The Signal, 1908-10-22, Page 2Qt nuesnex, ()imber 1900 Zb THE SIGNAL: GODERICH. ONTARIO •-•••••.totin.•••••••• uoteititlell. ONTARIO.' PU1tLISHED EVERY THURSDAY 11 IV .1N ATTidi & IttrillOtTSON 're`ruitioue Call No. 3."). Tonne of SubscriptionStz : op Monne trt novenae.' wont be. Sue : three nese h.. 23e. lo United Suites ontrwribers. $1.:41 a year (strictly in ad, aucr; thibarribrei who fail to receive Tilil 01404•1 regularly by mail will confer • tavur by sg, esolating u. of the fact at as early a dote raber.111.. • eiraostorstbadserra le donned. burls the nd the uew address abould be given. Advertising Rates : Legal and other nituilar advent wineni., luc per line for nod insertion and fie per Una fur each subsequent neertion. Measured by a nonpareil wale, Iwt1l lines to an inch. Realness card. of eix Ultra and under, 11.5 per year. advertisement,. of Gus, "'mood, gleoled. nations Vacant, Situot 101...V.' anted, Hunwa for Slate or to Kent. Itbrion, fur Sale or to Rent. Article. for Sale, rte.. not eirrediug right lino., tie each luaertion : $I for thed month, one for each nubsequent month. Larger advertise- ments in proportion. Annoutasement. in ordinary reading type ten ono. per line. .Nu 001 104 Ira. than sac. .any special notiiv, the otaert of which h. the pecuniary benefit of any individual or iteCori 1(100. 10 b. ronnidered an aderrti.ernent ard to be charged accordingly. Rater for display and erintract advertise. menus will bo given on application. • Addreee all coututusileations to VASA IfTElt & Itoli&RTSION. Tut tomato,. s. .r. _ 1:1 II 0(1111. Tli Y. Ibiet MORE EIUSINEtiS feR---800Eattie4. A ft w .-ks ago The Signal repub- lished from The Toronto AA'orld an article ott the Can:Wien grain fleet, in which this statement wee mettle : "Fifteen yea tA ago one million dol- lars would have poreha.aed the whole Stet of Vessels ene_aged iti thersti!an- -adirii-Teik. tr. "1"-"Qiiy the fleet ,.worth 11110111 $111,11101,100), bawd • on an exceedingly eonservati% e eel i- Gotlerich is vitally. Mt ereetral iu the development of tile lake grain trade, which is the direct, result of the ---,splendid 'success Of the Libeled Gov- eine/not in peopling the Wert. Veit Clot. /Oboes and tt, v_thtiumenta. of the pulle-y. of developnient rod progress. THE SALARY -GRAS. ' --- . One of the most roolid elect:tacks ever seen iii. the Canadian Pisrlist- ment WAS the 11/114try 1.111111 of the . session of Biol. Without any previ- ous politic discussion .4 the ppoireal, the members con.pired among t hem - white to raive theis sessional Mims • ance from $1,5011 to $2,500. anti t hey sneaked the hill thrteigh Parliament with herdia- at wordz-filre aliume- what - know they are doing something that will not bear the light of day. It was nd they trusted at before another the first sessioti;er their eleetion a . electi.to MM.' round'the people would 'have forgotten the ...1.1. The Signal protested at th ' aii:, atm ig with ibtlier pipers A part s all over the rountry. and resolved ie. far , as he voice etmld be heard would lereminded of the outrage 411 the right time. The time has rem It is not so much the amount of t money thus taken from i he mildic teeasury that is tit.. err I of pealed, although certainly the taxpayers have 1\ a right to criticize the 1 ranniwt ion on that ground. Moine Menthe!, are worth it good many times $2,:0re a .4-.- elem. and some are not worth a:en ta tht• eoutitry. To Brune mertibets it is a coneiderableatteritlee to ithwe !heir tim.• a tbr disposal of the nation for 1112.509 rt ion; on ilit. other hand, 001111' ntrtet is could net rain more than +1 fractitaa 0 the a llllll int, in pri- vette life. Her1'),Antleed, is orb. of the evil result" of the itierease. At- the old rate the indemetity petite's. Ilia not inure than 14444 :l usenehefs rea. 'tamable expeteses : lloW it Ts 1. It attrae- Linn in itself loti cerlitio type of poli- tielium, and it m inevitable tentleney will be to isttretct to Pai•linnweit a brood of politicO\ fillet -tatters,- 011141 with no iniportant busittesa of their iieoi Who will be glad t.t event' six nionths. or light months, or the whole year, at 01 • taw,' for th.