HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1908-11-26, Page 1NEW SUBSCRIBERS Can Ret The Signal from t0 let January, 1910. for $1.00 Send along your name and address with cash to The Signal MI (TY-nReT Y)QAlt-die. lyes ou a 1 GODERICH, ONTARIO. CANADA : \U1•EMBER '6, 1908 NEW SUBSCRIBERS should send in their names and addresses at once. FROM NOW TO tat JANUARY, two. FOR ANYWHERE IN CAN- ADA OR THE BRITISH ISLESX1.00- Address. The Signal A s VANAITER t ROHYJ0TSON, Ptsuair. a Financial THE STANDARD LOAN COMPANY We offer for sale debentures bearing interest at FiVE ler cent. FFor ',mum, payable half -yearly. These debentures' offer an abeo.utely safe and profitable investment, as the purchasers have for security the entire assets of the Own- pany. Capital and surplus Assets Total Assets - - President: ALEXANDER SUTHRRLAND • Vice -President and Managing Director : W. S. DINNICK. DireeIeas1 RIGHT HON. LORD MTRATHCONA and MOUNT ROYAL G. C. M. 1;., J. A. KAMMEREIt. DAVID RAT(., R. 11. GREENR, HUGH M. BRENNAN, J. M. ROBERTS. A. J. WILLIAMS. \ HEAD' OFFICE ('oR. AnaLAIDN AND V,(TORIA MTs., ToKoNTII. Goderich Office, W. L. HORTON, MANAGER. 1I1,3/0,000.0) - IjrL500,01.0.00 NOTICE '1St \TATER TAKER.! --As•the Water sed Light Com- mission close their books on the 15th rf December, alt water rates newt 1* paid before that date or the water will be turned off. By order, Water & Light Commies' To Bent TO RENT. --A COTTAGE ON NEW - (*ATB Binet. Apply to MRH. W. A. YNAN. East street, 1 t rpWO HOUSES TO RENT. -ONE 1 on Victoria dart mad one on Nelson street, both modern In all appointment•: nine Hand all vealeocea.(an be seenh at any time, For liar perticalatu apply to JACOB MOBKlt. • ME TO RENT. -A COMFORT - 11 dwelling centrally Wastertea rooms. adorn lmprove.uen:.,oleo a Rae. Apply YOUNU a IWBF.RT*h ON. ROIL Ire. tete 1 - ()ROPE TY. TO RENT. -TWENTY I acre.. oe the Hayfield road. three miles from Goderich, on which there are a good frame staryand-a haft boasts and good barn . Tyre ..acres of aeoh.rd'*nd two acre, of small fruits. "Mixon the pprreebtl,es or to ti EON: E JOHN - ' OH N- l4TUN, lloderlch. f110 RENT. - TWO GOOD-SIZED 1 and bright room over the Sterling Intek. trine entrance ae to r. Itanosy'1 law onloe. Seeable for dresmnak deetlatry, insures-' oflbu, eta. Key at MR. ORR19Fti{S grocer! store GODERICH MARKETS. Tncastoov, Norember 81/1011.101 F'a11 whoa(, per buea Q0 a6 W Wag wheal, per sun .... 0116 -Se O Rye, per beet 01!4 10 0 Su Buckwheat. per bush 0 41 (0 0 SU ()stn. per bush., 031 to 0 2a Peas, per bush 040 1tJ Lot 0 07 Ik.rl y per bush - a !a t0 0 000senllp• ser ton is W to le uu Flour, family. per cwt L to S 6n Flour, per ons, per owl $ 25 to 7 AF Hran, tun 20 00 to E) 00 Shore, per ton 24 00 to 24 00 Hay, per ton „ . ale to le W Wood. per cord - 7 he to " 6 W Butter. per Ib a 21 l0 0 '21 Chaste. per lb 0 )5 to 0 LS F'a'g.: fresh. per dog' u LI (0 0 21 Potatoes. new -.... b) to Cattle, ordln'y to good: par cwt 3 Ju l0 Cottle export, per cwt.. A o, W Heim. live weight, per Cwt. 0 til to Hbeet . per cwt Haul, per Ib Bacon. per Ib ` 0 IS to [o ISM r Ib IS pr 7'wllow, per Ib W to Hide., per cwt 10111 to Sheep ekin. N) Chicken., 10 Turkeys 111 to !Outside markets on vette a) to to �.. 0 le to 1117 to 7e 4 u, 6 e5 600 4 s1 u Il 0 SO 15 406 ti hi 400 10 14 NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS • Copy of change of running advertise menta must be left at this office by Monday noon to ensure insertion in issue of same week. R SA TO FOVENtLE YOlwa twRo-s with modern oonteolenoe.. Im Owner Wttue town: F tcular apply Le MIt4. MARS $jaebee erica(. OUSE FOR SALE. -ON BRi NIA road : all modern eonvenlene pod condition. gond locality For fe bsrtic tion apply to .1 H. )(OHEIt7SUN. 'pox \MALE. -A VERY DES IR - r ABLE let on Woe Kral, close to the Sgeare. A y'to DICKINSON & UARRUW'. litOUSE `AND TWO LOTS FOR Bale near Agricultural Park. Apply to t8- JOAN Mos W EEN on the preml,er- FARM FOR MAL& -PART OF block D lake read wt. Colborne town- .hlp. two mile. from Ooderleh, 1.n1 sen.,. good cloy loam, brick hon.*. barn 26 x T. ith anima etaleang, erewilan well. water In bulld Ing. and sprinngg creek. f acre" standing Umber and rooms oe.hard. Apply to C. C. MeNKIL. Dunlop P. Witt L1ARM FOR SA -A FIRST• L LASS f In West Wawa- good, tate f,a ut lot 27. with 175e arn.'well good .tale of eultNatlnn, wall fenced. 'emoted, road orchard. Imam bank bars. atreod home poatallee, blacksmith she, aid l and tere at corner of farm. Convenient gFYO� church. Ji miles. from (' P station et Auburn. Term. easy, W. A. IslON, Lecknow,tint. OUSE FOR MALE. - A NiNE roomed tonne dwelling,ha a good -- Luanne. on Keay■ .trent. Stone fol dello, and mummer kitchen, ood .teble. Will les „old - rea"0habt For to or p•rttealaes epi,fy to- MFtS. WM. Mc,I,A ORAN, 41 1)nsIat re.. Toronto. NOW ENROLL. for Winter Terni - no better dtae. We Offer epode! advantagee and jMv. Settee not obtainable elsewhere. 