HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1909-1-28, Page 3THE SIGN AL (;ODERiCt1•r ONTA RiO few3 of the £itrkt., The 12th of July will be celebrated at Clinton this year. Rev. Father J. A. f.oi elle, of pryr• dale, returned last week from his six months' European trip. Andrews -Donn merchants, sardine, are offering their ereditore thirty cents on the dollar. The Heeled! fair of the Kincardine AgricuIt'mai Society will be held Wednesday and Thursday, Se_gleneher Z•nd and 23rd. Lev. Dr. and Mrs, Sutherland and Rev. T. R. Edgerton are holding evan- gelistic meetings in the Londestwro' Methodist church. Edward (iarfieid Hooper. of the Hudson's Bay Co.. formerly of Exeter, was married in \Viinipeg recently to Miss Violet' Elliott, former! • of Mit- chell. Win. Sparks has purchased the M - acre acre faros of his mule. Alex. Sparks, of the Bronson line, and will take pene- sesbion in April. The late owner will probably go Wert. - T. Beacom has disposed of his gso. eery business in Clinton to J. Tyndall, of that town, and A. B. Carr. of Blyth. Mr. Beacon) will probably re- move from Clinton. Mia Clara \Vurm, second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Martin Wuen', of the Bronson line, Hay. and Mr. Becker, of the save line, plighted their troth on \Vednesday of last week. On 1Vedrieaaav; tfio 13thiii t , v. A. H. Going, el./teeter, tied thenup- fiat knot between Miss Edna (lope- . Wa ing-_� ate. HALSEY PARK 1 ' WATC*MAKa(4 J.wltn.nin, OJTICIAN. S oma side of Square. ' Oodedeh. fent. Civil Engineering VAUGHAN M. ROBERTS, ('IVi1. and HPdraaHeEngineer. Ontario tend Surveyor. Onloe-Mclean Block, Ooderich, corner Montreal street, Telephone 177. Menesetung Mineral Water Malt (IODERIOH MINERAL WA- ▪ TER CO.. manufacturers of "Mener- tnne,'arerepp,syyret to deliver to any part of the town rieltart (linger Ale In pinta And eeartw, also ?Coeval Water 1s throe sirs. spilt., tints and quart..I. Seltzer Water snip Double Soda. Thew coed+ are.. made deft sat oral mineral water, end are therefore Ina from all Impurities. P. L. WALT.N Man - Mer' Phone 1,1 *nee ALFRED E. COOK, TEACHER OF Piano playing. Theory. Ilarrnony end Counterpoint- Pupil. prepared for examine- Ionsof Toronto Comer* story of Musk'- Apply at Thour.on•s Mn.f 14torr, or reoidenro of Mr CLreocs-Yeaptu(iwo. 14,uok street, (:oderleh. Mondays Millman. at ro-Idenoe of Mr. Alex. Mackenzie. Ontario .t rest- - _A-_-SOX--ADAMtt guTaicuaa or PIANO pfMontrealKlock. Medical - EMMERSON-fe TURNB A.1'. Kesue au- r, M n. W N. Tt'avNCL:. a. B. O ms Hamilton Sterol. 1e;. Dr. mmerstms rnslde,t e, North street, V Opposite St. George 'schnrch,'phone 1341. Dr. Ternbuires residence, Montreal .trent. Sint hwest of Public Llhrwrr- 'Phone 191. f1K. \ F. (SALLOW, M. B. 0tace. ('o - ne street. next door to Mover Sae - Hawk. telephones - 1)moe, 111, house, land. daughter of Robert Unpelaud, of Ushoi ne, and 'booted Brock, jr., of Exeter. (1. A. Turner left bait, week for the field Country after ipendio the prat twQmonths at his hunt n ruce e , Mr. Turner is Inanaget• of several flax mills in the bulge cities of England, and in Belfast. the Nome and were badly cut and THE TARANILA, bruised. The managed to extinguish the Hamuli whlkh were amu envelop. An Abstemious Creature That Has Mg them, and! are now recoveriupl from their wuutyde and shock. 11Irs. Been Much Maligned. Kerr, who wav eminent to her roouL The great tarantula of the huuth- ham wilh lumbago, n ti rasped unhurt, inn westent part of ,the United States, twtngesince Dishesandother smell settee lOa°y aueibe poyeaetrt eretiufe elm were nabbed to pieces and after' as Well aa some that are quite 'harm- 1hQ rap a'on portions leas, is muchtnaligued. It is not were found ie different parts of t le house, Mr. and Alm. George /dehkirk, of the North road, I/eKiI op, celebrated their dlarn0,e- The aged couple are enjoying renierk- ably gots) health and took part eag- erly in the fi.tivities. At the minuet meeting of the SIM - forth Agricultural Society it was de- rided to hold the next fall fair on Thureday and Friday, September 23 and 