HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1909-1-14, Page 2!� Tn0al Aa, January 14, 1909 THE SIGNAL : GODEItICH. ONTARIO QUUICKII H. UNTARIO.1 PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY ar IVANATTLR t RUBLRTSION Telephs•aCall N•.ad. Tene er crlpti. it' swMM Mao per amu G aliveness Utz menthe, sib : threw m" rtjir, loo. Ts United States subs :ober.. p.30 a year t.lr'totly in advance,. athearIbees who tall to Marra Toa SIGNAL regularly by cull will wafer a favor by ac- quainting us of the tact at as early a data rs =Whim • change of address le desired. both We Ma and the new address.boald be given. Advertising Rated: salad other dinilar adven.t.etuent+., nn Ser Una tor tint insertion and 4c per lite for e ach subrega.at tnirnion. Honoured by a nonpareil rode, twelve line.. to an inch. Baetarad cards adz liner and under. M per yearAdvertisement., of Lost. Found. Strayed. Sit• nations Vacant Situation. Wanted. House..tor Sae or to Rent, Farms for Sale or to Hent. Artbtr for Sale, etc.. nes etoordletg eight line. OOc each larertiou ; for area month. fos for each subsequent month. Larger dvertL.e- seenta in proportion. 1IAnnpgpe.ments in ordinary reading type ten cent.. per lloe. No notice less than Mc. Any special notice, the object of which M tha peounlary benefit of any individual or a.wtci- W an, to be considered an drertt+eneent erd to be charged aorordingly. Rates tor display and contract dverLl.e- meeta will be given on application. Add a all communications to YANAITLR it RI.HKHTSUN, Txs 81ONa1. (ia..erfcb. Out YODLRICH. THURSDAY. JAN. 11. teak riotic" grounds, that Superintendent Heath hal. had anything to do with it ; for the "approved school" and other fad* for which Mr. Seeth in the sponsor are a slavish imitation of United States method*. is it possible that Sir James Whitney with his new title has been inoculated withflunkey- ism and has joined the ratlike of thuee who sneeze when my lord takes snuff? Their are rove things in which we Wight well copy British methods There are other things in which the United States leads and we eboult follow. We have come things of tau adieu origin which are an improve utent upon eiutiler thing* in either Hrittin or the United States. Our awn should be to adopt the best wher- ever we find it and make it our own The "or" spelling is Canadian by establiehed custom and will continue ie general use, in spite of theareliaists of the Department of Educatiuu. The in'ident leads once more to the conclusion that the educational an tlioritiee of Ontario are a set of invet erste tr*Leglere. iia - EDITORIAL NOTES. .,'.a Let us make this s recoil year for eloderieh. Ontario to Mir lames Wh;tuey—If u _put •'u" in we'll put u out. Are we to have a new market SENATE REFORM. building this year, or a new town hall. or both, or neith. r? A "Lilo•' al of the 'old echool" pre - poses reform of the Senate by giving the Opposition the right to nominate • certain proportion of the menthes*. —1Co legislative action wutild hr. -- miry to give effect to such e. reform. how that the Senate, has a large majority in accord with the Govern- ment it would be only fair and right to give a proportion of the new ap- ' pointments to Conservatives. The G overnment might itself choose such appointees or it might ask the leader of the Opposition to nominate them. It is as great a scandal to have the Senate overwhelmingly Liberal se it was in the old Conservative days to have it overwbelmingly Tory. But the beet reform of tits Senate would be to put an end to it entirely. it in melees now, and if it were made elec- tive and put in a position to quarrel with the Commons it would be worse than useless. The Parliament of Canada is net so radical that it requires a check ; on the contrary. Canadian legislators are probably as conservative a body as mold be found in any parliament any- where. 