HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1908-11-26, Page 2i4a'Fentr"Yagf±A
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8 TittoU iaT, November '_6, 1908
She Aim!
• aY
Telephone fall No. IS.
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OODgRICH, THt%Itenay, NOV. 1s&
Canada was honored at the h.uulm•t
of the New York tlhahiher of Com-
merce on Thursday fast. when the
progress and developtnent of this
country were the them.• of s,•vrr.tl in-
tetesting and addle addresser. Among
the speakers were Byron E. \Valk**
president of the Canadian Bunk of
Commerce, and Hon. Clifford Stilton,
ex -Minister of the Interior. Perhaps
the most striking deliverett e.. --at any
rate to Canadiau ears—was that -of -.I:
J. hill, the railway magnate .1 the
Western States, who declared un-
equivocally for feee
trate between the
United States nnct (:anada.
Mr. Hill's address, in pats, teas as
follows :
"instead of.devoting this occ:tair,n
to mutual congratulation on our past,
it should, 1 think, contribute some-
thing to the understanding of
the true relations of - the two
great empires represented here :
for. as they began their history to -
then, the settlement at Quad*. and
at at Jautestou it being it•paraled by
bht a single year, so hate the etrug-
glee of their childhood been ineilowed
.tntcn•spect and regard by years and
adul nil d
understanding : anora: r, Save
after` the rending of the empire by
civil iss.gyttsion, were there ttvo
politi decisions with such opposing
termite hal systems and such har-
mony in all experiences that enter
into nail nhood. Roth peoples are
little diff entiated. In each have
been gather human materials from
every •race ..1 country. and out of
the furnace ere the fierce current
of tree host itt ion- run to and f, -
there arise• hom' • emoue races.
"Well•intor n pet meta Pay titan for
some timer's) per eta. of the popula-
tion pouring in \Vs.. -ten* Canada.
and a large part of the capital newly
invested there. hat - cone from the -
v'" United States. y(1, u r side of the line
there reside today I ' 11.1441 pt'.tone
born in Canada. On : rio gets her
coal from Pennsylvania, n.1 New Eng
land could get hers. Whe not prohib-
ited by high tariffs. fem.. 'uvn Nett ia.
Geography, s.1 b toingy at 1 all 1 he
great silent statural bases a edrawing
us closer all the time.
"What the comm,encal 1ci-M ions be-
tween these countries egeglt t . be is
indicated by every favi ite Owl
won bistorv. It is stiege.ted- by that
common intelleetttttl - Tnb itaut•i•-
which has made the ntightietd mind
of Canada, dnldwin Snaith. ax rniith at
home perhaps in New York as in Tor-
onto, and which impelled one of the
really great historians reduced by
the United States, Frames Piuknian,
to devote his life and g. niva -1.. the
story if the founding of Camel*,
"it is suggested alae ht• their
parallel development, runt by the
singling of their commerce. 11'itle
out committing any others here. I do
not hesitate to deelnre my own opin-
ii.n. i believe that the most natural,
the mo.1 rational. the horst highly
profitable eomwerrial status between
Canada and the United States is alt.
. solute freedom of trade. Pending the
arrival of that. 1 believe that those
who have the interests of both coun-
tries at heart should work for the ea-
natural profucs as to mp r and 'gen
emus as public opinion will approve.
All that i have maid and all the facts
of material development on hot h sides
of the bouodaty lead to this eon -
elusion, a conclusion entertained to-
day. if it could find twiee through
non-politicnl agencies, t y a greater
proportion of the people of the United
States than most men dream of,
"'float rouins•rve Violet eventually
move unrestrained between these ,1 rev
WO.* is seff-i•videni, Why not
strike off the eleackl,a now and let it
move freely instead of retying the
heavy permit) tf deIxy. Il not e.
lieve that there ix one valid argrnnent
in favor of the system that makes our
international boundary lice bristle
with cnetoms bereave, and forces .•very
doll/tee worth of trade bet ween them
t t show its passport and pry it i en•
trance fee.
