HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1909-1-7, Page 1Read The Signal's Clubbing List on page S I hl^ week Send renewals and newo ubr Epp - none by Postal Note. P. O. Ex- press Order, to The Signal T7Fs GOND i .4.i-N°.Mai ituuts Financial THE STANDARD LOAN COMPANY We offer for sale debentures bearing interest at FIVE per cent. per annum, payable half -yearly. These debentures offer an abolutely safe and profitable investment, as the purchasers have fur security the eutire amete of the Com- pan7 Capital and Surplus Avert.. - Total Asset - Ptesident: ALEXANDER SUTHERLAND - $1,340,000.01t • $2,1100,000.110 Vice -President and Managing Director : W. S. DINNICK. DlrectosS: RIGHT HON. LORD STRATHCONA end MOUNT _ROYAL, G. C. M. G., J. A. KAMMERER, DAVID ----8 RR. TS . GREENS,• WIHUt4H S. BRENNAN. J. M.. -. RO HEAD OFFICE 1 1. Colt. ADELAIDB AND Vl(.TORIA FIT*., '1011,01414.Goderich Office, W. L. NORTON, MANAGER.- KBINDING BOO MAGAZINES, - PERiODICALS :and LIBRARIES bound or ',paired. GOLD LETTERING on LI .1TIIl }t 000DS Ail ordenproepp,,l1 .treaded to on leaving same with THE SION AL, Coder, k, A. K. TAYLOR, FSTRATFORD SitWtione fitted. WANTED. -POSITION AS OEN- T V �g� serves'. A lj to IEE °CRT ReUd E C ItALE:ER. 98 Gibbon. street. OOde- T gent HOUSE TO RENT. -A COMFORT- ABLE dwelling esntmll, loomed ; ten morns. modern improvement& - afro a .able. AppN Real [e- F Krbu , a5• S YOUNG & gaff Ws-S.wla r•g��r-� RENT. - TWO GOOD-SIZED 1 • MUM rooms over the Sterling Beak. mew ae sdtaslice w to Mir..table for ,Dancer' law talkie tistry, lasaranos m sta. fey at MK. MOR LISSHB grocery MOM OOOERICH MARKETS. Tiu MsDAf, January'Ith. Fall wheat. per bush ... en 41 to e tl(puritsyr wheat, per bush ., 6I7e. per bush Buckwheat. per barb Cats. per bush., Peas, per bueh Farley, per boob Screening. per too Flour. family, per flat---- Floor, patent, per cwt lime. per ton Short., per ton Hay, )ger ton Worst. per cord Butt. e, per Ib Chee-e, per Ib Eggeit froth, per dos Poues, ares ualto u 0 48 to 0 b34to e 0asy 0 00)to 9 04.310 0 18 W to 18 yes to i 3 25 to 3 30 w to w II 00 to 94 ' OO to r 300 to e e x1 1e 0 065 to 0 •9410 0 30 to Cattle, ordln'y to good, per ewt, t t 30 to to 5 Cattle, export, per cw Hoge, Ilve weight, per cwtm O1 to e Iambi A ti.0 m 1 Sheep, per cwt Ib � nper Ib Lard, per Ib , Tallow. per Ib 1114.., ler eat ghee pp skin. C hlcken, 12 to GODERIGH, ONTA[ UO,-OANADA : JANUARY 7, 1909 LOCAL TOPICS. no doubt that under his management The News will be vigorously and ably conducted. His Goderich friends wish himeucr•rsl. Charged with Anon. A man named Joseph Sampson was Death of Mrs. Stevens. before the county judge on Monday On Thursday last Mrs. Samuel Stevens. formerly Mise Minnie Vau- *wne, passed away at London, the body bring brought here for inter• tuent. The funeral took place on Saturday from the reeidencuof the e deeeased's mother, Mrs. Rev. Dr. Dougall conducted the ser- vices ervices end the pall•benrera were Sam- uel Treble. Samuel Vanetnne,Ueorge Bissett and Thom& Bates. Mrs. Stevens is survived by her husband and two children, wbo are iu the Went charged with settingire to the house W' and barn of llliatit Wickert of Stephen township. Sapaou elected to Ire tried by the judge with- out a jury and the hearing of the case was set down for Wednesday, Jan- uary 13th. Sampson was went up for trial by Magistrate W. J. Wil- son, of Stephen. Home Circles' Officers. Goderich Cinlr, No. 1416. 0. U. H. s C.. haelected officers for the present year as follows : Leader, .1. Elgin 'Com ; vice -leader. J. H. Worsen ; secretary, Mrs. W. L. Pennington ; financial secretary, Mrs. Win. War- nock ; treasurer, J. E. Hick ; chap. lain. Mrs. Stoddart, sr.; marshal!, Mre. McDiarmid ; warden, MGIS Maggie Murray goat 1, 4. Carl ; sentinel. Alis. CLrk : auditors, J. E. Tom and J. H. Worsell. IM 50 36 3a au 4.i ul 61 W ys (u 00 31 1s 116as w M Oe e1 3 OP to 330 n 17 to 0 17 013 to 090 15 to 15 04 to 0 06 6aub 6Su 40 W W oto 111 11 Turkey. .. . • - --.. •' ........ Outride thea sts pies.. week. pi Meg IMO* tor Sale. VIOOD SEVEN -ROOMED FRAME leeks street : belt an aere of ground ; fruit Doter for male or rest -Situated on trees, etc.: good well water . geed awns cel ler : stable and other a enontn(Qd4tlon.r further particul•re apply to MRS. VAN ti1'oNLe4 Angier.. stets(- Yl f %HEAP PROPERTY FOR SALE. -- on Keay* street. Goderich. only thirteen hundred dollars. A amp for eenebods, Two Iota, meeeortng 124 by 134 feet 1. all ; IS fruit tree., apple, plum. cherryan kitchen ch; by frame amiss. mato par' wond.hIn H by a both two stone. high. by 1k Otooe ostler. cement Moe,. Ulla with lots of good mein/ water, ly Papered and painted inside. aloe newly painted white nuulde. Stable 1 1n 14 with )ol tapine d a. siding. All the property+ I it 10 situated on a nice,tr emak ne,It • ousel Ir( eat able plaoe w lire. Wouldmeat for someone who ha* money t`t• invest. Goderich her a bright future wheel, alto or call grow. Now is the time to buy. at Mem el redden• --1t Kes7w street. tt' M. ANDERSON. AL'CTIUN SALE. K SALE. -IN ORDER TO C L()JE _- IL the estate of the i.10 O. C. newton. Cirri yds, drew Bond. in .alt lengths, len. 1' op the rale. It is .shirts. bed blanket.. for I��c tea Iden Y can 0 tato residence Y Ueosvrrlfr t LOwek I* gad arts .'