HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1908-11-19, Page 3THE SIGNAL : GODERICH. ONTARIO Tau uirial, November 12, 1 )03 3 'rem of the Sistriet. Rev. E. 0. Powell bas been invited to remain as pastor of the Brussels Methodist church for another veal. Robert Stewart, of Tuckersmitb, and Miss Jean McCulloch, of 8eaforth, formed a matrimonial conh••ct in Port Kurds recently. Dr. James (1. Bricker. a former ("orris boy, has been appointed house surgeon of the general and marine hospital in Owen Sound. The home of John G. Wein, north of Crediton, with its contents was completely destroyed by lire last week. The low Is partially covered by insur. :wee. Thomas Brown has. sold his valu- able 200 -acre faun neer Iliyth to George Snell, a former blacksmith of Londesboro'. Th.' ,consideration was ,$,boo. The residents of Kippen learned with regret latit week of the death of Master Cecil McL nnen, eldest won of Rev. M. C. and Mrs. McLennan, Watchmaking, etc. HALSEY PARK WATCIMAIIR, JCWCI.LER, OPTICIAN. South aide of &guar., Ooderfrh, Ont. Civil Engineering Vi ctiFEAN M. ROBERTS, CI VII. and Hydraulic Engineer, (Intern) land Surveyor. i Mcs-McLean. Frock. OoderIch, corner Montreal street, Telephone 137. Menesetnna Mineral Water THE OODERICH MINERAL WA- TER CO.. manufacturer+ of -Monier, tang.'• are prepared to deliver to any part of the town Retreat (linger Ale In pints. and quarte, abeo Mineral Water In three sins sets. Mute and quartet. Seltaer Water and 'Double Soda. Theme woods are made from ....-Natural mineral water, and aro therefore tree hem all impel -Mew P. I. WALTON Man. her Phone ea "11111C ALFRED E. COOK. TEACHER OF Piano-pleying, Theory. liar pony and eouaeervoInt. Pupil., prepared feu examine tions of Toronto Comers (dory of Mu de. Apply et Thomson.. Mucic Store, or redMrnre of Mr Clarence Pennington, Brock street. Goderich. Monday. in (:llntom, et reskisece of Mr. Alex. Meeks)tie, Ontario street. 1(UBIC CLASSES. -1 AM felt E- IR PAKEI) to reeel%e pupil. for 1,..011, in piano and theory, also the HurTnwee ma-Iral kindergarten method for young children. Term. and other information may be had at Thomeon • music +tore. Oodercb. E: M M A A. ANDREWS If A. ROY ADAMS TRACHEA oe PIANO Studio in Bank of Montreal Block. Medical OILS. EMMERSON & TURNBULL A. T. Krrzlwos, M D. W S. Teamavue IL 11. (Hares Hamilton Street 'Phone art Dr. Emmerson • r•estdenee, North street, Opposite St. Ueeuge'echurr-h, phone lee. Dr. Turnbull. residents, Montreal street Seuthwe t of Public Library. 'Phone Ill. ikR. W. F. OALLOWV. M. 13. DR. Colborne street. nett door to Mover- eign Heck. Telephones - Olflce, 111: house, kR. F. J. H. FORSTER-EYE, EAR Nose and Throat only. Stratford. Ont. w surgeon New York Ophthalmic and Aural Instituto. ION aS Clinked assistant Ear, Nose and Throat Hospital, Golden liquors, mind Royal London Ophthalmic (Moorefield Kyei Hospital London. Iant Omoe Albers street, Stratford. ommeite A Ind.or hotel. House : 9.11 a.m. 2-4 p.m. 7 a p.m. Telephone 957 Legal L KILLORAN, BARRISTER, solteltor, notary, etc. Filioney to lend at lowest rates. Oeloee-North Street. Ooderic le linear Signal Oill e1 In Sesturth Saturday. sod Mondays. 0. CAMERON. K. C.. BARRt9• TER, solicitor. notary public. ()moss - Ilton Street, Ooderlch, third door from Bquare. 1I)ROL)`DFOOT, MAYS k BLAIR berristient solieltore, nounm pnblie pn Om In the Maritime Court, etc. Unice. rod aide Iliquare. next door t'. A. Nalrn's grocery. Pri vats fund. to lend at kwset rates of Interest W. PROUDFUOT. K. C. It. 1.. HAAS. O. F dLAIK DiCKLNfION k HARROW, BAR• ItiSTKKS, attorneys, solicitors. etc. Ooderleb. ♦K[tOW LLB l Moneyto lend at lot ratan. IC L. Ifo. K DICKINSON. 