The Signal, 1909-1-28, Page 1Read The Signal's I Clubbing List on page 6 Thin week Send renewals and new subsctlp- ltiRRa b Postal Note, P. 0. or HA - MM Order, to The Signal SIXTY,HICCOND YiAR-Ne, tai GODERICH, ON !`ARID, CANADA : JANUARY '.8, 1909 Financial THE STANDARD LOAN COMPANY We offer fore ,c debentures tearing interest at FIVE per cent. ler ennuis, payable half -yearly. These debentures , offer an a wolutely safe and profltable investment, as the purchasers have for security the Indite meets of the Com- pany. Capital and Surplus Assets - Total Assets - - - President: ALEXANDER SUTHERLAND Vice -President and Managing Director : W. M. DINNICK. Directors: RI(.Ii-r HON. LORD H'I'I(ATIICONA and MOUNT ROYAL, (i. C. M. G., 1. A KAMMERER, DAViD HAT%, R. H. GREENE, 1114U11 S. BRENNAN. J. M. ROBERTS, A. J. WILLIAMS. HEAD-. EAD-. OFFICE O0R. ADKI-AIDK AND VICTORIA STs., Toat'NTo. Goderich Office, W. L HORTON, MANAGER. $1,340,000.00 NOTICE- TO -ADVERTISERS Copy of change of runnings* advertise- ments roust be left at this office by Monday noon to ensure insertion In Issue of same week. BOOKBINDING MAGAZINES, PERIODICALS and LIBRARIES bound or repaired. GOLD ,E.Et*ITERINU on LEATHER (iOO1)S All orders saw with rontpll attended to on leaving SIGN AL, lioderich,l A. E. YLOR, MTRATYOlto NOTICE TO VESTOR.S.-THE executory of th estate of the lee George Acheron have ,decided to offer the whole estate for sale. T . property cenobite of real estate, debentures. bonde and storks. Parties wtehing to invert 0 any of the above proparfJee can get full , , radars on applies' YsA Is tie executor. Nina. KI.I.A l'. MOON, Executrix. •J. P. Hamm FCxecutora WILLIAu Amason Dederick. Rea St► IR17. Beal Estate for ESIRABLE REMiDENCE SALT-rwoatory rad brick hou Estreet, with all modern Improvem Aimednew everything In lino-clans to MIDI. V. M RHYNA' Inert d Past .neat, Uoderich. FOR m nor. Ir. L'ARM FOit BALE. --LOT lst. HUR- on road. Doderlch townehlp. the miler from Ooderich . thirty Aare. goud Olay loan ; trams house barn e)z9). Water handy, clone to wheal and church. Apply to MRH. HAM- (' KL JOHNSTON, I roderlch P. O. 3n -3t EARM FOR SALE, IRT 11, DON - cession 8, Colborne 127 acre. of good soil. n under grew for eightear. 1 mile east of Dunlop and 31 mile+ from (lodertrh, with good building% end arta(an wall and windmill. S acre. of orchard. bast of winter fruit- and ten acres of bush. For particulary applt to JAS. YOUN(t. Jr., Of North Wales Ht., Chicago. 111. 311.3m 1'OR SALE. -IN ORDER TO CLOSK I: up the estate of the tate U. C. Shannon. M. D.. his late renWenee la now for sale. It 1s in very fair condition, Isw modern convenient. can, can be insppppected at anytime For farther part eulary apply to Prot OD(. Hayeet Blair. C. IITESTERN LANDS FOR MALE T In the Yorkton district. Your choice of four farm.. containing 110) scree each ; two with buildings on and telephones in the house. Will sell on easy term.. Information r,e�g�ar•ddIrsg the country cheerfully given. J. H. TER'SLKY, Yorkton. Sank. H OUSE FOR SALE. -ON BRITA N NiA road ; all modern oonrenlcnees, In good ooadlttoo, gnod locality. For further particulars apply to J. H. ItO11KRTtu)N. LPOit SALE. -A VERY DE91R- J. ABLK lot on West treet, clan to the Square. Apply to DICKINSON It DARROW. FARM FOR SALE. -PART OF block n lake road east Colborne town- ship. two mll.a, from ()clench. ISI acres, good clay loam. hetet hours, berm 711 x 87. with Dement .tabling. arterden well. water In build Inge and aw pi1 creek. 7 acres standing timber and youlopP. orchard. Apply C. C. MccNtf IL. HOUSEFOR HALE. - A NINE roomed frame dwelling. having a good slteatlon, on Rears etrMt (Mone foundation and mummer kitchen, good suable. Will be mend bly. For further particulars ripply to RS. WM. Md'AUGHAN, 41 Davlave. Droste. 31.11 YOUR COURSE In Short band or Raines; will bring you beat resnite If taken at our old e.tabliehel and thoroughly reliable hohool, Winter Term begin. Jan. /tk. Catelogns free. HRIT114U Anirs met Busissn COL1.Moc, .entral Y. M. C. A. Building, Toronto. 1. 1 ANGARY :tall, MA 1 UI(I)AY, AT • 2 O'CLOCK -Furniture a. follows : Glare cupboard, 3 donde. 4 entail table. dining chairs, rockers, 2 old lounges.. •, elnele dress. madasascs and springs, 1 double iron bed, mat- tress and spring, I good kitchen cupboard, side board, melodlan, road range, 2 wa.hing n,n chines, 2 wringers, 2 rats of single harnee.. and MAW. 11191194 that may rum, to befarre !eater day. A. noon ao the furniture is sold we will rail high grade cloth, .nme of the very beat Imported Soot ch tweed. In suit lengths, and overenwt cloth In lengths, boys' and mens clothing, stile, orercoate, notecoate, shirts, pato, nape, fors, odd pante, odd Boats, Moho., glarmware, fancy chine. Remember the .ale In the evening at 730. As lee ere Belling g.mwd. M all deeterlption s for different people, ft Is abeolut.ely necessary for est° hove the earth sue soon a. good. aro .old. Thin Is the people's hargaln house. It Is necessary to remove your good. as soon we proodble to make room for good that are eouDnueldy coming In. High ciao Itrnesela carpet and a etal r carpel hove foot tame 1n. At the Auction House. sale. every Saturday. (lED. !