HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1908-11-19, Page 5-1- THE SIGNAL : GODERICH' ` ONTARIO, . • T*.t/k/inAY, Noveluher 12, 1999 Al FACTS FOR SICK WOMEN E. No other medicine has been eo sticloeseful in relieving the suffering of women or received eo many gen- uine testimonials aa has Lydia E. Pinkhsnt'a Vegetable Compound. In every cobununity you will find women bwho have been restored to beaitbeLydia E. Pinkham's Veg- etableone you meet either been bene - Mad by it, or hag friends who have. In the I'inkhetu laboratory at Lynn,llies's, any woman a ny dayalay see the files containing over one mil- lion one hundred thousand letters from women seeking health, and here are the letters in which they openly state over their own /signa- tures that they were cured by Lydia E. Yinkham's Vegetable Compound. Lydia N Pinkham's Vegetable ' Compound has saved matey women from surgical operations. li Pinkham's Vegetable Compound is made from r, ots and herbs, without drugs, and is whole- some and har'mlella The reason why Lydia E. Pink - ham's Vegetable Compound is so succesafnl is because it contains in- gredients which act directly upon the feminine organism, restoring it to a healthy normal condition. Women who, are suffering from those distressing ills peculiar to their flet should not lose sight of these facts or doubt the abihty of Lydia S Pinkhanl'm Vegetable Compound to restore their health. -No Strd -No Shriek The way Stantield's Underwear is, whrn you buy it -is the way it stays until you are ready to -1190p7' wearing it. Staniield's Unshrinkable - _ - Underwear can'i shrink because the shrink is taken out of the wool, before garments are woven. The natural "spring" of the wool pre- vents stretch- ing out of shape. $trinf eld's is the Under- wear for fit and comfort. 142- ------ 41 -_----. CHAS. E. O RIFFITH UPHOLSTERING AND REPAIRING HAiR MATTRESSES RENEWED AND RE -MADE CARPET All orders LAVING promptly Attended to • ('harire, moderate Repair Booms: rine door West of 1'. .1. Barprr:4 Stove Store, West StreeL lteddenre-k'Igin Avenue. 0O1)I':Rit'H. ONT Good roceries Real good Groceries Only good Groceries Cheap considering the quality Everything fresh and seasonable Ring up 'phone No. 91 Immediate attention to your order Everything delivered promptly Sturdy & Co., THE GR CES N THE SOUARE. PEN AND SCISSORS. I/.,.. Meld well thy work in hand town day to day. Bring lu thy toll an ever cheerful mind, lift uuly they are biassed who learn the way To useful service there contentment tied. The grudging task degrader the laborer's eon!. Betrays the guidance of the skillful baud, Tempts fait ability with dally goal To bitter waters In a desert land. rluvice beautifier lb mental youth : T is be thy gospel underneath the sun - ln the uuswertlug sacred oyes of truth That work 1s worthiest that host le duos. Miss MacPherson, in her bupk, Scenic Miel,rs and Battlefield* u( French Canada, gives her version of the supposition that early Spanish navigators exclaimed on landing up - 1)11 the then unpromising sleeve of Canada. "Aca Nada," -- "nothing here"- tulle* the name Canada. "An objection to this et,molop " says n writer in The New lurk Timer. "is that the Spanish 'acs' is not 'here,' in the sense used, but rather 'hither,' while 'aqui' is 'here' or 'hereabouts.' Moreover, tides* writ- ten down at the time, the expression wouki hardly have horn preserved. Neither -dons [tie -Urn -an wird 'Kan- natba-'a collection of huts - you cite aa the commonly accepted original