HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1908-10-22, Page 7THE SIGNAL : GODERICI1. ONTARIO L'IfUNaLAY, October 92, 1808 7 .'' v+44.1' 'vQ.4s evQv° e° °°Q°*4444,44, '%i4449i 4+4,44°`' '' '' ' '' 444' ''' ` "+`' '+' 4" ° *` '`*. The News of the District. 1444++444=64.54***•*46•i454444444444+44+44'+**41 •!*=4*4V KINTAIL. / i oat of 1)xr. Lour 'l'e(ylur on Orh.- her 7JSth. WRUV kMUtI', flet. Ugh. rr 'Yui:t'.ieneit.- lravotah1 repur•fri Sf'ir- The annlvrzitaest' which' rwas':tdvt.'• to hand from the threshilige as to the tired to take {deer to the nth and Nth yield of grain this fall. •.Ill Itlututily of Novembet has leen changed to a • and quality the crop is the lied. hat- week earlier, the tat Mild 21111. vested herr fur many Years, owing to Thr Epworth League topic for next. the fevurnhie stasou. Pall wheat will Tuesday will Iro ".laser the Brother average thirty bushels, barley forty. of John." taken by George Pentland, oats fifty tosxt)' ittIeastwent y-11(1 and "Janina the I1r..111er of Jude."bumhele per acre. I'iekt corn has taken ))v Gordon Young. 1s•eua record-bteuker and those who Mr. and Alts. William Morrow. of have altos have tbeel IIIIe,I 11) aver- (ioth-rich. spent Sunday with friends flowing. Potatoes ate now being lug at Nile. Mr. Morrow has recently re- und are a good crop. Mangolds are turned.lrwu the \1'cst amt rpn•alaa in +11.1' goat also, hill the turnip crop Is •glowing tering the country. again u failure. To quote the words Rain ie bath nred.•d in of au uW 8.(11.1: "Thi+ ha, been a Y vie of pkat',, sora thaw Yrovid-enre, utw)I. v. The faruleta ale (1411:461.11.'"°11".: mud there's lots far both eau and Ida their.fell plowing, the land (wins \,east.' so 11rv. The root crop. which i. mod- YUwtUAY, Oct. 211th. erately good, will be timidly gathered in this shell, Miss Mayme Joytt left 011 Tuesday CuonoH ANNIa'KW+.CnY.--Thr nnui- Ltst for Detroit. Miss Harriet Young has returned home from Detroit. Remember the Liberal meeting in Jlet)onald'a hall next Saturday even- ing. KlirINGSBRMOND. a " nt. 19.1.. Miesw1]alLuuh1 us - UO08 '1', a•ellta. Jail O'Neil, wife and run spent Monday in tloderieh. Mies M' . J. O'Connur is expected bode• from Detroit this week. EAST WAWANOIt1H. 'I't'gauay,• Oct. 2tal1. /Vise m yell.-thasu •.di 3.. iald-up- -wit h a pevel'r add at present. Mr. Middle, of Lurktrow, last week put in u ruralist* iu Lite new No. 7 reboot Mr. and Alii. John Martin, of Michael Dalton, of WLlnitteg, is (kthet1L are cieiting In the neighbor - Michael Dalton, under the• parental e.t.d. hood al present. Miss Po)* and Mira O'[.ear a 111 A valuable five-year•uld bora'. be Sturdily with Mer. Con. O'Reilly. longing to HM• arry c(ire felt Intuit Joseph Dineen Ir raising him house at present. That looks good, Joe. J. J. O'Reilly and Jerry Connor it tend working on the railway 'retro sa111. We are glad to report that Mr. ane Mrs. J. C. Dalton's little girl is slowly recovering from her recant ricknest. J: P. Hulli%atl spent Sunday .'v.t- leg with friends in Nt. Auggtiatine. lie was accompanied by •Tlrouu... Sullivan. Mrs. James Dalton, who has heti as the .ick list for the past few weeLs is able to 1* nruaud again. We hope to see her out soon. Jerry Desmond end Miss M&yun• Callahan. his Meer, have returned to their h es in \Vhiteehureh after a week's visit among friends here. LOCHALSH. MuIYI/AY. Oct. •1 11th. 1', D. Mclennan has purcbrws1 an .•Iegaut new McLaughlin top -buggy. the inch Homing of a straw w t( the cement Huurof the staide beneath thereby breaking its ba k, a week ago Sunday. The funeral ut the late Mr.. ,lotto Barbour. who died oil Saturday inor•n ing, took place Veetrrday to the Lurk now cemetery. Mrs. Barbour had been ill only aimed is week, having takena stroke the Sunday before her death.. Much sympathy is expressed fur Mr. Barbour in this his hour of be. reavement . 