1woe HA Llrif 1 . lir O. JOHNSTON, BARRISTER, mentor. commissioner. notary public. (Mica Hamilton street Goderich Ont. lnsnrancee Loans. to. VOUNG & ROBERTSON. REAL Fetate and ieem-ems Agent" Real es- tate for sale or to let. Properties handled in any tot of the town and county. Fire and 1. in■nr'anoe, money to leen etc. JOHN W. ORAIGIB, LiFE, FIRE and accident insurance. Agent for Iselin, mutual and stork companies. Insurance In all Rasa effected on beat pawns and at lowest teres. Call at aloe, corner Wera Street and Square or ',Adrian J. W. ('KAI(OIK,r Uoderlch, Ont Tele Stone It McXILLOP MUTUAL VIRE (N- flURANCg CO. -Farm and tweeted town property tenured. ()Meese -J. R. Meissen, Pres., Eleven P. O T. Fraser, Vine Pres.. Rrirefield I'. O. Thomas E. flays, Se:.-Treaa., doeforth 1'. 11 Dlreoters -Wm. Chesney. Seeforth: John O. Grieve, Winthrop ,George Dale. Soaforth: John Henneweie Dublin: James Beech. Evens, Beh- wood , John Klatt Herlock : Thos. Fraser, NrneraeM ; John R. McLean. Elppen , Jas. Connolly, Clinton J. W. Teo, Holmesvllle, agent. for Weet Aaron. Polley -holden sin ptst asnee,ementa and get amyl'''.''. Clinton, or at It. H. coif's grocery. Klrtpton sheet. (loderlch. SHAVING PARLOR 1 HAVING N0 AND HAIR-DRMSaiN G rARA)FiB. - The Crest piece In town. Pt Norvlos; ever thing clean and earn. tary. Hor and Bold baths. WM. DAVIS, British Exchange Hotel Block leuooes eor to Jae. Frlta eyl. uEDFORD BLOCK BARBER SHOP. -This well-known and popular stand afters ifit patters the best ...trete. In shriving. halr-entting, ere., eta. Ladies' hnmpr)0ing rnlalty. Only skilled hand. employed. fr patronage will he appreciated. H. R. ktdMgn, Proprietor. "striate Licenses WALTER E. KELLY, OODERICH, ONT. Watchmaker, Jeweller And Optician. Leer of Marriage Licenses. WLANE, ISSUER QP MARRi- e AGE iiesim , Goderleh; Ont AnctioneerinR THOMAS OUNDRY, LiVE STOCK and general &net gonane. (Mom on Month Street, obere he w111 be found at all times when not. ^.rying sales. Terme nrwsoneble and every arose used to Sere rev etlsfsction. Pli QEOROE BECKETT General Auctioneer. New System of Tirkets and Catalogue. OFFICE, HAMILTON ST. Rs O. flextit formerly of that village, ltut now of 'Julltas. Archie Cousins, cement coutrtctor of Olititun, bad two of his fingers caught in his gasoline mixer last week and so badly crushed that a portion of them had to be awput studs The marriage of Miss Sarah L•no- way, daughter of Mrs. Christopher Ducharu)e, of Drysdale, to Mr. Mc- Phail, of Saginaw, Mich.. waw sob erunized in St. Peters church, Drys- dale, on Thursday, the 12th inst. Charles H. Knight, a well known resident of the loth coneersiwn of Orey, joined the ranks of the bene - dicta on Th•oksgiving Day. The lady who is now -Mrs. Knight was formerly Miss Mary Doxey, of St. Thomas. ' James Lockhart hos sold his faun on the 5th e•uncessiun of McKillop to Percy Smith, of that township, for the auto of $.1,51), and has removed with his funnily to Sarnia, where he has been engaged w manager of an extensive cetuent business. Hugh McMartin, or the firm of Johnston & McMartin, of liensall, attendeal an interesting ceremony in He•msville on Wednesday, the lth inst., in which he played the itepori- ant role of groom. The happy bride was Miss Nellie Shepherd, of Be•.nn- ellle. D. Cameron McCallum, who was on the staff of the Motown' Bank, Chown. a few yeans ago. but who has been in the bend office of the Farmer's Bank st Toronto for some time, is alleged to be deficient to the extent of about *12,149) in his amounts, owing, it is said; to speculation in stocks. Two well-known young, people of Clinton, in the persons of James Dun• ford and Miss Nettie Beacom, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. T. Beacom, went to 'Toronto last week and reeurnetl husband and wife. The knct was tied at the home of the bride's uncle on Tuesday, the loath inst. - An Exeter boy calling himself Maurice Shaw, better known as "Frenchy," was arrested last week for stealing • horse from Mr. Colwill, of