HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1909-1-7, Page 2av • •a. -a TIOttsb►v, TA' n.Att% 7, 1'109, large bully of studentking as Q I•' i y ,• n cone, ituelcy of voters -ata the v/rage riding, should not have ---ha, 'vett 'retiresentative. The idea is one lluuKltIuH. oNTAttlu,l that will Nu doubt he seriously curl• PUBLIS1TEn sldl•r•t•,t hs Z by wK Istat rt VT 1W A NATTKIt k itotaa 1' fl iN r Telephone.''all .'o. 31r. Cameron did not suct`eed iu his tirvt attempt to secure a seal at Atte remit of Subscription ; council ; lett the idea that het xd- il-ltlper annuminadvance.. %%meet( in Itis candidacy. that Bode Ixmentbs,.vr; thrro•m•,ut1....4 rich should stake a deter ntinff td eort To United .states sub., Ames. 51.9• ,. year i latrietly In athwart to encourage the farmers: trade, is Subscribers who fail io receive '1'11A .WURA1. regularly by ,wall will Souter w favor by a.•• 011e that should not be allowed to pore auainttas u of the tact at a, early a dues as drop out of sight. Filum n oe rxu.N hen1chutg,otaddnul+wdo,irr,t.boththe and :mother (iuderie•h has been le wing Old mut the u.w address should he rivet, ti god d•'it of trade that Wight be Advertising Retest luotightt bitthis way if the printer Meanie i ne and other im r flat :Myer.,+•nee•n ,.; Ns- xw,rt•-e/Yttl.+j'etl-lu_a11ta1;L iLi4 this for rat her Perif flet ln�., rt, 4 told it pet line fur slob subsequent ins+n tun. M.•A.ur. l by A Vil'es't iall. The Iillesti,o, is Nile nonpareil scale. twelve lou•, to An iurh• • for the Board of Trade. 1JI11 •s, Burros. Sweden( els lines and under, lu per .. 11► I than > for the 10411 council to deal weir): in its Adverthwmento of Lost, Ewald $tt )•ods nut• tattoos Vacant, S111111i1.1011‘ tt, .. 1, If,,. •.fo. 111111x1 ,Ntge i buf it bhuu1,1 1.. deal! Bale or to Kent, Farm+ far Kale 410 to Itrnt' �- r lines, t1c each law•rtlou . {I �ur ant ,south a► - — - iannouneements n, ordinary n•adihR type ton Italy bra drawn the sympathy of the Gent,. per line. No notice less n,.u, die. Anyope.•1.1 „etre, the-obirce .t1 which 1s 11.' i wur1J (ow/this the unfl,rtunatt• pecuniary beueflt of neYjndh', hua1 or ew.oei- 11. tt'i, in CamNha who are so anon. w be con.idend an advrrt.emcn( and i to be chargedecoortinaiy, ft eat 11• favurtll by Nature, •w•hile we Maws for display and Schemes Advertise• - t ith protttly•xnd rnergrU.:dl Articles for date. ail„ na ei ale 410 ele ,•e tt y tor eleh subsequent tuunth. Lmrerr advert...• '1'b.' lt•1'fihlr ' itaatr`t. les in S,tutt,sMN merits 11t proportion. TRE SIGNAL : GOi)ERICH ONTARIO. Major McLer•n in Hamilton. CI Many Li4JerMit people will to inter Sated in the result of the Hamilton mayoralty contest, from the fact that the successful candidate was Maur John, I. McLaren, a former Uodet'Icb Hee b_ThelLsj u. u O1L rc.I IL.Itp1 11_ • W. ACHES° de SON WUMEWS FM -COATS 1LEDU brass will be els en on application, read . with' horror • tht: story of the Addrsr, all Oou,tn ani Shoo, t0 .rightful i $,i.ster, may realize 10111'.' - YANA/1'ER B liulii:tilr••\.. • rlr:u•Iy than rvo our great carpe f it Tug a3u.1i. gratitude That we are Orr pleasttftN'y uc, ell:1 . ant ; !,hied iu this happy hutd where earth HODKKICH, THURSDAY. JAN. 7. 1110, ;quake nod t.