HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1908-11-19, Page 74711:121 'atrlEk�bil:Yer:L�.^s2ar, t Cif.ta itod wiaseeid TIIE SIGNAL : GODERICH. ONTARIO 4.4444 *************** st44 4+ 014 i4 444*444444 4Q.i*.ii • The News of the District. X4.,54+4* 4A54545464545454444444644*44645 454 +4444++444 - * Niks 44+45 4.+ DUNGANNON. • rt__ A. NEWTON, DNNTIST, LUCE- 13 NOM'.-AtIsome every ear exalter ,'here. days. New remedy tor extawcUrut tooth lriomdo- torm), bettor than east Crown and bridgework, No. Aluminum plates (non -breakable/. N. 11. -You oan always have Jour work much Water done In the dental emoa-more time, bettor facilities for dolug the work, mere com- fortable for the 'sweat. NOTIUS.-THS LOCAL AGENCY In Dungannon for The Menai is at the mor- on* Hook and eauonery Store whore order* will be received for subscription. ad• veru $ng and Job work, and receipts will be given for amount., paid for the same. WgD susnev. Nov. 18th. De. Medd L at present in Toronto on business. S. J. Young made :; business trip to Toronto this week. Mies Johnston arrived font Clinton on Saturday and is now visiting her parents here. Rev. W.*A. Smith is assisting Rev A. E. Jones., of Auburn, in evangel tatie sersiceeihis week. A few frutn here attended tt nr opening services" at Ebenezer, Metho- dist church last Sunday. Mrs. D. and Miss Ada Sproul re turned last Mat•ullday from a few weeks' visit to friends in St. Thomism. T. G. Allen has had a carload of Iuwber shipped from his timber limits in Peterborough and now has it large quantity of fiat -clans lumber for sale at a teasonable price. A number of the young men from this vicinity who spent the (.d1 iu the West have returned home. Some of them have taken up land and con. template returning in the spring. Harry VValter•s has disposed of his hones• and lot here to 1Vau. McUrat- tan, ()f th let concession of AshHeld. Mr. McOratri bad an auction sale t hi, meek and set mluve into the village shortly. The Methodist 'Sppbbatlt 1. 1)001 is preparing for an entertainweet to be given on ,Christmas night and the Presbyt•ehiane are preparing for a tea - meeting to be held about 1). retnher ;t 1st.. Full p,lletioulars will be given 't- aten ' Ism14N'Al.' OPTION. A, lergr•1) .signed petition has been presented to the thetnh'Il'w •Ashfield township -council in favor of & local option bylaw.- The petition has been favorably received by the township fathers, who have decided to grant the request as stated in the petition. Consequently a vote will le - taken in Ashfield at the municipal (•lection. in January to decide whether liquor licenses an• to be issue./ here- after in this• township OL- not. There are at present four licensed places in IAshfleld-two in Dungannon. one at Port Albert and one at Kiutail. BELFAST. MONDAY, Nov. leeth, Rodger Worsley hsa returned from Winnipeg and the West. Frank McDonagh.. of Carlow. gate us a pleasant call one day last week. Miss Lizzie Rutherford and friend, of Carlow, spent it few day. with the former's parents here. Miss Annie Sherwood. who hos been with Mrs. Thos. Lawrence, of Lucknow, for two years, has returned h We extend our sincere sympathy to Mrs. Wm. Twsmleyon learning of the sudden death of her mother, Mrs. Cameron, of Wingham. (io0D gNTKereiss ItN-F.