HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1908-11-19, Page 6TRORBoLT, November 19, 1905 THE SIGNAL : GODERICH. ONTARIO RANGE Train up u girl In ihr way she should bake. tl[ and when she Is married she will not depart trona It. " My mother taught me how to hake, and told Ire why she always used a McClary Range. ('Now 1 have a 'Pandora',. and, as with mother, my troubles are few. After fire is started, 1 simply bring thermometer to desired heat and leave the oven in charge 'of the halting._, Filen grf.uih t service.- -' "\\•hili housewives with other ratigeskepoking fire and changing damper.; i sit and read the ' Joy of McClarys London, tor,cto. Mortresi, V_. .c:,.r: ft 1. 1 Ctl,ri THE HOWELL----HARDWARE--O: i free F*Wisg Ble►neer, k:pilrp y, BL Titus Dance. Nervous Troubles, etc., mount, •irely oared by LIEI1IO'B TIT CURE free trial balle tent o. evencettoa. Write Liebig Co., Phoebe BL, Toronto. GRAND TRUNK sY's EM CHICAGO AND RETURN $13.75 FROM GODERICH Account of INTERNATIONAL LIVE STOCK EXPOSITION. flood going Nov. _'i(#o. Pee. i 2, 3, 4. Return limit lA'e. 12.11Ms1, TO Manitoba, Saskatchewan AND Alberta The attractive route is via Chicago and St. Paul. Minneapolis lir Debith. Full information front F. F. LAWRENCE, T1twn Agent O81ea hours, t1 a, m. to N p, in. 1(1 Western Canada The Canadian Perilk wreathe only through service, by the most Direct route. Stallard sad Tomtit Sleepers leave Toronto deli'''. running to % tnntpeg, the Ns/Aiiwost-- Pacific - Votes without.--cbutngu. vpleeA (ltd dining aero ire, TA ---MAKE _ICE- CREAM. Hen Is the Right Way to Get Perfect Results. ' ' Many good roil:. do n,,t have ces 'lo making ice cream. Tills 'should not be dlerieutt ii !t I; dove iu the right way. In the first share, the pro- i-ortions el salt aad ice, should be right, and the Ice should not be left In large pieees• but crusher). with the salt. One part of Ice to three parts of salt is the proportion. and they should be narked- leep.te ]'e r y ^r -Utak. should. Ir measured. Hoek salt Is the teat to use, but barrel ail( will do if the caber cannot be esatly obtained. ' Be sure that the fret•zer is perfectly clean and sterilized, )'lace a three Inch layer of linei, crusted Ice In, the tub, cover with one of wilt and alter- nate these layers. packing each down very hard uutll the mixture Is a few Inches above the cream ins the can. The crank should not be turned rap - Idly - et- Bret, but Moiety, ancr as - the email( begins to harden the crank can be turned amolg rapidly,. When the crank becomes hard to turn take out the beater and stir the crenin yith a strong (toreelain spoon. Press . the cream dpwn smoothly and place a cork In the hole where the beater 'whinge. Then remove the plug and draw off the water. Then repack the biz as before, cover with a piece of carpet anal' acct aside for an hour before serving. The longer it stands the Metter It *111 be, even ,If it stnnds for three or four hours. .1 goal way to ltreak the ice Into s;mau pieces 1s 54 tet It la a coarse ou Lag and ltlct with a strong hammer. For a delicious uncooked Ice cream solid a_ quart of thin, sweet cream and dissolve In It one and one half eupfillt of sug::r. Add a quart of told (Tenni, tau eggs well beaten and two tablespoonfuls of vanilla. Freeze and pack as above directed. This Ji Phlladelpllta lee cream and can be do n ithou(. sty, To inake lemon Ice cream scald one pint ental of tnllk• and cream with one-fourth of n poiiid of sugar. 