HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1908-11-26, Page 3TSE SIGNAL : 6QDERICII. ()NT,\ RIO
TiUttsDAT, November 19, 19013 �+
Xews of the Sistriet.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas 'Hemphill, of on this neewion will be conducted by
Wro titer, ere removing to Remail. Rev. It. P. McKay, missionary secre-
Mirs Maty Kerr, of Brume's, war tart', of T'Ironte.
recently married •in Parkdsk to Nd- On Wetineetlay, the 114th Inst., ilev.
F. H. Larkin of S(•a[urth, tied the
ward Wallace, of that place.
'!'huuids )ljl<wlrltip. J► wtll-kuQw11 nuptial knot between Lorne' Moffett,
resident of Brussels, lewovtld to Tem -
otTohn Moffatt, of Happen,
writer last week. Mire. Friendship Miss (iertie C;Idwe11, sister of AIm
and family will follow later. Len. McConnell, of Itrucetlrld.
Alfred Sheers., of Exeter, suffered x 1• H. Elliott, a former %1'ins'hxnn
stroke of paralysis but week, welch y"ung man who new holds 41 respon-
He was taken Bible position as train despatcher in
affected his right aide.
to the house of refuge, Clinton, in Wisconsin, wan married on Wednes.
order that he might receive proper at. day, the Ilth inst., to Miss May me
lenliott. Wr, of Eau Claire. Wis.
John tial1 conces-
Ims4 of the l It 1
Ur. W. W. Irwin, coo i t Mr. and
Mrs. J. %V. Irwin, of Clinton. who her
an t•xteosive practice in Moose Jaw,
Sask., was .married on Saturday, the
7th inst., to Mile noir McPherson, of
that city.
The members of Knox db"urch. Kin-
rsrdine, have decided to hear six of
the most eligible ministers on succeed-
ing Sundays in order that they may
cheese a successor to Dr. Murray an
their pastor.
The new Presbyterian church in
Brueefeld will %w formally opened on
Sundae. 1k'oetwber tlth- The services
- Watchmaking. 'etc.
w a7e'NYa[RK JEWN1.IJta, °er n:IAN.
South side of rrquare, (ioderieh. tint.
Civil Englneering
- and Hydraulic Engineer, Ontario Land
'Ore McLean Block. Galeri. h. corner
Montreal ..treet. Telephone Ir.
blenesetune Mineral Water
fnllN WA -
1 TV.It CO.. manufacturers of "Menem.
',ow, are prepared to deliver to any part of
the Noon Lae flet flinger Ale In pinta And
quart., al.0 Mineral ‘later in Ihr,-c 4441.4141
pGt•, pinta and quarto', ndteer-Wotee-41n4,
Double Rode. The.. saris are 41)14.1* from
..lural mineral water. and are therefore tree
froll all anpur100... P. L. WALTO1\ Man•
ewer' 'Phone IN
Plano playlntf. Theory. ltarm.,ty and
4 uu,derpoinl- Pupil, pretwrut for xalullea
(ion. of Toronto Cowen -eatery of Muer. Apply
at Tt.mn+on . Pinola Store. or re•M.•nre of %I r
(•l*rerww 1'ennin[ton. ltrock .trent, (loderich.
Monday. int 'Union. at reoldence of Ms..14'c.
Mackeude. Ontario +treed. -
D'ARh:f)to r.reiVe paptl■ for lessens to
piano and theory, whin. the Hurrowes mu.icaal
kindergarten meshed for Yining children.
Tenn• and. other "Information 'way ke hod at
Thomann a music stow. (ioderch. PMMA A.
T[acn[s or Pune
Studio In Dank of Montreal Block.
. Medical
sial of Ilay, broke four ribs on
Thanksgiving I)ay. At the Night of a
traction engine his horse became un-
malleafable and threw him out of his
carriage, with the aforesaid result.
The trustees of S. 8. No.- 1, Morrie.
have engaged Miss Jean Armstrong,
of Brussels, who is now teaching at
Cranbrook, as successor to Miss Mary
McArter. the present t2arher. The
latter will attend the Normal School.
