HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1909-1-21, Page 81
THUw .Ar, January 21, 1909
Farm an? ti
What They Need 1s an Occasional
Change of Scene.
A bright woman correspondent of
Country Gentleman writes u follows:
Once In awhile most farmers' wives,
I think, get Ured of their everyday du
ties and occupations -out of tune with
their work and surroundings. The best
medicine for snob a complaint is
change. They should go to the home
of some city cousin, of which most of
ns have a few, and compare conditions.
The first thing we notice is lack of
room, which Is a painful want to those
of us who have been brought up in
the big country. What comprises a
home in a large city can oflrn be con-
AT ♦ 1101111•11 SAss.
tanned almost on one floor of a'coun-
try house and the tiny dooryard be
covered with • god sized tablecloth.
Everything, too, emits so much -even
the air, we get so little, and we sigh
In vain for the cooling breezes that
are nearly always to be found some-
where on our farm home.
City women, however, have a good
many advantages that their country
friends mina. They have more time
for rest, recreation and reading
Their homes, being small, are more
easily eared for. The men of the
household are eseelly away through
the day. Fruit, vegetables sad gro-
ceries are brought to the door, and it
1. always possible to And some one to
do the wont. This chances to shop
and attend bargain sakes are right at
hand. There are also theaters, lec-
tures, concerts and In the summer
numberless little Isxcursions that are
not expensive and make a delightful
change. When we visit the city- we
enjoy these privileges very much. It
we go in the summer, however, we
hardly get home before our visit Is re-
turned. Our city friends think it costs
country people scarcely anything to
have company -they raise so much of
their food, and they have plenty of
room anyway. Bo U we go for one
week they return us two or three. If
not more. They always get the best
of us, we can be certain of that, nud
bow they enjoy the drives, fruit, milk
and outdoor life -even better than
we do the city pleasures, which tire
us even while they entertain, so that
we are glad to go home, glad to return
to the simple life and take up our o111
work. We ail have, I believe, some
city friends whom we visit seldom and
whose coming we look forward` to
with dread. Their children are un-
ruly, and they don't wish them to be
corrected. They keep our houses and
lawns untidy with their hate, wraps
and papers, while in their own homes
Ta=il OQLD>f>W Ala
they are eztremely particular and
don't want to have a thing out of
There are others Wbe feel superior
to us. they view the farmer and his
family with pity, almost with con-
tempt. They think farm life is so soli-
tary, farm earnings so small! Yet
they like to partake of the farmers'
hospitality even while they try to ex-
cite envy and discontent. cud 1 thicqk
they really like to have us visit thelia;
mostly, though, tar the purpose of
showing us their lazartee and advan-
teges which we do not possess. Ruch
acquaintances shield never be Invited
to repeat the Bret visit. We should
speed the parting guest and discour-
age them from nig again.
Seldom is a woman as strict with
her children as she is with her hus-
Little Maggie (after watching her
email Krol her devouring severel large
sections of chocolate cake ) -Mammas
isn't it funny how much larger Jimmy
really is than he appears to ire from
the outade
''Your mistress tells me, Jane, that
yyon wish to leave and become an at
tendwnt at a lunatic asylum. of all
vireos. Why, what experience hsve
you had P"
"Wtu, air, I've flees bare three
Ile care to my desk with • Quivering
1,p -
The lesson was done.
-Dear teacher, 1
want ,.1 Ileal
leaf." 115 saki
"1 have awned
this one."
In place of th,•
leaf so stain ,'
rind blotted
i (alio him a m
ono all %nolo(
And into his sal
eyes smiled,
"Ikl better noes
my child."
I went l0 the
thrott, wit,: ..
gulverang 0 1 1
The obi year
•r)e•.•r1. Ihllhrr.1 .1''
tIeW lea*
f 1
A too:, tee 011
,. .I g1 111. a
«tc .• all uasl.dtell
•1 1.1. .v:g(d I....Irt smiled.
bet', r now, Illy child."
1.O W."
K, 11.•.dun, of 11110::10. 1. 11-e61g r,
N tour n1' t, of '1'0; In' 1, tt i. in loo:
1 t «I..
