HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1909-1-7, Page 5Till,: SIGNAL GOD 14.RICH : ONTARIO
1VKUNK$1)AY, Jan. ddb.
THE MAIt(er T3.
Liverpool and Chicago Wheat Futures
Close Higher -Live Stock -
More proof that Lyd .Plttk-
ham's Vegetable Ounu
female ills.
Mrs. John t&'ott,489 G
St., Montreal, writes Al
I was very much r own iN
health from a female trou • as tide,
nervous, and very weak, suffered
from bearing down pai
did not carr. whether I h r died, I
felt so badly sometime&
"Lydia E. Pinkham'e V bleCom-
powld completely curd , t all my
troubles. ( gained in ti and am
free Irian backache, fe •• trouble,
title headaches, and nen•o tm
" I heartily reoom e . Lydil . $.
Pinkliam's Vegetable (' •und tor
all women's ailments, kn g what it
has done fur me."
fundus 011 Tuesday idteruuoo.
Capt. Ferguson ie spending t11
week in Cleveland on bIlainebs,
Miss Nettle Richards returned 01
Monday to lute btaue )2t Citpettot 11.
Cameron, if Detroit, speed flit
week. -told at his house ill the village.
('leave Et win, of London. flu
New Year vet<•atiuu at his Iluutu here
Mr. Ind 1%1rw, Andrew erta.•wu.l,
Toledo, are visiting Weeds in Ito
1141y ldill.u•, of Paris, wee Ilse gin•,t
of hie ciIIHo, Mrs. John Tough. tot n
few days last week.
Miss Matas and Mia/4 l.nttie Sterling
curers ;and Mias Flossie Mtaubury lett un Tues-
day nue ning fur Toronto.
'rrlmk Mimi Ruby 1VIiiddun left on Wed-
ursday of last week for (1int+,n,
lows. to spend a few months with her
4611'1, MI W. I Di -.l 13t•ulxtz. - .
�L. 1Yanisley, who spent pal: of
the holiday (2.2)2.08 at the manse, left
on Friday to take up his work • Nt
lfrilast•l( and neighboring towns.
For thirty yL3
ham's Vegetable
from motel and her
standard remedy fo
and haspueiti t t• ly rased
woolen who have been
displacements, infiamn
tion, flbmid tumors,
periodic pains, backa2
ing-down feeling, fiat u
tion, dizziness or servo
Why don't you try it
Mrs. Pllakham In
womem to write he
Kite has guided 1
health. Address, L
E. Pink -
al, inade
keen tilt•
tale illi.
t12,tnd' of
bled wits:
(:rant M,Neil, who leek LI,.
Christmas vacation ,1t lite niatist.. to
turned to Brained on Friday lost to
resume his Studies at the Collegiate
Institute there.
Ichor: li' "hate ti lira txptl•pfekuhy(
her and party on Slenday evening 10
which hu invited 4111i1.0 11 n•lrttix•r rot
the y,.ung people of the vilheg•t :Ind
neigiiliorho,xl, ole, fully enj.i)•r2)
both work and fun, '
Se 111115), ItKo1'Eve41. - School "4ns
messed on NIotldny 11111(2 en!.
lir. Elliott. s. t0iuripnl, aw Iwtete.
aril 11x- J•a- F -t•,4••• aw w. t4a.1471...-r
dill 11'1111(211. AN III' a;.ltliriLLl l)Ie Me••
r.crived by the trusle•er, a ll*tulit-wns
ge. i t.•d Mf... e'-•r.n.on• who vie .ere
gid °ties sure has felt l.argotttq how t.. ter -•14
`ett- js ;tl alth melt i Ill. 11 ted It .11 out of 1 he !mai-
y, int };' . nr-•'fw' some year a.
rostra •.•11. 211•Slt IPA 1. 1•a.l?t'rluNm, Tilt• ,•11T-
tie.m .22Slow Ln-r,l.4'4 21 rouwi(lrr: hl..
int, r ^st in the citisgc, bud- s•. I o ,.s
CIn1 I,,.
It-erie 1 no 111uc�:_elt•,
br•'k, t 110•:0.. .....sited : ill f,►ct, tn•.e
nd 'i,:uuumy prevailed, W 011 0111 -
rd .tplx•rtr,ulcr at least. '1'!w coo.
t 1 1 •r the reeveshin was ler ttrlek n
,tu o 1•e lr,urtl)• aco.iitest lit all ; 1)r.