Centralia. [{'•t sold the animal to a farmer near London, who. beeotuing suspicious. notified the c)lice. The young man was remanded for a week. The firm of Walker & Rom, furni- ture dealers and undertakers, of ('lin- tilt was dissolved Int ween. The business will be carried on by Mr. Walker, while Mr. Ross will take a two months' trip to the %V -t. On hie return -the hitter will devote himself entirely to the male of Doherty or - gam and pianos, though retaining an interest to Om undertaking depart - fount. ee After a lingering illness William Aitehes(m, a well-known resident of McKillop, died at bis heitne in Harpnr- hey "m Saturday, the 7th inst De - re teed. who was in his sixty-eighth year, was It son of the late John Aiecheson. of Itoalon,. Ile was twice married, bis first wife, a dsugli- ter of•the late John McKenzie. of Mc- Killop, having predeceased him ten years. He is survival by hie widow, who was formerly Mr.. E. Murdie, three aoeii and tato daughters. Mace -Carling Wedding. "The Maples," the horde of Isaac Carling, of Exeter, was the scene of an interesting hy maned event on Wednesday, the lith inst . when his third daughter, Florence, was united in the hely bonds of matrimony to, William 1). Mare. of Winnipeg. Shortly Atter the 1.eremony, which was performed by Rev. %Vatter Col- lins. paster of the Trivitt Memorial church. Mr. and Mrs. Mace left for a tour of the continent. Died in Coloradd, Hegl' McDeruid. eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Angus McDermid, of the Huron road west of Seaforth. died in Les Animas, Colored°. on Sunday. the'Lkb all. Deceased's mother Arot brother had Attended him through a severe illness of typhoid fever and had jurat relnrned home. le'►ving hint apparently c )nvalescent, when they le•timed that he had suffered a fatal n -lapse. HP was an estimable young roan in hie forty-second year. Death of Robert McCallum, Brussels. _Robert. Mc(:all,m a highly -_ret spected resident of Brume's. passed away At his home in that village on Wed neelty, the 11th inet. Though he had not enjoyed robust health for. some time his death wee a all ehnrk to mons. Deceased, who was in his fifty-second year, was a native of Perth count Leaving his parrn'al home• in 1882 he purchased from Dr. Holmes, of Goderich, the 110 acre farm on the 10th conreegion of (trey, on which he resided until last spring. when be retired from active life and removed to Brussel.. Ile is survived by his widow, two sons. Dunces and John, and one dagbter, EiLc, all ea home: Farewell t0 pr. Cam.. Dr. W. R. Carr, who for the past eighteen years has leen identified with all that tended to promote the welfare of Kirkton, has mold his veterinary practice' and property in that village to Dr. Jose, of Maddock, and left last we 'k for LN Angeles, CAL, where he has secured a lucrative position. In token of their appreciation his fellow - citizens in large numbers assembled to do him honor a few days previous to his departure. Speeches were m ale by several of the most prom'nent citi- zens and he was presented with a gold, watch and an ebony cane. accom • ponied by an adatems of affe,'tin IMe• eulogy. while Mrs. Carr was made the recipient of an umbrella and a beauti- ful tee servire•. Mrs. CArr and chil- dren will not join the Doet.nr for some time hitt will remain with relaaives in Blyth. -Akio:ander Turnbull's Sudden Death. With awful suddenness the sum- mons hence came to Alexander Turn- ball, ri1 the Thames road, Usborne, on Tuesday of past week. Deceased,' had gone 1) Exeter for mune lumber and was driving home at noon when dost n overtook him. Hallie Brown, seeing him fell from his wagon, rushed to his a.vsistance. Thinking hint in a 'ante of asphyxia he enmmoned a physician. All attempts itt reatm'Ation proved futile, ns he died of heart -failure be- fore his fall. i ec'eaael wam