•twttdo find °thee tlevasta- tions du not reach u'. The In:minion i government is rend.tg glorkuts1 as the AFTER THE ELECTIONS, sate I aul ticripsi, u- towards tin. Tbr *belays have ext•Irised theiri fond for the relief ,•f the sufferers, privilege of select Rig the wen who we 1 and tine nil' be suppliwn•nt,•tl h1 to represent thein during the year In rgu':uuts 1i'odt • cher public well as front put etre wuerces. She conduct of the wiiiiicipal offsite. of the town, and it now rests with the council andartil municipal bodies to apply thetust•Ivee with diligeuce aril wisdom to the duties before them. in their e1 task they y 4hueldhair the co-operation , and sympathy ref a/I good citizens. Candid, .outapoketr - criticism is what every niau in public life should expect and . should wel- come; un the other hand, every cit- izen owes it to himself and to the mmuuity to preserve the dignity aching to the position of is i e1' trent •n • ` tat 111 the pee tole, so 1hnl nem tvhu giveerr time and energy to the nub - tic serve'ball not tie sickened of in gratitude\and abuse and driN,'t1 out of public ling in disgust. It is only by making outwit , position hotiorublr.and honored that e can induce the lest men to although there is ealion for these ilei which they are in should be borne in mi u immediate ca rk• the caution e t to convey nit t all times. The council that. has be is one that Should be capable and efficient service. 1t is not tto point out any plan or pro Which the council should attempt memberfollow during the year ; the member elected 1 goal eces- g 111 of last years council who Ale re •h -.'ted have the threads in their hands, anctiew nutters will .vote to front m timet time O. lvbirh atten- tion will be d wn in due course. If When You've Dore 9cur [test %Viten you've dorso 3'0111 b.r•t, hat int hOped :old 4e uu.•,1 t And ,., . n t nc of all, sun have f,,il.st to land when you vu dent the lhiluc 3bsl for iu.., ' days Voti-have honked Ilan, and no -woad of iltii-i !trines the 111.', of joy 10 1�u1 raresorn Cheek, iesheiryblrreitonejbttrb 1'v, nmrwitrtruoone ._._i3nala The el eeriug word yon have tonge.f to hear, tad nobody 'eenps to kaoe oor tan. -. tt"hen. JDult' ilium .'put. trill arid ivebrAral. .nr4•r • tile' the hopes ete.hettyt1.1 I.hat net, so fair. Whrit the dream, arc, .-n.b-1 Mat wet« w .*rot. , .x 1,t the victory-rtntt resell.cehte•t -re ms se s- 1!.. beeti\gunned, , nwhow, into sore doferat-. triter, tot tt done your beet after piamting funic, • 1v'he t yon re tool your thrice a .4 hate failed %Viten 3'bu shrink front the gars of the .'...sing Ibieng And wonder why yo .opal .l •rt,)t.-- .. Thee - then, when yuot•,t,c.t 1.,. I. -en dune end all - - The air) castle, arousal yo fall, rte a-vtetor let -with n con r', wait - fling your rhmneng, forth-sd•. Met ter.. itt. K. K,.rr. i.. t'hicagu e std Hrr:'tl,l. FROM SUR CONTEM Vu h. ti the members o "the council- ruin - men. a the year widget determination to avoid nnnecessaey discohl anti strife end to promote harmony and ItMer reefing 1n the discha'-ge of their duties that will he in itself' a good As we urged and as we confident expected, the electors have voted by a large majority to retain the manage - mem, of the water and,,lfg)it'phi/114 in the hands of -.he commission. The vote of roniidence should be gratify. Ing to the pvesent members