`felt h havibg ztbtltlsl..:'Uuaa .144-00.
err Jaules 1111rus, his imminent.
The olilw'Lll-¢S- 1:71u/,,t•illl)r.
,•Irrll ' 4annlul �lamn'P 1
11'ill 1 'luddnn. Joih 11
na oEnnti.
The lest' wishes of the contrlimily
1�;11 ler a it the new council and it 1n
b • that they' die -barge theft
duty s hotter 1,Iv and faithfully.
e all sic
wud t ler
hands to
, "tame.
AND RE. . ,E
:1 orde"
fly attended to
oxo. moderato
Repair Rooms. One door \ of C. J. 151.14ewit
Store Store. w'e-t Si r-
Realdenoe-Elkin At roue
1 ).1(1, H
Subscribe f2a- The
1 ntal isetch,
ftepeab.it :- litl,h', C'w•e will al -
way. ^tire Cay c miss and colds. -
Swipe cattt.da• et are so useel to
iw:aa dish...tr.i\dne they tion t Orrin
to nand it.
.7nter!trtronal ,jYewspaper
1ble Study Club
Sugge,t(ve Qtret
Acta ii.: 1-21.
(.olden Text. -
Father and he aha
Comforter, that 1
you forever; eve
truth. -John xiv.
Recall and
thoughts devclo
Verse 1. -Who
tecost ? (bee F
zeal. :15 ; Nuni.
Is a hermit 4)r
poesible when ('
Would (lar 1f
on this tree tsu.n
Wont among t
Can the 1101
church in wilt,
or into any he
cord" or love w
Verse 2.---1V
Spirit, or was
was ane of
stances of hie
le there en
count of feel t•
' ontwan' enrollenrollxix.: 11.11.1
Verse :1-n
clears no per
you think it.
made hy (o
simple pno
1Vhat did
and the flash
tongues typic
In thew.d
books and pi
still the moat
ing for Jesus
I on the l,ternat(onsl Sortdiy School Lessors, Prepare
by Rev. Dr. Lrnscoll, Brantford
1-,on.1 In arx;tref .tn. • w.(L t!:. , uV) Wahl At •.I
Loth. 1909. Tile Descent of the Holy Spirit:
t .tag o that •'cwt . ttpwf ltr•h of
will pray the them ?•
ive yon another Terse 1 --What is 7'nlll• '••.nee), ion
clay' abide with of the meaning of tit, stttjrtu.• ala,
he Spirit' of the that ._'they won t. all 414.4 -with the
1-17. - Holy Spirit." and. how teany .l•uke
at mime of the with tongues:
in last Sunday's Granted tint it is the privilege .and
ddty nf.al! sten to br fi11o:1 with the
as the day ,.d
of Pen- holeSpirit. ; drn•4 tile 4/411e 11 1t1 g'
xx xiv.: • (I Ler. with the gift of t..ogu,•o- end 5118 111
Drut. elm itJud phennmru4? °See 1. (',ir. xii.
17.12): xiv.: 3, 5, 13. 11.1
prnfitalrlr )beefing Verse 5. --Are three still ••41,•v0ut
isti•ut. meet ••with wen in every netinti let• 8..•.iocn,'
even wheee the It -bootie C'hrt;l-has 1, t
been heart) or?
Vet sett 0-12 iso devout men tilled
Iwith God *1111 wake a stir in every
Spirit c (1114 1" any What do tin-imamsnlv.t ni•e•17 tar
t herr are division.., , day,in osier to "amaze*" and cut1YC1 t
that ie not In ''ado'( arwnrhl?
