The Signal, 1909-1-21, Page 7sib
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I ENR'IMT, January 21, l'+• 9
1 +49011* °°a********* ,4 444,,40* *444,4444444444*** 9i1.c****4 4.
4 The News of the District. `= n ff4 '
Thaftlealf. Jim. 19th.
John Petrie has sustained a heavy
loss in the death of • flue working
teats. One of the animals died the
week before last and the other last
week. His friends and neighbors
sympathise with him very touch.
TvsaDAY, Jan. 11kb.
J. A. Cuno, of Australia, is the guest
of H. G. McLennan.
Wm. Turner, of Albel't•1, 1s the
guest of Duncan McKenzie.
Miss Ethel Taylor was the gum of
Mlas Fannie McKenzie over Sunday.
P. R. McKenzie, of Detroit, wag the
guest of Neil D. McKenzie last week.
Angus McBean, of Duluth, 1s visit-
ing friends and relat vee in this neigh-
Mrs. J. N. McKenzie has returned
from Ingersoll, where rhe attended
the (unreel of her cousin.
Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Boyd, of Mount
Iron, Minn., have been vi.itlit their
many friends iu Asltfleld.
Miss Hattie Henderson• hes as•
turned to her b • uh Lu'{ tn, hev-
ing *Pent a week Wel gutest..uf Mies
Mae McGregor.
Some of the Lauriet•ilwl think a
Wash in the cu„ling waters of Ietke
Huron would cabs the excited,
frenzied *tate of (he Lochatsh cones-
pondent and invite. prevent *ooh' of
those attacks of 'language" which he
has occasionally.
-Tresnev, Jan. ItKb.
Mise Irene McCann is visiting
friendeat Zion and ticinity.
Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Linfield spent a
few days this week with friends iu
Epworth League nest Tuesday
night the subject will be -Relation el
Epworth leaguers to Chute Meeting."
taken b • Miss Mabel Bailie. led by
Mies Ruby Pentland.
Last Sunday evening at the e•om-
mencewent of the service at Nile
Methodist church Rev. and Mrs. Con-
way presented their Infant daughter
for baptises, Rev. Mr. Smith. of Dun-
gannon. preforming the rite.
MzeeloN STUDY CLAse.-The mis-
sion class was organized last week.
As it was touted too large for one
class, it was divided into two, Mies
(ray being chosen as leader of the
northern portion of the congregation
and Rev, Mr. Conway, the pator,
of the south part. All those who }re
interested in the study of missions ire
invited to join. The subject selected
for the nest term will be "China.'
MONDAY, Jan. 18tb.
Miss M. Webster is visiting her
sister, Mrs. T. Blake.
Cannon and Bailie Stothers spent
Sunday at their hums here.
Jas. Webster anti J. Gilbert Bark -
well are cutting wood for Godfrey
Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Finlay and
Cannon 8tothers visited Wingb•m on
Miss L. Blake is nursing her grand-
mother. who, we are sorry to say, is
very low.
Will Finlay. of the West. visited
bin brother -In-law, N. Shackleton, the
past week.
FAaaw6LL AnnKae% AND PngaavT•
TION,- Miss K ty Brothers leaves uo•Iey
for Winghem to take a course in the
business college there. On Friday
evening the people of Blake's church
gathered at her home and preseot,d
her with • muff, accompanied by the
following address :
Dasa F'arsND.-Having learned of roar In
taUon to leave ear eemmonlly to attend the
nonage In Wloghma. we tare clam toilght to
'spree our good aviation We know you will
be sorely missed from your home. but we
shell alto muni you from the eharoh. In the
work of which you have &ways +hewn a kind
1 interact and where you helped efficiently in
the choir. League and Ntbbnth school. You
hare served faithfully and willingly aad we
knowou will secure your fall rowan! In that
day. Hut we would take this opportunity of
thanking you for the .retro. you have ren
dared u. and for the good you hare done. You
are solos out into a new life to your-
self for other wick. We Juin In w(.hing you
every suooess your heart oould deem and
trent that In the good Providence of lied your
future days rimy be Might and happy ones.
We shall bested to know that yea have not
loot Interest In the work of (•hrha's okarch but
met triage. your days may be buryou will
t atoll find time to d♦vote to the work of ha•tem
lag the connate of FIM Kingdom. Yon are icy
Ins oat and will make new Meade, but be
severed your Mende here will always he ready
with a welcome wh res may retnrn to
your home. We ellen follow you with klod
.ollettode and +hall rejoice In your .uocen..