of the r"•mmiseion and should be an incen- tive to continued good work in plac- ing the systems under their metro' in the best possible shape. Thr rote fro dicatex that there 1, soil x conwi. en- able body of opposition to the com- mission, and the commissioners have before them the dutr-of preventing the growth of this feeling of ant agora-. ism by giving the town a water and light service a little better than we have ever had in the pant. Uoderich starts upon the new year with !height prospects, and it is not too much to hope that the close o1 19011 will see our town more t ban ever entitled to a prominent place in the front rank of the progressive and prosperous towns of Ontario. start for the year's work. EDITORIAL NOTES. How an. your New Veal Hone % Mayor Oliver of roman.. apppar, be rather popular. The tendency of On; times iv clearly seen in Monday's vote. The. lines Are being drawn more and 'leo, tightly around the bororoome. John Meath. n -ho bosses the Depart - went of hideication &den at 'Pity/niter, orders that iteneeforth words ending in such as honor, favor, harbor. bottom', favour, harbour. . hut it will take more than John Seeth'is de - ere,. to make the people 01 Ontario Lake up with (etch an ofisolette notion. Huelph is making a great success of 'Be public ownership schemes:. ineltid- lug the wisterworke, the light and Railway. Th. profits from these municipal entef prises are rodoring the. Mayor says a V4I.,e of t en mills is in A movement bi yin foot to emote Parliamentary repreitentatton for the !University of Tovont 1. In fireat Britain the large universities are m irworosentert In Parliament, and there ,i7h" emu* to he no good enewon why,* it 1.uudeu Ad vertewe. 1. rful and wonderful i. the ••oug endiu in the English language. I'h'rt to' six• rarieties of pnnnuu.•ixtiuu in one sen ace: ••Though rho tough lif 1-nugb lucs'uugh �le.ughrd m,. through."" -ti t this a gt>t41 ells.' for spelling t•efor The ' tra VoweJ, N'uodetuck Merl bevies 11, 1b 1.1114 that ache the new polilic school readers are in twrvire they will midertake tee h school demi that words ly ending in "or" 41041 be spelled wit et as "labour," "honour,'" "fav or.' Did James Whitney find the missing Rental ion" W 'eh is said to he fnvored by Premier Ast iitie and likely. to be introduced by hi In a bill of general elector:41 reform, le. poitit ably 4.4.1 1464.14 fir 111ii• plan IN 41e/belied, he object ion being that suchwases majority of line Carrier. the seat Xwhil4:" rtll the Other eleetors tnertiltereto e elected mi one 1,111.0 of repricsefira is t he securing 4 fair ireaentat ion ,4 114.. poll tiFittleeTing by Willie V.KI be lett unrepresented. The resold is that. Parliament i- lair reflex of public beeline end infelli• Profanity 'in Ontario. grand jury nt- Snial W iv if Will with net Init.:tented. shock. The judge ark -Oralisinrt--tn—retturrir noon rhe peevalence of profanity in puldic 1114,4.6141111 t.lb0116111.11. 