1LYAtiee Asti Sestb `Y Halloo' RAi.LY: !rev. A. K Junes, of Auburn, preached to large congregations at the 1:pworth Ltague. and Sunday school rally of the Brick 'Ihurch last Sunday morning and evening. The concert on Monday night was good and wes well attend...I. The Cline quartette from \Vinghaut furnished the Mus- ical part of the program and there +verte-r'arlintts irs- Mrs-. Parket-lir \Viugham : Miss Lizzie Harrison, of ltelgrave, and Jlien Johnston, of Blyth. Rev. Mr. Andrew, gave a goal ad- Alee. C. M.'Ken, .-. ie.; ,is roefined dyer', also. to the house ------_.----- of appendicitis. . Neil and Bosh hail their usual week- !) wile at the lake shote IMM Win- e. slay evening. Nis. Ltzzte Kdw.ar s. o f a ericb. is .it pr.'a.ut visiting Mrs. A. Miller and 'abet friends in the vicinity. • Jar..tlsi ty. with -his tram, is work- ing at the gulling for 1be new Electric utas\ on the Eighteen Mile River. , Danny, of !wirier. appeared to lie in a happy' frame of mind last Sunday. Ile says that 111' is worth living after all. • Rev. C. M. -Rutherford. of Duugan- nun. preached- ateeptahlyy to a large nugtegat. in the Presbyterian rhumb hire last Sunday evening:-• Mrs. 11. Mel'harles, of Lueknow. edit the Misses Maggie and Sadie V. Charles atten.b•.1 the communion services in Ashfield Presbyterian church haat Sunday. Hector ix now staying home at nights and is horning the tuidnight oil. in earnestly poring over thlea rut es to di -covet:. whether oil i.. to he found below the carboniferous stage'" us whether it was lit -ought ever in barrels by icebergs during the glacial age. We are pleased t.. hear that Murdoch ' Alcikmal.I'• new White threshing outfit, will, straw -cutting h..x attached. Is working very Matic f.tctortly. The "Volution of the threshing machiur has now reached a ----stsg.•--in whirls. --in many rases.•lila not necessary to have a single hand attend LL_the__straw *tot --thud- is *Voided very hurl and erten .erV' agreeable work to the fsrnn'r. Witt. '\'IIF:YHTHIAs. (111.:'-Thewell then hare now drilled down to a depth of 51.1 feet, 11101.' or 1 -ss. Dur- ing the lino perit•1 of their operations, they .truck a 81 n/ng'spring ..1 water. which eonsiderabh• hampered th.•ur its their work and which neerwilated the put [trig d•'wn of over :est fret of eas- ing before the wat.•r could 1M• ..hut off. !since that time. howr.er, they have mad" rapid progress ;uta the crit hal stage is new drawing near, in which it will prolsahly b. known whether oil is to be .found in this a'ctioa or awl. The ro,k under the ever\. ing clay ap- pears to be, so far, chiefly of a liner stone character::witla shallow leets of at Iter and bander material. ST. HELENS. \lorsuav, Oct. iitth. Will and Hugh Rutherford spent Sunday at Port Albert.' Mr. and M, s. Hedrick, or Cargill. Vent a few da. s at Mr. Hyde'.. ' Rev. 11.Itarhfiur attended the fun- feral of his aunt. Mrs. Barbour. Mr. lobo; of \Vinghst n. visited hie oiauKhtet, Mn., 11. %Vieille, on Mon- day. Miss Rlizi)etit 1)uruiu. .d Wing - ham. ix spending a few weeks at home. WEST WAWAN0SkL TU1ie1AY, Oct. Dlth. DKATII uh' Mus; Jt,iia BAltnot'lt.-it is with the deepest feelings of regret wo haveto record hrif1afh,on-NaT -Nat- tulle) fling. October .17th. of an- .thrt of the (r pry, in the {lers.ln of Mrs. John B.arbou(•, of St...kiek:ui. The deceaseel had IM•en in her usual health until tde• previous Tuesday. When she eutfertd a stroke of laryn- ••enl ptralyrit. Mrs. Barbour wits born September •2nd, 1tLa1, .4 Highland origin. at Carnpleelltoen. Argylerhirr, `Scotland, mad was the oldest child in a family of fuurteeu ultiWren. of whore sic still survive: Jame.., William. Archibald, Charlet and Margarl•t. all .4 Wawanorh. -and Donald. a gifted journalist- in London. England. In. ISCti she imiuigtated wither father. 