HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1908-11-26, Page 4THURSDAY, November 26, 19O • TIIE SIGNAIL : GODERICH' ONTARIO . LOCAL OPTION. TOWN COUNCIL AGREEt;,TQ SUB. MIT BYLAW. Antis Present Counter' Petition with Eighty • ix Signaturep Which C cilior Johnston and the - Rete* Want Sent to Committee -- The Summer Hotel Again General Business. some of the signet oleo list.. int 18ule by the p8111114 themselves be said there was nothing in it. as it wee quite legal for one plosion to sign few another If the signature Was male in the prese•uee ot the pwre)uu and with his consent. quoting the wunls "after due consideration- frum the (*twitter -Petition, i11r. Blair panted out -that if that Meant anything tt meant that at one time the signers le AD\'M:HTINI•:a1 ENT. EVIDENCE FOR T11E YOTERS'j U Local Option Facts from Owen Sound. tgoinie.11 exprr.4ed in the tired petition, and he said, "There is no cone) aou sou can come to on the new petition that -‘t mild alter the fart that the t•eutue•it ate a. 1' I 11.ltablr now Leet be- fore.... The question ot the snl'wissiw) Leta It1v.- 1)4. l)ongld' vias nest invited loyal option hype in 1. de. ea' a a. by to spwtlk au.l . •aid he euppa),.1*1 the 1hjn1; was not a matterotsem6141mo all odds the renter of interest at the al all. The que•sliuu wan a mlalt}•r of council o, a hu) lied Friday spec -ht. haw, wlv1her the e it eouldthar. Tarte wan a berg, attrndauer el spec- lake notice MI the semid 1.001 ion. tatutw. The queston was the 11Yel Itis opiniuu, backed lytl up I.y some Irgal matter dealt with. *Led was brought authority, arcs that lames %multi not up by the pleseetatiun of 14 petition 14 (akin of. the pelil"and.' Ur. said to be signed by eighty -six IW'r' LI1II1ill Initis "you cau'tdu'e'ltat the. .sores who had signed the ,,•t diem ask- 8j'urr himself 414.'4 du, 1.011 can't tag fit' the mIhmi"i I) Let the local take hj" name uta."" ,pain, bylaw•, who now salt They ke,.7t, W. JIDlynrdan.l A. H. Rob - The to withdraw their names. erosion also spoke. Jlr, Robe•rtob- The beading elf the petition ing us I",inlet nut that ever -after deducting rept•esent that their te•sl•t•Ctive mom,: the ei),rhty-six names i•+1181 to be on the appreported e a o front the 3_ e• tun r- ion r u 1 e tr t.„ y upon n IB•litieil ti• he presented 1 N) votrp hotlue•:tl0r l«Kiv-l.rnYiuK tint( I,yitjtr ,�unituitlrr ub Vl'upt'rlrion �aw a byiad;tiepaeQserti,ringing-Teo. force ,1. ge0• 4l4 it.wus--44twr-+t the local option elaustw n( the Li.u„1 _signers left this')w+e- tryuited to euttl- Licenlse Act in the town Let' 4,Udrricli. l', 1 pu• 1,4111(.11 to snbnlit the bylaw. Thr natter conehteftd with a motion After doecunsidr•t•atvour)•I titin• iun n its are of the opinion that It would not be in the interests of the town of tiode•riclt that the resoteist Let such 44)44(4(400 be gr.ultrel. Your petit Mu. bre therefore pray that their resole. 'tive .awes be eemos-td from the aid petition and that soch petition be eon- tudered by your honotable Ir%!v ar 1f . the said petition had not contained the names rr8pwrtite•1y heleutder written." • The marling of the names e,f the persons w hu signed the petition was forestalled by l'ouncitlnr ,luhnstuu. who rose to move that the petit' be referred to the came c(t(ttedttee, the ny to make arrangenwul., Lel the sal Spe•ciul comwit'tee•, its had had the of Hiss Satlgst.•r_xgeinst the tuwtt. to petition *eking for the submission of limit 4be amount of dn11lagrs should a 10.4.1 option bylaw before it. Reete• the towp lose the suit. :4s the result .`.'1 NN. a- dornitU timr`fcn- Mise ,,.e -r . `•f lMi,4...S;wgNiJer LIM w.licA Or 81)81 (he).