HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1908-12-17, Page 44 Tut' N$tlhl', l)F.1'E1)Ik 17, 17)U,.
Santa Claus is Coming for sure
I I1 will
at 1'i\'. hl .I'1.: i.11 Dain on Ilse Grand Trunk, and he 'meats to arrive on 'lllesdav about 3•x55.11. nt.
I ! • not taking his Reith `er • with Iwnl jut( now, ,o that he will come on. horceh:tck. I le w ill come Llott'n h\ the
\ ,\IItr,1! s+t 114+ia1; t+llrre he \\ ill be I+ft'asett to grOt the *.'ht' I children at 4 lie 1% ill then proceed to the
stip:1re, ,l here he 1•\hel'I• t' nt`tke'a'eon\rlrte't'irCle'. Ile is going to tl'\' to give ,:'lllett►Ing niie'tN every
•little b:i\ and girl \\ha% meet, hint 'tier'.
If you are look-
ing you will ind-- _
greater range here
-to-irhoose from.
'Phone 20
t ztrottorge4
Alllhr $1*(i41. :,, aefl ons Ihe 1:".al \'altar•
await lou herr.
jlfiner\, :\la.ttic,, t u1'•, t�to\r•,
1 Ialttll:.`t'i Illi 1., lio,il•, �h.4'. l\eaJ\ -
nl.ttle lI,%think.
1n tart. Il, .r i",•tu,•thinl( herr tel r•v('rY Mn111, \!',multi
:tld (h11,1. I)an t f"lger t. crit All It, t :lrtlnents.
Here is where Some Men can Save Some
Dollars in buying a Suit of Clothes.
A1*,itt`l+• \1.m s�nnr zy(gr r)qu :tl 1.. I1,
Serge. and 3\..1.1.•.1 N, -t.• 1.-_:i11,11 from :1• t ,
Ma. 110111111I,. . it .11 1tic 1"t :11 .•n 1, $5. 0
•- llJ
Here's a Bigger. One Stilt
About. :C, stilts. 011l1 tot :e. 1,1.,.1 ., Iaog - in - te.,
good wearing '!'went. W. II male, , I,•.. int; :11. 02.118�7(J
1N•r' suit .lj
Store open to to p. m.
commencing Monday up
to Christmas.
Our New Lighting Sys-
tem will make choosing
—Only five more shopp-ilrg days to -Christmas and everybody seems to realize this, as our. store is
showing a decided increase of customers and business. Our Christmas Goods are all out on display.
and a visit will convince you that we,have a nice line of really sensible goods, which are very accept-
able as gifts and which will always be useful. We would like to mention all the nice things we have
bele for your choosing, but space would not permit to even touch on the large range we are showing.
1)4J \ ou leave \ our'n:'une and address : 11 .sou Jitl your u ill 1'0.04\ e sum 'Ihint; \ ou "(ll anise': cafe. (This
not .iltl•lt to :hi'Idren. Santa Claus i, going It, attend to them. I .\sk tilt clerk to have •tour name hilt
tlinvn-anti 1tlt. 11'11.1. 111 11' I•. \•t)1.•I' 1.1. t'h\• I 1 .4N ann,ttit cd L.l v\eels. 114 \\ant \,%u to
come in and see oily 11t':oration.. 'fake a I,oh around,') 44t down .our n.tnte, and te,el free to Hall: in and mit
\\ Item \oi lila. 1,\'1':R\•I101)\- 11'ii1:4.. \11:. 4lake this oitr Store. »
--I 1111'1ll� (, 111'I.t lilt. 1\ et'k %%.' \\111 Oltt'1' ,1 .hl':1a 1'1 l ltllli %'llle.l( : 1 atlV 4iie \l :tilting a. mat
tr.tin aur hit li- 1.l., C r'\v i T:til.trint . unities It ltjalt in.'liide over 500 ratters►., of the Latest g1
the !Hills. 1I.'I'e I. the Ill.11l:elllt'Itl : Leave _\.till' order after 7 It. M. and \ •'u lits! .save $2. jt
Strongest Light in Town to Make your Choice. Guaranteed Fit or no Money. •
-e-veniagtr ,
to Christmas. Time is short. 1'ou'iI have to hurry.
.0% \ lie
l0-111e.t.lire tiuil
,.. right 'fr0111
Have you visited our -Groc-
ery Department yet ?