1f it should be found that our legislators, without the Senate to keep them in bounds, were develop- ing erratic tendencies, -the reTerendum principle might be adopted in order to give the people an opportunity of pro- nouncine directly upon their actions. This would be infinitely preferable to Um double -chamber system, which would inevitably tend to the paralysis of Parliament. This attempt ro thrust a useless "u" upon an unveil ing people show* that the Ontario educational authorities e sillier even jha u•e thought they. were. 1'heetertbguake in Sicily has caused a scarcity in the supply of lemons. This will be good news to defeated candidates, rejected suitor's and sev- eral other kinds of mtsflN. i,'lite "OUR" OR "OR." The battle of the "u" is still raging at Toronto, with echoes throughout the Province, and The Globe especial- ly seems to be thoroughly angry over the proposal to restore the ancient way of spelling words with the "or" termination. But there is little rea- son for any display of temper over the proposal. The "or" 'termination is established id Canada, and all that the Department of Education -can do br ro give the teachers and pupils of the public schools • little extra trouble in teaching and learning it method of spelling which will be observed prac- tically nowhere but in the eehool room. There is absolutely nu good reason for restoring the "u" u, ch woods as honor, favor. harbor, lor, etc. Those who talk about the "q • Latin roots" evidently do nut kno that the Isatin toot did not con- tain ,a a "u," whieh was inie'rtetl in the pr , of t.ranemiesio n through French a to English. Many of the words wb h it is proposed to change did not co e from the Latin at all. For instance, if we are to ohserye "old" things i, spelling quite as *peel - a claim can be es . hli,hed for "neigh- bors" or "nighb . " am for "neigh. hour," in piece of t Canadian form, "neighbor.' —_ — 4.asipampteaf what. to if we started to fasbionel spelling, here Spenser's verse flee when she mita upon therm s: ie ,0 aeemely stent :1 • Yclad in Scarlot, lite a mayden •fn And ermine. white Uppoono her head a Cremosin coronet With t)amaake rose. and Isere,/ allies set : Hay leaves between,. And primroses, green.. Embellish the sweets Violet. Two or three centfn'ies before Spenser this is the way English wan written : Ichot a horde in Doors hryht, That fully semly Is on syht. Menskfsl marten of mint : Fear and oro to fonde In al this warhltche non A burde of bled ant of hon, Never yete y nurse no„ Loeaomon. In kwdv.' Icon northerne wynd ! - ' - Send thou me my snedyng' Mon northerne *rod : Won, pilon. Mon,. Probably eves the advocator; of the "on" spelling will admit that it is Impossible to educate the school chil- dren of the present day to spell's. their forefathers Of the fourteenth century did, and of what use is it to g o hack half-a-oentury t.. •'ou" if we cannot go back the whole way ? The argument that we should rein- troduce the "nn because that is the method 01 spelling in kngland is equally futile. No one considers 1t tstepntriotic that we count our money In dollars and eenta inatead of In ponds, shillings and pence, and no sae would seriously ask as to revert to the old enowstary system. indeed. It is nlmnst Impossible to believe, if tin 'tin" spelling Is propound on "pat - The .awe of the Deputy Minister of Education is Colguhottn. There is a rumor that the 'aii ' edict is a long- headed move on his part to divert the spelling reformers from an expected attack on his name. In the meantime, let every wan exercise his own right of heel option. If he can figure out that drinking costs Money, and does not help him in his days* work, the law allows him to cut it out without asking the con- sent of the neighbors. • Judging from tip nip -id' *filch President Rooeeveft is being lam- Poosed by many United States papers, it it a good thing for all con- eerned that the Roosevelt term is drawing to a close. There are many 'cations -that the -President -hoc lost ground rapidly in popular esteem dur- ing the last year or two. Already the vandal■ are raising their voices against the arrangement between Canada and the United States to limit the power develop- ment. et Niagara. The agreement should have the hearty support of every inhabitant of either country who does not believe in sacrificing everything to materialism. The Guelph Mercury declares that the people of Canada will not con- senTTiu giving theTntercoloniil Rail- way away to any private company. "if the Laurier Governmentdesires to commit suicide." rays The Mer • cury, "the Minister of Railway@ can easily furnish the weapon ; all he hart to do is to propose to hand the main line of the intercolonial over to Mac- kenzie and Madn. t-----... The Board of Trade, or the town council, or the hotel -keeper. - Oats tsody or other, or perh ops .. one bined — should be think, • ; Jana for attracting a nig summer visitor trade to Goderich this year. If we want to keep our town in the snrnme resort (Iris, we should arguaint the outaide world with our advantages, and not depend upon tourists to st hie aces , toy