*KCKK1 1', Auctioneer. t3O0ERIC44 MARKETS. TiltHADAr, January Ieth. Fall wheat, per bush +1 all to e 0 IV Spring wheat. per bush 0 101 to 0 1s.: KY per hauls a 4a to 0 :0 Buckwheat, per bush 0 is to 0 a1 Dau, per bush., 0 33 to 078 l•ea....,es.-b.,.4. ---0-80-to--0 to Barley, per bush u 14 to 0 1A Screening„ per ton Is u0 to 18 m Flour. family, per cwt Yes to 2 e0 Flour, patent, porowt 323 to 321 !Iran. per ton ................ , , 94 (a1 to W .9 Shorts, per ton - 21 Irl to x{. ftpp Hay. for ton 9 :u to 9 W Wood. per ootd S an to a ul Butter. per lb n 21 to 081 Cheer. per Ib 0 IS to 0 13 Kw, fresh• per dos 0 IA 10 938 Potatoon. new .... .......... 30 to 3S Cattle, ordio' to good. per cwt 3 .Sit to 4 lintattle, expo par owl 1 Yl to 5 q, ... 0 Yrs to 0 a � .... .... YO 4Yl to t 511 Sheep, per cwt 3 n1 to 3 yl Han, per Ib it 17 to 0 17 Bacon. per Ib ......--.-- -0 1S to 011 t.ard, per Ib 15 to 13 ,... 04 to 006 6.01 to 6 h e, Ur 40 In to 10 Turkeys .............. 12 to 14 Outside markets on page .i this week, Tallow, per Ib Hides, per cwt Mace skin( Chickens General 8e.'ret•ry Thnwaa of the 8t. Andrew's Brotherhood in Canada was in town on Sunday and gave an ad - drew on Sunday evening in St. George's church on the work of the Brotherhood, which, starting twenty - Ave yeas ago, bap become a world- wide organization In the Anglican chinch. !rot Sale LRN$RAL STORE FOX SALE -- I Situated In the village of Kintall in the county of Huron, on the line of West Shore Ylectrlo Railway now being built. The lot contains about one eighth of an acre. 1 he [Dain building is a story -and -a -half frame bulMing. Y2.3R with wing to one side and tura one end, .tone cellar under main ullding. postoma and telephone In comae- ,al.o table on lot. DM feet. together general ,tock worth about ALIO, will be reasonably. Inc farther particular.appl to MARTIN WHITTY, Kintail 1', O., Ont. \ 31 ti Piano Rothe. AL NETTING. THE AN- NUAL log of the Alexandre Marine and (leneral ospite] will be hell on Monday, February I:Ah, n the Court House at 8 p. m. The report for t . e pant year will be presented and oSloen elec. d for the morning term. The ppuuhIic ate Inuit • to be present JUDU�en`T. H. F. HOI)(cRu Secretary. OTiCE 18 EREBY GIVEN that au applloatio will be made ((oo the 'arllarnent off entitle at to next se.alon by the 1't. Mary. A Western On rio Railway Comp. II.; y for an Act to amend t • c not of inoorpor.. tion of the company by g 'ing the rontpan power to construct the folio ing linea of rail. way : las From the city of W . stock, in the eoeety of trxfnrd, to the elty o Brantford, In the county of brant. ahs Frnu, s polo at or neer the town of )lt- Marys to a poi'•t at or near the c of Strat- ford. In the county of 1'ert h. tri From • point, on it. nein Zine , ween the (own of St, Merge and the village of serer in a northerly and westerly direction th . - h the nountire. of Perth and Huron to a 0t nr pints on the (inelph and Dnderich 1 Iwsy beware the village of MUcsrten and the „wn of (iodcrieh. Ids From a point on its main line at or n. r the village of Kxoter to a point on lake Hur at or near the harbor of Brand fiend ; and fo other and further power. J. W. t:RAMMAM• Seeretery. eft- Maly., Dat Dated January 12th. IAn1. el -at Auction Bales. P P/ f►l -3..4 THE STERLING BANK OF CANAI)A R.aD 012210. •0111101411 211) 0001r.1,10.00010 Teatime() INCORPORATED BY SPECIAL ACT Oi DOMINION PARLIAMENT TO RECEIVE DEPOSITS To accommodate the Farmers we have opened Branches in the villages of DUNGANNON, AUBURN, VARNA and BAYFIELD. We solicit the Patronage of the FA KURR. BALK sumo DIIUx)UNTEn. Highest current rate of Interest paid in our RAVINGS HANK DEPART- MENT 0n detmntitw of $1.00 and upwards. GODERiCH BRANCH A. B. OAMALR Mansger. ``tYNOPSiS Olt CANADIAN 17 NORTHWEST LAND RICOULATiONB. Any person who M the role head of a family, or any male over IA year. old, may homestead a gearter.ectinn of evellable Dominion lend In Manitoba. Saakalchewan nr Alberto. The Applicant meet appear In person at the I)omin. ion land, Agemy or Sob Agency Inc the diene. F.nlry by prosy may he made at wny agency, on nertwin rmdilion.. by father, mother. sen,. daughter, brother or ai.ter of intending home,teeder. Duties M.n month.' reeMenee npner and rultl ration of the land In each of three year. A honteateader may Ilya within nine toll.. of h lm homestead nn a farm M el Ione! 12) Acre. .nlel)• owned and (weepied h him or by hie no father, mother. n, daughter, brother or Meter. In nortein dlst.rlrta A hono.tonder In gond atandtns m y preempt a a(n�aHer meet Ion •lor)g40d• be heeneato.A. I'rlea yuan per erre. DntJJJeaewam Mn.t. rondo els month* In siert of air