'Crete e rinds of three lemons, squeeze out jtrler, ntld half n pound of sugar. Stir his !Mature Into the scalded milk .'r__ rn and when cold freeze. Sober; for The Signal. Jnternatronal JYewspaper Bible Study Club Suggestive Questions on the International Sunday School Lessons, Freparra by Rev. Ur. Ltnscolt, Brant ford iltcglstered In itonordance with the Copyright AcLr WHO WILL UE A UOLD MEDALIST ? iW�e urge toll. readers 1'1 join onr or to win one of the beautiful Itooks.or l�ca1 breiitch of- -the--tnternationalf Hi++lea. Newspaper ruble Study a flub. All The average wan audrwomen are who will answer the one question a not s,tudt•utn, and will not take .up the week, which is marked, each week, study slid work Involved in 'these ••This question must Is, answered in fifty-two written studies, so that there writing." (lir fifty•t io eonvecutiye is no danger of overcrowding, and weeks. conituenting with our issue of those who ate sufficiently diligent to July 11 last, will leve complied with take up these written siudles bare a the conditions of the contest for Hfty splendid prospect to win one of the prizes, consisting of gold and silver prizes, but should A student fail to win Medals, books and Bibles, which will a prize he will still win the greet prize be:distributed exclusively among the ut the knowledge acquiied and the readers of this and a t'w'ill group of skill developed in answering in writ - 'abet. sutewrpapers. There are five Ing these very suggestive questions. handsoiile gold medals and five silver It is not too late for those to come medals, especially 'designed with nib Menet' who have not yet dine so, be- propriate inscriptions and emblematic emote they can answer the hack quea- devieesrwittttlu• name bu re tch medal linos at any time during the cuoliou- Taa.tttj coma -tent. 1l will once of the,' Int -Bt. These hack gtJes- 1e a greatliono►• toTe a gold or silver urine may to obtained npnn apt medalist in this Uible study emit est, tion to this uta►t t. The children's delight is your enjoyment. , Perrin's Toy Biscuits bring both. Try them. 12 Varieties. November sand. tea. Solomon Anointed King. LSKfit{ti t.i tt.: I.1.. thteft• any tens.... tit think (lust she tiollden Text Kuuvi thou the (....1 ha.1 not been a butt wife to David anti of thy tauter, and serve tum with a a good mother to his children :+ perfect heart and with a willing mind. ) Dues (sod expect us to use' ss much ('loon. xviii. : ft. (.kill and diplomacy In .ranging out Verses 1 I H.iit Old 'wa-Diiit'Td. and ' His plop, wog ss thttmgtf we' were tin - bad he any right to IW a decrepit old aided by I lim :' roan at such at age :. - - - - I \'et+.es 2.2a1- -What was the charac- Whetc:ul we say of the advisers of ter of Nathan ? and what part did he the uhf king, marrying huuirlR ' one take in the t'riah•David-Hathslseba toot in. the grave," to this young and matter ? (See 11. Sart', aii. 1.1x.1 ' titir maiden I Can we usually judge of the' right • Was Cod in those days ever pleased eoushess of a ciutse by the character with things which grit 1e him in of the men who advocate it? these .lays ' - " '—"T -Ht' rsrn )toed men etmrebiisee have Verses 5 to How do you explain the to be reutinded of their ;inanities? fact that Absalom and Adont)ah. sons of' is a promise made tinder oath of the same mother and very handsome men, any greater moral obligation tliatn a both turned traitors to their father and to i Jomtse without an oath ? the plans of God : 1 This question must i Verres t 2-aT-ZVhy did-Gtal throng be answered in writing by members of David select Solomon for the (Mine the club.) ( King ? (1. Chinn. xxii.: Sat 1 Are