• oppot•t unity of handling $2.5011 a session. ., But even t his-twhile sutely serious enonigh-- -is ,00* this . hief consid- rent ion itf this nsatter. It is this : Do the people rade ? • The grab took plaee in spite 01 11 Storm of 4, Id. dis- approval. Instead of 'deicing Ite peri- l...nal betono thr people, so as to allow of discusehm, and then, if public vier ion war found to he faint -able, Hying the indemnity at It higher rale foe 111. (onto% ing Parliamen i w Melt it oi 1 Id have been the litelest 1.0111,4' 1 11.- ---smeteriverefligithernieresrarded pith lie opinion and in the fare of piate.•41 s from all over the country grabbed 1611 elltra thoneetel tiollais .1 SeS• sion. It was dishonest - -these men were elected on the tinderetanding that they should recei% e $tolen ;1 nes- 16011 111111 they at the dro ooportimit y Noted thenowlvem $'2.51110. It Was not In accord with the interests of good government --its tendelicy is to de- grade Pal Moment, et. lower the etan- dard of its membership, 11 was a direct blow at popular rule -the mem• berr thought they could defy the pub- li will and do as they ',lewd. too long es they did it It ..good time before the next election, The question ie. D,. the peopl.• rule, or can. they he defied ? Thesp. remarks apply _asonelly.. to Liberal and Centiervat Or itetrilsers of the Weise.. l'nfortimately, %vitt-other imeationa treforr the peopl.•, IL it! ira possible to meeui .• 4 1111.11101111rellipm on this stemight lame and to make every member of thr hit. Parliatueut fecl tb.• weight of public disapproval of the grab. Howe, et. every elewtor should bear *5. onstter-;ii mind **,d., fag as possible make:Mlle oat tb. ,..„,. mut, for whom be voteis a tnan at character. onti who is not going tre Parliament fm• 1 hr hake '1 *1*' ealevI, ling{ one {inn crmiliders i het 5.• is s• .1)0(1110de lot. M. actions to Gui people Wlkil elect I . llenteuthei I lenalary gt .1 I EDITORIAL NOTES. _ rive yeani more of I.aierier and woe - [writ). Let thelerich give Rube) t II olio set sentmerlettle - --- It time for a thong.. is Wee% litirou'r repreeentation at Ottawa. A y;;te for Dolmen is 11. vote for the prosperity .rt. Canasta rod the progresses of tiotlerich. Look out fer.Tory root hackle. Any stories sprung ou tbe electors( at 'this late date tire false On their face. -- atir Wilfrid Laurier luta devoted his life to Citititda. (live hien 11 helping liana 0. it 11 your vote Ile,. N11•04.14y. E. N. Lewis was one of the terudwre who voted themselves an inerreuw.il $1,1X111 It eessioni thp yon approve or The workingmen of titmlerich die not want to Kit back to the doll time. titian. to INGS, when there weer 1 wn itiefet every Mk _ tr •uit want to put Canada heal in the .whole of stagnation, none whieli UNTO party pulled it iii Nene vot Mr. .Le m iv unlucky with hie projects. e -free lieneb" plank is another ',tot • his platform whieh lie Wa. linable% 0 1 rry out. ' _ Lot every silly. tettsf geod snorer:I- Ment gort. the po ear next Mon- sley itaid theu poll their votes too. nee t t 1 1.11W111..ei The Sitar mike *boot "giit erenipe .17-trroom P*Iti'8° Can i he t t any p..tvon eonnected with The Star 's an authority on "barroom polite s" ? 'rhe Signal is the only paper 1 at importance he NVeet Huron. ou &nit belie% e it ask _anybody _ ho attended the • tion meeting I Initgannon on Monday. _ Lewis has leeked meets.' his own in- terests during th.• hist tour. year-. There is no oldigation upon the elec- for. of NVent Durgin to allow I l i lll to e..intlte_in his twit ateekieg- *loose at their lho the eleeturesof Wr.t lijoron 4.0 dorm Lewin' "still hunt" cete...ign- inie 'duty herr, another story still anothre story elsewhere Can A Few Sample "Deals." THE MARINE DEPARTMENT. Gdnso any lad not exerediug the lip- .- Net pii.w. eel taiii ttaneectiour ire the Depait • What did the Coneervative4 do with went of Marine and Mattering have the timber lausts wheu they were 111 lwell the obiert of Coneet vativ.• att ack. oftle They disposed of no levy than 1V1o.0 lion 1.. J. thr one str Miles. a which 31.OS7 4tt. head of tiaL-Dessasaisteri.