.ruin, .8 `boy'' In , fair condition. ties *titers table riot he, upe•trf part be apply tod at any time. ref tennis overcoat% ribbons. button,., Rle...ware. dl,hea, (erticaanl apply to ProI . Et R Hlalr. granlleware eto ..mall rot heater. C . J. HAMILTON. Rxantltnr; SATURDAY. JANC'AHl' 1sTTf• - -- - clock In the niternn m .n 1 7 In the . vera• o - at3 - E n iM1.- H L t. Y n A .t see R rat , FO dl t1 V 9 n D Ha 'ei I.A• k eft .on I • tHec fuer (wTKK. Ing. w;11 be sold 1 KIn the Yorkton diet rfet. Yom stoles Of not afford to mou It. S. the Rood. four farm,.. mnteining 100 genet each . two I atwduteb at your own prim. No such nano with buildings on and telephones i theI .fixe Ouderlch aka a baby. Every wrtlrle put Women Will sell on easy terms. UP mart go. DEO. RE('K ETT, regarding the oounVn cheerfully give. J. H.' - Auctioneer. TEWSLEY, Yorkton. Seek. Notice. A Former Goderich Boy. Announcement is made of a change in the editorial management of The ()leathern Daily News. Dr. W. E. Cruickshank, who during over four -years-has beton the editrrr..f the'p&Peri has relinquished the oust, for the pur- pose of resuming the practice of the medical profession. life place is taken by Willidnt E. Park, who since March, 19US, hes leen it member of the reportorial staff of The News. The new editor is well known in Goderich. hie father Iwiug the late Robert Park. formerly principal of the Goderich public schools. Mr. Park. although a young mat, has given evidence of very considerable ability. and we have NOTICE TO DORS. - ON AC- roont of the change is t6. persomel Of Me company, an therm indebted toro the -(.ode rich uested to setttle'Iening their llle acaou isited. •re immediately. THE (aor)Eltl('II PLANING MILLS. LIMITED. John Lawson. Secrew y-Ttf. VOT10E TO fNVESPORS.-THR 1 executom of the estate of the late Decree Acteases have decided to offer the whole eetat a for sale. The Dr'opert y non. Isla of real estate. debenture.. bonds an.. storks. Parties wb.hing to invest In any of the above properties eon get full particularti on applies. lion to the executal.. Mie,. 7..I.0 ('. Acerae.. Exerutrim J. P. Heowe 1. Executors WILLIAM Acltga0w O ed sick. Dec. air amt'. Auction bales :et>wa; 5 i The Y. M. C. A. Owing to the ante -holiday excite- ment and to the local option cam- paign uteetinge diverting attention the past few weeks, the Y. M. C. A. work In Goderich has Isuguish..d- 'omewhat, but it i. intended to re- route the weekly meetings at the - rooms un Monday next. Provincial County Work Secretary CuUros and County Secretary Fleming were in town this' week and have eulistad the intermit of some n'ew helpers in differ- ent departments, such as the physical departulrnt and the proposed choral cru -L, eh -ttie remit -hider of the seasre) should see considerable activity alo'ig Y. M. C. A.,lines. • NOTICE 'O. ADyj RTISERS Copy of change of running advertise- ments must be left at this office by Monday noon to ensure insertion in issue of same week - Lost or Found RA 'McLEAN Br . FOUND !. d HI Dror' •tore on the :I+t I)w•embea Owner eau have garut by calling at MCLEAN. BROS.' and provtne same. - -- Renew Have you renewed your subscription to THE: SIGNAL for two ? Renew 411..110 Renew VANATTER t ROBERTSON. Puauwa. on Wednesday to Maitland cemetery. ELECTION AFTERMATH. Rev. R. W. Millyard conducted the services and the pall•bearere were It Inoka Tike a prettyood council. George Barryy. John Dunn. 1( 4) er t Reeve (tallow will Luke a creditable Thompsou, William Sharman, John representative of the town at the Mdwards and J. L. Grant. county council, and with Deputy Reeve Reid to support him the voice of Goderich will be ,heard with effect iu county aliens'. The growth of D. Macklin's ma- jority is phenomenal. From one to SDI in a twelvemonth is rapid develop- ment. Moth G. M. Elliott and C. A. Reid should be in the council. The trouble war that both wanted the wattle posi- tion, and only one could have it. Chas. Stewart headed the poll in Ashfield: Congratulations ! The splendid vote given to R. It. Mallows Is the more noteworthy froth duet that -Mr. MaIIwve-did aw -caa- vaassing, and worked all ylectioq day in his 'audit, leaving the voters to do as they pleased with hitn. Naturally he is greatly pleased with the hand - Wane t xprryej°U of confidence which be lips received, unsolicited, from the voters. The leaders in the fight for the local option bylaw have 11,) reason to feel discouraged. It watt only by clever campaigning and hard work that it vote of (SIA) was rolled up in Pe -v sort of the bylaw. The result go .m the liquor licensees food for serious thought - The Signal'' advice to r•aaia t water and light commission was fol- lowed by more than a throe -R the vote% _. - _ - . There was