aeccicieul. Now is the time to get busy. The Dominion railway eo salon has given further evidence of its re- gent for the public rights in mitering the cancellation of the new schedule of rates issded by the express compan- itv: which went into effect on January 1st. The old totes in force prior leo this date are restored. CLi •' Cotn- mis.inr.e. Mal... in ,Tari -a•- 4468 order stated that the corn i , n s ap- ,t-otat of the new erbedul,• had been given tinder a misconception as to the real effect of the changes raked for by tow express companies. It had wince been matte evident that the new class- ification involved serious changes and general increases, and the commission considered it its plain duty to recall he order of ispprbval bene) under • seoneeption and to.pestor•- the old mediately the bugaboo la raised in! NIAGARA POWER. Great Britain, by journals trying to' -- scare the British people into protec- Intsreatiooal Agr.sment to Lame Pro' Gun, that Canada's entering into a_-, deetioa--News from the capita reciprocity treaty with the United Ottawa, Jan. 11. —The (iovernweutn States would mean annexation. If of Canada and the united suttee have Canadian hietocy is any guide, the come to an agreement in regard to reverse is the truth. When the old the restrictiqu of power developineul reciprocity treaty between the-tlntted; bhac'°ie beauty vuf the tap IlrtYtAttrltC States and Canada was in the making, internati I commies' appointed annexation sentiment was strong in in took had wade a thorough study of Canada. Twelve years later the the problem, and ora result of inegoti- treaty was etuled because of alleged atiun. between the tivo lioverwuents ill-teblin on the ut tfauirttsns Boring the 1,Yet year an agreement to RPart fluid—the- use of Niagara water for towards the United 1. ,1 Stater, (lanada sower purposes hxs now bees reached. fairnee&s, and while it has strong views it never berates those whore views are different. When it cornea to news -gathering The Star can generally be depended upon to lead the way in enterprise. That it does not epare expense in *tow- ing its readers was illustrated many times during the year, a notable illus- tration being uu the '.wcaelon of the Olympic games, when it sent a mem- ber of its staff from Toronto to Eng land to cover thew specially by cable and letter for The Star. The Star nut telly gels the beast news but it dres'ws it; up *o es 10 is no more in danger of annexation �t it understood that, by the treaty, on through clover trade r'latiuus with ; the American side, in a ddition to the w/NTE ten thousand feet of water taken by j� / fr Lb.. I'nit.e d Stater than a Presbyterian the Uhiclagu drainage cunni, the power farmer is of charging his religion bi- companies will be permitted to take cause he sells his eggs to a Baptist 'd;,IMtI cubic fete of water per 'secxmol. merchant in town. 2.113,000 will allow a dvteluputent of 5• riti,UW horsepower. On the Canadian A True Man. The man of life upright. %'here guileless heart la free From all dishonest deed.. Or thought of t ardoy ride the diversion of the water for power purp'rses is limited to :11,91) cubic feet of water per second. allow- ing a development of 425,9M1 horse- power. The total diversion of water at Niagara Falls is therefore restricted to i1d,00i cubic teet per second. and Thallem has silent laws 4i the power which can he developed In haruilwr joy are spent, V rola it is 601,00U horsepower: Whom hopes can not d.ld. ' The treatyo will ruu for a limited Nor sorrow discontent : a 't term of years. The period is uuder- sto d to be long enough W allow of a demonstration of the effectiveness of the neoposed 1' 'tattoo. It is subject to th't, approval of the United States Senate and the Canadian Parliament, be•for' whieh it will be laid at the opening of the *emotion this month. If approved by the Senate and by Parlia- ment the two eountries will nacho • joint comwisriun to see that the terms of the treaty are adhered to by the power companies of both coun- tries. That mom ueade neither towers ss Nor armor for detanoe. t� Nor secret vault. to Ili From thunder. violence' He only 'tau behold With unarrtI ht.d.ye.. The horrors of the deep And terrors of the skier. Thus scorning all the can.. That fate or fortune brings, He makes the heaven his Maki_ His wiodout heavenly thing,.: good thought. his only friends. His wealth a well -.pent Age, ' The earth his sober Ian And quiet pilgrimage. -Thour,s Campion. FROM OUR CONTEMPORARIES. Alter