41've elmalYe ' ' All m,i't .klniit :het an "Jnrnted
the emend the Holy 1 ry is desirable, snit which will
A great wind whi•'h ma10' lb.' rtited eonvertt. 3 -11141) wit
1414.011114111, ritru,n- r fejt. itttt I(i(ftmeo azol_ats.o814te8 '210024
frig ? t•rine-lt io t: 1111.'1 with Ili.• 1101:: .Spirit
other e, ILL/laird ,t,- or oe1v2 r.ity 'Chitin/11e Lacking •ugh
sing wit h any w1111ile r' expel ienre ? .
fatten? Ore 1. Kings Vet se 13.--Wil'ot r-•we.ntbinnee is
there beta rya a man IIIIrd with the
Cloven tongue. Wettt linty Spirit end under the in -
.f the Holy !spirit :_.11'.1 tau teem 4f .to.t.g think ?
sills that they were Vetere 11 ll. 11.10 tt ie the proposes
1 lightning,. ,Ir 211)4)0 Icy Fite pr'teln•t Joel here 94,4r1 frond?
Spirit herr calms
there had been div-
ne ?-- -- (!.tem Joel It. f ZM-21-1. )
0e 8,Jtm4 of the wind Should •the emph:twis for Chi I.t i in
of flre in the shape of set ewe be pat upon the natnr.,1 or the
? snln•t not seal equipment? _ -
m of millions of goed 1s the Holy S;nnt meant for everybody,
fres is the buntan 'voice even the man on the stre7t. aid how may
otent means of testify• he be received :' 'This questloe must be
1anOweted 111 wntwg.by_.assobers.-0. -4
iiirT( Rp)rii"lip life club.
Jan ttrth, moo -The Beginning of the Christian Church.
Acte ii.: =
Golden Tex* -They eontin,i.d sttgtod
featly in the npo1llen doctrine an
fetlnwehip, tont in breaking 8f 'mead
end in prwyerf-Arte ii.: 1.2.
Verse 22. --pow it it the' Jesus has
impreantvl hitlwelf upon the world se
no other man ham seer done. and that
he hue swayed the hearts of the lowly
and the (nighty alike, end that his in-
fluence in incn•awing with the yeses?
Vet•se. Z3-3ft- -Dal clearly pent .14,411
with a love message, which he mean
them to sc.rp(., but Which the .few
rejected ; and more, for they "wit
wicked halide crucified and slew" him
now is it not true that. God the
adopted hie secondary plan of bring
ft wt
Do all who by the grace of (iod for-
- mskit their eine have their part trine
d tlrgiven 2
, V'•r'e 39.- 1' the% gift of 1 h•• HolySpirit for all who ere saved?
Have you receive,' the gift of the
Holy Spirit, and if not., why toot?
Are all the children of sinner/. nm
Well ne of taint( pnnsed
nithe s.tiva-
t fun of .Jesus 1
Are there any mo for off, m .0•10sv
down, tli,t Godd'tee tett bid i hem toreceive the Iloly Spirit ?
How many doesOal rail to accept
of itis ealvntinn ?"
Verso to. -Are mnm.2 peiple saved
n through itvetistent exhortation. whort
- -net er would Ina mreved , 4htrrwr
tw- '
r xntt, by the death of Jeaua
what he drmired t0 do by his life 11 `..
i1 rod did not %ant's he .Dews to est
feet and crucify Jeetis, lout to nerep
of him, what would have herrn the re
milt if they had carried out titers fire
le not the crueiflxinn Of items tit
eolosmgl crinin of history, and is it no
the one great example of how tied
good a
turns evil into goaccount 1
Verse :r7, What wen it that hmd
Firelight t his sharp !tense of guilt neon
What art• the influences which put
men under rnnvirt.inn ; lit it ie, revue
rhelmetvett to thentmelves?
if a per.isulk on were to you what lit
Nho,dd dto he te saved, what would
you anwwer him Pa
Ven hitt. What in it M repent, in
I he sense helw meant ?
Can a person be kneed if he intends
to min again ?
If a person et entry enough to for-
mate him mine. and turner to (std totweetve hlm (.he Mat he knows, is that
terve repentance?
Can a Christian retain the teens of
(lad If he ever plana to min again 1
. I Verse 11. NV ace not similar re
rider.Kk, to M115; Maw, M.la Lo
Latest Quotation,.
Moretti" Keening. ,tea. 4.
lietetpot wheat tuturw ciaseel today
lad to tia nigher uuw ThutwLy.
At ('llevorv, May wheat rlus.•,I (hie blab-
er than S. turdey. May turn %c korner.
and Usti . hits lite 1[IttMr
WNinniW[ Option..
wheat --January ea%c bid. July 11.0734
bed. May $1.02. netters.
