The Signal, 1909-1-21, Page 4s, r &calfW4t+aaI-..sae
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TM AsYesor Does a 51e
and Members of the Special Com-
mittee Turn Somersaults - Mr.
Campbell Gets His Old Job at Last
Year's ('Igure - Other Appoint-
ments -Made- for the Year.
Tbe large audience that gathered ut
Ws regular meeting of the town come
oil last Friday night wee furniehrd
with something exciting in the way of
entertainment. The (*does of the
proceedings, by all odds, which held
the centre of the stage was the diy-
cusaion in regard to the dual
paition of assessor and collector.
The performance wag brought up by
s clause in the report of the special
committee, which reeommendad that
William Campbell be appointed as-
sessor and collector of the town for
the year 111011 at a salary of 55141 over
and above the 541) which he has to
pay for his bond. This is the salary
Mr. Campbell received until a year
filing of papers, and the matter was
terra ire' to the public woiLs commit•
Councillor Munnings again advised
the reeppointwent of the market
clerk at a nominal rental on condition
of his paling Vet on. last year's rental.
Referred to market committee,
Health Officer's Report.
The medical health officer res
ported forty-one death certificates
Issued during the period from January
10th to December 31st. MM. Six of
theme deaths were from tuberculoads
in some form. two of the mix being
infants. Three deaths uccurrbt from
typhoid or its complication*. The
average Age of all deaths war stout
fifty-one years. Deducting the infant
nwrtality the average age at death
was sixty. There had been no cares
of diphtheria or scarlet fever during
the year. Artangenlents had been
made nue forme prepared. so that an
accurate account of all di.easts of an
infectious character must be reported
immediately to the health officer. io
order that an efficient quarantine or
disinfection Wight he carried out.
Two patients had been admitted to
the hospital under the town grant
regulation since December 4th.
From Minister of Public Works.
The following L tter was received by
the Mayor froth the Minister of Public
Works :
ago, when • bylaw was thrust before Jan. nth, Iftep
the council (in which there were a Mese sus- I am Iri receipt of your favor of
number of new members) fixing Mr. the bah instant. and hone read with much
0ampbell'a at infero+t your rtaletuaut with rnaard to Ino
h salary $1y10, out of developtuent of bw.inew. at Ooderlch• and alwr
whir the •aaeesor had to pay for his rte to the (ort her re, uiremeute of the port. 1
bond. The bylaw went through at that run very glad that the breakwater in prom mg
time pretty easily, And ever since
• sense -of --tbw -eotreeillorw - -been
sticklers for having evetyt ih og come
before the council before going to
oommittee, realizing that inexperience
may otherwise he led into doing
of Mn much tenant. With rog,rd to undertak-
ing further improvemeeb at thepreseet true..
t am afraid that r -cannot liol I out much
encouragement, because It ham hexane never'
'wry to postpone • great many public works
all over Caned s. many of *Isiah are important.
and would be n ndertakr at one if circum.
sumer•% were di '.rent, buy in view of 11, eery
decline In ' he revenut
things i; would afterwards like to
gran decline during the i..Xt`
)ear tbe r:overntent realises the Imperauve
undo. necessity for eveMoiling expenditure s, much
Mr. C.onpbell'e request for oppor- env i'os"ibie• Yours o cry truly, •
trinity to be heard was granted. lie ! 1t'r 1.LlaA
told w largely the buetoess of the/ A petition from ratepayers living in
oold h__. wii .ncrealong. of how he the vicinity asked for the placing_ of
was continually abused, ..f chat a an arc light On Engin avenue at'the
knowledge of municipal matters and f""t of Market street. This was ro-
ot the run of the town offices he had, (erred to the water and light com-
et the assistance be bid been to the "Lt." -
town council and to the town solici- An account tor 500 from Heaton'%
tor even, of the money he had saved Agency for an advertisement in the
W the town frowns extensive knowl- Heal edition of Tbe Commercial Hand -
and he contrasted his salary book of Canada and Opportunities in
Canada wait
with the money that was paid the s sent to the special com-
Wen constables and the county clerk, rnittee, Reeve Gallow, Councillors
claiming that his own work was far in. Craigie, Sxllows and Jordan and the
advance of County Clerk lane's. The Mayor voting for this course and
proposed ,•eduction in his salary he Councillors Mannings. Dean, Bomber
took man attempt to lead him\to- re. and Deputy Reeve Reid agaiftat
sign, and he claimed ,there Was a The advertisement was not ordered
movement in town against hie, 6e•ded by the council' but 'was inserted the
by Fred, Davis. This last remark 'tie same as last year and the hill bent in.
