HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1909-1-28, Page 44 Taves )•t, January 20, 1909 TIIE SIGNAL : (,ODKKIC}I. ONTARIO BOARD OF TRADE. MANY MATTERS FORWARDED AT MEETING OF COUNCIL. Harbor Freight Sheds, Breakwater Postoffice Enlargement, Milltar Camp, Steamer Connection an Other Matters Brought Up- A Bus Evening in Discussion of Project to Bonita the Town, Y d y s The council of the Hoard of Trade met on Monday evening in the town council chamber and did 0 good even ing's work, President }tumbril was in the chant and there wits a goal at tendanceof memlwia. Several matters of correspondent were attended to, including one i which the Department of Marine ant Fisheries at Ottewa asked for' r out plete information, with plans ant photographs, respecting tislerieh hal bo foris a ne •u o1) rs pamphlet t t t Pa p ti by the Department dreliropr with th most important torts .t the Dotuiu ion. The request was Addressed 4. Harbormaatar MaeKuy, who *ekes tll the co-operation u[ the to gig ie he Trade in the matter. Willis Frust wag appointed to act with the huprbu.r master In niiklig up i}ie Weairef to formation, - Another communication .was from the Home and Foreign Produce Ex change of London, Eng., and was with rare nee to the form oto me Ltladilti for e*pottgoods. Legi•letion in chi matter is being proposed in the ,I)1) minion Parliament. rod it was de tided to cod a resolution to Ottawa the movement t1) secure f1 that will be fair to ship - RECOLLECTIONS OF THE WAR UF 1812. By Dr. 1Villiam Dunlop. A copy of this interesting narrative has just, fallen into any hand.. written by this able and accomplished intn- a man wbu by nature was fit almost fur any puritinn in which it'cuuld have pleased Providence to plat , filo,, whether as an able and brave soldier, to distingilished sturgeon; yr chief justice of the King's Bench. His talenla were by nature of 00 high a quality that nut hi ng would have ,rouse amiss to him. highly educated, an army man whe hail been io active service NEWS OF DIQTRiCT dr$ t inir6 ti' flu havgtt wti at Chrs- LOCHALBH. Tt'KSJAY, Jan. 28th. A number of the farmers are plow• ing this week. • The heavy rains of last week, along with the Melted anew, were a real godsend to teeny of the farmers in tllet414WWitett1iia,( f„itetittu»Kr,-r1.-tht(Pe hos been an unprecedented scarcity of water during the last tea months and touch hardship entailed in securing it. eetg8HINAL Iloosi. The Signal is rap - i inctraaiug its circulation in this in many p-e'ta 1)t the Kutpiee,•-it-is.--semme „alkisuugh we are somewhat re - moat fortunate that the task of mute from the county town. During writing this interesting book fell into the last two or three weeks alone tbir- his hands, teen new suhscrilera here have r+ub- Beelh pbyeirally and Mentally Dr. scribed for this live paper. Phie thmlopi s powers of enduratice were speaks well for the management. siMph wonderful. Coming on the H6AKI) t'ausr A1.t►N.-The Laurier Heli} at QQucenetal Heights immtdi- correspondent, after a 1ilen'e of rev• ately after the battle, he soon found real weeks, luta at last wakened up. his (rands, •e than. full, with the aid We were haunted by terrible tease, of only a sergeant of the medical corps %Ve were oppressed ressed b the dread that in looking after the' ' wounded 01rn, perhaps our friend, wearied with the all requiring his special surgical akill care•s of life, had fallen asleep too near oith•as little delay as ptcaib.e. For the edge of those precipitous cliffs two days and nights he was not even down there, and had unfortunately, 'able to sit down, eo 'retrain,[ were the rolled down into the chilling waters of demands man lr a wn him. ) t u. ( n nt the h third day a I.Akr H arwp, { is with 'math he fell asleep with one arm around a L I ate Ih tt we'ate hearing him -0 -liiui Pug. It Was found iulpplaaible to again, and float we have his sympathy awaken him and a large bunch of in thea. violent attacks of "language' r*W w )i, 1.r spread u , t n lbs floor and of 'r whlh•ew itr y n appears, s the 1)u• was fatefully laid (11)011 at. waking happy' victim, but which, we touch re- in) only after five It' ti's of 1)•frss111,, gl,.1 to r f, err ,elite incurable. 