\ sell, it \•Ivfi)liti 1, all \\e :an ••I\
are 1o.ing some of he 'good thing
neigh hors. are_ getting.
Lot. of Uhl Highest -tirade. nnielated Mugu haft
•1 ill going 'at ''Li fssund.s for the 1),
N..t'4' This sugar under I;oyes 111'111 160.1. 1.1.•,441 11 1 . 1
ernt.:11...10,1111 tither (e.ls Imt- the tat tail) it wart matt.
fa, tared in..
\ . 1
1 .•411
We have :41.0 stocked a ...Taint gristle '*inflated .tug.,r,
mid it 4. eerily g'„til ."girt- ford he money,- 'i pounds for
the .1..1' ..
Specials for one week
I: t .• .Ling I II., 1 1 :.s.
1 ..• it I'l L.-, ha -Ma.; - ha n.l. ,; •.
. lie.tie of g.«44i quality "1'1'11, in Id tel.. K1. en and mixed
•I•• . 111 price per Ih Inc. - +
Come early -and often. tient i.4 in tete r smM}
Did you leave your name and address`?
TI , in .11,.11..14•.t ohm -:c I''t'',it,nrrl (nom; ht.:nat.:Dobhlent Meeklyw4(.t .t$l.,1'eath • ligh', of happy .iwilea•tel iutagery The plaintiff worke.l op I.. !Sovrrots•r1'r anotia �'la�e t i'Hrrmt+rM:411» INtrtyr ►t.w+lKra►-:LJ+•wtu4l,Je•• r►.. lieN'Ne'1[1-riMN'jt.i
the N,1:r. fl•IN t«•rfrrt in Gr • 1 11 it hnut eall.r
Im ath :111,1 Wllhottt ti11tir.1.
lied. I4 a- 44, 11 a• 1,1 er,flrepli iii is the The action an. for $Ct', i 'ilanee
01 itera
i lee ..Ie.'. nn'noli• • in 11114 Irent[tittd 1•htin,rti 414 chit' 1 hr plaint iii. Thr d,•- l 111. Young. 1 he defendant (s a r•esr-
'PI I!P:.nu•t:ftndnnt' denied hiring the plaintiff to dent of l'oIIN,•ne township. The jury
0rld4,' tii► fir'• ,',-1I.h:/4Kirt I-th,i...es1........a1 Wolk for himself. hit •1.y• he brungbt in a serdii•t acquitting
at ' 1 ...ay tie.. it...tarso-.Ili -1.1•...1..1'...••. del, a. tuanager• of the !futon 1' 4.. F. lllair for the defence.
.4.4144 •p the rlt1FnC art i. of ..li.-n -kit. ('u,. (i tt •1' ( pahy', .ngnge him to ,111114 \Mel)nnab'..11 own, who ram..
L, .., .. 1. J.. ,i• ... ' uCr 4roetr isle. who, I4.t.l b, ,I.,(. 1,1103 .
Th i 1'aloopal••.e.•n• orate. R•na;l1n,u.d fro - 14-1114i for the eompeny, rouuneneing tap for ',Wenn for stealing the liau-
"The--ninetereuth xeutuati ii ea. Nodi. awl. .Fact . ••tl,yi ... ova eta -.mon 4.-.111111., h.n,'alh aur •ireitaim. Ati ust 1:,tIt: that plaintiff waa Jlens.hissi
art t K l Wt _pleaded witty'. was re•
century of the l'nite.1 Stall••, hat thekj Ot MA-, of Ow U .nn. t.'. i %% hat 11, Andin the l t.nene, i••a,•*4.••1 111,• 11..•. ,Ii.ehal'grd for jural and sufficient leased on su.pendt'el .entenr •. M. 1).
rent in t'au)n1a I1 i In f I.. 1'n "I
Beth n lead t , � •, 1 e1'
we t. I ” I•.' r til and that! P IiTh• o
twentieth h, w , e t h the lam I 1'- Johnston ,
t1' ) 1'w I J Int/ 1 the ,.•
r of 1 h defence.