unusual good looks and ah' sty I If a son has all the qualities for a generally it help or a hindr:usq, to , position, does Cod disqualify him fei character ? any sin on the pan of his patents If Absalom and Adonijahl 1 d not \\'hieh is the wiser war to kill an been piunpwted and petted y their inaurr•rtion : with peaceful methods, properly rotifer yto i{Sold motaine.l,her. wbahltt ' add have or to Chap. mp11. itout ni WO? Igbteouenesrt x been the probability as to their char- sure guarantee of suer, .s to every in- acter7 / individual. as well as to a king 'and Here ate two ,prietta1( one on the his people ? aide of the usurper, and the other on What, not withstan ling all his Nimbi - the side of the constituted kingly arc. tions in life, will be man's chief con- tession : is it thinkable that they cern at death ? wets both tielt ut.ilQei.:'.- What had, for the most part, been %Vunld it have been posalile then, the character of Das hr. reign anti i- it passible now. for a true 'fui' What van you say concerning tower of (sat to take sides with those David's parting instructions to Sol - who ata opposiu the plans of Drift ? onlols, concerning the rewards which Verses 11.11-- i'ho was Bathsheba he wanted. to lie imparted ? (,.•fore she was 1 he wife of David ? Lesson for Sunday. Nov ember hh, Notwithstanding the circumstances lfskt-World's Temiwrative Sunday -- of David's marriage to Bathsheba. is Isaiah xxviii, : 1.1:3. Nov. agth, 1903 -World's Temperance Sunday. e Isaiah xxviii.: 1-131 lend become "a crown of glory. and a Oehler' Text - 1 keep 'tinder my diadem of beauty," to t hose who ells bring i1 into subjection. trust hitt for their stimulus, and do . r roe. ix. :27. net drinK ? ti]RS: Ve 1t1 knew- ntattn per iud in tire- -Witrtt -are the- arivimeurt- - of ab world's history, anywhere, when stinence from strong drink ? strong drink has been a blessing? Versa' ti -Why does a none who has L it at all talrsiblt' for a people to 0 ins( cause dislike to have It tried produce wine and strong drink in before a judge under the influence of drink.? is s general who di inke a sate marl to whom to trust au army ? Should a physician who freely -drinks he permuted to practise bis prifese:cin ? Verse 7-11 seems in that day that the "priest and the prophet erred in vision and i.turnhled in judg- ment, through strung drink :' have you ever beard of similar things happening io this day ? Verse s,--Deacrih, the condition of things in a room after a wine ban- quet. ih-s1rrilw the horse of a drunkard. -Verse fi=R'fip T Tt sr ai r .. t o impart practical knowledge la. the tieople on the unto it at tt 'd evils of the drink habit ? \\-hat proportion of the voters are now in favor of the (•dal suppression of the manufacture and tale lit sting abundance. and lie a soler people?- Velse 1-l'p on whorl did the prop- het say the "woe of the drunkard would come? Dan a mint, no matter how 1~111.. fol. or rich, lir clever, retain his at- tractions if he tampers nith strong drink ? 1'pon whom dies the curse of strong drink chiefly fall today ? ilow does the care. of strong oh ink alive' women and childlt•n today ? What proper tion of women who drink stop short of bee. ' g drunkards? _ Ve --- Through their alitttrken- nese,- the people of Ephraim 'weir soon captured and t• %rried into'raptiv- ity-liy the king ref Assyria, but what are the enemies today which bring -woe" to those who are dntnkalds ? What are the evils which a moder- ate drinker has to fear is 1t pussi'h1t inters to per wanent.Iy prosper? Verse ro In what consists our chief