Miss Catherine Oingerich, daughter
of the law Jacob Gingerielr, of tr
Goshen 1' -Hey, dmf at the hence -Of
her sister, bfrs. TY. fringeticle. of the
Bronson line, on N'edneadav, the 18th
inst. Deceased' had been in delicate
health for a Ioug time.
"• Two popular yuanKK people of Sea -
forth, in the perso,ds of John M.
Canino, of the firm of Cardno Hr ,a ,
and Nli•.. Margaret Alpena, daughter
of A. M. C'l ,nplwIl, weir married in
New York at the 1o,nm' of the bride's
sister on Monday, the lath inst.
The mar•iege of Mee Minnie M.
Bayubalo. daughter of Mr. and MIR.
George Heynhaa1, of Centralia. to
Charles M. Mitchell, of that place.
Wag rulrmnir.ed at the home of the
hrlde's parents on Wednesday. the
11th inst., Rev. W. H. Butt officiat-
Dr. Margaret C. ` Merl 'formerly of
Winghanl. who has' 'est completed a
two years' post -gr nate course in
New Verb rind alterteer. telae t»ii
position its assistant to.. Dr. Kennelly,
of N'inghaln She will play special
ttention to dise4res of the rye, ear,
notes and threat. \
After a lingering 0411414 of caterer
Samuel i1 i Who
Stir . a rFi H.►ist, f `7. ice,
was formerly Miss Matilda Moritz,
was released lent her sulf�og. on
Tliurnlay, the 19th inet. She is sur-
vived ify nue son. her tnother�,Mrs.
Philip lauch, of Zurich. and asseet•..l
brothers said sisters. \
A p.j•u1a company arsrnibl.1 et the
I • of Charles Dolliiage, . ( McKik
1()D, on Wednesday. the lull inst., t4
witness the con u nutat.{iut of a un ori
monlal alkane, between his daughter.
Sophia .1.. and Janes C. Turner, ..f
the 1•4111* t..wneliip,, Mev. 1). Carswell
...inducted the ceremony.
Niles Plaid Denttedt. In p.,pular
young holy of Auteuil. was recently
the iecipient of a pleasant s4rpt•ise,
when she teas presented by members
and (risen's of the Evnngrlieal.souci-.
ation of linnet! township with an ad-
dress and a handsome teacher's Bible
in recognition of her services in con-
nection with the society.'
UT irti3Ori Il,ys at, Always pushing
to the (rent. In the constituency ut
(`o,iox-AUin, British Columhis, `Vit -
ham Sloan. n former Sea(orth boy,
was re-elected I.y acclamation. Mr.
'Sloanhas represented this conlstit-
uency for several years, and so strong
and popular his hr bec there that
-the Tories did not Ntink it worth
while opposing him.
W. L. McQuarrie, tion of IL . Mc-
(l.uirrie, of Grey, has been appointed
Dominion Lands agent at Prince
Albeit. Sesk. Mr. McQuarrie with
his time wile epenittng hts honeymoon
at.hie parental house when he received
word 4,1 his appointment owing to the
death of his pre.lecessor. Mr. Mc-
uarrte is a brother of Mrs. John
l arson, ori:add (Tch.
A\�pprettyy wedding- was' eonsum-
trttrt• d t►( tine hater. .it Mr. -and Mrs.
George%wenn. west of Crediton. on
Wetter the teeth inst., when their
daughter, 'Ilie, gave her- heart and
band to Thor at J. Wilson, an enter-
prising rnerchantt of Exeter. Rev. R.
Hick, oflcintt'-i . at the ceremony.
The pride, who wore white pointe
d'esprit over white ..fl�,�.� wee attended
by Miss Radia- Wilite While her
brother. Wilson Lamont), supported
the groonl
The death of William J. Whiteside,
of liens -ill. which occurred on Sun-
day, the Lith inst., removes Lan old
and well-known resident of that vil-
lege. Deceased, who was in Itis
seventy-eighth year, was a native of
Belfast. In 11313 he emigrated to
(?anotia with his wife, settling in Sea -
forth. where he resided until his re
'novel to Hensel' fifteen years ago.