Y vc w: t fn
I r ill a i n, } w i
, *Olt I,tler1., 11 t. .. I,N p
f1' K
'true thea' words ..f our beloved Pre- .flu • a. %„• 14n „v it Ate the insufftt•- Ilsm n,1. tllYth .n ..,.-1, no ,.,...1 l.•.. gene,• hr"kr and injured , retain 11/11 IS liwage Letson w»s found guilty 11f
mieean already proving thewsclrae: !..twaddle ..t t11e let to 1'nit.d �rjyi, +"'iJ!1B11+T1i1r1� i11i;'yryrl•• of the machine inrutring an expense the theft fasten the Notel Hetltotd of a
t -5,. -at .,t...1. -MN- a.\ *lint 1 y boa Sr 111-0 1'«t4.. and % hat n 1., t t i "111.•1 44 fuel, Wily h:ulnllal h^»tit) ' i'., o. •.f $:..I ; when t+prra .-tntt sente'ice ,Was 11r-
Thmatle in the lust few }esus,, anJ it thterwr. 1....•
I, wt. ,,tight 1.1'1 • hrfole Aa.1newa.tlteu110 1,1411.4i.irit iris'- w•ilI t in•tlnctitns to de. so. The reelect until the June se ..ion. the (le-
d 1'l, il.• .1 r -
1 r .1 . I n�t.n.d• r•t.1 4t {l. ".eel ken•
1' e r •1'r, 11..4
Lrthe ambition t 1 1,1ito 4 .. '• ,
• s ould h a• 1 . , that 1 . 'u1' et items' : verdict ,1 • / '
aE . t d:t-h i- t i a f l Ihr plain- tendon' r ret'n o m o
tl �jury1 I n ing int hi own 1'v "g-
rind girl in this fair l'iena.l.re'4 toot .'.1 i;rt•lI?'nnlhut ! A« mn111 might Unly hr sa' 1 id till for $1_".t, the tuno,lut of hi. claim, nirnncr to he of g. .l behavior and
cc tm tit himself or herself that the loom.. , "No i'.tn:t 'i noel" • `\\'h 1 :, El irl,vyn %Veth.'1,1f . •,Rh-• Ino pus- les. the week's wages el•timed In lieu itb.talit hone intngie,11,1t. 1:. P. lllair
t years of Canada may la• notch mote1 41at••uteut to tato •. 1411.•11 -1 . 1.111 ..f :
.1'.1 .lh.• deat
li. 1. insight int.. loan fry. "f nosier yf dismissal. .l u. lad (sunt for Ihe tirt•nihtnl.
u•1 Imilliant than the pat• Ti,.• oar gnat iI-',''r,,,,.l tihalce:lse,,Ir air .•\1,111 Ilya 1,• in, 1 pereept'nn of harisimy. W.14 entered art•oulingly. 1. E. 'hoe 111...1. A. M4Ew»11 was chosen . foie -
on way of so fitting 'selves i, 111 inlbil,• in word, of raptor oenlln..ia-,.. 11:. the faru.l'>' of t ge.lion. lin' gift of cry for plaintiff. Win. I'r.,ndfrot, K. roan of the grand jut y. The juty
cog such an entbusha.il for (',nada 11111.: iy of I1f ti.., , c.d.....-o. furl 0,11111 tat• 1 x111.'•.141.•11, which ate the (;,. for Ilefendant, 4 i+it'd the j til anti 41/" the 'tirm-
aud all that 1• hers that we -hall ....% et. Et bel Nwu %Veatherald. 1. not Wil- 1 1t.:.^1.• i.tir. of n true P'x•t. _ t)avis v. Miller. This was an action hers al -4. visited the house of refuge,
1 ik of doing, or saying anything- limn \!!Ifnii ('im pl.e•11 n. (l a' '1 • "o lasers of pottr'y. the. Haitiof by Alfred T. U»vi., the present nt (11.- .end t•rportcd everylhtitj attended to
1 int wi t na tr ter progrr..s, of bring 1f Ne have read leis poem. wi• shalt- : 1. 1 11 . to rpm:i n, 14 n, •1.t r Wits 111 14.14)11. of 111e-11.,T11/r11 11010. I. gni n.1 •4*i.Gtetntl y at these institutions.
