HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1909-1-21, Page 1lr Read The Signal's Clubbing List on page 5 this week. Send renewals and uons by Postal Note, Ko:fieu. press Order, to 11IxTr emeoleb TSAR-tfe. lean GODERICH, ON VARIO, CANADA :• :JANUARY ikmat. , 1909 Renew Renew Have you renewed your subscription to THE SIGNAL for 1909 ? --Renew Y,ANATTZ t t ROBERTSON. Pvatlsglsbr IrIOMD0Ia1 THE STANDARD LOAN COMPANY We oiler for ss' eelentures bearing interest at FIVE "- per cent. per annum, payable half -yearly. These debenture* • otter an absolutely safe and profitable investment, as the purchameiw have fur security the entire assets of the U0111 - y. Capital and Murplue Assets - • - eleatlo,U1$tol Total Assent - - - - - - S'leteel,0111,00 President: ALEXANDER SUTHERLAND Vice -President and MsnagingiDirector : W. 8. DINNICK. Directors: RIGHT HON. LORD BTRATIICONA and MOUNT ROYAL. G. C. M. G., J. A. KAMMERER. DAVID RAIZ. R. H, GREENE, HUGH 8. BRENNAN, J. M. ROBERTS, A .1 WILLifell8.. HEAD OFFICE C•nt. ADELAIDE AND VICTORIA Write TOROxw. _ - Office, W. L. HORTON, MANAGER. T -- NOT ICE TO ADVERTISERS Copy of change of runnin4 advertise- ments must be left at this office by Monday noon to ensure insertion in Issue of same week. BOOKBINDING MAGAZINES, PERIODICALS and LIBRARIES bund or repaired. GOLD LETTERING on LEATHER GOODS All order. promptly attender W on leaning tome with THK SIONA1. tloderich. A. E. TAY IAIR• STRATF•.INIt Notice NOTICE TO INVESTOR -it. -THE executors of the emote of the late (Werke Aebeene have derided W offer the whole vote for sale. The property noneiete of real estate. debenture.. bonds and ettitka Parties widdug to Invest In any of the above p pert.la urn get full partiewlare en ep,Mss' 002 W the executors. Maa. KLi.A l'. ACHESON. Kxecutr e. J. P.HRown l a WILIJAY ACHESON Ooderbh. Deo. )tli I1•y:. Heal Yistate for oats. ESIRABLE RESIDENCE FOR .BALK.-rwo-oory and brick house on "Ant street, with all modern improvements. Almost new everything In find clan. repair. Apply to Mini WM. RHYNAH (next door!. Kest street uoderleh. ' L'ARM FOR BALE. -f.OT Cott, HUR- L' an mad, Weinrich townehhp. *1..' miles fro. ,•octet lets : thirty sore. gaol clay loam; frame noose barn ed Water handy. class to school and Meebwroh Apply to MRS. *AM• JOHNSTON, G,derlch P.O. LIAItM FOR MALE. LOT I), CON- ▪ eosins A, Colborne: ra acres of toed sell. li(Oy7Kl' FOC \ i) i 7 Mt LSAN Won ender gran' for eight year•. 1 tulle eget f 1l Bn... +ten's on the 21sf IMromher. Owner banding* aolnn and JI mile. from ell an rb, wdh ill. can have same by calling at V. LKAN BROS.' so and t.eer 0n well and it, and t end plot ing game. awe• of orr•hud butt of whiter fruit, and Leu 'ease, et bush. for particulars applyto .1 AN YOU .Jr.. 1/ Weirs North Wes St_ Cicago, Ill. LOCAL TOPICS. A Silver Wedding. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Durrell cele- brated the silver suuiverrrai•y of their wedding on Monday evening last at their residence on Blot•k street. About fifty of their relatives and,. ft item!' gathered in honor of the ucca- sion'und there were many testimonies In silverware of the esteem iu which the host and hostess are held. After an excellent report had been partaken 'of the evening wan went in music, games and danci ng. A feature of the evening was the christening of Mr, feuereirs little grandnephew, Harry Hyslop, Mr: and Mrs. David Hyslops heir. The b aptiem was. performed by Hew. James A. Ai -lion:_ _._ Y. M. C. A. Notes, The Y. M. C. A. held an enjoyable social evening last Thursday night in zuottaa.A- .goal - •mgrs," was given and refreshments in the forts of a plentiful supply of peanuts were passed round. The program consisted of the following numbers : Instru- mental, Miss Elliott ; vocal solos. Miss H.,nmtridge, Miss Dawson, A. Cook : market... Misses Ketnrah Brown and Martha Wells and Messrs. Reg. Black- stone and James Thomson ; instru- mental Kola A. liar tier. J. Elliott ; and lantern views by Ed. Watson. Mr. Watsou's view's were given with an electric lantern of hie lyse oo atltlelten a1n4 Sneluded kquite a number of R. R. Sallows' well- nown views. The accouupanist of the evening Was Roy Adams and the chair was capably filled by G, F. Blair. Public School Trustees. ' Theestatutory meet leg of the public school ;trustee', was held last night, when there were present Messrs. Acheson,\ Cutt, McI.can. Hadi ens, Saunders'• nd Sturdy. A. Saunders wee appointed chairman. on motion of Messrs. H gens 1 Cutt. T. T. Leckie was a inted to the Collegi- ate ins''tute baud, J. E. Turn In the public libi.rry board and J. I1. Tigett n the high ?wheel exaiuivatieniboa . The regular meet- ing night of the\ board was fixed ten the same night heretofore, the first Motility in the ' unth.. The fol- hewing- totetelate.