"I do not believe tient there is one
sound objection, on the Ride either
of Canada or of the 1'tilted Statex, to
fuller and freer intercourse. N'hnt•
ever he the strength or the weakness
of the economic policy known as. pro•
lection --a subject which I do not bete
diseuss—it has nn meaning ns. cffert as
applied by either ..ne of these Nein-
trice against
trlceatgainst the other. The assump-
tion of saws, fixed Traria-thin in the
wage level is nonsense. Men are free
to conte and go. and New England at
this moment depends for her lith r
ly upon her !''renchdrnattien
p,pt on. Wages do very-.ejust res
they va -tween New York and Col-
orado, but the verage under similar
conditions is the e in the two
"More liberal and'friend , re-
lations between than would a
economic gain. The rtlatllinet,re
of Canada need not fear the com pet i •
tion of powerful combinations in the
United State., Not one of theme eon -
tools production in its own country.
Right here the smell manufacturer
competes nueceswtully with his greater
rival. 1f there were not a duty on
any natural product of either country
when entering the other not a wheel
would stop, not a man would he
amoral out of employment In citbee,
but the blueness of each would feel
the stimulus of an enlarged market.
It is as clear a ease of reciprocal ,ad-
vantage as clot le found in the while
history of trade; .which rets oil the
axions, not always remembered in yarn
time, that both parties to un exchange
of commodities linty be the gainete
by the transaction.
'•Ila. Canada rea.on 10 fear if our
trade relations were those nfa liberal
reeiproctty agreement i Her furwer
growth wider such :a policy, the elid-
e of hoer-msnnfaernrrra with Thai
lwige supplies of cheap row tnateriat.
the uixgiitle.uf thwntarket afforded
by the addition of {i.teke tet con•
ruiners all declare that the fret inti of
mutat trade emaneipetiun would be the
newt splendid of her remarkable his-
lu ,hie country the Iruliey of rrei-
procity between the 1. tided Stirs..
and ('unad+t has broken down popular
opposition- Neu England favere it,
the great tier of St ilex faring the
b and the re
Canadian uundxl i 1 rt
s o middle 1Veet be,
bakes fat tea it, the n k Ir
lie. es in slid asks for it. We have
tar, honk- eotisidrltvt tt only re a boon
for ne I,. grant.. .atel C.utada to ask.
That inn)• have tern true thirty yvat tx
ago : it is not Uva hilae. Not as u
agpplixnt but a. an equal she must lie
dealt wit It. I ler interest is lit greater
end no 1.. than ours, ler position is
iudependeut. Muth sides should put
*Way t he .elfish argument of pionsible
advimtage for Coiter through reci-
procity and join it. t he er•eatun of a
Brent reale zone, whetriu U'dd.• as
well ne melt may Ise free. From us,
The "I'kr. I trgeLAnal route dtvr10iO4•1
community. and erne whose lnt.t atti-
tude lean Leen .one•what itelifferent,
the *octroi. ) now »Brill .-nue. It
should be the privilege of this piece
and this hon to give .t new voice and
fore to this , piowu. to 01..n the way
for Cot adoption of a system of reci-
prut i, v that ut.itt-_nnt only dater -
Hat iur..1 friendliness, solidarity and
mutual support, 1 tut also immense
trade rcpsuskprt ant( titt.tncial gain fur
bath the pat 1 its concerned. -
Mr. Hill's tgwcch .wits lereived with.
great applause in that assemblage of
Mine! States businesawen. May this
ler titken as :In indication that our
heightens across tart *hue -i . begin-
ning toJeo4'attf:utit in,t her t;nnuner-
coal affairs in a .1ittet.•nt light form
that of twenty vetus ago: - -
The 1►incerdine Review is vary
gtunuty oyer the prt>tp'ects of the Con-
Mer Va the party it' Dominion affairs.
