The Signal, 1908-11-19, Page 44•tilenellt*e0VAV4t 40,4 it'.3444.4.A.431..4, ar *Ntite, ""198awkIlaurarillEtalml4elcuarrAPP.Jar'wwer"`", 77"rIfTret, ottieer. toktf0,401747-r.vr.• .71-4372/7, . 4,4 I emeieerea'el;wriv40.4.' TtieltaDalt, November 1U, 1908 THE SIGNAL : (701 DERICH. ONTARIO Cankers on Apple Trees A Matter to Which Fruit Growers Should Give Prompt Attention. fk !fr Many Ontario apple-growere have too large. especially on the Dna, and complained that ati unusually large ertecheo, they should he neatly cut-, number of branches are dying on out with a knife or olatiie sheep instils- I their older apple trees and not a few meet until the healthy bark is 1 of the younger trees have been killed i•each...1. 'rhe wounds thus made must outright. The trouble liste usually be disinfected and painted with white hetet attributed to sun -scald ausl teed (free from turpentine). The oyster-ehell scale, Inverdigatiens painting should he t•ejwated next Oda autunite however. have shoed pp( jog to mak,. „,,e, that tte that the greater part of such damage gets into the w.ionals. The hest dis• nun be traced to cankele, canine] infect ant to tow it, gm sotilituAtt. either by a fungus dieetiee itteevii 2122 til the strength (4 01122 pert of this see. black rot Or a bacterial eiseese knot: it stance by weight ts, Loss parts of ats pear blight, tire blight, or twig eater. Any 24.1 oggist will supply the Wight. The bled: 2421 211112(11(4 also thesubstence awl ('21(2(9121bow to ineee it I leaveand fruit. causing the fatter to ; up. The materiel will coat Ludy 41 fee; tot. Oso n the rt..k.w tit the rotten cents. A wooden or glass vessel must fruit little Week pustules or pimples used instead ot iron and tin, as the almost one-third the sire (1( 24. pinhead substani e Will 1•01'raile these. Om. appear after 14 14.2.0'. These pimples • reeve sublimate is iteasily poieon contain spores which when oet free I when taken iutervilly. so care must art. Carrie( by the wind from tree to. be .tek.en nut 1,212114.0W aulythitig tree and help spread the disease in the elt•ink the liquid, and to wash thor. rummer. Eitime kiwi of canker temele the veeeel teem.. using it lei tarps branches or at tht• main in dininfe..t the wound with (A DVERTISEM ENT) cause diseseed ureas on the trunk and any whet. porpone. The best way to which diem*. a ceuker is algae. It s not easy to tell in ..vety close to otiblitnete is 8011111y to tie a litth• - sponge'. or a small pad ..f cloth 011 OW A blight canker, however, open be. epd of a Stick and. after dipping it in - gins by attacking & water -sprout and to the liquid, it ash over the surface running down it into the truiik. of the %% flume This will kill ,any kittst crotch or main branch and terming 14. Of 10•1111 whatever. large dead 6141 there. This time of To %toed MT cankers for the future year such 214 2*). CALLOW. by blight are, itis.ueceseare ; tie To peevent its usually distinctly 1)14111.4.121 (24.! from the as possibh• injiit y 2.• 211 122 by such healthy hark by a crack between the rnest'I' 118 telitiriff Off the hark by two, and by the diseaaell bark. iteingreeltellet Pee, or (0 leer implements or • darker 'brown- in e"lor than the by loot. in clitnhile.. If wounds are healthy hark and slightly shrunlen. ' 1101110, in this way. they sboul( be dis. As a rule the surface of blight canker', infected and painted it nce. ; otLiet is fairly smooth, not rough. checked -wise they let in the • germs of the or blackened, and is free from pimples,. disease. Cankers usually nt art feetiu pleas, in old rankers _where other 'wounds 2 f 1.11M 1411111, 1101101 smut, dig/0,410S have got 4.0 21(114. caused (hrs.*. times their may he very solidi. Sun - The black rot clinker. on the other scald in jeries ale. Allow ranker Reims hand, is as tv rule net distinctly to enter. hence young trees should he ',irked off by a crack between it and proferred against sun -scald lay .oine heatthy hawk. The eentral. part., tote4-444-444111-k140411.14. • Jelly tf more a than a-yer old. is purpose. • • y somewhat swollen and the 2. WateCspreoits shriold be kept. off ough, Islack and checked. Orb the tomes andmain blanche, be - the sinoether *naives, there cause. as sped atr. the blight ilis- always tie found 1111110e1.00A. r often rilleklm 41 otte of these and little blac pinIpIee or pu22tule:4 'about 11141 ts the canker I>t3211aw,. A few min - one -third the size of the hys.41. 