The Signal, 1909-1-21, Page 5Se'
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vormnr.v0Rititialin=tiklak-s, joa,sedesssesSitte„;tososti
rqs, , ' iitAli..4.1s1-Ifttn"Nigiatfillto uitiartift? stittl:ingksi hltifit •Ha'tAttrit".6rt*''Stlitilt:i.; ',:'"" i'....;.b..4';.,,„"ill'41:,:‘,11,1/:'".07.,:':
trinntlirtarfil grrirrci.W.
,...-,mtvost/fisessi laud, salmis
.- ,,ttgoetvotts,..,,
iit;t41ZirSsik-0;s7“ "A Atilitit4211Attl, -Mr-30111
aeon ultatete....otensemie werli
:44,4.1.4g11111r 41.44..4 " '46.1
Ir;...44' VA wet, mow t
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its,"44.4r tssual,;, sra-za itiettemmits
ns,I14, 444,44 111%.14,414,51411.1414/441.441644:41.1144404/4.
SIM Del', January 2 vtto
watchmaking, etc.
Wartullusealt, Jaw:tit-ark orneete
2 Boat& side of &Imre. (*dere& out.
't a Civil Ensaneennt
. - .
v and Hydraulic Engineer, Ontario Lead
s 1 surveyor
OffIce-MeLean Mx k. Ooderieh. cermet
1 Montreal divot Telephone 137.
. st.
I /r # 'ft Meneeetnne Mineral Water
ref, 1 minc GODERICH MINERAL. WA -
A 1 TER (X)., urea of "Metwee-
I- , tuns." are pre to deliver to any part of
t. f the town I fart Clinger Ale in pinta anti
4 •-,,,• quarts alio Mineral Water in three sinew
.plita pinta and quarto. Seltzer Water and
Doable Soda. These weeds are made horn
meters' mineral water. and are therefore free
fromall impurities P. L. WALTON Man
affee"Phorse VI
, Theory. Harmony and
egg P18611.43respUs prepared for examine-
es t.nt. Cesseervatory of bleak. Apply
's Meek Wore, or reddenre of Mr
. Brock *keit, Ooderich.
Ortrebitees la tea. at residence ef Mr. Alex.
1,...',4,7 Mackensle. Oman° street.
-tr \ 1,f13810 CLASSES. -I AM PRE -
_at PARED to receive Pates for lemon. le
piano and theory, oleo the Hurrowee musical
- kindergarten method for You., children.
Terme and other information true), be had at
Music store. Goderch. KEE A A.
lesela ANDREWS 1?
$ .
Tomato or PIANO
.,,.,.....„ Studio kaiak of Montreal Block.'
• -
A. T. teraname 11_, D.
W S. TrawaIILL M. IL
Mew Hamilton Street. 'Phone It&
Dr. Emmet...ea • nwidenee, North Kneel -
Opposite St. Oeorge a church, 'phooe ISA
Dr. Turnbull'. realderioe. Montreal street.
Beethoven of Public Library. 'Phone 131.
1)R. W. F. GALLOW, M. B.
Oaks Colborne oreet. nest door to Sover-
eign Bank. Telephoner - Ofilos, ; bowie.
Now and Throat only. Stratford. Ont.
ogee imrgeon New York ophthalmic and
Anral !twit et* 190404. linked ....Want Kar,
Nose and Throat Hoapital. Golden *oars and
Royal London Ophthalmic Moorefield Eyei
Hospital London. Eng. riper Albert atreet.
Stratford. °peewee Windsor hotel. Hoare
1613 sm. p.m. 7-6 !AM. Telephone MT
.; . cotton/;. eta. M %Was aj
lowest rates.
Inger Signal Mew.1. Illeaferth Saturdays
and Mondays.
N. TKR, aoliciter. notary petelkllton Street, tioderich, thirst door Dew
• barrieters. Palletizes noterke public pr. •
tore In the Maritime Court. etc. Ofil.v, toed aide
Square, next door ('. A. Nairn'. gmorry.
vats fund. le lend at kwint rates of inteeret.
RUITICIM, attorneys, solieitora. etc.
Mowry to len4et, lowest Wee. E
ikittr. oornmtanioner. notary, public.
11111112111100. LOSES. to.
Ilan LIM L1111117Wtge : Britieb."Canadlan and
ITT : The Oman Accident Awed Onarantee
.'orporatiees, Limited. of London, Eng.
milky and Guarantee Company.