11 affects to believe that the gtettion
of race decided the recent .I,,:tons in
favor of the party Iwo try Sir 1Vilfrid
Leerier, and ,ask. where ••this eolith-
' ion orf d.inge:' will end. "Vt'itl it /mil
itt the ('omietci,.tivrs titaking an anti -
Vermeil' .contest, tvhi, h they have ro
far avoed but w bleb several intlir-
rntinl jonentls have ..icier•.? Ot will
it red in the Comte, Yeller" etpitulx-
ting to the Fteni h element. selecting a
Fr.•n•tt_lelttter.tlld_1eghting the battle
wit It Isturiet a weapons?'
In till of this Thar Bet it'w es un very
tdouLtfill ground. l'he i.iberals have
urejnrities in six out aft nine Prnvitiies:
ttiking out the goele • Vote, altogether,
they have a clear titrtjri1y of the
.teats. But even if I'M. Were not so.,
it Sir Wilfrid id 1.,titrier .ilei `not have a
y. of the Engiieh-sp-e-ilting coo•
stitnencie., there would. be 'Xtulhing
wrong, -or aterming,-tn- much a lutitTTn--
grile. It is limee• it people like the
writer of the article in - The Review
got over the idea That the Frentip-fart
elite. is reit Piet at tmtrli a t'nrvuli art
ns the rest of rtes The cute of the
Freud-l',utadian 'is as gu.td ere the li
'me of any .111.•r kind o(' Canadian,
ti'td inn. admires Sir Wilfrid i.aurier
that is only what a large number of
Canadians I o Yvh t
• It ulna .e remembered that Sir
Wilfrid Lousier after he was nerd,
leader ,.f the Lihei ,l party did not at
once rapture Quets•i•. - lie bird to fight
hie way tend prove his worth among
the meg& ofiiTs own lace jut 0, an
dcnglisti-epeaking ttnailinn wound
hey.. bad ter do. Genetic, gave Ste John
Maeulonnlj n liberal measure of sup-
port, awl throe is no reason to lippnse
that it the Cnnsertative !witty had
now a strong Ietderebip tutet'an attrac-
tiv.• policy it would not receive from
the votets',of Quebec the degree of
stippm-t it wauld deserve.
11 the Conservative party has in its
*tui_ French-Canadian of theetuff
leaderAtte made, there ie no
good reason why'. he should Ito', he
chosen for that potation if the party
desires to make a *hang If, how-
ever. a Fr•enihi Canadian should be
elevated 1.. the leadership not upon
bis merits as a in an. but because of
hie titre, the party wotrtfl.deserve to
1esv. and rennin it iloul redly lt,se,
stmt.! (t ien of ita_oemp4ri: normo
P,'ng h px•nking rulers. On the
other Lund, an anti-t''t-t h coldest
world bring upon the parry which
would undertake it the fate which be.
fell Meredith end hit anti-Cathnli,
uup eigu in Ontar:u.
On the whole, pet haps the beet and
wisest course the Conservative party
count pursue would le to develop a
policy that wnold commend itself to
the people of Canada it-resp•ctire of
rare or creed, At any rate, before
Conservatives complain of their hlRk
of xttecese in (atelier. m the manner
adoptetl by 'The R,viett, they ought
to preeent'a policy that will ro►n-
mwud the support. .01 the English-
spreaking curers of the country.
the epx,ibe system curd the patronage
The Toronto News has pretty nearly
touched Isittum iu its descent. It is
now engaged in the gluey task of stir-
ring up toee and creed prejudice in a
futile atleiupt to discredit its politicail
oppoueuts, -
The "patronage list" ha. hertz als,l-
1)Lihe -llelctrtu,ent - llf . trier'
and Fisheries, and Hun. Wm. Pugsley
Jnuutinces that he will follow suit in
the Department of Pelle . %Yorke. It
is a I i tv 'ruutent of refut•tu.