1t.rlte for nmslCol .ml, s. VT RwM. l',A.Ri Ming. Toronto. T. M. WATSON. Principal. THE STERLING BANK OF CANADA Hoo Omoc Toltec eo Aore011120 CAPITAL, • 81.000.1100 INCORPORATED RV )PK('IAL ACT Or DOMINION PARLIAMENT TO RECEI V K DEPOSITS To accommodate the Farmers we have opened Branches in the villages of DUNGANNON, AUBURN, VARNA and BAYFIELD. We solicit the Patronage of the FARMER, SALE NOTE* DISCOUNTED. SAVINGS BANK ACCOUNT opened by deposit of SUB interest at 3% compound- ed quarterly. GODERICH BRANCH A. 0, OAMRLE, Manager. 1 2000 LBS. E-'1 � E A PH I��3 WANTED at the GODERICH MATTRESS and UPHOLSTERY \\ ORKS. Opposite King Edward -Hotel, Goderich. Notice. OTICE TO DEBTORS. -- ON AG- IN0000t of the change le the- personnel of the comps:w .11 theme indebted to the (lode. flet Planing Mille. Limited. tire requested t0 rule their oocoontk immediately. THE GODERICH PLANING MILLS. LIMITED, ohn Lawton. Hecreta'y Trew.urer. 6311. MG-- OF THE (eOl'NTY COUNCIL. council of the corporation of the county of Hu will meet In the council chamber. in the to of (total -Leh. on Tuesday, December the 1.1. a 3 o clocnts k w p. in. placed wit the clerk �bef re date t the nof meeting. ty rnmd ba. W. LANE. Clerk. erich, Nov. (nth. Iasi. Doted .1 (1 NOTICR 'IQ IN V ESTOItS. -T H E executors Of the mist., of the late George Achene ere leelded to otter the whole costa fore The property bond. envision, of real estate, debe.,t me bonds end .towke. Partle. wishing to Poled in any of the above prop•rtiot can get fail p.rticulwrn on aDDHca Lion to the exeutors. Mas. AI.ir'•L. AcfgaON, Executrix. J. P. Roows . } Executors. WIi.WoM ACHge0N Ooderlch. Dec. Sat tor. Auction Sales 11pMINIRTNATOICS ISA 1 : OF , REAL PROI'KRTY. The admlnlotntot of the e.twle and e t of William Wall. bete of the township of At. eM In the county of Huron, farmer, „ceamod, --111 oetl by public auction at Fore. hotel In e on `ittutdw G w 2nr1 o'clock p.m. town of rder.cI t �i-rm,ber S• IUs, the following property, n mely earl 1. Sonlhwnst quarrr of lot. 1, eon- esdlon s, western division of the township of AAhaekl. in the eoanty of lturon, containing AO or more or Inns On !Mit lot. there I. e email me dwelling hnn-r : ohout 10 mere. of and wth suitable for firewood or fenee rails : rho land Is well united for gracing pur- pose. andle well .Ituated nn n gond gavel -the lame wo ml ee from f:lntall end whmtt t Perve1 2.- 'aarrtt of lot ti. oncewm on R W. 11. AAMleld, wl dwelling hone. end .table . goal orchard a d well. Alen part of the tome lot conteltengb .ksmith shop. Thin dwelling and .hop are situ ted in the village of King•- brMge At the en le thew will also Me sold a ...t M binrksmlt.h t Is. Terms. -Ten par nt- of t h,• ,un•hnse money to be paid in cams time off sale. and the Mimics within ri day. thereafter. For further particnla end wand it ion, of rale J. apply to the nndersign,rl • I:ILIA)ItAN, leoderirh,lht l.. Solicit*? for Edward Wulf, Adminlsto tero. �YNOPSIM OF CANA•PIAN / N')RTHWEUT LAND RF'OCL TIONS- .. Any person who I. the „ore head of namlly. or soy mal* over 16 years old. may hom teal w quarter-.eetton of .vail*lde Dominian tend In Manitoba, Seeketchewan or Albert*. aT. e pelleent moa Appear In pnr.on at the Ito n% Inn land? Agency or Sub-ARency for t e dirtrlO. Entry by prosy may be mad* at wn Agency, on certain condition., by faker' mother,son, daughter, brother or .beer o1 o Intending hotaesteader. Duties, -nix menthe' rmidenee neon and cultivation of Ihe band In sawn of three ,ftste. A homenteAder may live within Moe miles of hl. homestead on a farm of at Last ern Here. solely owned and oocnp4 d b him or h) 11A ca father, mother, so, daughter, brother M sister. In certain dletrl.ts s hnmestmader In gold . fending may pro-emM a 'tnertersnetlon Abupplds hie homestead, Pries Salm per ser*. Untlea- Mn.t reside six menthe In earth of six yearn from date of homestead entry linelnding thn lima required to earn homestead patent) and colt ivale 8f*y ecre. extra. A homesteader who ham e,haneted his hams d eed rightand cannotobtain a pre-emption may take w p11000011d homealAad In eertaln dl.t beta, Pelee WV per were. Dalian --Mutt. maids Mt menthe in each of three year.. cels vat* fifty arm and sect • bones o RYrth prom Paper et lbe Mlntater of the Interior N.N. I nail! hort.awl p.,hllrarinn of thls art- . ertfeement will not be paid for. LOCAL TOPICS. Wilson, J. 8. McKinnon, H. S. Crocker, W. W. Sloan, W. B: Scott, -- 1 K. McLeod, W. F. Cantrket. Tit An- nual at house will he held irT` the Temple building on Friday, March 511. Farmers Institute