--Thr box social given by the members of Bel- fast L. 0. L. on Friday evening was certai9ly a succ ea. A splendid pro - grail of recitations, readings and. Music, vocal and instrumental. WAS ggi(�ven. A duet by Mr. Alderson and Itais Idabel '(IIID, of Lilcknow, gusto very well rendered, as were Also the solo. by Mrs. Young, of LucEnow. The „violin eelectinns by %Vm. Irwin were well played and were encored. Chan. Alton gave an excellent reading end, Miss Laura Irwin "brought down the house" with two splendid recitations. The prise -tett # amounted to something over gat 11NTAIL TU3SDAv. Nov. 17th. Little Ed. Dwyer,„ improving after his reoent illness. The work of hauling gravel for the railway bridge here begrn this morn- ing. The farmers here are to log adean- tage of the. open wealhe to finish their ploughing. The weekly prayer meeting wail held this afternoon at the residence of D. L. Taylor by Rev. A. Miller. \ Om+. Whitey, late) employed in s Elmira-ties4-in pital. iii. roans, friends here hope hair soon of his speedy recovery. Miss Ruth McAdams, of Laurier. arcideotally discharged the contents of a loaded rifle through her foot yes- terday afternoon. She is staying with her sister, Mrs. Secord Oweo, for the present. Miss Christen' McIntyre. of St. Thomas, returned t , her home after an eight months' visit with friends here. films was- aeoncnpasied its iece, Mrs KennethMery b Mrs., Tierney, of Chicago, who was here attending the funeral of her brother, the late John Monett, left this morning to visit her sister near Toronto. She was Accompanied by Mr. and Mn. Jas. Sinnett Y r -4 LANES. TVZSDAT, Nov. 171h. Daniel Alton visited friends iu Stanley the past week. Jainism Ritchie is buity chopping grain for the farmers of thie vicinity. Iienry Mullin has rented his fare to Daniel Alton for the coming summer. The sleigh belle are *gain ringing, which heralds the approach nt the merriest time of the year, our Ca- nadian winter. Mrs. Will Lane and niece. Mise Tillie Hackett, are at present visiting friends in Ripley. Tom Henderson. of Lothian. has been busy this last week erecting* closed -In shed for the Lanes Presby- terian congregation, which will he much more comfortable during the winter, Riret Cann Sorsa, - The rills tonins are having a fowl supper at the homeof Joe. Mmeltzer on We.Ineeday nett(. The shoot held a couple of weeks ago was very close, JAS. Gil- more being the captain of the suc- cessful team. The supper is provided by the losers, of whotn Jas. Rose is captain. Better lock next time, Jim. PROotaAlt NT Tett YOIINe MS/7.-On Thursday evening of last week the young mon of Hackett's League con. ducted the meeting, accompanied by their pastor. rhe eversion* program consisted of music by the orchestra, singing, recitations and spiet•che•s. At a later (tate the young ladies will have an opportunity of exercising their talents. CREWE, MONDAY, Nov. pith. %Vedding bells are ringing at Crewe. We have a couple of inches of snow for a change. • Mn. Robert Curran left herr today to join her husband in Detroit. Wm. Durnin, of Crewe, is having an auction sale of farm stock on Mon - (lay, the Zird inst. The Misses Barbara Culbert and Gwendoline Templeton spent Sunday at Mrs. George Durnin's. MAFEKINt6. - MONDAY, Nov. 10th. S. Stothers port the" misfortune of losing a valuatble hot -se on Sunday. Bert Finnigau is helping Anson Pintay, as Anson is suffering trotn a felon uu hie hand. Quite a number 1..,ok, in the box social in the Orange Hall at Belfast last Friday evening and enjoyed the excellent program. Robert Blake has returned from Clinton and is recovering nicely from the effects of the operation which he underwent JntheJlospitnl (Leas? WEST WAWANOSH. WeDsesoey, Nov. 11th. semen. Reposer. --The following in the standing of the pupils of 1'. S. S. No. 17. %Vest Wawauosh. fur the month of October : Senior V. - Flossie i.Ilii((, Ica. Junior V. - •('harlie Nivens. S . ' Seultr iVElia Slutbers, • 72 ; •Norman Kirke. lit : *Carrie Dunkeld. 