HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1909-1-7, Page 8t„at 6 TssisDaT, Jaaaa 7, 1105 -7 'Totat :31 - . 443 iii 1604 .:ltll FOR REEVE. 3 4 79 60 112 71 67 63 FOR DEPUTY REEVE. r•1%r 1 2 3 4 5 GG. M. Elliott....82 66 tB 74 42 76 Sel 09 71 57 Majority for Reid POR COI;NCILLORS. 1 2 3 4 5 6 45 64 48 36 42 79 ti3 67 41 60 37 49 911 102 ei - 86 73 118 95 70 84 08 61 110 Ili 81 76 78 ii:: 76 T3 71 tib e7 37 09 108 102 85 97 el 92 06 ti3 ' 99 98 78. 96 P014 SCHOOL THUSTEE. ST. PATRICK'S WARD. 80 a,. tbi . 7 46 38 79 57 38 84 46 52 Total 361 326 839 561 5IK3 419 688 61l raised in other municipalities), coupled with the perfect opposition organiza- tion, were sufficient to account for his defeat. He had always had the best interests of the township at heart and he his eorcoss.rr.!khir. Sturdy, and wished him • sucees.tul year at the board. "If needed at any time," said Mr. Salkeld, "I shall likely be found 'engaged in the 'agri- cultural procession one mile ;south of ticalerich-" Samuel Sturdy, the Reeve -elect, gave a neat speech. thanking the electors and promising to do all in his power to promote the welfare of,,the township. He and the ex•Reeve were on the most friendly term& and there was no reason why they should not be w. Some of the councillors also smoke— end w began another year ib the Municipal history of Goderich town- ship. Majority for Blair Butlaad Sturdy Majority for Sturdy BY-LAWS. LOCAL OPTION. 1 2 3 4 6' For .,.. 11k3 85 92 104 62 � _ Against tr2 • 8:3 .til, 57 48 Ne. of favorable votes uTrrel iiT?' Bylaw No. of favorable votes polled.TE TO ABOLISH RAR AND LI HT CONNISIION. 1 2 3 \4 5 6 For 50 4)6 53 4y 47 66 Against .... 1011 90 86 05\ 03 98 Bylaw defeated by majority of :,.,.. \ $11,050 2 BLNTtTREe 3 4 LAW. Por 50 67 40 65: Against 52 35 96 31) 4411\ Bylaw carried by majority of COLBORNE. i,a`L #•... 1"$.� h.,"!'a'& '- FOR REEVE. Benmiller. Saltford. 1 2 MOEWAB 60 79 Ji Yernighan 80 20 iY Majority for McEwan MOR COCNCILLOR8. 8'2 42 4 3r' •;0 51 18 TUOKERSMITH. Reeve—Robt. McKay (by acclama- tion). • Councillors -Joseph Atkinson, Kobt. D. Bell. Herbert Crich, Daniel Mc- Naughton. FARMERS' INSTI- TUTE MEETINGS. -- Winter CampaignOpenlag at Kintil and Auburneti zt Week. Meetings under the auspices of the West Hurop Farmers' Institute will 5 F#"i Total be hekl at Kintail un Monday Jan- uary lltb, and Auburn on Tuesday, 41 $i 41 January 12th. There will be two ees- e?hrsn. I17 ,� ,ions at each place, in the afternoon � l N eta at 2 o'clock and in the evening at 7:3). Besides local speakers, A. Groh, of aar�k� • Preston, and Miss Susie Campbell, of Brampton. will assist in these meet - Tu I togs. Mr. Grob will give an address 41 413 at each session. and Miss Campbell, io addition to addressin}T the even- ing meetings, will conduct a meet- ing for ladies only at each place in the afternoon. Supplementary meetings of the In- stitute are announced as follows : Londesboro—Saturday, February 13 ; Holineeville—Monday, " 15 ; Carlow—Tuesdayy, •• 18: St. Augustine—Wednesday. •• i 17 Dungannon—Thursday, "+ 18 ; St. Helens—Fridav, 11. !cs. 7 Total 962 596 To, ai . 36t 273 91 Carlow. • 3 87 73 McMatrne 56 Darrow - 47 =t Mos36 Yovxa .... 6 McLart, Wilson Plrst four eleet:d. Total 276 218 60 His Little Dig. Wife : '41s there any difference be- tween a fort and a fortress r Husband : "Not much, except, of course, that a fortress must be harder to silence !"