01 a pm. tips ,w111 usually so 'cc to re move alt These are the places where spores ore 21).• 6VM4l-sprouts fro 1(11)- oteisefey produced that spread the dis•oise in tree I 3. Th.: trees most et carefully the spring of the year. Both kinds of cankers may live over splayed with. Borile.i iix ix Liu,. and at. and continue to spetril pains taken t. that the ij .111 est use hai-k part 0 will near from y increase in size. This is espevially trunk's *ud Maui II141114•11011 true of black rot canker. though often enghlye covered wit h the It this its well as the other may die out The first praying ‚.Mould lie do at the en 4. of the first year. The berm.. the leafloids horst. the diseased arms may be smell in either a few days Leh», ib -4. .14.4seeitt4. 4 n114. Lie I tit 41.1.1_11 1 VI -00k, fli •r kind or again it may include the I i si 1 -, i i whole of the trunk and part of the enes• of the hies, .110 hay,. Nilet brancheeor may run for several feet , Hell alissund of Perk atterll ,111/1114.1 I logng a single branch. Iii yid trees 21.2,4., 4. In e lidi barrel ot lloeleaux and only the branches are at eackee. .,AIe whole kept well agita. ted n bile . tip it y ing. The spraying will then. 12.24 . MCM NI:Nr.(4. I only 41.2 a weed deal .. to keep olf Where a tree is too badly att ticket . cesikers but eel also kill most of th.• to give any het* of ita Te.cnveung 21 codling rnii1 h. 1 wbielreau, 111.' wutim,. should be cut down end burned as - apples', the ei e ear . ase•berrers, pinto: goon es possible. for °thereina . the . ce•-erei cr.,. oink.- st ere), bed disease will emend from it even 224i24 ii. 11041 10.211A ii..10.1' 1114.44 And in though the tree it'lt. bi. dead' in a flownn _ ill esee.,_ t le A ipples fe re the same way dead ot• dying beam -hes • f...4i, t....,,e. .22,E, the ,.i.,.harai,,t,, should a he cut off nw al laned either ; 24144,01') t, .,. so1 . et A e 11.1 rn for the ti....• this fall or early next spring. taking • athi 444 221.., . spent iii the Gum of particular pains 12.. see that the .111- is 14,..,..iiii..1„ l.',.- m1,1 Ikp,s 2. 1(1)d baler anade :several inthes below any irrnee feet. C 11 •• 'hook! 4., taken in ever': of the diseased area- All en(' t,el." ease to 6.44 1 Ilia i 11.1.1411:14Villp: i4 1 ilM - made should be dininfes•teth l in e 2,, i g Illy ilime at 1 le• time, mennd tioe. manner described below anal then tyrehmd., that L'e'tpr_nr.i.k. pointed. 1f bine le 'lime the 1."*.t. will primil and spiiived have been an foud n not injure them. Where a wavy t„ le. vet, ,,,,,,ei ie.. /affected with stub is left after cutting off the • •ets ker 111 ;21 1)112144't hat are neglected. cankered part of a branch it can he i . L. CAESAR. cut afresh in the spring and grafted, - - Where Abe- easekeneleaceas axe tulle Agreed)) u,..4 . • _ _ - r. • PRESBYTERIAL SOCIETY 1 )1erities, medical missionni y Illo(1at). China, told the • audience of the medical week in HitIlitn. Dr. Annual Meeting at edlinnna'rdie-Suc" Menzies is 14 Mall 44 stiong iwrsterislits- cessful Sessions1 and he gale to his audience in a con- cise and straight f..r.ent-,1 manner farts that .were intets•sting end full of knowledge of his great work. On motion of R.04'.. Mr. Larkin a ery 20123 2)' vote.id thanks. w1t:4 given the Eirrontidville ladies for the very sflIcient ettlet•taintstent they lied affdtded. -The-next . held in St. Andrew'. etitrreh, }Myth. The annual meeting cif the Huron Presbyterial Society of the %Vermin's Foreign Missionary Society WA+ held in Egmondville Presbyterian ,hit, ch on,Tuesday of last week. There were three sessions. morning. afternoon and et -ening, ane they were all ,well attended. The morning was devoted to the reading of reports and the election of officers. The reports f r(1(tn to• atixiliaries and mission bands were interesting and encouraging