HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1908-11-26, Page 7.-vsaaselfi. *P1 ;r
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The News of the District. �
M(NnaT, Nov. 23rd.
Miss Huth Shaw is engaged to tach
the Porter N Hill reboot, Goderich
township, for IWO.
Indian summer seems to have wet in
and if it was not ?Or the great scarcity
of water we should not mind 1f this
weather lasted t111 Cbristena ; thea
we want snow.
M. J. Tobin, the genial muter of
lmndowne Faun, wears it smiling
face these days, and no wonder, am he
is now a paterfawlliss-a bouncing
baby boy has come to enliven his
A number of people have bean
lotting poultry. grain, etc.. lately.
This has always been looked upon as
an honed neighborhood, but if this
kind of thing goes bn the authorities
will have to appoint a night-watch-
man or take someeother means to pro-
tect their belongings.
ous accident occurred on this road on
Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. James Chis-
holm when returning home from
church were thrown out of their
buggy and badly hurt- Mr. Chis-
hirholm bad several ribs broken and Mn.
Chisholm a broken arm. A defective
buckle in the lines was the cause of
the accident. Their buggy, which
waft almost a new one, was broken to
pieces. , -
MONDAY, Nov. 'wend,
The weather continues charming.
this week to record rime more
changes in our neighbors. Thomas
-- Sturdy hetsokt-hIe . farm eon- the - nttl
concession to Joseph McGinn, who
has some boys growing into manhood.
Mr. McCann has done the wise thing
in thus providing homes and employ-
ment fur his family rotted 1 he old
home anti under home influence. We
hope that he may meet with all kind*
of success. Mr. Sturdy, whom he
bought out, was a friendly mat and a
good neighbor and had been in this
h,e•ality for between thirty and forty
years and was well liked by all. He
ns Dow going to reside in Goderich
enjoy the remaining years of life in
ease and comfort. One eau never tell,
hut Tum may in an unguarded unp-
meat tali into the matrimonial net and
still more iucrea a his happiness,
MONDAT. Nov. rani.
Miss Mabel Nixon, of Seaf.orth, was
the guest of her friend. Miss Dell
Brialy, the put week.
Elgin Jones, of Goderich. returned
from the West last Friday. Klttie
looks as if the West agreed with
TU'ItSDAY. Nov. 'lath.
-v4dtm has the community been
plunged into such deep grief as has
been occasioned by the death of
Augustus \l"bitty at Berlin
Eremite! on Novembertdnh. Gum, as he
was familiarly known, was employed
as bookkeeper for the Schleuder &
Dentin upholstering firm in Elmira
and was taken i11 some three weeks
ago, add went Over to Berlin hospital
fur treatment. His rase was consid-
ered quite ?storable until a week pre-
vious to his death, when meningitis
set in with complications, and all that
the beet medical service and nursing
could do was of no avail. He passed
(peacefully away on Friday morning.
His sister, Miss t itherine, went to his
bedside on Wednesday morning, also
his cousins, Rev. Fathers Ford and
O'Neil. of London, who administered
the Iami rites of the church. The rs•
mains were brought home Friday
evening accompanied by Mr. 8e•h-
lender, his employer. On the casket
rested two beautiful wreaths, one from
his fellow emplo eer and the other
from his comrades in Elmira. -which
testify to the high sateen' in which he
was held by those who so lately carte
to know -him. The deceased, though
quiet Ind reserved, :was a bright,
intelligent boy, scarcely eighteen, a
graduate of Chatham Business College.
and he had many friends for one e"
young In vears. ' Much regret is telt
for the bright young life so suddenly
cut off, but He who doeth all things
well knows hest. Much sympathy is
felt for the family, especially the
father, who has been in such poor
health for the past year and unable tui
go to his son's bedside, and the mother,
who could not be with him in his last
moments. The deceased's brothers,
James and Joseph, arrived tonight
from Washington for the fttne•rnl,
_ which wtU beheld _from Bt. Joseph's
chntch, Kingsbridge, tomorrow mem.