from orn data M homestead entry entry linelnding the Um. reunlred to earn homestead patent) and a iluvaa fifty acre. sxtrl► A hnrnoetaMev who hen •xhenatnd 91. home Seed rightand menet obtain •-emptlon may take a i{ nrohltaed homed In outridedistHrta. Prins rt.e) per ane. hobs Ment. nettle Nr month* In each M three eniti vale fifty aers and oreet. a Amine worth M. W, W beset, 1 M Ilt� Minister M 1 he:Interior. N.S,-UrlawlttaM..dMmimic&ion of thla ad ?MEMOIR win Oat PIA for. LOCAL TOPICS. rRentw Renew Have you renewed your subscription to THE SIGNAL. for Igoe? Renew Renew J.1 VANATTIIdt t KOBIcRtre0N, PVaLnann of the town's operatieg the botel the hydrants near the harbor. Councillor corning season. Craigie gave notice ut mol' to 1e - peal the bylaw governing the issuing Donations to the Hospital. The St Marys fi V1-eeteln °uteri° Moro Railway Lines. of dog tags and to rel tun to the old p an. s Railway bompany is applying for leg- A special meeting; was held on - iodation authorizing tlie constt•uclionuf Saturday *Brewton to deal with the the following lines of railway : F flooding lu the southwest portion of the 1 ,syn. It IRAs decided to cont • lhusrwer un Cayley street front the corner of Cayley and William streets f to Eldon street, and the !nen' who have been receiticg relief from the Owe are employed 'un the work, which will probably be about com- pleted this week. A cheque for $5) in aid of the fund of Alexandra Hospital has been re ceived from Mts. Minor, of Chicago. a former resident of Uo derich who atil keeps a warm place in her 'heart foi the old town. Another donation thankfully acknowledged is one o books end magazines from Jab. Potter, of 1 orou to. Horticultural Society. A meeting of the directors of the Goderich Horticultural Society was held on Saturday, evening. The sec cetary reported that fifty members were (at the lid to date. A motion was INaared making 11 a rule of the So- ciety that no• member who takes a tarok from the Society's library shall retain the tame for more than four- teen days. The bloke are in charge of W. l;oat«.at the cuµuty registry el- fiee. Annual Meeting Adjourned. The annual meeting of the West Huron Agricultural Society was called ft1 1Vedueaday afternoon of last week in order to comply with the law as to date of the tweeting. The business of the annual meeting. however, was not transacted, an adjournment tieing maple to u ay r ternoon next, January :30th, at 2 o'clock. The meet- ing last week amounted in reality to nothing mor. than it Intend meeting. Festival of the Lilies. The children's festival chorus under (be direction of J. East Jordan is well organized for the Raster production and the work is well under way. The choir's is much stronger than last year and the work (wing undertaken is more difficult. After the splendid performance given last Easter the children will Ile sure to have a large audience. Mr. Jordan has something unique in the way of admission to the concert, it being an elaborate souvenir program. Three Months In Central. Charles Randall Guthrie, tbe man who was arrested • short time ago at Guelph. and who was wanted oe sev- eral charges by the High Constable of Huron, war on Munday given three. months in the Central prison, np,n being e30vict&al at Guelph by _His Honor Judge Janieson, on a charge of temporarily depriving Ed. Palmer, a Guelph livery own, of his, right of ownership of a $173 horse ani buggy, which he hired to go to Hespeler. Guthrie turned up with the outfit at Acton instead of Hespeler, and. as he aroused suspicion, was st•reste(L,_- W. C. T. U. Over• fifty ladies were in attendance at the regular meeting of the W. C. T. l'. cn Monday, a large number of visitors neiog presentlon account of its being Crusade Day. Owing to the illness of the president, Mrs. Acheson, the corresponding set:retary took charge of the meeting. The devo- tional half-hour was taken by Mrs. Brownell, and the educational part of the meeting was in charge of Mrs. Paulin. After light refreshments had been served the meeting adjo•trued. Several new members were added to the Union. License Commissioners. The license commissioners for Huron have been appointed in con- formity with the new division of the county into ridings. For Centre Huron the commissioners are Adam Hay.. Seaford]; John 13. Hoover, Clinton, and William Patterson, Hul. lett; for South Huron Peter Douglas, Joseph Canning and Wm. Delta•idge; end for North Huron Robert Mus- grove, Thos. E. Durnin and Matthew Lockhart. A. Asquith, of Auburn, is inspector for Centre Huron; John Torrance, of Clinton, for South Huron. and W. Clegg, of Wingham, for North Huron. Woodstock to Brantford, from St. Marys to Stratford. from • point on ire main line betweru 8t. Marys and Exeter in a northerly and westerly direction through the eounties of Perth and Huron to a point on the Guelph & Goderich Railway between Milverton and lateleri -h ;from Exeter to Grand