Aw a little remembrance of our frlendehtp and
as a token of our gratitude for the, service
you have rendered in the rarloas des trtmente
of the ehurob, and especially ae organist, we
beg you to aeoept this inter We trust that
nod'. richest blaming will rent upon you non.
(Signed ea behalf of Faaks i oommantty)
PORT ALBERT. SIXTY YEARS MARRIED. forth now stood. Mrs. Yeu tale
TUESDAY, Jan. 19.11.! -- through the hush for sixteen miler on
Edwin Olver Is calling un friends in A Worthy Couple of Goderich Town- h(orsehack with a baby on her lap,
while her son John, then about six
Staffa this week. I yearn old, rode • colt, and Mr. Yeo
drove the cattle. It was it hip of
ivhi,:h the three oldest ones all retain
lively reeolleeti . Forty •vests ago
Mr. and Mrs. Yeu calve to liodcrich
township, and with the exception of
a new years again spent iu Grey they
have been resident, of (ioderieh town-
ship• ever since. For the last thirty
years they have lived on the old home-
stead at. lot 11, Hayfield con•ession.
Mr. Yeo i« one of that tine type of
men who, not content with materiel!
development only, winhoer to the
deeper wants of human nature. In
the early days his home was always
the tome of the itinerant preacher,
and he himself as a local preacher (I'r
bacon were worried on the Lith of i sixty years bas left his murk in all
January, 1810, at Fullerton (near Mit- I the communities in which he has
ship Celebrate Dtamoad Wedding.
To very few indeed 1a it given to cel.
ebrite their sixtieth wedding anni•
versary, and an occasion of this nat-
ure deserves more titan pawing men-
tion. Such an occasion was that
which was happily obsetvrd on Fri-
day last at the home of Mr. and Mrs,
\Villiant Yeo, of Goderich township.
who, surrounded by their children to
the fourth generation, .pool the
day in looking back pleasantly over
sixty years of wedded life.
\Villiaw Yeo and Miss Horan Won
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Quaid ate visits
ing relatives at Dunlop.
Miss Eva McConnell left these parts
for Toronto last Monday.
Mr. and Mrs, J. Campbell, of Bel-
fast. visited in this locality last week.
Miss Lizzie Foster, of Sheppardtun,
spent the week -end with bet sister,
'Mrs. H. Hawkins.
Skating is iu vogue these evenings.
The ice Is in first -claw condition and
has been well patronized so tar.
Mise Mabel Quaid returned home
last Saturday after spending some
time with relativesat Wingbaoi.
Missy from Your Disordered Stomach
Gees in Five Minutes.
You can eat anything your stomach
craves without fear of a mise of Indi-
gstion or dyspepsia, or that
food willur
'term n e t sour on your
stomach If you will ocraionally take
a little Diapepsin after eating.
Your meals will taste good, and
anything you eat will be digested ;
nothing can ferment or turn into
acid or poison or stomach gen, which
causes belching, dizziness. a feeling of
fullness after eating, nausea, indiges-
tion (like a lump of lead in stomach).
billionaierr, heartburn, water brash,
pain in stomach and intestines or
other symptoms.
Headaches from the stomach are
absolutely unknown where this effec-
tive remedy le used. Diapepsin really
does all the work of a healthy stom-
ach. it digeste your meets when your
stomach can't. Each triang ire will
digest all the food you oan eat and
leave nothing to ferment m sour.
Get a large 50 -cent case of Papas
Diapepsin from your druggist and
start taking today and by tomorrow
of will actually brag about your
healthy. strong stomach, for you then
can eat anything and everythingou
want without the slightest discomfort
or misery, and every particle of im.
purity and gas that in In your stom-
ach and intestines Is going to be car-
ried away without the use of Imitative.
oe any other assistance.
Hut If a woman knew how nervous
.h. makes most men h, getting off s
street ear haekwatd shed probably do
Its anyhow. -Indianapolis News.
Repeat it :-°Shlbb's Owe will al -
Wars Mtn rq soughs and 041dS."
MUNnAY, Jan. di.h.
Thr Henanlller rink hag been in good
shape this year, so tar.
Mrs. A. Heddle is now in attrnd-
nnee art Mrs. Jas. Long. The leiter ,s
I CCm vef ill* glow ll•.
