,Uhnt "if leggier were good for her. it was for hint; he saw no diff. enee between a drinking woman and a drinking man; except, indeed, that the former was the moat de. :hpieable." The next morning• the hnttlee rel porter trete gone from the aldeb5ard; bat nut in the Orchard, where the grass of an early spring wits just slating into ids, they lay shattered r sllk�rad Metes. Would, nh, would n{} 1 maples Meson it. Thus 1 h -- lu d.l.,.turncd-away•Iron, my 1't {h. d hire'-' „p pia her wards Fang r t r •tel, d taro'-r':y?;-an t -wonder- if. f ,o fled Fv r love as ehe did. sieueti!I. 1LP_,jnetor rose: up Ise aif^. _d_leuu FUO Mimed soul I simmered,. •r drat, thou that Then, 1 1-''•-b'•v os 1 did so. 1 fan- , , rio •ri! _l.iu, w ifs of "the dark :eel Ore n drunkard- • i' h•'tts tint:" 1 said, and na if a.(11.r the..'o4.I adage true, that n 'Rin individual is. always near • o ler tiro talking about him, the eknre.-rsfrnrr.'d amt the *abject ni meditations ...heel before Ole! *Ca* -1144 (listeking him. The tall, ,tared) form. the piercing .+ire-t'1,sl Meek hair and the same Brat b.IWecu the eyebrows- I 11011 its n Ilnitreltt, 191141 all 101,nm of air rl.•1' _ (edea eat 1119 91 1. ea. 109„ cr, ens Fry' ,y ,e of the airs. The seats were 1' all o,0upi. 1. and as lie pas>ed n r null, uty' n•uders, f trust, !I pan .n Inc it 1 did gather up the 1 rel m dress and take my travel- s t' bag ei„ my Imp, while 1 myself n r'enrer to 0 window, looking out order to hi my (see, whit+ 1 t ,. cit possibly might not attract. in thoe - - "Ie !his seat wee led, mias?'-'Pend n 11•Rvy vo:c.', *filch eemwl tocome them 4ome far oft regi h. "No, sir," t answertimidly, „�,;,,•n( t•'nturing to turn`. my 110811. 11, 11 1 1..11 myself unenfatortably .n•1 dell ; then 1 poked around, and b.! e'd • the dark stranger Watt sitting ',bind me near the char, while, at 10. .140 tIrik a man of mammoth ' !,..inns, with Mir.. OAP moustaches; 11:eery eyes. and a brandy breath flowered with 1oh,ren! 1 w'nntsd to rne, and should prt.b- ably have done so, had not my rem - ',anion immediately eommendwl a r•,nt•er.Mem by risking "if i had tome rrry far, and where i wee going!" 11e was exeee,lingly loquacious, and for several hours plied me with gtuas• tions es to my own name -my parents my grandparents --my brera—my -sisters our standing in the world - our religion our politica, and Our opinion of spiritualism, of which last he was a zealous advoeaie. At length just as it wait growing dark, he gath- ered up hie huge proportions, and to my great jay bade me adieu, elm...s s- ing hilt regret e, ' ..••, and alae aasttrlae tep5 L . sw da. be but my objei tinny were overniled r,y Juliet, who tell me how much he had improve.!. ami' hat i would find him very agreeable., h wens indeed trite. Ile was very poli and attentive, re- ferring laughingly the "freaks of his boylho(d," an he termed them, while at the name ti a he laid his hand. upon his chin, eareeeing the beard which lei's there ly in imac- inatioh and even e I n to me io g in a kind of offhand way f • his enn- duet of three years before. I- fergave- hunt and- we ars best of friends. So much for e prejudioes. In the course of the evenin asked him about the doctor, and w told haat he was (till in Boston, an doing remarkably well. "And do you " Raid John.-1fhe imputes his success to you! I verily believe he thinks you a perfect angel! Any way, I know he likes you better than he I T does �ttlor he told me so in plain "ton English, and I don't blame him eith= ' small Boy (promptly) -One and one. 1 er1 the way she cute rep in enolTh ' tial( y t) kilt tit i lean. Why, it I sero in-Littl�e Girl (raising her hand --- nt ohie ploe and oRert a divoroe yself tof oyher Ply ma'am, we 11181'! a new baby brotbar in our house. "i wouldn't have him," said I. quickly. r.oe�atasta 'ttlta>•� - . Ploy. me either.? Wouldn't you have me?" asked John, playfully. 