The Signal, 1908-11-19, Page 813 TuualoaT, November 19, 190e
LOC-E.—TOPICS IN dR1Ef. I within campalgo, that the county of
The anli•Lrral uptloutst$ are
oat 1 Huron would prevent a solid and un- 1
with a petition iyfau►.t the aid bmiIsl„m broken front to the enemy, not only
of a bylaw. s by plotecting its own f • the 044114
110cirgo Bissett hay put )hint •flue that chute with the trent. in strung
herd of a Bis tt his titin to �allrn I'driuk but rlwu be able to help .H1+0r
counties and nluuici tafitiee neer h ”
for ezpurt. 1 -
The 1)ecemller Seeefow'u( the county i, PERSONAL MENTION.
Nicholas whin lou gen. to Algotua,-
11' (: last week.
Will dlel'rrath dolled relit mit Ilea! (•)pagan
t his week.
Me.• Jennie Nell amored from her Euro-
pean. trill last week.
Mrs. Carrie t' pendilag, the week with
friend. in Agit ttwig.
Mn. Whif and Miss Vera lilt un Miteday
afternoon 044 u chit to New York.
tieoltrey Holt left on Tnr+lay afternoon for.
man Antuaiu.'/exas, for the wader. �.
Mr.. W. 1.. Eliot left ort Tue•.daYlast to
-taut *couple of week. in 'rurento,
auditor Coy of the 4 tuna Trunk unk +old It.out-
rn.a.ter Vat iraaCili were in loan this weak.
Mrs. 11', A. tthyna, and -aft.. Jrall I u nt.
4411, r.tiirrii*t from a week. visit to tomtit
1. dl I'ruudfoot left uu Saturday for the
Atirnmtdistriet, whin he watt-enew enc the
umbar bu.anrs.,
Mt, F. '.1'. linty and Minw, tarace and
tfelen fops•, returned Its; week (CUM a visit
to Toronto anti London. ,
Iter, 3, out 4r...Elliott were 1.11.011111 those
Who attended the performance by i he `thatnel4
('hour it .1..ondoft lad week,
dot. wad -Ms.. John gala. FWo.ated on-Tue.
day night frvin F t,williatovo
, near )went "oid.
.edw.H •,..,.d th44
w', T. yellow•, furmrrly of yore Albert, left
on Tuesday afternoon for -tr•u turd; where nr
'will spend the winter -with his dae,:hter, -
Mr+.1'. 11. aturdoch left Friday toor..not het•
P. It. for her house in t rraaeratter -tanning
three month, with her µ;cora run hir'id- in
Cdborttw - •
Mi.. Anon Iie:nicke arrived on Tne-day of
last week fruit; Wit, e'at )benne. and, t. the guest
f her ptreuta Professor and alts. Hei1icke,
dtbt•t. ..
Ty. attlly'ard`"Y`rflasi wrrx, for ems -
The business at the meeting of the tad arra w vis:: to the he.Pftal: therewin
water and light commission our Mot.- leave tar Knet.e,id-to .;.end 1110414a**011ie1110414a* yn
day night consisted in the parsing of a-ka.}iiL I study
number of at••;ounl+ to n d the Sleet unuinghant, ferocity in Annie of the
--- pasing of w ufiott.toid "ttlt0}i:totturi1 U , �� trtelcM1i I�atmuii t
Ur t (Iiiilol,
supply of those who are in Arrears f sun "gm u
last years rate..
A coming attraction, under the
auspices of the Y. M. l'• A., will 1.'
ing of • ember 4th of Miwi E. I'aul•
ire Johnston and tValter Mcltae
Mite Johnston will recite her olvu
poems and Mr. Melia•^-wiHytiw-
of Dr. Druumond's French-l'anadian
The Y. M. C. A. has received a copy
of the sting Caoadli' from Miss Skint=
Ings. which, needless to say. is duly
appreciated:- An gifts -of 'curtttirrt:
, pictures br anything to ufake the
rooms comfortable and homelike
which anyone may feel disposed to
present to the A.sociattoon will 1w very
council will be bell-ioauauiwtaing 1
day, Ueeetuher 1st, at :( o'clock.