Deceased war a ratan of sterling ehsr-
ac er and hie gonial dispx•sitInn,and
spontaneous Irish wit Won foe hila a
very host of friends. Two sons and
two daughters are left to lnouen his
ll// A. T. ICs saunas. M. Il,
W k Tcaaa aa.. M-11
Wares Hamilton Street- 'Phone Lr:.
Dr. Emmetvon• re..tdence. North .trees.
Opposite SL George '•church.'phone lie.
Dr. Turnbull's .aidenos, Montreal .trees
Southwest of Public I.ibrarv. 'Phone BK.
- UR. W. F. (IA1.t.OW. M. B.
(Mire. ('olborne strest,, est door to Sorer.
sham Hark. Telephoner ()AM. tit . house.
1/ Nae and Throat only. Stratford. pmt.
Bonne su New York Ophthalmic and
Aural In tate. 19a-ai. ('Morsel a.'d•tant liar.
Nose and Throat Hospital. (louden :4ttttare. and
RAW London Ophlhaln.lc rMooreItild F:yei
B ripltt*aL1, London, F.ngK. 0111.-e Antert'stJeet.
Stratford opposite , w indoor hotel. Henn :
1811 a.m. 9,► o.m. 7 a p.m. Teleohone Ytr
,___mtlieetor, notsrg, etc. Money to lend at
tnear Signal Deese In Ideeforth Saturdays
and Mondays.
A. barristers. aoLettare. tettaVattlIctP414;
n the Id•ritime Court, etc. re. rut
nest door A. tiotirn'n grocery. PM
v▪ ete feedete lead at lowest rater of interest.
SISTERS, attorneya, isolicitorn. etc.
Dederick. Money to lend At, lowyt rates. IC
Hamilton street Ooderich Ont P
wolleiton commissioner, notary ublic
Insurance, Loans. to.
abilities, it ciao whom to know was to cony prince could keep the ingot• out
esteem. Hr it survived by his widow,
three woos and three daughters, Aire.
Win. Westcort, of Meaforth, is one ()t
the daughters, the others live in
distant putts.
Usbocne Pioneer Deceased.
Another of the re yr led pioneers of
[.'.imago ill ow person of Eliza 1.a 111= Clinton N.. w lira.
port, relict of the lute Samuel An- There ati, lit instal= rite I0DS, a few
drew, answered the great roll Bali on voter cast on loth sides the atriet
e-4tlt_fnat. IdHlia•,aN,�wR-} .�ti• .,JIrd in
land seventy-four years ago. th:ct'aretl l question. votes reset by pert ieb y'hu
tune to Canada with her patents in have been teinpern'ily out of the rid -
her infancy and settled near %Vaal- Ing or who have removed, and
toner and nulweynently in titephen: an election it close runugh to he
Ilalf a century ago deceased was affected by these votes there is no ad -
united to her lute purtuer mild settled yblltage in "raking then) up" ►fter,
with him in the viigioJ"rest on the unless they nr." eases Of ifeli eat.
little concussion of l'r emir. Ten
t iso teavin
•r a ush►nd I 1
1 ar. .iter her h R
her with six rhildreu. With remark-
ehltif cour.'ge she continued his work.
a:ultivatiug her farm and providiUK
bountifully for her family. Five
years ago she was stricken with
paralysis, front which she never full
r•eaot:aare , -and-a-month 41(314. she
fermi a second stroke. D( cea4ed wad
a woman of noble, self-sacrilring dis-
position ion and her life was a benedic-
tion to all who:cnme within. her up-
lifting influence. She is survived by
three sons -- Joseph. Samuel and
Ileory, of liamiut t, 'Man. -and one
-daughter. Mrs: JoebstarJ•+harid EL1ua.
of his closely -guarded castle, or than
King Canute could keel, lack the safe
enticing waves with his ".ay -so." 1t is
frit statesmen to ponder over there
Clings and deal wisely.
_-- _
Was It Illegal ?
vible. -
Couldn't Use Hand for a Month Zan
Built Gave Instant Relief.