Bend. Y. M. U. A. Notes. The Y. M. C. A. is forming a mock council as an interesting and instruct ive feature of its Meetings. The nom- inetinns were made on Monday night and the speeches by the candidates will take place on Monday night next, followed by the elections. Nuwi(a- (11,09 fur mayor. reeve. deputy reeve and councillors were made and it is confidently expected that the deliber- ations o1 the august tardy will afford many valuable pointers for the real town fathers. The glee club promises to become a most popular feature of the work 'of the Association. Parlor croquet,• bagatelle tables, y;ritltjnnle and rot her garnee.1rara.. put into the rooms. The use of the gymnasium at the Collegiate Institute for two nights a week has been secutaed, anti a emupet- eut committee has charge of the phy- sical work of the Association. The membership is on the increase and as different features of the work are undertaken it. is expected the interest of many wore will be aroused in the organization. The adorned's Institute is 2917 kind- ly duiu►ting the proceeds of its an- nual supper and entertainment to- morrow night to the Association. Mrs. Maddatord Uets 51,000. Consent judgment way entered last Thursday at Osgood; Hall by Mr. Justice Latchford in the damage ac- tion against the Canada Foundry Co. for the death of E. 1'. Maddaford, who was killed while helping t'. build the C. P. R. bridge acnes the Maitland River at (iodericb. Maddaford left a wife and six children. Of the con- sentjudgment for $1.13110, the plain- tiffs -emits ant thP-aatntthlitrTors Tee total about SSW. leaving $1,000. Mrs. Maddaford gets $500 now, and $ICU a year for five years for the mainten- ance of her fancily. John Ede, Mad-. Word's brother-in-law, 'sued origin- ally, and the jury awarded the plain- tiff $2.7t%0. but f'hat.eellnr lfuyd • missed the action. The Divisional Court dismissed Ede's appeal, the Court of Appeal ordered a new trial. Then the Canada Foundry paid $500 into court, and preparetl to carry the case to the Supreme Court. Incident- ally, $500 was accepted in settlement of the Lynn care, • similar matter. Arising from this eittation came the ronlpromise. Mrs. Maddaford and her six children lire to Devon, Eng- land. The eldest child is eighteen and the youngest is five, Y. M. C. A. Convention. A Haiardous Ride. - The sport of tobogganing was en- joyed by some of our young towns- people one night butt week just before he thaw, when Alfred Wilkin, the anufacturer of the toboggan, and ry8 prngst'&d, of the Star Elec. Works, together will' four of lady friends, made the descent hill brick of the 0. T. it. station, rat of he being t r teso httM tide was very hazardous, ung pt people did norealize ent of their danger until visited the spot in day• ruing, and beheld a ten- • descent of the 'river people enjoyed the however. J' tri . thei of th Du snow t e but the the (101 e *owe of th ' light next In foot jump in .e hill. The you sport very rnucl Spr;ng Weather. As A ci I izen renia ed the other day'. one might imagine t. ese days that we had slept through the winter months, ami fad wakened -op . find spring* come. Saturday morn g there was a heavy rain with thin, and light- ning accompaniment, in r tiler mid- summer style, and since then the weather has been &boornc ly mild for this season of the year. B Its are sprouting in the gardens, the • ase is green, the frogs have been hea a tun- ing up, and from Dungannon Iw ere they have just pawed a local opt n bylaw) comes n repent that a suit was seen crawling in the graas- noteworthy sign of mild weather. While it lasts the mild term is pleas- ant, hut we might as well count on a few more weeks of winter yet before spring seta in. The rain of last week wee especially- welcome in the fann- ing districts where water had been scares. Summer Hotel Sale. The Au.U0n sale rat Hotel (loderich yeeterday afternoon failed to dispose of the premiers. The highest price offered was $1,tIt5) and the property wire withdrawn from sale, the reserve bid put nn it by the town being in excess of this. Mayor Macklin and Reeve (:allow we•r'e delegated by the council last week to go to Montreal and endeavor to interest the C. P. R. and Grand Trunk in the property but no bidders representing these corn panies were on hand at the sale. The municipal delegation WAR sent ea the result of cnnversatlon with O. P. R. nftl-ish who were In town bust Thurs• day morning. Including Superintend- ent Ohorne, Divisional Engineer Hertzberg, of Toronto, end (bol. Mc- Donald, and while awe they visited Toronto. Ottawa and Montreal and, apart from their main misaion, picked rap Information of value in the event The annual county work conven- tion of the Y. M. C. A.'s of Huron county will be held in W. '1 ►m on Monday and Tuesday-, Fehtuary 8th and 9th. Monday's session will begin in the Afternoon at 2 o'clock and will be held in the Y. M. C. A. rooms. On Monday evening at 