The Globe quotes a visitor frau the
Mixt.. lit Watihiegton who adviser On-
tario people not to he in tt hurry to go
1Veet. It will be time enough in the
next thirty years, he thinks. On-
tario, in his opinion, is not over-popu-
t hetes plenty v ofroom *areal and t r rn a>t a for
the people now here and for some
tine to come, -
Audrew Carnegie has written an
article for The Century' Magazine
which virtually ...advocates the aben-
dmuurut of protection is the United
States. He says that the "infant in -
deist -rive" have now .grown np and no
longer need support. People may
wonder why Carnegie, who owes his
fortune to the United States tariff arid
who knows the facilities which the
protective policy affords to the few to
become rich at the expellee of the
many, should advocate the Overthrow
t( the system, ..Gan it be that he hae
had el much trouble trying to get rid
11- his to itf-w.t,ht million* that har
wants to make it it,t1, , ible for
whets to follow in hid¢ footsteps and
bring similar trouble ups on thew-
sela•es 'r
herd---RobertrirarBtven" A" 11eYe
speech iu the Clouse of Lords, repl•c-
renting that Great Britain is ill pre-
pared tat resist a ,xtseilde invasion
font Germany. It it impossible for
1 iittliatts to realize what it means
to live itt the midst of t he armed en-
campments of Europe, where every
uatt.nt considers it necessary en keep
its eyes open for trouble : but at this
distance it looks as it the state of
chronic alarm were worse than the real
danger. Germany is pt•oln,ttly nn
more intent on fighting Great Britain
than (*rent Ifritain is on righting Ger-
many, end it each nation Would recog-
niiw (hie there would he an immense
saving of wear and tear on Use nerves,
to say nothing of the saving of money
spent in soup trot imie for a war that
in n.1 likelihood will never take place.
The trate re t n
t tn. for the first seven,
months of the present fiscal year show
a decrease•_of Ilii i 2111 1${ in the foreign
trade of Canada.'the coutpatisot being
with the figures of the spore period of
Mei. Of the decrease by far the
greater part natnety: A, i 16,1111*—is
in imprts, the decrens.r in export." be-
ing relatively small. Those whole/0k
upon imports as an evil, and upon ex-
ports- as the 'immure of prosperity,
will he ct;ufounded by these figure).
The decrease in importe. inelead if be-
ing atrindex of prosperity-, is -the very
reverse ; it is one of 1 he synapt out. of
the period of "hurl tittles." The tact
of the nutter Is that a large rolunteof
iwprrts is morally the proof and the
conse.luen.e of the country's purchxs-
Nig powers; and as the atrility ('i buy
it *'gout thing so a large import -trade
t.sakind(i tti,inofRoteltimer. -
An important event of the pest
t. o xt a ne w eek nous ale—fo,,, .p_ier+taifaiiorr'yf
Rev, Or. Alfred Untidier as prin.ipct
id Knox College. Toronto. Another
change that is, about to take place is
the removal u1 Knux College to the
University precincts in (ne,•n's Park.
The old. building. .on Spaelina avenue
is to be alutndonid and a new one
erected in tile neighborhood of the
t'nlver,ity. A reads of last week's
inauguration pro•eedir a that is of
p'retnal..iute'rat to the people of
Golerich was the conferring of the
degree of doctor of divinity in
ahsential upon Rev. Dona Mac-
Gillivrxy, a former dodo ir-h ba t, now
of Shanghai. China. Many reivl is of
The Signal will share in the pleasure
which in given by this recogteitien nt
The nmtiripal candidate is polish-
ing up his armor for the coming fray.
Have you commenced your Christ-
mas shopping yet? The advertising
column,. of The Signal will help you to
what yet want.