An accident in a Toronto house
might have hid very serious co nie-
quetices had it out been Lor. laul )ink,
Mus Martha Green. of U Claremlont
. it•et, in taking a pan of boding fat
froth the -oven spilt it over her tight
bend.''"The fottirt,t fat -ran into --rite
palm of mf hand," ren says, "arid
over all my lingers. 1 `leas almost
wild with pain. The hand b'caune
swollen, and Isrge • blisters formed
all over the palm and along the
Ilegere. Pu
losable to use the h tad at all. 1 trie 1 cause a elan becomes all elector whet r
revered kinds of salves and liniments. he resides• -and "t•esiden•e" it where tt
but the wound 1 eeintei apparent 1y no man sleeps end gets 'his meals. Teat
-le-waaa{regethee_hou_severe a.manshuoldhave a. volenntltewhete
for thew prepa«11ons to- hell. is adniitted, but this case is typical •,f
"About this time 1 was advise,' to many ()there where turn who have
hey %am1•Huk. I stoppled using' all changed their place of abode since the
other preparations and applied It in- revision of the -1907 lists were diyfruu-
*te,ul. The very first application chimed. y _
towelled toy hand and seemed to draw W. ere not i terring to this partic-
out the fire and iuft:.ulluatiuu ; and x* uteri), for the purpose of making
1 kept 1u11 using Ztueliuk the blisters political capital, but to point out
grad111a11y dried. up 41111 iliseppeitied. what we ha1'h often referred to Ne -
in a very short time the scald •was tote -the necessity of' lo-Inle
11.' 11(1 completely." went to the Vote's List Aet„whercliy
This is but one instanee ot`Ttfe.ILes such easels ae this and similar ones
to which %lou -Bok can be so ed- will be avoided.
vantegeously• applied. 11 'la tonally . <
effective fur burns, cuts,' bruises. . Sound Business Sense.
ahrtiaone, *prairie and stilineev. It A little chap in Philadelphia; whoFe
alb. cues ecxarua, u:cers' *urea- Idrxal-. father is a prominent merchant, id,
(a»suniug, I.irm. scalp sorer, as such. never lose, an oppfertuuit to
ehrmic wounde, blaclhexdr, pimples, '
( Id sores, chapped h:uldr, end. ad
..k t 1.11xt4tse. 01111 injw•ic.. Huhli•d
we on to the cheat. in case of cold,' it
retie 'ea the aching and t ghttiros, tined
apish Hs 44 1411111 IC -W(1 11 • 1. cures•
rheum tient. sciatica, neuralgia, et*.
All din tit and stores sell at. :tile. a
box, or at -free frons Y.aru•Hnk Co.,
Toronto. )r receipt of prise. Three
boxes for 1,27).
tate for sale or to let. Propertien handled In
oar part of the town and county. Fire and
inauranoe, money to loan etc.
and amedent Insurance. Agent for leading
rnutual and stock companies. Insurance in all
linen @treated on hoot plans and at loweot nem
or address J. W. CRAIGIE, tioderich, Ont. 'Hilton last week. They wets. : Mies
Coil at office. corner %eat Street an
Tele .hone 54 'MAIM% Dasitornort ; Alfred Sheer, Err. --
ter ; Mrs. Shields and John Dowson,
This make.; the number rrf inmate!.
ninety-four. the largeet number evi.r
in the building at one time.
High Water Mark at County Refuge.
Five new inmates were added to the
pulation of the house of refuge at
01 St:FIANCE CO.-Parin and isolated
town property innured.
OfIksers-J. B. McLean, Pres.. Kleeen 1'. 0
T. Fewer. Viee-Pren.. Brumfield P. O.
Thomas E. .Hays, deo. Teem., deaforth P 0
0. °neve, Winthrop ; George Dale. eleeferth:
John liennewen.„ Dublin. Jams. linech•
wood ; John Watt, Merle* ; Thos. Fraser.
Brumfield ; John IFL Malden, Kippen ; Jas.
Connollr. Clinton.
