HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1909-1-28, Page 5THE ORIGINAL ANY ... ONLY 6ENUiNE IMRE sr IMITATIONS SOLI) ON TIE MERITS OI 1IINARD'S LINIMENT HURON POULTRY SHOW. Annual Exhibition Carried Cut Success- fully at Clinton. A very successful exhilttiou was given in the town hall, Cliuton, batt weak A thLH.urQu Poultry and Put Rt -a sane atiou• The total number of entries was 810 and the quality of LLalJirds war -naeetlent.-•The -largest and meat exhibit of any variety was that of single•coinb white Leghorno," about sixty birds. clueely followed uunlurieatly •by white Wyandotte,, Rhode Inland reds to 'emuparatively new variety which is rapidly gaining admirers), partridge Wyandotte*, and boned Plymouth Rock.. The absence of white Rucks, with the exception of a few fine specimens, was numb cow- wonted upon, considering Lhe fact that Huron county is the home of many of Canada's best birds. Ban- tams were exhibited in large numbers. and were much admired. JJJ The two special prizes of tib int for the largest entry from Huurron county and the Iargest from outside of Huron were won by W. Carter, of Con- stance, with sixty-five entries, aro' A. Itritb, of Lucian. with thirty-eigL:. There were a targe number of Clin- ton exhibitors, and the leading out- ride exhibitors were: A. (lobe', W. Mutton & Sons. Crawford et Hiegel, Hudson & Suns. W. Crory, Jacula., Mitchell ; ifowrie, Hutson, Goderich Daly, Case, Sutherland, Seafurth t '1'. Bowers, Carr it Henderson, Wing. ham ; W. Ortwieu, Ilengough, Ilou- sall ; J. flyer, Milton ; A. Reith, t.ucan ; W. Carter, Ilullett ; Dutet Bret.,, Nile; W. Metier, Benmiller; le -Dope, --A-' tt. ?t w'txrf• ' r CM: Lowry & Balantyne, Brurrn's. Wednesday afternoon, Miss Many Yates, of the U. A. C., Guelph, gave t wo vety inst, tletive athiiessee. to large and rp ireeiative audiences Taking for her first subject "Hatching Rearing rut nK Chicks' Mise Yates tr,ved herself to he perfectly familiar ,with theco eau - t ss, a govt. exp eaHer ar uayru.d gasisissig,ty,aa Egg Production," and was equally well received by all present. At S o'clock iu the evening, ohs. again ad- dressed a hill house, un the wubject of "P. 'they for Townspeople." Al- though the subject might (Jnvey the idea that she was addressing towns- people alone. her address was so ad1 mire lily arranged that it applied to alt circu.uetaneea, and was listened to b many front the rural districts. All who were fortunate enough to hear Miss Yates express thrumming as pleased with her remarks. The annual 'nosiness meeting of _the Association was held Wednesday afternoon; n - x11r ar LY of the county being µ,ng reprres•ralled. The, election of officers resulted as folluwe : tion. pre- si,dent, 11. Either, M. 1'. 1'., Crediton president, If. E. Rorke. Clinton ; vicr- prorident, W. Carter. Constance; recnttary-treasurer, M. "('. Kaufman, Clinton : direetnzs-C. A. Reid and J: 8. Howse, Goderich: Thos. Howera and G. itendetwote--\VmpThafn-; 7. F. Daly and J. I.. Brown, 4eaforth ; .1. W.Ort wein and J. G. Haggard, Hen - gall ; Joe. Senior arid T. Carling, Exe ter ; Messla. Lowery and Halhuttyne, Brussels; E. Haggit, Blq►h; J. i)uret, Benniiller : T. J. Managhan, Clinton ; auditors„A. J. Grigg and 1). ('ante - Ion. Clinton. It was decided to hold the next annual show inteinton, This woman says she was saved from an operation by Lydla,E. Plnktam's Vegetable('t.n�peytend, Mrs. Frank Enlsley, ,Lindsay, Ontario, writes to Mrs. Pinkham : " When 1 wrote to you some time ago, f war a very sick woman sufferiug from female troubles. I had indannue- tion of the feminine organs and could not stand or walk any distance. At last 1 was oondued to my bed and the doctor said I would have to go through an operation, but this I refused to do. "A friend advised Lydia E. Piuklam's Vegetable Compuuud, After using three bottles of it, 1 feel like a new woman, " I most heartily recommend Lydia E l'fukham's Vegetable Compound to all women who suffer with female t roubles.". FACTS FOR SICK WOMEN. For thirty years Lydia E. Pink - ham's Vegetable Compound, made from roots and herbs, has been the standard remedy for female ills, and hoe positively cured thousands of women who have been troubled with displae emente, inflammation, ulcera- tion, fibroid tumors, itttgularities, --p pants -,ac e, that bear - Ing -down feeling, flatulency,indiges- t iorl, d izzinesa or ne rvous prostration. \Vhy don't you try it? Mrs. I'inkltam invites all sick tyomen to write her for advice. She has guided thousands to health. Address, Lynn, Maas. a>• .M11./.