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Can get The Signal from
to 1st January, 1910, fat
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The Signal
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11 FROM NOW TO est
$1.00 -
The Signal rl
VANArrI.:It B IttHIERTtir)N, I't311.1*100ue
1Ve offer for sale debentures bearing interest at FIVE
pier cent. i'• annum, payable half -yearly. These debentures
offer an absolutely safe and profitable Investment, as the
purchase's have for security the entire assets of the COUP
pan y.
Capital and Surplus Assets $1,310,000.00
Total Ase•te - - - - - - - 92.500,000.00
Vire-Preaid'nt and Managing Director: W. S. DINNICK.
ROYAL, 1.. C. M. G., J. Ai. KAMMEHER, DAV[B. r
RATL. R. 11. GREENg. H (111 S. lit NNAN..1. M.-_
Con. Anet.Atntc AND Vit-nowlA STx.,-Ttsio r..--:_
Goderich Office, W. L. HORTON, MANAGER.
MIT( FT- Oar TH E -H 1' ICON
1 ('0l'NTY ('ul'N('tl..
The council of the corporation of the rnuet v
of Puree will lueet in the 'mimeo chamber, in
the town of (ioderlel• ou Tue.dey. Osouther
t be 1st, at 3 o'clock p. m.
All aroountr Incl the count v must he
placed with the clerk before date of meet log.
W. LANK. Clerk.
Dated at tloderieb. Nov. HIM. (1411.
executors of th• eetwte of the fate
Grooms Ach••ott hates deeded le'rerd. Rte
whole radiate tor sale. The property omothito of theme . per Ib
real omit.. debenture.. bond. and +tor ca. gaga frerb, per due
TntaaDiv, November 19th.
Fall wheat, per Mists flit A5 to $ 0 (5
Spring wheat. per bush .1 at to 0 at
Rye, per bush 0 48 to 0 10
Buckwheat. per bu.h 0 4.5 to 0 31
(tat.. per bush., ' 031 to 0 ii
Peas, per buds 0 Se to 0 83
Harley. per bush - 0 41) to 0 9t
Screening., per ton la t4) to 18 W
Floor. family. per rw•t Fro to Y M
Flour. latent. per Cwt ..s 3 3 to 3 65
Bran. per ton 94 et to 91 W
Short.., per ton 94 00 to 24 00
H.Y. per too ............ ' * J4 to 0 00
W000 Mmoond. , . 3JJ 10 a
Butter • per lb 0 21 to 0 21
0 15 to 0 13
021 to 0.21
Potatoes,. new 311 to 3)
Cattle Ir' 4°
(: prd 1 to sod, Out 791 to 1
7 per par
Cattle, in
able export, cwt5 SYS
port, la
a m
H leve weight, a 1 to A
wt*. r cwt
I..eba g � I w to 4 11
Sheep. per cwt 3 sal to 3 30
Ham. per Ib 4 17 to 017
Naeem, per lb 1 0 W to
per lb 04 to
per cwt 6 ae to
Sheep akin. 4o 0.
Chicken* 10 to
Turkey 12 to
)Outside markets on page 3.e
Faroe. wbobmng to Invest In any of tae ahpve
prol+'rtles cao get full parUcalare ma app! ce
non to the eze-atom•.
Mita. Ki.0 c. ACemto9.
J. P. BROWS }Kxerubn.
W11.1.1•11 A41311.11044
(ioderich. (lee. 5th 11447.
h'oi Sale
r d r phaeton, n Urre
coveresurre. o • ,basso . rubber
one covered buggy.one cutter. These vchu•Im�
with us an ate good
Ione been left 1 h to well d
bargain.. 0 U DRY BR(J LIViM Y. Bair
To Bent
on Victoria rtreet and one on Nelson
street. both modern In all appointrnrnl..' Mee
electric light, furnace bath and all
rooms 1 Iglu,
seen r w - time. For
Can be t o
tut her particular. apply apply to JAH MOSKR.
"'1.101.7)4g. TO KENT. -A COMFORT-
ABLE dwelling centrally located . ten
rooms. modern huprosements ; ata0 stable.
Apply to YOUNU it I OBERTSON, Iteral Ka
tale Almnta,'
i arrew, on the Hayfield road. three n11104
Irote O odeech, on w hick t here area good frame
story and -a half house and good barn. Two
.ere. of orchard and two acres of +mall frulbu
Apply on the ppremisoo or to UEORUF: JAMS-
$1'r)V. tindt•ifch.
.L and bright roost.. over the Sterling Hank,
rune entrance se to Mr. Uanoey'e law atm.
tioltwble for dressmaking, dentistry, insurance
o16re, eta Key at MR. MoRltI1.41tS grocery
Beal Estate tor bale.
NiA road ; all modern convenience.. in
good condition. good locality. For further
IaarCIcuLra apply w
J. 1t- ItUHKItT•LU
Volt SALE. -A VERY IJI*4Ift•-•
i1 ABLE la on Westtrent• these to the
Park. Apply 1 W
vats near re.
H agricultural
the ronin*-*.
JOHN McyWF.F.. on D _
block 1) lake road swat, Colborne town-
ship, two melee from Ooderlch, 133) acres, good
tier loam. brick house, barn 31 x T. with
clement .tabling, artenl.0 well. water In build
Ings and spring ..reek. Y acres standing timber
aid young..orchwl. Apply to C. l'. MtNKIL.