1111111 FiNF. TAILORED "No, I wouldn't," was my reply; 9 g"hehereupon he laughed heartily, say CLOTIIIN6 say- ing "he wa+ glad he knew my sante- ments before he committed himself"; 111141 there the conversation ended. After Jeiliet had left us for her new FOR MEN home, in an adjoining town. there en- 1 FITS WELL sued et our lnoulse a season of lonely quiet. in which we scarcely knew whe- ther to. laugh or to cry. There is al- t . •x somethintlgg sal in the giving up arighter to 'Th care of *huiiher, and so any parent% found it, particu- l:irly my father, who, broken in spirit 1n,1 feeble in health, was unusually (-alt down. He could hardly suffer me to leave his sight for a moment, and still he seemed to take special jfi'iteure in finding fault with what- Cutters ever i did. Nothing pleased him, and Cutters 1 J ,radially there returned upon me with ile full force the olden fancy of my ehildhlxel, that 1 was not loved like the rest. It Was A most bitterthought, wringing my heart. with a keener an- guish than it had ever done before, noel once. the very day before the one set for my return to Roekland, my It Inks like winter, and 1 nm pent up feelings buret forth, and in 1 en•ly to talk *bent Outten. i have angry toner f told him "it was use- the agency fortwe of the largest, less for me to try to please him --he best-known end mod reliable teen - didn't love me and never had -and I ufeetneers in CAfled*,- was gnarl that the morrow would find me away, where he would no longer GRAY and TUDHOPE be troubled with my presence, whish was evid.nty so disagreeable to him•" Cotters and HleIghv are the } e made MP no answer, but a fear - goods. of excellence in these ful look of sorrow, which will haunt ge.ods, Call ,and ser therm at the • me to m dying day. peened over his warehouse, thin, white face, and his hand, whieh A„• ,.t for wan hard and brown with toil for Ma,sey-Nana Implements, Melotia me, waw ratted beseechingly as i1 to Crum Separators, Fleury Plows, May the angry torrent Oh, how 1 Bissell Disc Harrows and Land repented of my hershnese then, but 1 Rollers, etc , etc. did not 4+11 him nn; 1 would wait till morning, and then, ere f left, 1 would seek the forgiveness, without which i well knew I *Mould he wretched, for eomething told me that never in this world ebmild we meet again. Next morning, when i awoke, the sun was shining brightly in at raj window, and hurrying on my ninths,, course _}lee i How to Keep Meat Fresh. ilsish 1 Veal, mutton and pork will keep ' perfectly fresh in warm weather 1 without the aid of ice or salt for weeks I a by keeping submerged in sour milk. i Change the milk when mold appears- , Rinse meat in cold water when ready ot'ttaC. __-.�..-..-_. v ly covered with straw and earth will keep nicely till far into spring. But where It Is intended to be used dur- ing the winter a good plan is to cut off the stems and outer leaves, trim the beads about as much as if preparing to cook and then wrap each head se(4- - arately In eeveral thicknesses of nQwa paper. This will exclude the air. Aft- er lining a barrel with paper pack the wrapped heads closely in It and after all are In curer with paper. The bar- rel must be kept in the coolest part of the cellar. Dampness will not harm the keeping qualities. To keep tomatoes pick the largest specimens that have begun to show color as soon as the vines are cut by frost, but before the fruit is frosted. Handle carefully to prevent bruising. Wrap each tomato separately In soft paper -mud place 1n shallow boxes or on a shelf one layer deep. Keep In a cool place, secure from frost, so as to prevent ripening. If a few are brought out at a time and placed in n warm place they will quickly ripen. They can thus be kept for several weeks after killing frosts. Au occasional turning under of the whole crop Is one of the beet paying methods of farming. Important. her -What is the total_popala-. _ the;globe, n LOOKS WELL WEARS WELL When made by �. DUNLOP The Talior West St. IMP l�- and Sleighs ROBERT WILSON Ilntni!l,.n Ntrest (l, alr•rieh, Some (ioot1 Horses and Colts for sale. i Marr 0110 0(1,05 8(41,a A deliciously dainty chocolate confection indescribably inviting and toothsome. Like all of Cowan's specialties, of superlative ea coilonco. 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