and showed that excellent W,o-k was being done for the cause of misisions. There are twenty auxiliaries and nese sion bands, with it membership of 733. The total value of clothing sent Co the Northwest mission fields was mune- what over VW, while the tote' con- tributions from soxiliaries was 41,780.19, and from mission binds 1iti0.62, making)" t mai of $2,1019 /M. an increase over last year. Th.. foilne are .the eontribinimic front the intli- eidual auxiliaries : Auburn. $31121; Hayfield. $47.5si ; Make. $24 $121.144 Rriteetieht, SISO,:iti ; Clinton. IWO harionntiville, 162'4 Exe'er, 831.50 : COO : Oselerich townshise Wee ; Hensel!. $I4.10.147 Hill.; therm $4.1i7 ; Kirkton, $57.50 ; Leeleirn, $'25 ; Lonilegborm Burns church. 1671 : McKillop, $21.10 forth. 12111.011 ; Fltnit $130,01i Thames Road; $12e Verna: $2t %Anion bands - Hayfield, $et 75 : Blyth. $52.84: itrueetteld, $27.25 : heistrieh, $4t1.15 •fferreitle gal WI .Kippen, $40.31 Settf.wth, 11 et bare Kirkman, 1.1(1 414. 1 Steaferth. Hatiohine, fasen2.4. „Ti1111111011 Road, 1115.30.... The °flicks were all re-pleettaldf The 'tidies or . the leg church 'provided dinner and 1244 (01 the delegates in the 110/M11.11( Everyone 44'114 loud in prelim!) of the hospitality shown by tile good 4.14011(e Of the coneregation. The tablet. were bitten with goo I things, which, it is needless to say. all en- joyed. At the rifterneou meeting the pro- . gram contested of ti Sible reeling by Mrs. Larkin. of Sesfor h.. amnia1 address by the pr.siderit, an address by Rev. J. IL Menn. of Alabama, the delegate from the Presbytery. 24.041 1411 address on "Open Doors it, lissnane' by Mrs. tioforth, of linnets, Chin*. Mr*. Goforth has been -engaged in mission work in China for men'. years. She teld very simply and frlainly the story, of the work being done by the missionaries in Ronan. ot it. disconrneements and its joys, end am (hoer present listened to her they could not bu1 tie ihnpired to greeter seal for the great work of M1141141119. Mrs. Hamilton, of fiodericie gees the closing words to the ronventien. while Mn. Cantwell, of McKillnp. and Mess Isabel feeote of Seaforth, each VIVO a ?Mai men. In the evening, when the meeting _was a public one, the church was filled to-ovegliovring. Rev. N. Shew acted al chairnien. Rev. J. A. Artsrls,n, of Goderich. the delegate from the Presbytery, gave 4.4. stirring address on "WOuseten Work for Mission...* Ma- lik WM rendered by Miss Mpr est, Lighthouses Open Till December 15th. The Canada Gazette announees that all Canadian lights aid fog al arms in Lake Sliperioe will kept in (Mere - Don this autumn until the loth 01 December, with the except ien of Cariboo Island, which nviy DIA he kept in operation later than :ith De- eember. subjeet to weather eondit ions, or early closing of navigation. Mar- hiers meet not rely ern finding any of -hose lights, ile-operatign Woe than th.• dates above ',peel tied fin- closing. All Cenadien lighte and tog femme in Lake Huron, Georgian Bay. Lake StCIttir. Lake Fere, Lnire ()Marin and cootie ling Seater* will be kept in (sperm ion until 1,411 December, ex- cepting Lonely ef'sland, Western Is- land and Red Rock lights, in Georgian Hfre, may eleewl on tire 44411 December it navigation closes eat ly. The hell buoy markleig Jennie Gra- ham shoal, off Meat Duck Iseind, Lake Hurote which broke away rout its mourings on the 311th September. 11214. will not be replace I position until the "petting of navigation in Vette 1i ABOLISII TI1E BAR 1121112)221114 es BARSrun without BOYS Cannot be FATHERS ! HAVE YOU A BOY TO OIVE? We' YOUR VOTE FOR LOCAL OPTION 0 MAY SAVE YOUR BOY. ocal Option 4 • SE • 11111111•111, •1111111111•11, 1111111111111111.1111111111111111111111 1 • The Square J. H. Colborne wwwieseessiessiewsii•easerwW Alitinew •111111 gib • ,11 II 9, Goderich • Pushing Prices Down 1, ,;4,i1,4r101,10A:rw TO THE LOWEST LIMIT. WE ARE " LESSENING OUR PROFITS TO MAKE GOODS MOVE FASTER. Here are a few facts about prices which should cause deep thinking if you are a buyer. LAOIES' COATS We are cutting more than our profits oft Tweed Costa; loose, long makes, 