WEDNESDAY. Nov.23th.
ENTERTAINMENT. - Arrangements
have been made for An entertainment
to be held in McDonald's hall on Tues-
day, December 8th, with a pr.tgrem
by first -clans talent. Messrs, Mitten
and Melvin Tyndall, the well-known
singers. wilt trine duets and solos, and
Mies Mona Walter, who has a wide
reputation as a talented eloceitioniet.
will give some of her bent readings.
Miss Nettie Tyndall will act as ac(on-
psotet. This promises to be the event
of the season, and there should he a
full house. Admission 21k•,
Recipe Easily Prepared at Email Cost,
and Many Swear by it.
Mix the following by shaking well
in a bottle. and take In 'teasporinful
doses atter meals and et bedtime
Fluid Extract Dandelion, one-half
ounce; Compound Kargon. erne ounce :
Compound Comm,
Sarsaparilla, three
ounces. A local druggist is the
uthority that these mimple harmless
iegrediente can he obtained at nomi-
nal cost from our home druggist .
The mixture Is '.aid tee cleanse and
strengthen the clogged and inactive
kidneys, overcoming backache. blad-
der weeks ss and urinary trouble 1.1
all kinds, if taken hefeire the stage 0?
Thiele who hate tried this say it
positively overcomes pain in the lack.
clears the urine of sediment and regu-
lates urination, eajtecially at night.
eating even the worat•forms of blad-
der weakness.
Every man or women; here who
feels that the kidneys are hot strong
or acting In a healthy manner ahold
mix th preerription at home and
give it a trial, as it is mid to do woo-
den for many persona.
Lots of bad people are to jail and
worse ewes gee outside.
Repeat it :-"Sbilnh's Cure will al-
ways caro my o tugbs and Colds."
TUESDAY, Nov. 21th.
Mrs. A. R. McKelth is visiting he
son, T. A. McKelth, fol a few week
A number of the people around
took in the services hi Luckitow last.
IShortly before midnight the program,
Wan- brought to a snouts 1iy ai„afi,iff
"Auld Lang Syne," andhe wiunlug
r'side [trent house feeling that they had
s. been right royally entertained -by
timer who without complaint had cou-
tatibidtutbein the teilw of victory.
Miss Irene Woods, teacher, spent
Saturday and Sunday at her sister's I ST, AUGUSTINE.
in Lucknow, a MoNro.AY, Nov. tarot.
Mrs. John MacKenzie and two' (ins McGuire took a trip to London
children have gone to live in Toronto last week• i
forth_ "--_--
Joh° McKelth and family ttave
moved In Lucknow, where they in-
tend living for some time. We wish
them every success.
Mn. B. Brady and son, Willie, have
returned to their Forme near Steth-
MQy, accompanied by Mrs. Brudy's
sister, Miss Maggie lfogen.
Mims Jean Gilmore is home from
Chatham hospital just getting better
from typhoid fever. We Are all
pleased to bee her gaining so well.
. Hugh King is having an artesian
Mrs. T. A. McKeith left last Sat-
urday to see her father, who, we are
sorry to say, is very ill at present.
We hope to bear of • speedy re-
covery for him.
MONDAY, Nov. T.h'd-
John McRae arrived home some
days ago from the Northwest,__
Mn. Tennant, of Buffalo, is visiting
at the house of her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Alex. ('. McKenzie,
Alex. end Sol. McIntyre, of Kincar-
dine. Npeut last Sunday at the home of
l heir fat her; D. McIntyre.
Jas. McKeiwteiek -et the-pestIMlke,
with indefatigable zeal, is pushing the
sale of his picture post -cards.
Jas. Robb and son, Wesley, with
their aocuskuued energy, will soon
have the entire• farm plowed up..
John H. McKenzie 'equines' home
last !timidity, after a week's visit with
friends in Lu,kuow and elsewhere.