21. J. F. Daly tr president of the Society and W. D. McLean secretary and treasurer. The congregations of Belgraye and Calvin (East \Vawanosh) i'reebyterian churches have extendexd•a call to Hey. J. A. Ferguson, 13. A., of (henna o, Presbytery of leinlsay. They ufier a aalery of tele with it free manse and one monde. holidays. Robert ()obey, who was (i. T. R. ticket agent at Seaforlh about live yeatw ago, but who has since been *cling Ass station agent at Dublin, died un Tuetlaay, the loth inst., after a admit illness of Bright's disease. He leaves it wife and three ehildren. W J $harpiu, f"roa..elyyeditox and proprietor of The Guttie Vjt�_lzjf, last week 1 r- drnEvuke, where lie hal secured a poaitiwl,011 the staff of a newspaper. Before hist depu•tur'a he wee bampieted 'by Mee fellow-citiz its nurf'ISreseilt,d 'With a watch fob. Word has been received of the death of l)r. Peter Campbell, dentist, of Chi.;agu, who sinrcurulled to at .at- tack of typhoid fever on Friday, the 15th `nut. D. o.u.,•rl wax a esu, of 11.. -lats.-Peter Campbell, of the Sri con- cession of SLtuley, and was in his thirty-third year. -'Phe-pnreeedn of Meafntthes "tag del" :t lied $(11I to the funds of the Relief' Association. This, With, the $*i le e'er' at the concert when Father Corcoran gave an rehirebs on his trip through Egypt and Palestine, - will do »welt to am,Irorate tate cim,fi- Iiou sof the de;crving prior. of the town. _ '�The annual um"ting of !:.fist Huron Agricultural Society -wee hold 1n th Loan hall, I3wwtt+14s- i+tt Wednesday', Clth inst., and it was derided to 110'1 the ensu of fait fair for Itklt) on Thurs day and Friday, S.•ptendoeso4itti ri 1 O,' tuber 1. Jobn Leckie, Brussels, i pt•esideit, and W. 11. Kerr, Efru•s•_'Is, secretary -treasurer, gressive upou man, nor is troften intrusive, though maty an old miner or prospector has "shaken them out South Huron Agricultural Society, of his },Ispketa or boots la the „ern. The annual Meeting id the South ittg." Strange to bay, tarantulas Huron Agricultural Society mss hell thus dislodged are unusually "the tit-ftrneetlrM o,, l.ttu,d•.r, 111,1, lost., a tiauCer. when the following officio and direct- ors weir' appointed : President. W. 1). Sanders, Exeter; lit vire, Jas. Paterson, Heinen ; 2nd • vice, !'hos. ltubvell, Exeter: directors -W. Merry, 1'uckersulith; John McFerl'ine, Stan- ley ; 11. Smith, tI ty ; H. Christie awl Wm. Dixon, Exeter; U. Mantes!), it is often stated that the spider frisks about to the sunattine on the but sande of the desert, but in reality it uvoids sunshine when it is Ilot and remains well down in its burrow in the ground. About sundown it Domes up to the opening and Yes in wait Brucefleld; Wm. end John Murdoch, just below the surface. 1t assumes Staple honorary directors -George this position whether it desires food Weir, Stanley: Prayer, John Ketches or oversea only to get a bit of fresh and Alex. tofu+lard: audiwna. A. T. sir. It does not travel about in Scott and John Mclmtosh: ropreton- quest of food even when hungry, but tutfvee to the .Western Fete Associa- remains quietly m the attitude de - tion; John Murdoch and Thomas Rus- scribed, often for hours at a time. saU, Thef'►.seiety 'tette-tee! to -bold a tit the Soar approaeb` of a eaterpiffar. IliosifairinBeslerib•rry's,haill,Bruce- asahoppxef, beetle or almost any Held, on Friday. March 12th, and a creature of like size other than its +prise elbow for !verses end bulb:, at enemy, the wasp, it rushes out and Brurotield, on Friday, April :lath. seises it, but rarely goes farther that • A Useful Life Ended. a few inches from the opening. Should the prey when Asst arrested A life of energy and em,nwit use- simulate death, whish often is the fulness was ended on Thursday, the ease, since usually. it is notat once lith inst , by the ile nth of Mrs. Ann Wounded, the spider, unless it i, very Mel,ean, of the River+ids" farm. iy, remains quiet until chi. 'in- Tuekeie,iiitii. Deceased, who *vas .Jlcct moves, 1g1bII the need].