••=i- Call and examine our new Eye Glass Frames, The Smart Set We test the eyes by the most up- to-date method and guarantee every fitting. W. E. KELLY, Issuer of Marriage Licenses, 'Phone 151 Heard Her Datil Sentence To obfaln temporary relief when eat• feting L • great boon, but to be per- manently ermanently cured and restored to health after being assured that one has not a ye•r to live, Is an experience that cant not fall to bring joy to any heart. Yet this 1s what Mrs. A. E. Ternan, of Norwich. Ont.. says PSYCHINE acoom- pllehed In her case. Writing on August llth, 1908, oho says:" It la ten years since I took PSYC iNE, and I have not taken ten dollars' worth of medicine since. I should ot have lived out the year had It ot been for PSYCHINE. I am now In excellent health." Call key teettahony be 'stronger than thlr? ff you are feeling worn out and run down, try SYCHiNE. You w111 be surptlsed a the result. PSYCHI'1 thoroughly hellds up the system, and Imparts new life and vigor. The greatest of tonics, PSYCHINlf1, reetorrs the thr'oat, lunge, heart, stomach, Eileen lye and blood -making organs to leer( their proper funs lions. The n n1 Iflc known «' D that -WM pure ehreete weakness, catarrh and deellne- gold at all druggists and steres. Me. and > . Send for a sample to Dr. T. A. Slocum, I/mit Spadini' Ave, Toronto. 1 f,l ar 11 ol:� s 25 � FJ�1 Ink ummurrea -• LIYIT[D- ra t tei041sl5/t* S it• :•,r 0 110 A Woman's Sympathy Arbill n heavy discouraged? 14 your doctor's rt heavy financial load? 14 your pain h tha meanypphysical burden? I know what been Ato delimit+ women -I have too; but Yarned how to cure self. want to relieve your bur- dens. Why not end the pain and atop the doctor's bill? I ran do this for you and will If) you will assist me. box (lof theneed reeMe4y µhl h to hart' been a pieced In my hands to be given away Peril*pe thle one box will cue you -it has done No for others. If en I sl be happy and *ch u well be tarred ox 1c (the coat of • a e stereo. our letters held rnnA- dent Write to -day for � m free treat- en mutt, F. lel CU R RAN, WImbee. tet, PRESBYTERY OF HURON. Principal Gandier And J. A. Patterson, K. C., on tb. Laymen's Miauooary Movement. Not for a long time has a Presby- tery meeting brought together tar many men as the one held at Clinton 00 'l'nesda of last week. Therwegg net that collected under one root curb a large reprebentation of Huron conn ty's Presbyterian manhood; was the laymen's missionary conference. hl honor of the occaeion the b:aaement of Willis Presbyterian church was con - vet ted in!o n banquet hall, and there was also anplr arcommisLation iu the room tar the goodly n her who had -atiefled the wants of the tsdyelse• where. The forenoon was spent by . the Presbytery in the transaction of routine business. The Presbytery roll for the year was made up through the change of representative riders from the various emigregatione, sevelul re- mits sent down by the General As - •mthly were discussed and meted up- on, sessional records were exanlineel, and aid -receiving congregations wade their reports. Towards the noon hour the men Who had come to at(.wd'Ute conf.r- ehce began to gather into the church, and At 1 :30 alt present responded to the rail of the ladies below to descend and eat. And eat they did, to their heart's content, butnut ton long or too much, for the men of Huron were awaiting A nobler feast. even the brew! of truth and the wine of in- tpirelioh to be ministered unto them by M A. Patterson and Dr. A. i li,,ulier, the one a distinguished To- ronto Lawyer, and the other the man chosen by his church ani the one hest tlttp,1 to preside over the destiii,em of Knox College, and both with a great conviction burning within anti a large vision of ('hrontian loyalty, privilege and respons4btl11y which they yearned to communicate. For nearly ninety minutes they talked about the laymen's missionary ov m ennrut, the Lawyer and the preacher. each dierussing it in his own way and from his own _ataud, point. xr. Pwttehuiiii to7T o . to meeting of hnsines , e e and pit f(*siun.tl to n in 4t. Janes' Cathedral. 