„-aoriker.posee-tetiler-verre en hold of it in ltIld be noticed illegalise. away. iet and itneuriliately eet expert.. to Since the Liberate COOP* hill. power work to dm ism a, Iwtter nystew of they have nlimetted only tkirel in1114re ller..1111111110 and teacart)! with a view miles. all til wbith. Mo before stated. to the thorough reorgateizatirei of the has been mold by public conmetition. DePtivt men t .1c" teintll .01 ..1 Ni a- it ie eet Warted, tat tima-erte. rt. 1014.1,4 ae% 0E01 °Metals wItivit the prelims( Goveritinent Ana hose been diemiswel and in order to them...eel of timber Irnds there is gel right to the lea tout of the MOO' r1101.11(11. Wit11,111t repr,sluetion, 1 last pretest i rregula Fit ire .1 oder Cassels bra been apparited to eanduet a judicial invemtigat Which lie now going on. SASKATCHEWAN VALLEY LAND 'DEAL." Did yeti ever hear of a Conservative Government instil ming ent.h 1111 ill - -- veetigation on the eve .4 a 'general This is tine of the 011111 ion ••scan- eleetion ? It si . that, tio matter data" whith loil'Alti* atm navtivolialY what happens. the Laurier Govern- willing to discuss. showing us it does tnent net afraid of the truth. the way in whirl' the Conservative Hon. Me.. Brodeur. refetaing to the tiovereiment tied _up the %Vestern country by grants to railway coin - charges of sciandel. Kalil : ea•hey et he 4\11111er% Ai% es) have parties. railed ahem, 15'. Arian. and Atie The grigit in titivation was originally Atonteente am the extraordinary ina le • OP the Conmervative Govern - ',mous realized by Alerwiel. but in- mem in leaf to a railway I...wittily in ,suiries his‘, e revealed lite fallaciani.- whielt F. It. I Wm, l'onser% at ive nes- .4 their et -Unarms arid t heir 31. P.. is int. ryst ad. Thie et alIpatte !selected ...it of the treettsations. ..The pro% 1.1,1111)g 111 *1 he Aret 11. '2N2:101*1(11110 .401 .t RIO foi t hem : t-tist- Si _r• -r 14)1114 4w -r- _444 #111er-41111410.01116,41•4114.1 1 there Mt•leatit. the-Coneervative Minieter in was 1144 111.1104 141111 II) the traet 1)041. the. provisioning "r Noll- lit foi settlement." lei Min it took tour for a • liar voyage $1.11) silo to me. the (lover kkkkk reit ler p,.r man per dry. and toider-Foi•ter in 15'. 1.1-111s 01 t he grant mule to it by I 011.1 the Ale' t b..t a •iinilar expetli- the Tories of Tint • anol_O, i he fplInw, lion& likevilice V. 1 if -.per Main per log year, it wasttII..wed to me al day. Se far ea the Moot eahn *Mote, of the temaii t i tt g hind dm. them ....ferreted. only that Naas spent whieb lowlei the agreement fr.H11 0114 01 e.1 Or Rbsolml t4 y nteaeisary to pot her in torron,a35 :weer, t he Covet anima dr - a condition to receive the high ottl• s•rin 1„ liRve II the, Tory bow eiuk of otlit•r Governments whet. ply- gran (-heed mu, so as 5. 01101r b set I er% 101 ...Lela in the tell itory. ig visits to ratite/Nei waters,. "Now with regard to the M. -twin At this stage Air. Osler, M. P., and affair. Out ot a total of $1111.7 Paid hietriends sold out to the Sasicateh- tt moo. the rttees leave tomtit an company 116iined to he entitled to (he ewan Land ttttt my. This . Alerwin mid hi. partners he limit - over -profit of $6,I1** it all. 141 Ole Plea of seleet ion as Oder anti his orhe Oppeation have been totally asst oat", But they did the get tt. unable to estrabliesh entailing egeinst_ t;......wspoent reduced. -the--41144411 trle 10-01ernment. Their criticisms are f ns which they might seleet to t...145, - limited to pee ty acts of administration -4$,1 inios. In IfSre the it overnmeeit fOr whiele certain ()Steidle of the .1.1 to the S44Lrteliewan % alley lAnd %et Mira Departments might he 1..•- company 2iil1,01111 dere. under eery 011- op00-41)10 but Which cannot 1..• .re- emus et mIlitions inGdving t he pl icing gartled as the reputation of settler,. in eisch township in to of thi• Governineot itself As long region wherein, 1111 to 0181 time. there s I am At the head (4- the Depart- had beet1 no settlement and the tot vi- e •nt of Marine and Fittheries, I rhall Ipry beep deelat,..1 t" air.111(111 -,,that itadministration honeill crowd to be made for settlement. The anti irrem •hable." . parChase from. t fw Government of this for 22i4 years. • _ ------- TN*, FRASER LAND "DEAL j \ tile way the' 1' IN : 14 -- V. 1. wam It, en st hi- late lim for $teekse he ssuld. tot- Iti" estimmay ite ',met. for it r faetn. TCn he o- 'tont...T.1w con vim- ftw-rtreteire that 'WM eiss "A. Weatfl cordial; t gbeeknol," NOW. ale 401r1 AtiVe 01 tt•Ilt ftlEget. Afr. Fraser tor lel tly Ile 41 1111'111 thtejtililheat offaMp_rud_l ....int evfely-canductad on- eneh met histi..