ria di-gerice on her in any way. - n-% et. hesit tee in a'sseet'ing 'that 1.111. aft e1',• he had 1.. 117111[41 111 • 11:011- the late proprietor, .Ioieet'han Miller. With respect, to two iun.meet t 1 the
hic__ Welhtnllltett. ia-acarij.14-_:t_111a[Lt,r .pi.' 1 ion \\'ie b what e.•t.t:-:t•• luwg.., li de . 1 is in rr)dtau telor jut, the_taryr raepurtr4w h4,s,„w.+--_ -
_L y,.si fu'eVQr_ 7'110 ,.rt i.•nwaa fur $1�'.,.clxiwelllla_l.be \
I woman, or even a Is.v 111' girl. who et heporu.l)1 our (dent Lakt•s : . •aerel.4,»lur..1 eetlain chattels i0.•Indrd in In theCAlcof •Janus' Gunn, ahn,h.es
does not appreciate aionbes great- •.31,1.• -and roil,•, or Ld r.,,,..,.ake .,.r.,,,..,. 1111, the • :t•'1. not the only 111110.4 an invenenry mate at the time of the ' ted no crime hut who has been
y ness along commercial, Mile trial 110 MMdc•., n.l nolo. of k) ,r,d ......1 : . worthy -o 1111'111 1.111. .Al'c Hol 11114: sal••, which the pheinliff said ltnr not 1111 instate of the jail for it ' yPa 1's,
,.i\Ito-•h cnd -howl 1 ‘.1.'11* 4 1 1.1-h.:-.
agri• ulN1EY1 braes,
Nutt. du.. We upper^o- Inn -1'l . wind .1t. i x r k4—.4', ;.('uc•atui)J. -.fit. bur. titltugt•r. l atihhr theprofwrty a the J.•U•mhruL The 141' a Milli say 11181 he Appear.' !o Lr
cl ate as we .braid her west tt 5 ,n the 14Fe,e 11, • I tke. 111•,1 1',,e,- dnana. Johnson. ,lean Newell. 11•'1.•n Mei 1..11 defence is 1 hat the purr hese mice of vel y comfortable and to be getting
ie i, literary world We think- met. The ler is 41,4 drrflin>'fnl,If44.4 'and H. Iwd."I 1 1111011 p"sats of whop the business, $t,Hcie 1, 1V11.4 /1 1 p 1.4 cry /111 entiou, and n4,4It•. for te►n11ns
editors were asked the other day., And how ..ptly he tlesrl,ihra our we nnay %sell Is, p mud. and should net sum for the busine=s and g.N,d- of :enlim1'111, Wt- think that the jail i.
it: "glow i« it 1•0' have no grew+ • authen-s ".11 ctl In 11111 lit.,.: I W«.r.artt44l.•r 4alrsPt 4414yor4•1 in bra- will. and .tbs. ittven*twy was tad certainly met the proper Mare -for
except Ralph Connor•, and no. teal
P 1 j • Tn-hat r:a,.,d, w -.ann,•,. 1 Veg. 111 our to 411 1'0 in •.1 n poet-. ds msd•• Up 1.w a tial ot- what hint. s' NI, for other teas etas, 140 c:u,
r I
4c ti r
4 he. K 'r h• i t o, F� it L1", l 1
F r s'%' surely! 1401'1'.1 1 x, k i �. I r ., A. k to r
t .
re t 11 ! _• asbeingau a, 1 r_ n , •n
i l` 414 1 l>t1t Lu u t L the n t at uiscut tic uu1 end
P Y11. tut 1 hie, Iran.
rt ,hl-Ful.iu nl u r o t1'
- -1
1 n r
9 V • 11 \\ 1 , I •
t e ) 11. iathewn not r h laths lira te1st.• o
1111 not think 6 a l i t ( . t• ,
1 htad,nl N1i d not removeoff1. to ,t .d r . ^
A. lift, i+'1.11111 rd.••nl, J tj n t my r any i r 1bI 'r. In th•ro'tl'rr
t•ILt did not stop to reflerl, rt• he r 1 v1. w ,lbv :t salt .$, -but sur. 11•11141/1r. [IN• ehwllrl. 1«•toren fist date '.f w►It. of 1141140 Ray, w1' err oriel that
to woukt hare made- tmrh as•stat n...1 :,
Ito iv ltaittital a+lua{ua-,i, .1t. to - tlnargltle.-«)t11t;-rtfo is • 1 tilt: }etre arid taking of 41 a'tesair.n,-aloft tjtttfitn' «nnnP rtntahlr home r r t11.tft•ittln la,
s„ lols•t' !;%ming."