Th.• el protest is now making
its appearanee he courts. and the
merry political war go on for a
while yet in sorne ctrnsfitun •s,
"014 Liberals;' look in vaio in T
Toronto News for any marred of the
Whitney (tavernment, for maintaining
Dr. Macdilliyray's scholastic' attain-
ments and his services as a missionary
The turning it lie lint sod in con-
nect ion
on-nection with the construction of the
electric power line tinder the auspices
of the Ontario hydra -electric• com-
mission took place at Toronto Inst
week. Thin ie . p ojee•t in_wbich-the
people of Ontario are all interested,
though some only indirectly' and in a
eerundary degree. Where the power
project in going to land the munici-
palities concerned in it time alone 'will
tell. Eke long aa the credit of the
Province is not used to farther the
project those dist.rii•ts of the Prole
ince which will not receive the,ttcne-
fit of Niagara power will have nn
occasion to complain. There are not
wanting (hone who are skept(ral in
regent to the undertaking, het the
Government has committed itself to
the scheme and apparently it con-
fident of a successful outcome,
"Canada*' touches upon a week
point itt our elective systems when It
'Electors who du noi,00-.and.--v.,ie
because they have not been pet
momally canvaslw-d: bw•causr they
have not been shown the place
where the poll ix; httenu,ae, they have
rot been taken to the pttll in a car-
ringe•, such electors are not good citi-
sens. They turn up their nose at one
of the st sacred rights conferred
upon them, the right to lake a dire•r•t
part in the government of their
country tr of their province. This re-
grettable condition or the public apirit
renders it necessary tp have a costo
organization, without which a candi-
date has generally no chance to be
elected. Such costly urganiz Ilio t bre
in roadie at the expense of spleens
Nike a greater interest. In the
cies- • ivea them an influence over
the pat - , ch they may be tempted
to alma*. We would like to are the
elector« go to the polls of their own
free will ; nothing would be letter cal•
chlatewl to give a democratic cu.antry le
government iu seeo,.lance with the
views of the majority of the electors."
Even -Song.
Homed eke ways whereon outtout were
Sweet the yomrg,allb., the valleys of content.
14111 .ow tit. bsem-,d,wan* drnraretted,
Lord, we are *peat.
We did not heed Thy warning in the skies.
w'e have nut heard the voice pot known Thy
But now the world is wakening mom. e) ea.
Lord, we grow oid.
Now the sweet strain turns bitter with our
Now dies the star we followed lu tLe west.
Now are we red and ill at ease with yeant.
Lord, we would rent.
to our proud latups are emptied of their light.
Weary our hands to toll, our feet to roam,
Unr day Is past anil;.wlftly tills Thy night.
Lard, lead us home.
-Marione 1'ickthdll, In Metropolitan Maga.
_-- ltaelpb Mereury:.-
Mrs. Tett is said to be a splendid
cook. We can thoroughly believe it.
Her husband looks it.
la Danger.
'ioronto Star,
Foot and mouth disease has broken
out in Pennsylvania, and great fear is
expressed lest it should spread to thea
politicians. yti. j
Getting Experience.
l'hitylQ �y-gy_ - _._ __
"A luau learns to do by doing." re-
marked the roora'irwr.
"Yes," rejoined the demoralizer,
"and alio by being done."
"Do Hogs Pay?'
-.._. Alabama Iiearor.
A Georgia editor was asked : "Do
hug. pay?" He replied : "A good
many do not. They take the, paper Inc
several years, and then have the post-
luseter mark it •retuwil' or 'addrese
Sure Way to Tell.
Teacher --Johnny, can you inform
the ctas:s as to bow the age of a chick-
en is determined?' -
Johnny Yeti w. By 1'te teeth.
'reacher Why. Johnoy. chicken's
have to pot h.
Johnny—No'm. But we have.
Ladies Must Nct .Read. .
iotueore •.
Jog 11th puss . ni puq 14.11
'atogamoe 1! le tab page as utp a•1t
: peat .Cpga,tiv sag aqs metal situ
•gtsej a of atuaa u.lt aa2hrat mast sans
aro s v o
m )rise at stall Ma s
� I
4J 1
1 4 1
-awes Ino '1t pug ill+ ems tel no-( lnil
01..101) tyftrnn airs nuiq ..non ',11
'inmost. tt mores* 8u!glSuv x aa,nU JI
A Patriot
w'oo.l*tock Seitelo tie v isa____ _
the aunouncrtneut that Hon. A. B.