an rapar- ently strong, robust titan in him rond year. A son of the fate aie eel Turntiuil, of I'elorne, end it IMO her of he Rev, Dr. Turnbull, of Toronto, he wan born 1)11 the fern' on which he mimed all his dept. He was a min of sterling integrity and kindly diegosi tion. iateemerl and beloved by the whole community. A widow and nine children are thus suddenly be eavel . Death of Old Usborne Resident. John Allison, tine of the worthy pioneers of the Thames road, (rebottle, entered Into his rest on Tuesday, the 10th inst., at the advanced ego of righty' -ane years. I'M il it fete months ago deceased had enjoyed remarkably Igood health and while visiting in Goderich last midsuruuler had walked several miles out into the country to see is friend. Fr the fatigue of this unwunted exertion he never *vet iv. and he gradually grew weaker until death released his spirit.- Bern In Scotland, deer/seed came to Canada with his p arents in his early child' hood, settliug h' Cuhout•g. On reaching manhood he cast his lot in Usbtn•ne, where tut lived esteemed by the whole towpehip, uutil hal war kutuluuutxl hence. Since the t•atablisbutent of the Thames Road postomex• be had ably discharged the duties of postmaster. In religion deceased was a Presby- terian and in politics a Liberal. He is survived by his widow and nine chil- dreg--Andrew, David and William Allison, Mrs. Gardiner and Mrs. Har- ris sal in the Wett ; Hamilton. of Ribber, ; Mrs.licorice Monteith, Mrs. Robt. Kydd and John T. Allirim, all of Cslorne. James Fleuty, Wingham, Deceased. Winghnen lost a good citizen on IVedneurlay of last week, when Jxmid Fleury ptosed to his reward. De" ceased had suffers) long fret° cancer and his death was nut unexpected. Born in Essexshire, England, seventy years ago, he came to Canada in Iris young manhood to piu•see his trade as a printer. He wowed a position on the old Guelph Advertiser and war 00 the stag of The Buffalo courier when Lincoln way elected President. Re- turning to Canada he became foreman of The Bruce Herald And later pur- chased The Walkerton 'I'elees•ope. In PM he removed to %Vingham to take the position of foreman on The Ad- vance, which hied just been founded by Charles Cliff, of Kincardine. The following year he became .dttur and proprietor. a pueit en which- ha tilled efficiently until 1895, when he die- px'setl of his inte•eat in the paper to John Cornyn. Though of a retiring disposition deceru'ed WAS highly esteemed In the town which he served so long and faithfully. He leaves to mourn his demise hie widow, two auris W. J., editor of The Oakville Recowile and Robert,of Southamptn-Y anti- Tourittighten-the- Misses Luise, Lizzie, Flo end Maude,, at home. TOO WEAK TO WORK: - Wm. Eremite. oft Waterloo, Quebec, Suffered from indigestion, No Appe- ' lite, Headaches and Back*cbe _ ---Made Well by Vino[.` "Vino) is a wolfderful medic•1ne. i had Ito appetite ; my digestion was hid ; was buffering from heads and backache ; 1 waw 140 weak aha 1 had not been able to work for wont s when a friend advised Inc to take Vinol. After I had t.ken one bottle A notire,l toy health was improving. 1 continued its use and today 111,1 per- fectly well. It is wide pie/mute that i recuntmtend Viuol to all them who 'teed a flesh, nerve or Game builder." %Vin. Brosseau,_Weterloo, Quebec. This is because Vinol iv the last cod liver and iron tonic in the world. It creates a hearty appetite. strengthens the digestive o,gans, makes rich, ted blood soil replacer weakneee with strength. The beneficial effect of Viol its caves of weak. tun -down con- ditions or for feeble old peophe is simply remarkable. invite all old people, delicate children, - weak, run-down person,. cnnvaleeeente, "r those suffering from clue stile colds, rough• cr bronchitis in this vicinity to try Vinol on our offer to return their money if it does no good. We make this offer to show our faith in Vinol: H. C. Dunlop, Druggist. (ioderich. • EMERGENCY DANGER. When a Harsh Catarrhal Cold Fastens ON the Breathing Organs a L•fe is Threatened. There are tiro rs when a Hyornei outfit is worth a, life and having it at b and will sieve a life. No eater precau- tion -craw la suggested than calling at .las. Wilson's drug store and getting a supply )ly for use in following cos.. Wt' hen a child shows the first sign of a .