1)ona1.1 Alai tin, and family to remelt' during the stirring scenes of the rebel- lion. The Grittily .pent part of the time in Toronto, and then settled in the township of IharlingtOn. in Dur- ham county. • In 111;7 deceased carne to Huron county. where her parents with the rest of the family 'engaged in the aiYhlltIIM toil of 'donee!, life. tri 11ay..19ta1. ti,,' Mira ulrrri.xl :olid bitty - eight years ht.,. ..hare.) with her hu.- IMlrld in the ua:tterial :odd moral ad- vauee of 1Vesterrw Ontario. There were no eitildren by this union. yet n.. teaser than right boys and girls were guided tat a -useful and strong man- hood Anil aoutanho(sl under the wise And j•tdiciou. pa.ental car' of the de• sed. Mi . FitifM ur iri'Tier feat' was a strict 1'tesbvtaiian, a zeal.nle -erBai.tenf -ttlettttlrt'- "td' eittvin .111.14:11, St. Helens. of which eongre- gat ion she woe a chart. r wrnthre. It' politics .h.• was an ardent admirer and follower of Mr. (ita.l•tone •bud finely 11,•Id to Liberal principles through her long life she had n striking and un- i.pn• pM•ts..uaiily. fearless and abrupt in her vensnre of tvttalg, puursiog great ...rage and initiative in the choice of h.•, own pathway, while herr v:hole lit.• 111a.elnerlt was balanced by firm religious principles and ever tend- ed even through faltering moments towards the goal of trite �wluanh(od for the rare. A very- Large concourse 5.1 pioneers. friends and resat iwr. meant. 1,1...1 at the hetile to pay the last trib- ute of love, respect anti honor to her chcriehe/talle 1141 y. Ths-resu.ln.-were-- iat,•rred with gout car yin Green !lilt cemetery, Luck now. Itev. 1'. M. Rutherford. of Dungannon, and Rev (i. Y. 1111 of \\'hitechurch, officiated. The bereaved husband !las the sym- pathy of the whole cautlunn1ty. CREWE. Mt.n,h, (A't. 1901. Cu11M•rt lost a valuable limey - draught horse on Friday. Polities are very quiet here et pres- ent. Mr. Holmes is a licit. Whitt do yon call the other fellow Mrs. John Gantry and daughter, Miss Etta, :11'e the guests 111 Mr. and Mrs. Kickley, of Marking. Mrs. D. McDonald and children. of Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Heed. of Mafe- Ripley, alit spending a few days with kittg. were the gteae of Mr. and friends on the 9th eonct•ssion. Mrs. Shadrach Rivitt yesterday. Mrs. J. 13. McKay, ut (itxh•rich. ac- companied by her mother. Mei. W. Pierce, returned to (i,.derich today. Mrs. Stewart Findlay and her Mrs. Robinson Wood's hat.. returned brother, Victor J. Whitby. of Mare - from Varna. where she had been ling, were Crewe .isnot•.. on Sunday. 'pending a week with her mother. The Misses Lizzie and May SVartl. of Mts. H.•id. \Vest \Vlawanoeh. were visitors at the home of their aunt, Mrs. John Menary, on Sunday. Mr. and Mr.. Wm. Shackleton and .laughter, Mies Mary, of Prosperity. were visitors at Mr. and Mrs. Shackle - ton's here. Mr. and Airs. Isaiah Congrain and Ia hte :-Zettei t4 Luckaow,r•werer•t AWAIT -40-114 r. and Mr. Thos. Con - grain on Sunday. M.. and Mrs. 11. Anderson received word en Saturday of the death o1 their son-in-law. John Black, of \Vinghnin. Miss Al. Harris, of Toronto, and Misr ltohm/a Barrie., of Atlantic (lily, attended the funeral of their :tont. Mrs. Barbour. The rifle club intend holding e *hominy match on Friday, the J,kh inst. The hosing side furnish an aytter supper at a tit nee date. life Rlrtreset rrrr-Ia K 'lent. occupied the pulpit en Simdny very acceptably. In the evening he VP a talk on hia mission work in the est and it was enjoyed ht all. Mr. Mrs. Jamem Olver spent A short time the