6::30 o'clock a banquet will be given in St. Arfdrew's Presbyterian church. After it there will h' an evening session in the audi- torium of the same church. On Tues- day there will be two sessions one in the forenoon and one in the after- noon, in the Y. M. C. A. rooms Some of those who will be there to take part in the convention are John Penman, Paris, Ont., chairman of the Provincial committee of On- tario and Quebec ; C. M. Copeland, Provincial secretary for Ontario and Quebec ; Taylor Mtetten, -hays' work secretary of Toronto Central Y. M. C. A. ; J. R. Boardman, New York, international ttecretary of county work, and Archibald ()aliens, London, Provincial secretary of county work. All men in Huron county in the welfare of young sten and boy. are cordially invited to this conven- tion. Pastors, 8nndav school super- ' tendents and_presidents __of 'young people's church Aoeiett ea aro espeeial- ly me tesled to attend. All delegates and lace' sten Are invited to tbe banquet. Ih'legates will -be enter - t ' d while in N'inghaur. A silver collection will la. taken Al the evening session in the church, to defray ex- peneem. All who expect to attend should notify L. C. Fleming Clinton, not later than February 3rd, stating whether they wish entertainment or not. LOCAL TOPICS 1N BRIEF. l'rrsms wishing photograph views taken et any' time ehonld communicate with R. It. Hallows, Dnderich, who lays special aalenl ion to this work. t'hargeeAr...awasonablc, Windup- shades, any slrc,'made to order et Wilmer Smnh'.. Fast terrier. Picture., pie. Lure framing, art supplies. Lucy good., etc. lo many liner Wilmer katg.k.4 alts esetwNe dealer fn tiodericl.. ('all and see. The Ice crop may be a failure on account M this misfit weather; but there Is uo misfit about F. J. lhidhun's tailoring.. New goods. Intent styles.. -skilled workmen -everything tg to turn out high -clans garmcnta at rght prime. The date of the alucual Meeting of the public library hoard has been fixed as February 13th. The high school entrance exarnina- foe 1891►wsll-eetaroence on Wed- nesday, June tr,k'd. Auctioneer Beckett says (here are over fifty named on the register for the gold at the auction -house. - Greit weather for January! Everv- seat at the harbor park and lake bank 'scrupled on Smutty afternoon ! E. P. Paulin hes purchased a hard- ware business at Ripley and intends to remove to that town shortly. J. T. Goldthorpe has a stere of men at work (leering the ground at the site of the darn to be erected for the Maitland River POtvet' Company. Joseph Sampson, the man recently convicted of committing anion in Stephen township, is to he sent to the poor house. The of In is somewhat weak-minded. A claim by Angus McLeod against the county for trespass by the road and bridge committee in going to view the site of the Holrnesville In idge has been settled at $15. His Jptapy trfeud:t nueedingly pleased to hear of op improvement in the condition of Chief of Police Sands, whose illnasahar during the last few days taken a very encuuraging,turn. The Februatrymeeting of the Gode- rich branch of the Women's Institute will be held at the home of Mrs urney, on Thursday, Febluiu'y 4th. A good attendance is requested. James: McLean, of Saltford, died this morning after being troubled for some years with a bronchial affec- tion. Besides his wifehe leaves e family of three sons and two (laugh - let S. The first of Cameron & Moore gave a theatre party on Monday night to their employees. Fourteen seats were taken and the party very much en- joyed the production of "The Fatal Wedding." Miss Alto McDonald was the winner of Miss Skiminga' analtel prize for the pupil tacking the bi„hest standing in grammar at the entrance examina- tion. The prize, a pretty vase, was recently presented to the winner. Lest Monday was Burns' Annie. ersary. So far as we observed, the day was not celebrated in Goderich, except Chet Sandy Nisbet wore a bit o' heather on his mat, and talked Scots a little more broadly than usual. At the meeting of the water and light roinmission on Monday the Queen City (0) Company was given the contract for supplying the oil and waste for the year. The Canadian Electric Co, got the contract for the meters needed. Morrow Ar Connolly loot a quantity of ham and haeon from their store window on Friday might One of the pules of glass inthe window was broken and had been patched up with A piece of board, and the thief secured .Iowa Counc4t.1/eatiais...