The work on Alex, McDonald's new
residence isprettyrwell advanced, and
his friends ate looking for the begin-
of a new home r this winter.
The spur -line which was to he riot
along the 12th concession from the
West Shore Electric Railway to the
Lochalsh oil -works will probably now
be run to T. Saody'r cement est (Nish -
'tient, which is one of the flourishing
indu+tries of Hemlock City.
On account of the remarkably fine
weather for this time of the year,
many of the farmers in this vicinity
will be able to accomplish the usual
amount of plowing. although very
little of it was done in the fell by
reason of the dry weather.
No Gtt. BONN .1T LOCO Aut,i. -The
feites have decreed that _Locbalah is
not to have an oil boom[, but it did not
come as a shock to the community, fat•
it was the expected that happened,
and by reason of the well-known
&kte naturist -Ft fortune in mat term per-
taining to oil there was. generally
awaking, very little faith in the suc-
cess of- the quest fur that valuable fluid,
According to the contract between
the promoters and Wright Bros.,
Pet roles. the latter were to drill a test
well a thousand feet clear in depth.
The driller! had maty difficulties to
overcome in the work, owing to water.
hurl rock. etc.. and when they had
attained a depth of somewhere about
N.511 feet they lost that pert of the drill
at the extreme end, called the "bit,"
and attempts were made, which were
ineffectual, to flab it out from the bot-
tom of the well. As •tbe•re were not
the least indications of oil, the major-
ity of the promoters d.•c,ide•d nut to
carry on the operations any further
The derrick was taken down, and the
whole outfit was removed to Ripley
.ration I tet weak in order to be
shipped back to Petn•olea. The moral
to be derived from the whole affair, at
least for the average man of limited
ftleans. may Ile rotnewhat roughly ex-
pressed as follows : Don't touch it
speculative enterprise of a precarious
nature, unless you have money to
TUESDAY, Noy. 21th.
Frank \VPatherhead is visiting his
brother, Malcolm, in Michigan.
Mrs. Con. Decker and son, Sydney,
f Lucknow,•are spending a few days
with friends in the village.
Mrs. J. T. Salkeld and George Salk-
eld, of Ooderich, spent part of the week
visiting friends in and around the vil-
John McGuire and John Patterson
returned front the %Vest on Friday.
They look as if the country agreed
with them. -
Miss Charlotte Johnston has re-
turned bottle to Stanley after spending
a few weeks with her sister, Mrs. Rob-
inson Woods.
Mr. and Mn. Hobert McGuire and
John McGuire and Carlyle McDonald
are attending the tuners" of Nelson
Murray in Goderich.
Tees Rime Sten~[[.-$otnt• -time
ago at a meeting' of the Rifle Club, it
was derided to (all sides for a match,
the losing aid( to entertain their vis-
itors at a supper at some future date.
Messrs. Stuart Miller and J. McDon-
ald were appointed captains to select
the sides. The match was held on
October 30th and Stuart's men proved
their superiority as marksmen in win-
ning by a email margin, The seippet
was riven in the Mechanics' Hall last
Friday evening. At a o'clock the
guests sat down and did justice to the
requirements of the inner man, with
oyster, fowl and venison, the venison
being supplied by J. Webster. A
number of toasts wets. then ,honored.
William Metauillan responded to "The
King." Mr. Wehner responded to
"The Club," and in a nice speeds con-
gratulated the losing side on the .ere -
cess of the supper. D. B. Murray re
sponded to "Our Country," and in it
few weft -chosen words did ample jus-
tice to the. toast. Although suffering
somewhat from a cold. he wall in good
shape, and brought forth several ova-
tions by his remarks. W. 8. Mc-
(',rastire wart selected as the right roan
to respond to "The Ladies." and. after
thanking them for gracing the o•ca-
aion with their presence, gave some
good advice to the young ladies and
'tingle men of Mt. Helens. Tb.• toast.
list being completed all repaired to
the auditorium, where a program of
music and song was can•ied out, the
chair being ably filled by George
Webb. The program wee contributed
to by 11.1. Maines, Gen. Stuart, Eliot
Miller, George Greer and Mr. Stephen-
son, all of whom were well received
and heartily encored. Before kbe pro-
gram was ended W. A. McCrostie, on
behalf of the wiooing aide, moved a
vete of thanks to the losing. side for
the esee leaf supper provided.
well sunk this week.