•roup breath dut f Hyetei through the inhaler will check the trouble perman- ently. When through catching veld you seem to he choking up, difficulty to breathe, pain or soreness over the longs and -other symptoms' of mania, the instant relief front Hyotnei air is tuarvellotls. It penetrates quickly to the inner recesses of the bronchial tutus and lungs where no liquid or moist med!- eine can reach. When an asthmatic'condition pre - Bente unusual wheezing and oppressed Inrelhing. Hyomtei will bring rest. Complete outfit $1.l0. A Good Story. • A goad story that will make you I(wgh in better for you than five dol - Tars worth of doctors medicine. The fit'et of •'The Old (longe House" series of eleven complete stories begins in the-F-Nenily Herald end Weekly fe wr, of Montreal, this we 'k. There will be one complete story earl) issue fur the next three month•, and that means many a good hearty laugh around the fireside during the winter evenings. .1 eubecriber to that big weekly cer- tainly gets value for his money. The paper only costs one dollar a year, and the amount of sound information given in a year's reading is in trvei- Imes. The stories' atone could not be bought for twenty doggers. The agri- cultural columns of the paper are re - regarded aa the hest in Americ.t. The Family Herald and Weekly Star should not ne ukase, in any Canadian home. A Chautauqua "Circle." The citizens of a thriving Georgia town arranges) for a Client mime Aa- sembly last summer. They held the meetings in a big tent about a mile from the town. An enterprising showman heard of the large crowds, and nn the eeeond day of the Ubantau- rpm set up a Stettin merry-go-round halfway between the town and the Chautauqua gmunda. Along in the afterndon a young man from the country wart acroatei by a citizen of the town : "Well, Ezra, i suppose yon are In to the Cluttaugn t't" •'i shore ala. Jist come from Char now." "How'd yeti like It r asked the townsman. 'Tine ez a fid(11e1 I rode on the thing nine tines !" - LippTincott'e.. How's This ? We offer one hundred dollar. reward for Any este of entnrrh thatcannot he risred by Hall'. Catarrh ('ere. F. J. ('HENEY k ('O.. Toledo O. We, the ondenigned, here known F. J. Cheney- ler the last fifteenear., and believe ham to be perfect hnnofle In all boodoese transertlone and firanancial) *Me to Terry out. any ohllintnns made by this nom, WAt, 11INn, KIYVAN at MARe,N, tV hnlew ile 1 trugates. l merle, (1 Han . ('atarrh ('are I. taken infernally, act- ing on Ing dlttly upthe hloo,) and wiener. sus tsess et the eystm. Testimonials sent free, Th1 . isle per boU.N, 5114 til tlruggida, Take Hall'. ramify 1'111. roe onn.tlpatlon, SHAKE IN A BOTTLE. Advice of Noted Authonty, Also Gaels Simple Prescription. Gaels Now is the time when the doctor gets busy, end the patent medicine. ntailufecturers reap toe harvest, un• lees great rare is lakeso deems warmly and keep the feet dr,. Tine la the advice of an 01d eminent au- thority, who says that rheumatism and kidney. Hewett) weather i.i blue. and also tells what to do in Arae of an attack. (let from any gots) pn•actiption pharmacy one-half 'et nee fluid eel 'tint dandelion, one ounce Compound Kar- sten, three ouurps cou,pouud ayt'up eafitelltrill*. Mix Tin shakuiq in a hottte and taken teu'epuonful ager meals and at bedtime. Just try this simple house-rnadc mix- ture st the first cin