—Lippincott',. No Escape. Gaston burst like r whirlwind in upon his friend Alphonse. -Will you be my witness?" he cried. "Going to fight ?" "No: going to get married. •' Alphonse, after a pans*, Inquired. "Can't you apologize P"—Exchange. Kema SAV Genuine, undoubted saving c store while this big January lines bought purposely for J - clearing lots from our own s sold out before stock -taking • n the bargain counters and tables, marked at price their value. Here are some of them. .a s 78c for $i.00 and $1.25 Black Ch This�o. e month of �. kable NCS ces all over the • is on. Special say selling, with k that must be comes, are out rery much below These silks are genuine $1.00 and $1:25 qualities, and worth every cent of these pita Silk Manufacturer carried a stock in Canada and decided to discontinue doing so. In sell from sample only. He cleared out his entire Canadian stock at a great sacrifice ; thi it. For our Janu:l ry Sale the price is 78c instead- of $1.00 and $1.25, just because he did French Chiffon To Feta Silks of extra good quality, suitable for waists, skirts, coats or good silk for as lit tie money as we ever offered you. Regular $1.00 and $1.25. ' For very special. per yard BAYCEL STIIRD?..- ......3.,.:..* . 36 66 H. L. Salkeld. .. 87 27 Majority for Sturdy -054 Joint McCLURE WH. H- LORE JOHN RATHWELL J. W. Y.o P. Cole .. - .. 29 McClure. Lobb, Rathwell and Yen elected. HU LLETT. PIJR RKPYE. °a.^P'.'...., 1 2 3 4 5 60 45 07 45 39 311 Total 331 Zi8 l <; .it t 95c for Yard -Wide Black Taffeta Silk One yard wide black taffeta silk, extra weight and finish, A 1 quality, worth at $1.50. Another January Silk Special at per yard Just about 100 yards to sell. is $1.25 to 95c 51 35 05 25 38 31 :;n • •31 26 ass 367 348 3,1 171 YON COI.• NC I LIARS. JAB. LEIPER 73 108 66 tfil 45 ? 34 34 316 ROBERT CLARK.... 92 86 37 43 31 36 55 iia) JOHN BARR 39 06 36 09, , 3:3 48 47 ' :03 JOHN TAHBLTN 91 70 18 70 2u' 50 56 ..ray John Lambert . 40 48 58 31 26 20 39 265 Samuel MCOooI 29 24 21 48 t3: 2t1 33 213 Leiper, Clark, Barr and Tamblyn elected. �.: THE COUNTY COUNCIL. Large Number of New Members in the k Remedy ,New Body. The Huron count council of 1909 will be composed as foNows : Ashfield—Thos. 8totbere. Wm. Hunter. Oolborne—H. J. A. McEww&n Goderich Township — 8mlr m e e ) 8 Stanley -Wm. Glen. Hay—Peter Lamomt. Stephen—Henry Wlllert, Wm; Ah- derson. Ueborne-Noon Moir. Tuckersmith—Robert McKay. Hullett—Hugh H. Hill. McKillop—J. M. Govenlock. Rant Wawanosb—W. J. Parka. West Wawanosh—Stephen Medd. Morris—Neil A. Taylor. Grey—Wm. Fraser, John Grant. Turnberry—David H. Moffatt. Howlck—Thos. G. Shearer. Joseph ;ts rya Hain*tock. Goderich—W. P. Gellow, Chas. A. Raid. Clinton—B. J. Gibbing, Seaforth—James Watson. • Wingbare—A. J. Irwin.. " Exeter—Thos. H. McCallum. Bengal)—Owen Geiger. Hayfield -0. M. Smith. • Blyth—W. J. Milne. Brussels—John Leckie. - .. Wroxeter—Con. Reis Of the thirty-one members no fewer than fifteen were not in last year's council, although three or four of the t fifteen were formerly members of the council at one time or another. �? The first meeting of the new coun- F cil will be held on Tuesday,January 'c 20th. It is the turn of the iberals to pfi choose the warden, and Peter Lamont, q'. Reeve of Hay, ie looked upon as per- haps the most likely mean for the poet• tion. It will be between him and r Reeve Fraser of Oreo. WEST WAWANOSH. Stephen Medd is Reeve ---Three New Councillors. There is a great change in the township eouncll of West Wawsnosh. Reeve Bailie, atter three yeses of god work for the townshipwas defeated on Monday by Stephen Medd• who was am of last year'* councillors. The only other member of the 1908 council re-elected is S a m u el Thompson. Three new men are elected as