'Toronto, in Noveui- bur, 11007, when a bigger and briaul.r nti.sionary policy wits unfolded; he told of how the hs rd linea on the fame of the moil of the street anti the office shined hill and softened tinder the warming, kindling influence of the new outlook, the new interest, the new thoughtof practical Christianity which was dewumg in their 'auto : he told Of the pentescostel spirit in that meeting and of the high resolve there formed and put into n motion duly kande, seconded and unanimously car- ried that the Toronto chinches, Meth Mint, Anglican, l'reihyterian and Contionalist, nhott1ld eim at *5111,9»0 as their annual contribution towards the planting of Christianity in Canada and the world, being more than three tinter beyond the former orale of giving; he told how that one church after another was snaking goal the vow then taken. instancing the $12,0111 raised for missions by filo it street church in 1(81N and the i niter amount puton the collro:ion 'lplate on one Sabbath In 8t. Paul's Rpiscopad church, of wh'rh Canon C dy Is rector ; and in earnest tones and with emphatic gra'uie he told the Pre,hyterian men of Huron that the fleet demand anon thenrwas not (heir money, but the heart of love for the rause and the person of the Divine Neater. Mr, Patterson spoke an a man of the pew In men of the pew ; he se• poke with the foirefelnea of an ,hie lawyer, will, the finish of a of*r, with 1he flue spiritual lite of Christian, and with the shrewd mmnn sense of a man of the world. The address .1 Principal (handler THE SIGNAL GODERICH.: ONTARIO .Intern atronal JYewspaper Bible Study Club Suggestive Questions on the International Sunday School Lessons, Prepared by Rev. Dr. l7iiaFtiff, 6iinfjord Iltogieteted In ecoodauoe with the Copyright Art. Anneal 31st, loon -The Trial of Peter and John. Acts iv, :131. What is it to be filled with the Gulden ext, -They were all filled Holy Sphit? with the Holy Spirit and they spake Ira loan filled with the lioly Spirit the word of God with boldness. -Arts always brave iv. ::11. Was Peter specially tilled with the Verses 1 -3. -Why did these priests. Italy Spit it for this occasion or was who were God's appointees for carrying he now always filled with hint? on his church, oppose Peter and John. I It a man tolry recognizes the Holy seeing that they were in the same service) Spirit iu hint, and so acts, is he always %This question must be answered in writ- filled with the Holy Spit it ? Mg by members of the elub,) 4- Verses taitt - flow was- the Int. At e• professional teachers of re• potent wan made whole ? ligion naturally jealous when others\Vbat does the expression "In the begin to trach, and are making it a name of debits," signify ? 'success? e i What would have happened if the Have priests and preachers in the Jewr had accepted Jesus ? part been quick, or slow, to sec Gude Verse% 11-12. - Thew versre sL;)te new revelations of truth whether in that Jesus is -the chief stone in the science-. or theology? Christian temple, and the only matt If two persons are ie fly one with through whom ralvatian can Ile had ; (Ind, will they persecute one another . now what do theat two stati'neuts for differdne., of upiuion, no matter mean,? how wide alma ? j 'Verses 13-11. -- What is the great What made the Roman Catholics evidence that Christianity is truer buten the Protestant*? •Veases 15 18.-I)o. some !cedars still • \Vhut made Calvin, the apostle of I commit the suicidal folly of being Protestantism, cause the burning of afraid of the truth Servetus? - Vero(' 10-22.-.1.1ear any nun lnd..y 14 tfK611 S a sincere ratan ever be pun- authority to bind the cunecience of 'shed. or oven blanked, toe a wroug any tither roan ? opinion? . What is the authority to, which is it possible for a lover of truth to men should always yield implicit reach the goat. without passing obedience le - ---- through some error? I How cab we- tall whether our teachers are i ght or wrong ? To what authority did Jesus com- mit the education or Arndttiction of the Christian, (See John xiv. . 