OufarJtomary Vac 2Jd, May 40%c tad.
Toronto Grain Market.
Wasot, t d1. baste t(2 91 to 1.,..
Upbeat, red. holed Ola ....
W brut, rouse, busk
Rye, 4.4., Md . O b ....
Ilorkwl.eut. tetanal ....... 0 55
Team, t,iuthel
Hurley, twthal • ... ••. a Sl
oats, bushed 0 43
Toronto Dairy Market.
Butter, ',operator. dairy 0 :5 1 0 34
Butter. store Iota 0 ; 0 24
Butter, (-reautery, solids 0 27 011
Nutter, reranery, lb. rolls0 25 0 34
new -(aid, doses 0 41/
Lags, cold storage 01.5 .•..
('lieean )urge. l4 .........-0....
Cheese, ,twin. Ib 14
Honey, extracted ....... 01(204 011
Elatwy, . umbo, damn I a 2 A
New York Dairy Market.
N17w YORK. Jan. 4-N,rtter--Kneed? to
firm; rec.-tots, Ma; creamery, specials.
Sate+. o(tletal price. Mc; rrearturry, extras,
3J44e to 33e; creamery. thirds to nests, 24c
In :$r: ereanlery, bold, common to spe-
cial. Me to Mr: peacoat. common to ape_
dm, Jae to Me; western factory, (Irat:+,
:1lYC.Lt-mac: western ltattaUes4..e4eensery
neat.•. hie to ale.
rheeee -Flea,; recaptr•. 13; state. full
crea.-.p edaka. 1434•• to 110i6e: 9epternber.
mitered er white. Dane,. 14e: Ortober.
beet. 1.3i4c) late made, email. best, 13c;
g't,d to prime, I1%_ to -13%e: o(•mreon to
Darr, 10th• to floe; skims, full to elle-
3Vie to 111lc.
NUS" -lyder, receipts, .Atte: state Penn-,
eytva«-t and nearby. tasty, pale -ted
wthne, .90 10 40c; do., fair to ehater.
venire brew. .2,.I o,/..�e tats. ik- t..
• : dc.. fwlr to choke., :qe-to Si,. weet-
ern dents, ete;' do.. mounds, 30c to Ile.
Cables Easier -Cattle and Hass Are
• Higher at Buffalo.
LUt1 I.t1N. Jan. 4.--L*•ndon cables for
caul, tre at,$dy at 1314., to -134c pmt
pound. ,tressed. Wetgbt: refrlber/icr beef
Iw miettet at 10{4e to 104,: per hound.
Toronto Junction Live Stock.
TORONTO J17NC11IoN, Jun 4.--
lteoeipts of live • stock at the Upton
Stock Yards were 51 curs -1074 cattle
2 hog:., •379 sheep, and 15 catven.
Ez)x,r1 lames sold at K. to V.L. and
one load was reported at $6.20; bull., 13.35
to -H.31t. A few light exporters were:
bought for butch., nurpowers at 15 to 85.21.
Prime pf e *01 Were reported at 7JJ
to C. loads4: to tou o Luod, 14.:0 to -30.76;
camera, 2160 to C.moo' 43.50 to 12.as;
Milkers sad Sealaeers.
A few milker., and sprtngers sold at
:M to &I each.
Veal cense.
• Yewf caries ate.: at Si:: to. 54:0 per t•wt.
Skeet, sal tans.
^_ irk,,,-' r-r-..abseap and' tenths Surd
at firmer pray _ 34tport, ewes mold at
tl.2 to 12,00: Lunt.. 11,...o to $6.15 per cwt
(Acnes 000rt
EJm16ed., rnhorn firmer, at
16.25 for eeleeta. feel uoi vattred. and
M to drawers at country points, Lo.b-
k+lont iael Live Stock.
