HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1908-10-22, Page 6• 6 Tav•etAT, 00,01, , tees SINGLE FARE FOR HUNTER'S Now tete effect rte all p..,ula iu TrmaKafai. point* Maltawe to Port Arthur, le Gern•gien Hey and Mecline% division; Pert Arthur via ;•. N. Co.. and to eertnin I ' to 4'u Quebec. New It. InleWirli. Nntb Mcuei.8 ?'rwtotundhtnd. October 22nd to November 3rd Muskoka i.akes, Trutt*ng. Midland, hake of Rave. eingenen.wen liiver, 1.aksfleld ; Madawaska to Depot Harbor, Arxyle to C4.hoconk, Lindsay to Ilaliburton. Sherbet Lake t i* and P. Railway. and (abuts f Severn, to North Bay invitees Return 1' 't on all tickets 14.'e. 5th. heli, or until rl.•.e of Nl.vigation, it' earlier, le points reacher( by Meese t4t.. Hunters, Special Leaving 1'ortatle, Belli p, in. Oct. _111. al, :11 to, North slay, stopping at .all stations. ltetUBipg spwe.*1 will leaee North Bay tt.814 `e. to. Nov. 12. 1:4 11. and special will lent .' l'*I lander fist(44 p. m. Nov, to, 11.411141 i:. i 4. m*,n Puld, baggage h SINGLE FARE FOR DOMINION ELECTIONS Between all stations in Can , (h•to 'r 27. For ticket- and further infurhaation .'fall ole-� _ • F. F.I•AWitF.VeK Town Agent. a. 01 address .1. 1). Me1K)NAI.I1, District 1'*r,enger- .Agent. Toronto. CANADIAN PACIFIC ilominion ' Elections, Oct. 21 \Retro it tickets Iwtw',•,•n .all stations in enst of Port Arthur, Single Fare ggk44I**"lex tri lay. Set ,n'day, Mundav, Mnndav Oct. 23, 24, 25, 26 Return lo, i' I •I.•, 11 Ask abent hinters' Excursions Fall tuft/clan from t• V-le141'4 Jo*14. Tiding ea.n •rWtlt•V4lrfi.)e L,t;.r.tt..Tomew Toronto parry Sound Sudbury CONDENSED FALL SCHEDULE. Southbound No. 2 ATO. () 1411414111.'1' l arryy Wowed 11"ax41.taae --- __. n.31 " Hryrhin • all 14einertnn . 18 8. " Mount Albert Utz• '• Toronto :..t. r.1. ' 1.1 _1 :4,.14 .. 311- ' Northbound No. l No. 5 :84 44 u.. s,ldbnry 1L:4. '• Pairy sound 111.4*, p, m, 1111 " 1 a.h'xo • I.i 11.1:14111. Hteehln :.1: •• 11.71 - ilea%erhro, T'GG •• 14,11 " lIwuat Albert I..t. ' t4,rn " Toronto Wil• - Observation Yining parlor ears 4111 4rai1110 1 and ll. HUNTERS' EXCURSIONS SINGLE FARE ter the round grip Sudbury 111111 North Ort.lwr lith to November Sparrow lake to „SellvaHl inelusivr (Mtnlr*r 2:341 to November :int. All tickets good to ie1(•8 until December eth. Write Pa.p.rnge• Depart mete . leetwelia,, Note here HuildinK, 'Towne. for copy "f "IIig (lame hunting.. THE SIGNAL : GODERICN. ONTARIO .7nternationa! JYewspaner) Bible Study Club �"i9O(Iae Quo' IIQrti 4'm the International Siteday .S.h,v,. 1 e'4Urn, teepee., by Rev. D'. Linseoff. Brantford a .mesterei 444 , O(,x,laln•e w'it' 4444' 4'ul'ya)1(4 Al•(.1 October asth. moll.- The Joy of Forgiveness. f'sxln4:t. I Villst•+.I1-i 1, 0 true te• Ilia, 1hut lkilden Text Hlesse,l i, he wllo•*tied rimy 1..• f 1 mot.. readily at trun.gr'eeeein i., forgive11, whurr.rin is' one time than 71801 het•? -oerrrd, Psalm 32: 1. • I l).s's true prayer ever g.. 11)11 \•e•im' 1 VI 11*I is jnlplird hu the for- sweied? 'girene'p. .d w mine inn:• ' i Dees 1:14411 dor telly epeeist carr of 1.a Mall W1111 1, 11•givru an 444 a I4(.• muttwho Melo hint. 441' 1. it j11.,.1Malt, in all 1,0•411•C, All if he 11:111 ower n. Habit. to :.11 life, cel 'lir., at' are sinned? inners:' Yerae 2 \1'hi• h it the true 4nepet. , Terse $-hurt uwch pracIieal de. that 11.181 actually .'