10,17, THE MARKETS. Liverpool Wheat Futures Close Hlgh• er, Chicago Lower -Live Stock -Latest Quotations. -- Mloaday oversew, lee. si. Llverpoo1 wheat future.. clotted 'Ad high- er than Seturdsy, and eerie`harett••un- chlln*ed. LAcago May wri-eat clotted 'rp lower than Saturday. May corn cloned tke high- er, and oats closed tie higher. Winnipeg Options. Wheat -January. 99%•• hid, July 11 rife, bid. May 11.014, bid. Oat.-Jauuary Ileac bid, May 41%c LW Toronoto Grain Market. 1y heat, fall, bush .........;an :a; to Wheat, red, bush 0 ab 5t you=e, bush 0 91 Rye, bush 0 el Buckwheat, bushel 065 ` 1'eaa, bushel 010 Marley, bushel 0 W (rats, bushel 0 46 Toronto Dairy Market. Rutter, separator. dairy 0 .25 o II Butter, store Iota 0 23 0 24 Butter, creamery, aotfd, 0 21 0 23 !totter, ereamery. Ib. rolls0 21 0 a Eggs, new -laid. dosen 0 10 0 36 Eggs, cold storage 0 26 0 21 ('Leer.., large, Ib 01314 Cheese, twin, Ib 014 ' Honey, -'extracted 0 1054 0 1i New York Dairy Market. NEW YORK. Jan :S.-nutter-L'nsetU- ed and lower; receipts, 43n. Creamery, specl*lr, 30e to 3044c, official price. 70c. extras EM ie 054c; third to first, 24' to -roe; held, eonunon to special, Y3v 10 a151µ; process, common to special, 19c to 24%c; weateru factory, first. 21%c to :fit, weft - ern Incitation creamery. first, :a, to '•I.. ('heeee, firm; receipts, 1;.70 State full (r�etam, specials, 14%c to 15%c;;,t dor' fancy, . Y44iLJ,er.11na.3Y:. maga, ben e; do., good to prune, 1'a to 13c; do., common to fair, 10Iac -to 111rc; akkn.. full to specials, 254c to 11%c, Eggs, steady; receipts, 4111. ,State. Pennryt- vania and nearby fancy aelected white. 36c; du., fair to choice, 33c to Mc, brown and mixed fancy, is to :etc. do„ fair to choice to 31r t mea ernIr f s t Mc; w - ' 54c' coads, 29.: to 29. \'eri,e 1. -- F o f w is it thee so the ac- cept, and some reject, essential spirit- ed truth on the satue evidence? \'err(.5-7.--Why was it that these nw1WY s(In-aaayC-+'euoMFeiae iesas- Ilan sfbii•-x ii• it• orit e -t RT1 sent .d (Ind :' )las Jesus' authority concerning is it possible that these priests in the Holy Sptieit ever been super•aeded? their he arts believed that Peter end . Versed 2331, -\Veen wa obey (kat John were right, and opposed them do ,we always hive.' to rejoice over a because their own craft was id true victory? danger? What ii the inspiration of prevail - Verse 8. = \Vhat gave Peter and ing prayer and success in the cause of John such boldness ? God ? • February 7th. moo -True and False Brotherhood, Acta iv.: 32 to v.: 11. j the corona:nity did not need any Golden Text -Lying.' lips are aril more, and if he told the faete, would abomination unto the laird ; but they I h.• have been just *s Well pleasing to that deal truly are his .delight. Prov.Got ? xit. ; ?1, 1 I Verses 1.2 -What prompted 'Allan - Verse :32 -Are all who are one with i las And Sapphire to sell their prop - God as 1,w ay one with encu other, thatea•tp; is, "of one heart and one -soul ?" I i what class do you put. the sin of Shvnld a Christian consider that p 'tending to be better than we are ? what he poeaeeaev is,his sawn ? • Why did they pretend that they Would it be either wise or desirable had given all t he proceed.' of their that Christi.ine should in this d properly to the apostles ? , hove .11 thing's iu common 2 Why hi it that pride is such a ter - Wes it Uo'b plan for thew to • . ve rible sin ? all thioga.iu minimal:Lin that. --> did they allow their love to ru away i anias a lie to the Holy Spirit 2 with their 'udgment ? From Peter . reniauk do you con- % eree 31 -What is the ,octet for elude thet the selling of the property, witueesing for Christ with "great and the disposition of the pr.ceede, power2" was wholly q voluntary rnatter2 Verses 34 -35 -Speaking from experi- Verses 50 -Wee the dent* of 'An- ence and observation, how many lion- anise, judged by the etandarda of that est, industrious, God-fearing nlen .are duo. a jest prnaIt y for the sin ? there that •'lack' any necessary lhiYpt_4144i,ae, -. 