Dunlop P.O. U. 6 tf
('LASS 30 -acre farm In West Wawa -
comb. conomelon S lot 27. with 175 acre to a
good stet• of cultivation. well fenced, well
watered good orchard, large bank tarn. good
blacksmith *hop and *tore
at corner of farm. Convenient to school and
church, R melee from ('. P. R nationAL
Auburn. Terms easy. W. A. HARRId(1N,
bucksaw, Ont. ..
Loomed frame dwelling, basing a good
dteation,on Keays street- atone foundation
and summer kitchen, good stable. W(U be sold
rMoonabl For furtherartloUI6re !ODIC 10
INK , Ma:ALUHAN, t' !earl t�,
far Winter. Terni -no better time.
Ne offer *pped.lal advantagsr and pritt;
Rage. not obtalnahle eWwbere. 1Prtte
for partici-dare. Damen Anent( AN
RemlN,as Co4.l.itor.. l'. M. (',A,Bullding,
T. M. WATSON, Principal.
HEAD (hn0a Towwer°
•UTnOalyiD CAPITAL - $1.000.000
To accommodate the Farmers
we have opened Branches in the
villages of
We solicit the Patronage of the
opened by deposit of $1.()0
Interest at 3% &impound-
ed quarterly.
t 31 rlt.KICH BRANCH
A. 0.OAMBLiw ysr,
a. 30
Copy of change of running advertise
ments must be left at this office by
Monday noon to ensure insertion
in issue of same week.
pot) LBS.
at t e
(*ODER Ili
Opposite King Edward Hotel.
As the Wa ter and Light Com -
mi -*inn close their hooks on the
I'I h of !lice mher, alt water rates
nett h, pa i d before that date or
th• tvater will be t urned off.
By order,
k Light Commission.
Auction Sales.
New Ai, T. R. Station Agent.
Jelin Straiten ham resigned hie posi-
tion as Wand Trunk station agent
here anti ie at present on the office
stuff at the (biletich elevator. Mr.
Straiton's position with the G. T. It.
herr ie taken by 6. H. Lauder, who
teener. from Thedford, and who
assulnd charge on Mouday.
Amateur Night at Opera House.
Victoria Opera Home will have an
anrutenr night on F1 idpy, November
271h. when cash prizes will be givell
for the tied amateur performances.,
Intending -'performers must band in
their natroacinone ti€foRi Thiil'(d6q,
the :Reel. Amateur night will provide
a popular program 'and everybody
who wants Lo eniu�ya-gyeni I d
enre•rtaeneieat 4411001dFie on hand.
Attend/ion Nle.
Busy at the Elevator,.
The we,•k's arrivals of grain boat •i at
11oderich were as .follows:. Turret -
Court, with 13e,4Jl) bushels ot.'wheat
and oats: Midland Queen. with 1:01,(I0k1
Wehrle of wheat and oats : Wexford.
1:10,0110 bushelof w heat and wit 5 ;
Scottish Vertu, 1u,IM10 bushels ; Turret
Crown, 11)1,0110 bushels wheat and fax:
Turret Chief, 131,(1M1 bumhels wheat
and oats; Neebing. 110,1610 bushels;
Stratheune. 110,11011 bushels, and the
1Vi1uo.La.iteti-Algengtti(tAtte-Ono week.
That makes a pretty good list of grain
cargoes for one week. The rush be-
fore the close, of navigation is on.
ew Grist MillTor - -----
A project was on foot for the erec-
tion of 4a grist mill and elevator in
town Llie idea being l) look afterthe
trade ad that has beenr
the dcslruction by are of the Dietrich.
mill. \Ve tluderstand that consider-
able pragrees was tieing made with
the project. but that it hits Ise-
dropped 110 (*0)4)1111 Of a etaleineut 81
the 1•l•eetern C'anad'a Flour Mills Co.
that the Company inteuds tri establish
a business of
here 'm
near future. Corraiiiily the town
needs such all enterprise. end wht•the r
it b•• undertaken by the Western
Caned( Flour Mills Co. or by other
rties it wilt simply a want that less
existed) to the detriitp-n,. of the town's'
Bible Society Annual Meeting.
The !annual meeting of the Gol.•rieb
branc 6'
of the l PPe
r Canada Bible
!society was held on Sunday afternoon
test in the Raptist church. The meet -
Mg was addressed by Rev, W. H. H.
Sparks, rector of St. Olave'r rhumb.
Toronto, who gave an interesting ac-
count gf the history'of the British and
Foreign Bible Society. u f which
the ('peer Canada /tilde Mor•iety
ie really it branch, meld of the work the
Society is doing in circulating the
Bible in ever 4)0) different languages
and defraying the expense of traneha-
tioes into new languages, by which
the Society ie virtually a partner in
the work of all the missionary socie-
ttestn the world, The chair Ives 0c-
enpied by James •H. Robertson. the
president of the Society the pet )-ear.
who was re-elected to (he (presidency
for the coming year. J. H. Millian
Sltnations Vacant -
Th.- H
wanted, male er female, bolding ,second
n Qr (Mrd clwms rertlfic toto teachIn S V
a . 1- . 0 8,
"-•3er/elt-te•-a•4' - 4WFiw ew.wrrLeReneo
the Id of Jwnuwr trISH rucA 'n w stating
h y, Apl U h .