The revivnl bemires at Zlun hs.r
lie'n's well ntieu led so far. Th. -y wi11
continue thia work also.'1.411 lith.
Skating is the order of 6,111 day
anti night in our town.
\fisc Ruth Thompson silent Sunday
with Mia. Vera Manning. -- -
Miss ('bili was the guest of Mix.
Jessie Oke on Sunday last.
M. Schwan/ had a wood bee lett
1Veeluewlay and an oyeter supper at
ui&k - -
Allan \\'alter, nr lioder.cI . slakes
frequent visits here. \Vo:,der
what'll the reason.
Miss. Jessie Oke returned h. • lei
week after visiting a few d iy- with
friends in li.xlerich.
I;rxngelistic s•rvicea .re :being held 1
at %1 .•1 and are doing good work.
Rev. !Ir. livugh has charge.
We hear that the 11eunnilier end
some f the Ooderieh Isxys intend'hay.
Mg a Lockey watch at wine Inter tints.
Our rink is getting to be a scene of
Movu.ts, January 18t1.
Miss Annie Cbawney is visiting at
the home of Mrs. Crozier, of Crewe,
this week.
Rev. A. h. Jones held a reception
service and aIso baptized two children
at this appointment on Mablatth after-
The home of A. Hardsty had a
very harrow escape from fire one day
last week. caused 4y some detect of
the furnace.
We are surly to know that Mrs.
John .tedmond in again confined to
bed, but we hope to nee her around
again very soon.
Mrs. Ilenry Dens re is lying in a
very serious anldili•,n at present.
We hope she may t eke a turn for the
better and be again restored to health.
Mrs. \Vol. McDowell is visiting her
uncle and grandmother at Onnlph this
week having u'cump shied her mother,
Mrs. Anderson, that far on her return
home to Plumes. Man.
FRIDAY, Jan. 15th.
TowNeine Cou u -ii. ---Council met
January {lth, according to statute.
The newly elected members sub-
acribed to the necessary papers and
then took their seats at the board,
Reeve Medd in the chair. Minutes of
last 'netting were read and adopted
on motion of Councillors Thompson
and Wilson The treasurer's elate -
(tient showed balance on hand of $150.
Filed on motion of Couneillore Wat-
son and Altcheson. Bylaw No. 1 was
drawn up end passed, appointing offi-
cial s for the year, the appoinnnents
bei: g the wtdie as Iast tear, except in
the case of auditors. John Webster
being appointed instead of W. Wil-
e. 1. Th.• account of A. Anderson for A. Walsh to the house of
Fein{e, $11.45, was lucid. Wm. Proud -
fent was appointed township solicitor.
and John Cameron caretaker of hall.
The following cheques were issued :
R. Wiside, damages, $3 ; election ex-
penses, $52: Municipal World, elec-
tion snppliee and asses I1)enf rolls,
err , $16.50 : Municipal World. anti-
.crip' ions, $5.75 ; St. Helene public
library, grant, $10 ; Dungannon pub-
lic library, $5: Manchester public
lihm,t:'y, 35 : Wm. Bailie, one day on
flnnnciel statement.. $2 : Signal, print-
ing hille. 51-2.5. Council sdjourned to
meet on February Pith at 10 o'clock.
W. 8. Weave-rm. Clerk.
1)K.(TII Or' A Folutga RKNInx.T.-
Thin week we are called upon in
record the death of one of the en' heat
pioneers of this district in :he person
of Robert Addison, who 111154ed ;sway
at his home in \VinZhw a 'n
Sunday but. in his eighty third v.• tr.
D.•cceaed had leen in failing health
for eumc months, Mr. Addison ,•+nt
to Canad.t with Itis p trove in INti
and- eet4ied in Nelsen towrr.hne --Int
the time of the MacKenzie n'b.•.1 on
the d•cr,wed as a young w In w ds 1.41..
In charge of the farm while his f iU, •r
took him taneket eCr went ter
front. In 1N13, before 1Mia eeetion .d
Ontario w.0 surveyed. (Imams •d r mi..
up to what was then known a. the
Queen's bush, and took a look orrr the
land. In the opting of 1!M he went
Goderich and took his deed frau/
the Crown for lot 21, eouceseion 13.
West \Va'vnnnh, rind on this farm he
continued t'1 teeidr until some thir-
teen yc9,s ago, when he retired and,
purchasing a comfortable horse in
Wingh:un, moved there. He was a
man of upright ct.a aclrr and was
beloved by his 1 trge circle of friends.