Meetings. Poultry bhow at Clinton. The thirteenth annual show of the Huron Futility and Pet Stock Associ- ation w-itl be held under the auspices of the Clinton branch on January 11)th, 211th and 21st, 11109. The execu- tive at Clinton is sparing no errata,/ to make this the largest and heat exhi- bition in the Association's history, and it should be well patronized by the Goderich fanciers, whe we believe have wetly prize-winning birds. A Western Wedding. The Reward (Seek.) Chronicle oti4fo- veutber 5th record, a marriage of inter- est tit• people of this district. The ceremony Wok place at the home of Mr. and Mre. Newton P. Crich, form- erly of Clinton. and the hridr Was their sister, Miss Pethalda Victoria Nott, will) ens united to John E. Johnson. Among those from a dis- tance who attended the nuptials, was the bride's mother, Mrs. George Nott, of Clinton Ont A Good Advertisement for Goderich. Milverton 8uu : The 0oderieh Sig- nal has jest issued a special industrial eau eomuwretet edition. In whin the business interests of the town receive a large measure of attention. The a,•sthetie side is not forgotten and the beauty of Go derich's situation is placed promin utly before -tile puMic.- The number is a credit to the Signal office. and cannot but )love a good advertisement for the old lake town. A Young Man's Death. Another victim of tuberculosis wet-. Nelson Murray, a young man of not quite eighteen years of age, whore death took place on Saturday' last at 'Wee home of hie father, John Murray, Retire at r, -,'t. The funeral had been arranged fur YVedoe-.day afternoon but was postponed until today to per- mit e brother. ° mil f the deceased's hr t1* r, J hrt, who was sailing with Captain Baxter, az-riving front Depoi Harbor in title for t he obsequies. A` sister alsosur•- vives. The funeral this afternoon was conducted by Rev. J. Anderson, pastor of Knox church. 1 , proving the G. & G. lo,elph Herald : An evidence of the apparent intention of the Carnelian Pacific Railway Company to make the Guelph and Oodetich line ooe of the finest pie es of railroad in Canada is the great care they grew 10 be taking in making it a netdel road for solidity. The rails are of tel -pound material, and the grades very etighf indeed, and, yet not satisfied with this, they at present have a large_ganic of men en- gaged on iulprovemente. On the line near. McQuillan -4 farah--about mih-s out of the city, the tracks are leing turn up and replace' ,with heavier and better nllterial. Symonds -Elliott. An early mousing wedding took place on Monday at the Victoria street Methodist parson' gc, when Miss Arleta Elizabeth Elliott, Young- est daughter of ex -Deputy ve Rob- ert Elliott • and Mrs. Elliott, became the bride of William 9ymo s, the pptrnopprietor - of_ tht_Hamiltou\slitreet barber shop. Rev. R. W. Mil and, pastor of the church. performed the ,eremobv and the happy couple Were unattemled. They left on the morn- ing G. T. H. train for it trip to Brant- ford, returning to town last night to take up their residence here. Many friends unite in beet wishes. or•onto's Fturon Ord Soys. The annual meeting of the Huron Old Boys' Asaoeiatifin of Toronto was held) at the Ko.sin tiouwr' Iasi Friday- night, when the following of- ficers were elected : Hon. presidents. .1. 8. \Villin n, W. E. Groves, E. J. H. Duncan : DDl l�sid�tlt,_ ZitJ.,_-szie : vice-president, I)r. R. B. Stanbury secretary, E. Floody ; treasurer, Major Beck : committee, W. 0. Mc- Taggart, E. H. Davie, John Marks, H. Ulucas, H. A. Walker. F. Hick. J. W. Robertson, J. A. McLaren, Fred F. W. ft, ROBERTSON, IN3t-RAN('E Al%ENT. Flea ASP Llnnt:,s" : British. Canadian and American. t N As g 1. n.nv ' LI Aa ITT: T% O a OSP en I gHw Ant'. : o Ocean Accident and flnwraitbe :lore -oration, limited. of London, Kng. File/MITT AND CI P II.ilty unit a, marantee Company. Office at re.ideme, northeast opener of Vic- toria and St Derld's etreete. Phone )7a, The di(ectors of the West Huron Far*ii Institute have planned the work for the coming wiutet• and the meetings will be held as follows : Reg- ular meetings in January at Auburn and Kintail ; supplementary weetiuge in February at Londwlwro', Holmes- ville, itenuliller. St. Attgustine, Sl. Helene and Dungannon. The exact dates will he announced later. For the supplementary meetings it is hoped tthat one of the delegates will he a lady who can -give assistance in developing the W'oolen's institute work. So far as possible the services of local wen will be secured to help in making the various meetings interest- ing and instructive, Canadian Engineers in Chins: Tire illustrated section of last I3latur- dar"s Toronto Moho remained a couple of photographs of the corps of Canadian engineers building the. Can- ton-Hankow