Verse :t -How are the drinkers of hope for the suppression of the ravages of t•xday, either literally or tiguratit•cly. the drink habit (Th:s question must be -trodden under foot : ' answered in writing by members of the Verse l - The vall• of Ephraim club I was very licit and pi ix naive, but Iw• Verse 11--1q what way is 1 carne as a "fading flower," through today so loudly proclaiming the eyils drink ; what becomes of the fertile of strong drink :r farms in this country which are iti• Verses 11.13 -\\'heli people are so voted by drunkards ? often warned, and will not take the )1.sti► tong does it take for strong warning. what Renersily is theresolt drink to consume the "glorious Leeson for Sunday, Ds esti, 191S beauty- of either a own or a w n? Solomon Chooses Wisdom, -i. Kings Verse 5 in what way- does the iii. : 415. Dressmakers Prefer INOES---- OOLF-SILK&- as they are unequalled in i,.ength, Strength and Smoothness. EMPTY SPOOLS ARE VALUABLE Ask your dealer for premium list or write ing, Paul & Co., LIMITED. treet, Toronto Fall and Winter Styles is Millinery are shown at MISS CAMERON'S MILL ERN* PARLORS in the most attractive shapes nd . shades. Her stock includes the newest- and m artistic effects. and the inspection of the ladies o Ooderich and yiiinity is cordially int ite.1. MISS CAMERON Hamilton Street, - - - - GODERICH erg ANAOIAN °ACIFIC AI1=Canadian Route Fur informal lou apply 1 K 1 IDD. FALL TIME TABLE CONDENSED NORTHBOUND 7utortn !on A. 1. A.S ' ---lRonnt AEbrt ini7 " 7.1a ^ lIeaverton It.Pt " 7,r1 " Hrechin 11.17 " • -11.15 - " N'aehngn 4414 " alai )lata Parts 11411', 31. toss" I'arry `bund 211t " Pickerel 7,11 " Nndbury . 7:" " SOUTHBOUND 1(t3(t A.M. Toronto S.3n 1'.M 11.M " Mount Albert 3.30i •• a.12 i Ileavettoi 3.21 " 7.M " Itrechin 3.(11 7.11 " t1 *sheen 2.21 " 4Y1 " Gala Park 1.31 " 4011 " Parry >tonnd 11 rat " 1'lekerel 1111 A.M iadbnry 7.111 ., Daily Except Sundays For through tickets apply to aware/it ticket agent. 'rotnnto City (Mesh corner King and Toronto tits, imsd Uaioo Station. mime - Poultry Duster, herBiber fft'ctuial Pxl er't1d 1111' „r of lieu on the Market." .av th.iw who hutye used it, 'and the Iniitilfy won't be wot•riial with limed as directed: 25c package .lt ajIDriggists and dealer; in Poultry t:itlspliee. EMPIRE CANARY DUSTER ,t ill Make yoin Canary happy. rad lid it of all vermin, TO CONSUMPTIVES • • Edward A. NVilem'' Preperatten of Hypophosphites and Blodgetti from the original fin units is I lie Sovereign Rem- edy for Consumption, Asthma, Bronchitis, Catarrh, La Grippe. Coughs, Colds, and all Throat and Lung Maladies. Thousands of people say, they have been relieved by it. Those who have marl it will have no other, and r'eontmend it to their fellow @offerers. It has curet) malty !,ter they were Risen up asincurabie by their physit•ians. The undersigntsi air a consumptive ran testify from his own experience as to Its value. Write at once --'delays are dangerous and mayyrnye fatal. For full particular., (estimonlala, etc.. adlts•ss C. A, ABET T, Soh Agent, no Ann Street, New York City, N. Y, n" see it. FREE! 9IVEN AWAY ! rm. V. F. Cur ih. wind-.,,, tint. Dear Mr.. I •urrah, your fetter of the 24th received to -day. Please and rocketed t.