a great deal of local-Wee- est ocal rater -est in the contest in Owen Sound. and the temperanc_emople were gratified to hear of the pt"'Ii)t+ltning of the local option bylaw there. A good men went down to defeat in West Wewanoth. It was expected that Reeve Bailie would come through the contest with a Rood majority and would he elected Warden of Huron county for iOtW. But Lhere'e many a slip - We thought a newspaper man had enough trouble on his hands without looking for more. but we see that our friend H. B. Elliott, of The \Vingharn Times, has allowed himself to be elected a member of the town council. We congratulate. the awn of Wing - haus -we am -ear• e m thize h 7 P ra Big Joe Dalton is elected to the Ashfield township council. If Mr. Dalton conducts township business in tt>rwpiekawd.epee waRJy3.. t" fine farm, Aehteld will Its a me 1 township. With Organist Jordan in the coun- cil the proceedings might tq be con- ducted with harmony,'" Ile is a good hulnetas min -why ehotld he naw make gold councillor? That is about the way the voters figured it out when they marked their ballots for P. T. Dean. What's this that has happened to the young Napoleon of Goderich township ? Never mind, Harry ; "eweet are the Imes of adversity." We refuse to credit the rimer that Robert Elliott is discouraged by his defeat on Monday. We do not be- lieve the word "discouraged" is to he found In the irrepressible Robert's dictionary. Alderman Craigie points with pride to the fact that he polled the biggest vote in the, whole election. John to w good boy. Congratulations to Reeve Mcliwan ! He should he prrrtel- continued confidence the people of Col- borne have given him. "So near and yet so far," was the comment when the result of the local option 'o volvoteayssknown. - 11 n There is some talk about a defect in tbe nomination paper of 0. F. Blair, who was elected school titmice in St. Patrick's ward. Donations to Hospital. The following durations in the hoe pital are acknowledged : Mrd. Jones, two pillows ; a Frieud, tea and coffee ; Mr*. G. M. Elliott, tovfil ; Mrs. Beck, bread ; Mrs. Davidson, turkey ; Mrs. Howell, Mrs. Jas. Clark, Mrs. Ball, canned fruit ; Florence Nightin- gale Chapter of D. 0. E.. fruit, etc. ; Jas. J. A. Itumball, Mrs. Currie, oranges ; Mists Strang. fruit and vege- tables ; Mrs. Varrener, Mrs. Currie. fruit cafe. Neal -Week at the --Opera H The feature act on the program at the Victoria Opera HOOP* next week dun, wilt be the popular Lottie Glenraore and Edward Barrett, who on Mouday will present their latest comedy succus, "The Lott Dug," a sparkling one -act comedy playlet; bubbling over with good, wholesome comedy. This act is drscr(bed as the most unique creation yet given to the vaudeville stage and is the realistic recital of a rich society lady's trials and tribulations over the loss of her most valuable possession. her pet dug Fain. -lira ''peed&Y even• ing. The Presideut of the Ananias Club" will be given by the same per- former*, concerning which a critic writes, "The President of the Anaem- ia* Club' was quite the most novel and interesting sketch conceivable and the theme delightfully refresh- ing." No better recommendation can tei_gfyAn this team than the fact that they were compelled to remaln in Owen Sound for two weeks, also in Collingwood, and are booked for re- turn engagement at both of them houses later in the season. They e be in Oo derich all next, week. change of program each evening. Miles Brno: motion pictures every evening. The Real Thing. The publishers of The Signal are again favored .with a generous gift of real Scottish shortbread from their esteemed frieud John Buchanan, Earl., of Loch Melon Farm, .Carlow. Along with it is some brattier received by Mr. Buchalter) fro u Auld Scotia, and it is Deedless to sav that we prize the gifts very highly. Mr. Buchanan con- cludes his letter thus : "1 may say also, as I am getting heavy of lirith, but light-hearted, and monists get around as I used to do. 1 will he glad to see as many of the good old friends as will favor with a call at Lash Melon. and will promise to give se long as it lasts some of the .aid cake." Orangemen Elect Officers. L. U. L. No. 1142 held its annual elec- tion of officers on Monday, 'Leath ult., with the following results: W. M., Joseph Mc Nevin ; D. M., Thomas Tichbourne7-----ehaplaie. Gauge alcMilla° : R. S.. A. M. Todd ; F. S., Alex. McNrvin; treasurer, W. K. Pinder ; lecturers, Cant a 1 B ' M. McDonald sod %Villiam Irwin; D. of C., William Nevins; first committee mac, R. Sharman : second committee man, IS. Wells; third committee man. C. Johnston ; fourth committee man, Captain McDonald : fifth committee roan, J. M. Proudfoot: trustees, the insister, the deputy master and the treasurer. LOST. -ON SATURDAY NIGHT. ^Jlth Inst .