5:i. Ser' • III. •(aeorge Nixon, 44 ; Oliver Kirke, 72. Junior Irl. Eeriest Mel:rattan, 50. Junior I1. Mncie Sproul, Ob) ; •Gladys Rivers, 74 ; 'Isub(d btuthl•rs, 4S. Senior (Part 11. --John Sproul. DIN. Part L -•.Ira Stothers. 73 ; Howard Mproul, 1111. 13.•at spellerd were Flossie Elliott. Ella Stnthers and Marin Sproul. Those marked • missed one or more of the examinationM.. E. HAHKLYY, Teacher. ST. HELENS. ! TUI$DAY, Nov. 17th. Abe Durnin returned from the West on Monday. Miss A. Fowler, of Ripley, !Ceisit- ing.Mrs. John Campbell. Miss Bennett, of Port Albert. is vis- iting her sister. Mrs. John Campbell. ll. Miss Edith Homuth. of Wingheen, is elating her aunt, Mrs. Hugh HAD h- erford. The Women's (netts -Re will hold their meeting at the home of Mrs. Abe Durnin on Thursday, the 20th. The ladies ere requested to bring any new d..sigos I,.r'iliristruss p[weertte. Nov km HEN :1!pl?IAI.Y.-.t very pretty house welding was solemnized et Mrs. C. Durnin's last Tuesday, when her second daughter, Elizabeth was married t•. H. McAllister, of Teeswater. Th.• oer ilulnv was per- formed hy Rey. S. M. Whaley, of Hickson. Only theiutnr•ediate friends of the bride and groom were present. Mr. and urs. McAllister left on the 2 o'clock train for Brantford and 01 her pints and on their return they will settle on the groom's farm near Teeswater. ST. AUGUSTINE. MONDAY, Nov. PI. Miss Belle McCabe. has returned (tout London. VVe hear the merry jingle of sleigh• bells once again. John teddy intends ()roving to our village ((list week. • Miss Mary Ada Hmphy has returned home after visiting friends in Culotta. Mrs, -Dan -Phalen -was visiting -rela- tives in St. Augustine the past week. Miss Katie M. Brophy spent 81111 - day with her cousin, Rose Mary Mc- Guire. c- Guire. Jing Hoyle is wearing n broad lurile again. There is another little girl et his house. We are pleased to hear that Thos. McCihc, who has been seriously ill, is iurproving- M,s+ F:Me Glenn, of Saltford, and Mies Nettie 1ie11, of Dungannon, are visiting with Mise 13etsy McAllietet• at resent. M..1. Beninger is home from Dtn.- g:•nuon, the River Valley creamery having closed for the simian. Mrs. Thos. Bandon,. of Westfield. spent is few- days last week Fishing Feet- parents, Mr. and Mrs. •.lobn Craig. Seve\tal of the young people at- tended 'the fowl supper at Ebenezer end others the concert at Calvin lurch, St.:. Helens. on Monday even. Gin- Tlltfi"s'iRet2 ?Miters pneetITtRentheh our village oh Monday, homeward bound. They did not eeeul to have done ant harm, AS the only thing hey carried woos their gine. DHATH OF JOHN ,STAYIOHn. On Sunday, November 8th, oerurred the death of one of West Wawanosh's mot popular yonrng Carmen,, in the person of John Stafford. atrthe age of forty-one years. Mr. Stafford had been suffbring from atornadll, trouble for- nearly six months. He was widely known and highly respected by all who knew him. Ile leaves to mourn his loam his wife and three small children and four sisters, who hay. the.eympathy of the entire com- m 'ty ill their • sail bereavement. The funeral on Wednesday to St. Augustine cemetery was attended by * large concnis se. of .sorrowing friends and sympathizing neighbots, and the members of Branch :32. C. M. E. A., of which the deceased was a leading member, attended in a holy. AUBURN. Wentvaan.ty. Nov. 18th. The Bible Society will have its annual meeting this week. The nimroda of the village are on the warpath. Charles Beadle secured two foxes on Thanksgiving Day. Mrs. Jamea Young, of the village, is seriously i11 at present. She had a paralytic stroke And hat lost the pewee of speech. D. E. Rrratt had the misfortune to lose one of his brood sows last