1*4-4hot--pm.rhiannent fit in this life :' .Ananias and Sappltit•.aodu,e then L. a church tinder obligation to "Del nine(• 7 Pp provide for the necessaries of the poor Verses 7 -11 -is there any reason to unite jurisdiction 2 think that the woman, wanting to Whatever may have been the case appear big in the cum munity, wee the in that day, would it be wisdom, or ineti ator.4 this lie: and led her bus - folly, In this day. for the member* of band into it ? the church to sell their possessions What is the difference between the and hand over the *coney to the sin of Ananias and 'flapphira and a church ? man who gives a sum to God's rause, Cana person be a Christian who saying it i4 all he can afford, when he does not bold his prnpt•rty subject to can afford more ? the orders of Cal for its disp ,eel ? Sup \Villa Christian be ate glad to give( a man gives less than he hie money at the command of Clod, as ought to :give to the cause of God. to receive money from Goa ? does he commit practically the sin of Is teithfulnee* to God a sure cure Ananias and Sapphire ? (This question Tor whurtneai of money ? must be answered In writing members of the club.) 'Front this account, do you think that they sold literally all their poo- Wh•,t should I.c our attitude in the •essione, or only their reel estate 2 I distribution of our earnings to God's Vcreei '11631 -If Ilarnahaa had sold � case ? one-half of hie real estate and brought Lesson for Sunday, Feb. If lb, 19J0. - the prae.'J, of it, or had sold it all, The Ap.atles Imprisoned, Acts v. : and brought one-half the proceeds, if 1742. (orated a splendid and vital climax to WATER GAUGE BURST. that of Mr. Patterson, It Wile the tltterante of the sage. the evangel and the statesman. The church's great world problem and its claims were set lotth and expounded and pressed house in plain. straight - flung sentence' that were tipped with the fire of Heaveuborn zeal. ile laid down a earefullythought-out plan of how Protestant Canada may even- gelize her share of the world, which is 40,0101,0(11) under the comity of mis- sions ; of how the congregations of Huron Presbytery tmry futffl their part of the contract by averaging 23 ;cense per family or 111 cents per mem• her. ever w n y eek t words µti thus supplying one missionary every N1,001) heathen, which would five thnee more than what is being done now. The practical scheme out- lined in detail by Dr. Dandier com- mended itself to the judgment of the men present, as was indicate! in a motion adopted without adiseenting voice or hand .et the Hose, '11tia meeting is over, hitt it will bring much fruit. SHAKE IN A BOTTLE. er-x d A t ii 7[a'iE'e oke u ho ty. Also Give a Simple Prescription. Now is the time when the do•tnr gets busy. and the patent medicine manufschters• reap Lhe harvest, ton - tees great care Is Oaken to dress warm- ly and keep the feet dry. This 1* the advice of an old, eminent authority, who says that rheumatism and kid• trey trouble weather is herr, and alio tells what to do in can" of an attack. (let f any good prescription pharmacy one-half ounce Fluid Ex- tract Dandelion, one otiose Compound KIR•gtin, three ot*neea Compound Syrluip Sarsaparilla. Mix by shaking in a bottle and take a teaspoonful after meals and At heAltime. JusL try this simple home-made mixture et the first sign of rheurn*- tism or if rmr hack Aches or yon feces Chet the kidneys are not actng jnit right. This is said to he a splendid kidney regulator, and almost. certain remedy for e11 forme of rheumatism, which is cau.ed by uric *cid in the blood, which the kidneys fail to filter out. Anyone can easily prepare this; at home and at email cost. Druggists in this town end vicinity, when shown the prescription, stated that they can either .apply these in- gredients, or, if our reader,. prefer, they will compound the mixture for them. Hepest It :-"Shilnh'e (;its. will al- ways cure my ene*ghe and colds." People with ineanity in the family meat abeolntely refrain from murder. On the trial it will be found out.. and the defendant inside nn comfortable for the !eat of his natural life. --The Even - Ing Post. C. P. R. Fireman Badly Scalded. C. P, R. firem an, Gro, 11. Duffels, who lives in Robertson street, Fort \Villiet'', while on his engine near West -feed happened a nasty accident.. The water gauge