-probably between Sadder Hill and Oodermb, 1Mndeniess.ring with d.t hirer hlo0one. Inrrpupil. lake" 11ipt(oln beide, "from oo rettuurning same to SPINAL (Mc*.nder will be mwarded Card of Thanks CHAS, A. REJD appreciates the confidence of the people of Goderich, and in return will use his best efforts as • DE a 'TY REEVE FOR 1909 to adv ce the interests of the town. BOFORS OF 0ODE- 11 NIA IE .d .0 modern OconvBKlTe's, i good modeled. good locality Fe further particulars apply to J. H. KOHERTI4SoN. 1 OR HALE -A VERY DES! K - the rYABLE y WLt lew .. aDDlytoDIINSONt(RROW. WARM FOR SALE. -PART OF r block D lake road east, Colborne town - .hip, two mil. from Goderich. 150 acres, goal day loam. brick home. �x87.wth cement apartesian b ing espring crek. 2 acre well, timber and yonrig arc Apply to C. (• ■■cN iL• Dunlop P O t oss LiOUSE FOR SALE. -NiNE IL roomed ?myna dwelling, heala good datio. n on Kesye street- Stone �!�a ndatiott e . end sunt Ins r kitchen, h en hla Wold to w}� e reply to rata �e D 1 MBA. WM. HOCAUGHAN 1N 1 p ave.. Tamale. St/ YOUR (COURSE In Short hone or liminess will tri Met melee If taken at nu establii h W Intand 'get orm u 1.7 RebooIto. ('telogUe free. Hanlon o -.M B. SINUS Cot .l.an[.:entre C. A. Building. Toronto. THE yon A - Able San. aft M. STERLING BA K OF CANADA HAM) Owes AVr'soa1t® owns. INCORPORATED BY SPICIA At' Or DOMINION RIDCRIVE DEPOSITS PARLIAMENT To acoommodet' the Farmers we have opened Brenches in the villages of DUNGANNON, AUBURN, VARNA and BAYFIELD. We solicit the Patronage of the FA1tg11R. SALS NOTES DISCOUNTED. BAViNOR BANK ACCOUNT opened by deposit of $l.m interest at 3% compound- ed quarterly. TOaoto • a1 At•CTION SALE. Four ratter, 1- top bUSTV. 1 open 0Ogg7. in I rutting box. I snot pu per, 1 teen w robe, 1 grantkin robe, •3 wetrreeheo robee ,, or 10 horse hhnkete, : mets Of 'Italie Memo. 1 eo.,t Mak stove. MONDAY, JANCAItY 14TH at t o'clock. at Beckett. on Hamilton street - Thea will he an opportunityo by t your own pdoe It uEC B Ausiest. lilt II. Masonic Insunauo'. Tuesday night of halt k was a great night for the Mason fratern- ity. It was the occasion of tate annual Installation of officers of Maitland Lodge; No. 33, A. F. It A.. M., also rat Morning Star Lodge. Carlo . The joint installation wad held at arlow and besides the two I.pdgP1 a n tuber ..i 1he`wwmbera. of _OldLLi�gahht L. e. Lucknow, were in stten�. e installation was conducted by Right Worshipful Brother N L Dickinane, of (iodct•ich, and after the ceremonies in the lodge rooms a bountiful spread Wee enjoyed et. Jonathan Miller'* hotel. Ahout seventy-five of the craft sat down to the batxluwt and w good time wart spent. The toast, "Our King and Country," was honored by the singing of God Save the King. "The Craft .and Grand LodgeVats re- sponded to by Brother H. Radcliffe and Brother Alex. Robinson, "The Newly -installed Masters" war re- sponded to by Wotebipful Masters Turnbull and Jackson. "The Visiting Brethren" was replied to by C. Mc- Kenzie. of Lucknow ; A. McD. Allan. of (loderich, and Mr. Gibann. of Luck - now. Lionel Parsons contributed a vocal selection to the enjoyment of the evening. The officers of the Goderich and Carlow lodges are as fol. town : a1t�and foil - Homing Star Lodge. hW Kneeehabult W. `t. A. JMMallofRh TThos. nota aw J. W. 1. Hetherington Kee.Benj flee. Flegj. Nott Chapala Alex. Glenn Ja.. Toren secretary Col- Vercoe R. Reynaldo treasurer Jar. YouIyt Dr. C. E. !talo N. 1). Dr. H. C. Weir O. lis J. M . Johnston H. (' J.Stratton J. G. Pinm iner ltd. Beek Gess lompman John Platt Frank Na.gle H. l'. Dunlop I of G Col. Verooe .1. Andrew. tyler Alex. Young Business Change. The new electrical shop at the cor- ner of Montreal street and the Sgwlara now goes by the mune of Smith's Star Electrical Novelty and Geliet•al Repair Shop, F. M. Smith, of Barrie. having assumed charge at the beginning of the new year. Mr. Smith to assisted by J. D. Springsteatl, machinist. who came here from Brantford. C. W. Esterling, who was former o'onducte ing the business, has been u.tied to his Michigan home in Detroit. Mr Smith is the father of Ur. Smith, ,o Bayfield, and for veers was deputy sheriff at Barrie. He has another erm who is an expert electrician and the intcutiuu it to have hint associated with the bGeta a• . e later. i lad(*• and Oentl en :-Permit me to re - tore to fou all m7 rt Icrt. thanks for the MD, Oa' rtllup.r'90ictnrnv Rine at ne to the council boardboard fpr another year. a We head of the poll. met to s ,•,sure you that the • nfldenro you hare you repent r) mewill not be I.placed.Iaoel. Every meter coming before the .• nett the coming ye..r w,ll hate my close"( tt radon. Triestine t h.