:C. T.� T•1; rTr'nr!�r..wrnrnr-r :;
14 -rim. wa. 1h.• guc-1 of J. J. II.sst 11 ,
Horn.,• Ilenncrl.4)f Iia'.1,.late. 1i.1'., 11.1.
I.. 0 , 1. o
11 boa . the NI I ton.,lll bona•. .
Mit id street.
\1 .old \Ir.. W. I•: c:. :v. .\b-. Advn.,i
11,1 Mi.. \I m -o. el urn,d on 'lit''. ty (1018
,1-.1111 low 0. to \1•'.. w011. .1111 .1•..
1..1 i•- in the Kaa. n Kl ate•.
\Ir. and Mr.. E. \ L. w1 ;1.11 Ib..
le w- 1*(1 0,, stoma to, 11 104 (.11 1411. 0411.
.,r' 4 iS.ri«.«1.•,.7� 1 1 _ tl ,...IuL.ar..u.d
: u 1 Iu saenrvt,
\yr .011 .1'1 : 141 10 ).
111. 1 1) IP ieu.l- w.. glut ,o tants Ihnl Si,.
W .'Ila. unite wl•uml,l.'le 1.•.•111) 1 fr(al hi-
:..ru' -•o duo. situ^•.- --- -
The Useful Onion.
Half a freshly cut Oulon briskly nib -
•bed over tuarled and slotted velvet
•III restore It to beauty If the velvet
Ir• directly afterward geuuy rubbed
wit a damp soft linen cloth and
pass 1 across a hot flatiron standing
For dye g specked or faded cottou
molls a prof dark ecru or light brown
take two red loos and a big handful
3' onion peels rid boil them briskly
for one hour in a uart of water, then
strain and In the ored water thus
uShlinrd toil your ods plowly for
three hours. Rinse In s veral waters.
'Onion juice makes a s ng adhesive
for pasting paper, such as lets, etc.,
on tin or other metals.
The juice of fresh cut onto stems
rubbed on Insect stings and int- unto
4.14,e -w 4+- w•hee }tnrnedieteet
pn•veut redness and swelling.
()Hien jnice mixed with good pu
vinegar inhaled through the nose will
stop nosebleed. Slices of fresh cut
union applied to the back of the neck
help along the cute.
Plait It Loosely at Night.
At night a Mil • girl's hair should
never be Ileitis curled or plaited If
you want It to grow`thick and long,
but 1* very loosely done In two plaits,
so that In the mornlug there are prac-
tically no tangles to be combed out.
What does It matter if she doesn't
look pnrticularly pretty/ So long as
children are healthy and happy that
is the great point, and It Is tar better
for a girl to have straight hair In
nursery days than to have no hair at
all or only very skimpy locks when
she grows to womanhood, a quite poa-
sible result of overmuch crimping and
earling. Do nil you can to make It
grow and don't bother about kinks,
and you will earn your child's grati-
tude not only while she is in the
nursery, but all her life lone
IOU 111(11 Illy packages r,.11 -
tailing 21 Sheets Note l'aprr,
21 Envelopes, 2 Sheets Blotting
Paper. I 11.0111` Ink, 1 1'1•n
11111,11 with I'en Point, I t:nt.er
and 1 J.eall I',•uril,
�1 l eu41 111101111:1 \\'l sting Pad!,
clearing al .1c. 111 and 1.1e.
Ib �al,n In.•,
re. and 2.0• Pall
cleat Mg at half -pries.
Si..V1•1,11 hundre,l boxes No!..
I'apcc :old Fnerlop,•s, rc4.
2.-M and :1, , elearinl;
1,arge•eonsignml•nt "Madel' 1.41,
ri1 " Linen \ole Paper and En v11 -
oyes, special. 2 quires I.
1 1'. 1•,11Velepa•1 a11111e pi'll's'.