-+ 'appointed - Contingent„Mrssrs. Cl t, Sturdy and Blair. Finance, Mt McLean, Bodgens and Acheson. hoot man- agement, Meset•e. Hodge P. McLean and Tait. The thanks of he board were tendered Mr. McLean. who hail occupied the position of chair an for the part two yearn, •the resolut .n tie- ing roved by Ii. Cult and. E. Hodgen, " and Mr. McLean, ma • e a bile( reply. - Harrison-Robi Ilard. The following teoount of the mar tinge of Reg. Harrison, eon of Mrs. Harrison. of town, taken from en Ottawa papereof December 28th, will he read tette interest by the groom's in any friends in liovcricb. The Sig- net joins in coneratuletiune : "A very quiet weddtng took place yesterday at 1 o'clock at the Arrhbimhop s palace, when Miss Florence ltobillerd, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bruno Robillerd, was united in marriage to Reginald Harrison, of this city. Ow- ing to a recent lenr'avement in the gram's family only the - ediete relatives were present. The bride euro her travelling eon, a handsome directoire costume of tan colored hrosdclnth with brown but and mink furs. Following the ceremony a re- ception was held at the home of the bride's parent., the bride receiving in an exquisite gown of white liberty Nslin with nose point twee. After the wedding luncheon Mr. and Mrs. Her - Aeon left for Montreal, Toronto and New York." GODERICH MARKETS. • • T1I1.71,aDAy, January 21.t. Fall wheat. per bush .. pt ear to / tow Spring wheat, per bush u M. to 0 Itye per bu.h a 4x to t Huekwheat. per bush ..:0p 31 to s :t; Data per- blab- --- , 6 ,tii to_.Q 3 f1 1'e*.. per bush R1 W v R2 Harley per bush 0 Ll W Screenings, per ton .- - Ig In to Flour. fondly. per ewt 3 e1 W Flour. patent. per cwt ? tO Bran, per ton 1 uu to Short.. per ton •tM On W Hay. p r too . Wood.. •er oord Rutter, :.er lb Cheese. ;ter lb Yes•.ft ah, per dos Poland•-. new ...... 71 W Cattle, t.rdiny W goal, per cwt3 91 to rattle, c,ptrt, per cwt 1 SO to Lambe ... 4 :UI to Sheep. p r cwt 3 00 W Ham. p `1.1b - - n 17 to Bacon. per Ib 0 *2 W Lard, per Ib I3 W Tallow. per lb 101 to Hide., per cwt a IN) to U 4.; In pl 2 AU W1 Ori til 'lit .9 .n to h In 00 to Hoo 0Y2 W it21 015(0 0.13 024 to 0 y1 ai 4 In 5 .n It 2' 430, 3 w u 17 0 y, IS 0 m o i, Sheep akin t10 U. Mt f'htreen -. le to to Turkeys .. .. 11 W l4 Outside uurkel. on pate J lata week . A wise men never tries to plesae himself and a woman at the `same time. -"She -1Do you Irby sale ago you proposed to me, and I refused ? He -Ole yes, that's one of the most treasured rccollectioos of my life. John Bull (suffering from assets - Got) due to famine in Imported, meat) -Butcher, what of the beef ? Butcher Liu elegiac mood► -The low- ing herd winds slowly o'er the sea. - Punch. Lost or Pound_- - \VEROOAT LOST. --:•A GENTLE.- / utas's tweed overcoat. with plaid neck wart in one of pockets, tea between Port Albert end lioderith on evening of Tuesday. January lath. tinder w111 ton rewarded on lea, ing alae at F'ARIUS HOTKL, Goderlcb. FOR SALE. -Intl ORDER TO CLOSE 11 ' up the estate of the late G C. Shannon. M. D. his late realden.N• Is now for .tale. 1t 1■ in very fair condition. ha. modern convection nes, ma be Inspected et any titre. For timber parlbmlan C. app. J lair HAMII TProudfootON. £Hawent H. ESTI!RN -LANDS FOR NAEP: in the Yorkton dlatric:, Yetr rhol.x of roar farms, containing tat acres each : two with banding. on and telephone.. In the hollow 55111 *ell on easy term.. Information rreeggw*rdingQ the nountry cheerfully given. J. H. TEWSI,ILY, Yankton, Mask. HOUSE FOR SALE. --ON, HRITA N N1* road ; all modernt eoeventencee In warucsinreapplyto.I Hl no seersoet. titer jliOit BALE. -A VERY DE81R- ABLL lot on Kss pa street, clathe oars. Apply to DICKINSON k OARAM%'. FARM FOR SALE. -PART OF blank D lake rad east, Colborne town. ship. two miles from Oed.rr 09. 