-S- ---eehort ty after n gre11 her ttok pia.. At the !minima' meeting Ali. Neither do 111ey Nay Lewis. speaking of the increased ex- .411" "1 41.6541 is only land was made not beeateee it Wein twined more cheaply, 11,404 111•Ce8Lti1y 1.0. the land t•ouipany to secure 111.' even numbered sections intervening lietneen the odd wow I wired riect bee. pitreluoitel ft 0111 the rail- Send Norinal,Sch way tea:many 111 11111,1 to 1.111 1 1 0111 511C- re...folly the nehettle of sett lement hy whirl' eller hoped to increio. the value of, the lands potichased Trom Gull 1 be railway and 1 he Gm et tittrent. and so Make it tomtit from the tt toes tetim.",""' 11•1••••••••••••••••... THE POLiTICAL ARENA. --- poly 1 WO elections Went I.y iscela• motion 011 Monday throughout till Canada Thisbe Were III Sollth York, where W. F. Maeleuu, the Comperes - five vaudidatte, writ re' 111 Heals %V 4111;01 oppasithro. and 4ue., whet'. Hon. L. P. ihodeer, Miukter of Mar- ine mod Fieherie4, bad no opponent. wise etpeeted that tiii• Latu•ter wolild he eleeted by iivelieuni- thmin -Quebec East, tint at the minute Dr. Fiore /1111W111e1l Ps 41 (late at the nest:ince. 11 ir raid. of the ',Mends theinselvis, ae Sir ‘Vilfrid 14 reinnieig also in Ottawa and lila 'elec- tion by ay. -lomat new conatit7 snowy- words' invalidate tile eandfdaey in tho othet. There are a few seat* in Ontario ft.: which t here is no Liberal eandideite. land u number in Qiiehec for which there is no Conservative candidate. Montt...al W'itties.: We are e;111- Vilteelt. bruptleIng Witll an- other, that the country should give Kir Wilfrid Lawrier moaner term of offiee at Ottawa, rather than return a party which threatens b, rake titer tariff taxation. make otlr clothes and other thingS "0 Heed COM ni much mote than they do now. &lid Wakeult t' &ninths,. and especially this Pisivinee, tile dearest plat.. iti the world to ht... itt: whieh threaten. I.) kill the Grit kir preference, that ban done so muCh for mar ferniert anti tourni•tvea it1 the t•N paandon of • trade and reducing the cost of living11.sideo being it head ..f empire T main:ire-it .liv MI . Feratcr, tont, tatee-ststriekt 11,. oho.. t $t .11 - able eitembora of the ',Merit' party, include, such bien SW FOP kr. Bemire 1. 14.fiergt.y and the vitteiterative ItoSil 11 Koine ten yenta. ago Colonel- %V. E. O'Brien wa. 11 prominent Corewrer- tive mention .4 thy 1 itintintma- emelt. lie was espeeially well known for hitt connistent 4141 V; feas'y of a clueer heed bet wren Canada mret the Mother Country, and tit Parliament and on the publi.• platform be Was Mir of the moot it, inlypeates .4 Imperialism. A f- se de). zoo ; a -ineetIng held Tit the 111101 .41. ot Daniel. Wilson, the lalwral ensulidate in North Sioncue. Diteren ....poke strongly for the return ot ptesent iftwermitent to lower. Ile *aid all other questions eau k into ip.ignitieance when .4.111. Intttol with the question of Imperial pi•eferenee Anil Imperial trade that Mr. Borden it' returned to power Mid no option but to repeal the present ten, tat preference, AS IP' W* it, the liaiels of those who did not want Brit- ish competition. While it regielitrit ies Weretinte tiv (terror with any Govern- ment, there was no leinon on that score to torn out the present Govern. ole) 11 and to reolacothem ley sitele men dicier of %Odell By th.• s de of this Zero.. aere. tif uncharted line even num hered -act one the ljuterm. 1....•111e41 ;n101110 wtitt bron iit thr value into settletneet als., the elroon 1../111110.111. Whifirthe Tortes hail granted to th e oyinlitett.• which Mn, Osier's dem con- trolled awl which lin.' tatted% failed to induce settlement thereon. ' Among, the eondit loner Melee wIn.•11 the Government ...Id' thi. land was mu. t hat the comietny ithoteld settle. t Met y- t vs .. net teal eel t let it. emit (41(0 4). tn.. company had to put tialesetelleol 111410.41110L to be forfeited the.reanditiont fulfilleu -shill it certain How. awl "adore the ptitt ('stio141 4)41ctiti*.leil to reet•ive ownship they had Ijrt.i t place two:tette.' settlers. 