form of 'Canada' seem very satisfac- tory. However, the name is very like Spanish, if pronounced with the widdh• syllable accented, and anyone familiar with old Spanish maps and early Spanish map -making will rind it a utotw reasonable suppgositirro, which alae has ita adherents. that •Ties.da Cantina' --'land canyuned or gullied' ()I•-'Tierru de 1a Canada' -- 'land al --- valley or gorge' (of the St. Lawrence or some other river entering the gal( of Ihat navel -was note) in the reap of tin early historic Spanish voyage from the wast Indies up the Atlantic coast.- red- int,. the Gulf ..t fit.- Lawr- ence to find a northwest pas*age. • ••$uch original and authoritative 'Hapm were properly held to be of great value ; and, when copied for srbsequ4'nt navigators, the notes made upon throe became part of the new maps, and thus the nomenclature way perpetuated.`"�' T They t.•lI this Mrkry about an absent- minded dentist - nut in Uodericb, but somewhere else. A young lady whom ire had long but secretly admired came to hila one day to have\ a molar extracted. He admini*teredthe proper anaesthetics mud *et to work. But when the fair 1tinsel recovered consciousness she found that be was slowly bet steadily WdUug oiit-.aa..•._tt ,y"_.wftee-ese. other, saying dreunuly as he IooaeJ at Pile : .l "She lover t/i. ! She doves roe not ''• 4 .t/Pli.r 1 . rr.,rnr.. A ,toady job that peps me well. A pleasant horse In w hid, to dwell. A raincoat when it, raining A liver that is ideas. right. A never failing appetite, The wit to *Ry ming. [kat are -Wants And 1 will sunt complaining. _ A chatter to I ras el now and then. The friendship of my fellow -men. The luck to never stumble : Hair that will not forsake my be,cd. A to that never may tarn ret, 'weet.dreaau when 1 crawl into brat, - And 1 will never grumble. A manner that the ladles like, The strength to knock out when I strike, A bright run ass ma statues ; A little Maher e. ery day, Youth that will or, er wear away, Three limes a year a raise of pay. And 1 will cense repining. To have I hat which I want without The sorrows of delay or doubt. A tongue that s uev er furry : To be from worldly cares so free That other *nen will envy mc, - To wake each utcrning filled with glee, And I will severs worry. The elective of '.". H. Tett to the Presidency of the United Staten is another instance of the many cases w e orather herein -in cult t a common belief - the occupant of that high oglee ha, not made his way from a "lug -cabin to the NVhite House." As a 1114tter of fact. there have [leen only three Presidents who have actually been cradled in poverty -Abraham Lincoln, •Andie•w Johnson and (iar- fleJ,l. Of the remainder, eleven hove leen .sons of distinctly well-to-do parents, while the others have been born in comfortable hemnee. Wash- ington was a man of long pedigree ; John Adams wash Harvard graduate, and Lather of John Quincy Adepts, one of his euccee,ors at, the White House ; JetTerson'e father teas a rich planter ; Madison's, a large land owner ; at nineteett James Mourne waaan army captain, andnt the [tame age Harrison was an ensign : Tyler was son of a judge and Governor Fillinote of a justice, and Pierce of a major -general ; and eo on through the long lint, all, with the three excep- tions mentioned, having had et least a fair start in life. ;y ;I hen hath,- r nor, 14, /,s4. 55.. all look on with anxious eyes %When tether CP r s es the duck, And mother almost always slghs- Whedmleer egrVilti the deer.