The Signal, 1909-1-14, Page 7t oh! pJf "M);4o1
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The News of the District
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MONDAv, Jan. 11th.
Mrs. D. duwming paid our villa,e e
flyiogvlslttart week.
Rees Quaid. who came home for
Obriatinas, is still here and looks well
and hearty.
"'Ref. Williams, who spent last sum-
mer in Petoskey, Mich., is home for
the winter.
J. H. Ryan. who was working on
the new railway as fireutan, nor
Port Albert, for some weeks, is now
running an engine down in Goderich
Our school (No. to ie 01.W111 again, but
under • new dynasty, Miss Young, of
Loyal. having taken the reins of gov•
eromenL Miss Spence, the former
teacher, has returned to Pendleton to
teach the same a:hool she had before
coming herr.
Quite • number of our young people
drove down to Union church, Code -
rich township, last week, to hear the
cantata. which had been postponed
from Christmas week. Although the
eotertainwent was very well carried
out, some of the young folks seemed to
think the drive there and beck the
best part of it, aa they spent over four
hours on the road.
Tu seDAT, Jan. 12tb.
The cantata announced to be held
at Union church was given on Friday
night. Harry Williams generously
volunteered to take a load of young
folks out and the generous offer was
-reality accepted and highly appreci.
'Med by the young ladies of l.eeburn
and Dunlop. The entertainment was
good and the drive going and coming
-was very much enjju ed by all.
Miss Kate Whaling, from near
Stratford, Is visiting a few weeks with
Mrs. James Chisholm.
TUltanAY, Jan. 12th.
Wedding bells are ringing.
Win. O'Neil is home from the WesL
Miss Minnie Deane arrived home
Shut Young. of Colborne, spent Bun -
day in this burg.
Jos. Mc(Irory is hauling grain to
Lucknow this week.
Miss Gladys Moss is visiting her
uncle in Wawanosb.
Misses Tema and Bella Mcinnes in-
tend leaving for Detroit this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe. Griffin were the
guest," of Morgan Dalton on Sunday.
Joe. O'Connor has purchased a new
tntggy, hone and harness. That looks
Willie O'Brien has been renewing
old acquaintances the past week. We
hope it won't he nine years before be
cower again.
TUItaDAY, Jan. 12th.
Miss Julia O'Reilly, of Woodelee, is
spending • few weeks at her home
Mise Minnie Mclean returned to
her duties in Detroit on Tuesday of
kat week.
Mr. anti Mrs. Joseph Griffin, of
Goderich, me spending a few days
with friends in this vicinity.
Master Alvin Griffin received an
injury to three of his angers while
playing with some explosive.
Owing to the severe weather of the
post week the grading work on the
electric railway has ceased for an
indefinite time.
TUKeDAT. Jao. 12th.
Mrs. Fred Jarvis (formerly Miss
Etta McIlwain. el Alberta. is ensiling
her father, Robert Mcllwain.
Stanley Cook, who spent New
Year's with his hither at Kingsville,
bas returned home.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Ryan and family,
of Manitolui, are visiting at the old
bunts and retirwiug aequaiutanceN at
A number from around here spent
• very pleasant evening at the home
of Mr. and Mn. Harry Morris, Popt•r
How. un Friday last.
The W. M. S. met on Wednesday
last at the home of the provident, Mrs.
Chas. Garvin. There war a very good
attendance, notwlthet•nding the In -
favorable weather.
E. L, Noesis -Nett Tuesday even-
ing will be missionary evening. Thr
first subject. "Duties to Iwwigtants,"
taken b Mies (;ray ; secoodt "Work
in Lumber Camps," by Chas. Garvin;
third, "Relation of hallway Obteito-
tion to Ikomeetic Missions." by the
pastor. The meeting will be lad by
Mrs, A. P. Sheppard.
MONDAY. Jan. 11th.
John Menarpp bad • lex drawing
premed bey to Lucknow on Saturday.
Thus who attended the at borne s.1
Zion 1.. O. L. report having had a
good time.