-__- . _- . An adjourned meeting of the town council was held on Thursday evening last, for the passing of bylaws Nos. 1 to 0, ronflrming appointments made at the regular meeting the previous week and authorizing the borrowing of money for current expenses. The amount of the reserve bid on the sum- mer hotel was also fixed. F. M. Smith wrote offering to ill lnninert. the dials of the town clock at a certain price, and his letter was referred to he water and lieht committee. The ance committee was instructed to a. for tenders for the $11000 of Be- be toes' voted in 11014. The advise hili1 of having the taxes paid in two e11te instemi of in a lump aunt 'rred to the finance committee 'r and report. On motion of How and Councillor Mun- decided to ask the solici- t' A bylaw to repeal bylaw the clerk to notify the rarities. This is the he Grand Trunk per- t,, tracks over cer- ck and the object rserve the right nrillor Jordan 1 production in Uoderich Inn Craigie committee with the ction if n mo- wn- the insta WAR re to cone Reeve pings, it tor to prep& No. 11 of 110 G. T. it. ant bylaw granting mission to run fain land* at the of this tepee' is to for other tootle. ( brought rap the Prot of the play "The I)evf and, on motion of Counc and Mannings, the specie was given power. to d question of stopping the pr It were conaidered advisable. tion of Cmmnefllors Oraigie an bet, it was decided to noti trnsteee of the Oollegi&te host and public schools to have HM meg placed at the different setmol& fire committee wan Ina(ructed to loos into the scatter of the appointment, of a fire warden and of providing more to The suggestion was made at the re gofer meeting of the public library board haft Saturday to keep the read- ing -room Y r*R Tm. nods w�T open erntxon- r as being a Me't'er p!Ac-' for young men than the etrtet emitter•. Mr. Kidd nettle for suggestion and the ide 1 WAR looked upon with Ronne fa by the board. • Mrs. MacGillivray, of town, took part in a contest Lott (lI for prizes offerer[ by The Delineator, the well- known Woman's magazine, for the largest lists of subscnptiuns sent in by canvassers in Canada and the States. Mts. MacGillivray secured I10 subscripti(ms . and heated a list of several hundred canvassers, and re- cently reeeit'ell the hmielsoille sum of $75 a. I Ile first pl•Izo'. CHURCH NOTES. The annual congregational meeting of Knox church was held last evening. The report will he given next week, The Ladies' Aid Society of Knox church purpose holding one of their popular high teas on Thursday, Feb- ruary 18th. See posters laver. Archbishop Hweatman of Toronto died on Sunday scorning last, the result of an attack of pneumonia. The Archbishop was It greet flgote in the Anglican church, !ming primate of all Canada. and was beloved by people of A11 denominations, Next. Sunday at Victoria street Methodist church, the pastor's sub. jects will be as follows : 11 a. m., "Staten's Limiletlone," 7 n. tn., "The (horn -fed Mout." Evangelistic services will 1e held on Tuesday, Wednesday and ThnrsdAy evenings, commencing at 7:45, Beginning next Sunday evening and continuing several weeks each evening there will be special nervic.•s in North street Methodist church, Subject next Sunday evening "What is al'hristian ?" Bnng "Beet Hymns." Subject for Monday morning, "Agents for Jeans." Hey. C. it. Dunne, M. A., of Clinton, gave an instructive talk et, the meet - Ing of St. George's A. Y. 1'. A. on Tuesday evening on "Words," and the Address was well calculated to tImulate the at,,.ty of 4') I120I..147 00 wont of the added meaning many familiar words acquire when the deri- vation is pointed Out. The services et the Baptistch'trch next Sunday will 1w conducted by the pastor, .tev, C. R. Jones. The sermon topics announced are : Morning -- -- 110 144 in Control?" Evening "After Death --- What 1" A cordial eel( rule is assured to strangers and visitors at all services. The Baraca and PhiletheA classes of the Baptist chutt-ti have advanced an- other step in their scheme of complet- ing the church basement. At a meet- ing Monday evening it was decided to put the floor in at once, and celebrate it by a social on February lith. Par- ticulars will follow later. 'se` -- Re,, M. Tpenbull, recto; of�.it-. George's church. recently delivered an address in St. James' church school room, Stratford, which was the sub- ject of favorable cmnment in the Mouth StratfordAntpaenjmca,•ro.wh'erethe lectur.�eli_robuf'9 was on Tether. was the first Anglican minister, The ntentbats of North street Adult Bible Class held their first hurinese and social evening in the pot eonage on Monday evening. About sixty persons were present. The social de- lpartrn.nt is in charge of Miss Brown. The president, E. P. Paulin, presided, The 'lass, which was o an .' -d in Nuvetuber;- hairhatlyt strs,fy 1 r4tac� in membership and inte'o- t. Dr. Dougall is the teacher. An effort is now about to be trade to double the membership. The class' meets et 3 o'clock in the Jody of the church and is open to any who may desire to come as visitors. The present lessons, which relate to the beginning of the Christian church, are t xceedingly in- teresting. Baptist.' Annual Meeting. The annual meeting of the Baptist church was held on tVednestay even- ing of lett weektin the church. There was a full attendance of members, gad the ladies of the church had prepared a dainty supper. which was partaken of after the lousiness of the gathering had been transacted. The financial reports all showed a healthy condition in the face of the alleged hard times. The total amount raised for the vari- ous funds of the church: Was' reported as $1,178,)X3 and total expenditure $1,117.49- The Bible school, including lbs- haat-teriseei, raised a total of $131.27 and expended $117.72. Every fund has closed the year with a balance on hand as far the local work is coucal'nwL In i-.