- ' Then e11 of un prepare to rise And hold oar bib+ before our e) os, And he prepared for .on,a eurppri.e When father e rsewIhedeck. He braces op and grabs a fork %Vhene'er he cars c- a dnek, And sons allow a mid to talk 1'111111m'. reeved 1 he dock. The fork 1s jabbed into the rides. Across the bre,,[ the knife he sliders And every careful lernn hides Frani flying chit- of duck. The pleetor ninny. seams to slip When father carves n dock. And how it makes the di -hes skip, I'nttones fly ntnn^k The splash and ,abbsgn lone In space. We gel some gravy a�f1tr our fare. And fattier mutters )podia grace w'henS er he carves a duck. lye (ha. have learned to wnik around The dinlageonm, andluck Frnm off the window sill. and walls char share of tethers duck. While father growl. and blow. end laws, And swears his knife was full of flags, And mother jaws a1 him Menne, lie coolant entre the dock. ,.('orae Where My Love Lies Dream- ing," with Mistral ed cover. "Trust Her Not," for fifty eeins, "1 Would Not Live Always," with- out arcompsniment. " Aete the Conquering Hem Comes," with full orrheatra. "There R'aa a Little Fisher Maid- en," in three parte. 'The Tale o' a Swordfish," with many scales. • "Rome, +tweet Home," in A Bat, McGILLICUDDY APPEALS. Outcome of Case Regarded as Moral Victory for The News. Calgary, Alta., Nov. 12. --The Daily News, in view of Mr. McGillicuddy's appeal to the Supreme Court of the Province, feels the carr to be suhju- diee. and was therefore not ie a posi- tion to make a direct editorial cone anent today. Tee fact that the jury added a rider advising The Eye Opener to be suppressed if filthy matter is pub. limbed in future, combined with Judge Ileck'r coodemuation of the paper ss "debasing, corrupting, and immoral," and the releasing of the defendant true the payiug of conte, is regarded by McGillicuddy as a strong moral victory, practically as good ee 1111 acquittal se far se the policy of The Daily News is conoeriei. The editor it west confident as to the success of an appeal. Leave to appeal xva, granted to the court en bout, which meets un De- cember 1st, which will decide if the jury had power to decide on the plc.[ of justification. Stay of payment of the fine MIN granted to December 15. Edwards ray* • nothing, only an- nounces that the nest issue of The i:yeOpe'ner will be on November 21. The Calgary Newasaye, in theeotiese nt12th an art arele in Ha issue of November The verdict of the Jury is, to say the least, somewhat peculiar, and as it has been appealed to the higher court The Daily News will not comment mum it but will merely reproduce it: (1) We find the defendant guilty of litk•1, 121 We find that the plea of justiflca• bion bas not been sustained. Further, we, the jury, as- citizens of Calgary, desire to place on record our eiharane mud illustrations which have floe time to time appeared in The Eye Opener, and we respectfully beg you' lordship to caution the publisher to re train in the future from publishing auuh- oheeene literature; Nhntrations, etc., and, failing this. that the paper be mania essed. 