week. She etrayed on to the railway and was killed by a passing train. rbe rveeleal• services in the Metho• diet church are pretty well attended. Rev. %V. A. Smith, of Dungannon, is aswstiwg Mr. dolor* t•etie-week. The entertainment in the %Presby- Uerian church, ()wing to the stormy evening, was not the success tante ciliated. The proceeds *mounted to about $20. Barker, gravelling, $(UtJ : Nathan ltillia, ***rhino eulverk -.Marl i+wutie.tl 1 plunk, $1 ; Richard Jewell, lowering I Sharps creek. $l0; John lkitker, granting in 19altfutd, $11 (.3.). A aun- Illullicali(11 was received frown 1.. 1•.. 1)anr•ey claiming llallingps nrr ace•oitrlt of water being backed up uu R. arae s •arm. LOYAL. U y' f The• matter was lett yr the hands of Councillors Duston and TexsDAY. Nov. 17th. Young to look into. The co il t hen Rupert McMillan is about t) elect a a.li lied to meet December 15t .1, new stable. ac..u•diug to. statute. F. W. Mr - Mrs. U. Ferguson, of (:oderich, is DuN*oII, Clerk. visiting her patents, Mr. and Mre. R. Young. Mr. null MIN. !leery Campbell said good-bve to their friend+ here last week lsdore leaving for their new house in Sudbury. LEEllURN. 1VHDNyanAY, Nov. 18th, - AN-OLD-LANDMAHK.-The-opt} land- marks' are fast disappearing -from Otte Incxlity. The barna built Sheriff Ilyndulan in the year 311 or about that tirne is now being taken down by A. Williams. Very few are remain- ing who remember about ter building of that Iain. Mr,. William Belem is still living in (ioderirh. She lived with Mr. Hyndman before his resi- dence was burned with its coutents, including a splendid library. The house was' a comfortable residence. Mr. Ilvndinan did not live long after the the, as be received an injury from which he never r•ecoveiid. The barn` was iiniit-frndrr-great difficultly.- The luuiliei' was taken up along the lake shore, then taken through the bush. James Clouting. who owned property in this locality. built the barn. BENMILI,ER. TUESDAY, Nnv.•lOth. Samuel Aplin is moviug iutu hie new house. R. Dick. of Hensel], ..pent Sunday in the vicinity. According to rumor things are go - in; to boom at McGaw. ‘- F.Baugh. Delhi, spent Tliankegiv- ing at the home of his father. Benson Long spent Sundayy, end Monday under the parental roof. - W. McLean, of 'Buffalo, is lb -pieta air the home of hi.. une4e, • A. Heddle, here. • , We are pleased to hent that 'airs, Jas. fenig shows 54)1(10 signs id im-\ priveulent, __ Me..ars+-Mre. J. Priddle, who have leen living near Toronto, are guests at the former home of the latter. Richard Jewell's. Chester Oke and Edgar Van+tune, who are now residents of the(�peen City, spent Thaukegivuig, D. or rather pita of it, at their homes ler... MoN D.o v, Nov. 10 h. Misses Haley, of Clinton, spent Sun- day at the house of A. Huddle. Miss Jennie Morrish, of 'flesh -rich, s!sent. Sunday, with her friend._lissl._ Walters. Mrs: Priddlr is spending- it new weeks with her parents. Mr. and Mr.,. Kiehartl Jewell. Benmiller would lie pleased to hear again fr the Maitland poet through the columns of The Signal. Rev. William hough but, been some- what indisposed the past week. His many friends hope for his spleedy- recovery. .- For Epworth League service Thurs- day evening, rommencing at K o'clock. the subject is "The Lord's Prayer." Everybody welcome. The annual Christmas tree enter- taittrtrrnt in connection with Ben- rnitter Sunday school will be held on the evening of December Zirvl. A good program is in . plepu•.ft' and will lar in a.lvanee of ()biter-♦+eet•rt. Be '/ler always doss things right. See full particulars later. The League meeting last Thursday evening took the form of * diseueeiou on temperance, and a profitable lime was spent. Mr. and Alis. H. Mew favored the Leaguers with et duet and Mrs: Baugh and Mira Mntirieg -gave a t,•mpersnce reading. Misses lion' and Fisher gave a recitation. Tle- League meetings are becoming more interesting and the young people are 1 beginning to feel their veep-lnsihlllty i more than ever before and are looking' forward 10 a grand harvest in sto- Master's vineyard. EBENEZER. 