},in for 11 boxer of Orange Lily.. i would not think of discontinuing its me. as I know e1 more boxes will produce a permanent cure. Even now 1 arra an entirely new creature mine. udng O. L. AI Drewnt 1 knnw of two other clime the *ante as thine 'Ilona s.vnd ing leacorrhoeat, and raw you gtvr +ample trial brimw, frac. if 3 n would *end me a few 1 would gladly hand them to u1y friend•, for 1 know 11 will timid ore thesane good remit. In every case I Intend send6g you t ms Amu and teadrnnnikl teeter laser, for I feel we cannot ..ay ton much In favor of Orange IAIy, and know if more of ..tine w*- .,•..I s•nmig atlering soil tnkind the surgeon, knife would be cheated of It. many b1ptlt ne 1- 1h- blond of wafering women. (loping lied may ever hie.' and pro+lwr 1 r in yonr noble work, believe me. ever your .tioere friend, (Mimi H. Mcl:., Merlin. 1'.0 . Kent ('o., Ont. 1ALOFFEB-TO LADLES 1 will *call ten day yrnnnenl of the (Anion. Orange I.i1y Fltr.I' to every mutterer who write•. for It. - Thto H Treatment cure,. wlthont the old of a Pbyvtcinn. It corm Female Weeknow., Leucorrhoea, tumor.. .sewer.. In their caroller et ages. di.pineement., lneeratlnum, painful perfn.t+, pain. in _Lgt2.-i,Jde,,,�r_•.My,..n,� Ireodna down_ senwt inn.. and n11 Irregularltle.. Relitd the following lotion, and be eninvineed of the efficacy of thi- truly wonderful remedy. McrlIn. uWI.. Merril 27, 11111, • 1bougtlt They Ware Cabled for. tisthe tinexprAeil that happens Two lova went mit picking not, mw --mitt maite.afool-of blond/. h. and they wanted to divide them equally between them. s t they went over the fence into the cemetery to - 1411X31. evening and_ ±titklttwii among the tmnbstonls to count the nuts. \Vhile going over the fence they dropped two note, but didn't stop to pick them up.. A man cantle alrnt a1teur aunt iT an -titfPn th.nt t,at-1ng, "One for you and one for tine, - One for you and one for rile," and he h(.'.sttl'• badly frightened and Ivan no ay down the road, and met another npnn, w•hn said : - "\%'hat',' the math 'i•?" The first lush 11(51)1 : "The tiev1I and I he lot.1 are rap in the cemetery divid- ing rap the people." and the second e'en said : "1)h, no, that couldn't be!" The first men ltaf : ''Yes, they are : I heard them." The two men went back to the fence• to listen and heard Them seeing. "One for you and one for ane." "One for you rind one for ole : now that',( ell" and the other bty said, "Except the two at the fence, -end that will be one for von and one for me." The two men lath ran away, as foal la that' (amid, Kingston, Ont., July 1 nth, 11t0 Mar _ Friend,- Same time ago f wrote and told yon the growl-aoo-Tvon" wonderfeT rnedicTOF Tia done for me, Since Ikon fl*vi oiftinued to nae IL and after ave years of ttrrlbtc KulterInli and undergoing three op. rattan., 1 ant completely cured for Orange LIIY. after ualrlg 1t for eight .utTrt--1-raanot -..y ee-nM •h aise ne (tt-prof 13-ff wk,gaw I do, that/z en any women.is -lits city suffer as 1 did. and know mg what it did for me, 1 would like to take the Agency. Will you pleats: send Instructions and terms to Agents t I MI+si O. T., :s et Brock Ktroct. t:ratefullY yours, Address tenclosing 3 -cent stamp) for Fre. Sample. circulars and other testimonial.. Mrs' V. 7, CURRAH, Wlhdr,or, Out. Qlory Unappreciated. William Hanley. a well-known Duluth roller and limbs -man, bili a gond stio•y of hleliens and the importance of personal publicity Ina redskin. Hartley nits in .charge of a big drive on the St. Croix River, and in the vicinity of Taylor's Falls a lig jam occurred. Among the drivers 1 were half -a -dozen Indians. They I were good men on the river and held up their end with the white men. One day, while inspecting the am, Hanley pas•.d thu six indigo.. In a spirit 'rf gold nature he hailed the in- duanx and said : "Break that jsgi, bog., and I'll put your risme* in the paper." 