• year will be one of rue • - for you all and of leverets for the town. 1'1 fnreml3• • JOHN iR CILAIGIE. MOWN; AGE SALE. Under /mil by virtue of the power of tale 4001.6ned in a mortgage, dotted the fourteen, h oJune. th iAnthony J. Pierce, as day rjgagor, re will be otle for public auction at the Colborne Hone. fu the town of ()ode rich. on BATUHfiA1. JANUARY 0TH, 11011. at .2 octet* In the afternoon : All and nlnRutar that certain tercel or Uva of land o..' premimo situate. !ether and beim in the township of Ashfield, in the county ef Heron and Province of Ontario, conteinfee ao by wdmeurem�lr• ent one hundred acre., be etie more or lean, being eomposed of tti w rat half of lot number 2 In the 7th conte -ion. modern division. of the Paid town.hlp of Ash' Reid. _On the farts there In a good .one -and ..or"trete* home with ewe -,Morn -kit attached :.Iso a good frame born withth.pne foundation tete It in a with feir s*n of et tiv tion h farm I cantered by a rpring creek end a well the house. Tho property 1. In w good Coping distrifrom itungannnon Dungout annon about ve t ten omth+ mile. rvnp Luoktww. TERMS OF SAI.0. The purchaser Will be required to r ten per rent. of the purobaso money at the i to of sale and the balance at the expire To of thirty day. from such gale. For further {articular apply to Mll•LAlt k SiM`J Vendors' Seltc(!r1'*, THOMAS OCNDRY, Bee ,, Ont. Anctloneer, Oodr'ricl1, Ont, I)enember 18th, 1159. ('110 THE ELECTORS OF 1 RICH. ish to r lariies and ore a D rrerDtallon of *the large 4,ch yup Rare mu rat the polo on Mo 0ODERICH BRANCH A- 0. AAMR & Manager. GODE- prey. veil;e n 18'. erecting me agora to a ..est 41 the to comma. it wt11 M my aim during the year merit your conedence by doing everythln within my power to further 16e tntereete o our town. gelating you a propene. your, i remain. Yours Willfully B. C. MUNXINOS. ruts) THE ELECTORS_ OF GODE- 1 RiCH. _ • Ladle. and Gentlemen. -In returning you my thank* for the (eocrown uppuurt you gave me t the I'nlle on Monotay, I...ere you 1 ap. P M rinto beth the honor and thr re. tea mrlbillty snd of the poalof councillor of the to all O uodertch• end 1 will make it 6111 endeavor through the year to Airch*rge the duties. of the position of your repre.etttwtive am I believe In the beet Intere.tw of the town. %%lolling you a preeperuus year. 1 am. Yonne sincerely N. ft. SALWw'O. i ADIES AND'\(JENTLEMEN, - 1 1.1 take them opportunity of expme ing my thanks to the 313 electors who supported iter rp literally in the election just over. And I eke y 8iithTr war adrrrenvehotel him m father www hotel keeper which was falowly circulated two day before ale• election, and other repntir ore c, tally Latera. Agalo thanking you for the confidence you placer) In me. Your. very truly NEIL CAMKRU`. Sa1NOPSIS OF CAN Ai N')RTHWEST LAND R1110(7 _Any pereon who 1. the .ole head or any male over 18 fears pM, nay a quarter -section of available tenni Manitoba. Saaketehwn Doorr wppll(ant meet appearor Sub -Aire e4600t ion land• Agency xy may district, Entry by pro he every. on certain Mndition., mother. eon. dwughter, brother tnte diog homesteader. Dint.. -Six month" rePtden eult Imtlon of the lend In each n A homereteeder may live within his homestead on a farm of wt lely owned and occupied hy mother, eon, dwnght Mer. In eertein dietrtcu a home. It/Looting may pre empt. a 0lonyide hi. homePteed, Prl (intim-Moo mettle *Ix Mont teem from dwtw of h0msmtw.A Rte time rwgnired to Parra h reed mei mite Ott1 acre. extr A hnmestAAer who ha■ ex .mad *At and Cluth . tee may take w ppurctweed hon AMtrieta friss, 31.61 per mane Os month. in each n este fifty tuna and eV ` Deputy of theMin 44:_,..u.:„„,1.„,.. Umph •twlllnet he' 16.41 Marine Social Club Entertains. The members of the Marine Social Club entertained their friend,, to the number of 125, one evening last weak at a progressive euchre party :and dance. In the euchre party, which occupied the first part of tete even- ing, the favors were awarded to Mrs. George Higginson and Norval Davis, while Dan McKinnon took the "booby" prise. After Chir Wm. Campbell, chairmen of the entcrtain- ent conuuittee. roadie a few remarks, ppl(nleuted by a short addrers from A lerman J. W. Craigie. A pleasant fea ire of the evening was the 'ringing of Ce u1 McIver, of Cleveland, an old (hide' 'eh boy who is visiting in town. After e serving of r•fonhments dancing as indulged in and was kept up until the morning hours. The club room were attractively decor• ated for ter. «t with flags bunting.. A guests Was Jol Town Clerk pro m. 1)1 A N ATION8. a family, nnxwt on land In eta. The he !Miele y for the e at any by father, r .later of lipon end throe )etre no mile. of art, Ib acres or by him brother or Public lotto. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS -Jan. 7th. ReaderTheWeekly Sur. . Piro Roaster -The Family Herald and Weekly Star 3 deed. Free-illarch it Hunter teed Ca. Ltd London ... 7 Annual Meettug-Wert Wiwauosh Mutual • Fire inefrence Co.....,... ..,...- t Direct Service to Winnipeg -C. P. H Reader -C. P. It Hone Breeders' F;shibition-O. T. R Reader- (.. T. It t'heap Property for Male- Wm, Auderpn... . 1 House for Hale --Mrs. Waterton* .. ., ..... . 1 Position Wanted -MI..O.n rode Chalker.,.. 1 Grand Cleanup in Men'. W'su-W. C'. Pride Ism . Great January Coae,lned Salcw-J. H. Col - home .. ..,.:f Stock tak g rials -D. Millar Co .. 3 ('hair., ('ouchue, 1(ede,Clourre Johnetoo..,. 4 Horns harder.' Rxbtblttoe-e. Y. R. ---• - - Thr. is the Month of Remarkable daytime -- Hodgen. Bro.. $ Annual Meeting -Dungannon Agricultural 5au,•iary L Entertainment -Primary Department North Street Met6odiet tl. S ,... 