HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1908-12-17, Page 14TITHE OLD AND THE NEW • • - • Cluusly ‘.s Guticrich, Ont. 1. ik 133..A7:3• -‘••5:A7-111 ,\•7T ---it ---pay -you to iht• 7 1:.1 : - getting blisines•; am! 1.1t. 11.1, 1'4;14,1 t:. 7 iPs .11w 4-rysr-nis.4-14•4f,t-t#••.7-2-440-.44t • 1,-. !: 1: N\ 1": tky t 71e.it %Alt. it '.1,1 tit 27'77 7 7t • . :::. 17,7 -A '1' • RICE KNIGHT MFG.C. LTD 40-42 LOMBARD Sr. TORONTO. 11 ONE WEEK TO 'CHRISTMAS:! 11 and ‘N.c fi Li- Our -set\ zi right in ' the thick of CSRISTMAS. SELLithl. See our SHOW WIN- DOWS, ancl emit in and see -the man, other nice allicTii, in T6itzt and-Finey GOOds. AI very nioArate prices. •EBONY '. BRUSHES. . MIRRORS. ' and MANICURES:- SHAVING GOODS. -of Alf 'kinds. 0 CHRISTMAS PERFUMERY, great variety. TOILET WATERS: PURSES and POCKET BOOKS. POCKET MIRRORS. CHRISTMAS CHOCOLATES in Fancy Boxes. CHRISTMAS CIGARS, GIFT PIPES. etc. I., Great variety in Hair. Brushes. Conlbs. and Hand 'Mirrors. Military Brushes. Brush Cases, etc 1 IIME• r S. E. HICK. Central Drug St -• C. sae \ 77 Christmas Weather F"H • • - . , 3.as pre ailed that • a green Christmas illaiseS a full gra7e7ard.- This is grlies..alle. Olt'. happy -season.. ,, liarlbrareVrand The hut ekhtlarta- tut.l ing bree:•es A.I ,,, inter Seem 111,,1e appr,prE•te at tThristnias, We can then gather at the tire. %% arm •,•ttr hands, as our hearts sh.;10.1 thv sentiment of the St....757 T• ra.t Is that, in the 17:1' [k' .171,1 southern sections and re 111 th▪ e •,,,r1,1.‘44117. h.ttlge ..f 1 54-111. o the o'itintry. At least, cold (lir:slut:4s days are not the. Ttl WYtet1 the 1. 1 the family 17', 471 vs a neit 711111,7.7O1- I • 71. • .... King Edward's Christin47s lying yi it' often wonAlerish •erhaps. 11..77 a long renicin. 1,ers In: relattyes and trienda at 1 Inas tor a tIllOity rider has litS ,ircle ohjAersonal and ifttin siteiriends j as any one else. has \ at firally, how t' '*.'r. grits 111.1117.• 1.y. royalty • re na..re e‘j \ .o"is a rule than tli..sv t' ('d, in hum ler 711-- it, It is i7.71,1 111.0 King 1:.1,7 ant .01d tut -,•,1 .177711,4.177711,4, rdiasi's '1•111111s2tvA e\tti.211.110,3 and $2.5.1sto 11 yeu ar pon their 417.1111*'.417.1111*'. p • I ,. 111 order to remember their personal friends 7,17 .1 genus • paiit:te.I slot r' '717 Santa 7 laus, and the girl in her s ..r *Warty, the pair ot skates .7)77'' ha. Feen wishing ,r. 11,.thing siert of .t 1,3,/./.111. or blizzard uea- thei. 77 ill • satisho t..ry • 6(.1.1. 'Air, cold 11.1 s the ,7171,1,i411t qled .k ind please the elders 1 .51 too, notwlihstangthg the adifits..nid demand upon e 1411S llut are cold Christmases the rule! It se' not United Stat weather records run hack about "th- 731, of a generati,In 'But there are private reciArdlt-eXtenit- inglitill further int., past • And these that cold Christmas days ha 7- 11been the rule W.e- lear-n, for itist ,t5.--t4'.at ltri•trit:47. .15 anything but e01,1, and•th mean tvnii.vrature 111s tort v - two degrees. Christmas .1 'e e %en %%antler, the Maximturt-tentpeCittitt.-reaCh tiftvlse,,Ait degives and " de ree above that , of he prececitng it 1 h•cend,er. *2t1A, I 7,.Z7'thunder- -stnrmsorne South...v. eren by frequent- . flashes_ lightning 1 in De cember 2.1, the io 1111.11,1 peratttre ma. forty. degrees, bin oirthit -- _follu.wing,_ day me re11U - at night It registered only nine •11:grees TEejii, there came the mild fall of when the weather was so springlike up to 1.re- •cernber :1 that bu.ls lingered in the gardens. In places roses wire In bloom on 4 'hristmas Day. Two •years • later CIrristinas '.4 IS memorable le,ause of its delighttul weather, and it is related in the diaries`of that trine that the- --ittstite-helds-stira -e,7feett ttehi r,114.11 In It tirie weather was rer 'rte.! in De, end the y ear the tirst nationa1 fhanksgr,ing" -but the. De- r•mhett •o• ,vt.tir.prwritelt, crn,--aytt.rt-rt .7... :1 ery disagreeal le month.