Chief Sands Q(thepolice force is off
duty this weak. on account u -
health. The people 44f t .terich will
hope for his speedy restoration to
Judge holt has beau holding 11ru-
Sita (hurt this week at (.eyr'rter- Here,
eels and 1Vinghagh. Next week be
will hold courtat Seaforth on Monday
and at Clinton on Wednesday.,
The "01talauc.'- club held a snr-
c-essful dance in the Oddfellowie 11,411
hist night, Heinick, . orchestra« wade
its first app•,►►ance et a Sauer Mi
hoderich and gee, a program of high.
clam music.
The auction sear of form mai Pas-
ture land in Hallett and 'ru,•kersniith
advertised by Juhn ltunsfotvl, of
Chalon. did• not re•ault iu any .ile.
Mr. Ransforel will 'aerie.. a offers for
any of the pt•oIwrtj'. '
The Mayor. the K'' eve- and Council-
lors (Tallow; llumbet. Lriitliwaite arid-
- - - -Mutterings- shove -..4 be Port Al
beet on Tuesday to. see the vrt.•d,ebr
being 'made un the Ontario West
Shore Electric It.iilwry. ,
The Toronto papers report that 11.
' Grant Robertson, son 441 Prof. J. C.
Rolerte.n, and grands'i ' of W. R.
Robertson of tuwll, has 4 liken ,t
(scholarship at liat•Iwnd Collegial, in
stitute, Toronto. (stood Itov. Grant !
HAPPY •'1"
� sae
• "fie?me s, y4,444 f
.-a+.• r
4 -
Mr. James S. Potter. senior sailors'
missionary, who it snaking a tour of
the Georgian Bay and )sake port., will
address the congregatinu• tie Kona
church next Sabbath morning.
Rev. R. W. Millyulul will preach in
Wesley church. Clinton, (text S,mdtty.
it being the Sunday, school ; • •el•
Bary in that a•.hntch, Hey. J. W. Jot.
Liffe, of 1Vesiey chervil.. will occupy
the Victoria street -pulpit.
The sermon tope* ennuiinc1d foe
nett Sunday at the service!. of this
Baptist church are as follows : Morn-
ing, "The Warfare with Evil," Even -
lag. "The Gospel and Jaen A cordial
invitation is extended to till.
The Victoria street Methodist Ep-
worth- League has entered upon a
series of discourses embracing the
lite of Christ, which will continue
for the next six months. E,tc•h Tues-
day evening should see a large attend-
ance at the League, as these topics
will be "more than ol•dintifily iIterest-
ing. The subject, "fine Urad1.• and
the King," next Tit isday evening will
be taken by Harry Hillier and an in-
structive paper will o.. douit )w given.
All young peopleeee rwrdielly invited
to attend. •-
"The Bare in G..derirh Should Be
Closed," will be the prop"+it'. Rev.Dr. Dougall will ire to., defend in
North street church next
Sunday evehing. He will treat this
question purely on its merits or de-
merits,- entirely -meths - from - the per
se.nality of the persons engaged in the
traffic. 1►r the morning there will be
an introductory sermon to an expo•i-
tury course on the Letter of mt. Paul
to the Colossians, one of the most dif-
ficult and interesting written by the
apostle to the Gentiles.
An at house waa held fast Thursday
evening in the of St.
George's church under tate attsoicvn of
the ladies of the build and 1Vomen's
Auxiliary. There erre tables for wale
of fancywork and candy and during
the evening an excellent program was
'rende'red, conefeting • of sofectinne by
the Blackstone'orchestra. vocal Mules
-by Mrs. 'Curzon. t)i•. Macklin. Hairy
Sturdy and Harald Blackstone :
gnartette by Misses %Yetis and lien
-stridge. Reg. Hhlcketone and •Fred -
Sturdy ; e violin duet by Mr. and Miss
Heinicke ; piano solos by Misses Anna
'sturdy VMf• I)orothw-I§t1ir and an in-
strumental duet by (3eot!rey holt and
Roy Adan s. At the conclusion of the
Stet. )'. ,, r'tnn *pent "undafy at -liar house
uta Itru,•► .trout. al i.- Vitra 4• re-yin:ated 111
teach the separate...01001 at Centralia fur I.H.
at an advanced salary.
ala- es Emily and sante - o.erby. of the .same
ei11, pent rhnn4-giritul IMS 111- gua.1. 0l
Mr.. J.11. \tours. t.a.t street,
t'liatai New gen: Harry Arui-Ubna. hos
ttAen a posh;mtrttte+tadernarrontan-
It aid prol1abl)• necessitate his retool al to that
town.' ate 1. a-ktifntand lrliablr workman.