810.00 to $135O. and you can buy. any one ot them for $1.150, all new styles, made of all -wool cloth and good coloriogs, HOSIERY Another lot, of those 4ec for 26c all -wool Hosekbalet from the tuakers. The greatest snap in hose this store hart ever offered, just 43 dozen Ilrfts and at the rate they are moving we expect to see the last of them this week. TABLE LINEN Three pieces of Table Linen, ed to 58 inches wide, 26c, reduced from SW and 36e, 'a bargain. DRESS GOODS A few nide left -of those eek. Ade and dee. dress suiting* at Bee theft. •• e 0048Ere Be Imre and ask for D. t A. Nothing like them at the ptice. thaaratifseat tl'e• 1 STANDARD PATTERNS AND FASHION BOOKS FOR DECEMBER. 1 • OBS 41111101111111111 •1111111111111. 6111•111111111 UMW= al111111M• all• SD • Some Brlef Pointers on the "Accommodation" Cry. it ia to he hoped that the old "Scott Th4. “accomnoalat ion- cry ie purely fhtieruilitecitievirotterars.lento;tgaeinn. Art Agate-. 111) 1' now pert*. viteP•jtherinrIntt dead and leti).ied fo -ever sae far as the present I, 4 al .terodai al.tileon hillas Ilireweani t''iPirt. the nnbet"teertLi; t\it 014•011 elanse of ' the Liquor License both travellers and farmers. It is It 19441 \ 44invel1101.1. - . mat ter thnt ver:v quietly adjusts itself \ . • .. to the ehauged condition*. dot .\atimitign eries will not .cease. - The inseent wail is, -What will the . Local option hes the tendency pe,,ple do for acquaints Oa ion ? ' 1 4.122(1.! 44.14.)' te bring mere farmers to This etx: sagainet Weal -option -its Weals UM -ft then it drives. waren First, and foolish. Local option bylaa a do not touch the limiest and honorable hotel business. We want hotels shod will have botehe 'We only want the Tient selling bar to t - e11= -and we have unanswerable leaning, both (4-41112)11) 24' and :um al, why they should he dosed. To the hotel -keeper, we teply : Just keep a hotel. and a first- eimetone et hateend you 411(4. 4101 wader, eVe ale with you in that. The feet is. 80111e testimony on the •ineetiou of the inaprity of the travelling public art•ommodinion will be forthcoming in would not mind even alightly increased , this column In I iiht.4111, tit issues. expenses for the better accommodation ; 14. loael ecol14..give without a lair at.' A Good Advet tisement" 111,11.11. And cononereial travellers I e ill never make objection while they Thitt 1.,irveutogothiP). 4.4 4' 121(1)1214.4. 2114' advontages of the "'" 1ctmil bta'-in"a br"ght ititftsviv-fOP:41VNlic?sisedicionnsa. h e7- 'X el 1 is(pe'r ctihe 11(11 al about by the closing cf the bar. I pride in the fact :liwt we have no How bass itcomeaLatut-thatatih000reeriatewaseeeseeting-aest stepith-ebeitlierg see able inst itut ion --2 he hot el-- has be. • loon as Dimes and pit falls of hell for come so linked with '.itch e debasing our promising youth. The Won'. traffic -liquor selling-thet intelligent, have been voted out tri Riverside etannon-sense, practical people can- County years ego, and we are prosper- ous and happy a'.* (hire!. letup.- not n.i• tile anortialy isa wise they feel their 1110ney is of greater value in a local option centre. and certainly safer when they have sold their produee. Aud the next reason 1.Thattbey will have some- thing to .how for their expenditures in necessaries and luxuries, which Was not peigible wh, n the bets got the money. - Sgentritreeffeweee-eeeee at • - A despatch tem fey). : It again rumored that the 411,14112111 Piteitie i• 4100111, I•% it 41 line front leatnnkst • to Sarnia. lees line is already surveyed Isy way of Pastrolen. It practieelly parellses the (1. T. R. main line. but • would dip down into new territoi y. now in liffer ently served. The prime purpese in building theft -les peen is probably add to the bike ports which the 1'411 wey touches. and which form 4111 1111 portant 14. part of the C. P. R. system. With garnet 04111444. 44944+4.4444+22woula have *('l'4124*)risetfeally 2.11 the eVeotern Ontario pens. Owen Sound and Goderich. Almet year ago t he -read added to its lake fleet by the pureliese of (eve huge ateamers. Only one of these luse been in operation during the peat, seasrm. 