gueet of her eimter, Mrs. Miller, in Stratford last week. Mrs. James MeWhinney returned home from the 1Vest hist week and Tt•eteris v. Oct. 1.41th. IntOrto e6 grzoi time. Mk* Janie Vow, of the 51h dine,- IVilliam find Hugh Rutherford. of *ion, left on Monday to r. lad. es Mt. Helens, called on friendn in this near Atwood. Vieinity last (Sunday. BENMILLER. Mostotiv, Oct. 19th. Mies Lucy Fisher spent Sunday at het I here. Mre. Jas. Long. we are sorry to heer, is not improving very quickly. Edwin %Vattern hes returned from Cedarville, Miehigan. Mrs. Walter.' return is iincettain, depending en- tirely on circumstance/1. Our League will hold a social even. ing on Thursday next And a program has been prepared in which. Along ith other items, the Lengee report from the Aubtirn convention will he given. The following week the topic will he a missionary one-. . We deeply eympathize with the people of tioderich in their Inck of electric light service the p•..kt we,•k. It. Perms there were A few mintakes made in that town on Saturday night to "or One night would be had enough blot a whol. GOCIERICH TOWNSHIP. Instructor --Mr. Smith, kindly name the bones of the skiill. Student Smith -Well, air, I've got t hem all in friv heed. but I can't think of their name. pixt now -Bohemian. MINIM Sadie MacAlAth ou Monday to resmffie her detiee at Roosevelt Mrs. M. Helton. of Windom., left lest week on her eeturn home, after a lengthy visit with relatices in the veraary services and tealueetiug in connection with Nile Methodist church --ass• es the J. C. ager ce., t oaistl Ye1e.- Will be held on Sunday and alultals., November let and 2112. the nurrniug aerviret will be ew(dnt'toil 1.y the pay- r•w1111.1w..1- - tor, Rev. \\'; Conway'. 11. A., It. Il . OurNew HairVigor Ayer's Hair Vigor was good, the best that was made, taut Ayer's Hair Vigor, new im- proved formula, is better. It is the one great specific for fall- ing hair. A new preparation in every way. New bottle. New contents. Ask your druggist to show it to you, "the new kind." Darr not change Me color of the hoer. r.raul. 1•118 •.a► 8.111. • axo,r e w goer Lek h.a about 1t, th.n do g h...,. As we now goke our new Hair Vigor it does not have the slightest effect upon the color of the hair. You may use it ftcely and for any length of time with- out fear of changing the color. Stops falling hair. Cures dardruf ers • Ted .lir:•illln lett ..TuArtday of last11.1• week f 1r Chicago, where he has se- B. •A., fl D., of i)nng.tnuuu. ..all cured {oriti00. fth,',i 1, 1.h .nl mucic will be turn• I CLOTIIIING Miss Lizzie'•:dwerds, of� a�lirit•b, Irhtdbythechoirtolothrl•rviceg. &pent the weekend renew ig ac- On Mondor eventl,g a tt:utte.ting . will be it. in the basement of the Iiiii r, simper servliT Trnpt `fl-tu N ft MEN Misses Tenn Carrick and Nobel o'clock. After tern a ulueieal and lit -1 FITS WELL • Iheights, of Lucknow. ralled_-.wi erMry prognio, will tie given in the LOOKS WELL friends here last Thursday. Miss r- auditorium. The Nile shun will lion n charge of the meek. rick left uu Morality mm nimeek. and the fallowing WEARS WELL. Duluth. outside (stent is expected to take poi t: T Wiles made by fitted lt'ftf►:. Vire-of' -unknown 1lcawitter. origin'broke out in Jar. Griffin's brush hut Glatt•lid.• Mot. reader, of Hen - roma. weeks ago. With the help of sa'• the rain two weeks ago he thought he built, and W. A. S?pith. of Dungan. 4"tdt-at- -fiit-again broke nun :\ Addtlwtnn '2.a •. Children Lk.. •rut on 'riday the flr,• has nosy ____,- • paps eli over the entice bush. It has DUNGANNON. given hiei no end of trouble together , with the loss of some goal 1 t.ii er. It . TON: .-Lt`r'i.. is now at the edge of John 1). , c• ... Nt/w'• -At home every do 4. repcTnun- K dare. Newt•• way fur rctactiler!. Ihn1t11m.