Aylesworth does not consider it neces-
sary to tetirn to Vienna for treatment
for his hearing will he welcomed 1,v
Canadians -generally. irrespective of
parry association•. Mr. Aylesworth
is a very fine type of Canrlian citizen.
He has undertaken to give III. time
and his splendid ability to the mobile
service at no slight Rectifier t r his
own interests. He is the kind of min
worth appreciat:n; and encuuraring-
Starvieg Children in Chicago.
Toronto ttube.
The report of an invetititt►nling com-
mitter appxtinte'l try the Chicago
bi,.trtl of education ata' -e. that 1,1»)
patient school children In the city are
habitually hungry, and Kiss' others
never get sufficient fool. A large
number of children have only bre td
serturated alt Mater rn• Lteakrtat day
after day, and the noon steal is tn•esl
or bananas and an otcnxiunxlluxury
of soap made from pork bones.
Children often frequent a tuurket,
logging for de•nd fowl in crates -1r de-
cayed fruit, and ()theta have been
found searching for fool in alley
gaff -Age trite.. Several wades were
reported where hungry children at
school picked up crusta M bread or
frngutents of lunch which other chil-
dren had thrown away. Children
often go to school hreakfastless, and
at times go to bed hungry.
Canadian Nationality Is Secure.
Toro.do world.
The World ienot of those that vlew
the development of inter-eontinentnl
commerce as likely in any degree to
affect the existing poijticel relation-
ship. Time wits when Canada's de-
pu ndence_ou the-1.3Aiteet -Settee bats
it iw•en maintained and encouraged.
might have led to clover union. Hut
a change, radical end Vast, has conte
to pass in the Canadian outlook. Mo
reser " mrd -ter--41111eilt Have Tieen Ch.-
problems solved in the conquest of 1 he
Dominion, in its a der•ly organizntinn
and in the Ascertainment and develop-
ment of •int. tesui.tree that its people
are no hinge, (Meows over their
power to create a great and prosper -
ons. °free ant cvp urate Math**, odess
resolved to co-operate• in voluntary
co -partnership with the other self-
governing communities under the
llritixh flag. ''he sentiment of nx
tinnality once aroused is not racily
killed and there is touch in the in-
ternal titnatinn of the United States
to make a country, such as Canada
ham now become, hesitate about Irev-
ing its identity and entering into a
onion tinder n constitution the dead
hands of whose milkers control the
living citizens of the twentieth cent-
ury, an the altered cicumntancee it
The Deadly Railway Crossing.
Torwrte Mohr.
The jury which sat et Hlppth to in-
quire into (It.' death of Mae. NCott and
her two boys included in their verdict
the finding that level (avowing, should
be ylsjlirhed. It it 'u cheerful sign
that public opinion it awakening to
the thought that the murdering of
people at level crossings is not soute-
thhtg under which it is necessary
patiently and hutubly to litre the heat,
The terrible "laughter of that mother
and her two sons was, under the eir
ettIl (tIt tees, a reflection on our civil.
iSatioo. Ni' our would »ay, out even
the railway authorities., that such
episodes can le perutitteil to continue.
Who dare answer in the affirmative
the queetiou whether they are to be
allowed to go on forever ? And if
they are not, is it nut time to make a
beginning in a movement that cries
aloud for a beginning to he made ?
The Province of l►ntario prides
itself on bring in the forefront of the
advanced rlio wealths of the
world. But in thi. particular it is by
no lumina in the forefront. Some of
the States of the Awetlean union will
1re able to ssv in no long time that the
l langer•nns level r,-iesnig has been
abolished within their horde' r. The
progress of suet. a change sum neces-
xarily be slow, but a start should be
made on it, itnd a start will never be
made un it until the Ontario Legis-
lature takes up the matter. This very
CAM'. together with the jury'e teeonl-
tnendatiun, should he brought to the
attention of the Legislature at its next
yes ,
If the Ontario Legislature extended
substantial assistance towarde the
elimination of any dangerous cross-
ing complained of by •nein sl
authi•rlties there would be little dif-
ficulty in getting sworder from'thc
hoarse of railway commissioners for
the doing of the work. Let this Isar-
liol tall kiliirig of people on the King's
highway cease.