- states a re, order of fa, r...1 time 1st1..17 , raln .01.1 1, iq-e's ailed throughout the• month, and 7, allong was ;At the worst kind.' Whde• thy mean tenipernt/tre nn -4 Irrtsrmax:istrt": lens OQIv siight., 7: the tree/ing."-int, the month of Lk- - ,,-- 1111711 1,.17-111 ,1t.lo':.» 0771 the hist dav of the • ; • '. , • ;• • ; nal in the ; We pride ourselves dn our fine display of Christmas Gifts, and we hear many flattering remarks on the excellence of quality and also the large ridge of articles to choose from. Before purcha'Sing, be sure you come here first and see our goods. •- -a we are -sure we -can suit. the most critical. , We also carry alarge assort- /7 ment nir ot the season, eavh Th.itures tnt eighty and ,f,.rrIl 7.1 It Is 11.41111 Christ tna:, 7.. the stores IT) !ik7' to mingle 5411 presi tits just hundred gdts .1s these usii.,11 take bli•A:e7‘.:•r•Ail Ala s ot :•1 we, 1, 7. the 11, hq.,‘ her persons .1., %Vhen time at 1 1.ressing.enga7,ements 714.t DAT this. the West 1 ,11..14,vtlwrs .44.1 sattrples -Own- g.ssiS to the n;y.11. sal.o.e, and from these the King .ind chleett make_the • • • !....-47*. ; In h... ,stng Chri tinas gifts. their 3,I71jesties are aiw a, 5, areful t,. make ea, lyo iv„ipprojAriate to Its ipt- ent Jew dr,. 'the in,: s most frequent 771, : V. but he sun and • .1157.7171 10 send a note. 74 zreet. 111.: 111,te.i1 of a rat: - Christ Mat: 1afd the IA 1111 Te %Allied. /0: re, nt •han tM1f1 t71 s t_Itiven In additi. An to *led trinkets,' gift f r. dit _the Queen 7. pers. mat friends 1-4 photAwaplr-of '.417*,' scene rpet, taken by the liersch;rkrint- • mounted and med,with the at monot:rarn " surtm.unted rrOloistl, 4'41 the (ram „ t onte do the rot•al pair send A A ke of remem- brance . relatives 1.,144 anAl (4V', 44' friends 11 at hAatie a 1 Ail,road, • gift to every nie)1nl,e of their „,,,e one. erra7henhs not -as pur,haseAl itives the A • • AIr, s. siva : • K. IIIIP•_ • IND • 1111011111111111M •••••••• • OM • A FINE 1 \-*Christmas Present e A 1 , 1 1 to. HANDSOME CO OH U. -471-34104 l' 57'l-7..,'14771.et 7M-isther ls,.tct Ali I11. 1 1.; 1 Aseild e thought .t. ‘k e I, 154. II .1.!.'11.11111111... 1 NELV UPtIOLSTERED COU' Velottrs,- Veronas, and -Leath 7"7 1.10 0707.. 1-11 (77 . , \ \, $3.99 to $25.00. A full' F to of \I'''. .1. ; I, WI A el Pi :- I.,,, d- : - Doll Carriages, Children's Sleighs and Sleds, ' also \Nicker Chairs: ES christmas Post Cards BUTLAN D'S D UG STORE QUA E GODERiCi I1C itorc that Pleases" 'THE I A• •;.3.er 75,7- nt1'l-.1.,Ily 1,.11111 and th, •• • ,- n,, fall of Sm -Sy the 111,41th 1 '1 lirist nuts , ; t 7.17711 were IN•N,,, • , • , !t 'Iry 771 -777 d.,a n as fifteen .1e71rt es al :7 . • - 711 IAA! :7 1,7,1 1 • ; ,,as the imninitim. 4•5.7. a 1 Ivor day, with .• ; . 41(10.1. -es 1',1 1,711,1V, 77 1 71 t '11r degreeti Minimilm, IN1r2snov.y, and (151.ee71 d, • • 15041. , leas and c7e7cit degrees, dear, and I • , r7 that' it 1: not tla • 1 • .11 tor LT -I.,: .1, le- of free/ing •• r 7111. isn't the s,..ite weather that makes a h..: 1 1.r...tows :The ('njo)..w.enr, 1.7 ."nt.,:nte.1 700 7har17a1'le heart Whether the A ,1 irrrserrurs sc•as• ,n te-ottc-of sunshine ITT-T,T-s.7%0111 , • 1limn' ile Am_ 77110tunzrltar., -257:41171;'M--TA-11-7.11'y hat they ',resent a Valuta h an (Ate 7ostly n.,Ar as hands,11117..ts th. .01,1 irien•l.. but the,. ate ,..tretn, Queen .1ktali:Ira otter) .11..