1" F.t N FADAY, Nov, 14th. Courtrai ltlroreseve.-The Metho- dist church here has undergone very a r-uo0'1'i•1'1 •oaring the past two mohthe and the reopening services were held ,, timidity last, followed by a fowl supper and convert on Alunday evening. The improve- ments which have been orad, include A new foundation. new printing out- side, new pulpit and platform tumid.. end the printing and decorating of the interior, stud have foment an outlay of about 51.,1. On Sunday the sermons were preached by Key. W. A. Findlay, of Whitechurch, and the Westfield choir assi•ted in the nnlsie of th8-31tv'ryl'l•w+== Monday evening was a very eurco.s- ful affair. The Blackstone oreliestra of Go.leri -h supplied the lergrer part of the music for the eretting and Her- old Blackstone brought down the house with his comic songs. Miss Mona Walter gave some ebeution- ary numbers and the Eienszer choir assisted in the program. Rev. Mr. Findlay was preetent and spoke brief- ly. About it30 was 'patine 1 ns the re- sult of the reopening celebration. Thr congregation have naw one of the hest•Htted-mp churches in the country and may well congretulate themselves on their snug place of worship. S -';- CARLOW. • 1 Tuio.n.tY, Nov. 10th, (1OLnoHNlt CorYrtr,. - Colborne council meeting mill held in the town- ship li i1 today, all the members pres- ent ezce t Councillor Stratighan. Minutedpf last meeting were teal And confirmed, The following Accounts were passed : Welker k Angnetine. horse hire, $1.50 ; Geo. Fowler. te- pwrr. to granter, $0:ti ; John Taylor, digging ditch, Iroundary line, 58 ; Signal, printing tea notices and re- ceipts, 118 ; Ofl1re Ss -weirdly Co., letter cabinet, 510.3)) ; Richard Fril xley. Gleaning ditch. $4.7Ai ; R. J. Rutledge. inspecting, 52 25 : Arthur McNeil, team on grader, $61..50 : Robert Bean, opening tile culvert, 50c ; George J. Ferguson, salary as colle tor, 501► : postage. 113 ; Ooderich Lumber Co., lank, 58.111 ; George Dawson• repeir- Ing culvert, $2.75 ; P. .1. MrEwan, lumber, 1119.90 ; John Halliday, shov- elling .,sow, 57.00 ; John Treble, In- s 5(1; William Bogie, teaming ph and repairing culvert, 51 ; John HULLETT. Tura Lyre MHO. PLUNKK•rr.-There died in London le withal uu October 311th, a lady well known and highly ie. -peeled here in the person of Mary Hxluillirn. beloved, wife of Wm. Plunkett. The late Mrs. Pliankigtt ops hong in Colborne township Curtly -eight Destroys Mair berms ltecentdiscoveries have shown that falling hair is caused by .Perms at the roots of the hair. Therefore, to stop falling hair; you must first completely de- stroy these germs. Aycr's Hair Vigor, new improved formula. will certainly do this. Then leave the rest to nature. Does not change Mc colo, of the hair. roo+ul. with •och bottle Brow 1t to your yerdoctor Alit tow shout (t. S thou do s. 1.557• Recent discoveries have also proved that dandruff is caused by germs on the scalp. Therefore, to cure dandruff, the first thing to do is to completely destroy these dan- druff ,, penult_ s daughter of the druff germs. Here, the same Ayer's Hair ago. ug Vigor will give thesamesplendtd results. she Thomas 11awilton, eauLW;ar>_ uta'- - egabetebss.abmilie,:o.ve+a masa-- rird twenty years ago to her now 1w- refl husband. Mime • their niaro isge they have lived tell years ill Weet IWawunoeh and ten year's in Hullett. Besides her husband shp leaven to mourn her lose four children : Wil- frid, Wilton, (irare•and I list,. all at • home; her tnoUlrr. 