can it he that. war ('anudinu4l are been Wholly in gain if they 1 ay •r May 1st, hsrl. Thr r. Was ,n e",e•iler• round fat• her a1. 41/1,11 n. p •-.site, as in
id irresponsive to the beauty of verse '1'1... e.N•d.all' 11.1Lf 1..1.11.11 4•.1,•IY, sntoelgo to flirg ask.. • Ihr diluted claim for rued supplied by the dc- her condition Ow Oil is not the
d , that we .,h,• .pie•• are 11...,4,, for -%,"i,. IIs the 1 ern• y
cannot admire "or 1 amulian `rhe 11111111 l.. old 111 u.:..1.... sla b water now tl ...fling fondant to the plaintiff for hi. honest proper !dare for her 1" be confined.
riti Ports. or is it jn•l the p' 14 ersity 01 „10.1 *1..• a1':t--.-AIN' •en• 11.1 Malkt•t to the saint•. healthy 41 1I •4 of *MI for nee and occulter orf the de- 1\'t note that the y t,l.•r, MI'. (irillln.
neuan not to admirwolves or their
ToeSecaof .H» 11
.t,m,• I,re.ttI",tar ,11 1'ann•li:m 1111111..1,1111111..1,• :111/1 to e n 14404*,,?.. p:emit •n. h.• jury brought complains very setinnsll „f Ihe lack
• works till long after' they aur III .1.1 % .1 Mi.' forr mil,- nftr.10011. 11111111111 • 1e,tn.unton1e. 41 a r inn D'e'icer for the defenlhinl; and the of properseparatimi .f male and
!Shakespeare was not alum . .i
. ite :1..1 . ...h 1J..-lir.:' 110.11. n. 1. _ 1',nr11lian p .. t:. ,vat' was di.mis.e;1, the i•ount.e•r= fr•m1•le prisoners."
1 bis lifc•tinle. K1.1114 was :e•IIr(11.4 1 ••!1.r 1111. 4.:111. I'., =1 .1. - taint alst being di•iui-sed. Each
t° TM.ti , .iTIawls costs. t .t.. tock- A Pronouncin Match.
the hargh criticisms of his Clout empty!,
ins 6.
1['109. Let ..lett pi.oyes except t uta Lrt .t.ht.
general rub: 1,4 u. i.► - 0111'Tan.
adian poets and cantle as While ley
0. - .• pinivanl til' %411. h 0111,I ov'•' ah thou n : d Nat' •r 4 a1. A. It.'y Jl uuinot, Jtetta Clark and Ina 114,111411
1., keep the peace. , Adam, : til r quyorl , A1e 4arK, .a•td by .1 h,. Jntd en. The •room"an
Itrx v. (...-t.' 34'1^•,•1 w,'. at► a'•- 4'sok. M. fwan, lark and 'hnnl.nn : i•t,, of the *vetting wet a A. 'toy
tion for receiving stolen goods, the and a t.eitalt. o Ly Mips Glatt «' Adam. and .1. F.. Jordan. Rev. Jame.
hit rn.•4a 41011.11 ..)nee tint•• ay., from Irty. Ihn44g 111-erviug el t reach- Andrtwou, the p.wtor of the church.
menti 40.1-,, or111a nul•ic Was Den ix•rupiY.I 111e -chair and the wk.!,
by Mrkfle- Ilrlphi• Nail n, Ag, .eli•iimt w:li tarn.? enjoyable.
A are yet will(u•.
1 '"' i 11.'1,1 •I ` ' -'n h/AN ' JUDGE DOYLE PRESIDES.
\". 1,11 , '41111..1 ' Ir.
l4 Len 11. 114 11IIf .tae.•, I.+i❑____
- re:, n;-. .!T T' 'i. i:itT. County Court and General Sessions
Last Week.
.. ,', 11.0, . L. .cnd - 10 Tilt' •.,.Ili t40tlnrt! silling. of tin.
t'..uhl, 1'nn,l :nit it" g n••1':ll 41'5•
1 i, • L - ,I .1',n• I: h, , 1,. tit • "I Ihr lx•n..• 14 1'1 .• hell last W'rek
hyo 114. IL•n.r JndG• Moyle, 1,1i4.10/14
lira• Merl.' -4.. awl% :,�t �. 1
lr4e.tm J at4t •
"11 01'•11ly. '1'61'.1,• 441'1• toter jury
Amt*Mit tel'. kindtwihe r It `t 1'.t❑•. att 1,,., Iran-411ry enar00114114'
\t'1,., .L+pin Ilt.i ,,.,tilt I.nn:i,' ( •"11111 y' 1'..n11 1'4le114a,, ,inti t•,1 the
Ayyid I)1..j.1r11Uun Intl, ,all, 01.:,1. •'1,,nit,aI li ' there „1'r.• lhr.•".;f.rs.