1.70 acre.., good clay loam, brick hour., hare 3e x e7, with Bement ,tabling. *Belden well, weter to hnlld burs and .prong croekwndlnUmter nd young oro creek. acre. Dunlop P. O. tJ HOUSE FOR f(ALK. - A NINE roomed frame dwelling. having a good sit melon, on Rears !tree!. *tone foundation and anmmer kitchen, good *table. Will be *old reaconably. For further particulate apply to MRS. WM. Mo('AUGHAN, 41 Davie, ave., Toronto fYLI YOUR *'Maung In Shorthand o 1*u.ine,. will M ing you beet result$ If taken at our old- eetabllehed and thoroughly reliable school. Winter Term begin. Jan. 1th. Catalogue free. HHltlsit AMsn- N 40I Ht$*nu a Cot.l.kma, ;:entral Y. M. t. A. Hnllding, Toronto. Jk. .A.aw THE STERLING BANK OF CANADA Ream Opine,\\ Tosorr.) Auraoa*zzD OATITir9 a $1.000.000 INCORPORAT)CD By SPECIAL ACT OF DOMINION PARL)AMeNT TO RECEVJE DEPOSITS To accommodate the Farmers we have opened Branches In the villages of DUNGANNON, AUBURN, VARNA and BAYFIELD. We solicit the Patronage of the FARMS& RACK NOTES DISCOUNTED. Highest current rate of Interest paid in our SAViNOM BANK DEPART- S ENT nn depnalts of $1.011 and upwards. GODRRiCH BRANCH LL B. OA.MRLIL Manager. 5ttnatlous Vacant 1, rl'i.ICATiONM FOR THE POSE - TIM* of Clerk of the N.un lel pant y of the town of (iuderich w111 he received up to a o clock p. m., on Tuesday, January -"i It, IMO. salary Rare per year. Applications may be handed Into the, clerk's office or addressed to the Mayor. Public Bottle: i)1 111,11' VACCINATION NOTICE: • 1Tee undrr.l{(aNet wilt ahead in hos aloe. corner of Yfrtofln and :Vetaon streets. Ort Sat- clow .January Gird. from 2 to 3 is clock. to race Inate all persons *o de-lrityg free of charge. to Mot/Owner with the Pablle Health Act. A. C. H('NTElt. Medical Ilealth OMesr. itIKICTING OP THE HURON ▪ 11 COUNTY COUNCIL. The tonne 1 of the corporation of the comity of Huron will meet In the council chamber, to the town of a alerich, on Tuesday. the 8'$.h tnsl., at 3 o clock p; m. All texountit agaut.t the county, req nirtug to he settled. mole be sheeted with the eirik be- fore this dale. .'r. LAX -kr Clash. Dated January 12th, 1!051, , and he is consequently a heavy loser. I was in constant tittendanee upon 1 ' On Saturday afternoon what re. during his long illueest and two sons. attuned of the Croat sank to the bot- lubn P.. of Milwaukee. aid Pplwatd tont of the harbor with the machin- J.. of (bit., both of' whom were here cry.' for the funeral. A sirtnr. Mee. Keat- ing, of Bay City, Mich., has besot here for twine months, ,and Thomas Tighe, W. G. Smith is iu receipt of a verY of Hollett ; Edward Tighe, of Hay interesting letter betel his gr*ud.son. Oily. and Mr.. A. JOIK+u. of Toronto, -Herb Smith, who 18 with a Hudson's bitdhere and sister of the deceased, Bay Railway si LVeet. the letter Bay, Keewatin, D reached Goderich The letter is of general we therefore tubh it in fu •'r intended writing you Ion this, but one does not get very chances to write, knocking er.,un we are, aid fewer t11 bend wail out the front, as the Mail service here is tot very regntar:e The first mail we have received so far wan last Monday. but from now out it will be a little more regular on account of the rivets on the winter trail and Iwke Maui- 4nt, -femme, femme ep.- Evc'rythiug for this country his to come from Winnipeg by dog train. Travelling here must bo t onwthing like ,when you first rause to Goderich, only it is a little wore difficult, 1 think, and a lit tie colder. "We are having tui'd weather here now for this country, the temperature running around zero and lit below. .. ,linty and tor& alp the fa 1 on the ey Forty In the dated Recluse ece • ber 17th, and only t Monday. lis rest` attd before any ns were here fcr the funeral. Charles 2'ighe, of Bay City, ; Mrs. Edwald Tighe and Mita! Tighe, of Owen Sound, le other and sisters of decesed, also survive. Murdoch. The death of John bfiirdoch, which ecctireal at the Jenne of his sou -ii law, H. C. McGowan, In East Witten - nosh, on January 1111, at the ago of ig I y -two years and ten mouths. re- m • of the pioueeis of Huron Deceased wax born at New k,eAyrehiie. Scotland, and at. Hy age was sent to earn his rding, arid he often told of coo Cum' a very living by tern -11a or 7111 ICA -teat tit -endure owing to 111is lettuces putting him in held places. Vhen old enough he went with hie titer to learn the trade of st(we•netse , find when abut twenty-six }wine of ge be cause to Canada. settling at It for a short (line and winking at h trade there. The twit ear he came to Huron T. etrotas snnl of Awhile -M. He -re - quite a snap of it, but it will get a Owned to the Old C try 111 th year great deal tower yet, es law As dl d' - ism and on Ike 9th day Of Meech green below. The Indians predict a alar tied to Mary Murray, of •lA• 'and wintet;thoafttr.aoprthep-.welee tree, and together fewy cam in luck• de and settled on his farm in Ash- '•Viaitora qp he:e are rather sc:urr, field where' he combined farming and ew. Major Moiety of the Northwest their a but label we Neve. 11.u1 Y qoils a fstone 'mommy and plastering as his occupation. eleven years ago Mounted Police came through with a dwgbter meet' C. died and theyh to Split Lake and et 'yeti with u" over their daughter Mrs. McGowan in Paten{ frmm Fw•t OhusclaiU un way gave up terming and went to live wit night, alwt on his wily hack. He had least Watvanosh, wheie Mrs. Murdoch With him tb,cn police, two E51111- died about three years .