()Mos a4 residence, northeast corbel. of Vic-
toria and M. David a streets Phone 1711.
et end eceldent Insurance. Agent for leading
mutual and 'stock ooinpeniee. inimrance In all
line. effected on heat plena and at lowed rates.
Call at °Mos, corner West Street and Square
or addrene J. W. CRA101E, Ooderieh, Ont.
fele .hone ei
cEll..4LOP AL pir W-
in BUR A syeit FP-. "'arm and Iodated
town property Mewed.
Officers -J. B. McLean, Pren. K Ippon P. 0
T. Framer, Vico Pros., Brumfield P 0.
"•-• Thomm E. Hart, Nee Tream.. Senforth 1'.0
inrectors -Wm. Cheeney, Seaforth ; John
s, 0. thieve, Winthrop ; George Oslo. genfortil•
John liennewebo, Dublin: James. Keane, !leech
\ wood ; John Watt, ; Thos. Fraser,
Broomfield ; John B. McLean, K.ppen ; Jam
1:12 Connolly. Clinton.
445 J. W. Yeo, Holmenville. agent for Wast
um Huron. Polby holders own pay amenemento
• and get their oar& rensipted at Toser
Rtownk, Clinton, or at R. II. l'utt s grocery.
Kingston street Ooderieh.
iff,s• 1 Wartime Licenses
clormeic 11, ONT.
Wal=ker, Jeweller and Optician.
of Itteniege Ltemess.
• 2011 liessess. (Werke, Oat.
0 arallaini.
. -
Many Small Articles Increased in Pries
by Combuies.
limn The Toronto Star.)
The difficulty met with la securing
the removal act grieeaticee arising out
of evils which have their origin in
manipulation of the tariff is the diffi-
culty which arises" under all similar
oonditious. A few men who stand to
make large grins by the control of
the legislative power will always be
more persistent and aGgressive in
pushing their domande thuu will the
great masa from whom the gains are
collected, but to whom the individual
contribution is a comparatively smell
matter. Moreover, the few are al-
ways organizatt and can make their
efforts effective, while the witty, he-
ing unorganized, are comparatively
One Mao Against a Million.
A case in point occurred three years
ago, when the tariff cur lllll was
holding sittings in Ontario, in the
matter of clocks. One men cattle
liefore the commission and asked that
the tariff ou imported cluck., th -1 26
per cent., be inerrased in order that
ho might make larger prefita on the
clocks he was nuanufaeturiog and sell-
ing. Hero was a case in which it was
propoeed that over a million house-
holders be compelled to pay an in
creased price fur article+. in everyday
use, in order that the interest repre-
sented bv this one individual might
be benefitted. The one man, who
stood to gain largely by levying a fe.w -
extra cents on each household. was
able to go before the commission and
press his demands ; the voiceless mul-
titude that 14 wilts proposed to call up-
on to make the contribution was not
heard, and, not unnaturally as things
go, the duty ou imported clocks was
increased to 3J per cent.
Effect of the Concession.
The change in the teriff-Mw does
not appear to have been particularly
effective in the clevelopluent of new
industries. Clock -making its Canada
hits not yet assumed sufficiently large
dianeusions to be sepatately classified
in t he latest censlus returns ; it le still
lumped in with "all other industries.'
But what of the effect oft the users of
clocks ? As a result of the tariff pre-
viuu .ly in force, and of the increase
Ilia& in the late revision. buyers are
held up for $1.50 for a small timepiele
such as could be mold in the open
market for a dollar.
Extortionate Prices for Statioaery.
It is in these lide odds and ends
that thociffeets of trade combinations
are 111 .4 et 'kingly shown. Take eta-
tionery for example. It appeers as if
the wh de taper industry no sis com-
pletely organized as ii the grocery
trade. There it certainly a combine
among the manufacturers of paper,
and this appears. as in the case of the
grocery trade. to have extended 10
the wholesale end as well. Certain it
15- thfrt-- crimplear-arinade b Thom
who have sought to get into the busi-
ness of (he difficulty in- securing imp.