- gard, to the building fund, the Baptist Home Mission Board of Ontario and Quebec is considering a proposal to nee the indebtetiness'-upon the building. and complete the interior at as early a date as possible. The mem Iership remained unchanged numeri- cally, the gain and loss Laing equal. Alex. Clutton was re-elected a deacon. Chan. Keene was re-elected eectetary- trt'asurer, Miss Jean Outten sass elected church clerk and J. H. Rob- ertson was re-elected Sunday school superintendent. The new finance committee is composed of Messrs. D. Cameron. E. Drinkwalter, B. Wilkins and Mrs. 8. A McColl. The pastor, Rev. C. R. Jones, was in the chair. OBITUARY. Craig. After an illness of,,some months' duration Captain William Craig, pro- prietor of the Huron hotel, and a well- known citizen, parsed away oil Mon- day morning of last week 'tit the agent fifty-six years and seven months. The funeral took place on Wednesday afternoon to Maitland cemetery and wan verylargely attended. Maitland Lodge, o, 34, A. F. & A. M., of which the deceased was a member, attended the funeral in a body and the :Marine Clubalso turned out in large number's to pay their last tribute of respect to, the hate Captain. The servirea were conducted by Rev, M. Turnbull, recto. of st. George's church, and the Mason- ic service was read by Dr. %V, S. Turn- bull. The pall -bearers were Captain Shepherd, 1''. F. Lawrence, R. King, W. L. Horton, Walter Saults and F. J. Pridhant. A large number of floral offerings testified to _the esteem width the deceased wee held and to the sympathy evoked by his death. Cap- tain Craig was born in (loderich and his Lather at one time was oOner of the es. on h urs Kota; t which -f MP It . P Craig retie![ for a titre. The deceased in his earlier Tears followed the lakes ate his profession buthad spent a good portion of his life in the hotel busi- ness. Ile leasee to mourn his lose his widow and a family of fcm• s ons and Your daughters, to whom the sympath. les of a large number of friends are extended.. hire. Craig's brothers, Captain A. Chambers, of Port ,Huron, anti David Chambers, of Port Robin- son, and the former's wife and daogg(h- terj • M5) �ae. mther,JYcs.. Josephpd Cham.i)etrs, ig'of Patsp7IDott itohin,on ; Mt. and Mrs. J. C. Johnston, of Bltte- vale, and Mn. Ernest, n1 Tnrinte, were here for the funeral, Pickard. Ons of the older residents of (lode - rich township passed away on Thurs- day morning,tl tis inst., in the person of John Pickard, of the Cut line, at. the age of eighty-seven year.. AI - though never a particularly rugged man, his illness reached an acute stage only within the last few weeks. 11e was born in Devonshire, coming to this country when about thirty years Id' age. He first settled in Pickering, then moved to the farm on the Bey - field line at present occupied by Mr. Yeo, After three years' residence there he bought the farm on the Cut line, on which he has since resided. He was a lifelong and consistent member of the Methodist church, a i.iberal, and a roan who Wag held in the very highest esteem. Ile leave. n brother in Minnesota, two sisters in Clinton, Mrs. Jenkins end Mrs. J. L. Courtice ; and one in 'Toronto, Mrs. Holloway. His .wife predeeeaslsl him by two years. Itis seven daughters and three sons are Mrs. W. Steep, Am•enac, Mieb: Mr's. R. Y. Cox and Mrs. W. J. Patton, Goderich township ; Mrs. C. T. Johnston and Mies Maud, Toronto ; Misses Alice and Emma, at home ; William, at Columbus, Ohio ; John, at8tratbroy; and Fred, et home, WINTER SPORTS. (owiel'Ich .ports were pleased to wee the familiar features of Bert McCreath in Thursday's Toronto filar. Bert is putting up the sta•Ilet variety of hock - (NEW ADVERTISEMENTS -Jan, 28th Scabs) of Application to Parliament -St, Peae Marry and Western Omar° flalIwa, Co. 1 Reader -Family Herald and Weekly Star ... 1 Not lee to Water Takers -W. L. Horton e Adding Machine-(iod5H0h Business Colles* 2 Reader --Star Electric Novelty and Repair Works. ..... _ ... 1 . ................... General Store for Sale- Morita Wiutty, Kin- lailI't The anadlan Wayst to the Caoadlan We_ C. P. R s Arrowetnitk Arch Por{. -()„M. 1tttott .. - The Smart Set -SC. E. Kelly Clear Out Sale -.W. (', Pridham . 2 Continuation of January l'teariug Sal.- ('ameron & Moore , A bargain Week io Fury Hodgeo. Brom Announcement -Auctioneer Iloekett 1 Auction Sale, Jan, .let -Geo. Beckett Stock hiking Hergaln.