Mr. and Mrs. John \VUswt, 1.1 Au-
burn, spent Sunday in thit vicinity.
Miss Mary Series. of Auburn. via.
Heti at Wm. Thou,pson's last week.
Mr.. Mrs. and Miss McDonald, of
Jamestown, visited in this vicinity
Inst week.
James Agar is busy cutting straw
and chopping grain for [lye neighbors
this week.
TUESDAY, Nov. 24th.
Miss Mabel Erratt returned this
week from her Western trip.
Ernie Smith this [leek entered
IielwiK s tailor shop, intending to
learn the whole trade.
The tax collectors of the several
townships in this neighborhood were
making their annual rounds here beat
The plaateters finished their part of
the new Baptist church last Saturday
ut.orning and the carpenters are bu-y
this week.
Miss Mary Youngolut and niece,
MierElh Yuunghlut. both tet Tavis-
tuck, are visiting aulohg their tela-
tivem in the vieinity.
James Howatt hat removed. to the
farm on the 14th concession of Mul-
lett, which he purchased fret[ Wil-
liam Scott a couple of years ago.
The late open wetther has been a
ham to rhe farmers. Owing to the
dry fall they were unable to plow
with any satisfaction until the pres-
Charles owson has purchased
from Samuel )ox the hush on the
farm helongin to the late John
Sprung. Mr. Hu seen intends cutting
the greater pail of the timber this
Special meetings are being contin-
ued in the Methodist church ; thin
week Rev, J. Greene, of Clinton, in
assisting the pastor. 'there will be
service on Sunday evening •eemllurted
by Rev. Mr. Jones.
The Methodist people 1.1
have decide! to hold a first-class
cal and literary entertainment .
evening of December t. rel, and he
pr .cured the services of Miss Gert old
ileeL eluctttittuist rind simger.rof- lien -
sail, yoepart of the program.
on the
---- ---.. S*rrnnt', Nov, lith.
TOWNSHIP Cot'NC'IL. =- The rimmed
met today ; all present. with iteeve in
chair. Migutes of meeting un .0e.
tober 21th read and adopted un mo-
tion of Stiles and hunter. Bylaw
No. 12 to fix place for municipal
nominations and to appoint deputy
returning officers and poll clerks was
regularly piston! and byliw No. 13
(the local option. bylaw) ssSS re.ul a
first and second time in the regular
way. The clerk was asked t o forward
a statement of boundary work to- t h.•
respe.•tive councils of Kinloss and
Huron townsltipe -The following
account[ were ordered paid :J. Kilpat-
rick, gravelling S, R. 0,7,$12.31,tilinit E.
B., $13.75, bal. gravelling S. 11.3. 4, 55e.,
gravelling E. B.. ' 130.15 ; W. T.
Johnston, gravel, $51,211 ; G. Twanlley,
repairing culvert S. It. 11. 10, $1.01;
G. Hall, repairing hill Si. H. 9, 10, roic. ;
W. Shackleton, renai,ing culvert at
Crewe and cleaning ditch S. R. 3, 1,
$2.75 ; Ed. McLean, gravel, $6 ; A.
Fowler, shovelling gravel, 75.. ; J.
Stewart, gravelling N. h., 135.10 ;
W. Irvin, cement tile, $1.(5) ; G. An-
derson, gravel. 11.25 ; C. Baird. in-
specting N. R. lLiiO: W. Bules, in-
specting E. B., 14.50 ; H. Gardiner,
repairing culvert on 12. 13, culvert E.