the Local Option Contest. N-oodatock "eotinel-Review. Isn't it a pleasant relief to get the din of Owen Sound out of your ears ? A Habit That Sticks. Woodstock Sentinel -Review. The encouraging thing is that afiei a man hag been converted to the open window he seldom relapses. He tries the open window as an experiment. In time it becomes a luxury, and event- ually a necessity. Cure for Late Shotthing. Galt Reformer. Peterboro' drygoods merchants will close at IU o'clock Saturday nights in future. Why shouldn't all other stores do the sane ? late Saturday shoppingis a habit which'ORMbe cured by firmness on the part of busi• DNS men. A Coettaiies, Toronto News. For any Canadian citizen. or any Canadian newspaper. to object to the selerr lon of a Franca-Cawadtim 101' the Sperkersbip- of the House of Com- mons, or any other public office, would be intolerable perversity and intoler- able stupidity. Getting on the Water Wagon. ttoelph Mercury. The temperance element is slowly but surely driving in' the outposts• with every prospect of limiting the liquor tragic to its strongholds—the cities of Ontario. Even in some of the cities, there is a tendency to fall ie line, as evidenced in Toronto and Brantford. The water wagon is be- coming a popular conveyance with Old Man Ontario. Th Toronto Noir, discussing the local . 'lion uw.vement in Ontario, Nero : "The in fact that the movement is not ow ing over the country like • prairie fire Mit is progressing with the itr'.,atihl titre of n stream of molton lava, is videne•e of the depth and Strength of he forces behind It. How far the nio lent will go de- pends on the lion r iutereet itself. if that interest ahL -due regard f. r puhlic sentiment ; if the liceroae law is slrirtl observed ; if (h to refusal to self drink to those w indulge to excess., the complete snob on of the har may he delayed. On a other hand, if there is continued use of the privilege conferred by a nee, the decree for abolition may dome with a rush. The liquor interestw111 he its own worst enemy if It depenfie on the recently arrived element td sltlatain it in a course which the over- whelming majority of the people of Ontario have determined shall not be continued." The Chamber a Ootnmerce of New York State bee declared in favor of reciprocity with Canada, and im• Marvellous. Louisville t wirier Journal We passed in the course of an' hour two dead cows and more than fifty dead chickens. A strong smell of gasoline pervaded the atmosphere, and there wen• wheel tracks in the dust. Sherlock Holmes became greatly interested. "Watson," exclaimed he, after deep thought, "there has been an automo- bile along here." Make the Intaeolooial Pay. Toronto Star. Before the Minister of Railways even begins to censider the questilm of surrendering the lotercolonial, he should see whether he cannot make the railway pay by the chief means that would be adopted try a private company --namely, by ioer•easirg its business, and especially its freight business.... It nutria not to take the Minister of Railways and the Govern- ment long to choose he) ween a et tong, aggressive, popular• and t r u l y national policy of this kind, and a weak policy of surrender of letting the Intercoleniial slide into the hands of a private company. If the latter choice were Londe, the Government would have the mon ifl.'ation of seeing the Imter•colonial made to pay by ex- actly the same means as wand have been adopted by itself. Newspapers Must Be Fair. Walkertm Tele•ioope. - lu the .'seem local option tight in Owen Sound. the anti-optionists got out a couple of advertisements setting forth their side of the story, and rent them broadcast over the Province. In looking through our exchanger., we fail lo find the ad. in many of them. There is a reason .or thin and the newt- on is, that local sentiment against the liquor traffic seems to be strong enough to intimidate the new.pape men. On 1 he other hand we find not only this advertisement in The (rli"bre. but a number of other advertisements emanating from the liquor party. Now, The Globe is an avowed temper- ance advocate, and its' editor, the Rev. J. A. Macdonald, takes the plat- form in behalf the temperance i•*u.... Tet' ante people are unreasonable. The , not seem to appitrist.e the true function of a newspaper, and will hot hesitate to boycott a paper that pnbtiahe* anything M opposition to tbe temperance cause, whether it. is a paid advertlsent-ant or otherwise. The Globe. however, is too big an in- stitution to he affected by a little un- reasonable opposition and can affort to go on in the even tenor of ire wav, regardless of who Is pleased or who isn't. But we repeat again that the personal views of the publisher should not bar the publication of paid adver- tising matter. Nay I AnywaySyr never bad necaeion to worry Aam by asking two or three ilmee a day if she wax the only "Omen he ever loved.