(go. Mr. Mur - immix. two Indians and three other dock continued to make his home white Tien who wage going out to the there until his death. He leaves two .front. They bad six dog trains with children : John D., near ltoaetown, them. Today wo hod saws 111or-e. Rask., and Maggie J. (Mrs. 1t. l'. Mc - Six dog trains cause through from Gowan, already tueutioue,l). !le is Split Lake with eunplieaand left siren em.- ea•ed nee by.*" , ' eothrrs 5ua1c, tonight.' They wifl he in again in a of Lnrknow, and le ea, of Manitoba - few dayke exp est. and one sister. Mrs. John Pickering, "The indiananp in thie'cunntry ere of .a.shficld township. 1u religion Mr. 'eery rdigious *n.l -yon wi . sen' (hem- - Murdoch was a Presbytet late for go to bed in their MVO • caiups, after, ary eras !wing an steer in the seeing gropers awl singing theiw r t..ekn,nwihw•ch, In politica he wan hymns. - The white men lniitht Ictrn a staunch and unwavering Liberal, something freenahene in that (resp••ct. They always hold it thanksgiving after they Bove hilted 1.4 ofd"or in a hunt, andpray for the white nu an .aa-acall-ara tlu:tn.,cl rc • ---. - The Burning Of the Tecumseh. On Maturday morning abut 3 o'clock the steamer lecunl•reb, owner! by Captain John Trethewey, took fire where she was mowed at the north Nide of the harbor and was burned.. Two eons of the Capt min, W. J. and T. C. Trethewey, and Mee;. W. J. Trettt- ew•ey were sleeping on the boat and host most of what they had Mie. Trethewey fart*4Lt wend, getting away with only her nightcloth.e, is skirt and a per of slime. The the et anted in the after- patt of the vennel ned thusr who, were on board had to go down through the engine room and come up forward to make their escape. As th •y premed Mrs. 'r,-othettey- Necm•tgl a emit and She wee ',teetered in one of the shacks' which Contractor Birmingham Mall in connection with his work here last summer until she could be taken to Captain Trethewey's residence. The cavus of the fire is unknown. There w:,s a fite In the kitchen range,but nn feel hart beer put -am:.after. and t here Wan a coal stove in the din- ing cabin. Thr fire was best (listen, eretl by 1'. C. Trethewey. The lire brigade Ono called out het concludrel them was not sufficient hose to reach the flee and the vessel was allowed to burn. The conflagration wee n lull - tient one and lighted tip the Maitland valley -brightly. On Mahn day after- noon the brigade wee again called int and with the hell, of athlet omai hose succeeded in getting a line from a hy- drant, down Widders bank and *crime the harbor to extinguish the fire. But for the direction in which the wind was blowing the Lumber piles on the wart would prohahly been been consumed, but as it was the face of the wharf wan only badly scorched and the lumber cse epwl The Tecumseh had been purchesed by (`aptain Trethewey only last spring and after purchasing her he hail con- siderable repairing done to the vessel. During the season he need her in car- rying mat from Cleveland to Georgian iety,porta, with return cargoes of lunl- bter, end for next season he had a cnn- traet for carrying coal practically closed which would have kept the steamer and two bargee busy. Aft.•r laying the host up here late in the fall further extensive repairs were commenced and were being carried on up to the time the fire took place. insides usual r•epnire to engine, feed pump. etc.. a new Hour was to be put in for carrying coal. And the deck alae required some .repairs. the intention being to bring the boat up to class t), her rat ing last summer being let The vessel wan built at (lhatharn in 1f(7:1. She wan valued at between $211,!