11 nothing mother hal •been are !dished by The Daily News the Work done and the money expended were good investments. The jury's rec - inendatien along this line dog" them credit and obliterates any felllittg f resentment that (night exist i1) the mind of the detend.nt against the ver- dict. It is something tb know that in Calgarj~ at least six good uirn and true. Most of vthoru personally knew the prosecltof,-sworn to do what they believed to be right "place on record their disapproval of the ube.t•ne'Iitera- torr and illustrations which have from .torte to thele--appeere•t1 in The stye Opener," and ask the judge to caution the publisher• against future publica- tion of the- same• "and, failing this, that the paper be stippressut" 1be time was that if anybody d "set to streak about The Eye Opener in tones of sen*err it was dole wilt bated breath. I'od sy all of that is past and a public body in the public int est and in their capacity an citizens of Calgary du nut hesitate to per, the her sinister upon the eat:utrltelutof the paper in question. - 'I'his is not all. Mr. Justice Heck ha,: something to lav on the Nuhject and fails not where his duty to the public ie inmtvet its referring to Elie Eve Opener he says : •'It, however, in may /pinion, sit L1 fa -hey -Id _ Itis npinl(n1 of most of others -certainly in the opinion of the jury, because they have *kid so -is a paper which has isd'n exercising a debasing anis corrupting and de- ru .ializing influence on the comuian- itv, and the publisher of it in• any opinion, entitled to very little con sWeratlon." ' - -- All of which gonitweh Iv, that The- Daily heDaily News was right in. the main when it ettaeked. as the lv trned judge says, "it paper whish h b' en exercis- ing is debasing, corrupting and do - moralizing influence on the contmun- ity and the publisher of which is en- titled t•) very little a milder 'ti in." A feather pillow encovit,I was out of the question, and The Daily News shone the weapons that would mike the most impression suit prove most effective. The snake has been scotched, if not killed, and no decent pereen in Al- berta will fail t,4'+ IN• duly thankful. W. ACHESON & SON I he Howell Hardware Co. MEN'S AND WOMEN'S FUR COATS. MEN'S FUR COATS Our ver)' (urge purchases of .Rio's Co kis this Reason comprise nearly 1)114' hundred galulenty. The big buying ole int great c1)mces.i 01 in twelves, rind 00 values in the Canadian bueiite.s, ('1111 surpass our quutatienr, quality considered. Men's Wombat Coats, Men's Walloby Coats, Men's China Dog Coats, trachan Collar, $20.00 to $28.00 $25.00 to $30.00 with 'As - $15.00 to $22.00 Men's Coon Coats, - $50.00 to $56.00 Men's Black Calf Coats, Fancy Collar $28.00 LADIESASTRACHAN LAMB COATS Fo ty new to aetw•t from Fine, ivant-curl.-well watoltt:l--skins, and lined with heavy English Satin or Italian cloth. Coate -are quality go trantend. • LADIES' FURS, OUR SPECIAL Sable Boas. 72.iuchea long. full l urtest arid sees; barge, ao.l it iron eight lards: tails. /iamb/rime and stylish, r.•al vale.' $12 on, for ja co Largest nex pillow -1h ape Muff. Cl 11) itch, a , b,• r..al value $3.00, for $i:oe SATURDAY AND MONDAY BARGAINS Wool Blankets MARKET REPORTS. Forty pairs Dioubie H1anketa- IY1 I,o_&L. Clean. foe.. xt.wde ,.ndr.,n...r.a �f Ow• hent mulls. iVhite, with Pink ur Blue border. or Grey wild fan••y border Regular value, $3.75 for $2.75 Ladies' Coats and. MNsest Coats Fitt} mrd' -Length cloth_ Coats, -1lauver an:l_ lt..av-y-Twrwi. Rt111- throughout. Rrald-triulrued, and many with silk vela et Collars. Prices were from - $5.00 to $12.00 rack. These coats are not unfaehionabie, lend ole x positive. bargain, aril w4' invite Dur 10081 discriminating custoulars C• - inspect titan. Two 104 .4 011 wile, at $s.00 and $4.oe eaeh:-- W. ACHESON & SON one ,.elected load wan sold by Corbett & wren inn.e of 11 w•Pf!k nen: P'P4 d 11,11011 Dail at 16.16 per cwt. 14ulis sold from was wrest rr,-m-In.d.) peckers and .1 alerts 61.75 to $4.00,,the latter price._ being obtain- n 1 nates '1 eel••eted l,ts ever% ora. at eke by Dunn & [.evaelt-ter one ebelee Y..0 86.7b to SG .rn per Cwt., wentMr.! ofr Cu Ib. bull i East Buffalo Cattle Market' Butchers, Prim perked lot. If butchercattle:sold EAST llt'Y4'A1,0, N..v. 16-Cattlel-1te- about as bah as the- best exporter,-. at L t..rnel.t•brt_nn 14o >L5; loads of good. .30 to 64$ ma- � down, $4 to $4.2.5: common 5150 to 6L7:1, rows, $2.50 to 111.