- 'wi years of ags-,-rra,nrintivrr� iari a ore lhrruat into ii H eosin of Olasgow. She was the youngest of g y t g a f.uuily of ten c•h,blren, whose par - seized. learns the nature of the object ents, along with six of tate elder 1111.10.seised. The spider then retreats with leers of the • fancily, were stricken 'It into its burrow to heist where the down with the cholera scourge which prey is ground up by -the powerful afHidel her native City in the )err Lf mandibles and the liquid portion, Iter t,il•:Ii. She was then cared fun by upon which the spider eubautil, le an aunt until she was thirteen yeu-s sucked out. One fair sued insect a of age, when she emigrated t i Canada week is sufficient to satisfy its hun- with 1-r 1.td„t 1,...N.<.t, /h.- 1.1.. ger Le..etse of Ye inactive existence, IN Minn' and Robert i1•11, of Ilsbo,:ue. while it can live several months with - Fur several years after her arrival in out food, even when most active; this country trio wits engeged nt ser- provided it ,has water. The spider -vine('. At her intt•rLute the .lur1 W 6r'-uil fight and destroy its own kind, lift• fell even inure heavily upon her, •but when equally matched the corn_ r. n• at the- a lily ante of i bdr' y yr+t: s she batants spar for an advantage and WAS left a widow. -Ott( thrl•c Seting- rarelyclinch unless one relinquishes children. \Vit!! IIIII enAFtahle rout- its vigilance, when the other buries age she took up in herself the appal- its fangs in it. It does not relinquish ••etiy irwt(ruo(mtth4w Ie.k of slang- its hold until the hetpie.s captive dies f#ing flrr She tpin 1 �,devutee I nrrfor r her•of paralysis, induced by the poison tily tine largely to a rather unique Ifor s injected. Death resulta so feu or woman) phase of atgriculture, the'. mately minutes. There are apptroxi- e btuteaiiuX uL-live• -stn„k lit tine shit mately .oven or eight females to each 'male. 1 energetic and, unlike their phlegma- Sas eminently suesetetul, doing much r• The adult maks are highly • Aft '1 an 0111.0,14 of tA•u yelit'l' dura- tion Mrs. John Puwden, an estc•ein"d resident of the 3rd concession of rit.yehert »inti- a f.,. m -r re+idrnt a•f Exeter. departed this lire on Thurs- day. the lith inst. Deceased was seventy-six years of ager She Leaves her bleb -(cad and one sun, \Vidian', to oilmen the I•lsa of a loving wife and mother. Legal �yj. KiLI.O • AN. BARRISTER, solicitor, notary. etc. M may to lend st lowest rstrs. (lacer ooh Street. (ioderich (near Sign sl Goose 1 Ousforth 8eturdays and Mondays. N(1. CAMERON, ' . C., BARRiS- . TKR. solicitor, note bile. Oakes - ( street. (loderlch, • - Ind door from Nostra. P1tOt 1) FOOT, HAYS - BLAIR bwrr0ten, solicitors, notarise oldie pn tors in the Maritime Court, eta 0111 , e-sd skim Nemo,, next door ('. A. stairs,'s ry, Pel Tate funds to lend at kwest rates of Wrest. W. PROI:UFUOT K. C. 1t. C. HAYS. 0. F dLAlli DICKINSON k °ARRO\V, BA RISTRRS, attorneys, whetters. • aoderteh. Money to lend at lowest rause. h Is DICKINSON. CHARLES (YARROW. LL.B O. BARRISTER, JOHNSTON,.•nnelter, oommlasioner, mouser public. Hnmuun.week AederMR-Ant.------ Insurance. Loans. to. W . R. ROBERTSON, tN.s t ft;t XCt itts 11 Flea A9Llrnrvino : British. Canadian and American. At':'I'MST, S,cas(tae AND htMPtsraaa' 1.IAP(t- err : The (keen Accident and (inarantee .'orporatton Limited. of London, Kng. It-in(tlarr tan Oraftt,rrtrx Bnrpn ; The U. 8. Fidelity and (Marmites t'ontpwny. Om•w at residence, northeast comer of loth and 8t. David's streets, Phone 171*. An interesting event trek place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. -Henry on \Vrdoeiday, the. 13.11 inst., when 1'a••ir you 'meat ela•rt;lite , Hulie E., Is. nine tine life•-pwrstier of E Irvin Arthus Koster, of Verna. Rev. A. 11. Ilrown, of Verne, offl :i tied at the vereroony,' The h tppy couple batt,' token up their residence on the Part line. t 1 raise the breed of animals, while always preserving that feminiue deli- cacy stet refinement 'whieh endeared her to those of her own Hex. She WAN as edit-' w• lrker in the h:;rnmirlvilk' Pre.hyteii-n church acrd her whole life w.w a ministry of love to 'those with whom she cattle in eine tet. She leaves three children