of the locomotive hunt and scalded the whole of the left side of his ftce and head terribly. "It so happened,' said Duffaa to our representative, "that i had a I,ox of Zion -auk in my pocket, which 1 need for a sore on my lip, And when I had n rnyrered tram -The frit shock of the a ci c d(nt [ produced P the balm mid lied it applied freely to the 'melded parts. fli At the time 1 applied it 1 was suering acute agony, but within •t wonder- fully short limit Z-int-Buk gave we ease, 1 was able to continue env jottrney, and upon reaching home 1 obtained more %am-Huk and con- tinued t treatment. It act et] won- derfully well, turd in it few dare had the svnund nicely healing. I don't. know anything so fine us a healer of Mirns, steak's, eats and similar injuries which workers are so lbable to ; and in my opinion a box of 'testi-Huk should he kilo. handy in every worker's e'Ve is something diff'e•ell', and superior :dwelt Z irh-Huk. Time and Again workers in all ihau•If•a of trade have proved its vast ahperiority over the advertised ointments and salves of the day. No doubt the fact that. Iain-ilt*k is trade entirely from herbal e.eences and extracts, while ordinary oinl mettle contain more or Ices animal fats and nil's. goes a long way to ex• plain Zom-Huk's superiority. How- ever this may he, the 110. rentable that in four continents to which it been introduced within ten years has I.erome the leading househnl balm ! For burns, cuts, , scalds, Marines, sizer, 0, piles, ulcers, ring -worm, itch, salt -rheum, batt leg. festering sore., chapped place., cold sores, fret trite and All skin injuries and disease., 7,annHuk is beyond doubt a moat niar- velloua cure. Druggists and stnnW well at fit) cents a box and the lain-Huk Co., Toronto, will mail a *,ox, post free, aeon re ceipt of price, to any of our readers who may have difficulty in obtaining a .apply ..f the genuine %ain-flak from their local stores, CATTLE MARKETS. • Prgbtes 3uady-Flop Firm at Chi- cago and Buffalo, LONDON, Jan. ffi -London cables for cattle are steady, at 13c to 13%c per Ib., dreamed weight: refrigerator beef to quot- id at 1054c to 1054, per 1b. Toronto Junction Live Stock. TORONTO JUNCTION, Jan. 25.- -Receipts; of live stock at the Union Stock Yards yrere 69 carloads, com- posed of 1071 cattle, 10 hogs, 143 sheep and-1d_culvea. There. was a good demand for export steers and more would have. sold. Deal- er. complain that there are few of the cattle offering that are finished. Steen soldto f m ib W t. ,.60 R but only one load at the latter figure; bulla sold from $4 to 5475, and one choice bull brought $6 per cwt. 1': 'area, As •w111 be seen by sale* quoted bebw, t1.e bulk of the butchers' cattle went over 14 per cwt., not many being aold under that. figure. Choice picked lots, sold at 14.15 to 65 and 8 few were quoted for • -little more .money; loads of good, 14.60 to to 13.k and 1310; rows, 13 to 14.10. and In¢o.d demand; canners, 81.5 to 13.50. Milkers and springers. About half a dozen milkers and spring- ers sold at 130 to r4 each, and one at M1u. Napoleon Dexlel of Montreal was on the market looking for. conte good, cows. faker. sad Lae.5.. A light delivery of sheep and samba sold at steady prices. Ewes sold at 13.2,1 to 14 _per cwt.. rani*, $3.60 to 03; Iambs, 16.50 to K per cwt. Hoge. Gunn*, Limited, quoted selects et 16.6, fed and watered, at the rnarket, and 16.40 to drovers, f.o.b., cars, at country points. One drover from Western Ontario stated that he got 16 50, 0.4) b., care, last week. Montreal Live Stock. MONTREAL, Jan. E. -(Special.) -At the Montreal Stock Yards West End Mar- ket, the receipts of live stork for the week 'ending Jan. L0, were 3611 cattle, 911 Sheep and Iambs, 6491 hogs -sad Ii0 calves,. while the offerings this morning amount- ed to 1000 rattle, 400 sheep and !Harm.., PIM hogs acrd 100 calves. .There was no fur- ther change In the condition of the mar- ket for rattle to -day, prices being firmly maintained, supplies being smaller n)nl quality generally good The demand was not quite so kern ns , .vee•k ago 00 a, -- count of the milder a. ether, but *here Wan a geed attendance of loiy,•rs, a gond many teeing for shipment to Quebec and Ottawa. There was no demand front ex- porters. Cable,' from Islverpuol on ttat- urday reported trade slow hut farm. Choke steers sold here at 5•4e to 514..