plies on any terms. Here, ton, as
in the case of enameled were. the
combination seems to cover articles
which are imported as well as those
manufactured in this country. Thus
nearly all lines included under the
general head of paper and stationery
supplies are kept up at en outrag-
eously high l,tel in the matter of
price. The Star was shown is few
days ago one little article which it
seems is not wade in Canada, hut tbe
price of which is controlled here be-
cause it forms part cd the general list
of geode bought through htiuses
which have a monopoly in certain
l)nes. This article has been selling at
56e; with the tariff on paper reduced_
and the paper combine broken, it
would mil freely et 35e. Slates have
been selling at two teentri *hove the
price which should be threw d. and for
the sense recon abovetetated, while
tn peneftlirtillviriercbarge Arm in some
extreme elms tun up t,ont.irly Helper
cPnt. All these °Arr.-barges it5t ren-
dered possible by a tariff of .2 per
cent,. on ordinary paper, and
cent. on fancy stock -a tariff
-This well-known and popubsr lean.%
offers Ite patrons the beet marline in Allaying,
hale tontine, eo., eta. Ladle.* shampooing
tpeekl I Only Allied Ilan& employed.
""li. &WM= will amendeted. 14.14.
Rose ER, pewter.
,,,, and general auctioneer. Oterea on Month
w*.,e ble will he found et all times
w▪ hom not wyingsselea. ;Nene rewemehle and
e very effort need to wive NMI aatiefaetion
All heassehe. carefully atteneed Fame
nom live ems (aim 051 mums and morefsen
diee who made anywhere. Writ* 400 4.0*. ne
nall and tel6 It over with
Ow. Beckett,
Homilies west. Onaerich Ont.
If there ill any one thing that a
woman dreadm more than saotherS
is a surgical operation.
We can state without fearI*
contradiction that there are AIM-
dreds, yes, thousands, of operations
performed upon women in our hos-
pitals which aro' entirely unneces-
sary and many have been avoided by
For proof of this statement read
the following letter.
Mrs. Letitia Blair, Cannifton, Ont.,
writes to Mrs. Pinkham :
"I woo sick for five years. One doc-
tor told me it was ulceration, and an-
other told me It was a fibroid tumor,
mid advised an operation. No one
knows what I suffered, and the bear-
ing down pains were terrible.
"I wrote to my slater about It, end she
advised me to take Lydia E. Pinkham`s
Vegetable Componbd.
" It has cured me of all my troubles,
and I did not have to have the opera-
tion after all. The Compound also
helped me to peas safely through
Change of Life."
For thirty yeara Lydia E. Pink -
ham's Vegetable Compound, made
f mm mobs and herbs, baa been the
standard remedy for female illa,
and ham milli rely cured thousands of
women who have been troubled with
d im plane month, in Ham mation, ulcera-
tion, tibmid tumors, 1=larities,
periodic/ pain* and bac
Mrs. Pinkhnm hiviten all Melt
women to write bur for adoiem
mho bite guided thousands Ss
boalt.b• AddrssatLynn, /Sad&
.7nternational jleewspaper ' LIverP"I limiChIcage Whim" ruble"
Clem Higher -Live Stock-
attAtf-Bible., Study Club -
Latest _Quotatons.
Meads', Keening. Jr. 111.
lisau7C14,1t-t4 hiuM1 if1173.44.ei
Suggestive Questluu ea the basersafforml Sunday School
by Ere. As. Liamott, Brantford
Lessons. Prepared
iltaittoared In accordance With the Copyright Act.)
january aeth. inop.-Th Lame Man Healed.
iii tIli& • ' Would a church do better work if it
Gulden - His name, through
faith in his name. bath made this
man strong, whom ye me and know.
Acts iii.: 16.
Verse 1. - Are two devout pereous
better than ore for worship?
la it any help io the Christian life
tor each Christian to have a very in-
timate spit itual friend ?
Verse 2. - Was it any fault of this
Wan that he wt. lame?
Did God think any the lois of him
fur being Leine?
Is any sickneee or bodily infirmity
necessarily stolid?
What proportion of our &Hostas ard a
result either ot our sin, or our culpable
lance ance ? t This question must be
answered in writing by members of tin
To what class of pereona -do the
poor generally_go fur help
Vent, 3. -Which hi the better, to
beg _or to starve?
Was this a legitimate way fel. till,
man 'to mike his living.?
Should the state maintain all per - God go on tarter?
sons who are born with inffrnsitras. Verses 10 -11. -What la Use greatest
which make it impossiblethem 60 for theto influence in advancing Christ's king-
mairstelerhansiosisseal ? ----•--'• •
Are our leWil righteons which for- Verse 12. - Is it a sign of faith, or of
bid hogging?