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Deere., of
Dungannon, were the guests of Mrs.
Rem. Pierce un Sunday.
Tu1sIMY, Jan. 12th.
J. B. Rutherford and sou Hugh
wt re in Cargill on business on Times
Mrs. T. E. Finlay, of Ashtleld, spent
a few days visiting Mrs. Rutherford,
u•., last week.
A good number of the youug people
took iii the Scottish concert at Viug-
Miss (;wrudoline Templeton spent r I bum on Friday last.
few days of the latter part of last We arra sorry to hear that Min. '1'.
111 B. Taylor has en attack of rheuron
tiara. We hope soon to hear of her
speedy recovery.
Pvuuc LInHAKY. - The annual
meeting of the St. Helens public
library was held on Monday evening.
Rev. S. H. Moyer was elected prrsl-
dent. Peter Clark vice-president ; all
the test of last year's officers were
re-elected. 1t is hoped that during
the year the library will be largely
week with her sister, iss Ethel
Templeton, in Godcricb.
Ashfield generally toes the murk in
any good coitus'. Soave of the franchise
seld used on any other occasion
turned out and voted for local option
on Monday. Asbfield leafs : it never
Anthony Pierce hsa sold hi" farm,
the west half of lot 2, nn the 7th con-
cession, containing loll ares. to Thos.
Irwin, of Lucknow. We arc very
sorry to lose Toney, as be was one of
the best and moat obliging of neigh-
bors. We understand that he Intends
going Wet in the spring.
. NOW. -At home every day exaspt Thur
days. New remedy for extracting teeth INomno-
loran. better than gas. Crown and bridge work,
rite. Aluminum plated Inure breakablel.
N. H. -You can always hate our work much
better done 1n the dental *Moe-tuore time,
better faculties for doing the work. more com-
fortsble for the patient.
to Dungannon for The Signalbatibe Poet-
omoe Hook and Stationery Steer where
order. will be reae(red for-.lbsorlptton% ad- and Job work. and receipts will be
given for awouc t.. paid for the same.
WY-u»RriuA i, Jan. lath.
jtn-a Rutherford visited friends at
St. Helens a few days last week.
Jack Roberts, of the Sterling Bank,
Auburn, spent Sunday at his home
Ben. -on Case and Ka. Durnin re-
turned to Toronto on Saturday last
to reeulne their studies et the Univer-
Mrs. Mountain is recovering from a
severe attack of rheumatism which
has confined her to her nom for -
several ,weeks.
Mrs. W. J. Crawford returned to
Toronto yesterday after spending a
couple of weeks the guest of Mr. and
Mrs. B. J. Crawford.
We are glad to state that Fred
Robinson, who has been laid up with
a sore knee, is improving and expects
to be out in • few days.
C. Rivers has started an open-air
stink no IMeher's point. The glint le
being kept in first-class condition and
eta far has been well patronized.
The W. M. S. held its monthly
meeting in Elliott's hall un Thursday
't last week. The Society has de-
cided to hold a concert in a few
weeks. full particulars of which will
he given later. \\
Messrs. Kenneth and Murdoch Mc-
Gregor, who have spent the summer
off the lakes. spent a few days at t be
residence of their uncle. Duncan Mc-
Kay. Murdoch has returned to his
house in Duluth. while Kenneth has
gone to Chicago to resume his studies
in engineering.
MOIeDAT. Jaailary ilth.
Mr. and Mrs. Campbell were in
Goderich last week.
G. M. Gilchrist, of Toronto, visited
friends here this week.
Mr.. Chas. Browning is home from
Palmerston for a fortnight.
Mn. Jas. Cook has returned from
• very plesrant vivit to her sister in
Mrs. W. .1. Row has returned to
Corrie after spending a few days
with friends here.
V. L. Hackett, who spent bis vaca-
tion with his parents here, has re-
turned to Toronto.