11,011100"ert. event .4 w 1(1 14)118 •1' „1 1..411..1mM' have heen wiretatte-Thle-tool--romata n t expense br-lught. itt large Minds) of settlers Who (humor -I I. de,' the 1,141;1 111* io.Mei antagem oe f th region. 1.1 the expect 1110114 of the Gov...now that a tame t rata e1. hith- erto unielhited and H, 1yI .,Ittett Vt. et/nutty W become iudelhit es1 11tet4., prodie octe lia% ay and write. faetorilv 'realized. • 5-4 isc 11 01; It pandit ure. asked " W hewer - haat the " I"' t musi 141. Pa14.1)Y 111 - I ht•te is•Ing grounti rend r111010')'111010')'goete ?" Well, Mr. Lewis dues t.. 5.• paid to the Gov. knows quite well where tete thousand addition. MG Fraser hay. (1.110144rs of it hay. gorte--into hie own bul tett w.ked that this bet•tli pe•ki•ts. - - - I t51lif,..1111. _Elect qr, 1 fill anything ft the Comet - v,itive candidate or his rupportets (11 this ridwhicho riding wuld warrantu yo 41, vothig to put the Liberal part y otit d "Mee and 1100'. the party in power - .at 1 he I toniinat 1011 mM eeting r. Lewis 'goofed itmeatettly from The Signal ads au atitheritv. • Hp. took good raw, however.,n ot to .010te The taignara_unittion .4 hie -own, ~nee- rur member for Were Hilton. It 'Me Siena' im a go. d antlem•ity in one ease v. by itot in another he put up for baba- We saw 1 o er tieettiptit . W.. invent *d 41141 sle vvy (bride,'o h tidT . here %%ere t tendert. and "or tenr dewan Ili.' lii A eat.. viz., SIS'. Ti'. same peop Who pilrehrineil hr Fraser piNewt•ty at the sante t• .1178 Mi. Fra...•r. quired another limit, wit ieli wag given by 1 1, 1' Comet vat i v.• ioyertiment 104 witbout araseposisioir --staid-assiitioni- bonue," for the 44 1414111,11110, Frtiser InnalsT %shies leave rist•re and gives several instnnees or larg.• amomits1 1)1,141 1111 1141,'. net inn. het wiven m 'vat vtrt 'nit why shooki-T ?” he WC all know.t hat One ham been OneeeperienctelerincrOur end .4 Canadtt. to the other, 'Why, then, 'should 1 Is blamed ter benefit - Ong toy I he inerease 111 VallIr I re - (wive(' ne ad% mritage. 1 hid Ili 1411.11 1111111ji• 11/11111,t 11 i.fl N.t tele it, all the o 0110 11ming '.01,1.1, these.' sale, were tieing Made vver complained that they were nte properly atIvertieed. No criticism was 111011r by anyone liul years aft.•r, when the rapid rise in lumber bad givais. inereased '.11104'10 them." , THE ROBBINS IRRIGATION • 'DEAL." The -Kolthine irrigation deal is an - of the Opposition', pet ncandals. e Dover •nt mold a tract of land itt th.• arid region of Alberta. near Afedicin.• lied. to a company at SI per ace, upon condition that $1,es0ane81 was spent in irtigatiom To protect the settler the Government ,,'served the right to fix the pi -i..'1.1 water, and provided char )111 hsnd misold within ten yertrit ahnithl revert to the mitdic. This *4 10 transaction whiJh the Gov- ernment not only defends, het boattim of. The Conservative candidate in Medicine Hau Hatt pplads it... And 04404 Molina hie leader,. for -their attitude o tward it. The city IN amen., bnartl of trade and agrictiltieral 'strict) of Medicine tint likewise 'I4""'.1he arrangem• tit. Th.. gr.non I (..r I 11.posit 1.11 charges of grate is that the hied 1.0111 -14411111-011111 111.011.11011* 1)1/1144* 1110119/:-14 .1 15.' deal ! Is t leart• anyl bine erne- inal in that Are they not .n* Hied to reWarii for their enterprise and n return on their inverttment ? Will the country not protit by a ,projert which will make ten arid tract in Al- lier* a ItIoesttin like tho e rse ? . _ TIMBEJI ADMINISTRATION. • Mr. Lewis did nnt lake the omen • at Denote llllll te tet M bey to owntion 444(7item of expeotti- 1 tire by I lie Liberal Government which lie had (mooed during him four y eat m at -Ottawa. Ti'. moneys spell* hy the Government ale % "tett in open Parliament. WIlrir 141. Lewitt hail a voice. The 'rename.° NPWS.ha. not reaehed the liu.utt yet. By Seturday next it will have the tied of th.• National Transcontinental Railway 114) 10 54111,- orsyssaii011 : the Grits stealing IWO Minders' vnillion omen, nears of tim- ber t•very week ; Mr. Fielding spend- itig y a .ecipl. and Dr. Puttsley buying toothpieke at 1110.75 a pieee. The iee-cap foe The News Men - tiny night. 'lion. le. Modeler, Minister of Alat•ine. 4(4811011 whose Department !leech of tile Op).ositime ecandal talk lute been (1jenrIonl, was elected by M.