Verse 4.- If you want to impost
spiritual benefit, cao you do it more
effectually, by looking the person
straight- itethe-eeewii--
Verse tr.-Does effectual teaching or
helping others depend as much upon
the person taught, or needinehelt4
is upon the teacher or helper 1
Verse 8. -Was it an advantage or a
disadvantage that Peter and John
had no money to give ?
Witt it ad advantage or a disal- Lemon for Sunday. Jan. 31st, 1110ili
vantage to the lame man that Peter --The Trial of Petet all John. Acts
sad John had no mnv 1-81.oey ?
January 3154, :goo -The Trial of Peter and John. "
Acta iv. : 1 31. le A man filled with the holy Spirit
Golden Text. - They were all tilled always' brave?
with the IlIv Spirit and they spoke %Vets Peter specially filled with the
the word of hod with boldnees.-Aitte Holy Spirit for this occasion or was
31. Ilse imw alma,' filled with him?
Verses 1-3. Why did these priests. i If a min Witty ruccgilizosi the Holy
who were God's appointees for carrying Spirit in him, and so acts, is he always
on his church, Oppose Peter and John. 1 fihird with the Hnly"Spirit ?
seeing that they were in the same service? Verses 9-10. How was tbe nu-
t This question must be answered In writ- 'potent man tiro!, w hole y
tag by members of the club.) What doe. 'lie expression "in the
AI e proteasksteit teacher. of re • n,,00 of J eau signify ?
ligion naturally jealous when others What won'ti hare happened if the
begin to teach, and are making it • Jews had accepted Jesus ?
4 VONDON- 4t-12.--4!hese - verges state
goers.. P
Have priest,' and preachers In the that Jesus is the chief etone in the
past been quick, or slow, to see Grid's Christian temple. and the only man
new revelation(' of truth whether io through whom saleatim can be had ;
science or theology ? -now what do them two itatements
If two persons are really one with mean?
Ood, will they persecute one another j Vero et 13-11. - What is the great
for difference or opinion. na :..1lide0CS-Lb04,-4:4414.4144.ity is true?
bow wide apart? 1 Verses 15 18 -Do some leaders still
What nsade the Roman Catholics 'cimmit tbe suicidal folly of being
burn tlie Protestant.? afraid of t'iP truth?
What made Calvin, the 'apostle of Verses any man today
Proteoantisin, cause the burning of authority to bird the conscience of
Mei veto,' ? any other man?
Should • sincere roan ever he pun- tVha' i. the nntlemity to which
ished. or even hlatned, for a wrong tonbed.
en i:311zoelped oll)• 'hid implicit
opinion ?
, Is ,ft possible for a lover of truth to How c in we tell whether cur
newt' the g -al. without passing teachers' r-• right w wrong?
through some error?
Tet itutiotrii y did Jesus corn -
Vere 4. -- Haw is it that scene ac- mit t h.. tolti ',Ohm or Mutt uction if
cept, and Romer rejev-, rieontfal- wpirit- he-CW.141am Vit io John xis. ; 111,17,
wit truth on the same evidence? 261 xv. : xvi. : 7, lti. et Peg-)
Vetoes 5 -7. -Why was it that thiree • Ham J•••111•1' authority coneerning
ruler. did not reeegnize JrK114 as the the Holy Spit -it ever hem superseded?
sent of God ? Verses 2331. -When we ahoy God
1* it -possible- Met there priests in do we always have to it; i cover a
their hearts believed that Peter and
trite tit101 y?
John were right. and opposed theta
because their own craft was in
Whlt is till inspiratios of prevail -
danger ? • - Ing prayer and successItt tho cause of
Verse 8. - What gave Peter And (It'd ?
John such Wildness'? Lossm for Monday. Feb. 7th, IWO.-
• What is it to be filled with the True and False Brotherhood, Acts
Holy Spirit? iv. : 32 to v. :11.
did not give money to Lite poor. but
Instead gave them the things they
needed moot •
Need the lack of money or ability
'Vier preveut any Mae from doing the
work in life which God has appointed
him to do?
If we invoke tbe name of Jesus iu
the work to which we ere appointed,
whit effect will it have upon the
accomplishasent$ our work ?
-Verse 7.- By what pdwrr was this
lame man heeled ?
What, reason ie there for the belief
that the power of God generally
works in oonjunotlon with human
effort P
Verse 8. -Would it be wise or not if
we made more outWard denionstre-
Uon in returning Ood thanks for the
wonders of his love?
Is there any merit in outward en-
thusiasm if we have inward loyalty
W God ?
_Yugo were to outwardly.