6°1'14 t,is,-p with* 1"14/4"1 t" (urliiend-WIffTw life/teed-To resettle his arJuotia ditties. learn then those attaekaxre .doing no No wonder "that the name of 1)r harm to The Signal free item legan'. Dunlop glands out 51) prowinrnlly i1) ing .hent thin, and that :unong the the early history of Canna's. new sulrm' •ileus ore a number who T 1.r" "4"1111 4 01"1 ' *' t patb*pa' 1111 lir haYe the meet to say book humor in I to ,k which concerning he above-mentioned m- eads piquancy t1 the estimative like a tart", but w ie, we. opine, had sufll- p. pinbh of led 'per in 4hraoup, HPI'v tient iutellectt .1 acumen to perceive n5 e1) exempla While stationed 1)t lh'sl110ibitw intended._ Cornwall, one J .y after diom.r during is lunch better, ad that largeness a pleasant cul Cernatiuu with the genenefity- of h rt to take kin ('.1oue1 in command,, the eel want an- what war meant iudly 1 • s to sums) bill of la.li pets. Mayor\ M summary\of t kliu gave an interemtiug e busy time which he afters- -ash and dly 11'I til imc.-A pretty wedding look ey, (ere N m Irl 1)r ve yyeale. He was then called to St. Matthew's, Montreal, where he filled the pulpit for six years, during whish live le war selreted as one of the deputation to go to the Old Country to secure a aucceseor to the late.lh•. McVicar. Shortly after his return he was ap- pointed professor of thtology in Mon - tread College, which position he filled until hisalIue1b, 111i,(01.- Telt expectedly fie Wirehair- at the College' on 'Thursday last. While a auulent Prof. MacKenzie occupied the.kpulp'it�.� of W hitechurcIrstpa trantpeide �T" ,1(eri,un elrtirchi•a in Ihlr2-:L. Ile was • harried _ in . 1KKi to Mk Veggie Agnew, Agnew, daughter of the late Joseph Agnew of Paramount, who with, f • daughtetw fold nue 8141 survives. Ile is ;111.1) survived by his parents. Mr. anti Mee. John MacKenzie ; ono hn,tllet, D. A. MacKenzie, of Windsor and four sisters, Mts. Allan \deleted, I Mr... Keutielh McLeod, Mis. Linklatcr and Mier Maggie MacKeuzie, all of Locknow. The funeral services wen• held at Lucknow Presbyterian church At 2 p. w. 00 'ruesdav (211th iota.), the set vitae, being conducted by the pas- tor, Rev, 1). T, L. Mafia roll, assisted by fellow -del gamer tt Wilds of the de crease,. The floral of> rugs were 'aulleteratiartud • twairtiLn1 - mow:-To�BV went took place in Kinloss (emetery. GOOERICH TOWNSHIP. Morin %v. Jan. Aresset 1.►rut+.-'hitt-_1-ixk-it'f.ws lea of recent date gives nn ai•1.onllt of a presentation to Chas. TeTTiiitt by the young Men's Ba.lr class of the Galt Usahold int share -It, -`- - A�-hfs�n�elsucne gold- suountall1)ws.1y-.fir,• ^.t^y-Y11MraWNi, WAS presented, together with an ad- dress expressing appreciation of Mr. Tebbutt's work as teacher of the class. Mr. TPbbull is 0 young man well itit.rw., ..r , home. pounced that a geneleman fished to A Her OF NATI' .%I. III4TOIY.-Tei place oui %ednt•sday evegiug, lath weir him. On bring Raked a hat kind inst. at th ...one of A. 'fuller•, when up ... how many of cite Pre of The Sig. said. lie :mita he a kind o 1:mime a I' 01 a gens It w,un t w�., ihs it•l vent 1 in is, I d g hie ilaught� Mea. A,n„1. a-hn .. k. - gentleman, for he wore his hid i1) the nr.rent joys of life to' . on the look - parlor and spit on the carpet." \ out for the filet tried 01 its migratory Thu./. wbu de sits the ta+sar.tiern of course I' Some of our I 't:ndaluay be the (sok tan obtain it by leaving their sceptical or cynical t wrding such nnmem mt 'u 'Wagerers but they are- t uire t•ex1 and ever-recurringto th There are other worlds we , in live in besides the everyday, h n1 one in which the majority of 1 ple.ap- pear to live, and, we fear, ne very happily, and>lene of them is the mid of nature. 