114:,lialattaa- ailie t • l,.,bit,ull ...1 Ili. 1, • •,'The eon.. 111.1•.1 011th after 41 .4110, L
1111 iii
.10•• their life app•a, l-•autlt.tl .,n Sal....lay, w1141 :in 11,11 nor tat
41 .e 11..,11.• i,i,T.1 Monday lira -sling to
heal 1h,• 1..1 etw• tai 1'11 civil list,
.11"uW h4' oer11P% any lir u. hi,ttt 2JI mll,ann y. l'.tul'run,---(1ti Me*sid:ty n
place in ..Iv att.-11"11' In his p.N.nny4444'lh.•r aalj.ttrINN•Nt Wastrratll' in 1hi.
,,,40.•11 in the Ih..n.'h rhflert hr (Tars" 11 taint try :all. The ('"only
n1aL,•s the 1.:1. i.-:4. •t,. 111111A11
Wil 11 lb, I,nttn n•el- 111111 Ih,•4 t•mrnrl
Ind Nin 4*,, 11.114 into, out
I'I,,. i.-l,•,vn
i% hi" it. hi. poem
SI11' 1, , whip), IN•;in, Ihr ,
. .,. 4 4 a • .I0,' 1*, l',l 1•,
\., uu ti 1 .. %o .
elf 3,1)1 1nN a1 all Lr Ref..
,_ ...-1..1.._,.Asst-.
.11a- wen de leacher 1.11 Lean.., R•1'
asIak'a 1•.(May.
Fnr wake Ireton rip, 4.rra he • •last.
Poor a• w 1 L . 4l • . .
s d
1 11
a'ilo great anti.",. e\. rpt Ra
Connor!” From tie, .1 eteinent it apo.
InArs that lie at lea.' 1, .- won h4. at,.,
to the IMatt - "1 111.- ( '.o...1. 0.
people. Hr 4. Old, ell all .tall Inn .d
whom a1. tact\ 14.11 he 111'"..1. 114,
atoriCscannul hat :l as Ake within u, .,
lave of the fearh•t. :e ,I niatlly •pail
of the Canadian }.Lan•1. 114, ' (.1...
Barry: Mrhont-frit) 1. :i L"..14 1hi.I
•very girl matt h"v 44.1,1,1 enj..y "1
ought lo, Of tiny rate, W1. tar
1114Ihepohllt•and 11.11.•, fit4 .1 to tia1.'.
IHe's battles for ha ..1,1 lead h4.
"Doctor" and "I'1', •Ise. -tot,': tail i- h.•
one only author:- \4 hast ,alwut Mau
ton I(,'it6L who 4vt.I• . -n. II,IIIIPh•Nt. Ilg
stories % {1'11(. Cali -.1y 1 hey It tie 1, 1
enjoyed her book "1'1111 1ti%.•i 3IaplC -
and have 11110 been luno...1 .y 1,411
"human Polilr' \\'hal 4111', t 1411-
r � whose I let book r
beet 1 ark t h new k •• I h
"Weati ta,i haw gitt•u.1aaauatiy-
iee "inks enjoymelnt'r ho we cm'nt
*taught oar great political writer 1
Ooldwin Smith. tit .1 ('holes (i. 4)
rtol�N.r)s, al aTme .'' a mrge un n
tvI forest" and uriny 111..011 11111 11'11.'
Ven p0011411 Merely Ihe lisp, Wtl1 sal
1111 allow Nnrinan Ihlm:t n, the' wi iter ,1f
those delight foul 41111 les 'Th.. Advert -
'''t tures of Bill' 'Topsail." '•11r. Luke of
ay th.• Labrador" and "I /.. lirrnfell's
a 1 Parish," to 1w excluded from the front.
n a rank of the world's story -tenets.
timely none of ns will 1,1104. Ernest
t fietun Thotgso,,, who ha. d • alt,
n41e•h throe h I 1
b 11 NN/k "Lives 11 e
1, of f1' 11,
u ed" and "Wild 11
H 11 Anl altaflare
to I
Known," to awake within t1.+'a love for
y t the world of nature and Uri• folk of
1. 1 the wool, to he forgotten. 0') we not.
take admhe Agnes 1'. Iwst'. stories "The
„rd Trapper' and "Ti,. l.r.tds of the
nn 1 a .411nnlif in 1.4.'..1,111 "I Anent.