I demonstrate more. Would the work of
unbelief, when we "marvel ' at the
fulfilment of any of God's promises ?
Verses 13 -It'. Which was the
iltier, 1'.I ate or the chief of the
ews. or -ft. he ruuraer of Jesus?
Vete. 17- If a men does a wr-ng
thing through ignorance, when he
cookd have known better, is he as
guilty as if he knew better?
Verse,. 18 -26. -What is our only
remonable hope of salvation?
•eoiniUne iuu Arbil rat ily fix asked for art - styli that they will only
the price which constunera shall pa • required in the event of is line of
for all lines of paper goods, „ reilway being built to Inverhuron
through its control in paper, to fix 1 Bay and shipping established there.
prices in lines which ordinarily go at. , And we do humbly pray that yon
with peter, as well. ' wil grant the prayer of our petition."
Where Combination 1s Invited.
Someone has well fetid that "where
romhination i. possible competition
soon becomes impowithle. The truth Restored to Health by Vinol.
of this statement made manifest
neer end over again in the ease of "I was rim down ami weak from
tariff-proteet ed induatlie, in Canada. indigestion andzliterlso
nearly sit tinterthe inmiberut Keme-lmfferinEfrmn • 1 .1111 a
or persona engaged is small. lu the liver preparation called Vinol adver-
t& Used and decided to give it a triel,
making of wall -paper, according
tied the results were most ratifying.
the latest returns there are only four
After taking two kitties regained
establishments, in all Canada; in the
dyeing and Hnishing of textiles, in the .myatteciliti It and mu now feeling un•
making of typewriter supplies, tn the • tormally well." Henry Ctioningharn,
gactuoret wofattubmbeamerelloss: In lategthe. Eivdeiroollimisdnisottcahpolicteli,n-1Kiiinlegdeticoin,
matches, and many other linew, therecaParcipint.
p aranntiemac7l codes, posdofthe
coe ineidn:i
are only three establishments In each in
hined with* tonic iron and wine.
case. When, even with KG establish -
Vino' creates a hearty appetite, toner'
mews engaged in the manufacture of j
lumber, the whole Weet was for years j up the organs of indigestion and
in the grip of a !flintier coinhine, i.makea rich, red blood. In thi
I natural manner, V inol createe strengt
can be imagined what, in the absenee
-911•4014.•-•spispremmt end-coinenessetli1P-414*-- rnn•dewn: wrwevrtirtvd-witt
oversight, must be. 4hr condition in. debilitated. and for delicate children
industries in which half -a -dozen Herne
are engaged. Combination IS as net -
men in Mtleh 411,110/4 as 14 IM for water
to rim down hill, and the only effec.
tive Means by which it can be pre-
vented will be found in the with-
drawal or monoval of protection when-
ever combinations are formed. The
interests of the mass.. of (wet taxed Dunlop, Druggist.
consumer, imperatively demand that
and ell people. For chronic coughs,
colds and bronchitis Vinol is unex-
All melt persons In this vicinity are
asked to try Vinol on our offer to re-
fund their money if it tails to give
Vinol sold in Goderich by H. C.
there shall tit er be honest and open -"SHOW ME" PROOF.
competition Among home mantifec-
tureen, or elite 6110 outside cornpeti-
That is What Hyomei Will Do in All
Gen be introduced as a reguletor.
Forms of Catarrh and Troubles of
tbe Breathing Organs.
Bruce People Seek Government Aid. It.
not a question
of Hyomei
The Port Elgin Times of lest week ing cured someone else but will it
tell. of a movement which is going on• I
in Bruce countyt
to seCiire additional it'd cord in the head, catarrh, brow-
Vitil tatty and harbor fecilities. It says chitis, pneumonia, croup or any
Another Agitation is taking place in effect -fon of the Ineething organs Jun.
the south end of North Bruce fors Wilson estys yes, and will refund the
railway. This time the extension from money if it fens. No ot her peepers -
Walkerton to Inerhuron is being thin for the MIMI` loOrposie can euccess-
asked for. A petition is being drool- fully do this, beciiiise the Hyomei aye-
ated for the improvement of Inver- tens of treatment is different from
huron beeline and 161. plumed to pre- anything else,
sent thin petition to the Hower of You simply hreethe and 'Miele it*,
Commons at the (e llll ing session. The medication in dry air form, which de -
petition asks the Government "to *troy. the germ life that ransee
place upon your financial estimates, at oppressed breathing, nasal catarrh.'
this present. mention of Parliament, a throat irritation and lung troubles.