-U. M. 1CIllott Reader -C. N.O. .........:.......... Our Great January SAM I. flyer -J. H. s „I. Annual Meeting -Hospital Board . . .. . I ey in the Queen City on the Eureka* A team in the junior 0. H. A. The tetra! defeated The Toronto Rowing Club team by a score id 15 to 0, • The (ioxlerich baseball team of 111(51 have their portraits in W. 142. Kelly's wtud,r... They are a good-looking bunch, Ttyelve Goderich bowler* played on The Clinton alleys last Friday night, defeating a similar number of Clinton players by a sore of 33911 to 3187. The best game of hockey of the season is pilled for tomorrow night at the West street rink, between Strat- ford and Goderich., Neither of these teams has been beaten this season see far and an exciting Match may be looked for. The standing of the teams in group No. 7, intermediate 0. H. A. melee. in an follows : Won Lest To Pram Goderich.... . 4 -0 .- Stratford 4 U 4 Clinton 2 2 4 New Hamburg 1 -_ 8 4 S.eafo,th U 8 2 Town Hockey League. A meeting was held at the rooms of the Menesetung Canon Club on Mum - day night of lust week for the purpose a°f 0!131 1ting &J.9)A_'n. huckey league. R4'present,ltives • of the following teams were in attendance : Iroquois. Y. M. C. A. G. C. L, Marine Club, Excelsior Bible Claes of V'ietoria street Methodist church, clerks on the Square, organ factory. Menesetung Canoe Club. Robert Oraigie occupied the chair and the fi►Lowjng officers were elts•ted : W. E. Kelly, honorary president : Charles Black, president : Lionel Parsons, vice-president ; Hugh H. Polley, secretary -treasurer. The leagure will be known as the Goderich Amateur Hockey Association and anyone holding an O. H. A. certificate will be barred. No man can play oD more than one teats. The various clubs contribute 51 each to the pur- chase of a trophy, and the clubs have been (divided into sections, the win- ners in each section 0 play off for the trophy. The schedule drawn rap is as follows : Section 1 -January 2.3, Marine v. Y. M. U. A. January 30, Menesetung v. Organ Factory. February 4, Marine v. Menesetung. February 9, Marine v. Organ Factory. February 13, Y. M. C. A. v. Organ Factory. February 18, Menesetung v. Y. M. C. A. Section 2 -January 29, G. C. I. v. 13 ware. January 28, Square y. iro- quois. February 2, Iroquois v. Excel- sior. February 6, G. C. v. Iroquois. February 11. Square v. Excelsior. February 16, (1. C. I, v. Rxcelsior. The list of referees selected is as fol- lows : Jock Wiggins, Harry Belcher, Roy Lloyd. Alex. Meteor, Daniel Mc- Donald, Arthur McLean, Harry Mc- (iaw, Fletcher and Mnrdoch McLeod. The public ate invited to attend the games and lend the encouragement of their presence to the interest in the mal thee. The team of the clerks on the Square has since dropped out of the league and the games go by default to the other teams. ANNOUNCEMENTS. If you have an article for sale tell me. I can find a buyer. 0. RecKrrr, Auctioneer. Oysters served in all styles ; fee ere am bricks, confectionery and cigars. C. BLACKHTONK, West street restaurant. Stock -taking bargains. Our bargain counter is interesting. Just now any pair of shoes on it for one dollar. G. M. K1.LIOTr. The Star Electric Novelty and Re- pair Works in their window displays are more attractive than ever, with their colored and skidoo -lights. blink- ing so regularly. After this they will sell all skates at a ..0) per cent. reduc- tion, so as to make room for their eprii1 goody, audit as bicycles, etc. They haat, a line stock of sporting goods, !evolvers, am ition, empty shells, gine and rifies; and relics of the Franco-Prussian war; ' which can- not be purchased elsewhere. cold sword bayonets on cherry shield, mounted for decorating halls And den.. at home. Repeat it : -"Shiloh'. Cure will al- ways cure my coughs and colds." • AUCTION SALES. S ATI An 4 r, Jan. 30t h. - Auction male of bootee. enws, young cattle, hernewt, etc., at the Collserne hotel, Goderioahernial,. now,ts Or1rDA•, anctloneer. NATI'al,A v, Jan. Sloth. - Auction sale of horse., cattle. harness wagons, baggies, blan kbits, etc„ at the Colborne hotel yards, can meneing at 1 oclock. T11014As 111'NDRr Reel loneer, BORN. CAMPBELL. In (:mmlerich, nn Ilth Janus to ('eptah. Kenneth and Mo' l'ampbetl. 00'illain street. n son Makatea Alexander. HTUDDAIRT. -.(t Morden, Man. m, 21.t Jan! ay, to Mr. end Mr.. 14. Stoddart, a son. Ms ('A*'I;HF71'.--In Locknew, on Jannary 901 h, to Mr. and Mn. W. F. McCaughey, a sets. u'Eo. RI. A('KRRO('OH -In Bette (.'reek, Mlch., on Friday January I:1th. John filaekbrough, formerly of Kati 00awanamk, In hie 79th year. M, 4IOW'A N. At MI Jarvis .free!, Toronto m. Monday evening, January M Ann Ale Laren, relied of the late James McGowan of hlvt.h. In her 714th year. HTRAI'OHAN.-In Henmliler, .ni nand.. January lelh. PHs-flla Mabel, daughter of W m. Stranghan, aged 21 year*, 3 Irtealhe. The funeral will take place from her father - roahtemas, at Renenlller, on Saturday. Janitor A11h, 11 2 oclock p. m., to( olhnrse errneterl.