% tarir tt was I, t et.. , female mend,,r, the r“‘'a Fak,ird, s,,,t.ctInas in, hides 1,1115 7 • •;;; Am.: his 411rIstrnas 7' 'r male se -r‘,0 and cigar Lases pipes are 17:, usual 1 :n addition tA, the mi:•• , • of the r house - i,„1 1, .1)1••• "1, • '.-Inghatn .70 7, also (-11:1,4117.1, • King I.1 -77t 07-.2 handed 2.7 4.77.11 1' ' 13 d(11.7111tt.1•11 "A•111 the hide st 1., the 1...7, -.ion thily the 3711717.t joints a• t it, , • 1,t • ; Christm Goods CUR ASSOIMAF NT- TS YEAR LI BETTER EVER. ArGE LIl'IE OF Perfumes, flair Brushes, ilirrors, wiicure Sts, - I.CWNSV".S. WEBB'S AN I -SON' - -- CHOCOLAT Fine fires in Cncec. Cltristynn‘ 113 es of Cign 71 (Agar Cases,. To1,-.1cco l'ouc es, ctc. DEC F.DR.D BLOCK DUNLOP OR E meat for ail that-beng i,11-"1',AtteAl among the ; ." •ers on this who are not ('1::!'7''' 1-'l 1.v 111.- .j. • .. or wies are w.,„k Then gifts o7 gain(' a:, -•. .••., • ;•• . • per,011,3 7010 any way ni 1,., •• • .; • • • • 041 tbs Majesty. Railway enipl-•- • tote 10740 trad-rtimmutare often t • 3 • •. tla it . C.; 1 of pheasants. partridges. hares -------. arang 711g label. From llis Majesty ; • ; •7 4,1 red lettt:rs • I5 11,,,, ,1.••• proitAT that la 11 ,- ,rned inu; h It.11117,11- th.tit 3,, ', 11. 77 no 11101e. William Cowper _ - =1.1X IBC Ten Years' Growth It A., -Atter to trust %our (7'*'S than -yourears whet,- a' Mari argots 11 :77 ,71 14h117' his wife , arses in the; u•atur • 11.71 nie,istuf of pt.is:P...rit• is Its. steady wait% 1 11,-:-..h.trg,.•.1 It: t:PrderatA: Th UTUAL LIFE 71 • t:- '•" 1 II 1%.111) A High-cf4ss - Furniture 177.11. I.-7 iis la 1,, voit i7.,11tak • ,al 4 Ini-t ma- put, \\L Store dg FURNITURE and 'UNDER- • Phones : OD • nes:deuce 178. 8.11111.1110 • ell • SQUAVE. TAKIN13. - .WEST SIDE 1 •I dont ie. what maks 'hat ronnt friend of mine so Very popular," WIrthIngtons "11e Is in yleinand for any niimber of chrisinitis potties." "That 11 eery entrgy explained." an- swered Miss Caynne. "Ili' la tio ner. sighted that he Is continually Milltak- lag holly for mistletoe." • To rap r climax, the elder Mrs. Framely nrr ed unannounced during the forenoon. "I was innsoMe,•" she explained as •,11- foll"wed her daughter in law 111$711 the trirlr, "so 1 just packed 1177711,70Me. pies and some Jellies Id ?made Ind brought them ilris. 1 guess 1 A.. A ‘74. *77 11,1K, btf.UNR1111-1 istmas Children." ,•. ; f count I lei there 1510 -1107.1a of dress7iitt,t1P PIII)Pets cslied chri.r tons children, hialeg them on '1,1 •4'e. 'letting rersona In quer the,o nail tiring a reward $o tire finder. .W14,71 4*.', 4",,, , • flowing Tiro froing :11 tripping, im the stairs, still tn1k- i Inoghin. ,,etennting so loud- .'tiat 0110. 1 sta.ted up, eclaimin, '444i7- 710 imitt Wit ii a pec::1,..1 Dr. Clay. 1.,•1 laid Ids band 071 my I. •11 in , a 7. sn7 in• • little 1 y''4 I a; • 1 d 11order PintArtnrs rance Company NADA fitlatlie Lill in 111 'se respects, Operatilig - many . year* heerr 'much trntfc •Itirrtt- competitors, while it growth ft ir t p.ist tot been abundantly -tiLLtot y in ever% deparentett busine75. 11 of it 'Vent' 1497 too; ' As,,q 1 Soil plum. * 21s,1 - 1;0,3, TII• 311-iness Fotee. ' s7.1s1 31,14 sls Duncan Stewart, General '41 41 roiesrep rnino.A1 ItIe 1.175 /wound. an(l I' saw 1)r. Clayton, his hat 777 ime hand and Mm Rosss RIM. per in 'the other T71711 In4 he prissert In Inc. rand then without a word drew my firm within hie. rand for rt time se 17•110,71 MI ill 7111071ee, while 1 eri n• if my heart would break. Coming nt lito to an oak tree, ent, Stratford, Ont. my and kidney trouble and Puffer wit'i Ileum& him. Ail 04.11n/whits in this neighbor- hood say they eon rairpply the "nut. which MY eR•ily Hinted Rt home, Thete is slid 70 Iv 10 better 14nod- eleaning agent or eystein Innic known, and certninly none tnore harmless of simple to us.