Mr. and alas. H. (', Monteith awl .on, of
*'a$s3.W, 0414.. 44)0' Mr..•11r.i.11. A. **011ie.
rind sou .1.111 daogt4er.• of I'aimct, Iowa. Were
Yteas of their .Inter. Mt.. 'T. I, v k,e. +r.
1441id'-.troet.durlug the pa -t week.
e�'�iswr r.�ioFflsnxlT+4ceeetal-deobredinv
gift not De. thought of titans photograph of. the
etre4 N..w In the tone to t 1•it .aline.
studio and leave your older. Unh first-d•jj,s
WW 1•0"•' _.-COLA 41411Y..W41 0.414 the 6144a.-
1Yomen snake fan of toes fur having nu
,tun! -pockets is their el.ahed: 44111 wham'
clot lo4 arc bangle from 4'. J. 1 'ridlnun the
ysrles are all neerk.t to hold the stoney the
pun 4a-er ata. left after prying i'ndl,ants
moderate charge. ILrta'utar peolde p:ltronauc
There are two Lind- d loop)' -thus. who
nosy a.,,t those kin, laic Ihlnr, l'hrIA141 .
r.•-444.1. at Wilmer smith 4.+-t
Fancy 4{01.1=: fancywork ueatera,al-. pi1Utt'e-.
pier tire -(rah! ing, (omit tire. and it bare. assort
meat of other ,em•wlable gush trout which to
-,int gilts. -
110 wen pta►•.al to hair a call yesterday
foe lir: 3:.1 trrettr .-wtnrwe-wrre-=rent to
Me mtic
. c in h
rallh .lore 4-I'
I h stn weal
. tLn,e
;Otter. ail. friend. it. - town rud tithoot
Idle coitrit 1y, a verttoble lama, will. l..n wish
4 u -
fu wi•01rOur genial and - '4 e.t.emesl
wtf..nlow a tentltttuami of paid toLd1y.. gull
artithy-i - • _ •
TI IE gift that combines beauty
and usefulness u naturally the.
most pleasing.
SUCH a gift would be this
Carvuig Sot shown here. The
set consists of the carving knife,
fork and sharpening steel.
THE handles are genuine
Buckhorn and contain the
finest Sheffield hand forged
steel blades. Enclosed in a
velvet Tined case
OUR catalogue is yours for
the asking.
134.136-138 Yong. St.
� Y r
The Toronto Star hos b •en d dng goo 1 work in showing up the oltet•ati,ou,
b a
have been accompanied
e ter
•I'c .ub'ect hw
of the combines *ad its at L 1 i onthY
seties of cnrtotns in whicl, I use plight ot•toe long-suffering-coneumer is aptly.
shown. We reproduce al 0:e tine of these cartoons.
Pfentic-r to -Take a Holiday- Mr. Ayfes.
werth'i Hearing ln,tafevcd.
t.l n%1l. Nov, 15 Thele is little
IiLeltbut.d that Hon. A. 11. Ayleawcrth
will mime to Vienna. as reported. for
fer.her treatment. Mr. Ayle'aw•orth
was greatly M'heflttd by the tre,u•
went a !deb he receive'el,in Vienna Inst
VII III nnTlu,lie,uulg ,as etcad1Ty
improved sines• his return, owing to
the fact that he has been following
the rules which the d octors laid down
fol hies. if the princess of. improve•
input continue*, as peens.• likely, .1r.
A will out leave Canada.
Act Respecting Patent Medicines.
(outwit. Nov. 1:., It has been de-
cided, that the .set ---at last Mesett
re.prcting Ilse wile of patent medi-
cines. shall refute into force 444 the let
of April. After that date an
pai,iTtcttt `teliteh c- ora
Reunite. e'1 got. strychnine, or 1104
other of the nunu•tvnlN lira of deeuily
dings. will have I.. be apptovrcl
Rpelt.. of the 1)44mfluent of inland
fevenue or bear n printed statement
on the outside of eat•h package that
sorsa -lee-ley .1...,t t., ,l,e -..-1-..
mens and trove.' aceoldingly at the
end of the present week for Florida.