coun- eillors--JN. Aitchison, Wm. Watson and W. A. Wilson. There was a slump in Mr. Baille's vote in the Auburn division especially. T b e exact arum are not, vet at band. ELECTION NIGHT AT HotmasvILLE. ce cwNw. M rin he Elsctsr. MMr theRc*meevllle, Jan. & — Lai* night. tits etsetioo returns were to. eszrs. Seibold and Sturdy, the rivals Is the contest for the reeveship, ad- dressed the electors who bad gathered la %h. village to bear the news. Mr. Seibold. ttt he defeated esndidate, marking that he was sharing the fate of many tetter men. During hie four years in township affairs he had re- ceived splendid support, and he did not think this defeat showed that the electors had lost confidence in him. Him home poll had given hint an in- creased vote, but the complaint about high taxes and the county salaries question (which, he said was not We are all ready with a big supply of all author-' ized text books for Public Schools, Separate Schools and Collegiate Institutes, at closest prices : Scribblers, Exercise Books, Foolscap, Lead Pencils, Slate Pencils, Erasers, Pens and Ink, and the greatest Lead Pencil Sharpener ever shown, price 15c. Terms strictly cash. Geo. Porter j The Dress Goods at 37c . ,, Hundreds ofards good Drees Goods selling at :47c a yard. Plein colors and fancy weaves, mostly dark shades, suitable for almost any purpose you use Dross Goods for. Regular 50r to 75c a yard. All clearing at oneprice de for this Great January Sale and that price 37c Dress Goods at 07c. 200 or 800 yards in this lot. A gathering and plain Dress Materials that sold at 860 yard. We are. determined on a genuine cl. the Dress Goods stock before stock -taking, your rhoioe of this lot albs exceptionally low qualities considered. of per yard We Will Save You Some Money On Furs, You can save money buying furs here before dur January Sale is over. You k w the high standard of furs this store sells. Not an unworthy quality finds a place in e stock, and there is not a question about the trustworthiness of every piece of fur that is here. We have several hundred dollars locked up in furs that we would like to get c t before January is over. To do it we are prepared to quote you prices that you will t better anywhere. A splendid assortment still to choose from in both muffs and ne pieces. It you want a bargain in a good fur come and see what we will do for you. r Style, Fit and Durability Are three very important features in a Shoe. They are qualities that every Shoe in/bur immense stock gust and does possess. Every line is selected with thele endo in view, and before. being offered for sale every $hoe is carefully exam/tied, thus ensurtng perfect quality. In Felt and Felt -lined Boots and Shoes we cab supply the wants of everyone at the lowest prices. qty . TM Our Rubbers and Overshoes 'Iv are the best fitting and hest wearing goods that can be procured from the leading manufacturers. REPAIRING'"L mr THE COTTON ENDS Buy cottons for six months ahead while you can get these prices. Five and ten -yard ends direct from the British makers. Every end you buy means money sewed. Five and ten -yard lengths only. NO. I QUALITY. This is an extra plain cotton with rather a coarse thread and one that will give splendid wear. For January sale we will evil it, 5 -yard lengths for 40c and 10 -yard lengths for 80c. NO a QUALITY. This cotton is tull 36 Inches wide. Bette, grade than No. 1, a little finer. Bright. Cambric finish and is a quality suitable for any purpose, 5 and I0 -yard lengths. '5 -yard ends at 4ic. 10 -yard lengths at 90c. NEW THIS WEEK. NO. 3 QUALITY. This is an