HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1908-10-22, Page 1elismear
Can get The Signal from
to Ist January, 1910, for
Send along your name and
address with cash to
The Signal
Should send in their names
and addresses at once,
The Si
itt 44
VANAT7'gK d RoftERTSON, Pes1.4snrw
11'e offer fur aide debentures.; bearing interest at FIVE
per cent. per annum, payable half -yearly. There debentures
offer an lit Ilutely safe and profitable investment, as the
puls•hlt4tel•e�ltye fur security the ,entire assets of the Com-
Capital' and Surplus A•eets - lg1,340,00t00
Total Assets - - - !R2,5011,000.4a1
Vice-PI•esident and Managing Director; W. 8. UINNI(%K.
ROYAL, (i. C. 81. G., 1. A KAMME:RER. DAVID
ROBERTR; A. J. R LiAi11S: -
Clot. Ptomaine: acne• AND yarmilLk N -i ,. tiatIN'ru.
Goderich Office. W. L.-.• HORTON,. .MANAO ' R.
e ANT Horne 1w-tln0oar, with men. "n
I,Ulhciw condala,. Win b.• .old At n Iwr
gena Can ked.ren W 4',
ware Aon•. Nest Street.
An Explanation. '
We are in receipt of au ex"vllent
report OT I1W ...cent Epworth (.sighs
and Sabbath echoed convention at
Auburn, but v..i. account of the press-
ure of political clatter we are unable
to publish it this week. A good deal
of other lucid news matter also is
crowded qui, but the election will be
over next week and we shall then
have more apace for the reporting of
local affair.. frisk for a good newsy
paler next week.
Silver Wedding Celebration.
- M*turda% Taint. the 17th inst.. was the
the Armories un Saturday night.
Those who should kousv say it put tip
the best drill of any company that
ever appeared oar the floor there."
At the Harbor.
Thr steamer N-.•xfol-d wax in on
Saturday last with 110,1101 Inlxht•I, ul'
wheat And oat" for the elevator and
the Turret ('Iiief, on Monday with
111,410I bushels of wheat. The Scot-
tish Hero, Ifo e Ionic and Pnn,-
Rupert are expected.
The lights were off for a time last
night on account of trouble with the
blowoff of olio of the boilers of the
town plant.
The tug Alva W.. built at Colling-
wood, was in port on Monday bound
iwrJlt}'-Iltth.-anniv�lrartyy--uflbs-yrr�l. down the lake to Pol•t Stanley, The
ding of Mt'. anti Mrs. J. f.. Aitken. andbttg will fig -41,1 the:-lfrllutg
tltr happy ocg,tsion was celebratedby .ntl""'
a pleasant social gathering on Mature- Poll Court.
day -evening -in ttt rooms -et the t'trlllte Un
library .s'eupi,•d by Mr. and 'no, _was
Aitken. The -wedding of twenty-Hve him, rot
years ago awxs celebrated by Rev. T. woman, d.
M. Campbell, then pastor of North of then" w
treat Methodist efwrrh, both bride eight day.,
1(r grooul being then. as now._' refi•_1,1 Uw jell 1
of tj.txfe irk" Mr_ `amt lfrg mid Lie. rw Flaw-eft•tknig.
Ait .
rola)^ afternoon the twilit*
lied- two-- peewees ..before
.111. 111.111 and the other a
the g,urnliu. kind. lluttl
re remanded to jail for
e le 111 to i.e examined
-••-:1(41 Ns -4 It'. 4411t4y
Theorem' (Mtobe
Fall *trent, per bush !]I 4i . 4 0•41S
Spring wised, per bu•t• , d 1(i to 0 el
l4Ye, per buJe . ..... 11 W to 0 et
•. Se y.. 0 -�
EC('EI.I.ENT UItI\'EK FOR MALE. Frelll•s +, murr, fi ye y,ar+. loaf price,
owner no hlrther use. I'01Loore .table., (nide
etch. Friday and 4.at urda3••
F 1(111 MALE (''HEAP. -ONE 0001)
r avrertld "arm) ane phaeton. rubber tire.,
\gee award brutes'. Otte ruttrr, Thew vehiclot
Ave been left with 144 to -ell 4144 air ,",ext
Lkrg..us•. UCNlntV III:u+ 1.1VIat1. t.ub
. I'1tAN
'1'o Kent,
Air Napier .ue.•1. ,1p,,l) to J.
'ieturie street.
1i A141. 'dwelling centrally, loeatdl , tun
mode N 11111/441,r/1141414 . al.•, 4 .table.