Il:.11 nol 1.14)011, Dimity and
Eaton I lurlbu('s "IIIA fence
Vellnnt," 1e:ting at gt 1gt e 'y
Several t h,)nattnl lEtivelopes, °d11
.11111)44)'. 4',I iasis a
and pu It al:• rot nnrll.•nee,
11(111 114 at 21: ant • per
Terms strictly Cash.
Victoria Opera House
One Solid Week commencing
Monday. January 25th,
Joe. N. Machan
and his own BIG CO.,
supporting his little daughters.
in a repertoire of
and the latest advanced vaudeville.
The Repertoire.
Stolidity, Leet and Won.
Teeslay. Woman s ainel. Woman.
Wednesday, Wife for Wife.
Thnr.day, The Bondman.
Friday, ' The Man trop) the West.
Ratutday, The Devil.
Prices, 10c, 20c de 30c
Pan at Edwards' Iimstauesnt.
.......---.,.f ........ •...a.P..........-.......,...e.e.......••..
`I'IHE h1l;NAL: (.O1)I:►tiCil• ii.1'I'AklO
ur Annual �
t'I n • 1t'
t.mid- (T%•__ t,.�.Bargain�� SIT€
Saturday, Jan. 23rd, Monday, Jan. 25th, and Tuesday, Jan. 26th,
THREE DAYS of extraordinary bargain giving for us and extraordinary money saving for you. Three days o:: which we are
willing to lose sight of profit to clear out hundreds of dollars' worth of merchandise that should not be here when we enter
stock Saturday, the 3oth day of January. That is the great aim and object of these Bargain Days .
A hundred and one things stock -taking has brought to light simply must be out of the way before entering day comes. We
would rather crowd the selling into three days and be done with it tean spread it out over two or three weeks -rather a good
deal take cost or Tess in many cases to make the selling an absolute certainty. Here is the list. It is a good one. Read' it
carefully, then come whichever day suits you best.
1200 Yards Flannelette in ends of ! Sample Doilies Less
10 Yards or Less. Than Half Price
f . t:',�,�p
1,2c0 Ward. Hiner striped Flannel -
tic to sell Sahlyda\, \tonus) gnu t ne
d:ty. Very strong \weave, heavy weight,
14 to 35 inches w-ide, fast colors, dark
and light, fancy stripes. All in short
lengths of ;; to to yards. .1 great big
table full of them ready Saturday morn-..,
nig marked at prices for the `pend ; will
undoubtedly save you money. .
:pct tlay.11rts' samples 1f
pure lidded doilies, asso:tea
sizes and palletnr. Each
has liner or four small holes
clue to one edge t1hicit can
Israwly darned and not 1a•
not seeable. Choke .If these
;per ssulphcs, 'luulrnciug
Saturday, at
31' 5c. 7c 9c
which ie a good deal Lis
limo their value.
121,c for Lawn Instead of 20c
-This lawn was intended for Febru-
ary selling. it .ante in a little ahead of
Mille, just getting here this week, so wo
throw it out on the counter Saturday
morning at th;. bargain price.
VI•ly fir • •Iia lawn, sheer finish, et•rit-
.v444, e0. 'any. hi 144. the width, tuft 11.
This is 5 to 111 inches wider ban the
1101181 width of this maletial. Suitable for
waists, esses, chi'drrn a wear. 4.11':: and
worth easily even' cent of 211.•. Suter- t t
day' morning you can buy it at per yard1 'c
Linen Handkerchiefs Some Great Bargains in Carpet Samples
4 Lor 25c
1.olies' pure hilt 11 hem. 25O carpet samples, from one of L an:itla s biggest
slid hc.t.hatullorrhit-I14 i...-
carpetR11lIs,- just, the_ thing for _odd_ Snag LLC.- f
1.1-l1,I by nurtclves (lite. 1 1' r
splen.. .,1 range. of patterns.., 'i'wo prices.
from I l ',tool, I lrn,st it l hrJ. .
1141 FON' 11111.1, very .prri141
for lhtgain Ihty s at 1 25c
$1.50 Oow ns $1.15
only heavy Eng-
lish flannelette gown.. white
or pink, very soft material,
nir,•ly *thinned! Regular
81.541 and $I.73_ clearing
Bargain Days, at $115
each ....