))) rilnry. will be lead up to the 'filth of Nov-
ember. Personal application preferred.
ALFRED NAVTKL• sec.-Treas.
a carload of rattle, homes, herpes., buggiee
and curter. at the Colborne hotel. (ioderich on
commencing at 1 o'clock +hart,. About 84 head
of cattle. Including cow- and young rattle. and
one pure-bred registered hor2torn : 1 good
black gelding.
4 learn old : 1 bay gelding, n
tome 0)4: Itr of driving horses, heavy
enough to do farm work : 1 gelding, tieing 2
years old, by Sunny Jine : 1 nearly new surrey.
3 second hand enttrt'. 3 se -mod -hand burgle*.
1 revered phaeton. 2 eels of good douhledrlving
harnee*, 1 sot of heavy team harness, 3 'mete of
single driv-Ipg harness. 3 nearly new goat
RAW.7 buffalo rotor+, :limen neer-blankets. T
dozen new halter .5 dozen new whips, 1 do.en
newsurcinglee. Everything mead be disposed
Terms. -All ram. of pan) and ander, each 1
over that amount 12 months credit will be
'leen on tarnishing Spero' ed joint note.. A
discount allowed for ea.h on credit amount..
THOMAS (11.'NDRY,IAnctionecr.
There will be oRoted for male at public
auction a1 the sldence of Mas. F3a't.ga.
lewertll r•eroad. three miles from tioderich, on
FRIDAY, NOVEMttrcIt 211TH, 11664,
teoclnent t o'clock p m„ the following
One horse, I cow. 4 keen, coming trip -years
old : 3 spring entree. 1 heifer. 1 boggy, rcutter.
1 light wagon, 2 delivery wagons, 1 root 'sniper.
2 ecuffiere, 1 net Imo harrow., 1 met light her
neve, I est heavy harness. 1 cutterrobe hay.
corn and straw, 1 cook stove, 1 wast tester,
1 mol heater, household furniture and other
things too nnmemn+ to mention.
TRRMs or 1.•.1 1.1i :-Snnv under stn.m. cash
over that amount, eight months' credit on ap-
proved neo*. A dlemont of 5 mer rent. per
snnunnllon credit amount., THOS. OL'NDRY,
OK')..rOHNSTON, Auctioneer.
DAN'', BUCHANAN. Executor..
- Any twraon who 1e the wile howl of a family,
or any male over *4 year+ old, may bome.tewd
a quarter ',action of *visitable Dominion land In
Manitnta, S*ekatchewen or Alberta. The
wpnllcwnt mnet appear in person at the Domin-
ion Lends Agency or Sub Agency for the
district. Entry by ern, mil be mode at any
agerrl�oy, on oertw n condition', by father,
inflater. eon, daughter, brother or deter of
Intending home.t*aaer.
but lee. --Ms months' residenee Pont. and
rtttttrwt,nn einem tent in mit tf thrix year..
A homeete.Aer may live within nine miles of
his home.tead on a hum M et lea..!. N) acree
solely owned and occupied byhim or by hie
father, mother, eon, daugter, brother or
In oertaln districts A homesteader in good
etwndln�r may pro-emp4 * quarter-e0stlon
*Ione.Me hie homestead. Ierioert.m per acre.
i)utllee -Mn+t. rnetde All month. In men of dI
years from date of home*tend entry Ilndodtng
the time required to earn homestead patent'
and enitivrte Ofty acre. retro.
A homesteader who h.. et Molded ht. home
.18.4 agent and cannot nbteln w pre-emption
may take anrehewvl hmmeetead In (senatesdletrtrts. Prim at.n) per acre. (mdse -Mt t
reside eta months In each of three yeer*, culti-
vate fifty acres and Greet A tense worth WOAD.
W. lt'. 1'1101'.
Deputy of the Mtnleter of the Interior,
N R.-1-nanthnriz d rwhllratlen of 1hie ad-
sartl••mPat will net be paid for.
41-31 t 1041101.1 P. U.
. Ve Immediately require the services of a
m** of good *ddrews and ability for Oodrrlch
and Adjoining district. A permanent pa.ition
Mr the right men. Write for oarticulars.
STONE & W FLU NO:TON, Toronto. Ont.
per week, or CP per cent. profit. All
ewmples. stationery, and art catalogue tree.
We want one permanent ,igrl.t In alae loc•nll(y
for the largest plctOre and (rent, honk 1n
America. Expenence unnece.wry. we in-
struct you how to .ell our goods and furnl.h
the capital. If you want a permanent. honor-
able and protltnhle po.Ittoo. mire n4 today for
particulars, ralalogite and wimples.
21.11 1214 W. Taylor St., Chicago. i11.
Warder* Wanted.
private homy. AppplWAto
2t M:R-4. T. H, I.KF.I;, Ei-.t. Nt.