^5: Panner. 11- to T2. Feeders sled stackers. --FT:.1r W,--6f.Mr-report-+4i11f#t-4Padr-4w feeders and Mockers. Should I!ere he n !aus's: delivery It looks as tho every class excepting thl; 1 ".t ni fe-sl.' '. night go lower in price. :twerp. Mn1•t*y -ewe price. same as last wee':. i1) fnll'ws: Rc."t feeders, 950 to 7(1,0 lbs earh, •.1 L"•.m to 64: brat feelers- e'.. to Mo lbs. each, at 1140 to 6.7.71; bent Mockers, 64'4 to 60 the each, at tl to 63.40: romr.,w. and mentum stockers. 62 to 62. n - Mflke*e sees frr[etcees, About 10 mllkerw •.nd ?r.'n.ers sold at MO to 685 each, All good to .'Omar milk- er and forward springer, foundready sale, but tato- ,prlrgers and sight eorn- mon inferior rows were slow ante_ - -- - -. --- ----. YFST' Cale... - nide a • veru floated number of nal• calves wan offered and ernes, were un - per cwt. Sheep wad Lambs., The tr.ie in ,herr and Iambs le atonal - h• r'nwing larger at this market. over 4'm finding ready sale to -day. Besides the whattoirs. 1"aars: Dunn and T.evack are always on- hand to take nit offered. Trade In sheen and Nmhse was *lenity. Export ewer, sob! af• ?T.71•11 To.69. k1• rams, 62 to 62.51 per cwt : lambs, $4 to 6450. or an average tN-6640 per cwt. Rosa. - _a_. A. predicted by 'r'•,. world nn Friday I00 prteen were 'a little fornater. Dunne. Tlmfte4, reported r.l.rt., fed end waters 04 at masker. 66.± and M f n.h. rare, to drovers at --entry point*. Mon:real Live Steele MONTREAL, Nor. 111.-plperlal. l -At the M.-atr.at. Aturk Yards west 14nd Ma/ket 11.• TScrl pis of live stock for the• "(.1 endleit Noe. 14 were 34M rattle, t:3m sheep and lambs, 24':r) hogs and 404 rutile.. The offerings for local Consnmpltnn Olin morn- tna.-venMMed of 1:100 (-Attie. 1519) sheep and Iambs and ^n) calves. There was no ac- tual rhange to the condition 111 the mar- ket for rattle ,Ince this day week, prices being firmly maintained for good to ehnise stock ,,t account of the continued- Iimlt- ed supply coming. forward and the good demand for the ramp local buyers: There, was Ono a good enquiry from exporters, --6St IlTey round if- LT(rrawt to fill their wants of chole, rind were obliged to buy -several iota of light weights In order to Liverpool Wheat Futures Dull, Chi- eomplelr their shipments. lout supplies of medium and common cattle were nm." cago Lower -Lints Stock- - pl', for which the demand wan rood, and Latest Quotations. on the whole an active trade was done. Cahle ndvlres from Llvert,.'nl on Satur- Monday Evening, Nov. 16. day staled that trade was v. ry stow and the market weak with prl. ','l4' to 154c Winnipeg Options. - DOT M. tower than -a week nen; sates of a Following are the closing quotations on few choirs t,eevr, hire erre made at tier Winnipeg grain features: god.),( 4t4c_ to .0{,e; fair, nt 3'4c to 4c: Wheat -November 61.0154 asked, Deccan- common. it 2'5.• to 3'•c, and Inferior at her 461kr bid, Ma)- 61.011, Old. Be to 2yc per Ib. Oa[s-Nurcmber 'CN t.