11111111 of money equal to estimate made It brInSm to three euffering organ* the
by 11. J. Lamb, Esq., engineer in halerattelaiden air they would get in
.'barge at London, Ont., in July, the pine and eitenlypt ins foreste. The
1907, on Inverhuron Bay for harbor air that stamps mit bronchiel troubles.
purpopes ; Pei 1 estimate in made in The prince of entertainers Marshal
ftecordance with survey made of said P. Wilder seys Hymnel le easy to
Hay and a map or plan of same, um., and .wuft o cute. 14 emiiires
which is filed in your Plaine 'Werke against entighe and colds. It glyee
Department et Ottawa. Equipment yon pure air and kill. the germ of dia-
to he filch ea Is proporied nn maid map ease. ft help. the tole?.
or plan of Judd Bey and fully de Hyomei romplete outfit, 111.00.
,scribed in report on same, a copy of
which in herewith attached. rho con- Repeat it ; -"Shiloh's Our, will td•
ditiona arson which ouch estimate is ware core my (sough. sad enkie...
corn ranained unchanged to ied higher.
At Chicago May when closed %- high.
er than on Raturday, May coru closet sae
Weber, and May oat. closed 14o lower.
Winnipeg Options.
Wbast-J se uary II'sc bid, July ILO%
tiligsMaY 11.01% bid
ts-January 17%c bid, Msy 401 bel
Toronto Grain Market.
Wheat, fall. bush 5405 to 0....
Wheat, red, bush 0 96
Wheat, goose, buidi 0 24Rye, bush 0 SO
Buckwheat. bulb* 0 M
Peas bushel 0 63
Barley. bushel 0 SX
Oats, bushel 044
Toronto Deity Market.
Butter, separator, dairy 0 26 34
Butter, store lots 0.0 14
Butter, crerunery, seeds 0 27 26
Butter, creamery, lb. rolls0 M 21
E . ggsnew-latd, denten 0 30 11
Eggs cold storage 0 36 17
Cheese, large, Ib WA
Cheese, twin, Ib 0 14
liOney, extracted 0 1014 0 . 1.1
NOW York Dairy Merited.
NEV YORK. Jan 11 -Butter -Barely
'toady, receipts 5312. creamery, specials.
1314c. official. Mc. extras, Mc to elVec;
tbird to first, 54c to Mc; held. common
to rpecial. 33c to 35r, process, common to
opeelal. i6 to Mc; western factory. first.
Mirc to 22e: western Imitatior treacnerY,
first. Me to 4c.
Cbeese-Pirrn; receipts. 061; stat0. full
elegem. 'measlier 1444c to Mc: an.. 111IIC7.
litee; do . good to prime, 14c; winter
Made, beat. 13%e; do., good to prime. 1/1c
to lk; do., common to fair, 1064,c 01 11%c;
skate. full ,to speclat, *se to like.
nrge-liCaeleri,receApti,__Ct,etete, yen-
aylviatit -Sid" haiirbe. fancy, selected.
white. Mt to 40c. do., fair to choice. Sec
to Mc: brown and mixed. limey, 36c to
Ilk; do., fair to choice, Me to Me; west-
ern first. rtec to 32c.
• • . •
• • •
• . • •
Cables Steady -Hop 10c to 26c High-
er at Buffalo.
LONDON. Jun. 11 -London cables for
cattle are steady, at 13c to lits per Ib,
dressed weight; refrigerator beef Is
quoted at Fac 10 1.4 per lb.
Toronto Junction Live Steck.
Receipt. of live stock at the 'Union
Stock Yards were 70 carloade, com-
posed of 1500 cattle. 341 sheep and
Iambs. with 2'J calves.
Export Mears mold at *to OM per ewe.;
export bulls; $4 to Mtn, and two or three
prtme quality bulls mold at it per cwt.
The market fur butcher cattle wag
strong at about the same quotations as
Were given on Friday laat Prime picked
Iota of one and two together .old at 1400
to 31.15: loads of t; „tod, 14.60 to 44.13. me-
dium, 64.10 to 44.40; corrosion. 83.75 to 114,
cows 42.60 to $4.50; canoers, 11.50 to ELIO
pet cert.
Milkers end egarlegere.
Between twenty and thirty milkers and
springers sold at 1136 to 451 each.
Viol Calves.
A few veal calves sold at firm quota,
Malt reefing from 44 to ID Per Curt -
Dime, mad Lambe.