1'gh !" respnndetl one after a name. vis Indiana dead in piper, but we does away with all the dirty work of keeping stoves clean. Nomi'ting-no hard rubbing. " Riack ):night " is always ready to lite --Rhine. quick a. ■ wink - find puts on a bright, black polish that delight* every woman's heart. ligtially good for Stoves, I'ipes, Grates and Ironwork. If rut can't get 'mark Knight' In your nrlghhorhoo,f wad nam. of deal... end Mc for full elerdcst. tl. t 11 e.11sr CO. LlaRia UMW 7911. eat 105 r IMEN111 GIP BARELY POSSIBLE \\'e Admit. bet a sensible idea just the same, to be safe from COLD and CHANGES of the weather ; by wearing a CHAMOIS VEST. Everybody win is siren! of the wrathet should wear. vgr, amt everybody can afford to at our:price!. We have all sins, in several colors, Made in the best styles for L1 comfort, • - Better quality than you probably expect. F. J.' BUTLAND, 1 1 Druggist. GODERiCH " THE STORE THAT PLEASES." FOR THAT COLD Our WHiTE PINE and TAR, with WiLD CHERRY, Guaranteed to cure, 25c per Bottle. HORriHOUND CANDY soc Ib. ROCK CANDY 20' Ib. COUGH DROPS 2 oz. Sc. BEDFORD BLOCK GODERICH, ONTARIO To New Subscribers THE SIGNAL; ND The Weekly Glob to January Ist, 1909, 25 cents to January ist, 1910, (fifteen months) $ 1.60 The Weekly Globe anti Can- ada amada Fortner, with illustrated magazine section each week. is a great store of information attractively presented. 'rimer who want a good general weekly paper will slake no mistake in ordering The Globe. Send your subscription to Vanatter & Robertson. The Signal. Goderich, L Subscribers rew Subscribers ITHE SIGNAL AND AND The Weekly Mail and Empire to January ist, 1909,. 25 CENTS to January 1st, 1910' (fifteen months). $1.60 The \1'eekly Mail and. Eulpire is one of the great Met- ropolitan \Veeklies. Its news columns chronicle the happen- ings of the who a world and its agricultural and home` depart- ments wake it n especially welcome visitor in the country Address, home, Adds, • Yautter 1 itob\trtsrs, _ _ The Signal, (,oderich. 14............. wta>_. sloe as e Special Offer Arrnngetnvnls lace been made With the publishers of 1 he Busy Man's Magazine enabling us to lifter this bright, up- to - the -minute periodical along with The Signal one year for 82.50 The regular sulwcription price of the Magazine alone is *2.011. BUSY MAN'S reprdu.xs thecream of the world's periodical press by cull- ing the live,' interesting and instruc- tive article(, r:ach issue also contains original Canadian articles of interest to, every Canadian. Busy Man's is the kind of Magazine which arouses the reader's interest in the first page and keeps it up until the Hack cover is reached. All thea+,• wishing to keep posted on the live questions of the day should not. hesitate to take ad- vantage of this offer. Address : YANATTER 1 ROBERTSON, I he Signal. G.aferich, Una e• To New Subscribers THE SIGNAL AND The Weekly Sun TORONTO January Ist, 1909, 25 cents January 1st, 1910, (fifteen months) •$1.75 The Weekly Sun is the Farmer's Business Paper, giving most comprehensive market re - porta - and dealing,- each week with other matters of interest and value to the farmer. Send your subscription to Vanatter & Robertson, The Signal, Goderich. I 1 To New Subscribers • THE SIGNAL AND The Family Herald and Weekly Star MONTREAL to January ist, 1909, 25 CENTS it is not, necessary to Introduce The Family Herald and Weekly Star, which it already thornnghiy kn-two in IL this district as a splendid a11 - round weekly paper. Send your sothscription to Vanatter & Robertson, The Signal, Goderich. Ont.