He was a very reserved man, het nl-
wars took an active inter. et in the
affairrs of church end state. HP had
Been a lifelong Liberal and was an
honoree) member of the Ohm ch of
Englend. Before coming to this eee-
tion he was married to Miss Mol -
11000111 and by thio union there we.e
three children, all of whom have pre-
deceased their father. Some time
after the death of his first wife, over
forty yeah ago. he married Miee Rm-
metson, of Wawanoeh, who, w ith two
daughter., Mts. Benj. Nc •poll. of West
\Vaw.enaeh, and Mrs. W. 11. Fn,s'•t,
of Bluevale, and one grandson, Roti -
err. Brown, of rorontn, enrolee, and
will have the sytnpathy of the enm-
mnnity in their afllietion. The fun -
oral took place on Tuesday aftermwt,
to the Wingham cetnetrty, the eel -
vies. at the house and grave being
conducted by Her. C. K. ,leaking.
The pall -hearers were John Quirk,
John Elder, RolxL letukhart., W...,
Tompkins. itobt. frnrtl.,n, West Wit
wanosb, and Thos. Sneers, 813 th.-
Wingbaro Times.
Mr. and Mrs William Yeo, of 01 deiich township, who rrlehnate•d the
sixtieth anniversary of their wedding VII Friday last, -surrounded by their sotto
and daughters.
chelll by Rev. Philip James, a min-
ister of the Bible ('h.i.tian church.
Mr. Yeo was then a young man in his
twenty-third year and his bride three i
years his junior. Mr. Yeu was horn t
in Devonshire. England. Dere•wbcr
llih, 18293. and canoe CO ('.hath iu I
May of the year ►dig with his father i
and mother and the rent of their fano
ily. The family s'ttled at Prterborii,'
and in 14448 Wrttiarn (the eubject of
this sketch) stet tett with an uncle and
a brother for the Heron tract. Their
route was by boat to Hamilton and
thence through the bush to Mitchell. I
a long and tedious journey. Those
were stern days of hardship and
struggle amid prim:live condition" of
Which the pi poen' generation ran 1
Iptve little idea. and Mr. Yeo lead hi.
fall shiere of the dangers And 1iflleitl-'1 of the pioneer's life. Sits. Yeo, who
also was lawn in Devonshire, arveIIry.
nine years ego, came 10 Canada when
a young gill, and when she was nine -
trio peat. of age, as already stated,.
the ,ertitge t, sok place which ush-
ered in a long and happy wedded life.
The young emiple r'ul,ine l in Full-
erton township fur als,ut ween years
After their marriage and then It -
moved to the township of (trey, where
they lived Inc 4hit teen years. An in-
cident of their journey (rota Fuller.
1(0 to Grey township gives some
little idea of the conditions of those
days. Qoing north from where Sea-
MONR(Y, Jan. Nth.
Stannic! Marshall, who has been on
a vi -it to his feth"r in the vill"RR Irft
last Monday for British Columbia,
AN Auten ItganoinT OoNE. -An-
other vacancy haw occurred in the
rinks of the aged i,,idente of lite
township of Emil \Vawannsh in the
death of Mr -s. H Ilt•rt. Mtttch, o1 the
and cuneession, who "crossed the bar"
that divides tine from eternity on
Friday, the 15th inst., at the age of
seventy-eight rinse. The der•Pau.eel
came to the township about forty
years ago. Iter husband predeceased
her ten years. She is e,trvived by a
family of three sons and three daugh-
ters, Jawee, 00 floe u1.1 homestead ;
Welborn. of this village, and Robert.
keeper of the barite of refuge: Mrs'.
King, of Clinton: Mrs. Penult, of
Blyth. and the youngest dangter ,t
resident of Cleveland, Ohio.
TI'ItaIAY, Jan. loth.
Mier, Me(iowen and Mise Jean
Webb took it (rip to Nile on Tuesday.
Mies Len* Ford and Miss Moot...
head, of Milton, are visiting at L.
We are pleased to site Mr. Hllnm-
t,hrey home again, looking fairly well
alter hisrecent operation.. . -_._ _........
Mrs. i). B. Slurray and Mrs. %V.
Cameron ate spending a few days
with their sister, Mrs. 1). M. McDon-
ald, ofRipley.
The annual meeting of ('alvin
church was held on Tuesday, ,January
12th, All the branches were found in
good working order.