Ladies' Fur Coats $25.0
At 25c
tall sample ends of ,ext r.t high grade carpet, each end 1 yard
sguarx•. These saulple;,rrpresent pat V11114 Hutt 14114* (4)0 UlOde 40 rugs
0014, all(' of some drsiglas there ate f.our.r six the name, which
joined together would Make very go rugs. Choice per 25c
end d
Brussels Samples 69c
144) samples len-sets carrot, dozens of high grade pal 14.1 ns.
l2unli!ies that sell at $1.01 *11 $1.50 err yard. ('hos=e of the 69c
j; samp!e�, 0eu1:11scieg Saturday, each 1/x7
0 0.0 ..r.«: f1'•,. ;6M t'a"':.. r, P+"Wk
Just 4i ofriof 111.111 to suit. Aslriehan jackets plain (1r
With sable collar and revers ; or elect rip seal coals, plain 111
11 in, tiled. Regular values iii,$:CI (4) to $1.; 1.1, but t..• Save
made up our minds we ore tint going to Carl y one .'f t ln•nl
over, so offer yI Il' your i'hoice Halgsin pays, 'at $25.00
each ..... .... .... ... ....
}very .o sbackrdwith our gnnrantl0 * ht. 41(1114 is first-
class and we 81'P"iet y to stake 411(111 anything that should go
A Fur -lined Coat for $28.00
#11, -re tock (11114
rbrec Idlly flu tied coal.. .4.11 good quality' Hack
heaver, black collar and revers, sleeves Outflows bred,
body of want lining with a strum. set viveable fuss. Thew
coats have got style to them and w _ ill give spien. ��lJ•00 _
did set vice. Sp•eial for again Illy., each... lJ
A : etter Coat at $39.00 , .ire
t ton fur -lined *oats, goad quality black 14(11. A 1
A, Columbia sable collar nqd revers, extra $39.00
or Bargain Days sly
Frillings c a Box
:111 boxes fancy hiIIui at -
sorted widths ant pat ieltis.
three frills regular k, 1.11
vial Saturday luornin
pct box .... ...
Men's Undershirts s c
E„,., y oar of these gat -
merits i, a - 1111p11•, 0111)1• are
fleece limit, ell's 1s pule
w(0ol. Tile regul.u• valor.
are Ile t 1 7•l.•. Choirs 39c
for Bargain Days
Better Shirts 50c
1'hes.• shitty are satnples
also. Every one pure wool
wish the exception of a few
111411 grade fleece . lined.
ib-gular sac to $1121, jest
because they ate Ample.
you r ny them
HAI gainf flays at each. 50c
Children's Underwear
Children's v e; t s and
drawers. mostly "seconds,"
4 0411110 *54 to lac, all l ped
at one price and cleat inti
Saturley at your 23c
Fine Wool Drawers
Ladies 0x11;4 line quality
woollen drawees, white or
nat 1 (111. worth c•gu1811v
St .25, 15 pails to sell,
liar. Days at),er pair. VOC
17 Coats at $7.65
t'e1I1. roust go on Bargain Days. 1f you want. one at all
this winter, buy one of three and save a lot of money. Just
17 in this •phial lot. Blacks, blues, browns and greens.
This sla.om's 4 olterl sl ylea, loose or septi-flttiog !lacks, man
tailoee.l ev. Ey one of them, no two alike. Regular $12 bt
to $17 1x1. Clearing Bsrgain Days at your choice $7 65
Silk Skirts at $3.35 1 ,'
l only lndi0h blark silk'p viii•
coats, out guile full. t. imnnsl
will' t, ills and &aides. lied-
- 441.41- g: _48 __ -Satur •
day earl' $3.35 1_
Golf Jackets 50c
3 golf ' jackets• small size,
white only, choice 50c
Silk Waist Lengths
2 only silk waist leugth.,
good quality Japanewe silk
with embroidered fronts.
Special for Bargain $3
Days each :..