Notice to Creditors
DM iNiMTII I :ti
The adminlntrator of the estate and effect. of
William Wall. late of the township of A'hacld,
in the °minty of Huron, farmer, deneaend, will
*ell by `libllr auction at Farr's hood In the
town of tiolertch. at 2 o'clock p.m. on S,vtntday,
November 38. 11416,' the following property,
namely :
Parcel I. -Southwest quarter of lot t, con.
c:e,'ion :), weetern division of the town -hip of
Aehtletd. In the minty of Huron, Containing
iflaerow more or IPws, 4In Ilse tot -shores F.' -i%..
small frame dwelling 14001.., . about 10 acres of
undorgrtt*th suitable for firewood or fence
tail+ : the land I. well suited for grazing our -
to -P+ and Is noel) *Iluatnd pn n good greed
✓ oad about two mile+ from Kintnil and about
the same dIssauce from Kingebrid_ge.
)'otcel ^.-Fart of lot a. con»e,*ion A. W. 11,
Ashtleld, with dwelling homn and e.,thW
good orchard and well. Also part of the .e me
lot containing blacksmith *hop. Th le dwelling
and shop are situated In the rlll•ge of Kings•
bridge At the swam time *111 Nlso be sold a
set of blacksmith fade,
Terms. -Ten per rent. of the Rlrchaw neoney
to be paid In caeh at time of sale, and the
balance within 3I day. thereafter.
For further particulars and Condit Ions of sale
apply to the undersigned.
.1.1.. KtLU)ItAN,
Ooderlrh. 1 hit .
Solicitor for Edward Wall. Admin!*traror.
Nolen to 'ferrety given pursuant Io rt, it. O.
lit:, Chapter 125. Sert.lon s, toot all jer+ony
having claims neater( the estate of the -*M
William Wall, who died on n about the 15th
day of June Itaal, are r9. 114 or before the
21st dayof November, 111*, *end by post.
ro ( or
pp po deliver to f th resigned, ssu .n ars,
for for F}fused ll'*Ih of the town of enulr *+t0.
Mari. Ontwrto, administrator of the estate of
the mid decaasot. thele mama*, skive,..* and
desrrlptlons, and a full ofatement of partien.
lore of their clwlm,. *sad the nature of the
.ecurttY Ili Aryl held by them, duly certified.
And notire Is hereby civets that after the
mid date the wild aim nl.trw nr will
to dl*tribnte the *smite of the d among
the rattle. coat led thereto, hnrlre regard only
to the claims of witch he *tall then have
J. 1.. RItd.ORAN, f;adrrleh. Ont.,
Sojkl(hated aha3rd.*Sy f Not emberr. elle Administrator.
was re -appointed vit•e•president, to-.
gether with the ciergy of the different
churches of the town null district
Charles Saunders: was elected *erre
tory and W. It. Itohvtson was re -ass
pointed. tresaut•er. The treasurer re
potted something aver $31 lelnittod
hast year from the 1;)Nlerich bi*nah
and collectors were selected to make as
C(0 yd a* of (he town for the present
year. A vocal solo was. given by Ed
ward 1tansuld,
Wedding at Blyth.
A pleasant event took place on
Wednesday evening, 11th inst.. ai the
home 01 Mr. and Mrs. John liarret1,
Blyth, their youngest dauglit.v, Misr
Mary Grace, beiug united in wedlock
to George Cowan, of East \Vawansb.
The wedding 'ceremony was pet -
formed by Rev. J. L. Semi], of Blyth,
and was witnessed onlyby the linem-
eliate frioUdn-uf_the bridal- Flu
wedding march ems played by iss
11114 Long, of Monk ton, 'atria of 1 o e.
hri,3e. Tile hride tied groom were un
attended. The bride wits cu*tiused in
cream voile with fillet net Lrimn+ing
and',•arrtrd a hompue of ht'idl''1) r•rsar1:
After pleasant feet i%%ities following
the ceremony Mr. and Mi". Cowen
left for their hone. on the gtisnit s
farm in East Witwauush, whither
they are attends 1 IN many gond
wi*hes from their friends. The
groom is a son of William Cowen, of
lioier'ich, and Mr. Cowan and the
alleles Coteau were present at the
wedding. -
L).ath of Mrs. John M. Ross.
Much sympathy is f.11 with John M.
Roo/ and JL4s family in -the 4os *tf-t-he
mother of the household, which oc-
cur' on Sunday last at the age of
forty -t -e.. years. :Uri. Kos8 ca110• to
(i t i
wl rle with hr rus c
h hind and family
from )1 • rs K last
m Jtio rdinr two years ago
earring, Ft over a vsaw•she hal been
seriously ill -and although a few weeks
ago she appeared to be in much
improved health the ',irnprov'tnent
was only temporary, lehe leaven e
family of eight sons anti\ live daugh-
ters. all living at home';eept ewe
daughtera and two suns : is. Gray.
of .•o
Van mer B. 'r: n
. B :Miss a i f
Victoria., 1J. C. (ltxluu
Mich., and Hugh,
of Detroit, Mich.
The funeral took pl use nn Teete4le4y
afternoon from the faruily zisidenee,
comer of Toronto and Pictun .streets,
to Maitland cerne•terv, . Itev. Jaa. A.
Anderson, pastor or ,knox chur•li,
conducted the :services: and the pall-
bearers waters w ,• Role. et Kd ell Chris o ,
h her
J hn.stou and Geo., Smith, n I V marl ..f loon,
end Alex. i)ingvi I. John C. Roos and
Wm. otls,y(, � y
Huronites at Stratford Normal School.
The following L a list' of the
teachers tion' Huron county in a:-
omelence at $trat f.*d Nornsalt4ets :-
Miss Margaret Kilppaattz-'k, Crewe•.