Apply to Yu •14i/. & H'111FRTSON, Real Y_.•
tate Agonist)
M•R., (a. the 4xyarld nwu1, bars•, mile.
front l.od.rtrh..m w tell then: are .1 goof Fruit'
444'1 -sties twit hole • oat good barn T.
w'r... of orrhanl and 4 arras of ms•1 f•
tett1yy an the prrno-.•.It .10 ii1011I1G4. Jtl.l •
ILFti'T. TR .
Bright ,,4111.,,,s. t 45irrling 14i.uk,
(14.4• ,,. to ' Mr. IMm . 44,4 Melte.
der.-eeki••g. dWrit t
et sl Sflt. MOIU(1- I'S grocers
tate for aa!
L'O1t SAL'
r ABLE lot on 51
Square. Apply to 1
V Flt1►E. K
.treat. time to
K7, Y)NkGAKR()
1.1Ot'$E ANI) TA '6, .UT$ FOl{ - - - ---- - _.
sale near AWMtitta . Apply to -
KS. JOHN M.•S EKS on p uds1., .
------- h-- - \ '' • ESSIMAKING, TERMS MOD.
ir 1H010E' r AltM FOR A K IN 'KATF1 Mit. E. M. KRBINSON, Wet-
. Tr1'KE1LSMITH.- The nude Isto.. of Wat-
erloo a t, near l'ullegleate In.tltote.
fees for *Methodfine terbeing lot e
.ion 3, H. R. t as, The fernsvmtain. 1(4 •. ltE:M,4 sMAKINIi, NIIMMif,SI MC-
Weaersr4emerimmt-teicWart'whrtr r -Te XT. Ain 5tAr-VIt. AR ani • 1 •'.
lion : In ae•r.'o of good herd wood bosh : vet i hat thvyL•a,lr canal dlomrk
n.i ilium,
falling spring : T raves 0* gaud orchard Th 1.e+ lately oe culriI i by Miro. l' , car•
,• oF North .tn•,t and the Sprrc, •hove Mr.
KO •'11 o•w,-lieu'. dor.
Oalo, per bush.,
t'wu,. per bu.h
Barley, per bu.h ..
icfeenlrlg.. per ton
Flour. Wilily, per cwt
Flou,, pal cat, )e4 CWt ...
Hnn, per ton
'Shorts, per tet,
Hay, per ton . ..... .... .,
Wood, per cord
Butter, per Ib
Kato, fre.h, per lox
1 fatale.. ,n•
rattle, urdin y t . good per ewt
t tit le•, erten, per cwt
live weight, per cwt .
meep, (Wn'•W( .. . ... .
Haw, per 16
14001,. per Ih
(..1.1, two h,
Tallow. per
Hld .-tier est
Ohre -kin •
('hie en. ....
Turkey... . . ... .. .
II ..4 lar 31.
8142 to Si
u :sr to Y1
18 to to 18 In
7144 to 2
3'4y to
Sinn to 14)
.4 '44 to '24 441
!1 n W to on
5 W to 8141
tt L'1' to 0 144
•0ISLO 015
001 to 0Y)
:4o to se
Y:44w /w
5414to 523
Nur to II III/
4'$ to 4 23
3 O fo 3AI
17 to 017
015 to 084
15 to 45,
1M to 006
8 4n to 0 fe
p, tin • W
le to 1"
12 to U
Copy 'of change of running advertise-
ments must be left at th.s office by
Momday noon to ensure insertion
in issue of same week.
11'NI 111:1:.
F,rtuter- owl inu'r'e wanting hunks,,
•h.ngies ,n t4.1ar t. ran have. osier de
licere.] for thou, on the commercial do•k, front
of los-. wan•boa-.•, ,.)were team4 can lord con
s rn tent l!p .
fHF:I:',IoF:R1eH t.* MItF1R cit.. I,Iy1TEll.
ware, a
tlu•it. •con
The Signal ins, ,. f,.m England
in this c,untl y for si a en years. pro-
(`,,Iptain Mtuar ne of B Crnnpany, f ses to be an exi.ett dor, printer,
944th Regiment, is inning distinction farmer. rte., lural ml o more deeply
as ,- efficient .nI ry officer. For , r .eb
In ' than
the second year his c piny has won Mayr 111/11101t he. t.lj their N)H "I it
the h*nd.I}tue tt,phy donated
bystudy:. Me drift .l int . t 418, Wu Matut•-
Major -Ileo. Menson rim • sial army)day night Ind .. a ' ,.i ,y morin 1(g
the best .frilled comp y in the cleated 1Nnuedis a Mt •• ,t I 4 1 re. r
giment, commenting on w 'ch a St. chtteh. 1.8.•;1- h • nr• ear.•," at 1(.