111 OW PrilViller. anti naked the grand pary to consider the matter. The, Puy aceordingly made its presentment : and nflet• bearing testi ..... nj• to the correetnese of the frettort4 view. troth Rs regarding 1'1, nohow anal other portions id' on- tal they eccomeneteleel that the law he more strict ly enforced. .Why should it. not ? What poseible benefit rem. None to a elitornunity from allow• ierg their streets awl public 'dares to he r‘irs,,ei with a st team of vulgar and prolme hilviottge ? This is not is of religion Alone, but ar coot- 'ty 111 our Dominion where the habit preveibt "flitch would not be the law attained such offences. ion t,tisrilian. tintario citizens nre not to - sone, - what self,outplacent tlo•ir view. of Singing in Schools. vaneouver The American tenehers who have been visiting the aelinnis 01* Oreat liritein helve found that the ohl coun- try hes something to tearth nfter MIPS Holbrook, principal ./ one of the Ilirgeal whim's in Chicago. in the cowrie of an Interview given to The laWnInn Daily New-. said : "One 'thing that struck me very tom h Wn. the apletolid manner in whicli the echool children. both in Kngland noel In Scotland, tam ring. We Crin't bent that in America. minging pen. wee not the go -le only...hilt the nays ng esninlly well. I liked the (ler- d the beya. eheira in the Episcopal sterilise heve entnething (10 with 8 ' ti- o'r-oat •111."'k t; • ourl s V ► (►.414 j T•O'r' • r,. CALVIN CHURCH. ST. HELENS, • where the inanchon of ev. INDUCTION AT ST. HELENS. eri:ri ltloyer Becomes Pastor °MCatr via and East Ashfield Congregations. Theordination and induction "u C tint(. H, Moyer, it. A.. to the pastoral charge of the Prestn-terietn congrega- tions of St. Helens twit East Ashfhkt tool. -littrrr tet Vttivin eiwtl'd&, SL. Helens. un Tuesday, afternoon. JAnu- iry.if h, a1 '_'::p/ a clock, the members of Presbytery uteutiultin the vestry at 1::10 'Rot. G. P. Duncan., of-AVt trrhlrreh,- a. chair than, preached a very able and stirtin); address,,, taking a.. Ilia text /L.L...,,.-. 1 s The mod,•rntur. Hee. C. M. Ruther- ford, of Dung%no,•n, then iet•iesveI the steps which were taken ti, receive. Mr. Moyer. Different men were be- fore the. eongregxl ion. but Mr. Moyer 1.00/11/4 tll,tw Owe choice and, the cot- greg»tion extended to hint a must hearty and un»niu cull. After the ordination placer ley Rev, fold, wader or, tit Presbytery, pm, formed H. ve y impressive and soba reueouy duction, lifter w lel' Mr:. Moyer was y Welcomed h Ile t lit , 3 tit fellow. ell ow- ship iota the fresh hetes. Then followed -tit adeltrss to .lir minister by key. Hr: Hrertmer, of Ri(th t, wits iuuplussida the th( uRbt that the three main dual( of a winie• ter err to ad. Hest, as a . °dent --not only of hunks• but of book due ser•,41d, as pastor or shepher I ; third. It r :rpreseher, • _ Rev. 1). Peri ie. of Winghan lien i adir,•aseel the pee rt4 to their duties (and Cheteresponeihllit vofallegiantee t their tninieter.e I After the serriera lunch was .sera\ 1 hy' the Indira in the hayt•ment of 1 church. - Jte%. S. II. -Moyer. H. A., is a your 111:0,. N gratlugte of Knox College i .t r year, tend raters nn his work hoe i Miller bright and promising Auvpirw, hn eine; the go,slwill and 1s• 1 vel hOS 'a NE }fWS OF DISTRICT frac 11e• fine sinitinK of lir ehildrrn it M/fYrt+Nutt. 'file tr»luili.(- Mur IN+A exlel lent, and then you ha Ve , mal„ patriotic and beautiful lulllads til,,' they .sins:. Reofly, t° malt Was vee t K NTAIL. reutarkaole. Iti America singing : Ti- rtetar. Jen.:db. considered :i . wool arts art. and n • i I '.:err l: �lelTr'r,.