railway in thins. This is the work that K. R. Carr -Harris, who was in Goderich in connection with the building of the Guelph k Gode- rich line, ham charge of, and Mr. Carr -Harris appears in one the picture. Redmond MacDonald, of lturotei Surrogate (Amer clerk. is at the extreme right of the irons row in the ,group' photo and next hits Is Erneat Jordan. These two 0ode-ries young -WNW have [teen at, work in the Celestial Empire fm•a year now, are doing well and like the country. Owing to the hatred of for- eigners the Canadian engineers work tinder the protection of an armed guard of fifteen earahMneeis. An Owen Sound Wedding. Miss Gertrude E. Lawson, daughter of James Lawson, of Owen Sound, was married oilNovember _lith to_ Walker D. Bowden, ZTthat town. The bride will be reuneanb•rr't here as a visitor with her aunt, Mrs. H. Il. Townsend. to a lengthy account of the event The Owen S d Tinges says : "An extretnely puttywedding took place here yesterday, the cun- trecting parties being Miss Gertrude E. Lawson, youngest daughter of James Lawson. 'nitrite land granite dealer, and Walker D. ltawden, son of the late George Ileaden, of Exeter. The ceremony was held in the home of the hr,de. which was 'beautifully dee- or,ated fur the occatluu with fern& palms and create reser. The heppv couple stood in front of a great bank nrtheee iovely flowers, white the Rev T. A. Rodger conducted' the service." Colin Petterstlll, Neil Mulvey and °there. The fishing lege Ariadile tend 'Two Maks and Meows lirure'e, Baker's+uld Culla Murtay's sail boats, which operated bele, r included their setaaon the first week of the Month. The itrrivele of grain boats the peat week wets the '*Viuoup, Strtlhroup, Algonquin. Rosedale, Scottish lies.) and 'Turret Crown. The o IWax-s have held A Luny titue uud 411...111 I:A' CM,' a clay of freight, wostly grain. go ora. The bursting of a ,Moet -n11 pipe et the ,'ll•t•alle' preevent041 the completion of the unloading of the SLMlhcona early Sunday Morning. Tbie was repaired and It was inte1141.d Lo complete the an1n11 amount of un- loading left on Sunday afternoon, but the ehovellers struck for double 'my and coneetpientIv work wits, not 10. stoned until Motility morning. Christmas Is Coming. ' In spite of Ole euntlneelike weather. the calendar is t•eminding people of the approach e$ C4,risltuas. ,a4)d ('hristntas buying is already begun, (.sleri'•h u,w•eliants are displaying Christmas gond., and 1t is 1141'44-neces- sary, ardly neces sary, to peiut out thi• advantages of hirymg early, w- nen storks are full and the salespeople have tome Jltie to wait upon tustomet•. theft-lhrY "1" have when the t ash (onuuences, '('hr advertisiii, columns' of The Signal in- dicate the approach of the holida)- 410asuti also, and shrewd buyers will 0011Iscan them) ctielatll for snnr,unce- tnettts of the good* -they' w chime. A Former Resident Dead. The l)nnilon ,R.ivertieee�-- W ecinen-- day nays : An old and esteemed resi- dent of the city died this morning at his home. :Xi Clarence street, in the person of Mr. Donald Taylor. Mr. Taylor was eigltyi.4x years old and centre to. this e,H4niry *hen quite e y1111111(1117111. I''or•sone. time he lived in lioderich, but many Years ago uneved to London, and had lived hete ever *Inc,. Resides hie wife he is ser- ( b u t ando Nan v1v •d � three da jth orsone Mrs. A. r tchu son, of God, -rich, , re. A. Campbell of this city, and Miss lrnuttata And _wellingG/p� at hinge. The funeral will be hell to the 1, rand, trunk station on Friday morning, the remains being taken to (iuderi'•h for interment. Death of Mrs. Judge Toms. it is t1buut-10) tole lure I he n'•w., was heard with regret.by many friends in town of the serious ilhu•ss of Mrs. Tools. widow of the late Judge Tows, it 'WAN feared she could out re- cover froto her naelaady, cancer, and her death took piece on Tu,— mast in New Y n•k. The remains were brought to 0,nier•ich yes(.-rday fair in- terment lesi•leAlrese of her husband, IF,t wrnrweetnnpani wn- oy *lie decesscdl's daughter, Mrs. W. Frank- lin 11-artenstein (Sibyl) with her little seven-ye,ar-old daughter and nurse girl. - Shefurteral xi -s were hell at St. ' (ieurge's church, being con- ducted by the reran... Rev. M. Turn- bult. The pall.bearsrs were Judge Doyle', Judge Holt. Sheriff Reynolds, D. MacDonald.