was asked to withdraw, and be did so' A circular from the Mayor of Oahe,
Various metnbcrs of the council'had w'a asked the signing of a resrolntion
things to say on the subject of Mr. be forwarded to the Provincial
Campbell. Mr. Jordan seggeeted that P ier, drawing attention to 'the
a•recommendation he made that allnee ity and desirability of granting
town officials should refrain from hav- water assistance to the towns and
ing anything to do in support of, or tillages •f Ontario in their struggle to
against, any candidate at municipal construct ew sewers. extend a aye -
elections. Mr. Hallows tooter -exam- tem alre established or build
fled Mr. Campbell as to the am -Una xewa fte dupo_ works. '
of time the actual performance This was se. to the special eons -
of the duties of assessor and col-
lector occupied. and intimated that Special Committee,
5200 • month was pretty good pay.
Mr. Sallow. strongly objected to Mr.
Campbelt'J having anything to do in
municipal elections. He wanted a
guarantee from Mr. Campbell that he
would not interfere when an election
comes on, which Mr. Campbell hastened
to give. Mr. Dean also wanted an estim-
ate from Mr. Campbell of the time it
took to do the work of the office. He
understosel that after the completion
of the assessment the rolls were to be
returned to the clerk and that the as-
sessor and collector had nothing more
to do until they were placed in his
bands for collection.
Mr. Campbell Wins. \
The Mayor left his chair to object to
any reduction being roads in the sal-
ary of Mr. CamptwIl. When the late
clerk was appointed last year there
were many things which Mr. Camp-
bell was able to post hint on and the
same condition would exist when the
new clerk was appointed. Hut for
Mr. Campbell there would be a thou" -
and little olds and ends that would be
overlooked. "it ee•ems to me the
very lest thing to do," said His N'or-
ship "to do without Mr. Camptwll."
There was considerable diecrosaion
also as to the proceedings at the meet-
ing a year ago when the salary of Mr.
Campbell was raised, there being Nev.
eral different versions as to just how
it all happened.
Chairman Callow of the special o�r.
mittee moved the adoption of th- 'DR MACDONALD APPOINTED.
clause of the report with reference to
Mr. Campbells appointment and
Councillor Mannings and Deputy
Reeve Reid moved that Mr. Crimpled!
receive the same salary as lest year.
On the understanding that Mr. Camp-
bell was willing to elate collections
from the factories, payments on
whose loans would come due during
the year, peeve Callow was willing to
have Mr. Campbell's salary remain at,
the s aumellgure as lastyear, and on a
vote only Councillor Humber stood by
the committee's report.
Other Appointments.
The special co ittre racoon
mended that the poeitio of clerk of
the town be ad,eetised as •+cant and
that applicatiolw be receiv therefor
up to Tuesday. January 20. ; that
Chief Sands be allowed to ret n his
position for the !resent without at-
axy; that the sergeant resume his d
hours of duty, 7 p. tn. to 7 a. m. ; -tha
the policeman's clock be repaired and
put into conirni"eion again : re Mrs.
Dwyer, a patient in the asylum. that
the chairman correspond with the
depar tment of asylums to acertsin if
the town is liable; to Mr. Baker, a
patient from Goderich township in
asylum, which was charged to, the
town during years 1906-07. that an
a Dunt for the eawe, $73.:111, be sent
to oderich township with an exptan-
atio asking fora refund front the
towns ; that Win. ()moiplell be ap-
pointed error and collector for t year . . sa ary o and
With reference to the clause In the
report as to this -repair of the policy.
man's clock Depi t.y Reeve Reid and
Councillor Munninp, moved to refer
back to the committee oascertain the
probable cost, and th amendment
was carried. As already mentioned,
the chose with reference the sal-
ary of the assessor and (Kone or *Pe
amended. The tentainder of the re-
port was adopted.
Wasn't it great
Didn't the old man put 1t MI over
the councillors in great shape, though
Away with these Inelnuatlona that
Mr. Campbell interferes in elections!
t,y, somettmea be is w hairy he
doesn't even hardly know who's run-
Mr. Campbell gives ▪ ▪ the beet exhibi-
tion of hypnotism we have yet seen.
It must be admitted, however, that
he hail very easy subjects on Friday
night. Chas. was the only one he.
couldn't put to sleep.