1 Cant of Thistles -1L C. Mutinies .,:•.� I Card of 'Thank. --('has. A. Reid. 1 Twenty per rent. orf -Th. Two Maetln.,.:,, 2 (Card of Thanks -J. W. t'raigi....... .. .. 1 Next Week at the Opera Home. To the Citizen* of liodertch-Jackson Manu• fret urta a t. o - 1 1 January ('leering Kale -Cantered t Moese• 114 3 s 3 Cud of Thank. -Nell Cameron ....... .. .... 1 Auction Sale -Geo. Hackett 1 Auction Sale -Geo. lleobtt 1 Stylet Fit aed Durability -Downing L Mac- I)t'N( ANNON AGRICULTURAL KG S' I ET V, The annuat meeting of the Yoriety w111 be held in Elliott to hall, Dun�g�htooeneon. on'1 hurwds,. Jar. Jere '2121, leek at the for the purpof receiving uthe annual report,k p ose electing director. for the .neuing year, .nod transacting any other general buelnewl. WM. HAILIIL, 61. MrlLWAIN. I'reeldenL secretary 11/ der In Rood artar-siert ion M per erre. In each of 011 tee (Including emtea4 petent1 Why Keep That Cold i -d. L Hick Moony rotted -Mclean Bra Card of Thaakr-R. K. leallowe. 8 • ant visible trteaastla Heiman and the adjoin' 1tig town.hlp. Mi. Bertha Million mutated her wheel duttnr m. Monday, atter.peeding the holiday. at her home here. Mir. Taylor, of Montreal. is vatting t North street Metbudiet parwmtge, where .be will spend the winter. Howard Elder. who ha. been employed t the G. T. K. freight °Mee here, iw uuw et bin home in Cargill. rent. Mr, Gets and Miss U Reilly returned to Huff to on Monday after 'manillas she holt day* with their Permit.. Jack toner. who, had leen .pendlwr the vacation at home. returned un Tuesday to Montreal to re.umc ht+ .tudle., Moo. Dwyer and Wlll Hawkins, of Windsor. *pent • few day. in town during the week. and were the guest. of Dr, and Mr., Clark. Mi. Pearl W'fgle, who .pen: the holidayam- mo in town, returned ycetorday to Witby, -►here envie ettendie1 Ohe 40a4.e a l,(,dte a 1.04 lege. Mr.. G. H, Lauder. Newgate O(r.ee will re cefte un Thereby. January ttth, sod atter. ))ard. the newt and third Thursday of each Teonlh. -blivhell Adv hiss Fba•ie Jackr.on, of Arbor bell, left a 1I'hundayl for Goderich end Kincardine. where ate purpmwe speeding the winter. Gordon %%Ui�h1lman, who L. en��gs�tr�ed in mle and pedagogic work at .Moudn.. N. 1'.. spout a couple of dry. to town phi. week, hee- led er led spent his vacation nu tier vicinity. and Mrs. Jame* McDonald amt family. of gown. took 1pwstln a family reunion ►t the home of Mr. and Mn.. Eugene McDonald. Windham. during the Chrlr m.. season. ;Wm. J. (louden. of tows. Ir .pending a few day. revenging the memo of hen boyhood. He is the et, 1 eon of the tete Daniel torsion. and It 1. a�tlhlrty years wince he left Ooderloh. Mr.'s. Mee Mn.. Arthur Bate; end .onx, Ray mond and Sidney, of ytrat ford w,4 the Misses Florence and olive Bate.. ud Toronto, wen+ New Year. visitors In tow%, the guests. of Mr. and Mn.. Chao. dame. Clinton Neves -Record : 4 W. Laves and family leave next week for llhawa, where they will in future re.tde. Mr. Levi. having taken up the edeney for Wo M.,eey-Hurl, Company at that place. r.Mitt 71ne :rmrmt:--tich wens and woo Blake. Itoranv111e, Seek.. are visiting rel6Uve. In tht+ neighbprh.'011 and are the usau of Mr lrhwwnx'^ i41renu. Mr. and Pare, Wm, leaks. 1 res.. a;ar +trwet. Edward Warnock. a,' The..alon, b, In town on a vi.lt of a reuple q`dolt:*nock i and hN sIr wife ,,w nutk. wigs aro down from Algoma i ^ �e •1s11 to Sarnia and he canto up to ere hie tefsCW-ft here. Mr*. Armour and children, of (.'liners, Bleak'' holiday . tonus+ Ir town. Mr.. Armour wage. railed home loot week owing to her husband5511 having met with an aoexlee', falling 4owo and breaking n mettle of rile.. and her Aaugbteee returned to Clinton on Monday. LOCAL TOPICS IN BRIEF, Sallow* the pholORrnPher intilrr you to cisi his studio. corner Montreal etmet and the Square, to see the alert effects In photo work and have a sitting for an artt.Uo portrait. Wilmer Omit h of the East .treat Art Store. we.. not a nandlrfate for municlpat hcm0tt, bet everyry, day In the week teempt Sunday and hollday'tr hl. -.tore Is the favorite resort for beyere of furniture, picture,, art goods. :fancy work, etc.. eta Puhlie life haw lu ups and does, Its victorimi and It. defeat. Its intoe .hr and ite failure.:, but men wbo jet their tailoring at F. J. Prid- ham. hero the calm Mneciou.nee. all the year round that the •aro well dre.•ed and ready for any fate. Try It end sol. The quarterly mittines of the bowed of audit of criminal pettier accounts ()cession r the county were held this week. ng the out-of-town S. E. !lick bas Sold about five dnl- Blain, ori South Bey. tars worth of Christmas stamps leaned In behalf of the Mu.koke Free Hos- pital for Conuumptivcs. Ile still line a few on hand for wile. Mrs. Buchanan, known to the pub- lic as Mine Jessie McLachlan. the fam- ous queen of Scottish song is reported to have been stl•ieken with a paralytic in Austailia... Mies Janet Knox, a Ater ort. Vico Knox, of town, parsed Y Vic- toria Hospital, London. last Saturday, at the age of Seventy-three years. The remains were interred at St. Thomas. - Thompson versus Ca?teron, an action the tial of which was left. Over from the County Court last month, in 'ming heard this week by the county dge. The trial opeped on Tuesday ar is not yet completed. A epeeist mreti cil wee held on to appoint someone functions of the office of the town mann- ne+(lay evening discharge ninth f town clerk as required attention or ould come up before j ,AAlcKiw wig be able to resume his worr.