$5) and $25,1$51 end there was 1115,(54* flee insurane(• nn her. After purchasing her lest spring Captain Trethewey spent about $6,1$51 on her in repairs, ABotion bales i ANUAILY 2.1111) ANI) Dell. - • lofty Io*'* snit., mime 2(2 to D. Another lot of drew gold.. n better unality Won 1a.1 Irpen j/4014111P. aannumber n es . en far 111 tr segs costs, man lining*. I.s, rap., fits.. muff., etc. Dishes. glaetware, Mph -else. pictures pall.. real *ruffian, ash alftem broom. anti emelt art nom2 l+rut tern vets of Angle h.o i,,; after There 6111 he nolil .cr inter etc. Animate of all description are coming In every dey te be diepmrd of.'1hr stork *ill be Lerner than last sale. Petrone ane ro,I*N•.t e I to have t heir Honda in or l.ed ham r 5'. atnc'.ln y each week. Hayes. ere al.o mime -tett to be on t Imo, is we start at 2 o'clock' +.harp and -::rl ..harp at ermine soles. Remember it Is Safer day Bet -non at 2 O'clock sol 70t Saturday and Monday evening,, Monde, evening gl ring n,nrrhan,$ and clerks nn opportunity to attend sale.. You really cannot afford to mI-s I1. At the Auction Howe on Hamilton ..1 or!. Do not forget your pocket look. Selo. every Amam, day. lilt(), BK4 ICT r. AncUoneer. -44estell,•-• -Any perenn who Is the sole hrorl of n family, or any triode over IA yew. old, may homestead Manitoba, Sasiketcheenn or Alberto. The *indicant must appear in perion the I tomIn Ion lAndr Ageney or Soh Agency for the mother, eon, daughter. brother or Motet of Intending honteeteader. Dirtiest Six mont,ho' mildews, npon end eult 'vat ion of the land In each of three years A homed/wider may live within nine mile. of hitt hoinedirod on farm of et leant en twee ardely owned and occupied by hlm or by hie father, mother. eon, daughter. brother or In certain dintriete a homottoador in good -tending may pre empt N quarter •Ivtion alongeldo hie homeelead. PrIon $'3.1) per acre. nutlet, -Mud maple six month. In each of yearn frorn date of how...tend entry it nelolIng the time required to Niro homestesd patentl and cultivate lift y were. Axton idered right end ronnot ordain is pro emotion may take a ounstaned homestead In certain residents months in each of three vrArA, r nit I •sto fifty &MVP and WWI, a honor worth Pin Mk • not be raid Ite. et tbe Minister of the:lo LOCAL TO PICK IN BRIEF. Sndth'eAlt Store, Kiel'etrte!. W headgnal. ten for beautiful chlor, an supplies. fancy work, ldctdivti. pi:l nee fr:tnnwg. Mows furnish• ole. ('all and see the estweice and varied .U,.:k, - MAW-, days arefew ant full of trouble, but boost anyone non look *4..:.404 tuna 01104 4h r the photographer to atteb the Amite. 11. R. . Bow- dome the beet photography work. Stdio corner Mont real street and the Square. T . weather ulna t* 1) i•.et to fon! ue Into tills ng that .t•rhng i. MINIn(. All the nerve, It I. r t ton even t t think or ordering your rereant- ut• xettinx It new rote wall aro* th rurh Inter at. Sty F. J. IMdhant about IM He lug the tight goon'. The G. s. I. football club hat. re -or - Remised, 't1 the following officers: President, . M. Fiel'1, B. A.; secre- tary, Honk Foster ; tre'sur'o, Mel- ville Anders() ; committee, ,. Wal- ters, Edgar Bi le and Toni Elliott, .Auctioneer (i ), Beckett had We first weekly sale his auction house on Meturday 13A• Although the weallwr was net fa 'rable. there was a good attendant.•d Mr. Beckett was quite satisfieti w h the results. It is the intention to h 41 sales every Fitt urday. The Wroxeter Planet i the name of the lat-.nt joern**listic hininary that ba* appeared in this county, Robert S. Noble is the editor. nd his aim is "to make The Planet the best newspaper in the county," We web- con*0 our brother to the galas of Huron publishers and hope the fa will deal kindly with bion. end, we belileve, a subscriber to The Weekly Globe during almost the whole period of hie residence in the 11011411 y. By meant of his trade he swim H•41443 arsongetrasigers,and tieing of it very sociable and charitable din• position he made a great many friends. He joined the Masons when a young Coon In -Scotland and wag an honorary inetfibcr of Old Light Lodge in Lucknow fur WHITS years before he died. !lie lest, illness was caused by heart trouble. He ha•1 hod more or less severe attacks for Sonne time, int not a;uch as to cause alarm until last Joule, when he hid a very severe at- tack and his doctor gave wsrning that Ice might drop off at any time. He wa9 fairly Well. however, until about sig weeks ago, and sitlrotb4•tt bad been failing rapidly. Ile suffered a great deal during the Last few weeks, but hire it all with Christian fortitude and great patience. He was conscious to Lhe end and a few hours before his death be said he wit' "getting near home now." Ile tmk a geed. deal of contlort out of the coulpsny of his little granddaughter, with whom he talked mush. The funeral took place un Thursday last. In the forenoon the funeral service was conducted at the home of his eon -in -haw by Rev. J. L. Small end the remains were then conveyed by train to Luck v. where deretsed haat livtsl for nliiy years and was x) well-known. The M114011 took charge of the funral there, Itev. D. T. 1.. McKerrnll also officiating. The servit