1( 4.' surmised 'het the road now Jew. pose* to do the hulk of its lake 'mati- nees between Sarni* mid Fort Wil - limn, instead of out of Owen Sound, witielt is a less direct route. It is believed the pnrchase of the midi - Cone' steamer wail part of the plait to obtain Another' hike port. Bar -Rooms are the sponges that absorb a great percentage of the cash that ought to be spent in trade with yam -- They are also the cause of most of the bad debts that you cannot collect. Mliti 't per day, and some (Jaye the plant has toll t4.u4.ke ? taken 1n275 can ei the eight hours of . `len one little perch, " be, working time. During the past week 1 "Good! You're the young man I've elasewhawbeen shipped 1.11.1tOdIthusl.- 1.44.4 __Au_eyee ethos*. _Au., els id grain, while the receipts severed an' all right until I put that amounted to 1,30004u2. The local last wee:goat, then they lied ! - plant is the only one at the head of the lakes that has shown tin increase in stock during the month. On Mon -1 day last the plant tilede record for unloteling ears. In eight hours 1311 cars of whet were unloseledt weighed and placed in the stomp. hins. This is the tudest time that has been made at any plant at the head of the lakes. The next three weeks will see an he crease ewer the -prewne 'record; both in ,tecieipts awl uhiparwuts. Every effort *111 he made in the West to • th.• gral-n-down In -film to 1(p shiprova (test before the close of navi- gation. and the a llllll int of grain shipped Will t orrestionellOgly inct•ease. heeestee bowie -will be reshing 62214 413144 down the lakes at capacity speed. so • to get in as many trips its posnitee before the insmanee expires on their cargoes, which will the in three weeks. dig Wellness at Port Arthur. Port Arthur. November 13.. -This aeason the Port Arthur elevatot. will carry away the V,',012V,',0121 of having handle(' more grain then any other at Ole head .1 (4.,,' butes. filnee the ship- ping session of 2142224 crop came in, the large warehouses have been handling • osear Spinet end John Beattie. let, an average of oven' 31.4 ears of wheat :!iffroor -0° ;',e- • A Good Record for 1908. Detroit. Nov. 16. Just six lives were lost in accidents on the freight nnd .Paemeniter vessels on the lakes during the year IflOS -ell duritig the past thirty days. For six months sty aight the year attained a record irrevionsly numnerffelede not a thighs life wa, 1,('.t in collision or other acce dent to large C1,4122111 dot ing the period until October Int. The recent IOW* calm. when the bursting of a. means pipe on the 'steamer Lizzie Marshall cost four livrs, and two mere were eharited to the cepsizingeofet scow in Whitefish Bey. Not :me' lOPPI of life. and just 0110 F1.1111.110 0(14 111(01. has been reeorsied nttiorig the pitescitger a et since the SP11•011 open.. I April Isl. The ate imer King Eduard si3'e414..41 the Canadian slae.reitt Like Moron with Ivry damage. Where the Others Failed. A setting ninn in emeses nf a *it netball entered the apart meta of a high hank official, anti made known his errand. 'Well,' kindly paid the rapt tin of Hoene... "therpa an opening in the blink for the right young in in, and there have been wirers' npplirants for it already. Are you energetic and wiling to learn? "Try 1711., sir." “Thatgood (02 a etarilq-, 1)o you minable ?" e "No, Air, I have a nintherito suppere and caret resit my earning% that way." "Ahem! Now- -here the great num *mated himself before INN applirant. in indieition that the moot ifnoortent question was now to come. "Do you ever go fishing?" "Yeti, air." replica(' the voting ma21. without hissitetinn. "Wes fishing yesterday." "Ah and whet -kind of &catch did siemseimpamel CAMERON & MOORE I - The Department Store of Goderich Saving Opportunities for you This Week The first week of winter is here, and we are reminded that there is a long cold time ahead. We have here all the warm things to keep out the cold, from underwear to furs, and don't you think 11 1. cheaper to buy the warm things now and save the doctor's'bills Visit the itore. See our values. You don't. haVe to buy. See our Crown Tailoring Samples foe Men's and Boys' Snits and Overcoats. A Great Sale in Millinery Clothing Department 'fere are some of 621e greatest bargains ever loft week quite A number of Niels. and Iloys Tweed Ltrercoats disappeared .1 111. half-16;kt., bet there is is good renge iasizes left Yet. Bound to clear this lot. lialf price tikes them. " .Sio.00 Coat offered this newton in .h 4 anti S lit)'.. . you . havatet. bungle, eseeosel het , here es - your chance About '25 dress hats, ban neely t rennin! _1 with witago mei feathers. 