-TCIeTo • TRIM lotion wan carried : "Mo d by Dr. W. F. Gellow, seconded C. H. Humber, that wheruwe W. A. (Kim in serinualy indisposed and 11 the to pet form the duties of the swirl fftce, end whereas it is a matter of ext me urgency that another person rho Id .be appointed to wet es clerk luting h'- ^heener, be it resolved that Jame Mitchell be'and is hereby appointed to act instead of the said W. A. McKim ed while he so acts shell have all the hers of the clerk." All the mem- bine of the council of IDS with the exception of lir. Johnston were in atleudanee, mill after the ,business was (mnr discharged. the cil "teeming loth t o ed jollrn, various memhcra were milled neon far a few remarks, rind sneechee of mingled seriousness) and pleasantry were given. ANNUAL MEETING. The ennuis' meeting of the Wert raw t102h Mutual Fire Ineirenre Company ld at Dungannon oe Wedueeday. the 27th day of January, y. , A. D. 191* in the Aarfcultural Hall-- Death of Frank SCAtL hoar n meetl1 o'clock p• ..h asp-Ahdn The Beeth took place on Monday of the ()Denton.' Annual Report and the Audi- tors Reports of all the r eelpl and Mosher.Frank Scott, at the residence of his meet.. of the Company daring the Met seer will beheld before the policyholder. present. son-in-law, John H. (iraham, Elgin There will tau be an election of three Direr avenue. at the age of fifty-three years tom to fill the vacancies at the hoard Incurred wild Pleven months. hr deceased h the retirement of Meeerm. John Keeke, of Kincardine ; John Orem of Aehdeld, and was a native of the lowlands of Scot Jamee Girvin, of West tVawanosh. whose lend end came to this country with torn) of nine will then expire, all of whom am his patent when a mere boy.'�11e .&11eligible for rang other :and also for the tin. 1 settled at first near Minden, Setting of any rather legitimate.04(e 6uelof In family behalf of the welfare and interest. of the and before coming to O/xlerich Mr, lomtauny. J. M. ROAERTS, Scott had lived at *evert different Secretary. placer. Hie wife died twenty-five Dsnlannoe. December 31; IWa.2 t yearn ago at Thornbury, and for the _ pant ten year. M. Seott had lived in NNU Al, M E E T f N O. -THE AN- Underfelt. Hr ,.•eeni a eon, George, of AN1' Al. meetin(( of the Mu'Kll.toe Mute Al. Toronto. who wan here for the fun- T6aa ImoicaA..'e (nectar will be held In the . awl. dwup,htPrtF . lean, Sian of or- Hwll. SarfMtA, on FRIDAY JANUARY rat and Mrs. J. II. (iraham, of another daughter. Mre. Me- e de - and town, f e ie ear iver of h e.i wlwby a t Clarkmtmrgh, and a sister in d. William of Toronto, is a ether• The funeral place Dr. Clark started under a hatldleAp. The electors had made up their minds to vote Macklin before he got into the field. e Marine Social Club extends than to Martin Bros. for a rocking chair ; to Johnston Bros. for a hat rack. and to OPO. W. Black for a rockingair and co ahion ; also to the ladies wh sisted in the social enter• taimnent g en by the club but week. D. A. Fdrre*ter, of Clinton, was badly burned as the result of the ex• plosion of the acetylene gam plant wt his residence on Thursday last, The house took fire and was destroyed. Mr. Forrester was removed to the hos- pital and will be laid up for some weeks. Hie with end daughter re- ceived slight injuries. Among recent ingniriee for hie work eeseivPd by K. R. !Jwllnws ere one from the publi.hers of Collier's Weekly and one from the New York State College of Agriculture in con- ' pita!, Toronto. The amount contrib- uted was over $40. An entertainment is to be given b the primary department of North street Methodist Sunday school on Monday evening next. 11th int., in the school room of the church. The chief feature of the program will be n cantata, "Au Old-time Chriettnes Petty. Silver collection at the door. Program commences at 7,3i) p. m. The pastor, Rev, C. R. Jones, will preach next Sunday at both tfervicer in tbe Baptist church. The morning topic will be "Hdw,a King Made New Year Resolutions," and in the pastor's New Year message to the church and congregation. A special sermon will F>e preached at the evening service on the topic "The Gospel and Men." A special invitation m extended to young men to attend this service. A beer n and a welcome is immured to all st .too Ne tame Town w prewmPtmn the 136.11, iltm w1 1 ocl.rk P• T. dln.lnes.. To nwA tI *-Mean the rinenhlae nStw em )n dhe`nlorilrfh of thrree Duties.