\ushes away e. twndrnrr mai we piece upon tial in man's sin,, and 'mikes him truly g..,NI, guiding us le +411 the affairs of life? or that his sin. are "covered" will All Inrn in this cru •ty have the '•Ihr. r. ,die . f Cllria'r tiglittanisness,"1 Inbar, the church and their comma: and .4lth.ugh he is still It sinner, Well Sense to guide t11e111 t does God prom - doer not Mime.•.sin to him? i 4'w' Any other or surra' gelid.', wilt -l8 i. How would you describe a *late "i11 available 10 1111 *4111,.' spirit there is n.. gear'_ ? !ewe tial tactually impart either %Vhit bh•ssingi (1oee is trite (iheiM,-1know:lt'dge orae w.area true the 4ian2susea* 'that are net eujoy.l by` usual and naturalui,•thods re het rwIII) alt. not Christ i:,na? I %',r$'11 Isth,•rratiywayof fetter '4'0r14.4 3-4 Des.'t•i4* 111.' semen of ing :theta harmed t hings ,heret of tan• wind of a luau who is always going real experience ? emit rate 4,. his eimsCienee. Aldine!. I4 are hone [.1" 488014 thhigs (4 11lpau• tw.. turn. nue 8814•. 4114.411', which hurt them and Ie:4o111e obedient the voice of /i, r.1 in his 'soul. ,and are t..'•1he bit and bridle.- het what in etl.'rwht listen to that voice, end the better wily, ieweihle to all Minim ole•yps; end ear whet. if ant', effect beings' the halals of three uwtt- will heves up- Vet••e iU--lVhnt --rerrtrtve do the on the length ..f their lives. wicket suffer, which "he that Irnsteth What is it in m Mall wbieh turns his "m01atyt•e .in(i the di-011(jl Of slit n - mer, ' that is. turns blessing. into ear an)i1 its? Vere,' 5--1Vhat lir.• ievariably the restated Ofi* fide eonte•'lou and tor.:11 ing of cin? IMei' forgiveness always (.,i1nw up W.C.T.U. COUNTY CONVENTION. Annual Gathering of Huron Unions Held at Brussels. Ile 4.4,•oth 14111111x1 W. 1'. T. L. r. t,iieu fee the cellist). "f H.1.1144 ., ` i,-•411 111 the Methodist ehurcb, 14: 141-,•1e, on 'I'uralny and \Vevinesday, 1e 4•1411*1' ttl11 and it lb the fleet session 1 opening -'t'ttesttny afternoon at 1:yt) Northern°" Company Fall -Service- Lake Superior Division Mteemers le*v' Sarnia :Leel p. ill. An following d*tis : Sept4mlWr IS, Y1, :t'4 4 141 and :}i, Orb,ls•r 7, I . IH, I0 ^I_t e at Nnvemis.r 4, u, I:4, 141, 2:( and 2.-). 1'.'.'4'88441 slliline in :011114ion to 81,115•.', Georgian Bay Division Steamers leiter 1lullingee...l i,:e1 p, m., (Owen Moroni 1I.:e1 p. in., Ttwwlsysand Saturday. only. fol' M. et. Marie and way perm,• >r'. Tickets and information front ell rail Way agent*. TO CONSUMPTIVES in the ford" is exempt from , 't"*. 1l -1r. it lite duty and Tuivi• taken. A few .•4tae's were reported be lege eleverybody to ••IejnII'.' and f iiottrT to oT 1T1.11' sun getting* liquor she. 1 fee jov' tat all times :' anti 8(01,4 ...mem notirrd sin(.'. Two What are the essential conditions for ing to taxer revue et their demoted. Mrs. l)avldimlil relented as W the flower and deli.'*.')• department, show- ing the iterwrual work Mohr 411 the .'*crying of , bouquets, paper., fruit, ru'Ik, wood. clothing. etc., to lilt' 181)4' inlets, sick at home, etre Prompt tires. kindlier.* and tete spiral of the M*•ter were nPre.sal•y feature.' of this, work, Oise, reside: have *ret lied and are rut'.' to fnttntt•, -• The subject of eveteul*tit• go ing After appropriate remit' kr. to 1(Ire. elicited it rhrrl y r44put•t from \ars, E. 1'. P*ilio. of Galeri, h, emelt y i eethenl*Ir, of Hremolo, and the teut- pi...lalelee dr5,a11 1 ex.l .'Iwe weer peed and rpll'ltnlll temente of lakiig eugegeel in, tire. Jeeia.. Urernr, of hens int.. pate ne•rhip were shown. (tliiloo. -offeringprayer. '('be 27th The elrcttuh of officers was pro. ca Pen, we, wee mut a hymn sling. fol- seeded with, with the following r. - {..we{ by ee•ou,aging teotiluuniro sults:-Pr..idrtt. Misr Mutiny, lien - from umewl.is of the Union. sell; vice- pees idenl, Mrs. Hooper, Kx- (1 • (res were appointed as fed- rtrt•; eolreepoodiug re:rcti ), Mrs. low's • M1ell.nian, Hrn.all; recording seine' Resolution,. Mrs. Acheron, Mite lacy, Mrs. Acheron. tudcl'(ch ; treas. Murray. Mrs. McGuire, M1•• Slater- inn•, Mr. Pullin, liode•ich. and Rev. Mr. Greene. A vote of thxuks wits pawed to Mrs. 1' • 4,47 Mrs, mooed, Mrs. Holland, retiring terrier.'