to_ mourn her dtimr-ytgise--Jelin end elit•._s)n the hnmesteal, and Maty, wife of Thomas McMillan, of Hallett. Miss M..rg fret Jane Brandon, an ti d snd este'tnod.resident of Belgrave, passed nosy at the bonne of her brother, J. A. Brandon, of Eest Vi- wanosh, (111 Send-ty, the lith Inst. Dees :sed, who wan in her sixty-ninth yerr, had leen in failing health for rme time. She is em rived by three ,brothers : 1'. S., of Morris: Rev. W. J , of Port 001W:ne, anal J. A., on the honue.teed : and two sisters : Mrs. ruce, of Drayton, and Mrs. '1'. Prec- t•, of 13elgr•aive. Blyth conlple d,ty, the is t trete , Seel heeler content we Fire at Blyth. tannery and stove fnc•t,.cy at owned by Baulton lire.. was •lydestroyed by. fire on Fri• 3th inst. The cunftigration to helm beimused t � ca h an ApeApe and Bill tt7ikt:n . 1 and the loss wl • it emit -'1,1)1,1, Barns Burned on Saugcen Road Nathaniel•llell, a young farmer lite rite iiaatigeen rind. itebnw'f'tne Ki-)lr, in Huron tuwnehip, lost his lwolfne len,, with \their contents, by the. Besides lnshig buildings, grain and feed, a line thrleebing outllt was thnit•..yeti, also a number of hens and pigs. The: was $910:ims'uanne on the burn, POO on the contents and 5.1(1*) on the separator. 1011N W. CRAIOIE, I.'FK, FIRE et end accident Insurance. Agent for leading mutual and .tock notapa noes. 7nsnrwm•e In all lines elrocted on best plans and at lowest rates. Call setonce, corner west Street and 8gnste or address J. W. CRAIOIF:, (odedch, Ont Tele hone 24 ifeKiL.IOP MUTUAL FiRE IN- B U R A N (' K C U. -Farm and isolated town property Insured, Omenn... J. H. McLean, Par's., Klppen 1'. 0 T. Fraser Vice -Pres„ Brueeaeld P. 0, Morriss i . flays. Set•. -Tresis., Seaforth 1'. () Directors --W+ . Chesney, llead•uih 0. Grieve, Winthrop • George Dale. Seaforth; John Bennewel. lintinn; Jams. I' v.ns, li•oeh• wood ; John tt'att, Harloek ; Thos. ',river, Itrureseld ; John ll McLean, Klppen ; Jas. Connolly. Clinton. J. W. Yeo, Itolmest•ille, agent for West Huron. Policy -holders can pay assessments and got their cants rna'Iptea at. Tower 5 Rrown't, Clinton, or at R. H. Cott:. grocery, Kingwton same, ()odedch. Marriage Licenses WALTER E. KELLY Oonsairn, ONT. Watchmaker, Jeweller and Optician. Ismer of Msrrlaae Linens... Ur LANE, ISSUER OF MARRI- AOE licenses, Oodadch, Ont. BRAVING PARLOR 1EDFORDBIM le BA itFIE RMHOP. TAH well-known end {{popular used offers Its ppaatrons the best stn' ire. In .having, halt -catling, tKo., sic. Ladies' shampooing a npeelwlty. pp�e 7 ekllhd bends employed. nutiNME will he appreciated. H. B. to (oprletor. I to Anctioneerin( lin IIOMAS OUNDRY, LiVE STOCK ; e and general ancUoneer. Omnia on Moth to Street, where he will be found at all time* when not•lrying sales. Tense reasonable and e �• effort meed to ion row eaUdaotion. a PYonesn I p The Late Francis McIlveea, Clin After five years of invalklisut, remit cat paralysic. death cent! n4 relisf to Francis Mellveen. of Clinton CURES INDIGESTION. tit mates, cannot be kept long in contpnement. They wear themselves lees endeaor to A 1 Distress fom ion VaniisI essinoFFivet Minutes. Adigaa• out an This striking degree ofvactivitys1s awn essential attribute, since the females Take your tour stomitclt --,ar maybe five often rr'mut.• neap one another you call it indigestion, dyspepsia, gas- and take no initiative iS the Dour, Childs or catarrh of eulwuch ; 11 rhl;p Jai►s,et matter -lake your cosine 11 -_ trouble right witli you to your. phar The Cave Dwellers of Itaty. nlacist and ask hint be open a .21 cent 3ri several of the towns of southern cas-ent reim s Dhipepebiskia-Tvt you Italythrough •which I d there teat (Inc '22e gr iia Trisngule and see if werg Pie within live minutes there is left any jointed out to me caves cut trare of your srommeh-mingle. into the solid rocks of the trill®d • The correct name for your touble is where people are living. In one such food fermentation -toad souring : the cave house in Scili, Sicily, there was throttler ergine Iwr•n,..n wee , .setts a tough bed on one Bide the in leek of gastric. jeiee ; your fusel