MoNT1LF.A1ti tau. I,--lt the Meotrasl
Stock Y:rds Wtcw Mod Mlarket, the re-
ersps, of live .20 2.42. for the week ending
Jat.. 3 were ...!;77 Cello.. 1196
144, _e horn mid 1a+ mares. what" t
sootily Tor tees( eeaanin,Delor+ flys Moro-
Ina- • manned of 3300 rattle. 600 abeam aad
Iambs, IIiOO bore and 10, calve. Lowing
to the unfavorable weather for this sea-
son of the veer her keeping monk. sad
the 2942 increnne in tM, wuppty
of a tittle. .t.M, errktrrtorte to the.
market wet '•try, but prams showed no
st4tri1 •wd)rt, ea a,mpered with those of
.week aro... There war fair taunter of
yen. present anettldtng mane nem QUO -
and U312 a. but ax "mac yr our MOM .-
bers aer
fuel jobbers had tonna.stock 011b trade man raUa•t show, anal the 18-
dhrntt' t e we..• tint, .20wru• w' old be cur-
ried tater d .rfor •v Myer market to tbo week.
trtrade(4elir, H,tt, Me Liverpool r"ported
t•rkwtt firm at last week's
advance. Ahp. oils Art did not seem to
tedhtence 2r :n et porters any ww there
wan ewe - nwn'1 f rnrr, t tm'm - Salem of
olt.k• • Uo E. 40111e wore mad- at be:
choke- nerd .•..t rouge at 4%(, good at
44, to 4itr•. Ir. ' 24e- l.. 4r. '<Ivrrnna at
Pound. x.. inferior at. 114e M :7yac per
sound atm In I of thee' aadIsatw. were
to the market thet, d prices edg-
ed no chane, from week •k •tem. The de-
mount was fairly gond for local oneeern;p-
tinu and ',ales of (*ioses+ lots lit thee",
were tnnde :.t 4'4t• to 41x-. sed calla at 3t4t.
to *o. etude .look.e 1jbtl�t of Iambs sold
u M proud b%e lc. and tut? Vac to 61tc per
,\ strurgar teems doVeieued u4 the
market 0. - twee.: and cs ateoe last
Wsttnnadar shote en -Idvan of 3. cents
per 1414 ;towels Thin M .tttri teal e, the
440.11 14441/ply that hew. been •\erulnm fbr-
rlw.vd of 4,dr, amt. nr packers seers mate -
what rhe rt :of fupadles. the detpaad to -
dad was stave, and the menpe
tureen t he thee•» kMnsr - than Matadi:
tltrfferi 'l 4xw-T trade woe do and
n•les .ole, -teal lust: were matte 't at
1'011 teat end r per 100f wounds, wed .. d
err i'tti
Ent L'uffalo '.attl. Merket.
RA.lrr ht'I'1•'AJA7. • Jan. 4.- Cees.--ps-
relpte, :UM head; aettve and 1Uc to. ib.:
higher ;_ -_poste "wae•e2. 04:74 tr,-17:(1 dap=
t (.g/e, ,.fil 4o 1650, butchers 401'to 843':
M 9• leo. ?.75. cows. 13.72 ry 15;
> to 16.71.
Hoge---fleee_lpts, 1700 head, a,Nvw and
fn. to 3•.• Meter; heavy and mixed. SC.30
to, WIZ.. few, 11.30; york.•re, v....5 to
*1.M; pigs. 34.511 to 43.10, roughs, 144.40 W
8:,.76, rage, 14.50 to 85. dairies, 16.7) to
Slate and Lnmhw-itw+2,ofpts, Nam heart
r0'12,0,; e14,:*steady r therm Ole 2.1 344'
teller. tenth. ! 1', 11.fel, yearling. Ni to
34.• r sheep, mixed, 82 to 84.25.
New York Live Stock.
NEW Y,ARH Jan. 4,-ur,*•
1:7,0; Meer. Mow 111 lite lower: hulls
,te,•wh-. row, weak to Mc tower:taws.
8i,. , to 84.96; mien anti Maize. 1A?. t2)
14.40: loth.. 41 to $4.A8; rewe, 11.21 to 84;
dremed •,d to hole tientaa.t, at ie to 11.,
t'alvet1-- Iteeelpt... yea:44 ::143 to 600
Inver: barnyard and western calves
steady. veal,. 15 to ilk; culls, 84 to 14.25;
western do„ rutin,
Indiana do,. 16.54) 20 86.36.
Sheep anti Limber-Retetpt?, 14.103„ wdMep
Meetly; Iambs In fair demand end steady;
chert,, xl 1...14.7- c holm, M; mak, 443 -n
11.76, yearlings, 85 to 86,:0, tao1M, 8455 to
17.75. on deck. *7.4334, calls, H to a.