- A Witch nileutioo is lit id to the triune.; I Stn-. ,:'•l; ,i •er the auspices of Ili boy, in niniie. 10 l:Dglisit ani ThWest Hof 12.1P net. lustitate jitns M. ott•Ii schools tt is ditferrnt. %Vkidi Win' he hhtd i Yikrnftir halt, Kintait, (i._ rue -about the school singing Lpr_1l unday est. w3tb :iftcruo maul I Zvi lelltri ah ' w t - hati Was a, all dune with a, n r•,.ning sslnn�:- ruiiitLrttclni{`a-f much joy and evident relish on the I11'11,.. -k : .1 7:30 o'clock respectively. part of the children.” f in the fternoon Mias.Yusie l'au,pbell, Municipal Auditors 11f lir ititre:. will address asset -tin,,' Senfor:le l:vgnsitnr. railv-nttentirin to no roil rues ii..nek ---Tliete,ehooki two.- forge tit boo nect itt with t he a pp.)intment “1 a ird• I dunce of the farmers tt1 tile neighla ,: very hew, itly these Jaye whi.flv without pia 'fie -ahem for the wot L. tome hot- chart red- nermint rents- be purpose of anthill' municipal itc• ...mints Am inelillIpvIe. 1 Wiii Is. gen- erally admitted. It Wr11 el !seem. bow - suggest 11,11 appoint ment is flit ore be limited to the exteitt ggestell. 'his wrath! mean tie. cut,4tti i of an- er trust or gni1/11 Mal ,W1,1/11) moire 1W- Of herVit'.0 ite4f,tinit 11 111 tile two loco misfires here. \ visiting her daughter, Mrs. \A. Ifial • IVesley Taylor And wife, of Harlot). are speieling the hohdaye with min - 1) ifet renewing old netpiaintance. shit" Ma the Hoy sitaektotiow, of the Win quoit 0{4.1 ed• 001, has been renewing old ae 1,, i 11.! UW4.1611401 111VVV 111/V/1114 111V past Its Helva Campbell returned yes - tory ma'am: and at rens, coo, 9' . respihrisl 1 /111. 41,st y involved elite, ty of his old friends here on seleet audit or hall he takeit more: Tie 1,1 • last. They weir all glarl seriiiiisly arid that io.. meti Are h 111 oking so well anti 10- know appointed who .110 - only 11440 the 'OS pe 111 The 111.'1,1 . neeessary knowl,s1g"... 1.,11 are onivv they ate app tinted to fit1 ,'. i, ia c {doe was burdened wit li the A Pioneer of Ashfielo. hel,;„ her when was either, a 4 It ore she dot ifopy Minted it One of the ;tweeters of the• tow ship tended when he cam* home brui of-Aediffrid-, wt.., hiet-hie eh:err-in re mot bettered from) • lighting spree. 01 a ham we li ive I ,•fes too,. it as A native Pet. .'s Prescript ton. Amity ; i 'Is of Meettland, hying -born in Dumfries. old a el popular reniedy. cure. 1, sett ite 041ne 141 this estuntry in 111V,2 nod hwi aches rind sprains. One ho itt the townehip Ashfleelel, lay the bottle. Good for man 1, NEVI. allt1VV1(1.- Rig& —AMA Ailntistt Hi,. doll edits of the Ohl Country. Mr. bottla and t n, ditbiomily at her fl nn eleared large lain' porse. • Ain't got some foh Of aftt.4 err so, hewing his home rents?" she yen ord. Some foh Jo. of\ the virgin forest. and in on y liensta. Als ant it fob ma t tbe privnt ions of pioneer ma 1." Lippilieuth his wife nod b aft il I Ire 2101 ,1111 Nen life hel hy sons and four daughters and try two an I Opens January ath in all depart ". INESS COLLEGE:, Yonge and Gerrard Streets, Toronto. Dur ftt in Equipment. Staff, Methods and at Resiilts You are invited to write t v for it if interested in the kind of hool work which brings best Oodd's Kidney Pills are the medicine that will cur. Dia - hetes. Like Bright's Dis- ease this dis- ease was in - c arable until D°dd'y Kidney Pills cured Pt. Doctors themselves confess that without Dodd'. kidney Pella they are iwwerleaa against Dia. buss,. Dod'drtey Pills are the fidrs, IGt medicino that ever cured Diabetes. 