• bid. 1 •'•rembar aro- ---X Tallinn prevailed 411 the market asked. for lambs an prices show no ('longe front a week �Ro. Supplies were fairly r Toronto Grain Markets. Inrge, for which the demand from loyal Wheat, fall, bush i0 M to 1.... -Raver* Wheat, red, bush Wheat. goose, bush Rye, bu,hel Buckwheat. bushel Pea* bushel "Barley,,i u,b1 Oat., bushel 0 44 .,.. to .s• per Ili., as to quality and sire. Toronto DairyMarket. There were about 3000 hogs on IOP mar- ket thin morning, but In spite of lids fact 2.5 and the continued weak ndviees from 22 .8 European aduraea.. on Canadlass-.-Imeriewsa M %Mel, noted a further decline to puking of 30 1s to 4, per cwt.; 1 firmer foelhte devrlap- 30 ed In the market -end values ehow nn ad - 24 veyhee,pf 5(: L'+ IOe per ',wt.. sib comrsred done. Choice Intl sold at 5c to Sae, and 0 93 - .... growl, at -454n 11).4'4.' per 4b:,. the -trade -ft 0 All .... 1•heej5 Was fate and prlee•s were neettiingea 0 46 - ,.., at 1%04' to 47 for Roast to clud.•e -1.4*,-end- 0 at 3'yr to 3554c for culls per II,. The de - o w e *5 -mint-for sires win rather sine, of 214,! 1.i iniad Have several SNAPS in S,l;t't►N1l-11:1NL STOVES and HEATERS One large Baseburner grates and fire -pot in first-class shape, •$16.00 One 918 Reservoir Range, burned less than two years,, sold because owner was moving away. We will sell this at a bargain. Another Range will be sold at $10,00 Another Stove at $8.00 On several wood heaters we will give a cash discount of ten per cent. Let us supply you - with whatever you need in Ranges and Heaters. ' SOLE AGENTS FOR THE PANDORA Howell Hardware Go. Limit. d. t A chocolate confection of rich milk choco- late and fresh shelled walnuts. Simply exquisite. In i:: and ? pound cakes. THE COWAN CO LIMITED, TORONTO. 111 Rutter, separator, dairy .. 0 24 Rutter, *tors Iota 0 22 Butter, creamery, solids ., 0 7+ Rutter, creamer)'. Ib. rolls0 77 F.gge, new -laid. dozen 0 29 Eggs, cold storage 0 Z3 Cheese. biro.. Ib 0 1354 .... Cheese, twin. Ib 014 l-toney, extracted 010 011 Honey, combs. dollen 1 75 2 75 Liverpool Grain and Produce. 1,IVERPOOL, Nov. 1e-Closing-vl'heat, *pot firm; No. 2 red western winter, -x 11%4d. futures. _luiet; Dee., 75 1114.1 March, ,s 9tid: May, 7. Mad. Corn, sod Ameri- can mixed mute[. s; futures. quiet; Jan, 6e MO; Mar. h, 5s t',:d. Peas, Canadian ,teeady, 7s 75,44. flops tri London. Pacific Coast, firm, (3 5. to t3. Items. Short cut, quiet, 46s 60, Bacon Cumberland cut, easy, Ma; short ribs. quiet, 58. 6d. Chnulder; square, quiet, 41. 6.1, New York Dalry Market. NF;W TORE, Nov. 1e.. -Rutter --Steady: receipt*, 3117; creamery, .p.rlals, 31.1 to ,8M,4c; extras, tic to 291.4e: third to ftrt, 2.': held, second to special, 2se to 2tty4r-.; stale dairy, common to flnaat 2,k nnt. e'hwee- Firimer; receipt a, -MI6: state, Rill rreatn. Mecham, 14c to 11c! 110., Hop - October email, colored or white fancy, 161tr: do., large, 124e: do.. October Penult roror/l or white Ment, 18.'; do., large, 12%1)'; good to prime, 1154c to 1214r: lo., common to fair, 10%. to 11540; atoms. 2c to 11c. F.gos-F7rmer; reeeteta, 4491' Mate,lsMtn- *vlrania 1104 nearby fancy *sleeted white. 44,- to 50r: dn.. fast to chillre. Tw1 to It: brown and mixed faliry. 40Or: .' to c; An . fair to choice. 