•; good, at 434rc to re, fair, at 4r: to 454.'; com- mon, •6 3c to 3%e; and Inferior et 2.• to 254c per pound. Owing to the continued small euppllem of ahrep and lambs prlee, show n» change from a week ago. Choke loot of sheep brought 3'140 to 4c, and err',, 34er to liter per Its; Lambs; sold freely at 2.4.- to 5e• for choice stuck. and at 5 ee to Mee for good per Ib. t•Mves continue to be scarce with Inc demand good, and prices rule firm. There con- tinues to be a strong undertone to the market for hogs and prlcee are eteadlly tending toward,' a higher level. they showing a further advance to -day .of 110 per -cwt., due to the keen demand from packer. and the limited supplies of froz- en stock roming forward. An active trade was done with sales of selected Iota at 17.21 10 17.5 per cwt., weigher* eft ears, hot norm Iota coming from (Chatham cost Intel down has rt,00-t• tptt per- - East Buffalo Cattls._Markat EAST I1l'l•9 ALO, Jan. M. -Cattle -Re- ceipts Mtr1 head; fairly active and steady; prime ,'terra. M to 16.10; shipping, $5.10 to 16.60; hutel.ers', 14.75 In 16.15; heifers, 14 to 05.50; cows, 13.50 to 15: buns, 13 to V. Ilog.-nerrlpts, 13,000 head; active and 10p,to 15.' higher; heavy and mixed, ma to Oar; yorkera, 14.15 to 16.55. pegs. 15.60 to $670; roughs, 1(.50 to 15.75, stags, 14 to 14.75; dalriee, 45.M to M6e0. Sheep and Lambe -Receipts, 11.400 head; active, sheep 2rs•. Iambs and yearlings 40e htgher: Iamtra, r to 0.75; yearlings, 1525 to 15.7700;, ',ethers, 15 to 15.50; ewes, 14.60 to 16, sheep. mixed, 12.50 to $5. New York Live Stock. 3eeveuo-- pta NEW -Oi n 26 E 1 LIC Jan. .- f Rrcel . 5138. Storrsopened slow, closed firm to a shale higher; 1,011, and cows, steady; Steer. 35:9* to 16.30; oxen, 13.75 to 14.30; IIYB•U Joitua•y„. Stock -taking Sale of hARDWARE1 The clearing -uptime. odds The clearing -up time. Manyodds and ends from our regular stock and of the Nicholson bankrupt stock, which has been moved to our Square store, will be put on sale at clearing prices. Besides we find we are over- stocked in some staple lines, such as Graniteware, Aluminum ware, Lamps and Winter Mitts. We offer qur whole stock of these at just 'three-quarters their regular value. We have a good lot to choose from. We would draw your attention to INTERNATIONAL STOCK FOOD. 1 Howell Hardware Co., o 0 Limited. � of A DANGEROUS CC'- vH, Ottawa, Ontario. Man Suffered from a Chronic Cough Accompanied by Spitting of Blood - Restored to Health by Vinol. "For two years 1 had a set -ere cough accompanied by spitting of libeel. 1 was discouraged, for 1 haul tried dif- ferent physicians and medicines, ob- taining temporal y relief. Heat ing of Vino' I decided to give it a trial. The that bottle did tue so mach good that I made up my ' 1 to continue for several bottles' 1 if nice by *wr • but b the time i had finished theythlrtt bottle the cough and the spitting of blood Mut loth entirely disappeared. "Allen & Cochrane, the Red Croats druggists, from whom 1 procured the. Vino!. can vouch for the correctness of this) statement," Percy E. Smith, 1711 Hank street, Ottawa,th*tario, cessful in such crsei is because it is the only preparation that contains sonic Iron together with n11 the heel- ing, body-building clews -sat of. • liver oil, actually t tken fr r.. ,.t cols' livers, butler oil, 449thout hesit-tion we proclaim our faith in \" 1 for chronic roughs, colds or i,e(ure hiteet vend auris -belly. /milder and strength creator for old people. Anyway, if you try it and it does no good we will refund your y. H. C. Dunlop, Druggist, Uolerich. London Graphic's Article, London Graphic of recent date has a descriptive article on the (;rand trunk Pacific Railway and its ocean Tern*x111.4, Prince Rupa•rt. The article iscsteulated to give • friends in the Old Country a good idea of the "Isrger Unmade" movement of which the Brand Tiunk l'acillc and the Na- tional Transcontinental Itailway are leading tractors. 