is on the other at oil preen turned by only half digested, mud you Is•:•oma a donkey. Otters I have Been houses attectoil with lo.. of appe • its, p res•ure whose walls were constructed of and fulbne.t after eating : vomiting, brush and mud sod Ute rood mai» of nausea. he tritiumgriping in bowels, rough tiles or thatched oith straw•,- teride•rness in the pat of st•misch,- bad The peasant has been most patient. t tete 1.1 mouth, conetipoiioi, pain in Naturally light hearted and long suffering, he would olseeriudly eat a piece of black bread and an onion for his morning meal, cornmeal m sch seasoned with a little olive oil and bread for dinner, boiled potatoes and a piece of goat's cheese with more black bread at might, and then at the close of his humble repast stoop down and toucb the grotmd with his hand and, kissing it, than! , '1 for his favors. In some of the .emoter towns the simple minded people con- tinue to do so. But contentment un- der such conditions could exist only so long as there was no contact with the outside world. Whether the land holders desire it or not„ progress is bound to come. • Ionia, sleeplessness, belching of gas, billieu.ness, sick headache, nervous. Deb*, di2$111ess and many other similar syntpt4mte. ' 11 your appetite is fickle. and noth- ing tempts you, or you belch gas nr if you/elbtoat e1 after eating. r yoiu• tops) hes like at lump of lead nn your stoinech, you can make up yo'tr ' d th it at the b drool of all this t here is hot • rms.-fermentation of rut•li- geeted food. Prove to teem -well, after your next med. that your stun tett is as go ad as any ; that lhovt' is nothing really wrong. Stop this 'tercuentatio n and begin eat Mg what you went without fear of dis•,urufurt cr misery. Almost inavtt relief is, waiting for you. It is merely it mutter of how to ,n you lake a little Diatpepsin, THE STRENUOUS LIFE Pulls so Hard on the Stomach it Must Have Help. The et resit and strain 11f the etl•enti- ons life is both. city -sol --country tna .iternarirtrouthlni. Five penp'e stiffer today where one did ten years vgi with sick headache, dizziness, 11 itttleue', distress after eat ing, epa'eke 'wore the eyrie lite n t4, nervolie r_ nes stet teXrTtess p a•td the corny other svrnptu•tis of indigestion. All alto are s ifferin; with stout ir•h h'rtnhlen, and that ate the at least two out of three iti (iuderich an 1 other towns, should use Mi-o-ni stomach 'Prhtetif-Tithing else is as Tette. yeC -eIev1.ive 1 nnttvng cult taro let 'so_lbor- otighfy relied upon 1 r relieve all troubles from indigestion. as Mi -o 0a. So reliable is Mi -,env that Jae,. Wil- son with every 50 r nit box he s•'lle gives a gn ireut•'e to refund the money unless the remedy cores. rar"Mrmrhty7 who was a son of the late Thome. Ale - Devoe 0114 Inns u-•ar SmnmMei hill, flftY hree Year cgs. On fetching bin R 111411hooi he married Moms Angeline Menrien, anti nettled tri a farm in Bullet t, where h"ren1•tiried until his illness necessitated his 1 et it tomtit from setive life and his rw(novel to Clinton. I)eceese'i wan at quiet, nn - ostentatious man. respected by all who knew him. Beside, his widow he is .otvived by 1w/. sons, both of whom scene in Toronto. Death of John McAsh, Varna. The angel of Death pleased over the township of Stanley on Sunday, . the 111t11 inst., and summoned t r his re- ward John Meanie of Varna, Dnp of the reserei pioneers of the township. Deeecged had attained to the patri- archal age of ninety yeses. Coming to Canada ,ditty -,even yenta ago he settled on the farm which he left only go to his eternal home. During h{s ng residence in Stanley he won the esteem and love of the entire come unity. He Wan one nt the original embere and for half it renter an Ider of the BeyHeld rapil Preston rem church. ile in survived byy ten hildren and several grandchildren rid greet grnmdehildren ; his life- ertner predeceased him five years. CAUSE FOR ALARM. _ Epedemic Influenza, Grippe. Catarrhal Troubles, Pneumonia Increasing. -merited ir(r'rertine -ire 'temrtHPr viii' he hr?'t hing.organn is noted in many h above. .11 yon will only hays lips titat bawl, to use With th• first Atte k of cold in the head, pneumonia, erste,; bronchitis, hoateeaess, sore r1 Ih al •tont in feet an respiratory , • Irntt t 1. v 3 i aRectian\tlrlrouble will he ouickly overcome. 