Miss Mollie Clufr. Clintoh.`
Miss Minn1e'I.. Ker, Clinton,
Miss Hazel 1t. Ker, Clinton.
Miss Minnie E. Kitty, Clinton.
Mh..s (+wife Kart. Clinton. --
Mr. 1:11. Tighe, Clinton.
Miss E. Dickson, Brinsels,
MISR Ida Frain. Brussels'.
Miss Lizzie McArthur, 1h•.Izsele.
Mr, Nelson Higgins. Ii,lgrave.
Miss Edna Taylor, Constance.
Mien Janet Shillinglaw, Egnlondv'ilie.
Mise Margie' "rnl{)e, Ki#klon,
Mims L. AL.Luuj c Kirktots.
Mr. Randolph Davis. Kirk
.Ur. Will. Smith. Lucknow. .
Mr. J. Ernest Robertson, A , it.
Miss basilafella o • '
T me I 't,• 1 s 1'
MI so rettgpllreett .
Sa i►?Or1%.
:Vise Ada Steeth, Seafnrtb.
Miss Nebel Anderson. Beriqfuttb.
Mr. F. T. Foe ler. SP*ortl..
Miss Mahe! Welsh, 1Vingllatn.
Miss Alergaret Bone, Winghenl.
Miss Jit Lissa Peri y. R•inghant.
Miss h
. Musgrove, \inRhit
Miss Annieur
B art. \ .
1 mR hang.
Miss Florence VanNor•Inen, 1Vingharu:
Alias Ethel M. Walsh. tVinghatli.
Mise G*4l-gins Lowell, Wroxeter.
Business Change.
• A change in th.• pe•rnonne of the of-
fiee•r' of the Ouderich Planing Mills
Co., Ltd.. was hrniight About the past
week, by which .lames Bitthanen. sr.,
heretofore president and teras: ver of
the Company. retires Horn the busi-
ness. His toll, .Jansen Buchanan, jr.,
who wall formerly manager and tee•t•re-
tary of the Company, bscetnes noW
president and teenager. and John
Lawson takes the partition 4)1 secre-
tary treasurer of the Cowpauy. _ Mr.
Buchanan sr --bas-lois, rev 4 •
tied with the planing mill and on1raa
Ling business in (i.nderich that it is
dime -mitt.. think Tat the Ltlsin,'e ru
from him, hurt the pee de of liexl-1•ich
will unite in wlef ing him it long a *e
of life p, enjeiy the relief from active
duties which his many years sat servit.e
have earned. The new president of
the 'Company. James B/u•hen.n, jr.,
haahad_n.long etperieuteln mill work
Old is well known in C011f •at ion with
the business, Mr. Lawnn also -brings
a trainable exp•er•irn" to the eervlee of
thertOvropaoessoatthe,peoho V:--
*rich are p1easeo1ree
permanently 11xvated here. With
theme geutli•n•(n in charge the (Ode -
rich Planing Mille Co. is assured of a
continuance of the emcees which it
has had in the past.
A Fashionable Wedding, r
From n -Nashville ITrnn.) news-
paper giving an elaborate account of
the wedding of Mies Resile Joy, of
that city, wo take• some extract,
which wilt be of interest to the bride's
friends in Ooll•rfch and vicinity,
Miss Joy is a condi' of the Minces
Dortpgh, of town, and has visited here
on eAyeral oex•nsinns. The wedding,
which pis deem -died an one of excep•
tiunal IMIluty ofarrnn ement and one
in which` 'itch affectionate interest
centred. t/ ' plan' io the Keith•'rn
city on W lay, November tth,
at the home the bride's father, T.
S. Joy, The ' ppy grneIn wafi ,
John Perrin (i1' , of SplIrtanlnn•17rK,
S. C. Rev. Mercer ', imgen end Rev.
P. A. Rodriguez •formed the i
ppresaivr ewrenlony in he preset . of
1..n guests, The "lot 1 DOWD Was
an artistic feature. hem • nishr,1 by
the Italian oteheett•pt.r, ant wo gifted
Nashville miniplKnq, MI Edna
Tamble at ybe'yiano, giving "Love's
Meldxf se an interlude, an Mrs.
Roy,Thompeon. v(x'alist. The ec-
orationm Were stinting the most las eh
and beam*fell *cru et a Nuhvill.• w
ding. The woodwork And rhnn'telir
of the entire house were fl•'toon'• !With l
mnIilmx, with hanks of fern* and cut
flowers' o11 tip' got lltels . and ra111net.s,
The hall wan richly decorated with
American Ileautiee and the superb
flowers were att1'beF at iutervaln t'1
the stair railing. The cettuluny took
place lefun• ii Tial• whitlow altar of
paluis; ferns and -thee. Mien white
*hrysanth tlwt extended al•
most to the ceiling. 1'his %veil et erred
by the lights lone is row of % 'tit
tapeta in white cetl/edral candelabl
and the altar railing was adorned
With shiers of the snowy chrysanthe-
mums. The bride .Will lovely in :111
exquisite and gt•:ct•ful dire•clr,ire
costume of white nu'ssalin( sat hl,
over a dip of frilled ley'. It bad x
yoke and long sleeve* of teal lace, 411111
waw thlimhed twit a fringed Empire
sash. !ler veil was ailjusl.d with
!Wee id the valley and she car-
ried a bo,. uet made of lilies of
the valley -- and, lavender orchids.