Altana Said to Be is Vert Bad Shape
Chicago. Nov. 3'.—At It meeting of
the f're,liotrs' Committee of Hankers,
behind clas.•.1 doors, in tate Corn Ex•
t-h.nge Natioant Bank of Chicago yes-
terdev, thi. quiestion was seriously
ru-.seJ, it is said. tf asking the States
at t n ney to use his jutlgment of haying
the tedium of A. Booth k Co„ kuowtt
as the "lint trust," before the Cook
County rand This discussion
. K J Y
of riwinal action, it is raid, came
After a final audit of the rolupanyy r
..nets, which ',honed that t he
creditors will teeeive, it • it claimed.
only thirty -live cents on the dollar.
The audit was start+tl shortly after ���s
the -fish trust' was thrown into the
Bands of a receiver about tbn•e
neanths ago. The receivership dis-
closed the feet that hanks in ('htcugo,
,New York and other • cit les held $,i,flDfi,-
irJO of the c o•potution'. paper.
Some of the Minket s, it ie. said, de-
clared it was impassible to effect a re-
m genie atiou, ns desired by W. Yertio1
Booth, and aswrt they are willing to
sept the :ii orate on the duller
rathe�, than allow a r•e.u•ganizaation of
is being picked over every day. If yotl need, or will soon
come here early, before the best choice is goue. Our styles'
are the newest, and our values are right.
Goderich Ladies' Wear
West Street
Two More Days
of the
Big Clothing Sale
Saturday night will be the wind-up dour sale of High.
class Clothing. Don't come around Monday asking for bar-
gains like your neighbors got—it will be too late tsar --any
new and save tram four to eight dollars ea a suit of clothes.
"Mit cud black wormed'',
cheviots and serge', single and
double breaeteaf. wises if:i to AB,
regular $ tt, $�3 and Sat, for
Blue worsted, single-breasted,
regular $17.110, for 113,00.
1''irt) Boys' three-piece, single-
breasted Suits.
gs.00 Sluts for $3.75,
16.91 Stilts foe 14.75.
foto Pants for $1.65,
$2.75 Pants for 12.15.
13.00 Pants for
Walter C. Pridhain
are simply kidney disorders. The kidneys
filter the blood of all that shouldn't be
there. The blood passes through the kid-
neys every three minutes. If the kidneys
do their work no impurity or cause of
disorder can remain in the circulatioo
longer than that time. Therefore if war
blood is out of order your kidneys have
failed in their work. They are in need of
stimulation, strengthening or doctoring.
Ole medicine will do all three, the finest -
and most imitated blood medicine that
\Vint.r Term opens Jan. IN.
Arrange tion t0 wit/
.r•.).vn•1T't 417411.
% ITHr (T11Art$I STA
tt ft 1Y THK
hetMIN ION- Neatly au rolleae.
1LALS3 lobe the beat, but examiner n
f.e en floes NOT MAKE TRNM sU-
f;ef our e'atetrsmo. Read R from corer
to raver. tier for yourself what thaw
('effete., Is doing. and the advantages it
W,-}- Et-LIOT�'; rttfftilfi: •
Ymire and Alexander St*.
Central Business'
Toronto has started thousands
of young mon and women on the
easy way to independence and
success. Let us give you the right
start Write for catalogue and
plan to spend the next six months
with us. Enter anytame.
Address W. H. haw, Principal,
Yonge and Gerrard Strati,
OM mon)
'bar 14•t reword and our recent grade 01
-work stamtr u- the great tractical traio-
iog +ritual of Weetern Unta na-... -. -
we ha i e'i hree department.: --
emir tradn,uee are In demand at Business
college teachers as well at onee asaaittants,
Individual In.druetlou. Keeer__YSJ11-.
f -no se tat*egtaetree. Wriio for t.
CARPET All order..