. Itreen !frown, Mrs. 1- Klein, Mrs. Wil- Alums were adopt. 11 expressing thanks ford and Mr)). l►uigg to the till..Leer and parlor for use lit Einenee Me., Kerr, Att.'. Holland church ; le the ladies ef liruesele fur at.d Mrs. Walker. 1 their le spilality ; ...Nev. Dr. Dougall The report of the evangelistic dee; for Itis address. Disapproval of hos 'ailment Wad given by !Uri. Dark, of ernum•ut cenu.e of the liyu01' trafhe irusrels. Remarks WPI... made 1'.' Miss elmr118 41141 Mrs. Dal on the benefit of observing the desutio113 hal( hour was exprer.ed. The Minister ot Mf1- itis i. to be urged to ee• that the can- teen is abolished in -military camps. The Uevernmenl 48(11 he Inesse•ri l.. Mrs. Hull*lid. titxlerirh pe•sewed Ilea pteltihitury le)4i.latiou in regard the x(1.011 ..f prisons, in which rhe 111 14(44 uuumfat•tru•e of ntu•cOtics, such stated liatrrich jail had l.'.•n visited as opium, (•i41rel taw, etc. Mtuticipirl- andthere were five tri."eters in the :tier ars' ',eked 80 fa511*' ll1•nt opti". ius(itutiuu lit them.', 4'4tie•t•r and and rle(•tels cullet (44,111 111 sero 11)411 magazines 1141(1 tarn Mesh ihotrd,. pohlic ..piuiou {s'edueat ,,I un the .ill Itr(uot 1111 law eifoice'n.rit w -:'s out- ,itct. S)111pn111)' 481144 and 1111110va1 "f lined by Rev. Mr, (rlrrnr. Rea writ- the inemlgetleel of 'Thiele' ANS, ex ten rix t'uiuns,!Nit rPce'ivalil41111y two .flu' -----_- --- i'eplies. Clinton council was peri fhr funowiw*41c*t•- tione,l Ian_ local option, 11111' 110 ,,ctiAlh tied :Thud a. snrilgtubers,re1otuliut t41iel H44utou V t e t )• \V, ll. T. U. w1' desire to r'. prevsviruct ptate-on' mend; -our-11'I 4 high and most sheet* app!velation of the efeleiet.l and self-denying services which - rmr deaf a t TSF- uTii -hes rendered during the peel live year" as prrsidcnt. Her grutul and kindly :111118(• with L444(4-440311114'- 041'ability in dealing with every detail connected with the work in hand, hate endeared her to ns and on her .re•tit'eit4Ptlt!root the oiler see *wore her of our continuer! and loving sym- pathy.. Sirs. Paulin snack a brief. suitable reply. The place of heldi11g the !PAL vo11- ventiou was left with the executive. l'ouventiun closed with singing "God' hr with coo till We tutee &gale•' and pen? et'. - Louie --"Uncle. what's chagrin l•ncle-"Welt, it's what it 41tout titan feel*,when he runs and jumps on a oar Ibet &woo, t cart for half an Ferner." being glad and rejoicing at all times :- This This question must be answered in writ- ing by members of the club. l hotel -keepers Tined in Gale 4'.I and :► :neat option Campaign pr"I88►h1r. He suggested it suia•rint.