364'. to sic: western Brat, 33e to 34r; ascend, 6151 to CATTLE MARKETS. Cables Unchanged -Cattle and Hogs Steady at Buffalo. LONDON, Nos. 15- London rabies for cattle are *toady at 1154•• to 13.' per lb , dressed weight, refrigerator fleet he mint- ed at 11.' to 11%r per Ib. Toronto Junction Live Stock. TORONTO JUNCTION. Nov. 16 -- Reteipts of live stock at the Union Stock Yards were larger than /or some time peat, MS carloads. com- posed of 1790 cattle, 5 hogs, 622 sheep and lamb*, 31 *Alves and 7,1 hose*. a Catoret Mears sem from 6166 In 66. sad Only those who suffer from piles oan know the agony, the burning, throbbing, shooting, stabbing painswhichtbisailment causes and the way it wrecks the sufferer's life! Zam-lluk is blessed by thousands who4i ;ed to suffer from piles, hut whore it has cured. One such grateful person in Mrs, Elizabeth Taylor of Greenwood Avenues Toronto. Nhe ears : "For four long years 1 suffered acutely from bleeding piles. During that time I spent an immrngo amount of money on 'remedies' and doctor's prescriptions I ut I got no ease. 7-am•Buk was differ- ent to everything else I had tried and it cured mo. I am grateful for the rmre, and as I have never had piles once since, I know tato cure ie permanent." A Mn A. E. Gardiner, of Catelina Trinity Bay, She, says : "In my case Zam-Buk eBee- ted a wonderful cure. For 12ears I had been troubled with blind, bleeding and protruding piles. I had been tieing various kind, of ointments, etc.but never ram* •cross anything to do me good until I tried lam -Auk which cured me! That this may he the means of helping some sufferers from piles to try Zan ilak is the wish of one who hu found great relief." 7Am-Rnk I, a purely herbal balm and ehwtld be in every homer -Corsa oats, burns, brnlww., e,zena, ulcers, blood• Bineranng.itdh co:d-eot• hands - and all diseases and Irjurice of the skin, etc,All druggists and stores at'60ebex, or rom 7Am•lfuk Co., Toronto, for mice. 17lo.341*40441i t lZ rr+twf•7 '[RrcLTloN 4 ,[RfrcTION ' /[arm TION Dad says, you can't get enough of a good thing. My mother says, there's nothing better than Mooney's Perfection t Cream Sodas Keep your pantry shelves stocked with " Mooney's "-they are always fresh and crisp. ME MONET OISCIIT • CANT CO, 4,1111100. Stratford, Hammen, Otttawa, Sydney, W. nn.peg, Calgary Vancouver. 113 Happy Thought r-_ g Ringe The perfect,results of 4'n, fel culinary luultr}• efforts, the true delights of lne cooking, are known only to the users of HAPPY THOUGHT RANGES. The fire box is the life of the range, the oven is the heart. Don't you tTiitilt they bo propor- tioned in size the oi0' to the other? The Win. • 1'• a e aui'er- eat sired bre buxir-fill' each different sized oven. I f the -tare ►X --i -ton -lard tw Te oven the 'lineffic- iency. No other maker seems to know this, or if he does, he do, sn't carts. The fire box in each size` of the " Happy Thought" is scientific- ally proportioned to the size of the oven, it is so in each variety of the range. This is im- portant, you `won't 'find it- aniwhere -else- soun(ls simple bit took study and experiment to perfect. • \ - THE RADIANT HOME HEATER is proportiouej along the same lines and will give more heat for the me_atnount of,coal than any other heater on he market. - Call and see our large assortment of these stoves and have explained why they are better' than others. The hest is tho cheapest. We have a number of secondhand ranges and heaters at splendid values. In SHELF and HEAVY HARDWARE, our Mock is as complete as you will find in any city. A carload of FRESH NATIONAL CEMENT .lust i1). we still have some of the lit IYille' at $I.75 per barrel kit We have EUREKA ROOT= HRF.ADERS at $12.00 each. Plumbing, Heating, Eavestroughing and Electric Light Wiring promptly attended to and all work fully guaranteed. Store 'Phone 22 House 'Phone 112 CHAS. C. LEE t 3 i