- Meat rig end other heroines for the goal and lean orth 1 11.tt remora, The retiringDirer se worth �elti.lyt welfare M the Lean. ray. 't )RY. Min are J. R McLean. Thee. Fraser wnA William of the:lnterior. C w ale ellglhle for rs eleethm. leo of the .A J. It VOL AN, THOR E. HAYS, , t'Ireal.enl. 1Mtmter7. PERSONAL MENTION. W: A. Methemn left leo week for Oxley. Mess Lilian Lwwron 1. vernier in Stratford. Geo. H• Nairn. of� 1.Vlndoor, was In town this week - Miss Alice Bates waw home (rote Toronto for • few days. Mr. end Mre.M. C. Dunlop spent. over Sun- day in Toronto. K. N. tewh., M. P.;4enpor104 the. morning to be Improving. Mrn. A. r. J. Naftel left ba, Monday on a short visit to roronto. Misr Jewett* Martin, of Ooderioh, le resiting' friend. at Kingebrldge. Mrs. Me,echlwn, of Toronto, le visiting her .tater. Mee, l'. U, Newton. W. A. Harriette,of l.neknow, was in town for several day, this' week Ml.. Kate M. Vanatter, of Applegate. Mich.. 1. vidtine6felatives 1n town. etre. 1. Elliott and her daughter, Mir Elliott are In Toronto on a visit. AN INVITATION. To the Citizen. of Goderleh; At the suggestion of a uumber of citizens, we intend to have an after- noon and evening, open to the public, to call and inspect our factory in Goderich, to see what progress we are making, what we are waking and how we are making it. it. 1,4 with touch pleasure that we He tend to the citizens of (noderieh who are interested an invitation to call et our factory on West street on Mon- day afternoon next. January I Ith, bet- even- ing () o'clock. or in thee waren 3s 1 o'clock. when 1 S o Irak ing between 7.3t and , they will be shown through and an ex- hibition will be given of what we mao- ufer:1 ore in this branch of our business. THE JACKSON MANUFACTURING Ou. Why do so many farmers mad The Weekly Sun? Because it so persist- ently advocates their tepee; it faith. fully Mtn supplies hes thecal f� niter -- cultural topics, and is the moot reli- able barometer of market conditions to he found in (laria(le. \Vnat 'Thu Weekly Sun has done for others it will dolor you. Include The Sun in your reading for this year. 'rhe combination price of The Signal and Him is only $1.75. Naftl and Mleo Florence Neftel were LL. -On December 30th, Mie Hrownell ha. retorted from Toronto at the re.lA erase of the Dr{dde parrot*. by wrier aft exteadtlA -mT h, the soy. ROW. C. R. IInrne, M, A., (Clinton. Fem..0e Mr. and hire. A. F:genet, of Waterloo, were Jean Mar -hell dtlghter of Edward in town during the holiday ,.neon. I, , Marshall, of Oorderteh tnwn.hlp, to James Arthur Horton, of 1'artrtd4tc HIII. Alta., is � ('A[7TEIt E. Hobbes., AL-SMismnii.-At At the mews !Myth, by hen on a vlelt to his brother, Joseph. Mex 1'.'1'. 11.11a and Master Reginald Hall. ' Rev. J. L Smatter en Doecrtnhor r Mol. !mewl were wen vlttors In SL Mary- dartos t ne week. skit Or ter, eon of Sampson Carter, W of Ira Jennie Prnudfoot, of tl)e poeto)lce aef, Fe0 tweeter, h. M I IP ltd in with an nuack of typhoid fere*: WHl .11tH-DAI,EY.-11 Row. 1). IMlaeee. on BORN. TI: NNW 'Id.- In tioderich, on Sunday, Jana nary 3rd, to Dr. and Mrs Walter Turnbull, d+u htet. w K MARRIED. It Al H W ELL - ACK KttSV I LI.Klt. - At the re-Idenee of the bride'. parents. on De comber •duh, by Rev. R. Martin. of Strad ford, Mende. daughter of Mr. and Mee. Henry Ark ernviller, of Ellice town.hlp to Benjanuln ltathleell, •nn of Mr. end Mint. ea1H0el Rothwell, of O,derioh township. Ind A('ILEeK scERri-At the residence of the ,bride's Wool-. on December 3nth. by Rev. it. W. MW' Treaty, dauehter of Mr. end Mrs. John Roger., to Wilmot Hucke. pent of Mr. and Mix William Hawke, all of T. t(oderich township. Mailers In Toronto the Dant work. I ROHRiNK-MAR• HA nection with Cornell I itiveraty. Mr, I Mire, Jemeie Thomson, of Herrin, 5 nt the pre, 3n, h, at t`te residence of the Rttllow� phntogt'aph'r are yearly I holiday eseem with her relative. in orlerLh. brid!•'r Patents, ' 1-11 *lel F. N'Mwrd, of growing in favor with people of mi,,,,,, Jee.le H1ake rtnrned to ner „shoot 1,,,.,Rwnnon, (o 9464 Alke Ranrhe, nld*t wrtintl. tante and he is cone trant Iy duties at ltob Roy. neer (otiingwosxf, .dotdaY ye f tett^ of Mr. and Mrs. John D.ley, of receiving orders from new mimeos, Mr. and Mr.. Aen.on ('rax and daughter, of Ol L1,ESPlE-RINTI)(7L--At tAr home rf ills Leamington, elnitid their friends here daring bride.ppaarent, on lereMber 'Lint 0. Res. CHURCH NOTES. I the Week.(r, P. Dnnra^. of Whetrrhuro11. Jahn O. M601 ('lana.. of Lomb., refereed to he I (illlee ie to Mies Minnie I., daughter of Pt, W 1 Itt.ah. wgfpl, Following, a sandal custom of the home on• 'I• veeday. ecmm(aniert by Mies Helen and Mrs. Chas. J. Hlntonl. All of , School, a co It; Mae taken the n. Palley of TFetlrat, hese tMrn w,tnog, ear the Hundny before 'hrisf.mas in North h of hie uncle, A. M. Paters for the holt SCOTT. h, rndorirh. nn Mmwlwy lwnrv.•r f1 oh, Frank Scott. aged :0 years. 11 moos b. 'street Methodist Sunday "shoot & w d,.y season. and J days. donation to the Sick l'hildren's Hos- i MlesesOrsa old Ethel Wigg•rth are at pri