- el 3 01 0 111111 .111 Monilay• The onie other member let of tied porked w:vrr1A1R or fil.ntth y.nk, whit, all 110401 a (101104•1411tier. retread to take part the campaign of slander. It doesn't look Well for the scandal- mongers. u s If yowrite( Foster, 111.• leader of h.• 'meal trnitors," the grafter 1111d rakeoft dealer, Gee man of defleite, to he Canada', Finanee Minister, vote for Lewis. A opt e for Holmes es a vote o tkeep Ilan. Mr. Fielding in the office in which he hae had such brilliant stInnen.. - 1n hi. "Life of Sit. WjIfrjd Irmeriety: published in I 9.(1, 1. 5. Willison, now editot of The Toronto News, gives tbia piettire of conditions in Western Can- ada, under Coneervativt. auspiees : "The ..ingteine expeetatione of rapid settlement. of the Weet fell lament ably short of realbation. The early right 1,4 witnessed it Itemendonit 104,1,, frinitillos. hot the era of itidation wee brief and freniled. And the iesult s dirdstreits and Puthering. Mahone welt. geauted to 1.01001 7 -St i1,11 rompan- ie.. There was no immense Wage of the toddle reverects upon eager sperm- listets 404 greed' pout leans. There wags season of 0141(014 gambling in prairie lote. i. trenter enamel it ien itt thee plotting of paper town., a reckless t.ading on tbr future that oreasinned idespread loss and ruin, and put a positive blight oh the, rnmitry to, years afterwmrvis. We witeted neer patrimony. in the %Ve-t as a spend• col arty 1. sirt for life in the your , rates .0. , s daughter (Iasi advantage.. 2sth year ant 1 bet- tvr th,ii %%cr. Write for Cate- 1011,11&-:- lege St! Thomas, Ontario. ALMA COLLEGE GREATEST SCANDAL OIALL. %V.. have heard a goeil doring the rhea ion campaign ilterit "srittl- dal..- The 1 Pm.'it 1imi ''5*rge that the " • 1,11.•1100." 11:1•4 11;1.1 WO good au 4)4t .11 11,1 It y, neel great hue and el y 50 rai.e.1 • The very fact 111:1* the Opporailtion 11114144 the.- 10041e 111141 1 lilt be temp a I “rs "r 1r• Government ace iimwIlint to meet it is evilltme.) I hid there grrat &mgrs..- to the ff. .•seatutain." of the 1.111,1 now eithibited 1m:fore t he puldie. The temple will priek ttp their esev verY quickly to any (Marge ..1 administra- tove mismanagement whereby their money or their property is mani- feet I v wasted. But there is a seandat h more to tw feared, and ther•etiern of the Con- nervative party to power would lop% - Rattly bring it 'nem ne, That im the seanilatat_ a high protuctive built, ginrdett in tinter. rand Fo4ter Minister of Einem..., we ,5(1111141 see titatutinc- teets•rm 1 hling over OM' 000thrsr to get the ear of the Go% ernment and Mire their pee eentege or protection rakedin stiehTesseit it. not those who motet need protection who get it. The firm or the corporation that can mekr the triggeet --noitre and poll *5'. higgest gets:the biggest prize ; the 'l 0(114 .1nd ntrtiggling indit4try. t yeah+ . nerd- ttre- general Polilitutindoente. soar witheto imieh public. 1h'. fanner. the. workingman, I (1*' contemner generally, getm nothing but few inivileite of' paying for the 1 tilrOr 4 gralltr.1 to thn.Ing fellow,. Tune and agnin it has been delimit strafed that protection IP the prolific .0111re eorruption. Thine in »t. greater graft than 11111 whieh enablee the protected interest It, 'kV./ toll an the masses of the peeler. We do not . Since it came into power the Liberal want graft or corruption in adminis- Government hAs not sold a mile of trative *Rena in Canada ; still lens ' timber exceptsI piItIk rompetition wt. want it incorporated in the piddle atel to the highest bidder. Recently Ponta', accepted AA 11 part of the cow the law in regard to limber sales has mercial system of he country. heen improver]. anti now ell timber The grentest serndal of all 'voted le. Areas put tip 11 tite Are first in- to git th.• country over to. the Geste 1 spectral by the Goveroment toothier and the erinthinta. To vote for the Reid survey es1 liy the Govt•e•ntieent sew Comte, tative petty im to assist 111I veyor. An towed price in then plaeed doing vote for the Liberal j On them end this price is kept secret esety 44 Itt st rengthen the hands of ; by the Government. The auction those who are trying to In al 00.47 with 141,00 4)11140*1 *It'. land office nearest epeeist privilege. In the el iime ofierolet•. the berth. Tht• right b. referred to tirm.