Ohkaeo Lbw Stock.
CHICAGO. Jas,. t,--C:atue--rateelgtr.
27,0n.. market IQ•. to :nt• hewer, e2, '.i
*4.' to 21.g. row., $3 to 15.31, Aetna,. 4:60
to 84./0: olls. 52.76 to 81.60; calves. 22.80
to 29: stockers :end feeders, 83.44 to y-..
Hen.^.-itn•etpt s. 44008: market stands
tewle mt. ehoke heavy emplane. F[.70 to
".e, hutrhtrre, to to 1415. dealt. mixed.
1,, 31.0; rhne•e tight. WI& tel 2141
silents to thin more often wit nrwaed?'pa
' What can we do more than we are do-
t ing to save our neighbors, and to saw.the world ? 1 Thts Question must bo
answered in writing by members of the
et I Verse 42. --i)o Christians toils )• fel-
lowship ane with another 1121 tn,u'h er
lie often hie they should ?
Ought Christians to Pet together
mete frequently ?
Verse 43. if the terrible ronsp-
temnree of sin Were more tnequ.ntly
preeched, would winners still be filled
with fear?
14. 15.12 to 84.10.
N -ori and t.wmhw--Rnr-etpi. 75,400. mar
kat .1eady; asleep. 8410 to 85 $, iaaakl, 8:
to 8. b0:' y'esrl raga, 54:4 to *Lig'
Elevator Bwwrned.
(:algnry, Jae. 5.-- Th.- rlt.vatnr ;on d
warehouse of the Rieiisrn ?di lkmg ('o
have bean hermit )t!ts. 1210.000.
&rata 04 Ostn, city of Toledo, s
1.1 ,.ted 1'nt NTT. t ••
!stank J, t'henry makes ',nth thin,he 1- -enter
tnmr of flit area of 3. J. lenM t o,
R Mnal ne.a In the olds ,It Ttl4 ,In, rgnn't)
Kate nfnn'.wl,t and LhM ea Mein w1I1
the mon of (Inc lined nal Boners 0',' earl.
every ta.4 of catAR� tteu 1.44"")
eared hy tRn nee et Hotta t *tnrrh
FRANK_J. 1'112;NEC.
ern to hcfete me and embseeil.e,f et my
n•lore, this Mb day of I'errmber, 1. 1). laded
nt' A. W, 141,gA+t4N.
NnNry Pnhltc.
ails( ',went ('ere (e taken beer/tent. end
freely nn rhe 14004 lied mamas
e'72tem. Salad jar JJss.t�lmmokM fear.
2. CHIPI1T It (0)., Tolrrto, f).
.skid by eTlrlrmeklwl. 1e.
Take Halls Family Mlle far ennetlpµton.
Perm,',, Ii -4.i. Wan this community !I go x14 of the ieird ? mn
World haying ell t hinge in 'aim
be a goat mv.tenl to adopt today? tee
If our brother has nothing. arty we tree
under obligation to divide with hint ?
Verse* 442'37. Wmtld tanner+ .till H
he earwl dally in every .hnfrh if
there were fellowship, joy and glad•
nese annnng Christians ?
Leeson for Sunday,inn. 34th, Italy
[ease Len fleeted. Arts iii. :
Repeat it.: "3bllnh'. ('ire will AI -
ways cure my (,ambo and (vide,"
Need Vino! beea.use. it coulains
the very elements needed to re-
hi/JP! sera: trig tissues and, replace
veap-netsiwith i strength,. It lior-
lill s hie system against colitis,
and thus prevents pneurmorila.
This Ivet'alise Vino' contains Iron
and ail of the medicinal body-build-
ing elements of Cod Liver 011, taken
from fresh cods' livers - but no oil.
Vinol is not a patent medicine. Every-
thing it contains is named on bottle.
E1deriy 7.eop2e lett fisc told
keenly, ` oeause their blood is
thln,sl't;;Irish hind Watery.Vlnol
Is the Ideal hieod tonic and
strength maker. 11 creates a
beady:: ppetite,prt.nrotesdiges-
tlon. parities and enriches the
blood and Invigorates the entire
The grand -niece of Alexander
Bampton says: -- "I am 7$
years old, have a hearty appe-
tite, sleep soundly, and feel
active and well. Thanks to
Vlnol, %thick is the ilnest tonic
and itrengthcceator1everused.