•. ! was no d'rilht she could prove il•Jeu but there WAY 8 g,sml .1.fe•ure t.. the question 0* ltnhitlty. The Mayor renorl.dti,8vjtag tele- graphed to (ltlaw,1 ori 1.011i or. oesjo t: .lacing the Precious Week when a genie boat hal touched 1044)10) in en- tet•iug the lar o)4 and had pointed old t tat tt seas owing to the tack of the' completion 141' the breakwater which 1191 atlOwetl Ilie' evttml 10 drift into 11)e .menu(*.. Obvernme•ut engineers hail arrived to investigator. Tle• Mayor's act torn was app e.eved- rend the matter of pressing for the eouydrtiuu of the break tenter w•.ts. referred Let .his has lul (olamines. A leiter irelm the market' clerk aa.- inws for trdurtion of the amount 14, pays for eolle•,•li.•11 of frr.'yaa• sent t.. the market committee,'• The Summer Hotel -. The fulluu jag letters Item h. l'. L+tr and the tnevp s..licI).4 ...acith refer1'n,P the summer, Motel erre read rent Ir b•rred to the thein r._uluwiUe8: --- :i i i'.1..)18, u,d e'u111. 1!hr T1Mu01 .,ode V,'b. 1..:..t1.«.u.-.1:+JJw 44)4+ :14,14e«:••t..-,..e.-wz.-- 1t0,l,,.hr:maw that 11111i the -Vie fie arr. •,.(. (fie •.ant' :1144 that yon holt .+ (nonq es4yo1onr f}Y, a 11.' I fe•rl i) .houM b•• uw,tenl Pry and :181.1 amrmtraent anil-the-vote tus.tlsest . l'uuucillw. (14011gw a kid }lumber moved "lo adopt the report of the sps•1'i+11 co Iter- and l''amrillor Johustun and the I4.",%'' 11o8ed w refer the whole matt,•( I, I k to the' committer. 'The Relit, 31141 ('onncit- ler J. hoot,, voted for the auleudu,e(11 and t'le 44t leo 4 of tbeemitted in against Met. at r Wander -tared a .i the -amendment nt It n and 11. • vete „p the i,, 'tion was the 444Ilio 1, ie1149.1. . 'l'lut trustiest was *4'. rot 4114:y declared ' :n rjrd. Miss Sangster's Suit - Thr town solicitor was gjarat mother - - McLean Meondeel lttlttt,r'e It r 8tu11's motion. Councillor (1a11uw moved in amendment to lay the pet i• tion ,m the table to be taken up in connection with the repoort-trf-a'tm special committee on the their f)etl- tmn, and the 1) fatty 'Herne :eeondcd Chit, The vole on the ammelment stood as follows : Yea-tamnrilh1l. Laithwaite, (iallnw and Ilumis•r :and Deputy Reeve Elliott. Nay Reeve McLean and Ceuncillur$Johnsl in aid Mitnniugs. Thr amendment Wan lie. (*lured carried and the report Let' the special committee was then lead. Its follows : -After examining the 110'al option petition and rejecting doubtful names on 1letition we fimi three are still 427 names. and, the names re- quired to force the 1v,tnieil to submit bylaw being 330, we hereby report in favor of petition and that a bylaw be prepared in accordance," Councillor Johnston erge•el the send- ing of the new petition to the special committee. Their 4.188 nu'ue1Unn of rtf-nnyrmr in send- ing it to a roulneittee, tint why not r•omoider the two petitions in the reline breath ' The council wanted 10 put the matter fair�_*hd let et replier hate at fair chance. 'Ellis second peti- tion said there were name. that were not fairly on the first petition. It wart a matter of espial rights to ,•very,.,,.. The Liquor Business Hurt- 45 per cent. Decrease in Excise Owen Sound Division Collects Less on Liquors See the Inland Revenue Returns. I. Inland Revenue rt•ttu•us show a decrease of i3 per cont. in (*,lire• tions 011 liquors entered for consumption. ARTICLE. 54111.114 Halt liquor Hilt 1110543 112 118418. ) 11.714(,:ti - :tx).liu 1N,tki7',',�• Tota1 roilee•1 jun 31,1lt35.03 Nienthly average 2„3811,:11. Monthly. .lecteese, 1,11•:1.33, or 43 per cent. a1N1'A1HO DIVISIONS- - (tell -7 Irl Most.) Irl+:lit li(7.30 12,11'_4.71 1,412.71 1. Bert-st -u.Lte ince•**. of :12 per cent. ors liquors. 