Mrs. Jas. Hackett, accompanied by
her son Walter and grandson" lirenk
and Bazil, visited friends in Detroit
Miss Gladys Holmes. of the Soo,
who is spending a month with her
parente in Lucknow, visited Mies Jean
Mullin last week.
TUISDAY, Jan. 12th.
Rev. Wm. McIntosh. of Elora, was
visiting his brother, Hugh McIntosh,
during the holidays.
Angus McLean, of Duluth. Minn.,
looking hale and hearty, is visiting
friends in this vicinity.
John S. McDonald, of Kintail, and
Miss fleece McKenzie, of Leurier,
were visiting triends on the boundary
last Sunday.
Fred. Roes has sold his farm of 50
acres. on the Huron side of the bound
arynear Amberley, to Ar -hie Mcfon
olof Huron township.
Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Boyd of Mount
Iron. Minn., who have been visiting
friends in l*urier and (ioderich, at-
tended Asbfleld Presbyterian church
last. Sunday.
Neil found the lake venter somewhat
chilly for the intuit swim last Wednes-
day evening and so did not remain io
long. Aa soon as the ice forms, how-
ever, he and Bdb wiH probably tacks to
in order to inspire awe in Fenian•
and other enemies of our country it is
the intention to form a body of sharp-
shooters among the young men of this
vicinity. A rifle corps will soon be
organized under the leadership of T.
F. Henderson in connection with the
Canadian militia.
Au attractive little booklet, dedi-
cated to the Lochalsh and Lake Shore
bachelors and entitled "How to Win
the Affections," Is being published by
the author, John R. of Lochalsh. in
view of the author's wide experience
and extensive travelling, this should
bre • valuable little treatise and will
meet • long -felt want in this vicinity.
WgnagertaY, Jab. 13th.
T. A. McKeith is appointei as as-
sessor for this year.
Miss Ada McKenzie is attending
Lucknow high school
Miss Bridget Hogan has returned to
AViogham w attend business college.
Mie Mary McDonald bas gone to
Detroit, where she intends staying for
some time. -
Miss Mara Hogan has returned to
Toronto after spending the holidays
at her borne here- ----
A number of Lothian people at-
tended the debate at Laurier on Mon-
day night and enjoyed it very much.
MONDAY, Jan. Ilth.
Our school opened boat week with
Mien Culbert in charge.
Mrs. Brothers and son Bailie spent
Saturday in Goderich.
Mrs. Whitley is visiting her daugh-
ter, Mrs. Stewart Finlay.
Gilborrt Backwell of i.ocbalsh, vis-
ited friends here last weak.
our late teacher, J. C. Mtothers, has
smeared a school in Colborne.
Mr. and Mrs. James Webster visited
friends in Wawanosli yesterday.
Miss ht. Hasty spent the week -end
with her sister, Mir. John Blake.
%Ve must congratulate Mr. Kickley
on being elected to our council board
once inure.
Bev. Mr. Rivers, art-$elgrsve,
preached a missionary sermon in our
church last night.
We are sorry to say that Mrs. Las-
enby is not improving as fast as her
many friends would like.
Our shingle mill broke down
Last week. James Saunders, who is
working it. ezpeets to have it running
again soon.
Someone has changed our mail day.
%Vhat the reason is we du not know,
but we do not think many of the
people appreciate the advantages 1:'1
oft esun
hage. Please change it
TuseoAY, Jan. 12th.
The new rouncil held its initial
meeting et the council chamber in
Monday morning.
1). C. Taylor is installing a hot
water and steam heating system in
hilt new .■'silence.
Harry Torras a left Monday for
Guelph, where he will attend the
AgriculOtte College.
Thr first hockey match of the
Northern league. played here Friday
evening with PsImerston, resulted In
a victor- for the tlepoye by a more of
12 -3.
Three rinks of Lucknow curlers are
,this week taking part in the curling
tournament and benq et. being held
at. Fergus in honor of the seventy-
fifth anniaersary of the curling club
of that place. Harry louder and
Jimmie Hunter will sing et the
The meetings of the South Bruce
Farmers' Institute which weer held
herr on Saturday afternoon and even-
ing last were well attended and
proved interesting and beneficial. A
meeting held under the auspices of
the Women's Institute was addressed
hy Miss. Campbell, who gave practical
demonstrations in housekeeping.