es were held at the home of the deceased's brother, 'Steele, After which the remains were followed to Green Hill cemetery by a large nunt- bee. of-- wrrrowing friend*. and ac- quaintance*. CHURCH NOTES. At VW40114- aka Vet Metlutdist church on Sunday the services will he con- ditrted-byt e-p111tcir- whose-subjre•ts will be am follows: II a. 1n., "Torch- bearers"; 7 p. u... "The Choice of Moret." The evening service will be tan evangel's, ie sl rvice. Rev. Dr. \Varner, principal of Alma College, St. Thome , will .preiteh morning and eve g in North entre•. Methrxliee church next Sunday. Dr. Warner is a most attractive preacher. *1111 will repay he:arhug. la the even- ing the McCot*b" by hooks Meg 11ymns No. ai will be used. The W. M. -M,' of Vittoria street Methndiit church has changed the lust-Rmsiar to the third Monday of the month, so •a.9 not to conflict with North street W. M. M. or- the W. C. T. l:. The next quarterly- tea is being arranged to take place at the home of Mrs. G. M. Elliott. Bolton. The death took piece on Sunday lag. in titelerich toe itsitip. of Mrs. Thomas Bolton, formerly Miss Elizt Matilda Steep, after an illness of aha-mt, d, year. Her hunhand resi- dent of Hamilton, whit+ hed been their home until Mrs. Iloltoit took when she wan brought here. tier father, George Steep, of Gotierich township, *eel throe brothers mut two eisters survive. Nelson Steep of (loderich townehip. mid John rind William Steep, of Detroit, are broth- ers of the deceased and Mot. James' Miss Hattie fiteep, at home, are her sisters. The funeral took place on Tuesday Afternoon tn Maitland cetne- Rev. H. W. Millyard and the pall- bearers b.ing relatives of the de - The foineral of the bee William Tighe, whole. death °teetered on Wed- neoliey, 13th Mgt., took place on Fri- day morning. eervice being conducted at fit. Petet's church by Rey. Father McRae, who delivered an isppropriete and tonehing whirrs,. The inter- ment wen made in the t'estholic risme tory in Colborne, the pallbearere be- ing Matthew Foley. Robert Foley. Jarnes Dean, John McEvoy, ledwerd tilettery and John Ma...domed Mr. Tighe is survived by his wife, who the HaytisId cemetery. Rev. J. Me- NEW ADVERTISEMENTS -Jan. 2Ist. Neil conducted the service*, thi%KITT BALI.. -A charity ball and at home under the auspices of the Vei•tb set Club of Hayfield will be given in the town hall on Friday evening. Frhl•uary ;ithr Proceeds to 1e* donated to the Slick Children's Hos- pice!. 'Toronto. Everybody welcome. Come and have a good time. At home from 8 to 114;3u, Admission, .dk• a couple. CaslrrgaY Csxr.SNY.--The -annukli meeting of the Hayfield Cemeter Company was held In the townhall! ( on MM01111%)". January IISth, at 2 .. p. 111. The following officers were appointed for 1(101): Prrebde11t, lames Thomson : vice -provident, T. J. Marks: sect•etary- tressurer, A. E. Erwin : directors, John. Middleton: tiahriel Elliott and Rohn. Hanley, of (iolerich township: John McNaughton. Thomas Brown- i est of Stanley, and James Campbell, of Hayfield. V11 I. ane Col 111•11 -.9'h.., L-. .......,. ing of the village council was held in .1e council chamber tin Monday itiorning, Ilth Inst., as per Astute. 1'1e statutory declaration♦ of flee were subscribed to by 1h. Smith. reeve, and Messrs. M1ore, '5Vhiddon, McEtvan and Leeteb, councillors, after which the following ()Sleets we ap- pointed for MU: Clerk, H. W. 1 .vin; mor.treasurer, John Wbiddun; a or, Ch it .Tipppoet ; eonetable, Wel lam J. Elliott •, auditors, 'John Falcuoer and A. E. Erwin ; board of health, John Whirldno, 11 D+.shinann and W4IUasn Elliott with the Reeve and clerk ; edical health officer; Dr. Woods ; ho th inspector, Robert Elliott ; true • t officer, Thomas Cameron. LOCHALSH. TuHHIJAY. Jan. llhh. John Oowa jr.. and Tom Bueglass ate at pieeeh utting wood for R. Button: Miss Kate Mc(4e . left last week for Toronto, wbere she ' tend, to secure p.positien A. Bowman. of Lucks . was vis- iting Bryan Buckingham t the end of she week. Wu'. Matheson returned to .ronto last week, in order'.te remithie studies at the University. t Mtstt-t5etla 1KcKvex te, Hie.: Annie McDonald,.1 nth concession, were the gueeta of Mimi fleece Camp_ hell, Lochalsh, last Sunday. - WS OF DISTRICT. Jastea in the vici left on Ft Miss Berth day last Inc t-aki• n Tattiness clot U.rllege. Rev. W. L. Hite (tory services in St. on Friday afternoon `• ment of the Lor'd's S pw•ised 00 Sabbath morn ISAYFIELU. Ti*tsD.sY, Jen. 111th. 