1'he first bind, hoary not the Ivbiu, crow or bluebird which we gladly associate the com- a misting, but is a forerunner of th all. 1t is a conuudn species, yet no many appear to be aware of its exis- tence. it is railed the prairie horned lark and leaves this section on iia way uth about the end of November and turns again generally about the iddle o• latter part t of Februaiy. Ihst in to say, from four to six weeks before th above-mentioned spring hinds. The settlers were not aeitetainted with species. as it is d hint of the lea and open fields and arrived in pert of the co Intry not many ago. It. is inteeesting to the - student_ chiefly fur' two 1 ea- Filmt, this species bwlongs- me flintily as the famous sky he old land and shows its re - to the latter, not by its th hr (silty- *nn uhpireTitnTiouei but by soaring aloft above he early spring until it is then diving swiftly down 1 again. Itis interesting in time, Montreal and Toronto on their recent trip, j�1.nnd `following his state- ment there vista a discussion of several of the matter* thus brought up. One of these war the summer hotel ques- tion, but in view of the sale to be held on Wednesday no further action could be advised. Regarding the pro_ sheds at the harbor, lit stated that in order to ace both railways it would be for the town to revoke the bylaw giving the C. P. R. an T. R. [equal rights. The efforts by the Mayor to bring the two ways into an amicable agreement the matter had not succeeded, hut t feeling of the memlwrs of the boar of Trade WAN evidently in favor of the lropoeed action by the town council, eaving the railways to mettle their differences before the Dominion rail- way commission if necessary. The deputation had-.not_been. -ahla. to do much in the way of fringing the breakwater project again to the attention of the Government. but upon the Mayor's suggestion it was decided, as a preliminary move, to 'rerun• • circular giving statistic,, etc., as to the trade of Ooderich har- bor and its important position in reference to Western Ontario, this cir- cular to ► - "4• "la ed -• �wg 11. Western Ontario munieip pities. Boards of Trade, etc„ and the mem- bers of Parliament. Alex. Saunders, Willis Fraser and K. J. Megaw were appointed a committee to draft Ibis circular. The secreuary was requested to write to the Department of Public Works urging the carrying out of the plans for the enlargement of the post - office building. - The secretary was instructed al,o to communicate with the Ottawa authorities in reference to the mili- tary camp for this year. The provid- ing of accommodation for the camp, should it be held here again thin year, would not cost the town as 11Mcb as last year. ----- An effort is to he made alho t, induce the Northern Navigation Co. to Make Ooderich a port of call this year, and the see'retary was instructed h. tvrm- municate with the Company. freight Worship mwodste rcesefary 'resent the G. ads i1• in e UR I. a one of Inc in• ' rtes., where full partici'. 1 lairs nil} be given. initiated. It has auggesrevl itself to ate that•am the county eooncil meets next week a very favorable opportunity will be presented to its members to read this interesting hiekory trent the pen' of one of Huron's greatest and Ie }- known pioneers, _ - 1, ), Weloirr. Go e 1e 'i rich JfthK Jan.,IfM . High School Entrance Examination: Toronto, Jan. 2.i. -The high echoed entrance examinations fur IOW will mrueure on %Wednesday, June 23. at 8. 5 in the morning, according to the de 'aiun reached by the Education tweet 9. y'ijttttlt8l.- ' .dive cant f aces must notify the public achoul 'nepeetors before May I, while lh'e ins. ctor will due charged to uotify the della anent as In the number de - airing w examined 001 1ftier than M,ay s. --- The ftilh.w%g s••ieetione-fie• .inem- urization ate £lnuunced •-Ontario Fourth Header-Btaldicea, La hent of the Irish Emigil . j'w a• a•:. 1- .