Vinol la a God send to old peo-
Elderly people are very suscep-
tible to coughs and colds.
which so often develop pneu-
monia. Don't lose time exper-
imenting with other remedies
when we guarantee Vinol to
tare. Vinol bas carded many
an old person through a hard
winter without a cold or cough.
"I was so feeble I had to be
Wheeled about in an invalid's
chair, and took cold at :be
slightest ea•rse. Vinol built
up my strength so I could wall.
a quarter of a mile. t am de-
lighted." - MRS. M. BLOOM.
Lewistown. Pa.
t,1-11 "1. r, "t 4.OLU� e�()OCNIC H, UNT.
M F.ax
T el'
,x.811 LA GRIPPE
Bast thing yourc-vtt• tried t'or Cords, La -Grippe,
Coughs, Ne,.. ralgia and Headache.
• C ures totals in 24 hours. No after -effects -25..,
At SII dealer or from COLEMAN MEDICINE 00., TORONTO.
t• k -
J ,
�i.�,.-',.; VIN PILLS
. ' •`_.f. ,� �,'� ars )1st as good
,,1,--._, :' *' for rho 3ladder
;1 wt aro 101 the (...1....1' Tf there is trnnble in retaining urine -if
.1 hot e W get up 1111: . : i .:r time. orofwne r dnriutt °)tonight -ft the
OC 'et slot and lam l.u,. (,in I'iilm will quickly relieve the trouble.
•)-. tore. Gro 1 t c)., tied Pt .al t:tc Irritated bladder.
. fer44e60.-A-balltlevi.-17s -ne rtreetitei of price.
x,- . ;i m DEPT. A.-AAiIOAtt r ilD a t!F'E!'.. C. L M TEO
t '. Tt13,T..3 !rG r.3
�5. • . - "- -"Jett +...'t - .-7:4-1 ..i�--.c�L r
RE your hands chapped,
cracked, or sore? Have
you "cold cracks" which open
and bleed when the skin is
d�5itin fiat ? Have you a
cold sore, frost bite, chil-
blains, or a "raw" place
which at times makes it
agony for you to go about
your household duties ? If
so, Zam-Buk will give you
relief and will heal the
damaged skin. Anoint
the sore places at night,
and if it is the hands,
wear a pair of old gloves
overnight. Zam - B uk's
rich healing essences
will sink into the wounds,
end the smarting, and will
quickly ,heal.
Sire Yellen ,t I'.,rtlandsttye: -
" 1 consider it nolo my duty to
tell you of thn (;teat benefit 1
have derived frotn Zam-Koko My
handl wele.40 sere and clacked
that it wax agony to put them int ,
water. When I tried to do so they �
would mined add trim 'as if T had
wraldr.l them 1 eeemed'nite unable i
get relief (rein anvthim) 1 put net 1
them until i tried Zam•Tlek, and the '
lain sureewled when all else NO
failed. it dowel the big rral•ke, gat•
rase, soothed the inflammation, end en
1cry short time healed my hands
'-empletely. 1 would atrongl:• re.orn I
emu.' it 4, trunks sufonng (rum
.•haprwd or cracked bands. it is a (
w ' nderfnl healer and should be in every
hot -
Fa r and Daughter both 1
Mime tee 1(e,trend, Galesburg (list.,
write.: - Zam Hak u the Not halm es
have a ver rt. !:very year i am trembled
with chappee hands armaandnathinq
•:erseemed heal them until i tried
Earn link. it is surprising how quickly
thio helm ham healed up the pores and
creeks! My fat het ham neer{ it for several
ailments and injuries and thinks there is
nothing to equal it."
Pouliot .t en*tPtt r re4,7s. et/rl!'Nes raid *Neat raw
1tw.'I Tit 111'. ,41/1”74, noshes. whiter w'w's . Moe. "WV.
-ttt,fmatkf *row .," Ar4.0. 44m.l Norka meter f4.1 qe, r/M.