1 mitatiotts—.box, Dame and :,itl,:tre advei used to do so, :,ut the ulcdicio• that dos; .oro . • Diabetes is ilodd'a Kidney Pitis. I1odd's Kidney Pills are fifty cents a boa at all druggists, WINTER TERM OPENS JANUARY 4th MOfI to . r a P R r) , e P 1rm„a•a n)' ,. n .1/ 4/{1.111e/1/ Iia„ any [Il olio•, to Ing'.,;-lu. (:gnat drtuand for her aradun•,•. ,; H1,ian. t'edlette' T..,cl ,.• 1•, a,. Secretaries, 1.0f/lee tea Aspentllod, • .' emiewitment of the n In Lw,,ue., aro, 0. We int }trkeontour- i u1' Thnt I •.•loo- dent.. ntaunal by Alin Fu,.'1r: ".1's, COMMERCIAL, STENOGRAPHY, TELEGP 1PHY. %setll,.h scLuo. Goderich -: business College , , I t-'DTTUN Pitta !PAL. WINTER TERM OPENS JAN. 4..,. CEUTRAL l/J!i�l% (`' i COMM ERC rA SHoRlilAND /RIAU sow aril In dernui a. i The woluati who avails herself of this off serviceable lt.ehatian.1.amh or Astracha lined. quality of Fur warranted. evenly gluaav curl, vii..'. 34 to 111, each only THIS WEEK WE CLEAR THE DRESS GO All 1 he short elide that have been %ceu to go 'at oar sweep out —many murk materials in 1'vo ry good color, ilne silk 411(1 and heavy good, lengths sufficient for ski ('mite early to g` t your.chuice. LADIE:St-CLOTH COATS A 01 Three quarter Islet styles and qualities, .each 1st from $%,fro to $xo.00. :Q pro: will buy a handsome, IAutb J sari beautifully t• bed sad flue $25.00 US REMNAN'45 'u o lately are marked oder half-price ; beautiful ,tve Koala among them. Dresses, lflosessta, Coate. NTIC CLEARING to $17.0• coat0, t •11 malt SAYINGS IN FUR BOAS AND 4l'FFS i Half-price on many May suggest son our redo, the1 object is to drake l•crltaio of a quick clears `Sable. Mina, Upoauue Myron. Isabella Vex. all at earriflt•e prier., T W. ACHESON & SON r F 101/1/r Grand Clearance Men's W ear i in BIG SAVINGS FOR KEDL-BUYERS. January is the month for-I••aring outall li inner liuud.s'rml_gettityt road} -:+•r t he jag V. I(H' k so w.• »1'r going to ff ., •i ala eve 1 week. 'Watch our (tal4erlfseines:. On SATUR- DAY we pot em sale. MEN'S FINE SHIRTS W. G. & R. and Star." 11sea 14 to i71, regular 14.00 and $1.75, for 3 pairs of PINE CASHM1 ERE SOX ... .'.... • .. • ... 6Oc. MEN'S SINGLE. BREARTED TWEED SUITS, nice dark patterns. well -tailored. $too, for . 35.16 MEN'S SINGLE or DOUALE BREARTED SUITS, 11000 and ju.00. for , - , 87.75 1 MEN'S FANCY TWEED OVERCOATS. tringle and double breasted, $13 0o to *moo, for 38.75 BOYS' SINGLE BREASTED 3-PIECI SUITS, 15.0o and $6 oo fo 33.60 BOYS' BLACK FREEZE OVERCOATS, 15.00 and $5.5o. for .33.76 •a ' 89c. IWalter L C. Pridham 1111M181111/10=041.111111111.1.11410 form, with the tnotto -Civic govern- ment is hnsincss—not p,litics, ' The result was that he got a majority over his Conservative opponent in every o ( ting division in the city, his total majority being 2,2t15. The Mayo, - elect was in command of the 91st Highlanders of liaariltcm on their visit to (iodetteh on the 1st nt T. I' • He is a son-in-law of Mre. M.