B. and culvert N. Id., 85.11[) ; O. Mur-
ray, repairing culvert N. B. 88.10 ;
J. Culbert, refund meat Ole la,bor tax,
$3.75. repairing culvert S. R. 3, L 50c. ;
R. (iirvin, repairing culvert conceit -
mien 2, 11 ; W. H. Maize, repairing
two culverts D. L.. Si ; R. Henry.
inspecting 11. B., 11.5[1; H. Shields,
repairing 8. R. 6, 7 and dithing, $3 ;
J. O'Neil. gravelling L. It., 1511: M.
Dean, inspecting sante, $7.50; J. Hay-
den, work D. L., $1.511; N. McDonald,
spikes, $1.1(1 ; J. Glazier. repairing
culvert, concession 9, $2; J. Law-s.rn,
gravel and timimet, $lO.Isl ; .1. J,
Dean, repairing bridge L. It., 1,2,
Next meeting Deceul*R'r Lith. THOS.
H. At.LgN, Clerk.
Mleen.tY. Nov. Mrd.
Mims Fraser, of Goderich, spent
Sunday in the village.
Don't forget Itenmiller Cbtistmatt
trey on the 23rd of December.
Mr. and Mrs. Younghlut•, of Heil -
lett. spent Suncie)? at the home of Mrs.
Mi te Elsie Oke and Pearl Fisher
visite last week in the vicinity of
Sesforth. The former hers returned,
but Miss Purl intends staying some
Leaglte will be held as usual on
Thgrsday evening. The topic. "The
Re in Course,"will he taken by the
p tenor.We were pleased to see a larger
number out toservice on Sundey etten-
ing. A prayermeeting will be held
at the home of Mn. Alex. Mandel on
Wednesday evening. We hope many
will come and heneflt by the meeting.
Time to Cry a Halt Before Complete
Wreck Results,
There are thousands, both men and
women, who do not take time to eat
properly. They rush through life,
and as a result we hnve an age of
indieeetion, nervousness, irritability.
sleepless nights and morose disposi-
tion. Our national danger is stomach
weakness, due tee the etrenumns life.
Mi-o-na tablets strengthen the
walls of the st ,naeh and stimulate
secretion of. the digestive Jnicen.
They Ariake the stomach comfortable
and cure indigestion.
Sick headaches, palpitation, yellow
skin and coated tongue are few of
the many distressing results of indi-
gestion that Mho-na never• fails to
Jaa. Wilson sell. Mi -n tea in 30 rent
boxes, and guarantees to refund the
money if it dock not give complete
U. A.NEWTON7DKN1lSr,I.tr('tt-
'Jl ``ow. -At huutu°very day e1cupt Thur. -
daps. New namely fur, extracting ltlelh 1Su
form), better than gts.. Crow,' and bridge work.
ate. Aluminum pinto., mow ineakablet.
N. B. -You can always, ha. a our work much
better done in the dental o re -[turn tune
better faculties for duiug the work, mum coin
fortablo fur the violent.
AT ()Tick:. -Ti lE LOCAL AGENC%
Ililu 1tunsa,mon for The Signal le at the twat
*Moo [look and Stationery Ston wboru
oniea will be noolred fyr ,uba:ripelon. sd
vertlrin,i wd Job work, and roeeiptr will be
given tar amount. paid for the +atter.
\VEDNKSll.ty, Nov. 23th.
T. G. Allen made a business trip to
tiotterith tete Alomday.
Jetties McMann, .et Cliutou, calte,d ou
friend, here yesterday.
Mr. Johnston is visiting ilia sou. our
harness -[taker, this wink.
Mr. and Mee. B. Augustine, 1,1 Godes-
rich, visited friend, here this ween.
Jim Begley and (serif Hyatt re-
turned from the- Wrst ore- hides. lent.