The .Ptetuirr is now_recoveredfrom
his recent indisposition, but ha. Leen,
advised -t o take a rest cord change of `
air before entering 4411' the ezae:ting
duties of the session.
• Teachers Re-engaged.
The tt•ustee. 44f Dr%while public
seined have re-engaged Miss P:. A.
Ilnrton. of TuekereuniIh. at a salary of IJ`
-Miss Ella Hanw'kl, teacher ie R. S.
No. Iia, lioderich township. tui, been
rt -engaged for acct year ;it an in -
eferla..tot salary.
Exeter Tirnes : A large pay; of the
"City of St. Juseph" was sold et feudal
rich on Tuesday for arrears of taxes.
Mr. Peter Lamont. the genial Reeve of
Hay township. was the purchaser. -It
has peen suggested that the "city"
tic rename.; St. Peter,
Several aged
voters i
recorded tine'votes for Liberal candi-
dates'. Among thew wore Robert
ing. aged winery-aev4tl. n>sd
Jeanie Knight, aged ninety-four. Moth
tit Grey township. A third. Thos.
Darwin. of -Seafort.b, . is In his one-
hundredth year. It it seventy -flue
year, since he recorded his first vote.
Mrs. W ipgp--"Your daughter seenii
to be suffering from the heat." Mrs.
Oigg--"No ; she's just house from col -
!Vire. and she's prostrated by the fam-
ily grammar."
That if -ate, Cure Year Kidneys with
Dodd's Kidney Pills You Will Cine
Year Lumbago.
Hamilton. Ont., Nov. M. --(.Special,)
—That luutlaago is caused by iheeased
kidneys failing to strain the uric acid
toot of the blood has again been
Proved in the cable of Mr. 11. 13awden,
of 511) King street' %Vest. this city.
Ile 'fool ,Inultlagn and other kidney
trouble.. He cursed his l.idneve with
Dodd's Kidney ',AIN and him lumbago
di.ap ware.) Slreakln,; of his erre
Mr. I5ewden says :
j-sttff.'►•ed with -Imolai -go and `kid-
neyldioea.e fur rix }esu, and nothing
.1 ever took could Rive tit any relief.
Thu licit Irox of Dodo'. Kidney Pilar
gave me relief, and flee boxes cured
Ilse completely.":- ..
If some men were compelled to pay
as they go they would stay. •
�ls re
we -
paler that publishes seventy columns
of good reliable news. comments on
current events, markets. and general
fine news each weakis rete in t11eme•
daye of cheat; we'kties- Credit is date
The Weekly Sun for keeping its cai-
mans cleat, and fillers) with ff•eeh and
up-to-date matter of vital interest to
every termer. Give it it Inial: you
I will fled it the best. 'The 'signal and
The Weekly Sun cost you but $1.75.
The Sun free for balance of 11$$, and
they are extra good value at that
:' A Book Offer
4,4 of Unusual Interest
Tf yoit lriiiii into our window this week you wilt see five charming
Iwoks: pleasing. entertaining stories for reading during the long winter
evening. ; handsome vohtntoe, each with exquisite Harrison Fisher
rpo.u•ih lour- veloce. wrapper ...bowing the moue
gorgeous Fisher drawing. -
These gnus of tut are 50 appealing that you will want them; for Ih?ir
beautiful e0,'t►•a alone. The stories themselYea Pre sot delightfully
entertaining, however, that you wI1I wonder how so -watch caw be,
given for so little. They are all by favored authors. # -
lion and the name of the ;tug. 1
W14 the intention attire Deputeneut
alt Irav• i h.• act !lade effective us soon
as possible, but it ha, Lee 10111(11 that
the appli-at ion of the btu will requite
101114t t This ii due to Ibv best
that ;lien' ate Iett'r tweety-flt'• hint
Bred drrtggists in Traterli, 10111 Feely
one of ,hent makes and sell. one m
more 111141414411,111-. in the fotto of
enngtt Medicines ` lit•" irn4hlirg syrups.
aid alt of tilt• bo mdse have to 1w sub
mitred to the (iovernulent ntutyst and
pawed ilpih before their sale ran be
authorized oc fnlhidden. 77iia work
requires -a.- great deal of time. It Is
understood that the policy of the De -
pat t men-toil*
e-pattuen-t•of Inland•Iteveutle!rill be to
interport the law strictly, and that the
program If treehme'tits were served.