314 on one tate-. while they last only $339 2I0 shapes, were travellers' Pit IpIPP, y latest, tired only one week and01 :soiled in any way, divided into agt $1.15 tw,. 1019, vvbile they hist a Mantle Department Two lag savings in tlikg Depai Lulea .that should urge early buying : At $9.75 ). 10 Women's Coats, made of gess' beaver doll). Mack and navy, 11/1141. fitting, cuffs 011 er shoultiere, hantieemely trimmed with stilt trimniing, satin pipings and buttons, every one of them the very newest styleg met welt (ailored, dined, and of extra goed '.'.eight ; regular value $14.121 and $15.411), while they last ... • 119.75 At $13.00 • Coins onlymade from 16 nice brown dine- onel heather1.1 serge, nicely trimmed with silk draw braid, Gene -fitting. 114.112111 'and 'lifts, a very smart style ; regular $%$.(44, clearing at - geese lll • • • ; 8 oo Coat 4.00 6.00 Coat 3.0a See our black 'teat er and Melton Overcoats. extra good value, from $7,50, $10.00, $12.00 to $18.00 - An Underwear Special 1.54) suits of Men'is Underwear, Scotch Knit, of medium weight for eVipter. regular sizes. "ch, (0 dear at per gat morn. l Regular peke was Me- and 75ce_\, Corset Clearing_ - A tableful of Corsets to • tear at much less than their regular price. including the best make», and they are cut in three prices. sec, 4$C, sad sec. These are a big snap and thouldn't last long at the price. GROCERY DEPARTMENT BASEMENT 1 T:eile in this th•partoistet is Leaning up and getting busier every day., Nice fresh goods, low prices money k if not satisfital. se I tend to make 4.1 (115 popular place to buy grneeries. _ _ese444.1.4,4 emsatettitestweerieg every day, but lots left of It. nee auger Try Government twit tested 1 • six (teeters higher than any either stager manufactured in the Dominion. No second-grade or Acadia sugar ‚211 221)81. : one grade only. and that the best, still 21 POUNDS FOR $1.00 This et the time to buy for your Christmas Cake. 4 POUNDS OF NICE NEW RAISINS, 25c. T11 I 11940 bringing blither and eggs to this Department. we might just nay that we want 5110 pounds of butter and 50 cases of fresh eggs. We prefer to have the butter put up in about e.pound rolls and not much salt during the cold weather. 7 • - 7.01.m.rtit,..-0 Our quotations this week GOOD BUTTER per lb 24cFRESH EGGS per doz. -. Eveey time the ownerof& pocket knife sees a grindotone he thinks it is tip to him to get 11111y. ALMA LADIES COLLEGE., St. Thomas, Ontario $150,000 endownwaysetn4ce,, _ 4200 912/11-Atifsea- rst-eless mem ng1111, Preach, German, reasonable rates. Science, l'ianoforte, Drawing, with board, room • Ftalan». laundry and library for one year, ar Cabearer "The Reeharar." Separate apartment for younger pupils. 431A440410.132320:31ita324 titt.7111K414,`"; ° 41 Now that houswelentring is in order, why not try JOHNSTON'S FURNITURE STORE for Curtain' Poles and Window Shades? We have a lie ge **sort men t of thus Pole*a , and 4.1 would pay yon to call end see tbem. Akio our new line of Skirt and Shirt -Waist Boxes feinting from $351) to ea they /11110 411110 grind 11111141C. WP have some of our r4. -r04,1, r", ° CHRISTMAS GOODS in. Cell and ex imine them. Just think ! A gond DAVENPORT BED for $20.00. Iron and Wood Beds. Dressers and Stands at 411 pi iees and in all styles. BARGAINS IN EVERYTHING. , Don't forget Geo. Johnston, the Furniture Store on the Square. • 11111/1111111111 •111101111111111111111111111111011 • 4. ,ii',314FT •,'1tigellerit'7'r411';' 4 ea. fnei^. 771 „.72. ,31,411 ° r 'PAill!"4:442*.iSlortilft4.3 22 toesiol '.:(.0.4.zattOttfrifezattfraalamsei