Ljining•ruuul waft ill white and
pink _with-ehrysantheunnns 1111 about.
the noun, and on the bldfet'table a
large central basket of Ire France and
Killarney- rare(• Thernnfeetinns•whkh
tilled the silver and crystal computes
Wel 1' white and pink, and crystal cande-
labra on the table and others clout
he room held White orators under
grten shelter. The lights of the than•
ileilWrhall11llll lllLr iEili •N: Th1•- Ie/•
acts' n the form of wedding *tippers
with re lu0(4 i1) the heels. served
with no er ciak's. Among the guests
w:Lo Mins tattle Douogb,- 44 Outicricll.
who wore velvet empire gown of
green Ilni-h with Ia!e,
Saying Fareseel
(iode,rielt Inst .t wo
r_om its business
. C. Garthwaite,
*e Int slit in the
AIN( t a year antill U
-r-(ll'ItP '1 1 hic
s, left to
he Tonins °nice of
other delta
who leave. 'his_
On Monday Its
-bright young 111440andxd social cit dee. , ,
who had been x
Mtei•ling liank for
rii11 become
pm4intances and tt socia
take a pesitinn in 4
the Bank. The r
that of Deed Farr. eon ofiilr.a
Jae. Farr 1�a.i1t street,
INrj•hlipd'5 iuitne to lake i1 poair
with the Motley -Shaw Milting Co.
lirltnden, Men. Mr. Farr had teen
for mouse time in the office of the
444,derich Elevator Company. Both
Mr. Garthwaite and Mr. Farr are
es i le nod reliable young .n onewe expect- a rive achieve 1
[ tnewfather
Su'•t•r. y in.cnuunercial life. Both were
m) 0)144 t•B eff-Tihe meliiPSP n1g Canoe
Mb. and a special meeting of 11)4•
rhtb-waw calk* fist-Settitrebtr. -evening
to give theta -a send-off. There was a
Inrge attendance. of the members ,and
after sante suitable lomat ks President
Turnbull, Molded by F. W. Brophy.
p!reseut.ed each of the departing meni-
fw•rn wath a memento In behalf f the
club. Speecln-s from several of 11111
vales present emphasized the ex-
1)1'essiHtle of rept.* tatted forth by the
occasion, complexi• with gored wishes
for the fitter,. Shortly before mid-
night all Molds were joined in "Auld
Lung Syne" and the gatheering then
Woke tip,
The Y. M. C. A. At Home.
The at home held on Monday even-
ing in the rooms, of the V. M. C. A.
over the Standard loan oftice was 'a
very auspicious- it -ginning of the work
of the Aa oriation now that it has
secured prop-r�-iere.)mmd.datiom-end
the opinion of all who were present
was that the premises secured are
ideal for the purpose. L. C. Fleming.
cd ty secretary, was profane, end
gave an address during the evening.
U. F. Blair occupied the chair and the
!nein fooin Wan cotilfOt tably Qlled
Leith an animated, gxtjiering of young
people. together wit h the [melon' of
several of the townI r
ch n hes and
+- ,
During the evening blaank forms of
application for membership were di*-
trituted and it is hoped and expected
that most of those who rtreived-
catds will become members' oL the
Association and assist in the work.
An excellent ro 1
K wits tar
n e rond'rlal
consisting of wdo1 by Miss Ih•t-
mU•idlge, Sidney' Belcher, .haus* Pow•-
rie and Jetties Thomson, recitations
by Miffs Aitken and Mrs. .1. E. Jot, Ln,
a trio by alis, Martha 1Velns, A.
McLean and Fred Sturdy. quartettes
by Mises Wells a11-1 Henstt•idge and
Metiers. McLean and Sturdy-, end by
Menses. A. Cook, A. McLean, Donald
Clark and Ja1114.4 Thum+on, ineh•o-
slentalt by Albs Dorothy Edi,. and A-
lloy Adams, an instrumrnhJ duet 119'
Miss Nairn and• Mr. Jordan, *1111 is
vocal duet. by Messrs. K. Beadier end
J. Powric. A. Roy Adams and
heLemrne Millyerd were the stoma-.
pnnistt. Addresses were given by the
chairman, A1I'. Blair, by the r -011013 -
secretes). Ml Fleming. -and ).y -3 .
Dougall, past.m• of North et reel.
Methodist church, and at the conrlu-
'rnr of the p rugrem refresl' •sats
were served end the ;erne broke sap
-the itattr)Illtl e 1
Knight- Martih. •
IJetweeu forty and fifty guests
graa:od the home of Mr. and Mts.
Henry Martin, Newgate street, yes-
terday on the occasion of the mar-
riage of beets fsir young daughter,
Miss (;race Ethel, to ve.