Almost every day since last fall can
be seen In this vicinity large flocks of
that hardy little snow -bird called by
ornithologists the "snowflake." Ac -
resetting to the popular opinion this
would mean a hard winter with a
heavy snowfall, yet .o far we have
had an unuenally mild and open
winter. The old-time superstitions,
whether in the natural or In the re-
111ions sphere, die hard.
TUsanAy, Jao. 12th.
Mier Orars Wier has gone on a two
weeks visit to is natives at Guelph.
Jas. Adams and family, from Salt
ford, visited our merchant., J. Young,
last week.
William Mnl'hee spent the holiday
easson with friends up around Ida old
home near Auburn.
Semite) Potter has returned from
spending the holiday season with relit -
thee and friends in Wisconsin.
Msmihs for The N(ftnal.
TUKNDAY, Jan. 12th.
The Many friends of Joseph Mc -
Nevin are pleased to see9tis rapid ad-
vancement to the high and exalted
position of Worshipful Master of the
Godericb Orange Lodge. Push on,
push on. Joe ; Dr. Sproul is getting
MONDAY'. Jan. lith.
Joseph Wilson, of Auburn, spent
Sunday with friends in this vicinity.
John Clark, er., of Auburn. visited
bis daughter, Mrs. Wwt..Thompeou,
last week.
T& UNeDAv, Janu►cy 14, 1909
The Cough of
Your doctor will tellou that
fresh air and good food are
the real cures for consumption.
But often the cough is very
hard. Hence, we suggest that
you ask your doctor about
your taking Ayer's Cherry
Pectoral. It controls the tick-
ling, quiets the cough.
we gJluk our forwaW
W• natal. taint
( Mr oarNs owe.sey.,,
oDoan rosew
One of Ayer's Pills at bedtime will cause
an increased flow of bile*and produce a
gentle laxative effect the day fallowing.
Formula on each box. Show it to your
doctor. He will understand ata glance.
Dose, one pill at bedtime.
— kids by We J. C. Asir 0o., Lw.11. N .
vioustlyy grown. the soil is well supplied
with these desirable bacteria, and the
use of artificial inoculation would be
of little benefit. On new ground,
however. -or where the crop to be
sown bas not been successfully grown
Miss Kate McGuire, of Goderich. isbefore, the inoc-tlation of the seed
spending a few holidays with her par-
ents here.
Shearer Wilson, of London, veiled
friends in this vicinity the latter part
of last week,
Charles McIntosh has returned after
having spent three or four weeks with
friends in Hull.•tt and Clinton.
Misses Kate and Itose McGuire and
Messrs. Joe and John Boyle spent a
pleasant evening teat week at the
bowe of J. Foran, 0th concession.
usually helps to secure a better stand.
During 1908, over 2,100 of these cul.
tures were sent to refiners all over the
Dominion and to five foreign coun-
tries. The results) as reported by the
farmers, and compiled in the forth-
coming bulletin, showed that the in -
mutation of the seed was beneficial in
'sixty five ler cent. of c uses tried.
Many farmers tried the cultures on
old -established fields, and As w411 to
he expeoted the results here showed
no increase in the crop from using the
SCrNER AND CONCERT. -- A grand cultures.
concert and supper was given in !)wring the comfhg spring, the C01 -
the hall in the basement of the! lege will send similar quitures for alt.
church here last Monday evening. site, red. white, and Welke clover,
tea was served from 6 to si o'clock, pease, twain,. and sweet pear. the only
after which the following program cost to the farmer being • nominal
was given : Songs by Mies May Red- erste of 26 cents for each culture
mond, Miss Annie Donovan, T. Don- • sent for sixty pounds or less of
oven and C. Robinson ; step -dancing seed. The cultures. of which there is
by Joseph Kinahao, sr. ; mouth organ but doe site, are sept in 'gime bottles
selections by R. Chamney and J. wltb full directions for their use.