-1Tr. „Milt and -C7 Seager. Mrs. Tofu, was always an active member of St. Geot•g i .. church when she lived in (tndorleh, especially in eonnoetion,-with t e -chore,. abut the choir wits present itt the funeral to Reid -Davidson. The home of Robert. Dat field road, Goderich towns scene of a very happy event nesda' of this week. when Adelaide Elie tired', became of Wut. Reid. of Stanley 'N The t erenlouy was ppee Horn &clock by Ra't. Tai+. iiamiltot�. K A. in the presence of the near relatives of bride and groom. They were un- attended. The bride, who was Ivan �y-=H`-Jae-brother, wase --s bat+d- soiue gown of white silk e.dienne`with lace trimming,. . nal her -going-nway costume was navy blue- cloth With cream trimmings. After the eelre irony an excellent supper was eery and A ptrosant evening was seen The bride ore to her new hom R hearing with her many g,exl wishe+\ las- evidenced -lay- tt'e beautt(tsl gifts bestowed. She wilt -be much missed at the t -pion church btu, the lose there Willlw Hayfield's gain. idstio. Bay- wag the on Wed - his sister, e bride iwnship. ild at 5 Dr. Dougall's Lecture. Rev. Dr. Dougall had it goof audi enee on Thursday night lust. when he ga'. his leoter'-"a +rev Nur in North street Methodist church. The fascina- ting story of Lew Wallace*. well- known loco) was related concisely and interestingly by the Doctor, end by the aid of a series of beautiful colored pictures thrown on a screen by a powerful stereopticon the story as 1t proceleled was admirably illustrated and the dramatic features were brought out with telling effect. It may not be generally known to our readers that Dr. Dougall is n clever anechanic and ---that the stereopticon which he uses in connection with his [-.ta.INrgs 1)ONIm : The C. S, addresses is his own ttlanufacture We understand that be has material -for ierturr. on other popular subjects, and we trust he will give the people of Situstion anted. WANTED. -- A POSITION AS {' 1 coachman or footman- Fief -clans ref ors. , Apply toSIG slit. OVFI)'E. tt-at ANTED. -WA9ITTN(TO DO AT home. Apply to MRI'. PICOT. two lloonth of Gundry Bro..' livery. South ern. easy. Sittaations vacant dS� fIlKAC[IEIL WANTED. HOLDING 1 second or IMrleoe certificate. fur e. 0. No. 11, A'hdeld, 100- Dullr4 to commence JAnnwry 4th, ADV t'ellorn, stet ing clary r'' 'aired, will be renels•.d by the underetgned. F. A. HAYDEN, SheilttaMlon, Ont. :h, TEACHER WA. F.D.-MALE OR female, holding two or third else. oer lineal., to leach In S. 0. (o, /, township of Colborne. *noes to com nee on January 1st, 1111n. Application., Sall salary, .honed be addroe'ed to P. MAEDEI. rotary it. 0. No. 4, Flenmlller P.O., Ont. TEACHER WANTED. --T CHER wanted, male or female, holden emxlnd or third claim .ertlecate. to teach h' S. No 5. Uoderich townehlp- Dates to eomme1*ee on the let of January IWO. ADpllcaUone. st ting "clary. will be 'red up to the bIth of v• ember. PenatlaIa plication preferred.ALFItED NAFTEL, Seo -•Treats., 21.21 Hayfield P.0 D )PRESENTATIVE WANTED.- IL We Immediately melee the .erne.. of a man of gond outdrew end mh11)ty for 0st0nch and ad Mining district. A )remanent patellae for the right man. Witte for n.•articular.. STONE & WKLLINUTON. Toronto, tint. L4A1,F:K AOKNTS WANTED. Salton 1 per week. or (mi ter emit. `,roar. All .ample", stationery, and art -tl .lose ,'• fro.. 11'n went one ywrnanent sio,.t In !hi- ('.•ably for • the largest picture and frame house In America. k.xperlen.* nnnecont.nry. w'n In- stA9tet yon how to tell our goals and furnish the capital, ifou went a permanent, honor able and proetable position. write , . (ode) for particular., owtelo gun end ewme's.. FRANK W' WILLIAMS Cn., 21It1214 , Taylor St.. flamer.. III Leal Sale j4\OR MALE CHEAP. -ONE GOOD r covered unary. 004 phsston rubber urea, one coveted buggy one cutter. vehicles hare twee Mn, with le to *11 a are -melt bargains. oda- ains. OUNDRY BROS.' LIS* RT, N (1ode1'i ch app 'dimity frmn time to time of hearing them. -Last week's effort was the most silt w u cell f 1 lecture cerasin we have had in (lodetichfor a considerable time. Drink Was Responsible. A young lad named Russel Blogm- field, of U, ittrelia, war before His Honor Judge Doyle on Friday morn- ing Iwet. charged with the theft from William Gilmore of S.A. Bloomfield, it appears. was engaged with a livery and on the day of the theft drove the complainant. They hat some drinks together before starting and emptied a bottle on the way. Gilmore was much the elder man of the two. Ile had $58 on his person, which in some way changed hands on the trip. Ac- cording to the statement of the pris- oner's counsel. Charles ('arrow, Isrlh Rlootitfteld and Gilmore were too much under the influence of liquor to know jus what did hwpps), but et one of the stopi on the road Gil- more eram left on the r'twdwide and Blomfield returned to Centralia and next day- discovered that he had Mi- nim -0e money. Bloomfield later re- turned the money, wool at the -Meal leaded guilty to the charge of theft, the advice of his counsel, and was *aed on euspende,l sentence, two me beside,' himself going sarety for his glare! behavior for a year. and the prison r promising to alotain from in- toxicatt Holum The Crown attor- ney cont rte.