2. HILtN'riantD, ineIya8e 4.f 7 per resit. on lig s. :. ('elKNW at.t.. inertia* 01 ll per Beat. on liquors. u I+ r it • our' lit . 4. tlt'I51.t•tr, 114 cense f per ta+t �aletw - .- 14-st .site. -t -rPHxr-ofltpir nt i it1 lours• z, 0. K1N1,srIN, incrrast• of 17 per cent. nn !Munn,. 7. LetNmtIN. increese of N pet tent. oil IllIU'1'Y.. S. 0rr.,4a.4, iucrense of ti per cent. 4114 liquors. p. Owen Sound. decrease .of 45 per cent.- on [quote:,.. ln. Prit.r'u, ince core of 21 per cent. on liquors. I1. . *'4.•rK0nuuot'uu, decrease of 2-3 per cent. on liquors. 12. Potty AlITtll'8. ittcte•*e4' of 43 per cent. ort Inouye. 1:4. I'Ht:si-urr, increase of 12 per rent. ,e'n liquors, 11. Sr. CA'rrl.uuNes, int reale uf:1 percent. un liquors. 13. !ITH..TFOlin:'ne'r es, of 9 ler aeut.'uu -liquors, 1(1. ,'Tomos- o, increase of 23 per rent. on liquors. l 7. W' I N I,.in, in(re,t.c if 1N11 per cent. on liquors. • Nerre. 1. tienrla ineree.e Ur returns throughout Ontario. 2. Kxtep- tioual dett't'aete of 13 per cont. in the Owen Sound division. x, Thirty-five liquor !Menses rut off near Owen'tlouud by Local Option In Orry *0.1 Benet.: 2. 'rhe premises °welded by liquor stores have been vacated by 'the former license -holders and see now otherwise employed. ' 3. tieveral former 11,14, cs of hotel license. h,tv1`t vacated their premiums - stone hitting left tJtet own, 1 will l.,nd myrisht. 1i11 -.sod r)I 1,Iri• meet 10 The Deputy Reeve said hr would ele,f a 'I.'', I A1 o11R t , all ta.. onreni. by pro Jtr *de and 1 11wild rnry to be poi •rel like to see fair play hitt She .aal..t i 114444 44-iri.sies-ew' ).m d--to-s•r for the- submission of 41 Inca! opt jou Walther )4 r-oa to refnrtu.n it. The Is.•n•teoe' • bylaw had to he in the ;•I)1•k'e hands 4 I PIC I IM P du 414,4 4.1)11 r•: rP I ht ho 11 Au 4xf. Lit%and ecreftore.ke hlr ..t t.. 4 44 hefon November 1st 114181 41(11'.' flint rim,•• end (4148(014)1 lake 11,!. es o',Idon to lilt e date you could not add any names and rte lawn Ile. nr.t chance to yurnh. e.. tt•14 % be did not think • that you r•uuit! take referruee v. Ihr (8)14) 1 wvnt,l nfrrY' w ...y .wlkltur•, Ihuudf.i0t. Iiey a�Hlr 11 any name. ort The council could rub- 1 oar• truly. mit a bylaw without tory -petition t41ldeeich, Noi. mitt, being presented, but whey a petition W. A. 8l'Kim. Town ( 1•• was presented signed by 21 per cent. teem- ,',r. -Its +am).lar h•.lel, w, ere now to 11 p y,orltien lF.4) 41,44.cyn•nrt.e5 for .ole at tiny. Of the voters the • 01inC11 wale COI.• Ito,,'. A11:4,11:will 18• for th»,onnril to ennrld ei pelted to su11,1114 a bylaw and if It did et what elateee owednx the .10t.. 11112 4.) Inn fir Y1:..,, t you 411111 '.t' %filo May nut do so the councillors would (rave "hat lttrn[ Me 4toOl l 1.erL.« n ..nd .Plat aT tke ttatr. themselves ltabltee, '--awl 'i �e:r'ettiei irif'f ,Tn til ^}•, k+►trnttttitii� said Mr, Ktib-rtt...".Ttrr Tft)t wano -nr 118r nor r pen Lei ,. 1 1.4%1114« all aru.nge. leave myself liable." Cnnncil�_1 unnimgew.id 1... like t1• hear the name. on the petition read, but Councillor Johnston urged, that the discussing of the a:uu1't w*... a (nutter 01 ro 'tree work and heavy worklltthaat. It was doing- no harm to have the matter Ieferr.•d to cint rnittee. Thr whole -natter he threshed out and .the committee. so as the proper tdaee, )1144L-118 -44)'g44451 this there wits no id. -1 on his parr of a ailevef• thick in order to give an telt HI. - !age 10 anyone. The Hee%e thought the petition should go 418 can 'flee, and if any alien.) were needed the ',olivine could la' committed. Couneillot• 11 her in- timated that the council could deal with the matter quite well without consulting . the ..ulicilos• eta! acid: "There is no doubt in the world that we wilt have to %ubetjt this." Councillor °allow .aid their ju mak - ing*1)4.'