The shareholders of the publir hall
held their annual meeting last -night.
They decided to We the dividend in
giving the building a coat of paint
this season.
The monthly meeting of the We -
'nen'. institute will 1A• held at the
home of .Inhn Miller, .r , nn Thursday,
the 28th, at 2:30 o'clock. A prize will
he given for the best pumpkin pie.
All the women are cordially invited
to be preeent.
Movnat, Jan. 11th.
Ton Nellie Cor sill.. --The first MPat-
ing of the council for 111146 was held to-
day, the members thereof being Wm.
.1. Parke, reeve, and James Coming,
Iohn OiliPeple, Robert J. McGee end
Peter W. Scott. eouncillnts. The
members having each subset ib•d to
the declare tion of gnalifleeiion and of
office, the Reeve in the chair, the min-
utes of lent meeting in 1i14 were read
and ronflrmed. Monett by Mr. limn -
Ing, seconded by Mr. Scott, that Alex.
Porterfield be reappointed clerk athis
former salary of $110. Carried.
Mnvesl by Mr. Gillespie. seconded by
Mr. McGee, that Finley Anderson he
resppolnted treasurer athis former
enlary of $100, this amount to include
postage. etc. Carried. James- W.
Bone and John K Scott were ap-
pointed auditors of townebip account+
lived. 11e teas a ureuda•r of the Bible
Christian cliu,ch ta•'u:e that bode- was
Merged in I lie Mi 4 hodist church,
Though hero. n eN .'k. r after public
honors, !tor 1'. a has a!w it s taken
ani intelligent i. '.•re.t in public alTuirs
and ha" been n 1.1.1 ,,g supp.irter of
the Literal 1'.t1,1)• in i•olitica,
'1 he re'ebration u', Friday took
the form o f a hili.pv family
gathering, 1 the nn. and (laugh-
( -Ns we.e all home, some from dis-
t int parte. The sous are John
\V. Yen, too •,"hip councillor. of
Ilnhne. villi : \Ve-ley, of Winnipeg.
Man.: Ben , of Detroit, .\lr_h,.and
Nelson, of the homestead ; .u,d the
dtnughte,w, Mi•s Jlnty Jane. .'f Tar
Collet, WOW i'cton ; MI N. John Yen,
.1 Swan Lake, Mae.. on 1 Mies Minnie,
who lit s nt. home. (lifts from the
children and many 1. lend. did honor
to the ,uccn+ion, ,h,• c '1 ihutiun
from the son; and daughters swing
oxer 8101 in gold. It. 11, Mallows,
the 4;.slrrica photographer, was pees-
t•nt and took ..weal pistons. includ-
ing one shnwim„ ter fele generations
of the family. Her. \V. L. Hiles mel
Mr. Hires. of Hay11-1.1, also were
among those present.
Mr. and Mi'. Yeo are both in rigor-
ous health and with lm.eny others who
know and ...teem the writ 1 n,v couple
The Signal wishes theta t. . , hap-
piness during the remainder of their
earthly sojourn.
for 19)8 At minty of $$ each. For the
bored of health for 1900, the Reeve
and clerk lard Thos. Strnughan were
e-cleetcd for three years; James Mc-
('allutn and James McGee for two
yearn end one Year respectively; Dr.
Ilsmiltorl, Reigrave, medical health
officer. ()11 m
111 1
1° (/lir .
'I11 r«
Scott and McGee. the ainemisi r'. salary
wan placed at Flti. (his luuuunt to in-
clude post sge and stattuncr . Moved
by Mr. Canting. ser.uderl by Mr.
Gillespie. that Wm. Robinson be
again appointed assessor for the cur-
rent year. Moved in !amendment by
Mr. Scott" ser.ndcd by Mr. McGee,
that the appointment 4.1 nssrssor Is
de (erred till next meeting of l .un -:l
and that wrttteu app!icatiuus for that
office 1.•• received by the rle'k up to
that d,itr. Theis• voted for the
motion Mcs•rii. Coming and Gillespie,
for the amendment Mesii. Scott. 111e -
Gee and Perk.. The annual coumnnn-
icatihn from J. Hoeft Roberts -Ern war.