of rheumatism, or if your lack Aches or you feel quit the kidneys are not acting just right. This is euld to be a splendid kidney regtelator, and almost certain remedy foetal furter of rheunlatieme whish iv caused by carie acid itt the blood, which the kidneys fail to filter out.. Anyone can easily prepare this at home and at small coat. Druggists in this town and vicinity. when shown the prvser•iptien, stated that they can either supply these in- gredients, or, if our readers prefer, theyy will courpound the mixture for them. AS OTHERS THINK. Everyone in Goderich Has a Right to His Own Opinion. While everyone has a right to his own Opino'n, yet it is wise always to consider whist others think and profit by it. Nothing makes life se miserable, or interferes so widely with the useful- ness of the aversgc proem). as indiges- tion, and it is well for us to give fair consideration to what others think about this reenat•kalee• affliction; - Jas. Wilson is positive 'heat in Mi- o•na s on Aablete Jae has ut xh- a1p ate cure or indigestion and the many disagreeable svntptone that he - low thie. disease, such ns distree after eating, coated tongue, hurt taste in the month. dizeginees, flatulence and nee. vonsness, 11. sells Mi-o-na with satisfaction guaranteed or money back. Ile be- lieves in it and so may you. Young Folks A NEW PAIR OF EYES. ing Effect Produced With *keit of a Walnut. ke two half shells of an English wag t, large enough to cover your eyes mpletely, and In the middle yet each 1 re a hole a little larger than the pup of your eye. Use a peukolfe for the ork. Then clean the Inside of the she s thoroughly and paint the 'hells with coat of white wnter paint. Around the upll hole paint the Iris - a dull green, Ting a apiall space of white on then left hand elle. like the picture. In arranging th m for painting lay them on the table 1 position wttb-the pointed end toward each other and NOW TO PAINT SHELLS AND THE 517100!, the white spots on the iris In the same position on both shells. F'innlly, with bright red, paint a border all around the edge of the Imitation eyes. Tbese eyesare easily fitted over your byes by opening your eyes wide and drawing up your brows to their fullest height. Strange will be the effect. In fact, it 1s such n startling sight tbat it is best not to go into n room without some intimation of your intention of show- ing a new "eye dear." 'PHONE D. M/LLA R CO. 1_\DIi:S' AND ctiil.DREN'S SMART COATS 'PHONE 5e9 The sett sib nnhie weather• of the pa'i week Lis nre.l.• 'el e_i La- -regards eajel wj9ur New Ready•to-Wear Department Our Cents theca that style, fit and'tlni'.ie and the reusenuible lit i' that at once in Ikea thetu appeal to shrewd ehoppe'i . Ladles' Semi -fitting Coats lei the hit ".t. Nte•.' . } I .Incl tell 1 he feuding angors tet $5.75. S7 95, $10.00, $12.00 up to $30 00. Children's Coats in all style•, ranging (tutu $2.0o upwards. Knitted Goods-- -Knitted Goods We hate just p:aseei into stock ,t new rune, o1' the late.t'nuve•Ilies in Ladies' and Childce'u's Knitted Cunt, and Sw•e,t.•rs. Nee 111e new lines in ('hildceu's Sweaters. Special lines for Chitdreu's .rhool•wetr, A larger as.utttnent of tbose"cenafortable Clouds 'Weal! ceaserl iu three size•, at 2sc. erre and Sou each, Toque, are the hest and w,u luu,t Caps for Boys' and Girls' wear. %Ye have the kind they all like, at asc and 5oc earn :.'very.a•'uhu in #t•wk. Infant Bootees, Infants' Jackets, Gaiters and Overalls in endless variety. The (dove Department The Clove department is full of warm Gloves for gable bents' and Children's w•eor. No matter what kiud-you want, you will Simi this Htore the Is•it Wive. 1) get them. - -Pettier', h.1 g Kid (dove', Nat .gnalit_' 2 2s per pair. -_---- - ' , - OGe 11 'Mir Kid (cloves has not an elite' at the price. Eve' v pair guarantee -d. 11 z e(a61)1n re and Wool (Hovel and Mitts in great vnriel v. I !LfILLRNS--: Mi11ar'Scofch LJ e/ r- INIPROVED machinery will not, itself, pro- duce good flour. You may ix an excellent cook, but you cannot pro- duce tight, wholesome flaking unl•ess3he A.,or y use be the kind that permits suet' results ' So in the milling; machin- er1alone cannot produce Royal ilQusehold Flour I>; L I' "' B&Asr T [rice 25 Ms, ONS. D'S LiNiMEHTCO. - LIMITED -- •• TO c C 45CHArostO i H .S. THE ORIGINAL AND ONLY GENUINE BRAME OF IMITATIONS SOLD 014 TIE MERITS OF MINARD'S LINIMENT as e1111111111a111M101111.111es N1111es111111Me1•• f SCHOOL CHILDREN SUFFER fidm iaory•rfect- vision and are 1 ['tilled dull in $titdie.. 1 I give .' i't'ftd :,t(.' '1 itn to the hitting of Chitdr,•n's study libteees, a.sunitg ;sued results in all sada.. , 1 We Fe Kelly, .Jeweller and Optician Phon: ,5;, •use MN= alms ai Ospi • out of the wrong kind 00 allearany mar• thar ,you can- make the -right -kind of bread or pastry oaf ate, the wrong kind of: flour. Ogilvie's Royal Household Flour is made from ha rd spr(ng;wheat--a,wheatthat h rich n nutriment, that grinds fine and white, and produces bread and pastry that ,are wholesome and nourishing as well as light and crisp—it's a flour that begins to be good in the wheat fields, not in the mills. Your grocer prefers to sell you- - l lvi. s _ Royal Household Flour because he knows the value of a roq pleased customer. Ogilvie Floor Mills G., IH. MINresi a The First Meal - EYES OF THE SAVAGE. His Keen Sight Due to Knowing What to Look For. The 'dentists are always delving into the mysteries of nature, many times on lines tbst the average man never thinks of. Here, for example, is that ,luvntton of the keen eyesight of the savage. We have all heard bow much keener his eyes are than those of civilized men, and we have accept- ed the statement as a fact without stopping to think bow and why It is true- But a party of scientists from Cambridge, England, who have been on an anthropological expedition to the Tortes strait, tell its ea a result of their investigations that the keen might of the natire is dne to his know- ing what to look for. They found that members of their party could gee and dlatingnth objects as far as the natives could after they had become familiar with the sur- roundings. gs. A(leer illustration on of this principle is given in the western In- dlhn'a power to distinguish the max of a deer at a dlstnnee leo great that the antlers cannot be seen- It is not only algid that gives the Indian that power, but his knowledge of tho peculiar gait of the male deer. Elephants and Whits Ants. Some Amerlenn engineers, In con- structing a power tranamtsslon line in [tilts, hurl iereral thing* to consider and avoid that had never confronted them before perhaps. The line, which ITU nearly a hundred miles in length, was earring on tall poles through the jungle, and in constructing It the rav- ages of white nnta and the pinyful pranks of wild eh'phante bad to be pro- vided agninet. That sounds amusing, but the engineers found it a eerioua problem. The nnts attacked the tinct poles set and fairly riddled them, and the eluants reached up with their trunks and tore down the wires. No Iron socket sevOn feet to height were used to set the poles fa, which clrelm- vented the ants, and after a carotin' measurement of the highest mach of an elephant's trunk the poles were taade tall enough to keep tics wires ode of the way. Paul, . the age of roar, wee asked one mornir)g by his" room "What is the name the first tneal of the day y" "Oatmeal," em rad po ed little Paul. promptly. Read The Signal f all the lor•al news LADIES Bond sent name end address end you 111 re BLO UMSOOM Oee' • fry ear. le of POLND . v FrS ) It Y ♦1. TICS. A powerful Ent homier vegra ale medicine f,r Meknes peculiar to wonean and ell disease• arlalag therefrom.E Ail druggist/ fall 6112o, or postpaid for price Dr. T.A- Sloo,m• llalud, epeadies .caws Tercets, e. Linime s can't cure Rheumatism " Liniments aro on1 nkin deep." Llniments.can't reach thn muscles, nerves, ) unfit. T,(nirltents can't Oct to the stick kidneys', which cause Rheumatism, Sciatica and Lumbago. GIN PILLS turn Rheumatism because they cure the kidue,1. If )eau arc a eulerer,1don't waste money on timeless rcmedios, Cure yourself with Gin fills. 