•effort the apeci:81 r tte•r had not lost sight of the fact thatthe Town had d"m.4ii•iterr 11111 1aar ateii'e • bad been sought on emote plant•. if the matter went hawk 1 n the e0nt- iuittee the couttnittet• had to le-en- Inrgwl The Deputy !beer and 4'ouncillor Johnston love tog¢'Ibet . and Mr. Johnston rebel •-islemint of order that all '1 it ion% .1 1.1 iii• 4. Our brewery lour ceased the -production of Malt liquors entirely and. confirms -its operetiune 1.. the makiegof malt. 5. - In spite of a great influx of pour people from the Old Ccnuutty the anemia spenthy' the town council t he the needy_ J4st.'.)..• .toe dt ag, inellj;•1TT4 Tor (first nine niont so t e past five yefu'a are : !'.1103 $.i:9t1 :eta ' IlNN :,1N 7+11 11Ns1)1,ca! option -I M*14' IN 3)► , 148)7 (local opt ion N..:,.... 7t 1;. Hotel men have admitted the efficacy of Weal option by eskitlg for a reduction in•lesessment owing to loss of her trate-41 claim which the Judge allowed. . 7. The secretary of the Owen Suuud Board of Trade in his -ennui' statement seliorted that excellent busuteer conditions pre, .11`1 increased mistimes. increased giallo trade, raeCeee 111 lumber. cement and traitbuelne•ve. hit-MAsr41 business in postoli.e fr sale of stamps and .Savings Bank hie -int"., and decreased inland revenue 1i. The president of the 13048tH of Trude in his ann114)1 addi,'w lapine that body said : -Our general business has tern satisfactory ; our faator•ie• have tun .full time through the reason and found a profitable teterket-for all products ; our trade has i ntlrored immenieely in the West at.d pr.'s N8•ts e bright for future business there. Our lora) expwrte have exceeded all former poet, and none can contemplate what the trade may 4w in the near futtm•."'". 11. Hotel aecommodation wars nrv'•t• letter. Meals are ex...Mel t. A Success in Owen Sound. Win. Chander, of 4)wetr Sound, writing to The Pioneer of yuuditle-ns in t hilt city. says • - "t:ni•el option hes been a success in Owen Sound notwithstanding all that it. opponent. say to the contrary, It i4.partuf their eeinipeutn to circulate reports discrediting local option in Owe•u Sound. A persistent wnrfate against local option has been carried 111) e5 14 became a bylaw of this luuvu. Th. liu+u.e truth. Ions meowed their forces and intend to make t Is t e 1Vaterle u for Ontario. • The anti -local option people fought Let in the courts • until they weir lady-. beaten. Seeing it was imp.esible to overthrow the ale ,mire h' t hat means they have changed their tabes and l;ebt)rted w most de.pirahlr mel *184,15 u) attafju th,ljr end anti defeat local 03)1100. • They hate persistently for the past three minutiae iwr. altenlptin¢ to ).iulat44 the. ltlsttwtu.tau-twin-itiwle'dt,rrpntw. -Ther lay.• termorimisty Hllino up all the old drinkers. and instead. 'of hiding there upon the 3renliser as under iiecnu•►turnigg-abeuu upon the sttwrts0 that the public mey think that -local option 14 ne ghat. As a result, during the beet month or so we- h•tte had mote concietiens for drunkenness than formerly. That may he 'neconnteel for Moo *1y the fact that under lieen•e men were 'widow a, rested if it were possible to get the parties under the influence of liquor quietly house. If ikrteste1,`men weer not fined until the third offence. 