••,.1, .t That, Iw•,bl, Ki sly Light, Lnchin- vwr, The• Witten of Beauty, the sonnet Night, and egy 1Vritten•in a Count ry Churchyard. anndian Cat ho. lie Fourth headers Ls'ad, Kindly Light, Flow Gently, Sw t Afto•. Step by Step, Song of the Hiv.r, As 1 Came Down from Lebanon, In riptien (•R A Spring, The Hells of Hh..don, and the Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard. Former Ashfield Boy. The Greenwood Ledge speaks thus of Duncan Ross, an Ashfield boy, when went nut to British Columbia and in a short time was matte Mayor of Green- wood and afterwards M. P. for Yale- Caribxo. He' was defeated in the re. cent elections, but apparently has still a warns place in the affection even of his "esteemed contemporary:" **Duncan }toss and family leave to- day for the Coast, probably to r'emide there permanently. Mr. Ross has been in business in Greenwood for twelve years, taking an active part in all matters tending towards the city's ad vante7dent. Like other business men he had his lean and his fat years, and took them both as they (5111P, spending his profits and never mqueal- Ing at his losses. He ha* warmfrieends among both political parties, 81111 also enemies- atrong•minded torn alweys have. 11e is not much more n saint nor much less a sinner than the rest of um, and will mosey about the aver•,age. He was always straight with his em- ployees ate} paid the regular scale of wages without shouting it from the housetops or getting • kink in the back. The write( wishes 1 ' pi os. peril y and chunks of it." m t(shaft- trtiirrarieresehpany. The annul meeting of the Me- l(atopMutual Fire Insurance Cone ny was held in the town hall, Mea - ort,}. on Friday, Janmuy 1:4t h. Thomas Tho Fra yy 1 Fraser, wli, has been vies• president of the company roc some years, declined again to be a member of the board, owing to home dui tee, and M. Mcliwen, of Stanley, was n pointed in hie place. Mr. Fraser was a conarientions member of the board. and in his withdrawal the r' pang loses a valuable and painstaking ot- flcial, and his absence from the board will be deeply regretted by his fellow - members. All the former officers and directors were elected, namely, J. B. McLean. president ; T. E.' Hays, ger- rotary and treasurer ; directors, %V. Chesneyy, .1. (1. Grieve, George Dale, John Benneweis, Jas. divans, John Watt and Jas Connolly. The total [number of policies in force is 2,017, in• airing property to the value of $3,622,- 866 : 3,612,.865: this is secured by premium notef amounting to $125,427,t1); the total aagen.ment during 11518, $7,624.40. Miring the peat year the cnmpent- has had a great many lnset; in fact (t was, in this respect, an unfurtunnte year for them. But, notwithstand- ing these heavy losses, they still have A good haleness to their credit in the hank, and this without placing one cent of extra aefwasmrnt on the policy • holden. This is a particularly grati- fying showing, and shows that the company hats been ahl, efficiently and economically managed. The total Inge. during the year amounted to $8.087.50, leaving a surplus on hand of I1II01.27. Farmers Represented at Ot a. is i tin g tilt Aral tbia yea Hato suns. to the Intik of hitiunsh wog. wD twitterin its nest in nut of sigh to Ibe grow the gerund pacer in that it arrives here in the harden and coldest month of the year. when old Horeas rages most. violently, and ccordingly its artival is a cheering sign nd is a promisee( mi- titre's a- tures r•"Ilrre(•ti n soon to be whirl' we rail spring. Til species is a mit" larger than the r union English sptr- rnw and is of a dill grey color, and can be easily recognise by the black ell',. The farmers of Canada are t,1 11 we cent on the upper part of its beast a ntative in the Home of Cot - and by the black vu•e,w, one on each No ns tiering this session, The FWD Nide of its head below the eye. Alae on ily Herald end Weekly Star, of Mote the crown theme are scan black teeth- es. harertgsged >< frtRrtirat fart r r es, formill;,f. when raised, little tufts to attend the session and write a Iicb at A short di.t rile appear like weekly letter to that paper, telling( t 111111' horns, hen its name the farmers of ('amide how Perlia- prat 'e horsed lark, it i very often Went 'ts conducted, a. he sees it. 