Children's Coats at $2.25
i1iouly •hildren'srunts. tweeds and friezes, mostly marl
1.1 /11 Full length, regular $3.75 to $5 lel, clearing $2.25
Bargain Days at rash.... ....
17c English Shaker
Flannel 121,c
nom y quality six iped
shirting flannelette, dark
colorings, imported (hest
t (tom the English makers.
Regular lie and Vt.-, Har•
;;1 •n Days per yltlI 121c
The Millinery Must Go.
Miss Reynolds goes for her holidaj: next week
and mint leave an empty show room behind her.
We are going to empty on Bargain Da1's, and this
is how we are going to do it. Voss have never had a
chance to buy :Miillinery at these prices, but we never
carry it over one season to another. That i.. why you
aye It now.
Tr • med Hats $1.95
J t u/) (11 25 of them left. Of cours_, you know- every one is
this, Ives's style. No us.. attempting to describe Them, al
will ju say they are worth at least double the price we ask
for the Choke commencing Saturday morning, $1.95
Any Ulitri ed Shape 39c ...° "
I'rnhablyy 2.1 or' 1 untrimmed shaper.. All good and new this
season. We wan, clear them out before Tuesday night; no
matter what their r, 111,1' pike, you esti lake yourchoice 39c
rumnencing Saturda • at
Can You ' - a Remnant ?
'hher.' v\ ill he hundreds
urday and every one a harga
the store has been measured up
on the remnant table Saturday
prices that 1'.:11 sturely sell them.
remnant of any kind you 'will undoubt
looking over this tableful. Don't miss
the biggest bargains of the day will he on
sell commencing Sat-
s. Every remnant in
nd you will find all
lrninfr marked at
you can use a
ly save money
Sonic of
Prints 9c
:ked yards English Prints.
mostly dark colorings.
These wee rue standard 124c
`gnslities. We want to clear
them out in order to start
nextseasen with a perfectly
fresh stock. Choice Har- 9
gain Days
White Blouses 50c
ti or Si muslin blouses, the
last of our 1908 styles. N.,
Matter what the price, Bar-
gain Days your choice JUL
Silk Blouses $1.98
3 only white silk blouses.
They were $3, *i.75 and $1.
Bargain Days you
ern take your choice $1 98
Tams 5c
:al only girls' colored tanc-
o-uhwnlet•a, camel's Bair, in
all the popular shade..
Clearing Bargain Day. 5c
et each
White Toques, 35c
ill only boys' and girl'*
white woollen t,ogii s. Stan-
dard 500 goods the trade
over, choice per cap 35c
Bargain Days each
Hand Bags 45c
Ladies' pure leather hand
beige, gaol! style, strong
clues, inside purge, black
and color., an extra special
for Bargain Dayan A 5�
ea0h.... `t
Sample Hose About
Half Price
1 yll
pairs ladi.•s' e..
hose, aesntted quntito•s, ad
) nom )less every pair selling
at about ball price.
Saving Chances on
Some splendid money-
saving chances' for you
at the dress goods coun-
ter commencing Satur-
day. 11 undreds of yards
must be sold before we
enter stock anti we have
made prices extraordin-
arily low to make the
selling sure.
A Table Full at -35c
One table hull of black and
colonel dress goods, plain
and fancy materials. Regu-
lar 50c, t11k• and 75c. Clear-
ing, itargelo Days at 35c
your choice per yard
Heavy SuLtings 95c
Half a dozen ends black
and navy suiting', It yards
wide, suitable for -full suit'
or reiterate skirts. Regular
$1.511 to $2111. clearing com-
mences Saturday at 95c
per yard ..
Dress Goods 121c
About 1510 yards of light
and dark drew mater isle.
These are odd lines that
would make splendid mint
linings. They aro wort is
good deal more money than
our Bargain Day priers.
Choice. per yard ... 12k
Pancy Black (hoods
2 ends onl�,
very fine black
dress goods, strife effect«,
)rade f the twat Austral-
ian yerne - the dye guaran-
teed steed% rely fuel. will
• make very effective c *-
turees. Regular $l 25.