-*drum in each Unit*, A pi -tellable 4.16e1avi011 rn• A very interesting report of the November let, tyo8 Absalom Rebels Against David. wo kiog n4' la•al Option 4'u Behead wee gi%yp by Miss Murray. ' *wire* reern 4'++g *feel .1at4iait-y-tuv itw---At Hite -stage 1,1 the-mrMiteg leer: sa1CCP*s PAN' la• a good one:' fir. Dougall, of- l+.tderieh, was Inu'o- If a man wee pious phrases and the diced ant( Malde a few seasonable re- name of diad and professes to he re marks. heioue, to rover...op his crime, is he • Alias lo'ie Hurh:►nan, Ilriesels. read worse et' better than an °Winery the corresponding aecreta4eepxort. erimietal? Treasurer Ilollaid•. tep.;rt *hawed Verses 10-12 -What qualities did 'wiener o hand from 11101 of $1.:711 : Absalom leave, 10 841 onecesefully lir- collection'- at Clinton cons entice, Karize sorb * res.i1L? $10.7'2, theite sums with t•ontl:hut' 11 rebellion against properly constituted from l'uions totalled $$(.:42. Ex - authority ever justifiable, and if so under lll'ndituee. III77.S5, leaving a small hal- what circumstances i i This Question must ante on hand. be answered 411 writing ey memb% of The convention dismissed way* and the club.l er moans of raising money and ,uugng Verses tele -'l'0 what extent wits tate suggestions were securing lite David resron.illle for the character e( nlenlx r+, eery i 1K meals 011 public (act ? i Ahwllwu :' days, canvassing by different Unions. i lfon0lary members and the repte- 11(ddrn Tett- Honor thy father and thythey, that thy days nifty be lung u h tare land that t4..• fwml thy Gad gds.' thee. Ex. xx.: 12. Verse I -le it.ever right fora Ulan. in any etali0n, to put on et ylt•. or t0 display his wealth;, Verses 2-7. 'What bad qualities'(lid Abenl,m show, in trying to dethrone his tallier and to capture the throttle fou' hili.-.lf ?? Is is x1518144'. wrong to desire. or hl 1.0111'1 popularity :• Should we coercieuely s,r1v(4 to se - cur. the goodwill ot people, or should we be le al'Ull..• 1•pnterning it, and depend wholly idem mu. light con Is it ever right for a elan to seek to ebtnin a position 44c);upiel by another? 111 our ordinary greeting of Dur frlrnds, tthnuld w.• ever affect an 4'18- terest 4114 thein which we the not feel? What ':til you say for et. easiest' the man who. when running 4,.. "Kier; is scary equine! to every person. and t those• whom 14e rarely speak, to at ether times ? Should w' ever attempt to (rapture the love of any permit. at the expense of turning him agaimt 41011)1' other person ? Which it the more eout.*mpldie, to "steal the hearts" of men. or to steal their looney? What in the difference I,tween , be sin of Absalom, and that .1 the leen. soil the newspapers. that are .an - tonally speaking evil of those in authority. ret that they may be turned nut, and that 418.• gritmbl*ts and their (mends may (weepy their positions? \'etetee 74 Ceti a r*11,e which re- 1Vhett ("t,• intert+(ts, yr ter family, sentativel( %s ere urged to 11w'ke au • cul we ignore the Ise ely, or run from The aftern,an scs►ion w:.4' 1 • 4',r our character. . 1+ attacked. should .'Wort t. • tn:rrxre the finances. • 1 him 11411 d David 'Mow wisdom n• courage ��'h4 evening session l n remx rota . e uua et t4(.\hvusn "The Temperance Bells Are Edward A. \Vilemes Preparation of Hepophosphltes ■nd Blodgett( from the original formula is the Sovereign Rem- edy for Coafumpt ion, Asthma, Bronchitis, Catarrh, La Grippe. Coughs. Colds, and all Throat and Lung Maladies. Thousands of people way they h*ve been relieved by .t. There wile have lewd it will have nn other. tend ire"111n/tmtd it 1,4 1heir fellow •uferers. I6 ham cured tniely eeler they were given tip as incurable by their physics*ns. The undersigned 1M a r•onsumpteve cast testify from his ewe experience as to its value. Write at once- .eleydare dangerous and may prove For pull particular,, testimonials, etc.. Melrose C. A. ABBOTT, Sole Agent. (lig Axa street. New York City, N. Y. bio,, 414' lac.