J. Walkout ,went to London on
Mond,(y on business, returning on
Tuesday. -
Mr. end Mrs. ('ase, of Exeter, are at
present visiting the forteter's brother,
Dr. Case.
A hot supper and concert will be
held in the Presbyterian chinch on
Tuesday, Ike -ember nth. Full particu-
lars will be given next week.
TrespAv. Nov. 2111.
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Echlin, of
Goderich, spent Sunday with Mr. and
Mts. W. C. Putter.
David Brindly has leaned the Sttl-
IVws tarn. for -a nixinllernfyew apes anil
takes possession in the spring.
Miss Burrows, Miss McLean anti
Miss Hawkins, of Sheptmrdteen, were
visitors at Maplewood Farre last
A number of our young people at-
tended the opera in Goderich on Fri-
day evening last and report a pleasant
TUESDAY. Nov.24th.
JOTTINGS. - Milt* Jenne Meliardy
entertained a number of her friends
on Friday evening.. Alt repeat a good
time Matthew lame -reeve was n
visitor at the Somm'rsall residence last.
Sunday H. J. Morris. U. D. G.
M. of the AO. 1'. W., visited the
Helgravelodge of abet. Order 'net
week and initiated a number of can-
MUNICIPAL Al••FAllt., - The recent
Dominion election was a tame affair
compared with the time we ac prow-
ised in connection with the municipal
elections of Loyal. Candidate•s for
the mayoralty are already narutul,
tad as -the- sengver.tvt• people -of this
Ohio- are deterinine9 to have a young
man at the helve fur next year the
contest is likely to. he - between W. F.
Young and John Young Some
people nay that W. F. should have it,
because (ft his experience on the town-
ship ronnci! ; while others declare
that John, with' him business ability
and also et. 'the man on the spot, -
Issue claims that 'ea,lnot be overlooked.
Ha this is not alk There is going tui
he a fight for the pfnces of t•essuee!r
Sul clerk. For the former Billy 4o•
Pbee and John Linfield are the aspir-
ants', and for the clerkship Altiert
Wise and Blob \icMillah ill, on the
warpath. At feast till', i'r wirer tfitr
writer hear'There will also; Ise a
pretty scramble for positions a escun-
cillor--hut that is anotherstus s and
will do for nr.. • week.
Mosz,ty, ov. .fru.
Cot•Nrtt. MKKTINo. -TI council of
Goderich township will meet on Mon-
day. December 7th. The statutory
sleeting will be held, December 15th,
at 10 n. tn.
f'iU ltf'H(mf^ 1'.tltt Y, - A pleasant
event took place one evening recently
at the !mine of Itev, ,W. H. Dunbar,
incumbent of St. Jame; church. when
a large nutuher of the memleo•s of the
church assembled in the way e.f a sur-
prise party and prese,ited Mr. liunb,r
with a substantial sunt of motley fur
the pen pose of purchasing a fur coat.
Mr. Duuhar returnee! thanks in a brief
speech, and the gathering then had a
pleasant• evening's social en,joynt:•nt.
The ladies had come prepared with a
bountiful supply of eatables anti
served a luneh whtt'1f was heartily en-
As 01.1) 1tF:'llut:NT,-Mrs• Eliza Far-
quhar, relict of the lite 'Vm. Far-
quhar. who died in Clint oe on Sun-
day, lath lust., wee one• of the enrly.
residents of Goderich townslup. She
WAS a ditughte,• of the bate Wm. Gni-
clough and was born in Inial on the
lith concession of this township.
She wets married in ma) to Mr. Far-
quhar. and they went to live in Hal-
lett, retiring to Clinton about sixteen
years ago. Mr. Farquhar diad about
ten yearn ago and mince then his
widow had resided with her daughter,
Mrs. Albert Mnrt•r11. in Clinton. She
is suryived h • three sons and four
daughters : Win. 11. and George, of
Hullett; John, of Clinton ; Mrs. M.