'tingle who lits leen visiting ity for the pa.t few weeks, y for London and Forest. Armstrong left on Mun- udon, where petty will (mea.lerthe t' d151furr- • ildnett-d prepar- ndreve's church nil the sacra - per was dig - g. .Mix new A Greet $ebool-EMMA Ilwlawei Celems led* 'reroute Attention. lsteewlaksrs l-Bsldlsg. Paul t co.. .... .... .... .4 . The Moat latereetteg teals -The Twat* Sur a Attractive Routs to Mas*toba-Y. Y. Lew - ; •e Northwest Tourist Sleepers -l•. P. H - a )'anti for tWo-.Mrs, slam[ Jobar'tos - " 1 La•t Week of Mtockteklag nate-D. Miler ' to 3 Cie/salty. rale -frowning. 4t MIMPFlear -.. , 1. -- A -BW Clearing of Fant -W. Acheson k Moa.,. 3 January MsG-(corge Porters ........ g Dunt Suffer- S. E. Hick . • Hot Water Rattles -.F. J. Hut Land .....,.... • ( A,..,.,,:. +ale -George Beckett.1 home •menta.- hoe Burkettt . •1 _. Annouutwment Star 1{luct ria Novelty and Repair Work* 1 Angiuuton. fur t teakettle- Town of (:oda rich . . .. .. 1 Wwuwo Homo for Sale -Elia. Wm, Mynas 1 Stock'reductn'srale-C', U. Ip 7 learnt for bale -Jew-Young Jr i Joe N. Machan -Victoria Opera HOU* Vacetnattort Notice -X-. C. tooter. M. D, )Medical Health ()Meer - 1 January Clearing Sale l'aluerott * Moore3 Two Mon.ler Kargain lays- J. H. Colborne4 Our Aneual Mid "intim nargtdn Days -,Hod Rene Bros ... McIntyre ;'I. O. D. Rose ; O. G. I). tawreuca._ b.lodge lao fnss-a thriving condition and many new members are expected this term. Ct:RI.INlr AT FKRoOH,-Three rinks of Lucknow cutlets went to Fergus butt week to enter the curling tourna- ment in progress at that place. They were accompanied by the prone band. which was the leading attraction dur- ing their stay and which won the ad- miration of all the players and citizens. The local players returned wearing the four diamond tinge, which were won by J. Bryan, J. 0. Murdoch, Geo. Smith and It. Johnston. They also brought back the barrel of oatmeal won by Jas. Hunter. J. McGarry, A. McPherson and A, Stewart. Our curlers never frit to win the best prizes offered by other clubs. The friends of John Mason, Huro•• the man with the hearty. smut jorirl tamper*anent and the obiate spher- oidal form, will be pleased 10 hear That he is keeping quite well. Mrs, John N. McKeneie, A9hfleld. and het sister, Mrs. John It. McDon ahs, Huron, returned home lest Satur- day from Ingersoll, where they had been attendiog the funeral of a near relative. K. J. McKenzie. while elimhing up the ladder in hisbara, bad the mishit, tune to slip therefrout, and feel f - it conalde*able height to the Ilour be- low. Fee. owe'a-1y be landed upon his reef, (. * •t ~Aping more serious in- juries. .1, it woof 11e received a severe shaking up, and his lower limbs were considerably jar reel. Letette..R Lire:Remy SCA lliTY.--A number from this section attended the regular sleeting of the Laurier Liter- ary Society bit Monday evening. A special anal vete interesting program was provided and carried through with great success. - Two ?ides, of Julies-. -anti gentlemen, had been chosen, the captain* of which were Miss May McGregor and Mitac lel Mc- Lean. Each one of the performers represented a certain nation or triose and wore the cost and insignia t alitionally ascribed to the country /tented, and -the -effect wasquite unique. Songs, history. sic and speeches appropriate were well rend- dered by those taking part. Owing to lack of space it is impossible to go into detail, but wt• !toy mention the especially clever bits of acting by 8. Bean and K. J. McGregor. The for- mer, as a Chinese laundryman, greatly excited the risibility of the )audience by flourishing wyatei•ious sorts of garmetitafrom the wash -tub, sod the latter. as 11 gypsy fortune- teller, nbwo made things merry by his local allusions. We may mention also a unique scene from ancient Egypt, the central part of which was 1a well-deteloped Egyptian mummy in the person of Dan McLean, Leerier. The doctsinm by the committee, wee reniien•d in teem. of the side leen by Mi.s ise MeL&-*tn. The committee of judges was cumpoved of Ed. Havey, ISN. Armstrong &u(1 Dan McLean (Lothian) and the position of chair- man was filled by John ,Iantieeon. meeting of St. Andrew s church was held on Monday evening of Me week and wits in all points rt most aitecess- ful meeting. The auditors' end t Meg. 1Prer'fl reporte showed that all debts lied been pied and a nice little 'Wane.. tee/wiry. The reports from the differ- ent societies connected with the chatelt were ell very encouraging and full of hope for the •fiit ore. Moat of the officers were re elected : Mrs. JAS. Ferguson as organlet ; Jas. Campbell. treasurer ; John 1% hiddon, Sabbath school guperintendent, and Thos. Har- rison was also re elected *newer, Those Brownett teeing elected as en• other menager •in Owe of John Tough. At the close of the meeting lunch was ',erred by the lade.. And all diepersed feeling that a pleasant and profltahle evening had been spent. t From another correspondent George Greenslade was in bindon ion Monday on tmaineta, I Miss Chesney, of Seeforth, is the !pima of Mrs. Cowie, of this village. An old reetident of thin village lest in the perenti of thigh McLeod, I aged eight y one yearn. The foneral ' woo held on Monday at 10A0 a. ma. Ito ANNOUNCEMENTik tere _Dy served ; maul ricks., confectionery sad cigars. C. Leyte/eremite Weet street Auctioneer .ckett announces • smashing big ea for Saturday after- noon and Sattirda and Monday eyen- inlet, the 2:ted end th. Mee sale on page 1. Yes, sir, we ill be, right on itemeniber the simile and concert to he given in the Oddfello s' Hall on Friday evening. eeth inst.. der the fttispicen of the %Vonten's Mute. Xbe_procerale are to go to the . 0, A. funds. Admission. 26c. The annual week of prayer is held at, the Presbyterian church 14 Mr. and Mts. D. Morrison, of Piet: - stone, Man., are ;visiting relatives In this vicinity. ins play at %Vingham rink on Fri- . evening, ape inst. Mitchell Woe.' mettle roller works are rilev in operetion day and night and iminemie quantitiee of maple loge are bidets delivered to this important Were interred at Oreen Hill cemetery Thaisday aldermen' last. The funerel eervices were. held at the resi• &nee of Steele Murdoch. a beother of the &teemed. Stasi were eondurted by members of Ohl Light Lodge, No. 14:4, was a member. Mr, Murdoch had been ill for /tome time and his death, which wes not *metre roe,. is uni- vernally regretted hy hie host of friends in and mound the village. officers of Lint/now Lodge, No. 112. 10. 0. F., for this term were Installed of Ripley, on Frlilay evening last, as McLean ; recording hecretary. IL V. Negellshe ; financial secretary, I). Mellott h ; treasurer. A. Rosa ; chap- 'lain. . Heileman ; warden, R. Nae• trod ; conductor, A. Hewlett R. 8. Electric ,Novelty and Repair Wolk on cerner of square and Montreal street, have something new again this week. In their electrii. win•low aro tions to is switch ; where the stand- ing train Attila off, upon its being re- lieved by the incoming one. It is very unique, as are also the new fold- ing' wotepaper baskets nnd wood cerved work . Not fluty are they kept hue). electric wiring. but, 'tow, during the close stetson for bieycles, they are at work on them putting them in order for use in early spring. as Jerry, their mechanical expert, can do such jobs. as well as gt•incling skates, etc. 30IC N. MACHAN AND OWN BIG COMPANY Will 1* town all next week. The Joe N: Meehan Stock Company appear in Vietoria Opera House all next week in a reper- toire of high-clags dreniatic produc- tions. The Company will open their engagement on Monday night, pre. salting the well-knowil ,'popular -comedy drama, entitled "Lost and %Vito, or The Fatal Wedding." This is considered one of the greatest plays ever written and is specially gaged le please the ladies. Special tickete are being distributed, which, if presented at the theatre box office together with lec any time before, 7 m. Monday, will entitle any lady to a regular :Mc reserved seat. The Meehan ville special! iee between the acts, thereby avoiding all tiresome delay (luring performances. The Company 1.01111.1f highly recommended by press anti ptibite and is composed of talented art Ws of merit and ability. Every Omsk repertoire is strict Ly cleitak. ere noThing to tiffemr,ihe mold refined taste in any of them. A epeeist matinee will be given Saturday after- noon at 2:30, that all the local children may have the opportunity of seeing anti Glory Meehan, in theit. great. Winter Brown act. 'The following plays will he presented during the '"Ilie Itei•Imer," "'The Man from the West," •The M000chiners" and the sensation of thl Meson, entitled "The woman he doesn't Oil it neeessary to go to church. a•Well," observed the restaurant diner, patiently attacking hie tough Week, "I've often heard of the iron horse and the britzeu cell, and now I seem to MVP ericouptered the India - rubber cow." AUCTION SALES. Tt VIM 111. 411t1. *I h.- A net ion sale of thirty bead of first elaso dairy mw. and several good old, prolTrty of Mr. t.obit, Maitland ranee. ISAT, RDA T. JAM SAIL -Auction Pohl Of borate ciorn4; v•mtur (tattle, harries. rtr at the Col auctioneer. _ MARRIED. Anil.. faille,. Wellington street, on Wed to Kloreitee Harriet, daughter et Char ea, and the late Mr. &nicht.