• 1111 tot 04*0. - -_-- i avid s t'0 d. t melted with i rl f 1 I li and is it 41kely he would flei. • meted 4) thhe 'linking.. anal prayer M A. M. Me. way,if t4(. revolt had lawn brxdei by Kay. A roto' and chorus was ren• a..Irangerf deed 4'+y the choir. Alit', HiugsG,n verse",114-'_'--1)avid's fav},eite son "'king tI(e auto. wets in rebellion iagainsl hie, anal this .A lire 1lIPnlher.hi�. p'.n was pre- str$nger, Ittsi, wits llavid•11 len•' sented to sir. Greene by Mn., P.t.ulin I've - ofNI 1 1 i• lir it not, this * suggestion ,544 * gift Iw Ow deleg*taw *u recngtti- of xfact. that parent( generally get tion 01 the valued and 8alu.lhle work I more real help front strangers than he leas done teethe rause of temper - 'from their grown-up children? Verse '2:1 -What lesson may We 1►ncr. The rete reverend gentlee, al- irarn from the feet that David lost Iia though taken by surprise. tacmkno*nI- rourage *1441 the people 88.'81 ? edged the highly prized gift inn fete appropriate congratidstury word,. May we ever expect 1.1 Will in x117 He then read Psalm lei as the Scrlp- battir whet our hetes are tilled with ture lesson. "A Better 1)ay is C - fear? ing' wits heartily sung +tell Mel. Lessen tot- Sunday. Novemlet' S. Rands rep (•ted on the huullruteres IBM -David Grieves for Absalom. 11. mission work. The sum of $t$ was Mtuu..'viii, contributed for this important dc• ptrtmeit of t4(, work 01 the Union. The children's delight is your enjoyment. rd Perrin's Toy Biscuits bring both. Try them. 12 Varieties. se A MAGISTRATE INVESTIGATES A COMPARISON ZAM-BUK. Says It Is a Wonderful Healer and Does j - More Than is Claimed for It In three years the Whitney Gov- ernment increased the Provincial expenditures 46 per cent If the Laur Government had increased the mon expenditures at the same rat ,(or every three years were 1886, the annual expenditure would now 'over $r6o.000.000 I And n must remembered, time that the Province of Ontario has not been developing in anything like the same proportion as the Dominion as a whole.. GOOD HOME RE 11)gi` Mix Thi,' Simple, Helpful '• cite it Hoene add Try it Aaywa, (4'.-t ft' *118' pl•r,m•riplinn phi rise the following : Fluid Extract 1Oinde•liou. ime-ha •aue•r : l' (annul K44,gon, on (1 lamina -Syrup lea tenpin - ilia. three 11u11ees. -Werke -well (44--4a Ina 11e and taken' teasp1nifutd,nr nfl,r each meal and at l,e(itime. The *love tsconSider,d es 4114' most certain prescription eyeteetreitletl to hltl'knrhe. kidney trouble. 1 e * .0 to v w 'draftier ml H 44.1 n. t nal eek ra difficulties. This *mixture sets prompt- ly on t4(.• eliminative tissues of the iadnees, enahlin4 *hen) G. filter and the uric arid and other waste twitter lroln the blued which enures Literature, c fort lags, enc., w•e'e sent to vat lamp* in Northern 1 fntario. Rev. E. (i. Powell, of Brussels, ad- dressed brief words of welcome and good e4Per to the W. (7. T. Huron county and wished them Gee - Nn houteehuld 4 1111x18 in exist.•uee speed. has wen such ge.witte tributes 4111121-, -A--eatmeree ireiterrtttry"itt48 KATO- people in high place•, 4444 has 7.anl-Bok. McKinley. Mr. Roger F. Perry. Justice of the A well-delirl•red and practical ad- l'P4'e for British Columbia. tested deems wax given by Hee. Or. Doig 4I, it his famous balm, and this is Whet he of H.,derieh. ifs term red to Ilia ilii- sa)'r of 4'4 : proving conditions in th.• Old Land I '-The I'+av it' miler the new Inw curu141ittg :i:,IMMl ••t:.chtletd4, 48.1'. lig11nr• tier**.