Grummet[, of Goderich ; .tfrs. \1"m.
Fear. of ffultett ; Mrs. Mortell and
Mimi Matilda, uf.Clinton.
ar ts-,., MAFEKINCt.
MONDAY, Nov, 23i -J.
Mrs. Finlay is spending a few weeks
At her old home here.
Mt•'. D. K. Alton visited the hone•
of her int her•. H. Blske, over Sunday.
Mrs. J: Bark well, of L,cha'sh, is a
guest at the home of Mrs. 'V. Stoth.
Pr M.
Mr. and Mrd. Paul (teed, of Luck -
now, visited among relatives here on
Richard Finlay returned haat Thurs-
day from his trip to Northern Ontario.
He serrtred a fine -deer as a trot,hy of
his visit to the hunting ground..
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Finlay were over
from Winghnnu on Saturday. pert
has just returnee' front hia trip out
West and is 'nuking as. if the trent-
merit, he received haul agreed with
Temenav, Nov. 21th.
Mr. and Mrs. Mcih•een, of Watford,
visited friends In the neighborhood
lot week.
Jot.n Whiddon, who hits !teen in
Winnipeg on busineeo for nearly a
11nonth, returned on Saturday last.
Mies Lizzie Brnwnett, of the Front
road, has been vimiling le lends in Sens
forth and vihinity fur the past twin
The Mises Campbell. of the limo-
son line, who bane rented their farm to
Have One
No sense in running from one
doctor to another. Select the
best one, then stand by him.
Do not delay, but consult him
in time when you are sick.
Ask his opinion of Ayer's
Cherry Pectoral for coughs
and colds. Then use it or
not, just as he says.
w. pueil.h our mama[°
w.-s.uth .Lobo:
t1tt� ars �..our .bt.,...
-....7g Y7:1'':'
ote to
Always keep a box of Ayer's Pills in the
house. Just one pill at bedtime, now and
then, will ward off many an attack of
biliousness, indigestion, sick headache.
How many years has your doctor known
these pills? Ask him all about them.
— Stade Ip baa J. C. agar Oe., Lowell. Yar.—
8. Helmer, and who held an acct`
sal. last week of their rt a 1. and hit -
!dements, have 11101/C4 11110 lilt. village
to the cottage belonging to their
brother, Jttuu•s Campbell.
Anniversary services will be con-
ducted in the Methodist church on
Sabbath next love 'tee. James 'i,.110, of Mitchell, a [meaner pwlster in
this place. On Monday evening a tea -
meting and concert will be heti! as
usual. There will be no service in St.
Andrea's church on Sabbath ev.uiug•
Back Matas[ rely[: \VKs•r. -A number
of our yeeleg people, who have leen
s -in the Wes(-tt+oi-ht--paet three.,e-feats
months. are returning to their lioness,
all looking well and hearth after their
trip and speaking well for the pure air
Anil gaud hoard enjoyed by them
liumgst their friends in the gteit
Western (.1011(1 y. \hiss (attire Spa. k-
lran relurae•d Prow Carlisle, Sask
,a)14 0 time ago. Last week Hiss Dairy
hbtitchmer, who Mut heed spending the
past three months with ler britches
near ` Craik, Sask., returned haute.
Paul Cleave and R. Dailey have also
VILL I;, 1341.140t•KMtNT.-(hircolnn-
cil is b 1n,. the road -work dour tit
present a tel judging 1R the amount o1'
,gravel beig put dow11 on Main street
it ought n t to nee•.! any Umore for a
long time. Sit Monday of this week a
road bee war held, many of the eiti-
zeny giving heir time and some of
the,1 their h sc•sand wagons for the
good of the tow L \Ve consider this a
very good idea a d might suggest to
our villagers, nut that they are in the
way of bees, that [other day might
very profitably be spent in levelling
the hills and kepje that leave been
charaeteristie of on anulus' for mo
many years anti hive been the tiuse
Pedestrian downfall
ed estriarton a dark nilight, when
"After taking three
bottles of your wonderful
medicine. oar baby was
entirely well and needed
no more medicine. At six-
teen months of age she
weighed thirty pounds.