Several of the councillors fel down
heavily last Friday night. They are
rather stunned and don't quite real-
ize yet how badly they injured them -
Four hundred do• llars is as much as
the woik of assessment and tax colter•
tion in this town Is worth. 11's worth
soother 5200, though, to see the town
couneil wake such a show of itself as
it did on Friday night.
And the editor said it Ioaek.d like
• good council."
Councillor Humber ▪ objected to the
Junior Doctor's making himself •
jumping -jack for His Worship the
Senior Doctor, But the Jr. Dr. didn't
seem to mind.
II-a-private--rinser--•-vett whose
money was being voted away -were
to interfere in the council proceedings
In the way a certain paid official did
on Friday night. and constantly doer,
be w(:iildbe calladowotois jiffy.
Councillor Craigie watt w seared he
couldn't think of a word to say.
There seems to b▪ e nothing spectate
about that special committee except
its extraordinary snot to ray ridicu-
lous) lack of. spine.
Councillor Jordan didn't seem to
like the way His Worship and Coun-
cillor Muemings treated him -but be
voted the way they wanted him to
rote„fust the enure.
Why not appoint William Campbell
clerk and street inspector and every-
thing else? He is more than equal to
nine men (if nine men are aby-
t`ting like the members of the town
it is pleasant to see hoW nicely the
Junior Doctor and the Senior Doctor
get on together. It is whispered that
the. Sr. Dr. is to step; aside next year
and let the Jr. Dr. to the Mayor's
chair. "The best-) ids, plans of mice
and teen-”
Sailows heel. .in words.
not deeds.
It doesn't make any difference who is
appointed clerk ; Mayor Macklin rays
Mr. Campbell will see that every-
thing is done all right.
Councillor Chas. should head the
poll next year. He knows his own
mind •
Councillor Dean wanted plans end
specifications of Mr. (`alupls•11'X work,
d when he learned that the old gen-
t) .tan was kept busy ell Ilse year
sou' • he couldn't find it in hes henrt
tool) t to the salary paid. Very
few kn'w what a busy man Mr.
Uamphel 's. The assessment takes
nearly two onthe, collection of taxes
three month and the other moven
months, with() any holidays, he i9
busy butting in.
Councillor Huwbe tually believes
in economy, and v.) for it. Did
Om tits . hat t
1 '
This is the Senior Doctor's st year
as Mayor. You can always tel ' from
the ad verses. symptoms. When an
begins to talk like* Czar it shoo: • is
deiern't expect to be looking for yr
at the end of the year.
Councillor Munniags and Deputy
Reeye Reid did what they were ex-
peeted to do. They know their Uncle
The appointment of auditors. was
another matter on which there was a
division of opinion. Councillors
Oraigie and Humber moved to ap-
point the old auditors, W. R. Robert-
son and H. W. Ball, to audit last
year's accounts. Ceureeillor. Mun-
nings and Dean moved In amend-
ment that Andrew Porter and W. R.
'Robertson birdie soretore, hit ATi the
other member" of the council voted in
favor of the motion.
J. H. Colborne was reappointed to
the Collegiate In"titute honed, and J,
Kernigban to the public library board.
U. M. Elliott and A.D. McLean were Ap-
pointed to the board of hetlth, taking
the places of Dr. (fallow and Robert
McLean, the former of whom claimed
that, though he had leen a member of
the board lent year, it was not proper
for a member of the council to he a
member of the board of health, and
the latter claimed exemption on the
ground that he was over sixty years
of age.
The question of freight sheds at the
dock was "gain brought up hy Reeve
Hallow and was referred to tbe special
♦%ith reference to the gale of the
summer hotel advertised for the 27th,
It was decided, on Councillor Hum-
ber's suggestion, that the council
should meat at the hotel on :Monday
morning at 10 o'clock and inspect the
building, in order to fix a rester,. Md.
The question of sewer construction
was referred to the public works com-
mittee to submit plane a..
A complaint from Mrs. Lynn, pre-
sented b(ho
y uncillor Dean, that "ewer
water was backing op at her reei-
denc•, was referred to the public
work, committee.
The resetting of the tires nn the
hose wagon was referred to the fire
committee on Councillor Humber's
The dlsenvery during the day of
some papers In the rte -les (Are relat-
ing ton matter whish had never been
eonelndid *n1ge.ted the newel of Im-
provements In the rlerk's office in the
way of bettor accommodation for the
Feiner M 7br East -Huron Gets
London ship.