• Iliillatd a hush and Mr. McD1,11a1. loeun. bet'er 1 01 tell., 1'.os11,1041 tel dare. Wert.. puttingforth' etc. Atuuunul pt.tc. Ilion ble.1i...b: •.. great effort.. to rhec N. B. -You .._.-1�_.._ asses. ----._.. , and In the evening R... \\. A. Smith. • 1 INE._TAI,j,Oit1D • : Rev. M••sea, A\ E. Jones. of Ail- The TatIor DUNLOP Mostualt. Oct. 19111. Miss Alice Clark, of Auburn. IsKie- Toronto, visited his uncle, Hobert Alc- Allister, the latter part of last week. -Mr. Duggan, of Stratford, called on Rev. Father Latirendeau one day last hien& in 4.0d,,i.ieb. It. E. Mroilng spent SI1‘;'4,1\11 V ail 11 John tVilson. Auburn. spent Sun- ibe day with friends in this Moet of the farmers in this vicinity liotli are 'a good crop, nut the be dr) weather. ing a couple of we'd.- a It f dui, at J. Agar is in this vieinit y this week Stratford. finishing up the threahing. ' Ed. Johnston and %rife. oreliutota. John Hoyle and Oswald -_Pollard , isited the loran c..; brother here on 'aye been hiny during the past week ''''°""Y putting in cement sidewalks fur Rey. M6' Ett". "end" - Marne after foot -weeks' ieit saint .(0.1 other Hantertt lOW111.1. int4i1 ion al. la ll i lll !II till. . ethnic % 1. MENTIN4). -The meeting Raid:. eelelich. 81 Wilt SlilliLty 1. hi. l!elt1 ill the echool house this evening h. re. alter nod Chet les lValf....sti their wives, of were t guests of J. Welkin', and his wife Sunday last. • The English eltureh it; preptririg for its annual supper arid entet titiment. to lie held on Thanksgiving night. be given later. A number from here attended the fnueral of the lat.• Mies Wright, Of Cothenne, wide}, took place on Satur- day last front the home of her uncle, Robert Huta On. ILPV. 111 e. Langford, of 'rollout°. con- ducted missionary ,.ecvices in the Aletinelist ,•hurell on Sunday last. He gave two very *ble foldreseeft to le vire Soetabis foe the sat L 11 in Itung.41.11011 for The' signal i. at I lo• lattice 'took and Statior co. Stunt, e order. will be reoeiteil for .utiaeriptiott, ad veal...lad and job wort. cite reeettag 8111 be given fur •111811.118 mild for 1,1.« ma44..t. het, tlds week'. • (it the interest of Hobert I lohnee, the Liberal candidate. WWI well at tended. Who Hest Piwaher %%as J. h. Killorair, ores. the re...rill of the Laurier 1 kovi..rnolient sine.. 11,4 accession to lend! f.0 with keel' interest, power in 191E. Mr. Killotiin dares.. was so effective a presenta- tion of the case for the Government 1 hat it cannot btu help the Liberal rause in this seetton. W, ti. Robert, son. of The Signal, folldWea with a brief :address. criticizing the Opposi- tion eamlidate=o-fwitnee to appear be- fore lie eleetors to show rensoti why lie (should he re-elected. Mr. Holmes, 1 he candidate. (dosed the meeting in a toreefill address itt *which he dealt with the SC/11111/d talk of the; Opis.vi- t ion and with other aspect.' of the pol- it,ical situation. The meeting was Kroc...1 by the presence of glide a large irumber of ladies. who followed the speeches evidefit 13r with as touch in- t ereat irs the men. Moses Oet. 11/01. lethltO I'VeSt, in now about Npe,•ial devotional servicee 111141.1 owe, „y large. (by 1,eell ill progress in St. Augustine weather lhas been favornlile for taking church. Rev. Father LAurendeau he. mg assisted h) sin eral other clergy - NILE. lOte for liolnies and good honest „a number ft•oni around here a: - tended the funeral of the late Mese Maggie Burrows on Monday last. The Woman's Missionary Society will hold its tount lil% timid Mit at the up the potatoes, but the ground i. •10 hard for ploughing. lforstics" 111.• it kat meeting held in the hall here in Thin...lay evening in the Liti.•rill in- terest was a rouging one, with a larg.