Thr 11 eb41 1111 111,1 "4'11,• \'olageur,..
,N•7 t1.•
tell stasis thus '
At. areA'on 4 • nil' toll
tP.•,, )110 tet up 11.1,1'1'
1 ft.1'101 1 t.) 111. «:n 10.0 )411 well
N.•e% )0a all lave. love,
1N• ..r an sit k down herr 11'•Inir,
I re are •t1') al nM fo.,F-I,'
- And 'al >on 1 ink he .a1. poop Jnr.
I a1',, w, '1 e1.. only 1W. II 1
•' wall, tater, 1,.'
Helen,% 'nlem,ut, 4il.'r,uy roil1cm
harp Mr1'e
has aught heaven
Pare earth i sir
nearer i 1 1 hlll'I• th,tll any
other writer, tier snhnene srr purely
Italian in styli•.\\though Shakespear-
ian in idea. (hie greatest literary
(Tithe I1P..ri11Pt1 h.\ !mett•y in the
w11191., '1 The tenderi•,t emotion is en.
1',1111 t hurts,••. 44 34 n. f"Ito11
Ihe Iwit,dutl 111111 \\'e.1I.111 Toon ('o.
v. Alel'ennell. T44n anions o't 10111-
iss.11• tastes. 1'11e 111:14111444 eo1,1ptny
is 11,.• administrator of the 'wilt of the
n, K. l'., for pininlitl'. 1.. E.
1bin • .4- .fru' defetelnn(. - lh+w au -my words oat CON ''44- 4140
Peel It• V. I':ll101 I. 1 hi. id 1111 144411,11, they,' are 1 hat are nlisprrno'tncei by
1..1 V111.1. -\\'illiaut 1'erdne.•of Model iris the average pet...in! A leading feature
tow n.htp, and Ito)N•rt Elliott. of /;.Nle• tf Ihr set ;:ti evening of (h.• young
1'4. 11. '111-' elai,iif, Is fot•_ijticl.i-let for belies int ermedi %le Bible. el. (114 of
pi ire ler Welt
4.11 •s palm in
milted 1 real (111n
'taint* but 4.4t p n 1'o lnt'•1-''(*41114
It, inn sunt or the,' count .,notating
I , hi• id..; of it be $131.59.. Th:.
4l.b•n„• in this en: was given 1111
51, ,.'lay and orpiment a ill Is• !leant
and Ii ilber and for ser- Knox chnrell, was a pr00m00r-
1. The defendant ad. ing mnlell hotween two letme of lif-
Iems of the nnlonnt 104.0 young ladies and gentlemen,
raptainrd by A11.s Minty. McN.•vin
and \lis' Lilian Fr., The judge
44,1s-4'tiIlic Mr,hoo1 inspector J. K.
T . The event was one of ron•4drr-
,tble inlrrrt.1.,nnd itedrind ion,and prole
it. ehaui;Tiv j,. 1. flick 1 -on, R. 4", awe—t,'nT._14 4 t..1 many psap!•• who
fur p11in1iIT. (i. F. !*lair "r def. 1- I1N.nght. 111.•1 %tele• pretty tolerable
dant. prr.clul14Cel, to (lir dictionary 1.o
1'irnnpson 4. ('-nn-tn. • An notion vet ity the statements of Mr. Tom as
for trespa•.. The plaintiff is Is bona In the rorrrr•t pr. nnneiations. (Inc
Td 41401), the ,1wner of lands lin wit le u•n,'d, fir instlinee, 1 i distingMalt in
:as the Iliyfield mill Ints. The pia )- [rron.alnei.Ilion between '•with' and
I ilT elainls that 1 he d'•frn,I:anl s enter... "wit he," the former 11:14in4 the heavy
,tioIhe• lands of the 1.1 Mimi' need I of th and the taller the light
owed up nod dose roved about three 44 un dlin.• was told that the
1 tg tired" is long : that the srcrnt
in "exemplary is on the fiest syllable
that Ihet,• are four syllables in "Yam,
retite•r with- 4 he aee.wN,- rat these, ,,,4
that (he Iles• vowel sound in "dr,m.•-
dary" is a short "n" snmsl ; 11.11 the
"a" in the 1 hied syllnhle of "apparatus"
is long. and a whole lot of other things
ablaut, prnnnricial',n, that are very
rnnt overlooked or not 1.11101-0.