Ottawa. Jait. 16. -Dr, rMardon-
ald, of Wingh•nr, has berm 'Pyw4! ed
prostmnaster for the city of London.
succeed the late John Cameron, The
*ppotntnrrnt• was ratified last even-
ing. and will take effect within a few
Dr. Macdonald Is a well-known poli-
tician. Ile represented East Huron
for -frmr P•rttamente, twain -_$ist
ectgd-11118117 an the generate inns.
Suhsegnently he was returned in 1891,
1896 and 1900. He also ran hi 1901
but was defeated by Dr. Chisholm.
the Conservative candidate, after a
rueuaorahle fight. Since then he hex
lived retired in Wingham. He took
an active interest In the list 'cam-
He was Deputy Speaker of the
Roam of fommnmrdnrfftg rtre-Purttt.
sent of 1914). He held the office until
the Heusi, diesolved in 1904.
Parliament he was recognized as
one of the leading debaters, and one
of the hest informed men in the
Dr. Peter Macdonald was born of
Scotch parents in Pictou, Nova
Scotia, in lttl5, His parents removed
to Huron county in 1848. 111 187E he
graduated from Trinity College, Tor-
onto. in medicine, setting up his prac-
tice in Wingh•m. He' eerie took an
interest in municipal and educational
affairs In that town, and was elected
chairman of the school board, coun-
cillor, [reeve and mayor. In 1887 he
accepted the nomination of the Lib-
eral party, and represented the riding
for seventeen years; in retigtne he
is a Presbyterian.
To the Editor M The y gnat
Sur, -For the benefit of the munici-
pal council of Colborne, would you
kindly insert the following in your
next twee. taken from the legal col-
umne of The Mail And Empire :
Qu. Is it legal for a rounci1 to per
clients six ropier of The Municipal
World newepaper end pay the sub-
arription mut of municipal (ands
Ana. -1 am onside to find any pre-
vision in the Municipal Art or any
other act authorizing Any such ex pen
(Meare. 1f they but The Municipal
World the can purchase The Toronto
Odnlet or Thc
The Maul and h:mpire fair the
tom of the round!. Rush expenditures
are clearly illegal. The treasurer can
be held personally responsible for the
amount paid.
Cof.nnprg Raatntt er.
tfei* Middlesex Politician Appointed to
the Ontario Vacancy.
Ottaww>. Jan. 16 -The Senate va- in time, Province of Ontario was
filledatyesterday's meeting of the
Cabinet council. Mr. Valentine Rats.
of i'&rkhill, who represented North
Middtesei:in the lint Parliament, was
appointed to sttecert - he late Senator
Merner; The newmotor will re re-
sent in the upper House the- Der--,
mag element in the popeletion of the-
heProvince. There are still three Sena-
torial vacancies to he filled, two in
Nova Scotia and one In Manitoba. It
Is unlikely however, that these
appointments will he made for some
days yet. The Nova Scolia vacancies
await Hon. Mr. Fielding s return from
Rats wee born November
12. 1848, ere Et. Jacob's. Waterloo, of
erman parentage. IL- was married
in 1873 to Miss Mary Yagers. of New
Hamburg. The new Senator early
followed lumbering, settling in the
township of Stephen. In 18110 he fleet
ran for teas itriuse of Commons, and
was elected. He was defeated In 1900,
but was again successful in 1904. Mr.
Rats retired from the field prior W
the Zest general election.
He is president of the South River
Ltrmbs•r Company.
A Lucky Hit.
A well-known Professor used In tell
with gee of the way he achieved a
eep•rtatinn for knowing a thing he
bated. He took a walk with a brother
Professor, who lived in the worl1 of
mathematics, and started oft at bnce
to discuss an atwtruse problem. His
mind could not follow, and wandered
to other things. At last he wee celled
back, when the Professor wound nn
with, "Which )0u tee gives us X."
"Does it ?" asked our friend, politely.
"Why, doesn't It?" exclaimed the Pro-
fessor, excitedly, alarmed et the poor.
sib' lit of s flaw in his calculations.
Quickly his mind ran hack and de-
tected a mistake. "Von are right !
Yon are right !" he. shouted. "it
doesn't give its X ; it gives is Y."
And from that time nor friend was
looked upon as a mathematical prod-
igy, the firstman who ever tripped
the Professor. -
Repeat it :--"Rhiloh'• Cure will al-
ways -lire my roughs and molds."