'Mrs. flauui11on 'five brothers: 'Phu,, and David in Colborne, George iu the• l- b,,uslikc. Joseph in Michigan, and 1)r. 13rosou tat Belgtave; also live sisters: Iles. !Rich. Sprung of this townabip, Mrs. A. J. tioldthorp• and Mies Lena in enol- rile S,ttet.el J„3.esst,er t --Double harness u d Mrs. Jaliei Johnston in 1Ve.t r c In e m b e r we anush. The deceased lady was have the gouda n cu siSten1 member and regular at- and they are tendaur of the Methodist e•hureh, going gust as they went last Fall Aubatl•11, and u ua- - g(vcct l y - talo.-tl nod 11 Inter. • 33es't be too late in bit all w knew her.. Tb.• funeral ordering. set vices wee eonditch d by Rev. A. E. Jones. f Auburn, assisted by Rev, ‘V.1 1. Ifart ).. of Myth. T3tea l•ad- bearers were six neighbors : i(ulwrt McGee, John Pte r, Alert in Arm- strong, John Them 144(1, John Me- Clinctiey and Robert ( netntL Superior Harness \\ h(n ale need of Single or fire at Atwood: Atwood, Ont., Nov. 17. -Ft broke out about :t p. nt. vesterdsy ' the bakeshop ed J. T. Welch, %%Wel was BLOOD We live by our blood, and on it. We thrive or starve, as our blood'is rich or poor. There is nothing else to live on or by. When strength is full and spirits high we are being re- freshed -bone, muscle and brain, in body and mind -with continual flow of rich blood. This is health. When weak, in low spirits, no cheer, no spring, when rest is not rest and sleep is not sleep, we are starved; our blood is poor; there is little nutriment In it. Back of the blood is food, to keep the blood rich. When it fails, take SCOTT'S EMULSION It sets the whole body going again -man, woman and child. Send this ad.ertlurnent, together with acme ed .seer In which It appears, your Aidbeas and Wer cents to cosec postage. and we wig send Vona "Compile Handy Atlas of the World." SCOTT & BOWNE '_ 194 W.Weeoa Street W.. TORONTO.ONT. ROBE LINING for sale, %Loo ROBES LINED. Bring them in; we make a business of it. Choice Styles in NEW OVERCOATS and SUITS ��e++s7er .rr's:�c�rrr-s-e.xa:e for Winter Wearing QUALITY FIRST has been, is, and will be our motto. It is not 11ovo,311ry y i1i1li 0.Lu �,ytrdy.. =Ana great, thick, ugly, ill-tittinn- and Juulsy-lookiug Clothes -during the long Tinter months. ( lar.\ '.tI 13 Winter 'Wear garments me C( 1111'ortable, fit as neatly and look fully as we:I as th.,:et our customers wear in %varuu'r weath''r, '1'13x\ Ilavc the to;ltrh ut superior hand tailalriu.r,-ii i11ii.1 for VOL' al)pearauce+ about our Clothing, that stands the scrutiny of toe must expert tailors. Overcoats' and Suits Made -to -your -measure, Semi -Ready or Ready -to -Wear. The value of our goods and the price we ask for t'; in are always in harmony. H VOL UNDERCLOTHING F E CE All the beat makes. Hats, Caps, Mitts, Gloves, Hosiery. EVERYTHING FO k MEN AND BOYS.`" -1-I. E. Knox AUBURN: ;,otnpletely g lied. Owing; to the fire engin.• being; 11 ezen it was i,npo:.ihip to 'get the the •perked' in its first stages, though s b .•ket brigade which was forme•1 diel excel rat service. When the engiur_ as eventually thawed out a ptevvltet the pile Iron1 spreading, but run -:dot, de (tannage if Price's. urniture was done to the e.mteleis hardware vied 1:1,,,a a stores. Welch's ebur(• was -owuc.l f%Valsuu oK aticli Third Was CATTLE MARKETS. Concluded frjw peon; :.. refills, SIM - fired; tangy sterile and steady: prime steers. 36.-, to 35.90; shire. Meg, %e_'f• to $6; butt -hey.