- It it. irmlosnible to follow op !mil refute all the •arandal" 1 elk of the uppn..1- 13.,11. Whilt 11r Ilmre ,14:.M1 (0 11 11 above ist.• stool+, u f t It... dietort ion Anil retire,. titation indulged he ,bY e he 4 'en.-erv afire pre.. mid platform speeketa. if they Mid ti crow attrited. the'llioverennion. ismedd it be mreessat y them 1.. tell hand oohs y• Ow,' ohm nf rmatmeign show.. how bald they bare In strit• (11 enrctiveven 1111 ape witrenee I,f 44111114111111114 1111 the part of 1 he tiovet 'mutt. .411.1 in all the. talk it mese ho t•emembered that IN Nirr A SIN'GLE INtri'ANCE IS ANY CORI/CPI' ACI CHARGED AGAINST ANY MEM BETt (IF Tut; hirVioiNmENT. SITUATIONS... %volt leading Montle.. lioie••1•t. Await nor geminate... LOOSE-LEAF LEDGER 110.1 all modern onlve luptt h. Ids which enetire rapid nil- . Vancelli. nt. . --ORE'ra-a-SHORTFTAN1.1----- 1 • • . . v the only teuvlier . . .,.. vele% attended I he • chooln. .Es torn. vitil,TelegrAP14- ' 'Enter an tiny. Write fee part ic- edam - FALL TERM FROM SEPT. 1st SOSEBICII BUSINESS COLLtitil:. \t le‘l 111111•1111101=1 THE UREAT • SCII0OL CENTRAL elTRAYPOPID. ONT. Our paid record and our prr.roI kracI•. fir work "tamp. Io a+ great 4)11011.4 181) in'. *chord tif Western 1 /Marto. We have three Ilepartnwnt.. COMM FMCIAL-1,444(tit'1"11 A N TELEGRAPH R. flur gratin:4)r. are in olotus off to, fhpliore., l'ullage 14,4 81? It. office mi.i.tant.. inntruct. Miter --NOW.- ,n rge catalogue free. Write for it. ELLIOTT & McLACHLAN, t thrift wattles* fortune. and created some grave problems for other gener- atinns," It remeitsed for the !Ahmed perry in make the IA'est Of 1111111111rIO, Will the people of beneath' place that greet young countty egrin in the hands rif Fovter and his "greedy pri ti. '(1*'' WO t)ow not. Increase your Salary ! Proper preparation does it. Attend ELLIOTT /1 1.61/i/IX! TORONTO. ONT. Au I tho t to rommemr 5. HIGHT NOW. One hundred and 01 1 Miulcutt trout other huminea, vollege. ha% e p draft Oeft It& coheir, Within OUP yrsr. 001(8 r 11.01.1s T R I st PROVE 1 Wei wive the be.t. Nothing rIme wohld sat 1.1y ri. -nothing elo• -tumid 4004fy ran. ALI. (MAW:A READILY 540(81; KMP1.011'M ENT. ‘1 rite for ratistrgne, W. j. ELLIOTT, Principal. err. Venire and .11,...nel4('sp% nameammonsassa II • • mum' 1 f he First Step 1 I Ifli.n meant, 4441 111. II hotpot title of piling people who **tsar for It lone meant Sill.e1104 1 1 0 / oltt radali.gue oh 11,, I tiret. step toward 4) ;fluid ea la rirrl jnisit inn. Take thri e step to -my. Ad- deem* Centrist business College, 5R5 Yonge Slime, Toronto, OM SO OD ilDI W. H. feill A IV, i'resident. 1 QUALITY, STYLE AND PRICE are t be t hire meat factors w 'tick ha Yr e0111 bitted to make t hie unquertionably t be best store for Lela.... The clearreter of thy garments iv fully up to the highert etoviderd of exoellenee. rho timidity iv evident 1,1 very:detail ot ill) le, tit and tailoring. The great variety .wee now lkow make a Dia_pAsy that'swell worth seeing. Values and Prices on Ladles' and Misses' High-class Fall and Winter thirments, Mantles and Fine Furs you can't. ignore. A vieit ilt itiopection will he appreciated. You will not be *ewe' to hay. We •Iniply tvorit yott to roe) the momenta JOHN STEAD, Goderich Ladies' Wear, West Street ite Mr. Foeter %eleven to mention wee. til 101141. ttttt . 1111 eXIIIIIIple Of 11 hasoloio jitu teat ion of the Oppoeitiou I (41 iiithiener the dirties wits. iuetanced th.• Crow's Nest Perot Railway. The true filet 14 Welkslated and I he I 'olonel paid Ms rest...els to 31r. Roblin, the gene lymetei wenn calor. frohl Mil/1401k ; to 1 • fell its 15.' amenities of debate) andAti.• peoper language 1,1 1141. ill *1*.' ettft.111. I of a polit ical campaign. The whole ell,. of 41010 5eis1,11, 141111 1,111i1 field wet 11.01.4 lel nevem ed by t 15. • I:talent Ilaggarte, tea to mem i .11 the atat dierla Vatistleotrai_sit_ 11.e _11.1.atetta thr thoneyst, he mentioned as something to iteoitt, and urged of 1 lir prevent Go% eminent Ps the only on.• in whiew handr the rountry would be safe at Ow present tipare- rot -01St*iiir 'winds4 made to deep ituprentsion upon the MOO 41R. . , . 