The fat man who says that he would
not let an woman order him *boutbeeemea the nvot docile In domMe
harness n' ', ndrad-ponnd
wife takes hew au uwnd.
Meeting. of Huron Postmasters.
A westing of the postmasters of
Huron was held at Wingbaw on Tues-
day, the lath Inst. Although there
was not • full atLendauce, . the meet-
ing showed an increasing interest iu
the alma and work of the Poatutaaters'
Aouci•tlon. There being it reprew•u-
tative from Bruce county present, in
the penun of Mr. Morrison, of liin-
catiii ue, it was decided to extend the
territory of the Huron organization
to cover Bruce, pending the forma-
tion of &separate organiaatiou in that
county. The following officers erre
elected for the current year: Hon.
president, T. Farrow, Uruseele ; ;presi-
dent, 1). B. McKinnon, lllyth ; fleet
vice-presideut, Mr. Irwin, Currie; sre-
ond vice-president, Mr. Morrison, Kin-
cardine ; secretary I,eamurer, Mr. lliit-
chrh, Molesworth. Dr. Chisholm, 11.N:
fur East Huron, u &a present aud on
invitation addressed the meetiug.
Mr. Proctor. of Aurora. the secretary -
treasurer of the Provincial A•atocbe-
ttou, also addressed the meeting,
showing the present standing of the
organiza.ion, what had been done
and what might be expected from
united action. It was decided to have
personal interviews with Dominion
postmasters within the reach of tbe
Association and inform them with re-
spect into postal attets and the aims
of the Association. Committees were
appointed for this purpose, Messrs.
Scott. Roberts and (hilt for West
Huron ; Metiers. Sproat, Scott and
Dickson for South Huron ; and
Messrs Irvin, Robinson, Gibson and
Fisher for East Huron, and Mr. Mor
rieon for Br uce, There were in-
formal diremations- oar 7nattvrw uf'di-
tailconnected with postmaster's
work. It was decided to bold the
next meeting at Clinton, on Beptem-
ler ')let next.
But Find the Way to Digest What
_yin( Do Eat.
•11111111111111111111/ •111111111111111111•••••■• Gin
J. H. Colborne.
We will wind up our Great Sale by giving
Two Monster Bar ain Days
Saturday and Monday, the 23rd and 25th of this month.
coming in already. We will bb able to show our first shipment next week.
As usual our Prints are guaranteed fast colors and extra good cloth.
The fiat thing to do, in the ease of
indigestion or stomach weakness is to
strengthen tbe'utupculre Irelle _of the
stourecjm and intestines, su that they
will cage for the food that is eaten.
In nn otter way can this ser+ done as
well as hyo' taking a Mi.o-rte tablet be-
fore esr meal. This restores
strength M t e stomach musetls and
stimulates tbevouring nut of gastric
juices, then the Ifo food digests readily
and you begin tdi,et the full benefit
frons what you eat.
Cee Miro-ns wheels r -you have sick
headache, heartburn,' 'I tate in the
th, coated tongue, spots 'bigot e
the eve., sleeplessness an the maty
other s mptome thnt are a
result of indigestion.
.las. it'ilan gives with ev .10 -
cent fox of Mi-po-na a guaartritee` re.
tuod the money milers the rent
Some jukes are solemn sneugh to
made in undertaker laugh.
-A coward menages to dollift trot
things that are headed bis way.
rs a symptom of Kidney
Disease. A well-known
doctor has said, ' i never
yet made a post-mortem ex-
aminat ion in a case of death
from heart Disease with-
out finding the kidneys
wereatfault.t' The Kidney
medicine which was first on
the market, most .ucce.e-
fatfor Heart Disease and
all Kidney Troubles, and
most widely imitator:, ie
of s•t.�
,Whsa yon buy
Ask for
You will get SUPERIOR SILK
Premium List at Dealers.
Belding, Paul & Co.,
74 Bay Street, Toronto
A Woma 's Sympathy
Are you dlacourakadt Is your doctor's
bill a heavy financialload? In your pain
a heavy physical burdeaf I know what
these mean to delimits `Vomen—I have
cure myself. I wont to rel) a
been dleu ed. too; but 1arnmd how to
our bur-
dens. Why not end the pain trod stop the
doctor's bill? I ran do this for you and
sere ft you win assist me.