% 3150 to helfera, is la 36.:0.--awwa n4 4 t..rgf - b3 to 11.50; stockers and pe. dere 3:.•S lu 34 50: stock heifers, C.7:i ;•, 34.:111: fresh cows an.l springers, steady. 3-'a to 1Ge. ling,-Herelpte. '6.M head; slow and etroiy:- heavy Waft to $ M: mixed, 3%.75 to 3i�A;: t•nrkers. 35 to 35.75: pugs, 35 to 3•`.. rough-. 15.25 to 15.50; stags, 3) to 4150; dishier 35. _ , to 35 50. Sheep and Lambs -Receipts, 14,0010 head; rettra; sheep, ',lenity: Intel's. :!.• higher; tert:bs, 3r to SC 5: yearling,. 31 1.. 3173. ort her+• 34 (1 $1 5n; ewes. fi In St 5: el peep. mixed. 31.60 to peas; Canada Iambs, -16.76 M- lige__ -- _ A faint heart hasn't the ghost of a ti to w -hu -i it there ie A stro-'g-nrnu•d -1' nl. THEFOOD THAT BUILDS RUN DOWN MOTHERS • Nagy cares sod worries weigh heavily upon the mother and she alone knows hew much she seeds some- thing to supply the etetwib of health and vigor she is Iaeking. OXOMULSION is the hest food to bold ad restore her lest vitality. it Is pleasant to take and be- gins its work of toning up the system it once. No smother should be without it. Good for Mother, it is egiatty yob kr, P ei and Carte* aid s glome sbosld ba waste it. insist ea having Osoms sioa. tet se ether emdsios is ism •good. For sale by all Druggists in two sizes, 35c. and 51A0. Pre- pared cagy by Tits Dumdum Co.. corner of Spsdiss and Phoebe Streets. Tomato. YOUR CHILDREN NEED OXOMULSiON. McLEAN\ BROS. Art Tailors and `Clothiers GODERICH, - : ` - \• ONTARIO 11�smossimat suss 10( Has the A' . ntages of a Steel Ran a with the Durability of a Cast-lrgn Ran e "repeal Peninsular" 1; the 1 cal range for _ -a hilar( kitchen. wi+v-"+' It p,tcs the co:wee:1_4:es of the best te.•l ranges with the added advantage of terns cast-iron an therefore • \ `..: ti( -snore durable. The"Ideal" barns either woo( or coal and the grate bars may be changed\in half • a minute. • Step in And I.t u..hcw you the Drop Oven 3,001-1C••L\ianulItY' le•yt bM 1,umpe, Da rtl,;l-t (Irrn n ..rt other improve- 's...et.. AI•..a)• ; lad to exp..,ue 1:ee supenority C these Lae rang.. 70 anby Rubbers are the best -looking aAd the best -wearing Rubbe on the market. GRANBY RUBBERS • wear like iron,1;w!, SOLD ONLY BY BUyisa_A,_curizER2 NOW is the tieme to ni Jae 311111 purchase, and so enjoy the Entire sleighing eeaann You know the bet sleighing is daring the fleet part of the season before the roads are cut up, and hill of pitch-ho'es. THE RIGHT CUTTER (4) hay is the test one made, andt hat is The IcLaughlia Cutter One grade only, and that the best. Made by the famous McLaughlin Carriage Co., of Oshawa. Don't make any mistake. Satisfaction is grlaranlred when you Inky a M'•Litighlie. 13ubib with careful attention to the details which make the most dowdily, the most comfortable, the most elegant cutter on the market. Prices are just right. Call and see the latest wrinkles in the make- up of a first-class cutter. ...,„,.:,, a„, t► r,Aa..r,,„, Wm. Knox Cor. Newgate and Hamilton Sts. Goderich smssss�m Protect Your Horse ith a Good Warm Blanket. Very largo assortment, representing the best products of standard makers, anti values are certainly noteworthy. Take the $1.:0 Blanket, lined :urd shaped, will withstand rough w•e..ther and good Dock 1.50 hard usage, this for 41 A good Blanket with Kund -w(wn► tieing, stropped double .fey -nn.. $1 75 for, reach Andotherht,inkels $4 50 up to cacti Gloves, Mitts, Halters, Tie Ropes and Cattle Chains. EVERY WELL-KNOWN MAKE OF Saws, Axes, Files, Sets, etc. THE LARGEST AND MOST COMPLETE STOCK OF STOVES and RANGES. See our Goods - (let our Low Prices. HARDWARE \%'orsells STOVES ammansmisos ( Ae.