Craig; violin selections h• George Applicationa should be adderseed to
Stuart. Joe Flynn. John Boyle and The Becterinloglcal Laboratory, 0, A.
the %Verd brother, : phonograph O., Guelph; nd should be sent app,,onee
selection, by Mr. Fox, of NVhite- so that ample provision may ie made
church, and an address by Rev. by the College toi'I' ly all demands.
Father Laurendesu. Miss Annie The kind and the &mount of seed to
Donovan was accompanist for the be inoculated and approximate date of
evening and Joacpb Kinahan, jr., seeding should also be stated in the
acted as chairman. - , i application.
TOWNNelr CoCNtiL - The newly
elected council for Colborne township
held 1ts statutory meeting at Carlow
on Monday, January Ilth. The fol-
lowing gentlemen were present, and
signed the neeesaary oath of office
and property q.uliIication. viz..
Reeve H. J. A. McEwan and Coun-
cillors John Dustow, James McManus,
J. J. Moser and Wm. F. Young.
The council took their "eats, the
Reeve in the chair. The minutes of
last meeting were read and adopted.
Councillor Young moved that Robert
Mcllwain and John Wilso.i be ap-
pointed auditors for the year. Mr.
Young not getting a seconder Coun-
cillor Moser moved. wronded Goy
Councillor Dustow, that Rolwrt Me -
Herein and Alexander Shepperd be
the auditors. Carried. Moved by
Councillor Moser, seconded by Coun-
cillor Duetow, that the same collector
be appointed. Carried. Moved by
Councillor MdManus, seconded by
Councillor Duetow. that 95 he given
to help the Sick Children's Hospital,
Toronto. Carried. On motion of
Councillors Dustow and Moser, the
council adjourned for dinner. On
resuming business at 1:311 the fallow-
ing Recounts were pained : Election
expenses, 9:12: Municipal 1Vorld,
913.05: The Signal, printing. 914 ;
Robert Rutledge. inspecting. at;
Chas. C. Lee. Ole, 918.011 ; six copies
Municipal World, 95; John Barker,
operating grader and teaming iron
for bridge un 4th concession, 94.26.
A complaint was made to the council
that obstrrutione were placed on the
highway in front of Jas. Young's
(arm. Moved hy Councillor Moser,
seconded by Councillor McManus,
that the Reeve Ie instructed to look
after the matter. Carried. Moved
by Councillor Moser, seconded hy
(%ouncillnr Du.tow, that the minutes
of earl meeting be published In the
On,lerich patient Carried. Council
adjourned to meet again fleet Tuesday
in February. F. W. McDoemen,
Clerk. ------ _ —_
Tug LAIR MINA M,'NRA Y. -After
many months' illness, Miss Amanda
Murray, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J.
W. Murray, died at (;ravenhurst on
the int inst., aged twenty three
years. The deceased was an estimable
Toting lady and her death although
not unexpected is deeply regretted hy
her many friends. Mise Murray was
horn in the township of Ashfield, but
for the past few years had with her
parents resided in Lucknow. Six
months ago they went to Parry
Sound district in the hope of the
ehenge being heneflrlal to Miss Mur -
ray's health. The remains were
brought herr for interment, the
ftineral taking piece on We.lnell,lay
last from the residence of MR. Mc-
Intosh to Lochalsh cemetery. The
funeral Nervier* were conducted by
Rev. i). T. L. McKerroll, pastor of the
Presbyterian church. of which the
dece,sed was a devout member, hav-
ing taken a helpful interest in all
church work and e.pecielly In the
choir. The finest tributes were many
and very pretty. Much sympathy is
extended to Mr. and Mrs. Mnrrsy in
the death of the fifth end last Alin
viving member of their family.
Repeat it :-"Sfilloh'. Cnre will al-
ways mire my coughs and -olds.'