An Important Gathering. -authorized will iw those which cnn-
The nhe.•tinK 'If ;fie ('nnitdiait LAin no deadly drugs or those Whitt!'
.sterns of Clio. ilia and Correction at contain such drugs in such small quern
Toronto. We itietday -and-Thuteda),-tity that • they aregas not dangerous.
November'3:,th sad Slth, promiw'N to Many of the druggists throughout the
be one of the 1111est interesting gather- ...minty bevy. alrieely pent in Mitte-
ever -held- Its Canada. The pro- nwuts of 111,4,plepatathyrl` attd the
WWI x11 {ihases a charit-
able work and currettive methods in
- this country. The itim of the exern-
tive is to bring together as never lies
fore all engaged or interente'il in pub-
lic charities and the administration of
justice to offender!. Through the ef-
forts of limn. Mr, 11ann,4, one of the
public adtlreeselr--ttt-- the- ernf it'nre
will he delivered he .1. A. Leonard.
superintendent of 11h• Ohio !State ltr
formatoiT on prison reform. Sikh
important questiomt as the care of the
consumptive, harma of wrote, hoe-
pital financing. our goal systems, rare
of the feeble-minded, jrtvenile de-
linquents. care of the inebriate, mimes
of poverty, etc.: are to to discuwed.
A delegation from every (minty in
Ontario hat been protniar,l abut every-
one interested is invited to attend.
W. C. T. U. Resolution.
At 00 Huron --Bounty •Wtnnatifr
Christina Temperance Union conven•.
Goo recentlyheld as Brussels, it wan
requested tat the following- res.'I.,
tion should lie pnMttdred 10 every
newmpap r in the county :
••3' berme That iocal option pre-
✓ ents a wa • tried and worthy by
wtltich Imunleipwlitieta may rid them•
tsiwk'ee of the liquor traffic ; and wjherr-
aa lochi, option rampnigne cwt, he car
ried.'on' Leith less expense and with
grottier dace •if all municipalities
would enter upon the campaign to.
'ether; and whereas temperance awn.
timent can he awekenr.t more by a
local option campaign than in ant
other way ; and whereas th, e1ifl1-
o•ulty in enforcing the I:.w• wmlld be
vieey much derrraa.d 1,y each mnniei
pality becoming prohibitory :
"Resolved- that we, the memhera
of the W. C. T. C. in convention ee-
s.mhl.rl, would strnnaly advise that
Mr'h municipality in the county not
under Meal optima would nt the earl.
set possible dart enter upon a local •
plri"fl Ills. -- -
Sir Wilfrid to Take a Holiday.
Ottawa, Nov. 1'1,- Hit• Wilfrid deur
ire has made nerangemente for a )brie)'
11(11i[llly !Define the ulemting of Parlia
Served in ny style o r
in bulk.
Athas & Vassos,
Here's a Chance
for -
,t w con I.'in•I.I " Mason & Rlsi•h'
full-sized _ . -
Upright Piano
it, }and otaI r, tsold for
lir- $150.00
It you needw pianoanddo not teel
financially equal to buying a new one.
this will'p'rhatio fill the hits. --Fall and
see it.
Jest n.eived sinew stoe-r of-
Good Violins.
Get bus this winter and cultivate
that_wusical talent.
Shoes for
Every Occasion
No )natter what you wish
them for, whether for a
day's tramp, an afternoon
of sport, an .evening of
society, or for business,
there is an appropriate
and reliable WALK-
OVER shop for that parti-
cular 'occasion. WALK-
OVER shoes are shoes
of the hour and for
every hour of the day.
Thousands of people know
it ; d,) you ?
Platinum Cal(. Blacker Boot.
junior Model.
Downing et acVicar
NarthL,gquare. Goderich
1t looks like winter. and I am
I•eady to talk about Cutters. I have
the agency for two of the largest,
hest -known and most reliable in'la.
utaeturers in Canada
Cutters and Sleighs are the
standard of excellence iu thew.
goods. CA11 and see them at the
Agent of
en f
Massey -Harris Implements, Melons
Cream Sepkrators, Fleury Piow•s,
Bissell Disc Harrows and Land
Rollara. sSs.. etc. --
Hauaillep Street,
Some Good Horses and
Colts for sale..