K:SitlkJs..3:Pel� - -,- uan-
nger of the Itice•Knight Light C
pany. of Toronto. A bank of pelta,
and ferns wns arranged in the hay
window of- the tiraw•ir*K•rxmrand the
curtains were hung with rimil61.. and
helot.. this hacking the happy couple
took their places. The bride wail
given ewvay by her father end was sat•
tended by Miss lira',- !Mynas ns her
bridcsmnd. while the gronm'a busi-
ness aso)s'iate, H. A. Rice. of Toronto,
Wive hest man. The bride was mar-
ried in her going -away gown of navy
Nee h,n'ingl,me serge and white
satin picture het, and her hon'n't
wan of violets and orchids. Mise
Rhynaa wore mauve.. eolienne
Meek satin picture hat and
a shower Is (net of pink
Wedding Matrh was
Oli\•e Killer. Thr
9541'' C0011111'1.1.11
street Ate
I. The
pet Ily Mina
rringt' ceremony
t per p actor of North
tot Meech, Rev. 13r.
at high noon, end at the
re rche wedding hlrakfes, the
mor 5) 1y happily propsre,1 the
health of the bride. Mt•, and elle.
Knight left by Grand Trunk in the
afternoon for their fuhten home in To-
ronto, the bride swing ehowereedl with
a very temente supply of tire a5 she
boarded the train, only exceeded in its
Reneroum torment by I he good wisher
of ell her many ftiends. Among the
giant. were the groom's 'mother end
I,re'tllt•r, Miss, William Knight. of Sar-
nia, and Ernest Knight, of I)r'selen,
nil MI's. 1►, 31, Brown And *on Leslie.
r Hamilton. The weddtnR Rifts wets•
ho 1)umeroup And Onto, Including
ma in Royal Poulton, ret glass and
Crow 1)rl by, The gift. of the
grooms tanner was a cheque for $l(ilh
A few days previous to the happy
-event the bride-to-be was honored
with 11 couple of 411IW1•11., Mrs. Fruuk
�I;,11iet Kit ug her it towel shower and
Mire ((live (tiller .a kitchen shower.
The gto(mu's gift to his bode 'war a
there-*toue,diauu•nd ring and to the
idvenultd a gold bracelet set with
a n terkv s tr.
Happy Plus.
tiilyt forget the pe•rfermanee to-
morrow night el lot Opera House,
when . J. Heat Jordan will •present
"Happy bus, or A us 1'nfinished
Plot.' The worth; Ore by Mr, Jordan
himself and the music plop is errangtd
by hiur. - H. K. Jordan will be the
accotupaui t. The argument is as fol -
!ewe : "tins Edwards. +► y u
who is leading n fast hie, returns lit his
native tuba one eyeici\Ig and spends
the night . to n levet to\ luring all Iris
totoit _LoaBatten atten - trwWee;� Vie
next - mooting, as 1c• iv\ going to his
h , Gus meets his r.ttsi11. Adele
llilchi,•, atndtogefhnr that)
the village. On the way
the rhil,iren gning to sch
elle Peg*
,ago mad Ib* -t 11 1'. I', Lawrence, 1;, F.
It. Ticket Agent
Mader 1;. T. It. .... .. .....
!W ..
Administrator's .Hole -J. L. Killurvn . 1
Iwdits and 1'hildren'..mar'. ('oats -D. Mil-
choice Styles In Winter l lothing - McLean'
F'omNF to the Wall -Walter l'. Pridha:u... -
l'bri-turas rnlµs-W iii. 1.. Linda*Y N
\le5rling of corm(~ Cuunoil---W, 14Lne, l'lerk 1
Sup',"Flatness- iur Flness11. F. Knox: Auburn
Pu..hlrlg Prices Down -J. Il. Colborne....1
51en's and %% 0414en'e Fur ('oats- W. Acheson
le Sun .
H .
uytIK n
a Cutler -Wee. Karla•7 r
rel A Ibwkot..
Olyer of Unusual Iuterr+:Roma
-Viii- ci. N
Fine Fore mid Sty lt.h (040-- John 1Steud 2
1'utler% and eleiglw-I(ubert Wilson .. • 8
Auiatuar Nigh4.-Vwt.IriwlHw►a.13ea•» - t
1'o ll' a •\t'sutud - 1:. J. Finnigan.... 1
.91 home Daughters of the 5u'plro 1
A n a, iunceutent-- W. 4 -. 7'.- t'. . .. ...:.. 1
(IpWrlunit lee--l'auluruu K Moore4
protect 'four Ih.r.c -.'.5 1 .ell.' Hanitvare
go towards
)(11.ey anrdeaall
«erne gtwrf to welcome him : (even Joey.
the town joke, forgets hirci ,-lf. Ar
Gus is watching the children, Sy Via
appears and wins hie 14.4()1 14y. her
pit brae story, and while in it s Ate of
*ohne*.. he beers fie itFIn I here
voice. It-nnwing 1:11••' •.:II moo that
way, and not. wishing '• ,• to kr(u he.
ie how.- h4) tries tel nve,d het', Alit lMe-
ing una�llt• t°: 110 e,) fl4Mi412 e`
new minister. She plead* with hi
to watch for Gus Edwards' renu•n and
he ,promisee W) len so. Elora C.oup-
bell matte Gus anti he tells hie troubles
1 .1:F. -w C Luse *ilio11-aire one 1i11in
the village who knows of hie way -
wet times and can be trusted. Italian
Bill cotnees upon the *cent and a tight
t-4lrueo, in which Italian 1ii11 is shot by
y�. k wl)') la returning thtt/ugh the
W110414. GM Edwards derides to hetet
the town and reform, No that he mryy
c • luu•k and lead a straight life.