'Now every man caught drunk i5 arrested and tined. Here are a few facts aur to the succors of ear earn..,• _ . ._. -. -"One laew,t', it out of action so far as hrewjng is concerned, while the other brewery in not doing • • than about ons -half what it formerly aid. 1wolattot l,lyrs are closed. Two 01 the 14.4 hotels are in the hands of the Trinprt•nnre C'o.'Anif are 108 without any attempt to vi.,iate the law. The renes stint(Thotels. to greater or lett extent. attempt to violate the law: but it The Square ISM MO 1 • The great business thought of the day is -where can I get the most and best for my SPOT CASH DOLLAR ? We are ready to help you to decide, by offerin some remarkably tow prices Just read carefully what we have to say about the items in the fol- lowing list of fall and winter specialties. - DRESS 00008 1Yr are putting Leu 8181, another 441411(11 lot ed nine pieces of great b.u•gain. (tress Suit iugs tine.• ends, filteeu yards iu each piece, all wool, 51) Inches wide, regular price sloe. sale. price 550• Another three -pie., lot, 50 to 584 Mellen wide. regular prig• >*LIM), sate price 070 A third three-piece lit, Sl inches wide, regular 75e, sale price 470, TABLE LINEN Three pieces of Table Linen, 513 to 513 inches wide, 25c, reduced from 30c and 330., a )ate(rjn, • J. H. Colborne Goderich To Thoughtful Buyers CORSETS Be sure aril lurk for 1). 1t A. VNothing Il .' them at the mice. lluaranteed. FLANNELETTES We %ri• putting on rale a big purchase of Stripe Flannelette., 36 iuclo•r wide, good heavy cloth, and nice t rf colo ' ugr, 10Q. HOSIERY %Vi baye.cwttract...l' fee snot her lot of itic for 23C aiFN iie7T H`o%ei. 511To*en to the purr h a se, and they will be even better than our tint lot, and none of them mote than 250. 1 STANDARD PATTERNS AND FASHION BOOK SFORDECEMBER 1 •11/1/ ••111111111111111111 MIND OS • i m.na before we '••a4011 rnnnu-ocr•. btu we 1 persistent campaign by the inspector enol non vigilance c0441444iltee-w:11 w - ne-'y -ry 11,111 it r -die 171..o1121 to byntle t. ..4. tiring thew tr. tune. Business has been material) helped b local option. t 111TIV r n,. -hilar r, or nd l.( der at n Y P 7 tumrirnl 8111.88 8,7, 0. 'hat the 'own e.81 A general increase Of 25 per cent. would be a fur estimate. tach .eller A»y tine to .4.174.14) wttlmnl any "The Grating .881)11, MN been given a kn)ck•uul blow. 11•) have fun be•r unr r',aTit, • 'Own I. al+n numerous instance.. of families whose reit imp to take pot Ola% p-..-e--Inn of the: build homes are +t hrati•n compared with 1 nig*tf they de -pt• I do, -e, bat.' of cunr.e• -ra w'l,d they were before. libel• 1:' no Inoue definable from. Ph1 hotel '•%41' expert to press the textile Io the gate and dl its the detnon of drink haw Ihr weir ubie.•1 woukl 1•« to Io•nn• u• into a small (slitter. The traffic dire hart(. h willH tit tat the test elite•h in teeter ptenes111, a hnusrve tine. i susses -sr t. btu;,.1I . thin hitt ace have splendid Tru e-lihu•e, enconreg.•nIentgfor victory. NVB hate . cotttwillor MttnulIl e, tneetioned a a 1ax:181 Option ISn[''1(pment League which meets monthly and is doing goeol.. 4_111. -wt , ro t re au't.:Fii41 tat Jamagh)g to lo,'al'nplion are cir,-uluted 1.y the and Henri• stoma. w hj111 he said rues a opponents of the rne:isms. for the purpose of bringing the law lulu disrepute. swot-. •rn„•tho' M".•ne• M14s ti3ngsl.v mutettrewher•,- ' 1,1111 h. r0"13 in. ,rr:d the . hatitlnam er - Banish the bar and increase the prosperity of the pulls wok+coon,ittee 11110,1 p y t.. ,k to hate j1, lillyd np. 4'u•nriH,rr lohbsl,n, n' ,v,•el 1 I ask • OW taa))I-ilrld 1144111 .'•,1111111•,„11 10 t'nuial ttlt'_'atat,ne...t of its (blame•,•s l hr,U,lnte r tiled fel,. Iefole the 1st or tlprr'nt8=r: t'•ruu• il!ot lluot'rr •4`,• on,ed, and 1 he reatdutiun was a 18.1 ted. The Electric Railway Guarantee. The 1lay..r n•porl''d a4s ..tee (he •'l..._tri.1.111ii1WAy. 