( thr pmsncntion, At the Her r. ' Engineer etheson, of London. 01 the Public Wo s Dep►rtnent, was in Ooderich last relay taking sound ings of the bartok- entrance and En- gineer Murphy, Wen Ottawa, of the Marine Departmento, wa. herr from S*turday to Tuesday. • ('apt. John McDonald ha. laid up his erhooner the ATA,v here for the winter, arriving last Friday front Chatham. The fishermen are nearly all home from the islands up north, among them being Capt. Jahn McKav, En- gineer McPhail, Williant Sanders, e tender the o ti,ical portions . vice. it was in May, 11695, that bared, the late Isaac F. Tums, 411 Mg at the time co ty judge Huron. having had 11 .itwq on btaich since the year-11i11H, when was appointed deputy judge of united V• Touas' waiilen name was floor- ina Cbarlote Rosonkin, And she was a. daughter . of the .lata Dr. John George Rosonkin, a distinguished linguist and 1 pathiet who originally f Prussia; and after practising in the United States and ,,re:h Britain finally settled in on - trent \ where he died in 124 4L She WAS morel d in 1875. A CI r Pertormance. In the pr(shtetion of the nlelo drama "Happy us" at .Victoria' Opera II use on 'Sri y evening last Mr. J. Est Jordan sc. •ed another success. ere WON A ftl mew, and the apptec: Lion of the all ce was demolsl•ratt tensa- 011ie• to I 1e 1 ry enthusiaetie applause and tees .•.I swoons 1n44idu,l 'motion oft vorio,s persons ire the cant is riot, nee...sell • •a11 pyarduru).d in a manner which did credit loth to their awn ability and to their train- ing. Tbr spee:tacul►r effects weie-0 needingly pretty, and the play will he remgmbered for eon a of the most de- lightful pieces of stet ing ever seen in „ .ie let u h. The den 'n wx. another which R feature hi h )least' the audience lienee greatly. The minuet by eight ruing ladies was very grur•eftillyy executed. and the Scottish and Irish (latices by Mies Amy MacLeod wet* given with consummate skill. The skit•( dance by the'' two "doll.' was it delightful per - f *mane, and the moved dance *leo wee verypretty. e tt 11* n nlsir,ul fea- tures - p ra tures errd not the least pleasing part of the performance. Mr. Jor,14u1 un- fortunately was suffering 'Stith a severe cold, and although he bask his part in the platy with his usual effec- tiveness he lull to forego his songs. A* a partial.ubetitute Mr. Kew \Vil- liams wan int tortured in two or three songs which took the house by aGnnl. bias Olive Smith also was struggling with a r•-nld, hitt she pluckily took her songs and rend- ered splendid Assistance through- out the play. Mis. Adelaide Nairn, Miss Eva Bugging, Mise Ameli* t)rtel, Mr,; Huggins, Hawley Snaith and Master Berths (Just a1Ot) sang with i•xce-lent e11re,!F, unr tom• chorus parts on the whole were well sustained, Henri K. Jordan, of Brantford, was the efficient:necompauist of the evening. Alt ,igether it wee aperformueancewhic once again demonstrated the ability of the young people of (ioderich as singe entertainers. We understand I hat Mr. Jordan h*a in Coh1.ntpIation a r•p'•1) tierfo•nlance, and in (hits / ne he can, we believe, look for anot her crowded limo*. • A Few Words About our Contem- t • In leg.. * 1 to the allegations made itt o letter ire The 41o4lerich Stale of Nnveuilwn 1311*, sigmid "One-time Grit." The Signal dews tie' wish to say anything al the present time, but ell article ire our conteunioritiy's 'retie of last week may call Oa. 411110 Canulleut, The Star ways that "for 111•111y years u spade h',a hetet *relied as nettle. by Loth The Star 'end This -Signal." -'The Signal's a plaint is that The Star has carr called a spade w spade. This journal hiss no (atilt to Had with truth- 1Piling : but un ntiulerotis occasions, espeoIallly within the last two uooths, The Star..has lied alwtuiptahly' in regio( to local political matters. The IiIaJ law does not cover common lying, and ao The Scar's political opponents, in- cluding Ile. Signet, have had to put up with the uliere'presrutlation, tnrtiun and plain falsehood on the pat of our coDt' iiiimmlu•y, 13°1 It IS adiffet•ent mauler when persona are ae teed Of me wit It and . fet0 1114mb flitting jury.' These �smar eeenLitght thhtgs to _The Star. but o. the eatuwtion of The Sigrid they are very serious 'natters, and '1'1*,' Signal and itsprop•ietor,' intettd.to vindicate t heir reputation. Neither treed The -Hiner--at trtllpt to dery the malieiuns i• t ,tit tit the wt iter of the letter in '1 Star of No- teewIer 13th. Why ...1 the letter start off With a :ere,- ee to the hal- -affair- yews ? Neither ofrthe -present pt-oprietut14 of The Signal was con- eernt-d in that affair, but it WAS alraggad in with - the deliberate pur- pose of giving print to the *eiti*inder• of the letter. • As for The Sta:'s idea ' I' business and As, cuutteey-, we have only this to say : That The Star ask.d tu4 .and. was giver asaislatIre from 11104 office in getting out it« i'.4ue t4 November 13th, the vett- 110(1,• which ntained the .article of which '14'10 S now especially complains. It i+ net euelvus thing to recons 0 uv t•s, account gra tit it Ac l ln[ we e �4t+•d. t r taken 'die exchanges of huisines0 coui•tr� i,ctWtI!