Uterine.; paper O'eorge', thug• h,*i•.r it war 044 sidetits
p per say.: .titin church that he ssrl• rake i1 '' . h rage
it', of Il 4."(13 a►ny. lif-h Reg- by.ttrm.tel.tr. t eetry ati,1 the, phy
i1n t, Las received many eomgr II.
H1111 b,ongh• b for • i Lr w ,at,.I - • on
stun a fur the excellent Wolk of a M,uulav attrr,a.,o. The wootau ir
soul ray. whirl, won first humors a Mr I' ,wv•I1, w bo 4. as tie e -G•,1 for di--
4ri e.. r1
1 11 n n hti,luI tet Site
E. lislra014) 1. •, beer. hi this o1401ry
t few 110.11. lie. Mite exp14•81'4
rngnPH+ to re -trim to the Old
r iun, the :uthoriti.. nee sil-.
ria o make arra,gem..441 1oI'
111 . N11'ted. -•
rrc,•ived nl*by gifts in silver- of Itrrnn anent for .bac belies s dP-
n witho
hearty wishes for
r 1, he n u e,
ted T r 1v has mune x1(
toed prt44.perity-, in which Frederick Phillips. claims to have
Got It Again.
Lost or Found'
Ll ►M7'. OCTOHE It 17TH, O E:NTLE:-
MtN_ nmelhy.t ring. Itrwan1 $•i'0 a,
errnrning , 8111 NA 1.04-41, E.
�)IN f
4nn *44(44 I1ree
town on either
lt,-*,rd will to
Non dreef, a merry wedow
net hr.( in eennc and we.'pe '
.IAv with ,,root hysl .ell hlg.
Even un retuning to MISS
tit onset.
Electric Road.
ctrie 1•.}1441 is prug-
peratious were
irte t••d last week at t e Kighteeu-toile
--- River, where a 144• ' (ea•A8 and
Sltuati' IIB Vacant Brittle!. are engaged, awl work
�.tettrvh on -Tuesday' -at • etere•veC•9
11.'1 it-•1'4'LASS 'i?A('11ER %VANT- farm. a couple of miles wort of Port
ll r.I t For a busk lion Nu, n, Colborn- Albeit. Five o1 ' si 4 tram.. ltd e
ta• am1n.•11101 duty Jan aur 414* /NW • Anpppyy.• 'p!ott, and Fader rn' , uyaking cut-
mng ..,slaty expert t , Jails FF: ie.. •
eretery Trea..ure,. ext ure. Ono. rain, ting lull filling �h4're. A eftivert 111
ie. put in for (Be ct't''�jty W thruu
:D FOR S. M. and rat t h w if1 hell I4rd in to a depth
her w
.leav, r
her being
Progress on t
%fork on the e
tr8.iug apace.
filEA('lIE:1t %V -AN
1 No. 7r. (olberne. dobe to rommenrr• Jur of ten or twelt a feet. After romplet-
wiry Iib, eau. Apply, sm nit qualifications ing the work here this gang will work
and .nlwry mluirorl to A. A. WILLIAM., see.
wary, ilwalup P. 1i, 011 toward+ 1'ut•t Anise.* completing
tit,• 411(4411044, '1'11.•11: are a mumis•r•
Auction Sal
AH I H f ERT1':
There will be offered fur sale et p
Lion. on
al the
..he fol low inerundernlent hintedpmp'rty,
raw tossers bid, by Thome. Brown.
1411111004 :
5t'. half of lot 11, Iota 1.2. 13. 11, 11. lis•, E. hal
lot 17 on the nth cotter..io,1 of liullett, c
sluing .4x hunArd acne•, more or le.+.
Also pint of lots 12, Ix 14, tet, teen Ibe Inert
semereseitereeiIntlon. , online -ME two
mid eighteen acre.. more or less. Thi. 1• a well.
.crio-wn lct of fletFltyy,-pt.turn..knd-_
it nlrget lc:.
014 this property I. now com-
pleted, ralscquently the tette. hereafter will t
IW ordinary. It will b' offered in one parcel, st.
but If not +,r .old, then 44 lot..
A1.0 til the t4m0 (line and plot•,' I.', :e5, Il rat '4.1
oonres4nm Huron road, Tucker smith: fret
containing dee h.md rel Isere. mere or le.. turn
T f si Ten • ,t
side Wr,YI ..,//the nIr•
1 ( .h.e-e
i, u*, Uu- (anal„#',. a ROLA brick hair en
large tern with .tone-l.*blu,g, Targe Shed said
Ig Pell and driving house, rise roils. trot,
lintel/ or ifeaforth : cons enient to cha/ch and
sehool. Will be sold on l'1') -term.. Apply o'.