The tenable with the man whn
thinks that be knows it all la that he
invariably toile a Web seam
MmrnAT, Jaa'1Trtr
Quite a number from this neighbor -
toed attended the Scottish concert in
Wingham on Friday night, and were
pretty well satisfied with the pro-
John Chamney, jr., has moved his
chopping outfit to the old blacksmith
shop at Donnybrook and will attend
to the needs of the fernier in this
particular on Friday and Saturday of
each week.
C. O. F. Oaterglt Screme.--The an-
nual oyster supper given by Court
Donnybrook, No. 652, C. O. F., was
held in Thursday night at Robert
Henry's. Marnoch. After partaking
of an excellent dinner. the evening
WWI spent in games and amusements,
and all present report a good time.
The members of this flourishing Court
are to he congratulated on the success
of their supper. JI
Erwonrit LKAOug 01 leaner.-At1
the meeting of the Krpwoi . League
of the Donnybrook church lest Tues-
day evening, the following officers
were elected for this year : President.
Mise L. Campbell ; secretary, Miss
Clara Craig ; treasurer, Miss Annie
Naylor ; organist, Miss Annie Naylor.
A meeting of the new executive is
called for this evening at the home of
%Vm. Campbell to arrange the topics
for the year.
WRnstornaY. Jan. 13th,
The death of John Murdoch oc-
curred on Monday. January 11th. at
the residence of his daughter. Mrs. R.
C. McGowan, in this township. The
intsmeut will take place at Green
Hill cemetery, Lucknow, on the 14th
inat. A further reference will he
uuude in these columns nett week.
InOCuMIon of Seed.
TheOntario Agricultural College has
to Devon Lulirtln
from the bacterio-
logicallaborntory. giving the results
of work on the inoculation c.f Need
with baeteria to increase the chance*,
of the crop. 'This work has hren in
progress since 11103, and hoe increased
in amount ench year. It has been
known for many years that the nod-
ules or tubercles on the root. of alf-
alfa, clovers, peas. Is'anN, etc., are
inhabited . by bacteria that have the
power of taking nitrogen from the
vast amount in the atmosphere. and
storing up this yaliable fertilizing ele-
ment in the plants. thus enriching the
snit when three plants ars ploughed
under. In the college laboratory
these bacteria are cultivated under
artificial conditions, their full power
of nitrogen accumulation being con-
served, and three cultures. as they are
called, ',ley he applied to the seal to
be -sown. On ,td -established fields
where clover or alfalfa has been pro-
Tt',snAY. Jan. 12tb2
anniversary Nervines In connection
with Knox church. Auburn. will be
held on Mnndsy, Jannary 24th, when
Rev. N. D. Mckinnon. 13. A., of Mil -
Triton. will preach el loth the 11
a. m. and 7 p. tax. services. On the
following Mindsy evening. Januar
25th. a nipper and entertainment January
be given. Napper will 1.e served from
310 p. en. tog p. in., with the wolfram
to enmmenrr at s o'clock. Thr pro-
gram will a.nslet of ehnrt address's,
readings, chirnsea, quartet .les and
dune, and will le taken part in 1.v
Rev. Messrs. Chsrlesworlh. H"rlley,
Jones, Snell. Leckie and the Presby-
terian ehnir, Wingham, and taste
quartette, of R inehaur. Adml.nlin
9flr. and tic for children under thirteen
Repeat it • "Shiloh's Cure will el.
ways -urs my ,Hugh* and colds."
Probably more men wrnuld go to
church nn (hinder if they had ti
tweak In through • Nide door.
Poor Stuff Comas Easy.
. Lague. _during a country
t%lt, wits asked how many sermon, e
preacher could prepare in e. week.
Smiling, Cardinal Logue answered:
"if the preacher isle man of extra-
ordinary ability, he can prepare pne
sermon ; if a man of average abil-
ity, two; if a blockhead, ten or
"After taking three
bottles of your wonderful
medicine, our baby was
entirely well and needed
no more medicine. At six-
teen months of age she
weighed thirty pounds.