'the even r our roads. anti if d ring Febru- man engaged is not only is praf•tieal er-y H •ks of small hir'de arc sten farmer, but is well able to write such on the sleigh tracks, Which wr• A letter. Ile is said to he a man aim,- ke,,w' are neither snowbirds nor epar- lulely free from politeal prejudice. 8101, rows, tbeit is &linnet certain they no doubt, his weekly letter will be of ,are prairie orned leeks. i.eiirk out great interest to all U&nadisn farmers., for them repast. The Family Herald and Weekly Star costs only One dollar a yens. , r - - . - Wi11 be sent on trial to new aulw,•nh- ere for the session (about six months) for only twenty-ftve cents, No Mistake. The recent limelight performaucra of the Emperor of Germany recalled to a Canadian raconteur a story ala,ut an English tourist who was said to have. indulged in violent language in Bertiw-etter. , art intro. This Ives not very long after the fro. nue Kniset's message it, Kruger, The Englishman has gonere w) Gtr as to rwll the worthy Emperor -a fool uf ry11- lphatic order, when an officer of the aw interfered with it charge of lesr- majente. Hi.w do you know," enquired the protesting Englishman, ••that 1 was talking about Kaiser 1Wilhehn :' I have been referring to F.rnper•or Franz Jos- eph of Austria." "slut, no,' replied the official sol• entnly. -net l.'s only err d.n )n -ford Emperor. - HIS FRISND;,$y,AaVitv;p,,, C,uupbellto,. N. It Jan. 2.ith, 1St/et-Sal. l \l•. W. I1. N'allAce. of this place. is:t builder and contractor and In very well known and respeetevl. The farts of his case, which we print below, show how speedily Debra Kid• ney Pills cure kidney trouble. :tome linos, ago,- Me. Walla( e writ•a, ' r wiosoligaged in movin a very large fatuity reeidemce at lasl- bohnie, n ((hamlcee of three utiles, near- ly 1 wo Inilee of which it had to he con- veyed by water. I had to b e there day and night and the coneegnence wise that 1 caught a vets- 'teepee. cold, This Nettled in my hack on my kid- neys -and 1 la•cami• mo lead 1 could hardly move. A friend of mine told me of Uoxld'a Kidney Pills and gave me half a lent just to give them a trial and after 1 had takrn them 1 tett Vet y much better. 1 then perehwaed An- other (six of Dodd's Kidney Pills and after t %king them the pains lied en- tirely left me and 1 stn now quite cured." Football vs. Prayer. 11 tllir, aged five, was (taken by hie father to his first f.otbnll game. The feature that caoght him chiefApproval, however, did not hareem evident till he said his prayers that night. To the horror of his parents Willie prayed, with true football snap : "old btees pnpw. lend Maga mamma. tied bleat wnlle (Morn' Rab ! Ratr'- Repeat it :-^ithlloh's Cure will a1- weya cure my coughs end colds." LU s NOW, Tr oar, Jan, 28th, ' .1. 11. Alexander. Toronto, apeppt a few drys with vest_he y thh' week. - Dr. J. E. McKenzie, n Detroit, at- ten/led the funeral of his uncle Mete on hide). last. Mr. end MI's.:D. A. Mack Windsor, were called home -. the •i,Rtli of o le late Prof, K. A. MacKenzie. Dmitri, OF Miss Muria ;sig.-, Jetur Brotehie, who, p('P'. ions tospen- fwg the'p111•t three months at Toronto, Wm, u resident of this village. died on Friday of haat, week. The remains were brought here for interment, the funeral taking 1)11411' Monday after- noon from the residence of Mrs, N. Beaters 11) Kinloss cemetery. A Hrnnee CALL-- Angus Morrison, one of the pioneer remittents of thin village, died very suddenly on Wrl- nr.dny ning last, ogee) eighty- two years. Dereatid was in good health nod hood Iwrn down town in (In.0rety pwtal-14i44?.