•-, with premier of lee - "To theeletn -Hak l'P• ter nem hood and womanhood. Cans - ^(ieell•nwn, - Aftrf * very fair trial than :4,1%anloge4 %rte instanced and the growl h of prohibition in the l•niiest States caned to mind, -bald at he people new livitljp in the "dry" districts. The gt'uwth of trroperence meet intent in the thl1 uiniun was shown and theverees fori,ly of prohibitory legislet ion etsllel .414) 48 it h climb:ions pt*(•e 1 upon the Jul, of the state t.. enact and. enfm;cr !awe fur the beet motet of tlw nation, viz„ the people. It is not an inft'ingr,nent lit personal liberty. Dr. Dowell Raid, to curtail •.r cut off the license.) traffic. Ile urged pet•Reual activity : rul.gizt'd the work of the W. C. T. 1:. and 1 )omin- "on Alliance 411111 thought. 1(14111 Option 1wrhape the Inst way ..f dealing h the tepee traffic lit the present tin •. It . A. C. Wishtut, It. A.. l'resh� feriae minister, was rolled upon and ekTiies •1 hie hp.t•t' sjnn('athy with the wor of 418.• Union and hie willing- ness to r operate with it at any time. The 1'r fry t erian church stood pledget t I pr..hihiliorl. local "(tion and liovern1 ent remote in the order named. 'CMP • sten closed with the taictlon ny 11(18. Mr. 1 have proved '/.am- taatisfactory. In my v akin rash of live 7Pa1i e uo doctor heel been 14111 good for. would certainly enco 1ers.al to keep Z4111 leak 11140.'. 1t truly dorm even ani y.al elain,for it. For my ewe Wioild tfn-f noiv lar without it i 1 house. Your. 1 e1)' 1 only, iMign••dI "'Roger F. Perry, ••.lustier of the Peace for B. Ito -Huh differs from 0ldina 1 enhl4N'at10111. for whit welly contain 44(10,1*t nils and ,u-I1,ik is purely herbal. It see leteee*T heals cels, sores, (tIeetn; t'r•np 'ens. Is 1U. e44Pmn. chenng sores, * e hand- iest l ehousehold i i t 4( etc. tvt 1, t !Keeper remedy for burns, scalds, eltil. temehe---eft ttt'iva:- fa -instantly clean -e!‘ *Dy.. *0m1141- to which it u 5•e es a •in inflam- wpplied ; p m s f t K4 111*tion or b 881 ietirening. It Cures piar*.-rarn•rrse h wntttt.•rtfir, Aft druggists end int ri"4 OM! al ;t4 relit 1 x fr the 7.eu,-6(1k 1+,., Tor- onto, f..epriee,aljeere,f,Metrea BEATER THAN EVER. 4145*• 1•t' .res. when der 1111)4 I/11 their matter for 11(411, Amulet not. tut N,k ••Tal,• V., y ift'r11111 8nd Weekly Stier" of Montt.'41I, Of rnnr+e. \'ell w ant 3(1411' local !wiper (o,- new, hot 41113 home in l'/utndn would he the Ia•1ter of teeeivin) "The I'a1,,i13 Heald and Weekly Star.- it ens*, lilt 11111• doll,,,- a s,•l1r, and is wit hoot auk eminently it cawed a 'tiding which to d.. any rage ally in their •e than rt i the M.0 i' r4o11!•., who .0 pi- Willi t4(0*11•111. uta' 1101 'feel inclined to piste much remttdence in this Pimple mixture. yet Ih'4.r who 11.11P tried i1 say the resells are 'inetly surprieing, the relief being rll'erbht without the -lightest Injury 111 the 1oma.,Jt-fir other Angola. Mit some and gee it a to ertsinly eontes 111x11(3 rer"nlmeni It is the pt•e44'l'iption of an eminent ant h..t•ily, wheat. entire replant iota, it is said. was established hy it A drmovie, herr at h %heti asked. stated that lie 47411)1(1 either snppl' the ingredient. - mix the prr.cript• for (1488 reader., also, lee• ummends it as harmless. M1-O•NA MEANS STOMACH COMFORT. it's oI Special Value to Many Here in Geaerich. A noted de di■t...very end one that *ppenlm enp*oinlly to mans people ht thaferich i' The. r nntenaton of stom- rl help in 144.