--Chln,tgo Newa. It :—"Sbilob's Core will al- ways el my eemghs and (olds." Some ' ' •• it superiority every N .....0 temptation. R TERM OPENS JANUARY 4th lire Yong Ptak manual by our mauapcnont titan' any other lu colours. lireat demand for our graduate+ a, liu.ine•n l'olhye Teacher,. Pro, alp s.cretei leu. nasus A.riet rets. Mr. The ,Ynt.o,tln.ent of the unos uNxpert, Modem t�y.temaknown In lh.uue.,s SeIeuee. We nevus none Mon. Three I,epartments. manned be ■kllh,l intrnc o COMMERCIAL, STENOGRAPHY, TELEGRAPHY. Mall Comas. in all Businessl'ullltge and Hiirb School .objects. Goderich y Business College 1 GEO. SPOTTON, - PRINCIPAL 1 W. ACHESON di SON January Clearance Sales In all parts of our Store.,, tt(�i e A cooepkts list of the reductions in force would take a very great space, but these repnoentative values will give you seme idea of oke savings that stiftlittitiWNP1.4"14 RemarkableSale of Dress Goods. Several hundred ends of from two to six yards of higheet•elas. Dress Materials, wool and silk and wool and I dress tweed., being haleness left of all this season's beet nuterials, ccs were from 60c to 1112.80 a yawl. clearing now at 20c to 60c a y Wash Goods Sale (0) yards ;)2 -inches -wide English Prints and 01ogbawl, colon warranted. light and dark colors. navye,lilacs. butcher blues, t'egular 124e a yard, Saturday only on sale at pa yard,.. OC PIsPiteriWileesetere Reductions on Ladies Coats _Reg. 11 bale Ladisl Astrachan Lamb Coats, a.00 4 ca .;iJa•�. ter >jae.ea 13.00 7.00 Ladis. AWacbaa Lamb Cents. s8 ess ram $35.00 and ;40 00, for atom. Fancy Tweed Coats, Fancy Tweed Coats. Black Beaver Coats, Black Beaver Coats, Reductions on all Furs, Boas, Scarfs, Mpffs, 20 to 50 per cent. Reductions on I fen's Fur Coutts. and largest choice in the county. Men's Black Galloway Cell Coats, flet quality and with Astrachan Lamb culla, $3&.), poi t:N.0 0, • Mon'* Brown Womt at Coats, 1l0.Oe, -for *20.00, Nen'. Black Dog Coats, ,110.00. for 1114 00, AMen'. R nurn Iiae. Coate,.- Men iW+-$35.00.- Men's Coon Coats, ,110,00, for 6415.00. WINTER TERM OPENS JAN. 4th Auctioneer Geo. tteckett. Mr. Beckett is opening an auction house .00-. Hamilton 'tenet_ which should he en advantage to the citi- zens of Goderich and surrounding community. Hiaopextiagsea&arks on the subject will be at 2 o'clock Satur- day, just before the sale. SICK ALL WINTER..- - _ Suffered from Bad Stomach and Severe Cough—Doctored Without Benefit- - Vermont Man Was Finally Restored to Health by Vino!. "About a year ago 1 began to run down in health, lost appetite and flesh and suffered front indigestion. All the winter l had a severe cough. I doctored without any benefit, and finally any druggist suggested that I try %'loot. I did so and soon began to feel better. My stomach grew stronger. my food no longer distressed me. say cough disappeared, 1 begant gain in flesh and soon felt Ilk-• .& GTSATFORD..-Ort+.' 'Ihi....•.boorls one of -the largest In the. Rovinow It is noted her the ihormeghnese of M. work. and the .ua,.r of its stodentw Three depart rn"nt COMMERCIAL SHORTHAND TELEGRAPHY Our graduate. arc In de: nen '1, 11di college teachers ;t, well a- oete ' pt.. (:et our niegnin int ental.•tiw 1 see. ELLIOTT & McLACHLAN, Principals. What it costs, and the results A Kennedy School educa- tion does not cost mach—$to.00 a mouth (less for cash o0 longer terms). Any graduate will earn from $5oo to $!,coo • year. We find the position. Send for booklets. They' tell the wbole story. The Ke ',, ,.y School 1 Adel "pronto. new man. l did not believe that,-. _- remedy could make such it change a person." Edw. H. Wooster, Ru - land. VI.. N'iuol contain, tonic iron and all of the medicinal hodv-building ele- ments of cod liver oil, doe,. not taste of the oil and is everywhere recog- nized as the greatest body-builder and strength -creator known for feeble old people, delicate children, weak. run- down persons. after sickness and for chronic colds. harking cough and bronchitis. Ttv it. If it doe's no good your. money will Ire returned on dethand. That's your guarantee, but we know d will benefit any such case. H. C. itunlop, Druggist, Goderich. Toronto Dally Star Now in First Place. ' 1 Winter Session 'Opens January Oh in all depart- inents of the CENTRAL BUSI- 'NESS COLLEGE. Yonge and Gerrard Streets, Toronto. Our Catalogue explains our superiority in Equipment, Staff, Methods and Results. You are invited to write for it if interested in the kind of school work which brings best success. Address W. H. SHAW, ' President. kin Au epoch in Ontario newspaper dewas - telnpment has been recorded (luring 1t Inter Tenn Open. Jan. 1th. the last year when 'Phe Toronto Daily .rrai.ge now to intend the tame•.