J. W. Yeo, Holmeoville. agent for Wed
Huron. Polley.holders can pit amenoments
and get their cern. roc&
Hrown'a. Clinton, or at It
Kingston street, Doderich.
at Tozer 1
tta grocery.
.1" -Tido well-known and popular otand
haircutting, me.. rte. Lenten' ahomponing a
rtr. Only nkillni hatulo employed.
ir patronage win he appreviated. H. h.
ii_KiF.HMICK, Proprietor.
Marriage L10411114311
Watchmaker, Jeweller and Optician.
Issuer of Mai -rime bieenses.
mind general auctioneer. °Mem nn Sent 5
whom lui will be found at all time'
not erying Wm. _Terms reanonahle and
effort need to sive you Ilatidaction.
General Auctioneer.
s New System of Tickete and Cetaktirm
wrongdoing. Hut a disc)lssion i.
t r Gods,-
on bete n the r
Nein carried n
rich paper. concerning a vote bald to
have been cast 1)y a tesideno of %'ret
Nawaaoah, that raises an important
point us to its legality, and also the
necessity of un amendment to the
elechiuu law.
The circuulatunree ,u•,• and to he, Alt
follows : The man in yur.Ntion owns
a farm on the eastern roundel y of
Wert Nrawanosh in %Vest Huron, and
also one nooses the read, on the west-
ern boundary of East %Vawanost' in
East Huron. , During the preetyt
ell10111er he has leen building u new
ixwseeaSia-West %test.+• nosh farm.
last is said to bays) inside/ - nt -Alin
meantime in a house on the East
Wewalaosh tart.. _
N'hen he went to vote in the ee,'eut
election his right to do a() tc11444 chsl-
'raged. but Its ist staid to have taken
the udth and vaned in West Hoop.
If the facts are *4 soiled., the
scrutineer was right in challenging
the vole. and the Into wean wrenh to
voting, for according to tate -*144:1 u1i
act lie was a resident cif East Huron
at thet time of the election. and had 1411
vote in Wwt Huron,. N4-4 hiug-i'.at4l
be (gravel. if the fiefs are correetly
stated. 1f he had h:een living in East
Wawsnosh.for only n ley before the.
election. it constituted him a resident•
of East lluron, no matter if he owned
Japanese Drawn Thread Work
• a
An extra nice lot of Japanese hand -drawn Linen work, ales)
liaitentntrgnnd'f1•nertt:e-N'urk, has u 1;red fou the 1...b.ley
season. this is the thst-seasga -,se have show, this line of
goods. %They 1n e L1411011t /lit rc1 11:.o111 one of the leading J,tpuueer
fh lis.
Japanese Sideboard Cloths Japanese Tea Cloths
Japanese Tray Cloths Japanese Doilies
See our special lines in 13 8 attenbur Work.
_penial lines in hand made TenenKforce Doilies, regular toe lieiR5
each whsle they last.
Special ehowing of Table Linen, g;.,l lip its cent, fancy boxes espec-
ially suitable for the Christ
Specht line 1n pure Dam -ask Table Cover tint] half -.cozen Napkit:s
l u match in. fancy. box, only ><b.Op per set.
Special Purchase in Linen Towels
Special offering in Linen, Tutl�els, extra size, pure linen, g;ul by u.,
Much limier regular psiee, only 28c per pair. •
yin extra large,aseoffinent of crochet and nlurcc:I;a Urd-llutlt.,
which make o- •fu1 gift.: we have t hell from SI 00 cavil.
McCall's Patterns once tried always used.
r, rn
. •�„ems-r
,F e
L .
L 44
!O� &B?
hi c e 25 Cts. pHb�il.
Juorsre C C a;Ch1P)Stf*
H, ►•S
014 THE
"1.111 rel ,11 t . manage ro•lurrka!l�
welt en c , 11 h. a k«.gong tuoney.r _
••%`t•1 1 1 -14.1''•4... :7,':4 111141/•:! t spilt
4•1 their Lill• ye' tit' ay Stories.
descant. upon the virtues of advert -
"May Lucy rind 1 play at. keeping
store in the ft mit morn ?'