�tlle ten ntlicrs IS itbtc in the pet years weitin t (hies 11*,• balance would be found t.� 1„• _mint tbis oftlet. porary. LOCAL TOPICS IN BRIEF. NgW AQVERTIIEMEN'1"S -Nv. 2031L - • age Notice to Debtor.- lioderich Planing 511•e. Ltd..._. .._. .......... . ........ ..:•1 Teacher Waal -ea- V- Muedol, t(etlrnlller I If Money Could Huy Sight - W. F1 Kelly.. 7 Starial Ofyur-Louiluuthally Advortieer Holiday 411epbay--rtes•, Abut ... ...,R Washing Wante,L-Mr. Picot . 1 ' • Poen ion a. Coachman W-'tntod -Signal Onloe 1 pully ftaw4.l. t'ar—Joe. K4dd, C. P. It -Agent 6 Readers-$ttl1Olr's Cure • WlnterTerm- Elliott H,.anww College, Tor - unto. Teacher Wanted --F. A. Hayden, Sheppard - ton 1 Iteaie4--O. T. 11----. 1 l'arnpho-QI1loiust-l'olamau Medicine Co..-a. headers --Y. M. ('. e; . 1.6 Another Hig 4ste--'&eorge Porter- .. 8 Fur sale or Rent Mr,. Marshall .... , 1 Japanese Drawn Thread Work -1). Millar Co 3 Two More 'lay. of 1•he. Hig Clothing `+ale- W'alter 1'. l'ridhalu 2 gut 4tarter et. -F'ropk H. Martin. 2 ttubh•ro and (Mer.libee-Downitlg t Mac- Vlcar 6 SM•cial (tale 04Iings--W. Acheson & Son Just at the (tight Time -Howell Hardware . A Sure Cure Mot, V. le 1'urn/h. Wtndeur-. 2 Jost Four Week, to Christina. le'. Hick8 Winter rime Tattle -1'. N. O. Railway e ' ottaf*e to Rent- Mrs. W. A. (thyme 1 The t-'Tir Tuiii —t ti fog.4turdy & Co. 7 Public Meeting- L le, L. No. lel 1 Evidence for Voters -Local Option Commit- tee 4 To Thoughtful Sayers -J. 11. Colborne -.,4 Shooter Nerds %Vurslls' Iterclwere....... 7 Insurance Agent W. It. Itoberteon .. .... 1 ;oil New Rend kerchief. -Bode-ens Bre. " 8 F.J. 1'ridh.eus m,Wo-t, order go -moms are the standard of styli hl llealeHeh. a .III and leave your measure. Cali and 'see the tine line of ear.o. and other l 01het g•,'d. at Wilmer elan ha. Eas[ tree!- Alarge .eleelim et Christmas good..bred) on display. t know wneth•r the people aro andllug jut now bo.wa.o of ter. del,ghtfnl weather or boc:oi-c of their .athra•'tine ..1111 the. uto smiths they hot e t t•, 'received from It. It. Sallow-' st'tdiu. Encourage the Y. -As -C. A. move --I trent by attending :,the Johnson-Mc- Raye' eut,Tainntent - The son -jury vitt-Mgt of the High Court open on Tuesday next, Deceni- bet 1st, before Hun. Mr. Justice ALL. - Mahon. A reproduction of the ';Brooklyn bridge in conteetonery In the window 'of the Olympia Cafe has attract.. I attention this week. The howling alley in the premises fupilterly uea.tlpied Sty Wtmderbend was opened to. the public on Monday last. W. Dinsmotre has the licence. A tope affixed to the weather -vane on Knox church streple .and secured to a tree art eeto the road rete been usable use of by the painters in paint- ing the steeple. The chutrli is much roved by t h• repainting of the 'xter or. 'Those of the Murine Soviet Club who spent the muuunrr in town hay., hero getl1114 111e chili footnv A1.yve the Signal office into shape. and with the return of Ihe mariners next Lh the', club will resume it4 activities for ih. .. ir,t..r. '�'1 OUR NKIV STORY N'•xt wcek''he tiignal still lwgt(1 poidiattiere of a serial story. ' 11E.‘ DO1 ' I{I{1►Ok -- 11Y ylltS. MARY J. HOLMES This is a story written in the ,tyle which ha.. made 1 he 'author famous as a writ - r of hetiou. -Meadow Brs,k" will tank with some --of-her rnr#rr weeks..itch as Lent Itic,•r-," and is re- plete with pathetic and stir- ring_incidents.... • 14 SURE TO READ THE FIRST -GHLPt1i 88 NI?NT \PEP:K. The First of July Fund. To the Editor If Tho Signal. Ste, - Over two months ago you published a note from ole asking, in the interests of the contributors to t.het.First of July eelebr,ation (41041, for a st:atemeut of the Manner in which the ,fund was handled. So far there is no response. Do the members of the cominittee &insider theihselvee free of any responsibility in the mat- ter :? Yours, legU1RRR, Goderich, Nov. 24th. A Creditable Number. Coilingwood Bulletin : The Si pnwl Goderieli esiWd- 11 very credltabT c merciel number last Thursday. It was well printed, contained many gond illustria'tlotis and the text was interesting. preventing as it does a gem! readable description of the Lake Huron port, and is commercial in- stittltinpe. Fort William's Big Elevator. 