LAYING promptly attended to
Charges moderate
Repair Rooms • One door We st of C. J. Harper'*
'Move Store, Weal8treet • be
Residence-11Mo Avenue.
Mont modern
Ind popular iter 1 r t'itl.l-
near tirhortl In W z.twrn OntwrM.
t►)deb, experienced, broadly
edneatesl. aympathetic, attentive
to?, sr/infirm of aa°eee,.,
t;raduatea eminently aucceeful,
The very e.+ence of modern,
acing Mistime systema.
Telegraphy and
Commercial Courses.
Individual Intfrrtetion. Enter I I 1 Residence 185.
Sister Ann hid you get any marks any day. Write for hoedowns —_
at a.•h.w,l err dwv, bill ? Bill — Yus ;
but they're where they don't shim. �EU' SdsOTCUN, Pax,n•.i,_ i I
Tlie Sketch,
t` � oM ;''.
csfr',ypsrni n�.. ..r
1 people who have for years neg.
lected to consult a competent
optician !would gladly pay any
prii•e for good might a ain, and
there are some eases hit which
the optician can not give the
vision he would like to with
lenxea, because the. EYES have
been constantly ',trained and
continually neglected.
Glasses in time save worry 1
hes troughs, (-'ttnadn will therefore 1 trpnrwtcry rnnrsn fur than ' • •
await without either hots fir feta• t.br- wha.c oduemuon hat be°n trig• JEWELLER R OPTICIAN,
outetmi' of the tariff rcfurrn a ration lasted. Issuer of Mania Ljc neer,
in the U Mull txournea, Ip any •1.,}eC 1 (te
Wiled Nlxk`s. /ns. those who with to study at
home . Phones,
f Store i53,
orange Ulf N a ...ruble cur* for all
dlsordnn of waren. It. Is applied
Meetly, and is absorbed Into t he ander-
' Ina then*. The dtad want* matter Is
the ronge.ted rngt "n la expelled. Rlrlatt
immediate meets! and phytlrwl relief:
the blond i r., i. and nerves are Armed
and-tr -utg.henoJ, nod the clrenlat Ion Is
rendenxl normal• a+ thH treatment is
boded nn stnrtly .elestlfe nrOt Ittala
and awls mh the motel location of the
thrne.. It cannot help Ant effect a erre
or all furans of female trouble, Whirling
delayed and painful menatrnauon.
leneorrltam, falling of the womb, .10
Price 81.no ver box, which 14 an®tlent
Mr one month 'atrestating t. A free Trta1
Treatment, entomb for ten days, worth
Mir will be .rnr to any sot►,ring woman who *111 send me her emboss 1 er111 Shan notion for het
free medical edvhr from tae eminent snetlallst, I r. D. N. t'onnter. Pre.Msnt at the cimpiety
Ned. Inst., *bunt any 'peon! feature of het race which note mar date Intorthatlon *boat.
Motels Scent atones, and eddies/ Ste. V, 1. (:utnab, rammer, pia,
I Everybody who is afraid of the weather should wear Cote, nod
everybody cao afford to at our:prices.
We have, all sins, In several colon, nude in the best styles for
[mtortBetter quality than you prnhably expet.
the concern and the establishment of a
",inking fund to pay off tire indebted
near of nearly grkeIsI,tj u,
Time to think et the
Let nf., Ripply you with your
New. fresh goods in etock, of best
quality—and you want notbtng but
thwbest for the Christala.goodthings.
We have everything in
If you do set deal with ss, gite as
a trial order.
STURDY & 00'
'Phone No. qt, -.Meet Side Square
Empire, King and
Dupont's S mo kel es s
Powder, snap Shot
Black Powder, Wads,
Primers, - Caps and
Shot, Sovereign
Smokeless Crown
Black Loaded Shells,
Cartridges, Loading
Tools, Guns and
Rifles, --
We admit, but a sensible Idea Inst the de, to be ea troth
COLD sad CHANGES of t wueathern; by westing s
. J. BUTLAND,a D R `�'H