exceptionally good cotton, the weaving iv very seem, it Is frill 36 In. wide, just as good as if you paid Ile or 15c for it. 860 or 300 &yard and 10 -yard lengths to sell in January at, 5 -yard ends f,.c 55c or 10 -yard ends at $1.10. Early Spring arrivals for January selliug 1 your 8pr nj sewii4 early. Vslencience Laces, English, French and German mikes, Maltese Laces and insertions, Cluny Laces and Insertions, Black Valencience Laces and insertions, Waisting Prints, white ground with spots and stripes. eady now for�o,l if you want to get at Silk and Wool Deese Goode in light shades, Plain or Mercerized Mulls in evening shades. New Waists mode from mudins' and vesting,, very nubby. 51.60 to $5.00. L Downing 6 MacVicar TRIMMED HATS The Coats for Jan We are going to empty the at racks 1.1.•,.• January is over. Evgarment must he .,rid, for we never carry - over from one season to another. It want a good coat yourself or for your , come and see them, for we can save y.. • ...y. IOCoats at$IO Ten coats at 510.00 +piens, lacks. uavys and browns. Some sem thug and loose. 48 to 60 Inches 1 plain beaRver and51ker.*. 160 to All516 naw00, this n. Regular eyalit January special at 5 Coats $6.25 Five only black jacket.. •re made from good quality cloth th will gir • splendid wear. Regular • • is at least 5&60. Special for .2 G '•rnnary each J 25 Coats at One -Quarter pB Twenty-five only ladies' new js*eta. These are exoeptloeally bandeom ars morale, most of them being tray lens' samples bought much below sir worth. It is impoa.ibl• foe' us put them all In at one price, se for J ary Sale we have them marked at r milling prices and offer yea your c One -Quarter AT S2.48 The trimmed hats we are selling at 52.43 ate causing a OHM silos among millinery buyers. A big pur•hase of stylish shapes about six weeks ago makes this extraordinary low price possible. Values ars 54.00 to $2 ,5Q > .00. The trimmings used are first-class. 39 or 40 to choose from. All at one price, each Heavy English Flannelettes 121,c These are heavier and hotter than our regular 124c quality, and would *ell at 16c at least. We bought them direct from the maker or we would have to sell them at (.bat. Halt a dozen good patternqs in pinks, gray. and blue*. A11 stripes, 315 to 34 inches wide, greets) 12k for January *ale, per yard White Vesting i5c When a few doses of HICK'S CURE -A -COLD TABLETS would likely clean it out of your system. THEY HAVE DONE 80 In numberless caeca, WHY NOT IN YOUK8 P And 1f there is any cough, or irritation of the throat, try our SYRUP OF TAR AND WILD.CHERRY (25c per bottle) ,,....wt ..- S. E. HICK 11.E r. Central Drug Ston - Ont. White Cotton Vesting, halt a dozen new deelgne, stripes. spots and sprays. Regular 90c and 26c,�^ January •ale per yd... 1 alba. Hair Pads 15c as is the regular twice for these hair pude. Fine coil wire covered with nal human hair, light and cool. Spent.) tax January 15c Hemstitched Handk'fs, 8 for 25c as down latices' plain hemstitched handkerchiefs, }inch hem fine quality India lawn. An extes spacial for wt.. January at 8 tot.... `J Vests 35c These vests are worth 800 in the reviler way. They are part or our big purehass of "seconds" and are excep- tionally xcep-ptionally comfortable, wall• mads garments, 8 or 4 dogma only f o sal for Januar, 35c sale at each 15c towelling Ioc Damask Cloths $1.75 12 only pure Irish Linen able cloths. Each cloth is 24 )yarde long. Jimmy satin finished damask. Qual- ities that will stand no end of hard wear. Very special for Jan- us!, .ale, mach $t.73. l'''"'"'"'"11 DIRECT IMPORTERS, GODERICH ONT •