She had cried eight months.
night and day, and nothing
did her good until we tried
Scott's Emulsion."—MRS.
E. C. SMITH, Villa Rica,
probably saved this child's
life. Four doctors had been
tried. Scan's EMULSION
seemed to he just the thing
needed, and it is just the
thing needed by thousands
of other children. It's so
easily digested, so pure and
haitnless, yet must powerful
in bu:ldir.g up the most deli-
cate child or adult. But be
sure to get Scarp': EMIULx'ON,
there are so many worthless
and harmful imitations.
,Mall dory of Rea B,.Nh'e tetter are
wear puss-, of ..i,, l is r netu ro. tneetber
witk ern. ,,f our r.Innhin Ilt.rM.rn n-
gerdles cblldnn. wltl lino foe, .en• re-
eelpi of r,wr addraa •oeuo.,.a tile
Ifs Weliesisee A., W. Terve.*
Breaks up a cold at the start.
At the first sneeze or chill, take Campho-Quinlne.
Cures in 24 hours. At your dealer's— 25c.
:;oo New Spring Suits, the largest stock in Goderich.
.111 the latest goods. Call early and
,get the best choice.
Art Tailors and Clothiers
New Year Gifts
We pride ourselves . •1 our fine display of New YeGift'.
and we hear many Hatt. -ng remarks on theyen excellenceorquatity
and also the large rani of articles to choose from.
Before purchasing, to sure you come here first and sea our
goods, and we are sure we can suit the most critical.
We also carry a large assortment of
New Year Post Cards.
Butland's Drug Store
The Square Goderich
holiday Goods
If you ask, you can have a package of
seed of this nurelinua Russian Giant
Lettnce included ahanl ntrly free with mit
new handsomely Illustrated 1909 Cata-
logue. Thin lettuce ia nearly as large and
. olid as • cabbage. Stonds hot weather
. nrprisingly well, and hese rich, hnttrry
flavor. if yin prefer, yon may (*borne a
psrkage of mfr Cnlo.aal White $offs
Beet ora package of Ostrich Feather Aster
Write erJav sed aims ret wSale., abs
e ms else rem id this war.
Seeds r this rar..M grilse dins Leases b & Hwnte r geed Ce . l aerated
are gives WOW fres lasoioa. O*L
Perfur- : es, Hair Brushes,
Mirrors, Manicure Sets,
Fine Pipes in Cases, Presentation Packages of
Cigars, Cigar Cases, Tobacco Pouches, etc.
• MO OM.
1 The New Years Season
is nesii'ing us again, and the question that
season is
presents itself to every person at this
What Shall I Get and
Where, Shall 1 Go
To Look for Good
and Useful ....
Household Requisits?
We have a large and well assorted stock
of suitable goods for presents and we are
only too pleased to show them to you. We
might suggest a few out of our large stock:
English decorated Granite -ware, at greatly
reduced prices,
Carving Sets in cases,
Carving Sets out of cases,
Rodgers 1847 Knives,_ -Forks and Spoons,
Rodgers 1847 Sundries,
Pocket Knives in all sizes and styles,
Scissors, in cases or separate,
Safety Razors,
Hockey Skates, all sizes and prices,
Hockey Sticks,
Shot Guns and Rifles,
Bissell Carpet Sweepers, a variety of styles,
Library and Hall Lamps.
For the preparation of ('hristmas
Puddings, Cakes, Nlitice Meat., etc, we
have Raisin Seeders, Vegetable Slicers,
Meat ('utters, etc. With these the slow,
tedious work is done quickly and made a
API Illseser
We have added another naw br anch to
out well-equipped Plumbing, Tins mit hing
and Steam -fining shop; it is the welding
of Cast -Iron, Steel, Cast -Iron to Steel or
Cast -Iron to Brass, by a new process,
Weldarine, and we guarantee it as strong
as it was before the break.
Do not throw away your broken castings,
hring thein in and have them repaired.
I Blore 'phone 22
House Phone 11 J