Bargain Davi; per yard 75C
A Table Full at 65c
2011 yard. at least on this
table. Suit lengths and full
ends of plain mwleriale. All
colors represented. A clear-
ing out of Alk U) $1.Xi quali-
ties. Choice of the whole
lot. conunracing Saturday
morning, at per "III
Mantle Cloth at 25c
3 or 4 ends of colored man -
11e cloth. Capital ends for
making girl.' school coats.
Choice Bargain Days L c]5c
per yard
A Dress Length $7.50
One only imported cus-
tume length, very fneet
French serge, enough ma-
tetial for a full costume
with embroidered trimmings
to match. Regular $12.11n,
opscial for Bargain $7
• )a y
All Over Laces and
Insertions 39c
dozen ends all over laces
and plain nets, cream and
Paris ahades. Regular 75c
to *LOU. 7'bey must be out
of the way before d.rck-
t►kingg is over, commencing
fiaturdny per yard 39c
Hose Supporters 19c
51 pairs ladies hose sup -
i orters, one of the best sell-
ing styles we have. Extra
strong elastic, four coups.
pad and telt, black, white
and colors. Very spe- 19c
rill per pair
WE cannot quote you a detailed list of Furs and prices, as we have not I om, but if you have the slightest intention of
buying Furs this winter, if you will come on Bargain Days, we will ma RR it well worth your while to buy then. We
have several hundred dollars' worth of good furs that we are exceedingly anxi s to turn into ready money before stock
taking. The chance is yours to buy them at decided savings. Back of every '1ece stands our guarantee that it is ab-
u.solutely perfect. You run no risk buying Furs here, and you can undoubtedly say oney if you buy them on Bargain Days.
Table Damask 22c
A clearing lot Ili table
damask, 3 patterns. Rood
Wright, will wear and wash
will, spteciwl far HAI • 22c
gain pays per yard L
Axminster Rugs $21.
a only : xtra quality Ax-
minster rugs, two patterns,
3 e 4 yards, very arterial
Bsrgain Days at $21 (11(11
each loll
Kimono Flannel i0c
Ileavy kipu)no flannel,
dark and light colorings,
half a dmen go.rd paattern..
regular :Ilk, Bwrgain 20c
Days, per yard
Smyrna Rugs $7.
1 only 'eversible Smyrna
rug, 8 feet a 11 feet 41 inches.
(naeaysriat / lollng
argaf h•$ 7.00 GO D E R I C H e
--2$c Belts 15c
f»wther, elastic and silk
belie, -Masks and casts.
1 Regular 25e to :igen A mile
Mildew* ing at.Bargsin 15c
Days, your choice
Cashmerette Gloves
idl pairs Iarliei eashmeretle
glove., Meek, navy and
brown. Regular 25c, Bar-
gain Days per pair 15
Sample Gloves
5') pair" lechers and chil-
dren's "molten gloves, blacks,
whites and \•cnlor.. Every
pair a sample and every pair
a bargain.
Hat Pins 2 for Sc
Fancy hat pin., dozens of
design., regular fo; aril Ilk
each. Bargain Days, 5c
choice, 2 for ........
Comb Se - 35c
Sets, one b k and two
side conchs, g/ • 1 quality
shell. Regular - , .peelal
for Bliarg tin tit 35c
Sweaters $1.75
7 or A ladies' golf jacke
or sweater. three or four
different styles, regulsr$2.75
and $3.00, choice largain
Day. at ' etich $1.75
$2.50 Curtains $1.38
Three pattern., nix pairs
of each pattern, extra qua!-
' sty' Netdnghan, lace cur-
tains, full three and one. -half
yards long, buttonholed
edger', very strong net. and
new deatgns. Regular $150.
in Days per $1
Lace Curtains 38c
23 pairs lace'rurtains, full
yards long, buttonholed
ea, two good patterns, a
MI bargain at pet' 38c
$1.25 'curtains 88c
20 pairs ar theca to sell
hill 14 yards.jong and full
width, nice !homy design..
Regular $1.96 ab the least.
Specie, for Bain
Days per pale (JUL.