Shehad cried eight months.
night and day, and nothing
did her good until we tried
ScottsEmulsfon. "—MRS.
E. C. SMITH, Villa Rica,
probably saved this child's
life. Four doctors had been
tried. Scorn's Estutsios
seemed to he just 'the thing
r.eeded, and it is just the
thing heeded by thousands
of other children. It's so
easily digested; so pure and
harmless. yet most powerful
in buildir..g up the most deli-
cate child or adult. But be
sure:agntSialr Latnus'nus
there are so many worthless
and harmful imitations.
A fell neap, of Mn. 10,0,1. 1.4er end
many oth.n of scion., n.to,. trwMhrr
with mono of our orluablo Itt.ntor., to-
-farms ehndren, ret b. net non r.-
r-Itt of your addrns% meattoatoa rho
X125 Wellington at., W. Toronto
When in incest of
Single Or ,..
Double Harness
r P 111 a In 6( r tiP
have the goods
nnr[ they lire
gohlg just as they went last Fall
and \\'inter. Don't be too late In
ROBE LINING for sale,
t l 5',
them in; we make a
business of it.
H. E. Knox
'1%01a td r, November 26, 1:r)1 . 7
Choice Styles in -
t�esslssssa, ��
and ,SUITS
for Winter Wearing
QUALITY FIRST has been, is, and will
be our motto.
It is that necessary aux more to carry around
great, thick, ugly, ill-fitting and cluulsy-looking
(lothes'duriugtile long Winter mouths.
Uur•Wartn Winter Wear garments are comfortable,
tit as neatly and look fully as well as those our
customers tt'tar in warmer weather. °l'hev have
the touch of ,superior hand tailoring. a nude for-
VO1." aie:u uteo lay
ahtit`tktr ('lo itis •r
�.) l t s that stands
the scrutinv of the most expert tailors.
Overcoats ', and • Suits Made -to -your -measure,
Se i -Ready or Ready -to -Wear.
The value I " ,lir goods and tine`•a[rico we ask for
are :always in tlitrnlonv.
Allthe best makes.
Hats. Cans, Mitts, Gloves, Hosiery.
Art Tailors and, Clothiers
nommommamoommilimmaaimassms liammisma
1 \
caught out without his lAntern. , g; a.lge to tele it 11111e is this nIturlh.
Surely no able-bodied" et izu1 wouldto ede•d worn of improvement.
Our WHITE PINE_ and TAR, w ith WILD CHERRY. Guar
25c per Bottle.
itoitztia-uso CANDY sx ib ROCK CANDY
COUGH DROPS 2 oz. 5c.
ranby Rubbers
1 O. M. Elliott.
wear like iron.
are the best -looking
and the best -wearing
Rubbers on the market.
NOW is tie+ time to make
your purchase, and so enjoy
the ttit ite sleighing seaman
You k lila 1N•Yt x11 ighiug im
during the first nNr1`, tet the
sensem leder, 1 he. r(,tids ere cut
up, tool bill of pitch holes.'
t o hay i. the beat one numle, ;mat hat is
The McLaughlin Cutter
One grade only,
and that the best.
Made ley the fynn,ue Mrfaughliu Cittaiugm_tise,_ of 4)141iawm Doti t
make any -mistake. Satisfaction -is gin t.ttlteetl When you buy It
M.• tighlin., Built with careful attention to th.- details which make
the lost durable, the t co,ufurt+'hle, the 'most elegant cotter on
the market. 3
Prices are just right.
Call and see thy latest wrinkles in the make-
up of a first-class cutter.
Wm. Knox
Cor. Newgate and Hamilton Sts. Godcrich