"Yes." isseentood the mother, "but
you must be very, cerv ,
\ "All tight." Nair' the Youngster
Dec, ember Lippincso t'e.
Enterprising and Creditable.
Bon I Wane,.
Mr. Frkank Ohver, Minister of the
Interior. speakitig at Nelson, British
Columbia. -en Wmineedey,-is reported
to have maid, "If the live I Ired dol-
lars head tax does not exclude the
Chinese. the Government will raise it
as fast .4, the Chinamen's wages have
lately been raised. Similarly. 11 i itiloOn.
Although they are British !subjects. are
not to be admitted unlees they ha% P
WO hundred dollars. This is meant
-to lie-peonibitive.-aud if Glean:n°=1,13.
not sufficient to 1* prohibitive it will
be made so." This is the talk of *Ca-
nadian Cabinet Minister, who does
not care what becomes of British in-
terests in- Indift, -eo long as his 04)4,•
erntnent gains Use support of the ex-
clusionist's of British Coln Mbia.
What use 1st! (Or 'nen like Chamber-
lain. Milner and others to talk of ini-
perialiem when the Governments 01
Canada, South Africe and Australia
e re at one in turning from their
shores their fellow British subject., or
submitting them to the mest humili-
ating tests should they chence to lw
of Assather color .I'_ _The.. Kiug has
promieed self•government to India.
4) be anproaebeCtly gradual evolir-
time'. some 'if those now living may
see India a great self.governing de-
pendency. That is. if betore that she
ceed in throwing off the yoke that
binds her to a race which treats her
citizene as worse then serfs. tefusing
them access to their contit ries and
denying them the right to get a living
In' the case of the llindom and
Sikhs. he condstet of the Government
is pee ly base. To that race we
Owe our peseettlindte.
and they 'are our finest, braveet
soldiers todaY.- reedy and prottd- to -
anywhere the Empitv need:. them.
The atory is told of how, at Cebu',
when the English officers were slain.
the waive Guides, when they might
have surrendered. heist out end per-
ietrettter_a_tnen because they wore the
Queen's uniform and hicrrece v
from the dead the command not tn
surrender.. eAbe Sahibs gay
duty to perform," said Jammu ew-
area Singh to his comrades, "t13 de-
fend this Reeidency to the last. Shall
we then dimgrace the cloth we we
by disobeying their orders now they
are dead I tor one prefer to die
fighting for duly end the butte of he
Guides, and they that will do like-
wise. follow me." It is such true men
as these, with the tokens of past *ser-
vice on their hacke, that we are kirk-
insr.because. though of kindred race to
our own. the suns of India hare kept
them brown, while the northern
snows and the more temperate climate
have during thc ages blanched us
white. As for the exclusion of the
Chinese, it in folly, if no worse. We
are atten.pting today vvhat the t hi -
nese did centuries ago, with what re-
sult ? We *re attentpting what the
Oorerms sucreeded in doing to their
cost. Hut the East. totley is not the
Pastor yesterdny. The East ie wak-
ing up. It will become mere and
more powerful vyith increnett of Wes-
tern knowlechre and selfarovernment.
Then any puny bonds that Mil. may
Asiinder. hopiality or nothing. will ht.
the Eaut's fleet wetelissord when she
at last herself. For the rest, and
In the immediate future, it will be
found that if we e.an succeed in pro.
hibititi the cheap tabor of the Orient,
Death of Usborne Resident.
The residents of Usherne were
',hocked last week to hear of the suil-"
(len death of Mrs. Charles Godbelt, of
Winchelsea, which sad event occur-
red on Saturdwy, the 14th inst. She
wee attending to her household duties
in apparently her usual hea'th, when
she was stricken with peralyein and
lapsed into unconsciousness from
which she never rallied uotil her spirit
winged its flight in the evening. De-
ceased, who waa in her ferty-eighth
George Stacey, of Lumley. She was a
woman of niatty excellent qualities
and wee beloved by nll her acquain-
tances. She leaves to mourn het- sud-
den removal her husband and two
young daughters.
Death of Williem Copp, Seaforth.