• Alio-n* trentnlrnt. This pnep1114tien wlaks w lets in case of Maim -stem et' Meek slon1meh It, eels directly upon the walls of the stomach Mid towel*, •t lengthen ing mod fel I*ting them P. *lint they r' ('1117 Ink.' 1181' of the heel that Is eaten will t disleeee 01 seffet Mu. Mo'.4x,sitive ere Ile goes' effects fe • lowing the ail• of Mi• .'les that the rrm441 y 4'm sold by .14144, \\ il•on under 114 slonolute guarantee to retort.) the mnnev if it fails to cute. A :4(.reut box of 1((i -n ns will do the ge,id the stomach need.. which i• simply t•1 make it do Ile e,11/11 stork. yyw'AlialJ id: r .._wen. 88'''dues ley Ino ing Ihr ennvent 1(114 rrmunl(441. devotiu Al rxereiven Irina emulated by Rev, : 1, 11reen4. After minutes were rr1.1 n iw'unsion entitled (wry the Iwneflt of we ing the harIg". Mrs. 1h'4lvn, Af lied ieh, repelled 1111 w•unsues franehis.'1 - tion. 'There was unauhuity of (guidon as to the herr.sily and 1dvi.anilily of the fair irk having their rights in thin 11151 ter. f' .11.41,184 . h n 11 1.1 144• interviewe.1. d";N•.i the 814'tt.•.t 5,44%4)4' in 111.• (1(485.• hat heti* 441x«4* t4' ta•e that dsughtett pllprr•Rue. 11 is* 11eekls newrpnper,\lied voting pow,•is. and the press in- benily n x1114.• nrld nn lgrieullnrel terestei For the preps eommittr" jilurnnl, ell •rt' in one. 11 4411"11141 he . Kok hdlg.. ill' Clinton. mottle fare - in every Cann i lupine. bendy told experiences were exchanged *a to um.len :Ind methods of their Relic of Jone$ Disaster, caner h(.''In* I Piped h•- Ihr new1pnprr., t4P 4n14401i4y "f the. .'lien.'* bring *ri1l- I hien Sound Advertiser : The loss of thestPwmer J. H. .tons ne ) two years ow) ie re•l1IPll hr 111111.1uP 11 of - Ow ill-fated Meat which was pick 8111e (lays x4411 011.1 1110 north ehnlr 4 the (lelIrian 111v end may now be seen at. the w•srel,4ntse of the 1) ' inn Treespnrl*lion Co. It in a lslerd briefing t. he mime of J. 11, ,limes and hi from 11(1. how of the boat. Thr beard i. printed 1,1e.k with 1tie 4 *11(41 in gilt lelIPls. It has keen 'blit 415' some mean. wl that only the t'rttonl p ir1 n( 1 he nest .1 re111ri11s un the 1144.1•11* red of the breed, while almost the entire M ,?mann, at the wide emir. 11 was hlvnghl down by 1 h (lily of Alealend on Sunday and belittled eel. to Mr. Ar •. the wharllnR4.. 4144 Engineer Mita. (leve . The ,ion. • 8874+ wrlrked neer 1 taxi more le en the :tend Nnvettltrr, PI 41 when twenty..even lives wrr1 lest. YNe ter Mats, Livia. lid Pnfrrta. .:.�__ I<k, p6K ST OVE .,,A.00111 y� 7o-Lij I I1 everything else in the house did its share of the work as well as "Black Knight" Stove Polish very few women would complain of the ltouitework. "Black Knight" does away with the everlasting rubbing and polishing. It shines quickly and the hottest fire can't dull its bright,_fresh polish. Always ready for use for Stoves, Grates and other Ironwork. It's the best polish and the -biggest can for the money. Send dealer'• name sod Inc fur full ,ire 148 If you can t ret "Black Ka,gbl ' In your iowo. 11e 4, 4. @ALLlr CO. 1.111M11. •arareti, ere • r ---'Man • To New Subscribers ME SIGNAL AND The Family Herald and Weekly tar MONTREAL to January ist, 1909, 25 CENTS • (t is lee llrcrseary to intr1lnre The Family herald ' and Weekly Star, which is Already thoroughly known in this district as a splendid all- round weekly paper. Mend your suhsoript inn to Vanalter & Robertson, The Sienal,1 Goderirh, Ont. natant L No One Knows But Mother how much she suffers. in her anxious thought for the welfare of children and father she