Nrndt•alr ra rrAw�w.. e+tlr2. r-.i&M, r,w,nw.. 1'.et m mt
'WOW ,(w•ar, ewer. r*.wnrlrinw. Nnl6.t amratott dr. o'
all e"' 23•!.424.1 •14.0,•, ar roar tin term 4A• 3.oi oak ('a,
Ir. T,. ar.• ,rnemM
nOtte44 4er 'Jr141 re goof" f'rrll'ra(lox. w Ager .err 12444,4411/4
athrei rats 1nx►ekk k ulr•l 4w
Send the . .np.1n name and
date (*this pater motile Mme t •
(to even pcwbaee, L. Tem nnk
On, forret-% e44.1 a err. T'rlal
sea will be Wad Too.
Tattasokv, January 7, 1109 5
11,„,p„ Ni„oison
has proved to be the greatest bargain
maker in hardware that the public of
this district has perhaps ever had.
The Howell Hardware Co.
has proved to the many people who
have already been buying that it pays
to look ahead as to one's probable
wants, as bargains like those offered
are not picked up very often.
We will keep open the West st,
store for the balance of this month.
Every day the stock is getting less,
and each day the public is finding out
that we are doing what we say when --
we state that we are selling at practi-
cally wholesale prices, and often Less
than wholesale.
We ager year ehuiee in rte
SIic•Mac, Salvaetre Special -
epaiildTng Hockey Mtleks, regu-
larly Null at :Pk: lu 75e. your
ehuire 35c each. -. -
Sticks, smother lite,
,peeial 7e:
Skates '
hfocker l'hrb, regular :,44-,
IL Ib'4e•rral(aierraitl.7,n, epw,•nel
11. H„ker, l'enfeet.- ui-2k(e.
plated, regular $1.75, special
lar 81.(xl,p)lecial 7 x � -
Nlekle-plated Adt'tuter, regu-
lar $1.00, special 754',
Nickle-plated Pete less, regular
$1.25, egesta] $1.0x4.
Dominion, regal tr $2.2a, spec-
ial $1.111.
Regal, reguhtr $ special
$3.40. r•� 3�o s.
Automobile, ttgulur" $6,1x1,
special $4.111. '- '11`J
Your - choice -44()snits jTre
end Coffee Pots, regular 31'x',
the and 51X.. special 25e.
.-Fancy Lamps
Regular 81.25, special 7:ic,
Regular $2.50, special $1.75.
egalur 82.00, special $1.441.
Horse Blankets
Oood large I lai,ketw well Made
with lobi -un strops.
Regula! $1.7 5 for r 81.4,
Regular $3.1441 for $2.:11).
Regular $3.444 for 82.115.
1. _Horse Cover, regular
special $1,01.
111 lbs. of•nails 25 '*1nly one lot
to each t•ustomer to make them
go around.
Large Only tnized Pail, at 26c
and 314: each, regular 40c and 43x:.
We have a goal assortment
of Varniehem, Lock Seta *old
Houtae Trimmings, all at special
Ready -mixed Paint, at $1.2;
per gal., regular $1.111),
Farm Tools, implements and
articles too numerous to men-
tion here, at special prices.
Electric Lit -ht Bulbs, 1, 5, to, and 16 c. p., assorted, 82.00 per dozen
We are offering good prices on several
stock RANGES and HEATERS to
clear out of our regular stock.
We have a fine assortment of goods
suitable for gifts in our store on the
Square. '
The Bankrupt Sale k on the North Side
West Street.
Howell Hardware Co.,
Limited. 1
NO1V b: the time to make
your purchase, and so enjoy
the entire, sleighing we*Una
You know the Is•et .deighing 144
during the f1I-Nt pati of the
senwon- befor,• I he roads are cul
op, and fall of pith -hole..
to hey is the lent one made. : telt hat (.
The McLaughlin Cutter
One grade only,
and that the best.
Made by the fttt t 1, McL.ughlin Carriage Co., of Oshawa. Don't
stake env mistake. Hatiefaclion is weirnnlets' when you bey a
MelAtighlin. Ituilt with careful attention to the delails which make
the moot (lora Me. lite most comfortable, the most elegent Butter cm
the market.
Prices are just right.
Call and see the' latest wrinkles in the make-
up of a first-class cutter.
Wm. Knox
Cor. Newgate and Hamilton Sts. (loderlch