bree years later he ret erne in the
o1atramp Anil moons Flora'
11, who does 1114 recognize him
t -r heti
ren hien sing.Flora
lies that t nil is well, and be
his Iain d to sCa •. 1n the
tr 114 'ep tit'gins10loratraTf,
and titian lit 1(01.5 exline1, 'flit
fourth act'fa .' • d ttnl:te-tyys the
dl vise
1'.o )iH•
makes 11
G. C. 1. Literary
. The meMingof th C..Ilegiate insti-
tute Literary Movie odd in the
a mh Ithalof . sr1 )
. Friday
was ell n.•cxs of much
enjoyment vele
1<y sat to ILr (nigras w• pre.-
tort.- -The prominent feat' at this
prngran+ woe at 11ebate op the ti 'vet :
•'HI•Yt/!Yell, t hat Canada shim •on-
tfihnle to the enpp, rc of the II 't .h
navy." \1 . .Ga Lti,.N--Lavery. 1
leader , f t he a1(11rllrat ive, argued thi
as 11 mark of our gratitude and x
provision for oar national safety .we
OWE. it to Great Britain to help her
(maintain her m11ptl•IIIxey on the mem,
and defend herself against her mod
formidable t•ivale. Germany and the
United States. Fleury •ppa l'J, the
fertdeer of the negative a v sit}tixirted
by Orton 1►urnin, basal the chief
objection to the resolution o • the faro
that Canada has no repr(•sen ' tire in
the British Parliament and .5s 'emal41
have no control over the _ mov ' lents
of this navy. !1e urged that Ile, -i1i-
levy *i.1 whirl] Canada now fermis • e
N"rvee its perpoei• better than 1
supper t oft he navy. Donald *''inlay
eon; M • •r � •'
Mr. Lut r Nan n,
t veer,
ur tet
Pi 1n
dust 111 nu s rn
t , h tad ntal;.her col ifrTu-
•tion by lat%in;; n nosy- of her own
which in time of -t,tt eaaitr -could co-
operate wit the British navy. This
t•guuu u'. wLila'nui in line •wlt(t a
lama, illl•'tltl.•tNGall of the resolution,
with a11ulit'd res valid in a broader
view of the subject, mud the judges
TAu', W. H.' ItolerL*nn and
.1. II Tlg,• •
' 't Kptate their decision in
favor of the afllr•m's!i5e. The debate
was rnndurh5l with a -treat deal of
ability', And the young men who took
pertate ail lm IN• e•mngrattilntell upon
the .skilful manner in which they
lsudled the subject. The presl•nta-
t inn of the 11.11, t Pat k memorial
gold medal, donated by William l'ef'k,
dry Ctlethnm. in memory of his late
father, a former principal of the
tlesiertch public schools, wows.a !dress-
ing diversion from the conventional
program. The clever student who
won the prize by obtaining the
highest ntenler of tuarks at the last
entrance ex,Lutinatient W419 %'tatter
.--itesperenr-Tom. tv-or-Free=
s'nted the model, made some hot -riot-
ing remarks, which were supple-
mented by Alex. Saunders, of the
fluidic school board. In appteci 'l
of her sbTkii and character as a
minket Principe Tigert, of the Model
school, presented beautifully bound
(miles of (Inlet plays of Shakespeare
to Mies Eva Somerville, who Caine
algae behind the winner of the modal.
1'IIeJonfrenal, lead bytheeditrlr-ln-(:hi.•f,
Mise Eleanor 1Valker, was a literacy
triumph iter the foster nf- thr:Soeiety.
!!'else' wlti?c =
• 8ll fragct te" was ably upheld : it well-
written article on "Cenadx's Piece in
the World of Literature," which re-
vealed a thorough kn0wl-4 ret 0f r......._
itixo literature and a keen appr.cut-
lion of genius unhallowed by dig.
tam..., proved w revelation to many
1111 the amassing incidents of Co11P•'
life were cleverly' turned into .• by
The Journal's 'Moet latire baring
the evening Mill ina p eh rcnd.•red
/an in*trum'ntel . o with good ex.
pression and nep Beleh•'r sang a
stirring see ming 111 excl'll,tit smite.
In her athetic recitation Misr, Floe -
• Young tlispp•tyed •Irentinnary
tiliti'H Hf a high order. 1'h' (flee
Chiles Ne•b'clion' .011',1 forth enthusi-
astic bursts of applanee. The critic
for the evening Waft A. M. Robertson,
M. A.. of the teething etalf, whose
Irnlarks we•te he•mr.1 with ranch inter•
este The young testae reser* strong
gentlemen of the school ti'4peetively
will furnish the program.: for the next
two meetings. AN a friendly rivalry
exists IretWeen them exceptionally
intere.sting meetings etre expected.
California, Mexico, Florida.
Specie) round-trip t0m•i-t rate'* in
egret to principal winter resorts. For
foil information as to rates, routes,
site.. apply to F. F. Lawrence, (*rand
Truck town agent, Oodet•ich, (int.
Re'tnemler the . entertainment le
Victoria street Methrttiiat' church nett
Thereday evening, This fe the ledir;
end of the contest between the young
.nen end the. young Ladles and this
judge's will give their decision at the
close of the concert.
Feathery SVnotr,i - Gilde11.•1) MaUrss.. and
1'Phul.te+-iug 19.tok- ., 1
.1 l ohsh t1t'P-:ar-terkevI 4itr(wrre'emmtttee::