-day twerfreef/ to his bolus nt noon hour npparently free from 811 ailment. When enter- ing his h • he tarried in his arum s W0011 1111 the kit.helt stove turd id ter Lt .en ' f K It 111 the wlleNl-ie,X fell over on the wreel. Medical aid MIS promptly procured, but heart failure pad taken his life almost if not quite inatantly. Interment took place Fri- day nt, 1• -whitish cemetery. Rev. F. A. McLennan had rhartpe of the fun- eral services at the house noel grave. Pmn'Itas()R M.t,Kgvzte:'s Devil}. Many sad hearts, filled with 'tyre- nethyJor those so suddenly bereaved, were n:nong the populace of this vicinity- when the solemn and unex- pected inessege Was received of the dent It on Thursday last of Prof, K. A. MacKenzie, of the Presbyterian Col- lege, Montreal. The late Prof. MAc- Kenzi,•, who weft i his forty-seventh year, was well known end very highly rete1'tn(sI In this vicinity. lie was born in invernesehire, Scotland, on November 2nd, 1882, and came with him parents to (!fined& in Deli, his father and mother, Mr, end Mrs. John MacKenrie, settling on the itth con- cession of Ashfield four miles from Leicknow. He Nest attended the rural public school end afterwards taught in A n•lhlteer of the schools of the dis- trict. After which he Attended the Ht. Cat perinea Onllegiete and afterwauls Kincardine high school surd (inderich high school, and latee resolved to study for the ministry. He entered McGill i'niversity, Montlrwl, in 11(5e, end later the Prembetc►ien College, MOI111P*i, and v" •'n •r.'1 in arts fend theology. au 111rd the degree of bsch..ot u.yinity. His came the bride of Harry Swe .d. The ceremony was performed by Rev,. T. J. Snowden, of Roln ervtlle, in the presence of *brut: -forty guests: The bride and groom were anattended. After the customary feetivilies Mr. and Mrs. Sweet drove to their home on the Maitland con •es.ioo; where they have taken up Nous; keeping. Diwrett•T OsA!1o6 Lawns -At the annual meeting of Ooderirit district L. O. L. held in aha hall of Nu. leak, the following ofilcere'•were elected Master. 1W. Mew, Benmilter : deputy Geo. Wendel burg. Porter's Hill; chat lain, John Wtwads, Porten s Hill ; n cording secretary, George I.aithwait. Uoderich ; tivatcirl aeteretary, Jeh tutxly, Holmesvillt ; tieasut•er, R, 11 tivtt, Hohnesville ; It. of C., Job 'lure, Porter's 11111 ; lecturers, (i 'Dotter, Clinton, and R. Y. Cqx is Hilt. A. Pur 4- Tit NNW Blttte+F. Til fig SHORTER :' --The nue,* along the wee( side Maida, eouces:nun in the vicinity of the Col ,rue bridge are much exer- ciser' ove the report that the roe pe/sed new ridge is to be cute hundred. Stet ahor - than -11t44 teemed -one: They say the if such is the carr there is bound to I ' is set les of still greater ice jams, with a consequent bu•king up 1)4 water a d dam ore to fence.. nrlgtnai'- Lige -a 41.4 fifty stet shorter than the 1 sent one and they cannot undrntan' the preleased one should be one hunfeet shorter. Anyone crossing the bridge ran rv.n now furan some idea f bow the ice jarns accumulate 1 at on in the aeaaotl . F11t)tgn itKalbl\TN E('6A14611.- Mrs, John Alexander re ived word last week of the death of h brother, George Phipps, of near Tor to. The deceased formerly lived in i1 'a town- ship, o11 OW 71h concession, nntl some years ago moved to the neiglib ,hood of Toronto, whets he engag d in n'arket gardening. The decews was in his sixtyninth year. ile lesec dleghter and two fore... /Ain (concluded on pare 7. BACK- ACHE3 if you have Backache you have Kidney Disease, If you neglect \ Backache it will develop into something worse -Bright s Dis- \leaM or Diabetes... There is no N rubbing and doctoring your back. Cure the kidneys. There is only one kidney medicine but it cures Backache every time - met( shaft ime-_ Dodd's idney Pills 1 • 111111111111111119 SIM J. H. Colborne. -OurGreatianuary Sale isOverj awl it hu..left us with quite a lot of ltuuluants in the following lines which we want to get rid of, and we are making prices on tiltth so low that They should go .out in a Very few days. Dress (foods Flannel- ettes Prints Linen Suitin s K Dec A About twelve ends, from two to five yards, plain colors. Four fifteen -yard pieces 44185a tweeds at 60r•, self stripes and checks, all wool. good rotors. Twenty rPanett to and mill ends, three to right yards; they will Ire offered nt less lban,it cost to bake them. • Come and get souse of our new Paiute ; they ate 8 choice lot, and colors in every piece G t'A ItANTKF.i). A few pieceef here already, and jhey' are st-lliog tot% They acre choice colorings, fast. 