The 11, oilman. Mg match, however,
was only one feal,ire of the evening.
rill ertainnu'11t. Ther.• was .a very
repellent mush. l ptngr,4ul and one.
wards an equally ,'xrell,•nt supper.
111111 I bele eta. the bean gain,. where
Thellr*t 44114 an a •lion for assault you foe reit ed n been every time yon
resulting in ae1n.1 11,41i1v hare. The were ind41'nl to answer n 'petition
ha re, n
resident tat f IlowiC '
k nrNl with "yes" "••n „'.
Ymus 1'a pro
I 1
the trouble is between tw n hrrsPlfr . r
a 1 1 her gram Mollified the follow
sister-in•law, and the matter was nolo, Nitta EVA Biggins ; vocal solo,
settled hy the defendant'. apologizing Miss Olive Smith ; vocal lido. er.
and her husband'. going 'empty for her I'owrie ; va ,al solo, Miss Adrlsid,•
goal behavior for it periasl of two Nairn 1 piano duet. Mrs. i "blip, and
years, being bound in a sum of *tal. Miss McVittie; vasal solo, Mins Ketnr-
I • ►
Ito Inrn'anNr'' n
1 m�i�lr fr
tl n all and a(trs ilnn r.
t 1 with o at.. The Ilcl•m
the defend ",t is . Leancud S1,('on ..•11, dant, claim that Om lands :n.• the
,f Min •held. S11•. Mel' •11 and propel ty of the d,•rentl u,t Alex. 4' wt.
)1. me'l't...!. Waa;• cat-tla-a-llna•+,e l+w,i•- erom 'Lott the- {.tesi,ti(T *4#4,.*' that
tae`“ together, and one of the notes. even if they are v.'s -4. 1.,l lv the rmn-
for "I::2.4, 11,.. giveh by tie• d.'f.m.livtt vtyanee y4.1she has It tel pe 1.4. Ode.
1+ 11i. h:,lf of the i4nrlr11 ft
utse pt continuous and 'minim rupial platN1
horse. 'The sr
'Thr..n'�nme, for $ *i:,, was shin and enjoyment of The. srthln for
al.. given in lei y moat 'for a h.,: so, and upwanls of ten year,[, The other cit,
was flan.' by Sir. M1.1!1,aerll amt Mr. fend,unt is Frank Camels al. This case
SI,'I'avi.h. The plaintiffall the 14ei'. Was neljinuned.
111111 note and sued the lte •nlattt for 'rhe criminal eases wore Ilex V.
his share 14 il, Thede1eite , 1* that. Chatlnite Spot ton. I/1'\ y, (Ieor•gc
the 'totem Were ptid, hp1 not 11Patrny-.r) Mcleod and Ret V. (ieani(t• I.elsotl, in
aheti.paill. Ilis llonot 1! '4(1,11 4 ttju'n*t'.l 44 i( 1111 aft of whit+ the grant, jitty swot ivd
jolty in 111.'.t' 'eases. Judgment e1'- true hills. .
WI 4011. 11, .1, 1). ('.poke, soli(il•)r fur
IIi,.lt(,IT. \\'. Ptunlfoot, R, ('„ dam-
sel f,.'l'I
un ,
Illi. .I M. Pest colonel
for defendant.
Hall v. Noyes, TIIP plaintiff, Wil-
liam Halt, is a nterhanir•, who In his
statement of claim staid that on
August It h, 11/1v, the defendant, J.
11'. Moyes. engaged him In operate
I v '4'.' •„J '.
s turas
Ntdhi g Would be no r,• appropriate or acceptable a A
prose to .'Mho Mother, flirter 0 Friends than a handeotuc
1, tit ((
Ir,y theta hole and you will b • sone 1 f getting them right. _
11 a haven maga i is ant 4s4ort nr'nt of
1.,1' poi .n.l. rlt• tt,
tipec;Al values in lrrn's, \to lien's and •l'hildreo'. X11 peril,
All the latest .tyles in Felt :ur.l 1,,o,rhel.
Quality Walk -over
for Shoes for
n. Men
Downing& MacVicar
North Side Square Goderich.
Christmas BuyingMade Easy
VVe •\1 4- giving special bargains in every line in our store
'Phone 215