1t. A. McEwen, fol mei Iv ..f isle. Ewen tiros., grocers. of Tan. 41:55 purchased the grocery etoek of Lin. der & Watson, Clinton. The Mc- Ewene now have four stores, two in Godetich, one in Sl. Georke and tine in Clinton: "Hill"Garrett showed The Signal a big hen's egg yesterday. It swung t l e indicator of our office postal arIO'S a little beyortii the folie -ounce utark and measures t471 inches in circ fere rice one way and 7; inches the other. We ape Hill'. hens will keep up the gooaj "Tekabiunwuke," the-jdaughter of an io'lism chief. will under her own famous poems, elad in her rich buck- skin Indian garments. and trappings. Opera House, December 4th, in connection with the recent etre ti in West Huron, there were I,IISN flameout' the vol ere' lints of persona who olid not vote. This, of course, in- clude' the names of peeeona whn here died or removed since the rsv1.ion of the lista, A are pleased 10 be able to p' sh ek a letter from \Vatter L. 00 stun JoL41es.-. Seat)Miers of tott•n, whe is at Lake Abitibi, in Northern Ontario, and who writes very interestingly of that country. His letter will he found on page 5 of this issue of The Signal. The High Cavort, the Hivlelon Court and the county council all hold sit- tings next Tursdtay, the usual place of convening being the entirt (oohs' The Division Court opens in the morning and may be over before the MOW AS needed for the High Court. The count y council, ho wove r, will have to give way to the Court and will es - tremble in the law library, The regular monthly meet big of the (oderieh branch of the \Votnen's In- stitute. will Ise held at the hmne of Miss M. E. Salkeld. Bayfield toad, on 'I'hutnday, December .ire. This will Iw a soviet afternoon with fancy work. Subject for discussion, "inex- pensive Christmas' Gifts." Band wagon will .tart from Mrs, J. J. Ed. warts', on the Square, at- 2:4)), A program M topics and leaner. for thll weekly ltihl,• study Meetings of the\. Y. M. C. A. has been 'pawn tip for the winter. ;The meetings ale held `every -Monday evening nl tite Y. M. ('. A. rtynme aver the Ntandar•d Loan offices. In addition t , the Bible study surae other feature of interest, a debate nor owlet or literary enter- tainment, is ala) provided at each meeting The W. (3,,T, l;. hell it, regular g meetinon Mmulay. Eighteen rnem- 1.•r. were',resent 11. nd t herr Im,'10 Wo- men :melons to helpin the greet work Joined the Union. adding to it. str•ngt It for thecoming,l4a,•a1 option campaign. The devotional' half hour wit. con - (Meted by Mrs. Davidson. Reports freta the different c'e •(tee. 'h' wed everything in glrnd working order. A11 preparations neeeesaiy for the 4 (*ion's evening meeting were ar- rangl'd. The anion of Ibe town coun- cil in deriding to .nhtrtit the Meal option byte's' wee reulutended, The 14nion feels ittrls either the boy or the Irar and appeals to the men wild women to time their votes to save the boy, 0070. Winnipeg, Nov. til. --W. R. Sinks, general manager of the Steward Com- pany, who will build a big handling warehouse for the (1. T. P. at Fort William, is here preparing to under- _- tah.- the rontrnct. Hee says the mam- moth_ elevator involves the largest ContrAct of the kin' let in America. The tanks of the new storage ware- house will lie of concrete and will have ace tt-otlhree a e hlaquar Dac ter ) 1 million bushels, and the estimated coat is about $1,2fi0,O1N). Public Meeting. M. W. Bro. Robert Birmingham, of Tottitttti, Wilt-addrelestioa reddic- meeting in the Temperan?tr all, 0odetich, on Ttieedav, D)e,•etnh r Wonder the aus- pices of L. ;O. L. N. IRA.. Subject, "thengeisni and Its Principles'&. The ladies and general public are invited. AtInlb,.inn free. (loll Save the King. THIrs.Itt-HHOws. • 11. Willa,, W. M, Sec, Ontario Provincial Fa;r. f2.45 to Guelph and [,turn from (ioderieh via ligand Trunk Railway system. Good going December 5, (1, 7, 14, 9, lo and 11. Return limit Dreamt bet. 11. Aecur•e tickets from 10. 10. Lawrence, (;, T. R. loafo agent. ANNOUNCEMENTS. Oysters served in all style, ; ice cream hricktri ennfectionery and cigars, etc. O. /IL Alit ATONE, West street restaurant. A carload of the' (test varieties of flour and oatmeal. All kinds of grain taken in exchange. One c.•nt a bushel above market price allowed if taken out in trade. A. J. themes'. POI.1:1'RY' WANTED. At WalLon7-p atom. Dungannon. en Tueslny and Wedn('Fday. also et hoer .\nllrrsun's more, iaieknow, the same day'. Darks, 81e. ; geese, Sc, ; chickens, 1)1c, ; fowl, (1,,, ; turkeys, 121... Must be dry picked, with heads off. De- formed or thin birds not token, R. J. 10IN4111AS. «_a d • DIED. MURRAY. In Oodrich, on Saturday, Ya vemh.r 21,1. le Alison Murrey, ;aged 17-).. r, 11 mont114 and 21 dart. IN MEMORIAM. 1)01 1'. In toting melreify of Andrew DuR, whogeweied Tants lit hetn we lean WhiNnvember ne. Va n srnot to ' f It le •