Christmas Fruit.
A full Stock of all kinds of Fruits
for Chistnsas. Candied Peels. els,
teeceiveol at
Ilrinilton tett eeL Everything fresh
and . Up•to-date," and eatisfaction
guaranteed or your money back.
William L. Lindsay
Hamilton 't
'Phoee Ne, 111
rew MINIONIMPrimirwsnowean
FINE Tiei:.Or.L•U
T �.
Wbsa made by --
'r>as Tailor
r,r s Makers' « Seconds " in
S.tllriIay morning it't1 start the selliug& of a big purchase of Makers'
'• T...v.,nel4.," it lathes iin•lerwear. These garments are "seconds" for either one of
1°4' 1.01`1.111: brut. ht•e.tusit Tl little nail hes gotten on !barn from the machinery i
.e't4wl, a ttti'I'ail ha' ltt•(tn broken or a,stitch or two has been dropped in weaving.
\�'II I't Ihr i;titl'r i' iht• rf't,On t11e garments have beau carefully repaired, so tha
the wear of t1.• ",ecund:," k just as good int every particular as the "firsts•To filt
intents and purposes this underwear is as good as though it was sent out as perfect
goods. It will wear just as well, and when it is laundered will look just as well.
If we were not sure o�f that we would not offer it to you at any price. Because of
these soiled spots and,, imperfections we can sell it at one-quarter less thtlLn
regular. 1f von have &»y underwear buying to do you might as well save money
on it. 1'hn selling starts\Saturday.
SAc Uta>1<(erwear j. _ - -
i,aell r 1 hired Ven �� t high 1
.e Veal*, white or Sat tural. gin
he game Ha -1
neck, button front. soft finish, jest 1
we have been selling all season ea 50o
to sell i4atunlay al per garment
THE FURNACE OF EARTH, byjHattie ErminirRire.e
THE -AMETHYST BOX, by Anna Calhrine Greene -
THE ZELDA DAMEfZON, bl/.fferrdilh .Vicholsun
DOUBLE TRO UI3LE, bl/ llerbert
•They are former nl•a0 hooks, which we are now selling
at 75 cents each.
- As our.stockie limited and cannot he duplicated. you must act quickly
if you want them. They are certainly excellent Christ tuas gifts. Ir
,w ...e 0110111111o t
tall All ;lir elon leleph(rtfr us. and wr.lrtttglattly $at
aside a set for you. But call if you can. To see is to buy.
\uta_specially-- Gut t0rw><,ata flue STRICTLY -CASH.
George Porter. M„ '
Phone No. son. Court House Square. Godsrich
To FirrniaiT Horsemen,
Poultrymen, etc.!
If you have�have ou more Horsestht are out of
condition, not thriving or doing well, showing
lack of appetite, blood out of order, roughness of
the coat, larking in spirits, etc., try a package of
This valuable Tonic Powder is put up in I pound
packages for 25c, or 5 for $f,00 ; has been in use
for the past twenty years, in hundreds of cases,
with the greatest success.
For coughs, colds, heaves, influenza, etc, in
either horses or cattle,
has the best reputation in this part of the country
Put up in half -pound packets for 25c,or 5 packets
for $I.00,
For Poultry diseases of all kinds in hens,
chickens, turkeys, etc., we have three or four well-
known makes of
which we will sell at a liberal discount to clear
nut, as we are going out of Poultry Powders.
Try a package and increase your crop of eggs.
Central Drug Store. Goderich, Ontj
75c Seconds 55c
'l'itese garments come in cream "r natural.
The 14 1014ties are exactly the same as those we
lsuve kern selling right ,long at 75e a garmen"
theft) Si,tut.Iay at each
$11.00 and $1.25 Underwear 79c
high-class wool Vests and Drawers,soft Knish..
-natural shades. very firm qwa y and
Each garment labelled unshrinkable. Just the
Name as is sold all over at $1.00 and $1.15. Be -
couple these are branded "Seconds" you ban buy
then! Saturday st per garment 79c
Children's Garments 1-4 less
All Niles in Children's Garments, Heece-lined,
flne .duality and ; nod weight. No room here for
wr•wy1..g 1-tbsa-fink.
iirday at just a straight quarter less than they
world were they not "aeoonds."
Shaker Blankets $1.I
21 ..s p 14100. aex1,.•.