The market for sheep and Iambs con-
tinues istrong. with pekes very Orin, as
follows . Ewes. 54 to Kik rams 13 to
43.74 per ewt.; lambs, $.75 to talk per
ewe. - - -
• Kegs.
Hors at. reported steady. 114 01560 for
Mbiects, fed and watered. and KS to drov-
er% at country points, f.o.b. ears.
Montreal Live Steck.
MONTRF.AL. J4c le -(11pecial.)-At the
Montreal Stock Yards. west End Mar-
ketsthe receipts 01 stock for the week
aiding Jan. 16. were NM cattle. 1114 sheep
and iambs. MI hogs and 137 calves. The
supply for local eoneumption Ole morn-
leg consisted of 1300 cattle, 56)) sheep and
Manta. MOO hove and 71 calves.
A much stronger feeling has developed
In the market for rattle place this day !
Week end prices have scored an advance
of %c to Idie per pound. Thie to attribut-
ed to the continued email supplies corn-
ing , forward aed the recent strength In
the west, coupled wtth the good demand
from local and outside buyers, owing to
the very favorable weather prevailing Inc
keeping stock. Another feature of the
market this morning .7as the Increased
percentage of good to choice stock offer-
ed. which also .ended to strengthen the
situation to went* extent as thee* was
some demand from exporters for such
and several loads 're bought, notwith-
standing the fact that cables form Liver-
pool on Saturday rel oriel trade slow
and noted • decline in prices of lac to lac
per pound. as compared with Last Mon -
dare. The demand from Quebec buyers
was also good and •ey purr/wad a ten
loads, consequently an active trade was
done. Choice beeves weld at 614c 10 664c.
good at 444c 10 .4. fair at 4c to Pitie, com-
mon at k Io 3%c, aad Interior at 1c to
PAK per pound.
There wee nn further change In the
condition of the market for 'Mete and
lambs, prices being well maintained un-
der 'ii good demand from local and Que-
bec buyers and as the supplies were rath-
er limited. there was a keener competi-
tion and a brisk trade was done. Choice
lots nf sheep sold at 3%c to 4c. and culls
at Par to Vac, while choice Iota of Jambe
brought Pie to Sc, and good Ric to fiSbc
per lb. The offerings of c-alvee were
amen, for which the emend Wail good
and prices ruled firm at frorn 'M to DO
each. as to stse and quality
The market for hogs is unchanged frnm
Mfg Wednesday, but it Is much stronger
than It was a week ago and prices are
tic to Mr per cwt. higher. Suppliee corn-
ing forward are Malt toe whkh tio de-
mand le good, and An alive trade was
done at $7.15 to $7.24 per cwt., weighed off
the care, for selected lots. Cables from
nil the lendlag foreign markets on Cana-
dian baron last week were stronger and
Deted an advance in prices of he to 2.
per cwt., but packers here state that they
will have to go much higher than they
are before they will be able to import at
a profit with hogs at their present .levet.
East Buffalo Cattle Market.
--skerr-wwwwwwere-sair--nr=nittre:Lwi• •••
ceipts, 3000 head, choice dull and 10c to r
higher; prime steer's. et.* to 46.46: ship -
16c lower; others •ctive and 15' to Mc
ping. 16.60 to IE.& butchers. * to WE;
heifers $4 to 11; opus, 43.10 to M; bulls
$3.26 to S.
Vents -Receipts. WS head; active and
'steady 17 to $10.
llows-Recelpts. 14,454 head: active and
10e to 24c higher: heavy, $6.44 to NM;
mixes', 2424 to 16.70; yorkers, 66.16 10 41.05;
pigs, 14.90 to P. roughs, $6.110 to $6.76;
atage. 44 to $4.75. dairies. 14.31 01 5440.
Sheep and Lambe -Receipts. 24,K0 head:
sheep active; ...ethers 10., lower; Iambs
Mow and 10it lower; lambs, 14 to $.10.
yearlings, bile to 11.75; wethers, 16.60 to
66.64. ewes, 44.74 to 11; eheep, mteed,
$2.50 to le -
New York Lim Stock.
?(-11v YORK. Jan le -Beemes-Recelpts,
4746 Meer* Mow and 100 lowee• bulls and
Stock -taking Sale of
The clearing -up time. Many odds
and ends from our regular stock and
of the Nicholson bankrupt stock,
which has been moved to our Square
store, will be put on sale at clearing
prices. Besides we find we are over-
stocked in some staple lines, such as
Greniteware, Aluminum ware, Lamps and
Winter Mitts,
We offer our whole stock of just three-quarters their
regular value. We have a good lot
to choose from.