Ins arae*, or 40 lar 0W(lr 51 diacro* Ile•"
Goderlrh. Ont- LV 4'. I.ANI4.HUROLOH.
Two -.tory house. 'net/dile roof, eleven
room., water upstairs end down. bethro,m,
hent and soh water, three roorn<4.oellar: part.
of Mt. 744 and :WI on Bruce ."rem, a' tom
fenders. Stable, .bed and baggy hour. For
terra. and ptaarticulars apply on the premea0. 4o
• 11'M. KILF'ATKR K --- - ,4rtt -
block D. lake road eoe1t,. Colborne lanai:
1p, two mile. front ((oderich, 1514 acres, good
clay loam, brick hones, barn 38 z 67, with
cement stabling, artesian well, water in build
inn. and .grin creek, 2 sense standing timber
and young orchard Apply to 4'. 4'. M.N144.,
Dunlop P. O. esti
CLASS 'Omni term in Weat Wawa.
n0 *h. ooneautioa 3, lot 27, with ITS tiered in a
good tete of cultivation, well fenced, well
watered gond nurhard. large batik barn. Root
blacksmith shop and store
at corner of farm. Convenient to school end
church, 31 mile. from 4•, P. R.- station at
Anbnrn. Terms ea+y, W. A. HARRISON,
Lueknow, Ont.
roomed trains dwelling, having a good
'notation, on Kees. street. Wore foundation
and summer kitchen, good stable. Will be sold
reasonably, For furRtherc,�perticularr, apply to
MI04. WM. MCCAUGHAN• FI Davies are.•
Toronto. AFtf
(141 .EOk
Y. M. ('. :1. building, Toronto, for the
best attention and the best remits in
Meins4, and-horthend training.
Knter any time. I nhvlogue free.
T. M. WATSON, Principal.
Haan 0rr4ca "'TORONTO
•VTAOnlzeD CAPITA,, • 111.0110,ne
To accommodate the Farmers
we have opened Branches In the
villages of
We solicit the Patronage of the
opened by deposit of 81.('(1
Interest at 3% compound-
ed quer terly.
e. a. 0AY1lLE. met.
Card ol--Thanks
'lar lilt I IM
Iso No.
1 ir.r to t1
anent oft .chat
of t he ell
utdcr by m
I air, ni,hto
riot of the k
(he members d(
luishend eelnens.
11 Member of 31aple Leaf
k 1n for the (nnttpt pay
for '.Un. being Ibe amount
car rP Orate held in your
Ind .,
p, 0..,
other such ``dace. on the line where
work will like!. he started shortly.
Mit the heat-iest�ork is at Port
Albert and ate Eighteen -mile River.
On the south side of the river at Port
Albert a cutting about 1,310 feet Iotig;
and running to 31 fret in depth at the
doep".t.end, makes the approach to
jict1e filling in which has been done, the
arc• earth from the cut being taken for the
filling in. Oil the north side of the
of river the earth ler tilling bad to be
'' got (tom the l,1ail.•rty alongside t11e
eight of way and the filling iu on both
s of the rivet• i. w,•11 eilVailced.
Taw Treutlew,rrk will b,• eon.trueted f
e• ends tif The cnlh,ulkulent town
e river on both sides, to be filled u
11 earth liter, and the bridge in tb
re will M• either one sprat of IN
or possibly two spins. Arrange
for the limber her fo • r
t t the treat le
re now being triad,' and it is in
0 .start preparing gravel fo
tenLe to be built tight away
I qan be got quite convent
tont. The 'reel le wot•k ant
rk can be .•ontiataed oo in
At present :tls,nt arta
the -work at the titre
operations are in ;wog
lbw•rt there is quite al
There is a lar
km in three tiers on
nt,,tl partition for
(waiters, and 01
capacity a wulll,1 .1'wluirr 5110 11.11.
alone, without providing- fnr the ore
light •hint. 'The steam pewee,
however, is saki to be *uuple for -,pres-
ent re4plirelllellls.
Both of the generators now it the
d y11111110 monk of the town plant are
60-cyele machines, while the lua,hines
which are re111a-.d by the new itelloru•
fur Were I2.i-cycle, and this change
110eaua that ,dl t 1103111 electric meters in
bit. it will have to be taken to the power-
house enit.rr(•alillerated and inspected
11 the (iovernntent inapectur hefut•e.
they ran be r,•lit•,1 nn R4 alp,ltttely
aernl'a1P, t hon);h t hey will. ruts ep-
Proaiulately ., now. The trans
ferment. with cue or two exceptions.
are all 1 ight, as for the past five year..