+ N(:u• jumped into fh•,t place in circula- tion, thus furnishwg soother climax to ,t record of {moth that quiteii, tT-' Inn aIleled in C,Inidia,, ionrnaivrn. 11 is only nine yeais siren the present intotegement eweu•oel coil cul. At that time the impel. hod a daily circul- ation of around .;,pal: foi the year IIOPi itoverageil well over 56,0110 ropier a d ty. That the growth is still going on, and going on rapidly, is shown by the f:tct that the increase of 1(518 .,ter 11107 was over t4,leet .•opies daily. 1tlxdilsriaL.A(dis goonsa reputation for sanity and ELLIOTT 1i1% r111 W. ACHESON & SON 1 1 1 MEND •a' e)rWIMMIWM Walter C. Pridham Specials for the week in CLOTHING AND FURNISHINGS I aur vety anxious to reduce my stock to (he lowest possible notch before Stock -taking, so down go the prices, &way down to snake a complete clearance in many lines. ' Read our specials ; it means bigeastwgs of money i,rt a ' Men's Furnishings 3 pairs of FINE CASHMERE SOCKS sec and 35c NECKWEAR for 1.0o and 61.35 SHIRTS r.00 NECKSCARFS BOYS' BLACK WORSTED STOCKINGS . . oradc WINTERC.APS, minimaoo WINTER CAPS, small ass. FANCY VESTS, rereads: $3.00 and $3.5e, for:,.. -. Clothing rr naso to 0o FANCY OVERCOATS.. •" a" 0o BLACK OVERCOATS ra.00 BLACK OVERCOATS DARK GREY HOMESPUN PANTS, Flaneeleiee lased, regular OVERCOATS. regular oo, for ..U11 111141 .60 MEN'S .. 87.76 I MEN'S S.oe TWEED SUITS terrano and Slam TWEED SUITS W...86,60 .1/6:60 •9.00 13.310forVS' make its pages bright *nd attractive. Itis a fire" believer in the value of striking pictures. Three are come of the masons why The Star is now auprette- in its fletd. One of the latest feet.rr-es of the paper haw been a series of articles on combines. whieh has Leen :attracting very wide attend..... Theo' articles are being quid e1 and eommr'tited on everywhe•, e, and one• rtArw,rllwr wrote the other day to may that one of the article.. alone was worth Ids whole year's sub+ct•intion. Good Advice. Don't cat breakfast food at supper. Never pick up • razor by the blade. ih. not get pneumonia. Avoid arguments with bigger men. Never go to sleep on a railway Leask. Kat plenty of .bread, meso, vege- tables, etc. Keep healthy, Avoid dying. ti.6111=1111.111111 1 What the Secretary Liked. A well-known Washington editor was walking in front of a leading hotel recently when Secretary Luke Wright hailed hitt for a chat "Ily the way, Blank." said the Secretary, "I saw several mighty good things in your paper, yeeter- -I in glad jou liked them." said obs editor, beantiuga with satisfaction. It always helps ale editor to Cod out• what bis readers oke. What were the articles you liked ? " "The article..." mid the Secretary earnestly"were three tat mind•-piase wrapped utp in your ?estarday's thane." —Lippincott's. • Not Arno. "Are you in bonitos for yourself now ?" WeU, not exerty for myself. There'. my wife annine cblldreo bee rtnotber and the urea and hired Angeles l pews. • TH15 reu'Htx,l: 'rANlxl TODAYtt'1'ruul'T A -1 1':RIos IN THS: DOMINION. Neatly all colleges IL.AIM to he the bestbolt chaining,* ening,* be so DOE' NOT MAK S: TIIFM SO. Get our Catalogue. head it from cover to rover. i'ee for yonrerlt what this eallege is doing. arid the advantage. It offer. W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal. V tads- amt-Ahissiwkas-11w- i ALMA LADIES COLLEGE, St. Thomas, Ontario $200 Pays all eharges for regular course including Latin, Freneb, German, Science, i'ianoforte, Thawing, with board, room laundry and library for one year. eI50,000 endowment, hence first-class advantages at very reasonable rate.. Fes Glebes., ..ides 3 'The Rerr'ear." Separate apartment for • younger pupils. DON'T GO TO BUSINESS FREE COLLEGE oleo, toipvg MIMES BOOK MUFFLERS at Fost. rR ( OVERSHOES Tem is mere add weeller casing. Be papered ter it with s pair eta ear warm, glad -weer - lag 6. M. ELLIOTT, The Squate Ooderlch