- Clure, of town. Journalistic Notes: The Canada Scotsman is u new pub- lir•ation, -devoted to the interests of Climb 'life in Canada. • It is pub - 1 hed aernionotobly by the Cowan Posliahim, Pm; Terrnintrand promises to fill its Mare with mite -eat The Dunilae !tanner is•fiffy years old and recently homed a voluminous and wetItitetrivett special minibeetn honor of ita jubilee. Tile Benner is one of tbe beet of ttfoitrio's week- lies, tied i onnivei sat y 'lumber ill Rohr. at .i Ss" uel Noble AM start - What it costs, and. the results A Kennedy School edue non does not cost much Tio oo a Month less for Lash on longer tertns Any graduate Win earn from We find the potation Send for boaklets. They tell the who/e story 'Fire Kennedy School Adelaide St. E.. Toronto. ammisamomik Repeat. "shit t% Core al- Alma Ladie's College College " P...roloWtootit-aUows est, room and laundry - - year's tuitiou with board, $168 It titer Term open. Jan. Iib. Arra ..e von' ,u etteod the famous ?..LrrvTr•� .t -rte_ 'rat- !4-HIM)t, MT.tNfet TO-VIAy %vIT;IV('T A yt'1'I:KIott IN THY /N. `. Nearly all college. M the best. but rtatmluato + •., I1l1YA N1,T MAKE THEM so tier --. f'atalogn._ geed It from .over too . er. :tee for yourself what this t nth .•.• I• dols.,and rho advantages it offer W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal. yew,. and Alexander Mt. From GODERICH ORONTO AND RETURN $4.15 ADMISSION TO THE Ontario Horse TIC.ICET 000D GOING Return Limit, Jan. 16, i.10S. K If I I t. Agent, tioderich Winter Session I Twen ty Per Cent. off ments of the CENTRAL BUSI- brothers. His brother% are leorge Drennan. of Ashfield, and John i Drennan. of rargo. N. IL. anti bi- family 4.4MaiNt.d, of John and Georg.' ill 1141111e : Tenn/int, of Citelia fell town Mem. W. J. Bell and Mr,. shot of Ashfield. and Nit,. John Little, Aoitiplit. Mi.. livettnno was staunch Itefininer in putttlen and r,,e0„0 Pi.e.iiVisti•tri. helot for Presbyterial) eh otrch. He VAN n inne who never took win in ptildiv HP.. Ito, who knew hitn. fonerni took Nero. on Thursday to itintail M. Rutherford. The pnilds-nrer.wc, the from, afrlis•ill•kW t he (It. end ihIlleS thermal!, .(11116 111 (ientg., myth Standard : In Andrew .- civerrolt bort 'Silent/1y the morninz nittit WV* presaeheel by Mr, Wil! ieifht lend. who is visiting at his holm al Walkerlaten. Mr. Vineland 1. cASMAIIIIIMI CMS rinst. READ OUR FRU CATANGUE THEN Decide es the Rosiness College We aak the pnvilege oi sending you our intensely -interesting. handsomely- tliustrated FREE CATALOGUE. In fact, you really owo it to yourselt to tot a copy and read it thoroughly before you select the Bustner:„ liege to attend. This Catalogue explains all about our echool. our faculty, our different courses. Tolls why we honestly believe our Col- leite tn be t he beet Mr you. After reeding the book vm will leave you to lodge for youre4f. Sending for s eopy plikeilSI you under no The Forest City - vs and Shorthand College 1 • During Janissy all FANCY SUITS ANDOVERCOATh reduced twenty Jer cent. MUFFLE:RS.1 coat. THE TWO MkRTINS Phone 180 Ta‘ors and Furnishers. It Takes A11 Kinds of 1 TO MAKE T E WORLD Wolen and, all kt.ds 'of shoes to please them Still ihey cin all be Suited with 'MSS CANADA" Shoes e,,r,,04,4, find varied is the Ws are milting more women with them every day hersiise mole reputation grolva every day. ' t'. shad* hitter than others. Try it. 1.3.00 Use swill lama 1 I. see 11