:t, p or them. each double -bed size, good weight, grey or while. pitik or blue border'',
91.2; to SEAS everywhere. Monsen under the regular price and passed along to yon the
nine way. While the lot lasts.•coMOtelkeing Saturday. you can huy them per pair.... $1.12 1-2
Those 15c Ribbons
1,500 yards is the exact quantity we have to
sell. There is still •a good assortment left. We
hove sold no ttetti-r at -'Pec. At 214 ft -would be
extra good valine. An the popular shade!. such as
pink, sky, cardinal brown, navy with cream,
white and htack. Leavy, firm weave ; will bow
and tie -tip -welt. Whiten lasts
1 Sc per yard. - °- -
The Trimmed Hats
at $3.50
We continue oar sale of trimnlcil hats at $3,5.1
for *none, week. They certainly are extra-
ordinary tAloe at the price. Wr honght the
shapes for less than half-price and have trimmed
them up with extra good trimmings. '4y giving
Y0,1 I he ablvaiitagi• of the hargwin we gotourselves
we can offer you these $:;114, tl. 1116.1111 hate for $3.5e
New Dress Goods
Anne• t -,y handsome H111111 1 e nn 0111 1)re.' I;niwls rninler ti, i' tv.wk -- out of the ot.linary
1111). I t.•' it1 Illy stylish, and only one soil of any one design and (solo?.
$1.00, $1.25 and 51,50 per yard.
Served in ny style o r
in bulk.
Athas & Vassos,
Here's a Chance
for -
,t w con I.'in•I.I " Mason & Rlsi•h'
full-sized _ . -
Upright Piano
it, }and otaI r, tsold for
lir- $150.00
It you needw pianoanddo not teel
financially equal to buying a new one.
this will'p'rhatio fill the hits. --Fall and
see it.
Jest n.eived sinew stoe-r of-
Good Violins.
Get bus this winter and cultivate
that_wusical talent.
Shoes for
Every Occasion
No )natter what you wish
them for, whether for a
day's tramp, an afternoon
of sport, an .evening of
society, or for business,
there is an appropriate
and reliable WALK-
OVER shop for that parti-
cular 'occasion. WALK-
OVER shoes are shoes
of the hour and for
every hour of the day.
Thousands of people know
it ; d,) you ?
Platinum Cal(. Blacker Boot.
junior Model.
Downing et acVicar
NarthL,gquare. Goderich
1t looks like winter. and I am
I•eady to talk about Cutters. I have
the agency for two of the largest,
hest -known and most reliable in'la.
utaeturers in Canada
Cutters and Sleighs are the
standard of excellence iu thew.
goods. CA11 and see them at the
Agent of
en f
Massey -Harris Implements, Melons
Cream Sepkrators, Fleury Piow•s,
Bissell Disc Harrows and Land
Rollara. sSs.. etc. --
Hauaillep Street,
Some Good Horses and
Colts for sale..
Christmas Fruit.
A full Stock of all kinds of Fruits
for Chistnsas. Candied Peels. els,
teeceiveol at
Ilrinilton tett eeL Everything fresh
and . Up•to-date," and eatisfaction
guaranteed or your money back.
William L. Lindsay
Hamilton 't
'Phoee Ne, 111
rew MINIONIMPrimirwsnowean
FINE Tiei:.Or.L•U
T �.
Wbsa made by --
'r>as Tailor
r,r s Makers' « Seconds " in
S.tllriIay morning it't1 start the selliug& of a big purchase of Makers'
'• T...v.,nel4.," it lathes iin•lerwear. These garments are "seconds" for either one of
1°4' 1.01`1.111: brut. ht•e.tusit Tl little nail hes gotten on !barn from the machinery i
.e't4wl, a ttti'I'ail ha' ltt•(tn broken or a,stitch or two has been dropped in weaving.
\�'II I't Ihr i;titl'r i' iht• rf't,On t11e garments have beau carefully repaired, so tha
the wear of t1.• ",ecund:," k just as good int every particular as the "firsts•To filt
intents and purposes this underwear is as good as though it was sent out as perfect
goods. It will wear just as well, and when it is laundered will look just as well.
If we were not sure o�f that we would not offer it to you at any price. Because of
these soiled spots and,, imperfections we can sell it at one-quarter less thtlLn
regular. 1f von have &»y underwear buying to do you might as well save money
on it. 1'hn selling starts\Saturday.