We would draw your attention to
Hardware Go., t
are just as good
for the Bladder
as they axe for the Kidneys. If there Is trouble in retaining arine-i1
you have teget up three or four -times oeuttener during tdsenight-lf the
urine Is hot and scaIding-z-ZiiiTITIs will -quickly relieve the trouble.
They cure the kidneys and heed the Irritated bladder. Soc. • box;
6 for 42.50. At all dealers or scut on receipt of price.
s'"Ple fre° DEPT. A. --AATKINAL DIN & CHEM. CO. LIMITED r,=1,11
Cures colds and breaks up the fever in 24 hours.
If you "feel yourself taking cold", get • box st your dealer•a-25c.
or send direct if your dealer does not keep them.
A package of seed of the D. & II. Colossal White Sugar Beet
will be given you free if you write for our handsome new 1009
Catalogue. This beet grows to an immense size, is easily har-
vested, and yields 1,500 10 2,000 bushels to the acre in ordinary
soil. Makes cows yield more milk. Fattens hogs quicker. If
preferred we will send you a package of our Russian Giant Let-
tuce or Ostritch Feather Aster seed instead of the sugar beet seed.
Write to -day and name your choice, also ineetion name of
this p•per.
Darch & Hunter Seed Co., Ltd., London, Ont.
"Ideal Peninsular"
Ras Um Advantages cot a Steel Range wftk
tbe Durability of a Cast -Iron Range
"Ideal Peninsular" is the ideal range for
a small kitchen.
It gives the convei-iitimes of the
best steel ranges with the added
advantage of being cast-iron and therefore
more durable.
Tiro- "Ideal" hum 1tUter-le,W1 -Or goal
mid the grate bars may biobs.gedi. half
a minute.
Step in end let us allow 7011 the Drop
Oven Door -Low Were leg CloArt
IMIeper-tIerllight Ovrn slid other improve.-
reeete.Al...'. glad to rep/Ain the peperlor1tr
of thew fine ranee*. 70
:;°040`;: Otto,
10 54 24
Calve,. Receipt'', VII, slow to 60e lower.
VORIS, 04 to 110, colts 16; barnyard
til cave51 to f
Sheep anti Lambe.- Herelpts, 111.170. sheep
and ',mallow, Weedy. lambs slow and Se
lower; aheep. el to $ owes and wettors,
rixde.46t7sa, yeartinars. * to PI 50. Iami%
one rat. *745. culla, 3150,
SIN; so sales reported.
STATS or oeto, City of Toledo. J., 01..1CAN (100NTY.
frank 1. ilieney makes oath at 5. 4. menhir
prattler of the firm of Y. J. Cheney & Co .
doing bedew.. In the city of 1•010t10, manly
end Ntale aforesaid and that mid firm will
(pe.,:iymIthio, sum of One Hundred Dollene for each
and every Mae of catarrh that cannot
be introit" hy the nes of Halts ,Catarrh
tweeroce. this $h day of treeember, A. fll Mt
14srorn to before ineraftnArlMathweij..CHhedliNiltnI.My
A. W. 01.11tAittiN
Not *0141.'.
Hall's Catarrh Cnre 1. token it tonally, and
sot. Attend, on the blood and mnevept mrfscee
of the Orden.. Mend for 14 AtImontale free.
Y. JaCIIKN KV t CO.. Toledo, O.
Rind word. never die and the
Ober kind live fortmr.
NOW is the time to make
your porehme, and se enjoy
the entire sleighing 'mason
You know the best sleighing 1.
dtiring 1 he fltlit DOH of t he
*cation before the made AFC 4•111
1111, /11111 11111 of pilch-hole..
In buy iii 11e heat one made, ereltha.t is
The McLaughlin Cutter
One grade Only,
and that the best.
fmittnta McLaughlin Cart iage Co., of Oshawa. Don't
make aiia mistake. Sat 'elect ion ill guaranteed when you bey •
Melenghlin. Hunt with rerefin attention to the detail. which make
the moat clurablv, lif• comfortable, the moot elegant cutter on
the market.
Prices are just right.
Call and see the latest wrinkles in the make-
up of a first-class cutter.
„--, w m. Knox
Cor. Newgate and Hamilton Sts. Ooderich