1Oc.a box ;titer $1. b0. At all dealers or sent on receipt of sample free -yon *sweeten this Paper. DEPT. 'A. pATIONAL DRUC & CHEMICAL CO. LIMITED, i TORONTO loo F.•nersh „ .,1• Av Th. Rest. fern; ('n , Winnipeg pr 4 - 10,000 LIVING WITNESS A positive cure is guaranteed for all forms of kiey troubles in Ur, Root's World -Famous Kidney Pi1ts. . D'r•" Root's Kidney fills act directly on the deranged kidneys,', ` l curing them ONCE AND FOR ALL, by draining out *'S: 11 of the B LOOD every particle of poisonorl URiC ACID, URATES, etc., which cause the disease. These pills work wonders in Bright's Disease, Urine ary and Bladder Trouhle,, Gravel, Weak Back, Diffi- culty in Passing Water, Frequent Passing of Water, Fain in Hack, Sore and Weak Kidneys, Water; Weakness, Dropsy, Diabetes, rte. Men and women "r tssc ittt in all walks of life who have been cured and benefited through these famnus putt. • Workmen, Mechanics, Farmers, Promihent Men of Affairs, Ministers of the Gospel, Working Women and Society Women, who have given testimony of the marvelous curative/ powers of DR. ROOT'S KiDNEY PILLS. Z Doctors and Hospital Treatment Failed. "1 have been afflicted for over 20 years," wri:es Mr. James Smith, of New Glasgow, N.S. "1 was unable to work for years. My stomach failed to digest my food. Had pains in my back and under the shoulder blades, and serious kidney and bladder troubles, Set eral doctors were consulted, and i lay in the hospital for weeks, but failed to get relief, 1 had about given up all hope, when 1 tried Dr. Root's Kidney Pills. i had only taken six boxes of pills alien i was perfectly cured, and now I amaahle to do a hard day's work." D" ROOTS 2MBOX KII►NEY&LIVER PILLS Att. II OMNI SAMPLE SENT ON APPLKATION. Dr. Root'. Kidney and Liver Pills are sold by all druggists and dealers or will be sent postpaid on receipt of price, 28c box. 6 boxes for $ l .21i, from Dr. Root Co., Spa - dine Avenue, Toronto, FREE! i fired this centime to Dr. I t'.,t l n„ s r w i ns Avrnne, when • free sa mple wW be mailed low NEWS OF SHOES is always interesting because we all need them. Perhaps it i.': not news to you that we are very carefulSto have the best of leather in shoes we buy and sell. The making must beam it should be, and that is why our shoes will fit, and tit well You probably need a new pair. Will you corn and see what we have'' - - Wm, Sharman Goderich. a - G. JOHNSTON EMBALMER ANO FUNERAL DIRECTOR Fi alt ore and Undertaking warergome. Wed siege Square. 'PHONE: Storage. Uoderich Residence 179 Night calls: At nwidrno,•, Si William 1_ r J. BKOPBEY & SON —TNS LIADIMO— Funeral Directors and Embalmers Orders aerially attended to at 4113 boon, right or day 'PHONE 15 oR 24 when nn want 111 F; IIENT /Wereho,ne Ccr, Wert) 1 rind Yer,t+) t treat and 1 at hock/ So uare/ COAL ALL KINDS OF COAL ALWAYS ON HAND tTAil Coal weighed an the market modem where you get 2,10) lbs. for ton. WM. LEE. "'orders left At 1'. C. LEE'S )HaMwn» Store Wen nide Square, Promptly Attended t4, MPLE COPY FREE \Vvtild you like to have at Remote cope rel The Farmer's Advocate and home Mata,inc ? The Best Agricultural and Home Paper 110 the Ateerie'an Continent. No progressive farmer can 'Ilford to 1,i wit Molt it. Published weekly. (7irly 11.M per year, Drop post- card for free enmple copy, t ;AGENTS WANTED. Address t "The Farmer's Advocate," 5trniio.. ori- peer,. Lsrdatl, Out,