'l he Ditecto:re lengths, new for Sprite:, 111r, aro are sure to be wanted, •ll they . Corsets ere much talked of. L As soon an R girl gets old enoug!l tolknnw hotter .Ir• ,IndttT-Wearing pins I Alonhet wast inc.I 0) 1=== 01= 0 1= O CONTINUATION OF N-U*RY'say Stock -taking has lust been completed, and with the close of January a great many incom ete lines and odds and ends have been placed out into the centre aisle tables with big clearing prices put on the different lots to clear the success, but we expected t purchased heavily, we are are bound to make this line Now is the time you can later on, so if you wish to save . Our January Whitewear Sale has been a do more o e than we really ea iv did and as we had ing to give bigger values than ever, as we ove faster. Vi'money on goods you will surely need on whitewear get here right away. WHITEWEAR DEPARTMENT, SECOND FLOOR. -rh s department has to offer values that have surpei our own staff of salespeople, and words of praise come rom every hand as to the rch qualities and exceptionally l w prices asked. Here is only a sample of a great many that are offered in this department. Skirts of good strong cotton, deep dust rime. -.ex wide flounce of(lawn„ ' with two lows of wide insertion and loeks, edged with lace, Jat4teiiary Sale , $1.97 Gowns of soft naiosook, wluare yoke with four rods of embrokler leo th 68 00 ioesa,b. saw Prise, =ass Corset (overs, extra tine cotton, low round neck finis etl with fine torchon lace, sh 34 to 42, Sale Price .. .. Men's Linen Collars, all rises, all styles, all heights, :3 an # ply, best makes, including W.U.R., Success, and Anchor Brands. The last of January Clearings, t choice from a tableful, each,.. 71 LAST CLEARING OF MILLINEY SHAPES. About 75 Felt Shapes, n'l shades, sods,' travellers' samples in the lot and a chance shape; to tide over till the new 8e•aso11, choice, .. .. ... •••• :, few trimmed and dress hats at less than half price, clearing now. Furs still clearing at from 20 to 40 per cent. oft. Vixen'. and Huy-.,' Fleece -limit Iiiderwear, clewing special per garment, . Men's Black Beaver Overroate, special, 85.48. Boys Beaver Coats, special, 83.98, 2; Men's Suits, clearing, 84 98. GROCERY DEPARTMENT. Corn end Peas, special, 2 cans for ISc. Soap, special. For every 25 cents' worth of Comfort, Surprise nod Sunlight Soap purchased, -w,• give a Sc her free. - • pounds of Best Granulated huger for We. Kvetyt ing in this department is kept new and fre•ch and riot ping loot the ver c , hui. e,t go001. ket. PROMPT DELIVERY OF ALL ORDERS. to get a 2sc .....•••13C r 11 11 0 0 CAIERON--& MOORE 1 P'I::iOOpOCP' HONL OpOpOG G roceries l� TO THE LADY OF TtIf HOUSE:: When yon ore rnntint dawn town make a list of your wnnt8 in 1h -s Genesese line, acid bring i1 to he filled promptly with the hest aim} most Fellable goo is to be had. Or call up Telephone No. 9t, and your order will be atten•1ev1 with noel care and prompt nest. Our stork of Teas and Coffees to complete. All the, (peat gowl- hies st the right prices. Try a sample order. Johnston's Military Bread cannot be beaten. 1Ve sell it. Sturdy & Co. The Grocers - On the Square Mori Savers:.3.a` Racer, Lance, Disstons, Premier, Buffalo Bill CROSSCUT SAWS. at prices to clear, only a few left. Every make of Saw Sets, Gauges, Files and Tools. Axes and Handles. Gloves and Mitts At reduced Prices. Speri4i Bargains in i ISkates, Straps, Hockey I Sticks, Pucks, etc. Stoves and ost. R get at - \ Worsells' Hardware. 1 MI 0 alIMMININD 11•11111.9 ammillillID04111111 ow thane excitement cit CHRISTMAS and ELECTION DAY is past, would it not be a • nice thing to have a nice Morris Chair, • I \an Oak Chair or a Fancy Parlor Piece to sit in during the cold winter night, or a nice Steel Davenport Couch Call and see my line of Brass Beds. Just think A SOLID BRASS BED FOR S16.00 tine. itIso a good line of MATRESSES and SPRINGS I keep it fo11 line of IRON BEDS in steek all the ALL KINDS OF UP-TO-DATE FURNITURE Geo. Johnston, 'Phones Store (9. Residence 178. PURNI TURF and UNDER- TAKING. WEST SIDE' SQUARE. � �1