Kuytwrrr kern): _Laa_�lad-i►'.ruintl r he
eventual �,'bange of the town eyet.'nl
from 1'34-4.4 DI -cycle and hits heti the
t ea mtltoriner 8 gradually changed,
whenever -new- tint. Woe 1'(4y1111rd
put tinyli t -instrument adjusted to
t b4• N I -cycle type of generator.
The new g.•n.•rator has not been
putrllaaed uuteigbt by the etuuatis-
81011 011 Grein
1 fol Of the uu ►I,.inty
whether ills '1.ith.it41- River_-- rower
will h e avails. tile It the al,altad
p•,Wrr is available the new rnnchint' is
all right and the entnvi-sign would.
nu duuld, 1 ur.lutse it. hat in the
event of the towit's dant havin to
con mar t i ass steam power 4.
Kelly's recommendation would be the
in-Ulllat ton of the up t 1 (1,144 type of
_lite-. genes...roe -atLtatinal
directly to the engines, which. Mr.
Kelly says, wlnlll save the interest on
the innvestlllrilt by eliminating the
;'resent Toss 0t power in friction of
, h.tftiir and belting.
It 1. not too Wain to think o/ getting veer art
material. fur gin. for ('t.rlstnta+, .Wilmer
'mit h hu. the .applie- fur all -sm. of 'w ark,
1 ',fol es rung r I T• Orercu..t- for eomturt,'
,11,1 when yeti ure ge'r'ng enc 31114 Ildela a•
'sell gel Ila ls•.I to lie' had -that uwan, go to
F', J. I • Wham.- fur the attire. Cool. lied
worlineur..hie the beef.
Meet ion 'My will decide , q Lu P. to go% ern
he t•oyolry. but yti)i don't orad to wait for
tul'.10 knew where y' the ..1u. W get Gm
le -1 phul11Kraphie wet k. If In doubt go: to
� nll0w. 4811(1 Sow Aill l(el the heti. sat i.h<ct lou,
11. Tiltfol.t iS erecting a huu.e in the
icirity of lltiolink'S ,•vapuratolt
Rupert K•i1'•in hastakt•retlie agency,
for the llassey-114rris Co. Ser his
0nn,4llll, ,l,,'nt ill 0111' /111% 01-1
1': ai'r a r-tt',•r h*,_rertu'e f h.- .
eel tilii t(e f.H• eat me** lar
Sehool 4)4* appeal. 4tr s 1iaser is 141.
tar -cat sn{'plying in 1ltlls Green pith -
lie school. ,
The sedimentation basin iv - fide/
onlplete and the connections are 444'-
1 malt•. h is expected that the
to will b.• supplied from tht• basin
in al lit a week.
The a -acre Ilroperty at the end of
South .t 'et belonging to the estate
of the late Vatter Allan tae Iuo'an,'old
to Duncan . L4• x11 who, we aro in-
formed, will ild a numbs o si-
r f act
deices on it.
The.43rd Sieg' 1 band intend giv-
ing a coneer* im the Iter 'link on the
o-vrninll of Thursday, October 'anh,
for which the *dmissi, will be Ilk-
,rid 1544•, luyn<edi*l.•1y a or the con-
.eert a hop will be held.'
The Jack ..'lantern dance
the _Oddfollowa'_ Ball un '
evening last was a much en
,.1- The Slaekk*bone -- .xr
ads provided the mean! and the illnrnin: -
1 1 ions of Chinese jack o'lantertu were
evet -y pretty.
An orchestra is taring formed in eon-
- auction with the Sunday school of
Viet aria sl rest Met bo dist dearth and
is expected to Ie4AL th.• music next
r Sunday, for 4)1e first time. The .n•-
' rhestra will consist of tromin,ne, coT-
� net, alto horn, violin and piano,
Robert ThowpM.4, intend.' erecting a
• hour.. on his farm four miles out on
e the Hayfield road this fall. He has
been huey all minnow]. at 1 he farm put-
, ting. rip feneing and wart assisted 1. '
Ke Frank Scott, who. had the tntefert one
a.•ompl.. of "...eke ago t0 hr••nk his
Remember the r(mcef- by the Old
Southland Sextette in North street
Methodist church l,morruw elrening
IFridevl nudes. the au•piees of the
L4dieo' Aid, Admiasi,n n•, childrept
Be. These Berkey performer. are
very highly .spoken of and you will
miss a trent if yon d , nht hear Norm.