Wm. Copp. an old and highly
estesened resident of Meafurth, palmed
away at the home of hie daughter in
Two years ago deceased suffered en
attack of Kral ysie from which 11P
never fully recovered. [tern In Eng-
land iseventy-heven years ago, de-
ceased came to Canada in his youne
manhood and settled in Tuckerninith.
Here he purinied his vocation am ti con- we shit I not mocceed in keeping ont
tractor erecting many or the fluent node made in Eaetern countries.
. ore and more the IViettern mantifee-
tureen of textiles And other goods are
erecting factories in Egypt, India,
China. Japen and other countries
where there is abundance of cheap
declining retie with Ills daughter. labor, and native mantifisettiters rue
Deceiseed WS!, a men of unswerving incroming very rapidly. More and
Integrity. more then ordinary Intel- more we shall feel this competition ; it.
ligence and remarkable buRiness can no more he stayed then the cow -
Signal last week issued an industrial
and commerciel eilitituf that was de •
eidedly creditable to Reel( Haul the
business men of the town. It Wali
well printed, on heavy hook paper;
siderable enterprise.
Repeat it :--"Shiloli's Cure will *I-
ons -8 i• tire tny 410(1 colds."
4111=11.4. 1•1111134 -MIL,
ser ei . s epi s ass
Drop Oven and Low . Closet I:Lich hav::
het etofore been ex6Ineive features of {he
moet e'srperisive steel ranges.
they are also the only ranges made with s
Fire -Box en riglit or left side, as may
b_tte ft the kit:lien in which the range
is ha- lacteL ,
"PeeNess Peninsular" Ranges ate splendid
cooker., nee ver:.• economical in regard to Gel, are
1.-t flow sou their many features cf
That Nagging Paim in the Back
'And there's just oao way to atop it
Gin Pills ptrengthen
nml twat tee
kidneys -neutralize the uriluk- Maw
relieve the pain in the back nnd
Gin Pins are also the recognized chre
for Rheumatism and Sciatica. ISOc:ia
genteel reeciet .r Pricr'•
if you mate by
edifices in that vicinity. Twelre
yeates ago he told his farm in the
towniship rind removed to Seafortle
where he continued te reside until a
ear ago when he went to paw his
it/ id 11 interesting beeaur. we rill
11. ed them.
Perhaps it. is not, news to_you that
we aro very o have the best
of leather it) elng lily and sell.
The oinking nitwit 1n• an if should toe,
arid that is, wlo (WV SIMI,: Will lit, and
tit well Y4411 Frith tli! lie.:t1 TIO/W
pair. %Vitt you one and see what
we have ?
, M. Sharman
West oide Square.
Residence 178
Niabt malls: At re..idenok William
Morc Bread in-ra- Barrel.
That extra cost per. barrel which your
grocer asks you for
--it comes- tack to you. --
It is the difference in money between flour you
are sure of and flour you are mist4,
It covers the cost of inspecting the entire wheat
crop. of the counity, and seletting thc choicest grain.__,„
cicanlineas, for puritv and tor scientific flour -making.
It comes back to you in the shape of light,
wholesonte, nourishing bread and pastry,
A barrel of Ogilvie's Royal I lemsehold Flour
goes farther than a barrel of any other flour. It
makes more bread and better bread.
You arc not really spending that extra amount
Do not let it stand between your family and
good baking. rio to your grocer and. say " koyal
Ogilvie Flour Mills Co., Limited.
--11-Fall and Winter Styles
When made by
The Tailor
Weet sr.
in Millinery
ere shown at Mlf4S CAMERON'S M [MINERS -
PARLORS in the Meet attractive show' and
Iler 'Leek includes the nenent and need,
art iatir elfeete, and the inspeetinn of the When of'
(4. 1(.1 ich and vicinity hi cordially ins Red.
Hamilton Street, - • - GODERICH• “The Farmer's Advocate,'
Funeral Directors
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When you want and Yards street aod
(Warehiireio) (Car. West)
THE IIES'r •t Dock Senate
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°met Square. prom Iv nttendod to.
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