received soliciting further donation
to aid of the Sick Children's Hospital,
Toronto. Resolved that, as formerly,
55 be given for that purlaos'. A com-
munication from the mftniger of the
Sterling Bank. Aubun, Asking for ,t
Khan. of the township losinese, 01114
received and filed, The Dominion
Hank, \\ingham, reported that the
balance at the credit of tte.tsurer•s
account on Dserlrtber Met lust was
$1,15I•i7, also n lialiancelPof n special
drnin account of de..11 .21. The clerk
toss instructed to order seven ropi,•.
of The Municipal 0old fin. 114l for
the tier of the council, clerk aril
to. .surer. The treasurer pr(scntel n
'statement of the amount r•eitlized on
the sale of the Hallahau drain dela•n-
titres, same being nsfollnw-s : Antonnt
of face value, R2,51t7; 1 is minor on
name along with too -oiled interest U1
December !nth, 11118. 5237 e5. slaking
in ell a tot .1 of 52;x7,4%;. Itylaw No 1,
111144, ratifying the appointment of
clerk, treason.. nndit,urs and beard
of health for the current year and
bylaw No. 2, 11041, appointing the
council read commissioners for 1000.
were both duly read and p)wsed.
Chen,.., were issued for pw,vnlent of
the following nr musts : Municipal
World, election empties.. $2.51 ; Muni
cipal\Vnrld, vubsctiptinns to paper.
5:1.7.1; J. 1. K/tr, hsiance of printing
contract I1t04, $'JI.IO; J. T. Mohnen,
repairs to road Keeler, ls) ef•nte ; (ken.
Cottle, repairing rylvert and material
fnr culvert on Western boundary,
52.27 ; John Ross Itolertsm, *want lis
Mirk Children's Iloepitul, 55. ; Alex.
Porterfield. expenses of !eta municipal
selection, WWI: Alex Porterfield, eat-
ery as clerk, 11448, ft10; Alex. Porter-
field, pnatageand stationery, etc., IWN,
5111. ; F. Anderson, extra work in
ronnectlon with drainage de entnree.
59; P. W. Scott, extra work in eon -
'section with drainage deb'nttrr•n,
51,511; \Y. J. Perk', extra work in
connection with drainage delenhtte1,
8'l ; crank (iutteridgr, tile, $1111.71 ;
Wm Walden. part pwayment gravel-
ling sideline a4 and 84, concession 4,
$15. The council then adjourned to
meet again on Monday. February 8th
next, at 10 o'clock a. m. At.stx. Pon -
Titanium, Clerk.
When the
Hair Falls
Stop it! And why not? Fall-
ing hair is a disease, a regular
disease; and Ayer's Hair Vigor,
as made from our new im-
proved formula, quickly and
completely destroys that dis-
ease. The hair stops falling
out, grows more rapidly, and
all dandruff disappears.
Deer not change the ce%r 'f the Aver.
Formals bottle
.ask tle
p .how W year
ars Ikea about ys
The little book In each package gives
the formula of our new Hair Vigor, tells
why each ingredient Is used, and ex-
plain; many other interesting things.
After reading you will know why this new
hair; •r)arjt;on does its work so well.
--'7s4. b the J. C. ys: 08.. Lowest, lfass.-
.rilimuleto. y.
.\'gui•••i•y!.-i.•1 iauanit'lllnilhe i,. the
same . 1 :1 near he,u t - lent. The
'1,.!"-‘: ,w ce..•_eYi!•Irit:llu.eLlwtc><a.ALsy
Iu.a'III iil-. - 1 'IIirajn New N.
Mut:w1 \.,w. 4I..aliHie. I don't
weir etre' 4. ridr.4 x,.11 ell Ihat j ul1-
.lice. lt►uiu :
.1..1 ui' ie ( e'ibirgl 111 1 du'e't
fate. -\\'e11, illy bov, to you 11.1re
i.detviewe l s'o•nit I - f.tb! er --rh
1,id- Zi.ii_ n trio t;1e old odgev lase-+lir
' 'ok1
'oil Ye-, i..1, Iw•as;lie w.1a:.
llea•ilt - 1 l'at,(e been playboy! for
Money jaleh•..
Jewett -Atilt, women h eye d Rcreut
ways or get!' '.; It. My wife kiNses
nue when she w',' As any.
"1 can testify to the
great merits of your Emul-
sion, especially in all
diseases of a pulmonary
nature. it has saved many
lives that otherwise would
have yielded t., consump-
tion . . we keep Scott's
Emulsion in the house all
the time and all the family
use it." -MR. C. J. BUD -
LONG, Box 158, Wash-
ington, R. I.
does ALL it does by creating
flesh and strength so rapidly
'that the progress of the
disease is retarded and often
stopped. It is a worderful
flesh builder and so easy to
digest that the youngest child
and most delicate adult can
take it. If you are losing flesh
from consumption or any
(.tltcr cause tak • Score's
EMtts)ots. It will stop the
wasting and strengthen the
whole system.