SAc Uta>1<(erwear j. _ - -
i,aell r 1 hired Ven �� t high 1
.e Veal*, white or Sat tural. gin
he game Ha -1
neck, button front. soft finish, jest 1
we have been selling all season ea 50o
to sell i4atunlay al per garment
THE FURNACE OF EARTH, byjHattie ErminirRire.e
THE -AMETHYST BOX, by Anna Calhrine Greene -
THE ZELDA DAMEfZON, bl/.fferrdilh .Vicholsun
DOUBLE TRO UI3LE, bl/ llerbert
•They are former nl•a0 hooks, which we are now selling
at 75 cents each.
- As our.stockie limited and cannot he duplicated. you must act quickly
if you want them. They are certainly excellent Christ tuas gifts. Ir
,w ...e 0110111111o t
tall All ;lir elon leleph(rtfr us. and wr.lrtttglattly $at
aside a set for you. But call if you can. To see is to buy.
\uta_specially-- Gut t0rw><,ata flue STRICTLY -CASH.
George Porter. M„ '
Phone No. son. Court House Square. Godsrich
To FirrniaiT Horsemen,
Poultrymen, etc.!
If you have�have ou more Horsestht are out of
condition, not thriving or doing well, showing
lack of appetite, blood out of order, roughness of
the coat, larking in spirits, etc., try a package of
This valuable Tonic Powder is put up in I pound
packages for 25c, or 5 for $f,00 ; has been in use
for the past twenty years, in hundreds of cases,
with the greatest success.
For coughs, colds, heaves, influenza, etc, in
either horses or cattle,
has the best reputation in this part of the country
Put up in half -pound packets for 25c,or 5 packets
for $I.00,
For Poultry diseases of all kinds in hens,
chickens, turkeys, etc., we have three or four well-
known makes of
which we will sell at a liberal discount to clear
nut, as we are going out of Poultry Powders.
Try a package and increase your crop of eggs.
Central Drug Store. Goderich, Ontj
75c Seconds 55c
'l'itese garments come in cream "r natural.
The 14 1014ties are exactly the same as those we
lsuve kern selling right ,long at 75e a garmen"
theft) Si,tut.Iay at each
$11.00 and $1.25 Underwear 79c
high-class wool Vests and Drawers,soft Knish..
-natural shades. very firm qwa y and
Each garment labelled unshrinkable. Just the
Name as is sold all over at $1.00 and $1.15. Be -
couple these are branded "Seconds" you ban buy
then! Saturday st per garment 79c
Children's Garments 1-4 less
All Niles in Children's Garments, Heece-lined,
flne .duality and ; nod weight. No room here for
wr•wy1..g 1-tbsa-fink.
iirday at just a straight quarter less than they
world were they not "aeoonds."
Shaker Blankets $1.I
21 ..s p 14100. aex1,.•.
:t, p or them. each double -bed size, good weight, grey or while. pitik or blue border'',
91.2; to SEAS everywhere. Monsen under the regular price and passed along to yon the
nine way. While the lot lasts.•coMOtelkeing Saturday. you can huy them per pair.... $1.12 1-2
Those 15c Ribbons
1,500 yards is the exact quantity we have to
sell. There is still •a good assortment left. We
hove sold no ttetti-r at -'Pec. At 214 ft -would be
extra good valine. An the popular shade!. such as
pink, sky, cardinal brown, navy with cream,
white and htack. Leavy, firm weave ; will bow
and tie -tip -welt. Whiten lasts
1 Sc per yard. - °- -
The Trimmed Hats
at $3.50
We continue oar sale of trimnlcil hats at $3,5.1
for *none, week. They certainly are extra-
ordinary tAloe at the price. Wr honght the
shapes for less than half-price and have trimmed
them up with extra good trimmings. '4y giving
Y0,1 I he ablvaiitagi• of the hargwin we gotourselves
we can offer you these $:;114, tl. 1116.1111 hate for $3.5e
New Dress Goods
Anne• t -,y handsome H111111 1 e nn 0111 1)re.' I;niwls rninler ti, i' tv.wk -- out of the ot.linary
1111). I t.•' it1 Illy stylish, and only one soil of any one design and (solo?.
$1.00, $1.25 and 51,50 per yard.