forgers herself and attributes those constant backaches and headaches to weariness. How often she has neglected herself k evi- denced by the way ahe falls a prey to the ravages of disease. MOTHERS. WIVES AND SISTERS take care of your health. At the first sign of Backache and weariness rake a reliable remedy for the kidneys and liver for nearly all the ills of mankind origin- fftt74toult stein thekidneys. Whennaniresvarningissound- Ills mama ed It should he heeded et nice to save further cern- plications and stop the inroad of disease. Dr. Root's Kidney and Liver Pills will do this i eir they see en un1111- a.rsm ►rya. In remedy Inc Brittht's 1100..' e8481.".1, Dl.ase, Dropsy, Al.u- i1:.W' :.., testier* and all diseases wt' 6.7.... N. of the kidney end liver. 1 1 et, e Hot Water Bottles and Syringes Now is the tante of year to be thinking of buying your Hot Water Bottle;. We have the largest stock of these in Western Ontario and WE THE GOOD KIND Those that wear and give satistatteom. We have them at all vices Call and let us show them F. J. BUTLAND, i THE STORE THAT PLEASES rs maw ase a memws_--11=11-MOP - Druggist. GODERICH 1 Dressmakers Prefer BELDING'S SPOOL SILKS as they are un equalled 'i -H Length, Strength and m oothncss. EMPTY SPOOLS ARE VALUABLE Ask your dealer for premium list or write Belding, Paul & Co., LIMITED. 74 Ray tre et, Toronto I>a To New al! Special Offer Subscribers THE SIGNAL AND The Weekly (:lobe to January 1st, 1909, 25 cents to January Ist, Ioww, fi`teen months $Ie60 The \ltekly Glebe anti tem - Ada Farmer, with illu.treted 1411x*'/,illy section each week. is :e great store or infilrn.4atien Ittt.1acti v.•I- 1.rrw•nted. Those 1, gooil general a weekly who •414 . ..44 n t ,1 kl v4( � K K paper \will make 1411 1144.1,144• in (inlet ng The Globe.' Send ) not subsrripl' to Vanaticr & Robertson 1 he '44(4114, (,odyn. h� L r- To New Subscribers THE SIGNAL I AND The Weekly Mail and Empire ' to January 1st, 25 CENTS 1 to January 1st, 1910 fifteen months). $1.60 1909, The 1\'eekly Mail and Empire is 11Or of the great. Met - roppOolimn Weeklies. Its news eolutnna ehrnnlcle the happen - Inge of the whole world *Md it. agricultural and home depart- ments make it an especially welcome visitor in the country home. Address, YOU MN t Reb.rl,se, The Signal, Godere h. r 1 Arrin�ruu•ntr 11x8.' IIe•rl 111,,dr with the publtnhcr,.f the Busy Man s Magazine enabling its to offer this bright, up.te. the•minute p eri0dicel *tong with The Signal "I1.' teal h e' $2.50 Thr replier subecritition pri4•e of the 1(Inggnzin. alone 111 $2.011. HUMY MAN'S reprodurell the ('tram of the wield'* p.'& -,o dieal preen by mill- ing the live, interesting and in.Iroc- tier articles, Eitel] :.Nile also ei Int *i4tn lriginal ('nnxtlian article. of interest to et'rry Grnadiau. Buse Man's is the kind of Magazine which arouses • the reader's interest in the first) nage x,141 k vepe k, nertmea tier hetet rnt••'r Is reached. All the*' wishing to keep posted en the live quentiona "f the day Rlrould not hesitate to take Ad- vantage of this offer. Address : YANATTER i 1 NERTSON, The Signal, (ittderich, Ont TO New Subscribers THE SIGNAL VC= , AND SIM The Weekly Sun TORONTO to January 1st, 1909, 25 cents to January 1st, 191o, (fifteen months) $1.75 The Weekly Sun i. the I'*nner's HIl ineem Paper, giving 111(1Nt, .' rehenai180 ,market t'e- pone and dealinf, each week with other matters of intxn'Nt and value 1.11 the farther. Send ynllrmulmcription to Vaulter & Robertson. The Signal, Godench41