• introderet ion: of music. which certainly bellied much to VIIIi•en hl. 10100 jfig, played by Rohe. Craigie, of (bidet MI", and the plaintive notes at Mr. Link - liter's violin seenteil to have a pleasing A MINISTER OF AGRICULTURE WHO DOES CREDIT TO HIS FELLOW-FARrIERS. Minister of Agriculture, mi.. shine:, round we have 111411e enormous etrides (AVM' of higher Gaining which ehieflY land much of filet progress redounds iti the dairying line Inns grem ly added 1,, the ctselit of the Minister of Agri - ever since' to the Agricultural wealth cult ure mut his able lieutenants. The of this Provinte. He lout continued total exports, for indatiee, of Cana - that patriotic labor in office in se die- 1 diall produets front envie- tinguished manner as to reflect the da during the tweRe year.; of Conser., highest credit upon himself and the ative rule. 'SKI to Ititets an lllll ;del to Government of which lie is A member. $5:11,512,:i25, •.‘ bile 'luring the twelve From his wiministration indeed will yesra of Liberal rule, 1807 to MOS, be dated the establishment hey had inereased to the enormoila tifle farming in Canada mem a broad filmy. of 111,1011.237,fitel, or more thin, basis. Under the Coneervative regime double. A good 111.10,1 44 this wonder - t he Depart ment of Agriculture was fill shoa ing doe to the extension of 'resided over by 11 law er for a mos- our thrilling 111.1.14, but it great deal also brewer. It was left for Mir Wilfrid farming and flansportetion method.. lanrier to set a better example b% his n many other airy, the ,fartners of eliotee 44 it prartivett hinnee. • That 'caniata bite.. maxim to be -grateful fer ehoire, as »11 have seen. bat been the atitethiisfritilim thi• Departinesit, more then iiottifted. The valiie of of Agriettltnre flitting the past twelve coral propel 1 y, which Was very low be. years. Another thing for which Mr. fore INC. lies ificreased very meek sticlitey Fishy?. deeertes high reflOV% 11, and the business of farming bits in- and tor whielt lo. will reeeive the creaaed amazing] y. One of the greet 1 hanks 4if his ime anil pust.•rity, is his marvel.' of the period el 1 110 Wiliy ill W01.14 fin' ip•rwrial editent espeeislly which Canadian products of all kinds in I him Province. It was lie who in - our butter, cheeee. ',aeon and 'lepton halt,of elementery education. in the eapecially having won their wa v there Province of tlitelom and brought home hy 4611111 direction. hy the prov,..ion especially 1.• the people in 1 he rural of suitable taan.port at ion, and wisely. parts slid smeller towns the need4 of directed ad vei t king. Atteh edwation le a wily they had not When the Laurier Adminietration w•eti heroic. In A %% ttr of el imination came into nwer the egricolfitral «rich an the per. ent electoral contest products of t * United Statem dotnin. ham too hugely been, Mr. Piston's toed the British market*, heroines of honor bits Illit been attacked : neither isettet transportation facilities and hem hie ability been chelletiged. A the better repithitieti generally nf ernnient t hid contains ouch a man. United States roduetx. Atiatralia must have nitwit to Ile nenetal as and New healan were better known as specific et mlit. West .itjl HIE MEN WHO KNOW THE SUPERIOR QUALITIES OF ratf nos* SLICKERS. SUM AND HATS t. art the mon vsho put theta thc hard- est tests trt the rotteh- est weather Oast the original ;node, sirce Overwear, --9 Underwear, AND THE TRIMMINGS such its" fire to be hail ,it The Palace Clothing Store, go 4. loi,g way im- proving the appearance of a good-looking man, at:11 will make an ordinary -looking fell'ow appear as good as the hest. This is the Underwear Season the timn when -you obange from the li“hter Lathe. vie_r