1f the attack is neglncte•1 and be- come severe, espeely tenet will come in most cages d a persistent use of H�'omei will eu . 1 he direct Inns r using it vary, but theprincipati is al ys the name that of destroying all the germs in the air you breathe arid having it math the air passages with dry medication from the pine and encelyptns\fforeene Remember that Iitnddsaor moisture 15 barred from the leonehle( tithe.' and lungs. it's the dry air of Hy mei that reaches the spot. Jae. Wil guar- antees it. Complete outfit, 51. Hoch Doing Their Parts. �e A pesser-by at /hoed and Lemb.Ad streets in Philedelphia once heard the following (heing le between a laborer who was digging in a sewer and a etoit., he -ming lady with a cepacinns market basket on her arm. '•Ah, go'd mai-nits' to yyon, Pat," Maid elle, leaning over and looking in- to the pit. "And whet arc you dofn'?" Gond marnin', Bridget." he replied, looking rip. "i'm a-earnin' alimony for ren, And what are you dein' " •'Sore, I'm a -spending it," replie 1 Bridget airily, ns Shp Trottel off LU:)pincott'a. T AUCTIONEERINO. 1 Editor's Quiet Lhfe interrupted. The violent expintdnn of le coal ange wrought havoc in the home of V. H. Kerr, editor of The Ih,, els est. nn Saturday, the 111th Inst, A11 he windows were blown oat, and Mr. err and him sister-in-law. Hies Kay, f Winnipeg, who were in the kilehen the time. wets thrown prostrate au All branches easefully attended to. Farm r Isom. nye stork mala., null eap ito end merrhM• \ dive mien made anywhere. Writs for dates or tall and talk It over with P Geo. Beckett, Haeiiltelt Gt�derich (Int how No. the at His Defence. How sweet is the innoGmcerof child- hood ! Tommy Jones, aged, nevem. and his mother were invited to tea by Mrs. Brinks. While the total wan being prepared Mrs. Jones Wandered about the two yard square garden and ad- mired the wends. Presently the absence of her.cherisll- ed Tommy alarmed her, but shortly the truant reappeared eontintedly munching a huge 'slab of cake. .In her reliefi (rs m metal. litre. Jones began to upbraid the lad. "Thanes," she tend, -"Par-mimic, you've beeti greedy and naked kind Mrs. Brinks for that entre." But the bov faced her fearleissly. - "Oh,- -no, mother," he replied,- 'r1 wouldn't be so rude' I waited till ahe-turneii her hack; then 1 snatched a pieoo rk-Lendon Mail. Repeat it :-•"dhlloh'a Cure will al- ways cure my coughs and colds." Editorial Repartee. A western weekly prints • the fol- lowing: "Paterfamihaa asks, 'How crtu 1 get an nrticle into tour esteemed papery' it all depends on the article you want to gat into our paper. Pater. if i-ta is small iniYbulk, like n hair- -brash, et..•.y...jeie •Gaddy,.eipte•d- the paper but upon the floor and, placing the oracle enrtdully in the centre, neatly fold the edges over it and tie ts with a tong. Thi. will keep the article from slipping out. 11. on the other hand, the article is an English bathtub ora doth.. honer yon will find it more suited to one of the New York, Sunday papers-" Milting Good. Motorby (sternly'( I hear you' t• Rotting takeoffs frown hath the repair matt and the tire dealers New Chauffeur (ill surprise} lint, Mr, didn't yon advertise for an ert- perienred chnuffeur whit thoroughly understood his bueinesc' Tastes Differ. Whale the ('hinrnc do twit rare for -alcoholic drinks, bill arc addicte•l to • opium, the Koreans like strong Arial• and do not cam for opium. The Pyramids. Two principal theorists have been advanenrl fnr the erection of the pyrite mids of Egypt. One is that each king on ascending the throne began to build a pyramid as a tomb and nwnurusht to himself. This was usually laid out upon a comparative- ly email scale, .o that if the builder had but a short reign hie tomb might he nompiete. As time paaeed eneees- Sive layers were added, and the sire of the monument was thus propor- tioned to the