'There in. a seroes of Octanes of Prince. Rupert, showing a Nitro. great city in the ivaking, *t4 well as ether pictures illustrntipg the rapid development Of I Ile great Catla- dian West. The building of the great all -Canadian route is, an t -titer -prise which is hound to commend the atten- tion and admiration of the world. The more a woman knew. -lout the affairs of her husband the hiss she has to nay about them. Itepeet it : ..Shiloh s Cure will al- ways rote m)• coughs andoolde" -- .---. Every young man looks forward to the 1' • when lie will be in a position to boss someb.•dy. • CHAS. E. GRIFFITH UPHOLSTERING ANO REPAIRING HAIR MAT IRESStS RENEWED ANI) E. MADE CARPET A(J orders LAYING. promptly attended W limeys moderate Repair Room.: One door Wert of C. J. Harper'. Sim . Shire, West Street, Ite.Idencc-F,Igiu Avenue, 11.101)ERiCH. ONT Stormy Weather Coming d.retty noun, 'rive season for wet walking, wet feet and pneumonia. That is, if you are not provided with *Lonny weather footwear. lie wit e and oerure a pair of our WATER andWEATHER PROOF SHOES. They ere not the big and clumsy kind you have Leen need to seeing. They are snug. warm and water- tight, yet ere smart enough in appearanr, to wear in any west het . WM. SHARMAN GODERICH Swollen Hands an. icer . mean Kidney Trouble:. l.inimentsandl•)raalrite r..: . What yon mot ito I , t t core t:•e Gioucy•+e Take Such 1s LEG. Many are caller', but few get up. Revenge is 'sweet to the sour. Men', virtue netts on temperament ; a woman'., sordidly on enol To keep friend., treat Them kindly ; to kill them, treat them often. The end of one's ambition becomes merely the means to a greater effort. Money is a reel lragelly 1 Give it and you snake paup••re : lend it and you create enemies ; heard it And you Imperil your soul. -Lippincott'*, Calves Receipts, 2235. Veale, 25c to 60c lower. barnyard calves. easier; western. 10,' lower. Veal,,, p; to 110; culls, 16; barn- yard cah•ee, 12.10 *0 14; western calves, 13. So. to '4.18. 8hrcp and lambs-Itecelpta, 16,600. Sheep, steady; beet lamb., firm to a free- t1pn higher; all whore slow; tnedlum grades, no more than steady; sheep, 12.40 to $3.75; ruble, 12.9:. Jamba, 16 to 07,60; one car, $7.7S; yearlinge, 14 Hogs- Rerefpta, 10.261; market, firm aA 15.40 to' Wei; choice heavy weight, exceed quotations. Chicago Live Stock. CIIICA040, Ja,. Y,. -tattle -Receipts, estimated at 17000market, k 1, bio higher, steers, 14 5n to 07,16; cows. 4.1 to 06.50. heft - r,, 11 to 15.75; bulls, 13.40 to 14.10; calves, 1 10 00.54; Mockers and feeders, 12.60 to 15,15. . II a-Reeelpte, estimated at21,0011; mar kat, 1 to I6c Maher: choice. heavy, ship- ping, 42 to 14.6e; butchers', K40 to 0656: tight ml 9e o e' 15 t 061 choice tight, 25.06 to 16.20. parking 14 to 14.45; pigs, 14.75 to 16.50; hulk of males, N to 1r. In Sheep --Receipts, estimated •0 14,000, market eteadt, at 10.' higher; sheep, 14.26 to M a 6e; lambs,' .26 to *276; yearlings, AS , Improving. "How is your .on James get ting on at college, Mr. Rogge?" tusked the Par - eon. 'Fine,' said Boggs. "He's getting more hudinewelike every day," ''I ant gled to hear t.ha," amid the clergyman, "Dow doe* the led .how it 7' -Well," fetid Boggs, "when he fleet went lupi and n anto d money, he timed 10 write smiting for it. Now he drawm on the at 'sight."- Lippineott'i, 11 every man was Compeller' to art as 'tie own fool -killer thine would he an epidemic of nuicidtes. G RN PI LLS - (;in i' I, . f dirr.ejTT o0 three vital ,ons._��irt. nrlcaoid-- na:. •1 el. S l: Lsxl-nett J ovotl2s pain azul r. dw ..,.,-,•:tored in handstand fleet. s.c., n 1. 1; f r .A..,Ia�a,.f,t� dealers or .. lit. 101 .rc,:etl•t et phew, D!PT, A. --NATIONAL DRUC & CHEM. CJ. LIMITED t;,;,,ae"ees TOsONTO !es s.,if Me rCa. M9. Hot -Water 13ott les A nn• thing to hate III Ih.• hot*'' these cold days, also in rave of sickue•ar, We .utve the NIA. money ran buy, and WE GUARANTEE THEM FOR TWO YEARS, ao you areea;fr in buying one. We have them in 2411. and :kit. *dies al F. J. BUTLAND'S Drug Store Goderich "THE STORE THAT PLEASES.' Holiday Goods OUR ASSORTMENT THIS YEAR IS BETTER THAN EVER. LARGE LINE OP Perfumes, Nair Brushes, Mirrors, Manicure Sets, etc, LOWNEY'S, WEBB'S AND NEISON'6 CHOCOLATES. Fine Pipes in Cases, Presentation Packages of Cigars, Cigar Cases, Tobacco Pouches, etc. ,BEDFORD BLOCK DUNLOP THE' DRUGGIST