weight* of.tioderwearables. Our stoe was never 11101T 2tnnplete, qual- ities never ietter,, and the valui-8 we are ahle to litter will make it-interegtinfr-fot. you to look o r way. Gloves, Hosiery. Handkerchiefs, Hats, Caps, Collars. Ties in fact Ev erything for Men and Boys McLEAN BROS. Art_Tailors and Clothiers time the postal rai es reduced one- The meeting w brought to a close at third. The manageinen• must be bet -, a lat, hour by th singing of that Save P 4b7 N PILLS 'IC he Bladder \ Ina.fil by A WONDERFUL- REMEDY. OME SHOE DREAMS ale here for those ale. 1/1kt. pritle their footwear. Theie MO% All the fashionable leathers. *11 the prevailing styles. There are sluice for t • W ear you Call ilo no better th es to nee 011 dieplay. And to Nee it is to know there is nit use Reeking turther. If it im the shoe you ought to have it is here in its highest quality and nt the Wm. Sharman F. Thomson. of (belerieh. Harry charged it4•ilitties very ably. rim., orkings the Department of MO foul very Oily point ed how direfully the Government bell loot ell after the great land the colintrv. Mr. 111,,Imee spoke for Aver At/ illl• and entered into the work - been changed to it surplus under the Liberal t4overnment, aratat- the same How To Gain Flesh Persons have been known to gain a pound u day hy taking an ounce of Scott's Emulsion. It isstrange, hut it often happens. Somehow the ounce produces the pound: it seems to start the digestive machinery going properly, so that the patient is able to digest and absorb his ordinary food which he could not do before, and that is the way the gain is made. A certain amount of flesh is necessary for health; if you have not got it you can get it by taking EMULSION Send Oda /oteert111018410. tnaleihm with name am ewes et row. nodule and will fend 11111111gebeesa Swett W., TORONTO ONT. -rtsft M: ,I.IL daily curing the 1..411i we a the. wood, hen.aerhoes. and SapreeN-ed toe all of them relieved from the mart by it. 110., and a few weeka' or Month. treatment azicomoli.be. a coin idete cure. Thi, remedy el IL p0011,1Ve, .preparat ion. and 1. ba.ed on 11 ter nn applied treatment • that It is not 1.iken internally. bill appliod direct to the .11lleeilig .41111 it. therefote.10.1. With all the eertainty of the k 11081. 14 W.. of clienilcal action. li- food protium ie. en11110t lielr but have a beneficent inrynetter. 1 fere., •• from 1.1 tore/ 1..11.10,4 11 .1)..twaking of the benent And CUM. t perfor lll l : and .10 ioire 0111 1 that it will 110 what claimed for it that I will iicnd. -.Mattel v.free.'aitreoent box to every ...Merin.; wonlan wilt will write for it. Price. 51.,10 per 1,05, miittlelent fur Dow niont h.* treatment.. AtIttre. with ;damp. Fall ana Winter Styles in Millinery PARLORS in the ttio'it attractive shapes and shades. Iler stoek includes the newest and most artistie eilisaa. and the, inspection of the ladies of Goderich anal r kinky iS cordially- invited. MISS CAMERON Hamilton Street, GODERICH MOFFAT'S NATIONAL STOVES and RANGES 1 Perfect Bakers, Heaters and Fuel Savers. We'll re- fund the money ''paid for any Stove or Range that does not do as we guar - in use in Town. Read what our Customers say : Dear Sim -- 1 state that Molint's National lin nge .1 porchaWist,from yod, stone yen' s ago is entirely satisfactory, both, As regardi -twitting andbaking with so very litik fuel. We have the largest and best stock of Stoves and Ranges to select from. Ranges from $15.00 up. We'll take your old Stove as part pay on a new one, and sell for cash on or time payment. See our good second-hand Stoves, Ranges and Furnaces. , Our stock orRifies, Guns: Powder, Shot, Cartridges, Nails, Glass, Hinges, Rope and Tar Paper is complete. COME ON IN. WORSELLS HARDWARE STORE.