length of the leiMiter's reign. This theory IN combated by Petrie, who hriirwnd that parr pyre - mid was beano and r'arried nut upon a datui" dsitrisai•ailsa and arrears - MM. 1, i THE DOGW7lT'CH. No One Stems to Know For Certain How It Got That Name. The 'simplest feces, quite unchal- lenged and taken for granted. are 01k•n-tfftTiurd f ru1+lecta for mvosit- Feliott. "Did ,yo * ever ask u sailor ee _a -know, ip.all ,. ti) ,p.e ap.tlp...alntn is i so called" gustier a writer in The New York Sun elle has himself made the experiment. The chances a re that the answer oil! be, "Why, the dogwatch is two edema' epistle ie.-••• 1 tool 1 twat Geo i o'clock in the evening to break the regular four-hour watches, so i that the sante men will not have to ttund watch during the same hours every day." tiirnple and lucid. But wiry "dog?" Irl a hunt after an explanatitin the ' first question W113 .put to the officers' mess of it big battleship. Not one. from the executive officer of a quer, t. r cat a.,century'e service to the ensign with his first stripe, could answer. A buat'r crew from the same ship failed to threw any light en the sub- ject, tdthdi h a gunner's mate allow- ed that "it might be they once had dogs, on ship and thiel was let loose when this watch was on." An officered an Atlantic liner said he never had heard so silly a quer 'Why: the.. dogwatch-__ia the doge watch,' he explained- "There's no why or wherefore about it. It's al - Wake been the dogwatch. and- Yt- at- ware oill ste-."._..- having had the matter so airily disposed of by this . officer, inquiry was pushed to the East riper, where piny be found men who /have been peeing, down to the era it real ships for many years. The ' uit of the "dog" was useless. "Say," said a „ boatman. "what's the matter with trying togth tf ng nob?' If he t tell you the great. American n vy will lose caste." _So _up to Bear Admiral Evans went the query. And from Fort Monroe Came the answer: U. 8. 8. Oon ant, Sept. 2. Bear Sir, -I am hie to give you tllta information yo ask about the dogwatch. Of we all know why the watch le ads two hours, but no one seems know why the mune dog was a Yours very fn8}, R. D. EVANS At last a public , 'brary was resort- ed to. The dieti aries were merely prow, king "Fiv Thousand' Facie ao l 'emcees" w the only book found that threw lght On the matter. iI ; explanation r : "Dogwatch, a corruption of dodge watch. The dogiratehes were intro- deeed to prevent the same mien from always keeping retch the same hours s,f - the day-:- on these .aoaai•w0u- the sailors are 'd to dodge the rou- tine. or to be do ng dodge watch:" - it may be a ded that Murray's great English di tionary gives a quo- tation introdnci g the term dogwatch rat it book peiblished in 1700, hut rives no theoryI of the origin of the term. Exclusiveness In 14 The minister ad dropped in to tea, and the convlersation had drifted thrnngh various iiii channels to the ques- tion of whets r nr not we should • know each nt er In heaven. Pre- suming that ur physical beings would be perpetuated and that re- cognition wool, be assured, the min- ister had ask& various ores at the table among w om the Biblical char- acters they woryld be most interested in recognizing. Some memtinned one prophet and me another. but one lady, noted for her social exclusive - nese, had not spoken Turning to her, 'the mini ter s^ •1, "And who would ---yon -lik to meet in- heaven, Mrs.- Intheswi r" Mrs. rnthes int pursed her lips "1 really dont know." she said, "but there is a thing 1 do know, and that is the I shouldn't ear° to meet Eve. In f ct, i don't know that i would speak her if f did!" How Sea. LI s Capture Gulls. The sea -lion d splays no little skill and cunning in pturing gulls. When in pursuit the • a lion dives deeply under water an . swims some dis- tance from w re it disappeared ; then, rising ca ouely. it exposes the tip of ice n along the surface, at the same tim giving it a rotary motion. The un ary bird near by alights to catch a object, while the sea lion at the s e moment settles beneath the waveand at one bound. withxtended ja eeiwe e its scream- ing 1a and ins nitY de-voa- ii. How to Re ve Mildew. Mildew may be moved by moist- ening the article i lemon juice and placsng in. the - -As -fast as it dries renew the hem n. If this is not effective, snake a p ts' of soft soap, to which you hove rlded one table- sp000f.iti of. pow- ed gtarci,, the juice of a lemon a a little salt Spread over the spot and place In the sunshine. ft's whet people du 1'a know about religion that atom•. all the erg vols. i 'Phone 56. n IIYU DAV, January .1 memos a....41maaaaa. U. Millar Co. 