1)r. and Mrs. lira)•den were p, -
sent.ed with n silver fruit dish Inst
week - ht_ _}L.-_ George's- 1emmab of
ven in
u ban Itanied F'Qrgtison. sant o
i 0i, deep a(prrun Y
8-1(4. •)n, thy .shown by
,r •G r ring my bate
hfdYA A.
lby tin+In SA
rock 4w1
waited \
for whiter newt S•tuaee,
Man: he.( reference. Apply HON
mnnee at the time of stile. Balance in 3i day., work
For further)�onlrubar apply to the'ow her. tended
3t JOHN RANSIOIt1), Clinton P. 11, the aha
The ray
ii.FAItItiG A[`Cl'IUN SALE gr
ent to t he
ousebold farni{( ure and turniahins , including concrete w
imeW Threat X RiAeh hlg lfrrde Merin. 14' file mint.
Mr. (listener Pennington volt se11 by public teams are lir
auction at hi. re.idenee, lireek-trecr, ()ore.
on pointe al whi
TUITDAi' OCTOBER T BER siTH, . testi, At Port
• u •u ing at 131'1 clock sharp ;
tweak Klerk piano. high, grade tvt sew extensive cam
an 1 gear. Aen 1 1 mi* parlor table : -building with b
:4-p• riot .nits, rust $t,1041 1 nt►hoganY one side of the
k rocket...rag•, luny. dishes. pic-
trt1;1. .4 aTiii -eu.hinn4, nmhtle drapes and tits Ihen's slrepin
Minds, 'ultana heater, with overs{: 1 halt` the other is n long ming hall. whtl,'
rack, 1 ry and bookcx.c eum6,ned. 1 at tit,' rear are the k'IchOn gird Mare
more, 1 o1( btu, extension table. dining,
ciuin•.Mp drosncead .•Inge* .ew,,,g rooms, where the c of holds sway.
machine Inew,, mp tat and matters+. I An engineerti office 1 being con -
sett y oak bid .. , Ire, new. cord /Sb..1 1*4- el ruclt•. and is or 'tie .1Ity com-
marll ante., 2 tette ts. linoleum, 1 F:rigltah
■ndnAcr,xarpet 141.' .. 1(i yards,. 2. ernssel, feted. A blacksmith s, .p is tinder
tos.ul ser ens, 1 ha , 4 I Brnssel-1. os- way a n d a ,felt ho ss., banked
wool 4ek, .'a s, t en tr1vM, khchcn in with sod, contains' a (44441 81111"
nla• AI.. etc., 4 verandah re, lawn mower,
.r f 1 4 int•h hose, garden tools ply of Ili IIC ie
g .� p . Vb ♦ for the «t ,4f the
liver 'thing adv ere(.ed mo -t I1(. dispo.aed of, men. Another large ',Midi'g is dn-
a. Mr. ennington 4. leaf ing l:odeideh and ell Voted, to the aecomnnwlatiu of the
4i,e ht �t0"ffek „ are of the ver) ``yyoo L Thr
house 4.'OKertsl fnr ,rut. l'oa+esslorT�ran h• horses. The t,'ams that went I -ought
"mad rtgbt#fterttm arta, - '- - my from London are at work n Port
Torula: All sumo of 410 and Nader, d.: Alfieri, int which point the tit.1 tart
over that &,Mount three month: elwlit will
Riven 0! furnishing+tpp(OS,•d joint note.. A, Wea made, The t',1lte 171 the ran is
discount allowed for cash on media aH.em114*. Ark *direct, title, to the east of the `H..
On the lane. arrangements ran be made by lege. I(crrss to which will'4, hail b a
which Stu per ninth may he IA until piano is
paid for. TI;�O•. (1t•NDRy, • rat,. running down the --alley Rion
Auctioneer. Inc nttrrth hank, A Signal representa-
tive SALE he the plerunre yest,rday nfter_
t 1/F I. noon of auto trip 1(R ler ms M^(lar•
the entire outfit of 'Ii ion ton Livery, ()ole- Toy an ,at the contpauy'a tamp
rich, conaisling of ho 'orrri•eres, sleigh., R*u,pled the t>tyle of meal the (lien are
harness, miles. fitting., rte. /served with an can testify to its ex-
Mes.r-, SValker & Augu.t \Ise a Ina entrust ,ellen.....
John 1'urab., auctioneer, to sill by"1+1�141ir mile.