'there Was the tames ti,111 of Illi nppointu„olt efnn inde- pendent engineer -in th.• intereslq l)f Ihr innniripauiitie+ guaranteeing the bonds of be comp 111y. The members • 1v4Trr-1rirrl-4lTnr-try r work on the road had met several memlr4•rs'ef the , ))!l, it of the town- ship of Asl1IIe•l' with the view of get - g concrete) n,tin,yin the a lit' of the bylaws tinder which the b ,ads ed tb 1 u enatsyM rpt• Meer -earl ierd-Al - nomj,�ipality t0 consult its solici- teo amt report. to Ilir rd!WV. 'Their 884(8 .Tian ttll8 e1tTi.111n of 11.. two w ,nm•en from whish the funis 1oi' rhe Inljl ljrT: of Ihr road wine 4.0 male, the b,nnls 401/1annter0 rev Ihr ''40'' - Il1e•Y 044141 4 Me l.1)ml' tart sit 1t1111•anteed. and tIt 1I11ei4 ill)] 4511.1 114.1' 1 h ptoereel. Let the slur of meth classes of Isnnln were bei.): -drawn epee *smelly fin' the co11numlm, .1r only the bonds atuica111W d- The -Mayor said alert** pied leen written to the Tor. nto Gen- eral Trusts Company n. 10 the hilt the:, hal leen nu reply an yet. The matters of n 1.•1),'.' of J1('14. Tntcm said to to op the toad noel of It barjt on the strut .at the font 'of K,•nye i(r•et wen• referred to the town en. gjneer 1.1 report upon, (hi rlr)tiort of ("',,u•illors il,mtlwr and Jnhmtrm J 14111.5 Mitrtlrtt 'winter! to the p41•dti(11 nn the hoard or hrahh made vacant by the :1ppoinl- 111entof Ile. Hunter as neediest t::11th „ tftrrr,-sind the necessary bylaw cdh- firming the nimininllnerlt ens pnstrd. The rouneil then adlounled. •T C,)mn11 11' 144, leyor .,111 the mint of under was Bully taken and the !.)e_ }ahs-Iiaw+►s_•r14alx _'1 -(shelf i i aux we (cant 10 la• ,etlrtrow. Olaf we have taken any notice of the peti- tional all. it i. ,tui to rust of br,lr•r," Councillor John -tort's next move was that the 3.1110 111I'!'. be heard. He moved that JIr. Fred Oat is be h. sed amt ('oune•ilh,i' Alortelimge bre- ondod this motion. 111x, 1)at'i. NAhl that on the I.'eal whet petition there Were molten of person' who did not siert the petition and he was prepared to give the names ; there were names ttf some persons who were rod ..tet••, and names of (abets who claimed that they signed tinder the impression that a bylaw was to be submitted in the tnwna1ilp of Colborne and also in the t.,wn of Clinton. Ile wen satinfitel they cold sntisl'y the conned the, there were not the nalne•rof 397 voters properly on the. pettitem. The Meyer threw in the remark that rill the names which .1 d not atmeer Pr'e'ta*'t'ly had leen struck nlf by the cOtlllllittee. Jur. Davis said he was glad to hear hinalld said they merely wanted that both sides should b' represented be- fore the entered! and if it s_ with( pl- pear that the pi•titinn was not envied the by 23 per .4)411. I)' appealed loathe council not to submit the question to the vote of the people. The Reece then called for O. F. Blair to address the Counliil. Mr. Blair pointe,) out, an c4aentied differ- ence between the two pn•titinns. The. first one did loot give the opinion of the petitioners as to 1114)41 option but merely asked that the people at olid have the chalice to vote on the toot - tee, Speaking on the legal pointe of the aituatlon• Mr. Blair said that him opinion was that works could n, thee he added to, noc l'ken from, the petltion, and to to the charge that •How's This? tyl! offer o1.o hnndrrd donde. reward for any ease of twit/trill that cannot lir cued by H111fs ('etarrh 4 401'.' I.J. ('HI(NEY a et 4.. Toledo, m, t\'e• iho ander te,ted, • hoer, known F. J. chem.," Our the last• fifteen{eat1111011.. end believe tory 1i