'Phone 56. -- LAST WEEK Or - ST fCX Tt Nr SAL E Special inducements for the last Week of our STOCK -TAKING SALE The Mantles and Skirts \\'e hit-.+ still a few Muotle, end Skirls left, uu11 1hese we are anxious to disperse .4f, and aro offering thrift at prices much under cost. ltemeuilet• there are not many lef, Dress Goods Dress Goods Sive have added a lot of now pie1'er v "lir list of 2.i,• Mess (:rot's. 'These w.' claim to be the biggest D es 1iirgails ever offered. - Special Sale of Muslins - \Vo will put on 1,1111. t.athles m large varlet v of Muslin.. NVealwayr .'sell a lie of Mmslins ,luring January. and we ate prepare' to give values much _tteUu-t sous. whefore-t--- _ - - - • A large assortmeat at Se Per .yard. Beautiful Muslin. at roe and Iv per yard. Regular yalue up to 3oc. Furs -Furs Furs ' •Ali our Fore nurse be eleiired berate sinek•takint'. \\'e have mrtrked 1heu1 at pile,•+ regardless of cost. If you were thinking of buying Furs this season. this would he a g,rlden 0pphr: ilk y. A special lot of Muslin at 6: per yard. 1 'Phbnc M i li a is Scolch 'Pilonscore 11 Attention Dressmakers J SPOOL SILKS BELDiNG'S You will get SUPERIOR SILK and SUPERIOR RESULTS. EM -PTY SPOQLS ARE VALUABLE Premium ..st at Dealers. Co., LIMI1ete 74 Ray Street, 'Toronto OF Don't tot laid tip in bed with La Grippe. Break up the cold and fever with Coleman's Campho-Quinine. Cures in 24 hours -no bad effects -26c. At all dealers or from COLEMAN MEDICINE CO., TORONTO. Manv housewife think it cheaper tit buy t tan to baker That is bccaus their baking isn't successful very time. Their failure 9 run the cost up, (;rt Royal llotisenold Flour and follow directions. Th • result will be Tight, whole SOn1C bread Or pastry every time. You pay a few cents !, more for Royal household, \ but those few cents buy U certainty and purity. Your grocer can supple Irlv you. SO* Fleur Milli Co.,la Mealrest 1* Seedy of 1161• k.ndwrnr Ostrich . Feather Aster arts a vent free 1 teen (^t SEEDS FREE 1f tots are intcrr•: ! ri ,•ardrning we want to rend you our New 1909 Catalogue. 7•hia is one of the most complete seed 4: 1:11.'1.0u 3 l,1ishrd. V. ith the cata- logue.we Dill inchrdr, tree ofrho t!;,•,aparkareofset tl cif our 1:tr t(121 tut Imt Aelir, which has feath- ery, snow white 1 trta,fgnrntivfctm hes aim,: I f yrefcrr•ed you n ry t li c a t s kat a of sur l'.ussiau Gtaut Lettere or CI.r,,.,1 \lite 1 u;, ar D. ct see 1. Write to -day and nem 'your elsoicc, s:ao mention name of this paper. Dim h.L• Hunte: Set.:', -Co_, rrtitec', A Live Daily Paper Will Put Money in Your Pocket. • T71dh' Star's accurate daily market reports you cutild sell your grain and live stock at top- notch prices. Half a cent extra on just 30o bushels of . wheat or oats would pay a year's subscrip- tion. 25c. a hundredweight on a • dozen bogs would cover three years' subscriptions. Don't you ,depending on weekly reports, or daily reports that are old when you ' ket them -miss top prices by at least that much several times a year ? Toronto Daily Star Publishes Markel Reports 12 lo 18 Hours Earlier Than the Morning Papers Every afternoon's issue of The Star contains that very day's quotations on the grain and ;live stock markets of Toronto, Montreal, Buffalo, Chicago, and other importatft cities. These arc the same quotations that the ,,Next morning's dailies publish -12 to 18 hours later. $1.50 A YEAR CLUBBING OFFER This Peprr awl rhe remote Da•/y Sfer foyefh•r fee On. I•oe, 4't..tl) Over- enfeed feuetain Pea oiww &r soe. added le abet* •ab•eriipb a pale*. 3