"fon et the Aable'. Fwasl 1(r lin . . un
tr F:DN1.•4DA Y, 4x'Tl)H11qq.9ct'H, 1t Change in the Electric Lighting Plant.
rommetnreEt1fg peeit*vriy tit the hdrtr of 1 u e
p. rat., sharp the followine: �.Tlu• water,uld light cNnuniasinn and
Horses - team of grey mars, Inl4nd II years 1(11- in charge of the work of making
old : t black team, mare and gelding, s and 9 the c'heog 's in the town eh• ric light-
years old. an excellent team for hear.* : 1 team
of hay mares, el and 7 year. old : I bread geld- ing phttlt�drsery4. crett[t f the ex -
Ing, :3 years old, n big. "rents, road Korai : 1 pellit ion with which the work was
brown gelding, 0 year,. old, toilet and safe: 1 carried old, I I iii' -tune. token in, mak iii
meet/int mare, years old, en eztrs goal road 44
titer : I black gelding, to year, ofd. 11 gunk na*d Lh,' change Ix•ie141 p1,rr1 Wally till)* n
hon.n. week. The plant wad tilted down at
Tho.hasi. animals lie all gntwl In either midnight is week 1181 Mune • atl.l the
doable lir Ingle hnrne.s, nod aux quirt and, ,I own wits again ilhnninatet n Mon-
l'arriese.- 1 five -light hark, with rnhher day last.
lire•, tomplerc serf In A 1 condition : 2 robber le new generator which has
tired .ee teya, marl)- new . 1 ateeltl pen stn.yy, ill ailed iN a ;NOM -light machine *nil
1 two-seat4N1 covered �r�a.tt'•rlaagg 1 0
hope. hard-rnhtarttredT•oee' last strums • t wtni4rt carry double the number of ice
tattle, aril trap rubber" irt4l : 1 ,able; -tired en l4444t, 141 light • there ere at present.
phaeton. ,n stied cO 1ltion : 1 steel tired p,htiu-
40n, 3 runabouts, rubber -tired, aimed new : 3 un thry sy.t Pu,. There are ,,tunably
tap boggle...te•lured 1 1 road wagon, I 11( alx,nt 3.11110 incande.rent 'iglus at
passeng'r hand wagon, In Rost rxmdltlon : 1 te.ent rt I.11 y Suet_ never all -00 -04 -
error band wagon_ l iyp.t«i**etlrwgonr; • --�� ----'*wj
I IItrjdt .dray•atly r1*P rytuft. Tylia new machine
The above carnage. aro all new within the stanch nlmoat atithigh es a (nen. and is
Itis. twerp.. three years and are in noire ee, driven by a 3 -foot . huh. 11 takes the
Sle lire -.i.,3 seater' bright new: s t-w.atett lace of rwu machines, which hive
sleigh. 44(4 Tap+ sleuth, 11 comfort melee. 1 N4•u per cal in the market b411(11,,g
to ,utter, new; pts of 144ht rahslal�h., until disposed of by the town. In ret-
heck hnrna•4 wt.at.* I,rsas.mon nte.,1 dnubla slit ion to this new machine there is
Of- t Arising double
h*rnl*', 1 set of hrrss encu d single .nrrey the gen.•rator which mini,' iPS 1)1..
hanger., 1 art of nickel menet*, single surrey p**W4r for the arc system and which
Monte., 8 sets of ruhber-tnonnte41 't' single wan new 11 ym*r o last relit nary.
herne*a*. 14 fur robes, 10 heavy rag., lilt
do tent, whip*, bees, blankets, fly net*, ,1(e, 1 'Ibis marble has a. erte.•its of HOF
,'upping m*rhln'. office and bedroom ?aria. arc lights and the nemh4r at prem.. sit
tore, robber ha..', stable utensil. end other
article. ton nnrn.rnti. to mention. nn the system is Holy (er1. s'•o11P, no
Everything will positively 1.• sold wtthnut that in beth the aro and inc•►ndeacent
reserve, as the 1nm-inters are riving rap the mysteries there it a generator- power
livery 11min..to.