Be sure to get SCOTT'S
1st . end you a ono, of Yr. Selieeg'.
rmso 1- wally .oedrrful.--and
+wr Int ,.-ftln- regerdls-r'
rrrl'r+b•m. J. -t seri as s rand ms.•
.Ienlc7 ltd taper.
124 Wellington SI. W. Twest.
promptly attended to.
Lots of
William L. Lindsay
I1emllloa St.
'Plage No. 145
,. 7, Superior
''. Harness
• v Ilal'nces for your
/ /!� �horns � is like asuir
r' of .tokens for your
if you are f*ati-
ddinns, 1 ran tail
con ; if you feel
that crummy t
1 e• 1 lei -list d. 1 ata jur.t Aa willing to
h - 'p y. 11 ; no stetter what your
demands are, 1 ec1 kat;.fy you.
Substantial harness
i, 4!e etwoie:st in the end. Quality.
tvo,kmanship and the pow pricey,
make toe a friend -winder.
Make a jndieious comparison and
you will decide in my favor.
H. E. Knox
V7:7 3
:WO New Spring Suits, the largest stock in Goderich.
All the latest goods. !'all early and
get the best choice, M
Art Tailors and Clothiers
Clearing Sale
Just look over this list for bargains
Wlllll all's Felt, 1'hmgols Foxed
Congress and Lace Shots+, sizes
a to 8, regular price 51.33,
price...! .... ........ ....... $t.00
Women's Felt, Dongola Foxed
Ruttun and Lace Shore. sizes 3
to 8, regular price $1.73, sale
price . $1.35
Women's Felt Juliet Slippers.
in Red and Black colors. sizes :3
to 8, regular price 51.25, sale
price *tem
Women's Felt Juliet Slippers.
in Black and hent colors. sizes 4
lo 8, regular price 411.10, sale
price ............ . . . ......85c
Men's Felt Oougresa, sizes
11 to 11, regular price $1.x., sale
price r,.., =t.00
In addition to the above lines,
we have a large assortment of
I4Ien's alai Children's Felt Foot-
wear, to sell at greatly reduced
Downing PJ MacVicar
(caused by the Hard Water and Frosty Winds,! when you can get such
elegant, soothing. healing Lotions, as oar
leach put up in 25c bottles. or for sale in bulk.)
For Soften'tg and Perfuming Bath Water, try CRYSTAL VELVET,
(put up In z5c and sec tins.)
S. E. HICK "f Pa it:It;:K1
Central Drug Store
- Goderich, Ont.
SID 0 61111111.111110
ffifa ft
1517Yr CK
0 t1�
t,. BASKETS, etc.
In order to make floor space for our Spring
and Summer goods, we quote extremely low prices
on the following goods.
STOVES. .--------
Empire Queen with reservoir Arid high -shelf, was $15.00,
for $11.1$0,
Her Majesty Steel Range with high shelf, made by the
\\1n. Ruck Stove Co., was $50.141, for 54x,1111.
Pilot Steel Kange, high shelf, reservoir, was
55(1.011, for 5'43.441.
Royal Art Heater, for hard or 'tort coal orwood. This stove
has • self -feeder that can he removed when burning wood ; it
Willialso has a place for a hot air pipe, w, 8 Hep), now $'2:1.141.
Huck Prize, ,el( -feeder, was $24.141, now 521(41.
Also a ninler of
2 Blankets with stay -ons, w. . $2.2.T, now S1.7u.
0 Blankets, were $2.144, new 51.51.
F Blankets, were 51.83, now 51.31.
Large number of one -bushel Willow Baskets et :*4c.
Als, 1; -bushel baskets at 53c.
No. 12 Coiled Spring Steel Wire.
We have two 1 moor this wire which we want to clear out
which we offer on et the ton price of :tie per lb. One pound
of thin goes as fear as two pounds of No. 1).
e:,y l;":i
One No. :t Mbarpless Separator, $ o. Sharples% Separator, 517.30.
Plumbing, Heating, Steam -fitting, Cleetrie-wi
O N 4
Henn'Phone it+ CHAS. C. LEE
lief at -