011 SISE I l011, Atisref savaitt it. tsetse ot Monday last • '•Mr. &eaten promises 'lumina ail- Taltraiiition of our politic 1 1-VerltieS.' 11.111 is 1.1Ps to- tie it •I Illtp1italf,1 Hy making Futter Minister, of Moaner..? Brgiving the NI penartanent. Jt Col eintie. Mehra ? Hy Appointing Fowler anti Lebo gey 1, deal with the railway magnutea? It is uselees to I ells Jai the _people- of -girtiog-t-heas A- more; honest :id etrat ion if the vont. of that ndenittistration la to he left in such hand.. tie these. Thin in a point at which Mr. Borden should he alWrille. and there ka,.. pain1 itt whieh he can better afford te be ea No one 41111Ibts that his lwt ter instinets prompt him to he speeilk• itt this regard hut his mistaken loyalty to Me ratiociate, and, perlaape. a. Ia. k of that wise ItIraittt 'Witte/1 Illt•Iton't. 111401 to a party 1-ei4er. inipel I to be indef- inite." 1111. - Hem A. It. Ayteeworth aot naibutp- tot. Alr. Borden bad app. -bird 14, lw 1 other anhamell of tire lel to mirk - rater. and bad asked 45e mock. "I would .ay to Mr. Borden." deelareel Mr. Ayleeworth, "v ,ot and your poll t ica 1 cone,. 11. ttle ; :14 none exints except in your imagine. lion nod untrue statements:. If the Oppositioii thought they hatl any case with which to go before a jury lie challenged thereat. produce it and 11.• was ready t tI 1tffiMee1111. t W 1100% et' they might be : but in the campaign of villitention, falsehood and malignity not one 44. ltd hail ever been levelled eigainst the personal boned* y any member of Sir 'Wilfrid ',moires Cabinet. 1F HE BE• LI EYED Tit Eft E WAS ANTIPOUN DA'riON FOR Tut: Tiiimis -HAD ilitioler FED AT - AND INSINUATED. BIT NEN'Elt CHARGED, 11E WOCLD NOT STAY IN THE CABINET FOR A SINGLE DAV. Ile wits 'imperial to pledge lihr- sw.:rii(t9laintih"le°t1 there.Plieentithit it hboeerentlid,thoute-wn - to exirt. any -foundation for the at- iatagnmerfl:ipe.vinti!tiethe ibi betli'1111111.•*uill."1"lit th.i."rbt.ivY. oar ?conking al Orionlown, tine., the other dna. lion. Mr. Modeler itemised enthusiasm by lin. remarks Iui refetence lit"iveLbe velestil110"er. 1t11:: oldie( r''Oint*- servastive Adininiet Gat i011). Ile said. the Cirnadian GOVerli 1111.111. 1141,1 Ioeit 13.111.teta 01ak -111.--41144`01414111- -414•4444110n. went eheield lei t ake the. light- ing and dredging and baoying ot the thatinel, anti this Mel beet, t lt ailite4m.d. ill% eu'.a.nn &dime mit tonal holed.. When he came into (Ono e two t errs ,tgo h.• found that this condition of attains exiiited„ anti he at 'ewe weatred authorization from his eolleaspiee to put in Canadian buoys and lirFht, ilk the .11111111e1. "Alt r result," paid Alt. Brodeur. 'when,' previously the work of keeping op the Canadinit hannel was done 1.y Aineri- Van Authorities and 15.' cha .1 %as patrolled hy 44 1111141t 01044 llie 41111,4 Mid St ripe% tlaleV Wr Aro hunting atter • own work, anti the ebannel is patrolled by a Cuitattian Govern - Mem telat tiying t It. 1." Jack." Yale ter Ibises. Lsari:r aid Pregnss. Intelligent Economy tg ilie ;4..1 tIng tif value --r what looks like value on ther surface. Nlost wen judge clothes by their first appearance -1)0' the outside -bin men who know how to pet the best value inquire as to) 1110 Itivitletr parts the interlining tint{ inside .4 wlwIthattnititt- Titis iS where thr points of onr ono in, null it's "int-Iligi.nr economy- lilt' 1 lilt to buy such clothes,• - - OUR LINES OF SUITS and OVERCOATS for Fall and Winter are here, in abundance. Prices $8.00 and up to $22.00 Inspection invited. SPECIAL FOR SATURDAY so Boys. Single -Breasted three-piece Suits at 25 per cent discount. See our special Melton Overcoat to order $17.00 WALTER C. PRINIAM 1 "Men Who Know" 11 TRADE AT I "MARTIN'S" r GREAT BIG Book and China Sale • 'hiring this Sink% we nee selling all lines .4 China and Cut Ghost at oned hied and one-half off resoila prices.. • Ilutelredm of fedi (halt Sound Books at less than tept-balf off. • hook derro aral- the greatest bargain. et er offered in tioderich it, high elms goods, W/111.11 /11141W Witlflow. for in tees. ther terms in fame are STRICTLY CASH. PORTER'S BOOK STORE Court House Square, Godern h 'Phone No. mos -3 Oysters GO TO THE OLYMPIA Cafe Served in any style or in hulk. Athas & Vassos, Proprwtors Isimmommesmostas