All you need do Is to write fora free
box of the remedy whleh has been pieced
in my hands to be given away. 'Verb •a
this one box will cure you -It has done
for °there. if -so, t .hall be happy an.
you will be cured for 2c (the cost of a
postage 'temp). Your lettere held conl-
eemlail Write to -.ins or Inc Irmo treat-
ment- MR8. F. E CU.iRAH, Windsor, Ont.
Lady Snatched From
Row " sadness and despair ' gave
place to "'try, romfert-- ii6.11fct;" Tai
told hy Mr. L. H. Walter, of Pearl
8t., Brockville, In relating hnw his
wife was restored to health after hav-
ing been told 0; her u0ctora than ;rot
her lungs were seriously affected end
that she could not possibly live many
°loom like a pall fell over that Cenaa-
dian home when the apparently Irre-
vocable flat went forth. Not long .11 -
fore life had seemed full of promise
to Mr. and Mrs. Walter, and a bright
future of married happiness str-. -lied
out into the turning years. And now
all wail changed. The fatal words had
been pronounced which bnnlshed all
hope . But they had not then heard of
1t was when the cloud was darkest
that the silver lining appeared. A
friend urged them to give PSY('illNr
a trial. and told of the marvellous
cures elected by this wonderful
remedl Mr Walter procured it bottle
and parsna4M hes wife to take It.
" Before the whole bottle had been
taken,' he ears, the severe pain In
her lungs quickly went away, and
after taking six bottles, my wife was
a new creature, anti completely well
again i will never aeas0 to praise
I'9Y('HTNTC; It has brought
Walter back to life anel health when
all else had railed "
No rase need be considered hope-
less The above 1s not an isolated
instapce, but one of hnndreds. In
which PMYCHINB has proved effica-
P8YCH(NM never falls Try it and
Trial sent on application. Rend
name and address to Dr. T. A. Slocum,
LImlted, Toronto. PRYCHiN18 le meld
by all drnaleta and dealers In botUs•
at isle. and $1.00.
Hot -Water Bottles
A nice thing to hie i0 the hones Uwe cold days,
'also in case of sickness We save the beet money can
buy, and
"o yon ere safe in buying one. We have them in 2qt. and
sept. sizes at
Drug Store Goderich
oliday Goods
CARPET All orders
LAYING tihar.snureeaey ieto
Repair Rooms : One door West of C. J. Harper s
Store Store, Went street_
Ite•ldence-Elgin Avenue.
When you are ruining
down town make a lief of your
wants in the Grocery line• and
bring it to he filled promptly
with the best aud most reliable
goad, to be had. Or call up
Telephone No. 91,
and your order will be attended
with equal care and prompt nes
Our stock of
Teas and Coffees
is complete. All the best qual-
ities at the right. prices. Try a
sample order.
Johnston's Military
cannot be beaten. We sell it.
Sturdy & Co.
The Grocers - On the Square
ormy Weather
Perfumes, flair Brushes,
Mirrors, Manicure-
Pine P:,;:s in Cases, Presentation Packages of
Igars, Cigar Cases, Tobacco Pouchf's, etc.
1 Now that the excitement of CHRISTMAS and 1
tELECTION DAY is past, would it not be a •
nice thing'to ave a nice
Morris tiiairs,
141 fr ® R.w
'(i)F.s6e r•r gf." i,f s '
an Oak Ch
Fancy Parlor Piece
to sit in during the cold winter night, or a nice
Steel Davenport Couch
Call and see my line of Brass Beds. Just think
ti also a good line of MATRESSES and SPRINGS
1 keep a full line of IRON BEDS in stock aII the
Geo. Johnston, =Iti
' 'Phones_Store Re.
Resid.m..e (78.
• rot•■me - somm0ss•
peatytii ein wet
walking, et Leet and d pneumonia.
w t tn. -not provided
ith form Weather footwear.
Tie wig e and secure a pair of our
They are not the lig and clumsy
kind yon have been used toweing.
They are ertpg, warm and water-
tight, yet are smart enough in
appearance to weer in any weather.
Money .,
Racer, Lance, Disstons,
Premier, Buffalo Bill
at prices to clear, only a
few left.
Every make of «y.
Saw Sets,
Files and Tools.
Axes and Handles.
Gloves and Mitts
At reduced Prices.
Specie) Bargains in
Skates, Straps, Hockey
Sticks, Pucks, etc.
Stoves and Ranges at
IC*KI ISffiwae'rrs:a ,...