Tee.* -All sum, of gin and tinder, ca*h ;
enough frim fiver do•rMe the tlrrrent
over that amnont eight month, credit. will he drm*nd. This enrph*• of power, how -
liven en f' rnisbing henksh)e peter. A Alis ever, 41008 not distend hick a. far as
aunt of S eewt,'ntriB!)k w4R be *IIow d 1bf the hailer room, wbtee there is erale
csa an credit mit.siamounl*,
JOHN Pt:1ivr , W4JgLJt AUlltsTINK, *ho,*t pE) h,p„ whr'regta 40 rim IN1
Auctioneer, stet,, A new generator Plat put w W its
14114( :a .pocial g,'neral me,'?ing of the
.hnrrhn(der, o/ the Ma,tlnud River 1', .r
Company. Limited, will be held et he oMee . f
SL C. l uncivil. Eel.. K. l'. in the town 0
C,derirh, on the 27th day of llctnber. ISM, at
1 oele•k p. rat., for the purser.. of re-
ceiving reports. and amending. rnn.didwtt„g,
confirming and txa..Ing bylaw.. Including con-
firmation of a bylaw changing the ntimber of..
director. from .es en to three, rod for the
transection of all b0 -1n.•.' which may he
properly brought before the meeting.
II. J A. 31AcKw•AN, Secretary.
Dnnd id tiurlerleh. Octaber 12111.193O.
11 executors of the oafish• of the tete
George Acheson lute decided to offerthe
whoter estate for rate. The property mn.Intnef
reel estate, debentnres, bond. and stn.kn.
Parties wishing to invest in any of the above
ptopertlen can get full psrtirolers on 'replica
lion to the executors:
Kt.r.a (' Ar*x.n,,
WILLIAM }Executors.
Ooderich. Dee, 5th 1:+37.
Every to.dgwn•ent of the right rot ti South
African Volunteer entitled to n land grant
mast he by war of appointment of it *utast it lite
end meet be lathe form pros Ido,, by the AM -
ha attention I. called to soh -stet ion t of
see i of the Volunteer Bounty Act, 11405,
which pepylde* Chat no assignment of the right
Otti vola er by the eptalntment of a sub.
stlttteshall poet or rcaglttxad be the
Department oX1r Interior which is NOT
minister of Militia end Ike ee in favor of the
J. IV nitFENt Ay
,4'otand.,lnriet n4lMmininn
IAnds, (►uawa,
Ath September, 19118, -
Having leasal the Dominion Carriage Works,
tine raw street, ,formerly r nthetM by John
A. Walker), 1 *in presarel to execute all
orders for
lit (Mem*, W•onim, Cling*', MAMBO. Etr.
All work done by ottettrioneed end *killed
workmen, and a good job guaranteed every
replaced on all kinds of whpelsd riga
Winer 1101e Stead * Newgete 8t., Goderiok.
the A. 1 . P. A. in token of the good
wishes of I h4. 'netnhere far their retir-
ing president (int the 044-11,484 01'
marr-1nge. The Doet..1- has been
p1.•sident_ of _the .4.Y.1'. A. for flair
years but (o111d not be prevailed upon
to accept the office for anal her terns,
mirth t4) the regret of 4 h member..
The (*oderich Wheel Riga Comp*try,
rniteJ, has now. a at Off of forty m•
f rtydivr hand* and additional hands
r bring taken on• 'lorry I;dw4r41d
stn led un the roma for the (7,4mrpany
mil% relay and N'. [heti 1,•11 also in
rear' 'ming the Company as Silk. -
elan. 'he Company is putting in a
dynan(. and installing it,. awn 0F,e-
trie light 1g s) -et teal and will probably
start woe'• ng overtime 04 •••ant *e this
is rumpiet
i.xsl week *n nnnrPrin'nt wAs fakir
hat North err. 't Epworth 1.4m4,,.•
* ,going'f'llet Ile Young People'.
IJa�, anti ,it home Mendel 11,1d :tlnn-
day, tiovemher St and 111 h, Thr
late. g en wet,. wr. :. they 114,4411,1
Is Voverither I,I and r I.
The ..Av mot einem i )Haile a11141)•
hos been en up by 1h 'thirds street
Mt'tteelist -- i ch. Chart r members
st ellsy at if'
()clock and at late atiglikkul?IcOn
and committees will I mated,
This movement 4m gnat no 1 most
proinineet miterprier it. I",1,,
We believe the campaign of sr.itul
has failed, 1(e it deserved l,4 (oil. '1'1
4Po(Ile know a thing 444 two. Thr
ran discriminat.• between the few ad
uuuietrativr mistake's qu the part
officials of Nu os tem. -edits' Govrr
meta and the utter incompetence of
Ministry such as was 'exhibited pri,
10 Mat. 'I'heie ix itb'..ubltety nuthitlg
in evidence touching the h • and it
4.e4-'rity of a Minister id the ('r,w;
I4 --all -the riffraff Tmf-11^tty
thele is hardly even a hiu4 of wilt,
wrungdoing on the (tart of any tinkle/
The charges of they •IIIc)• be .liguiflr
oy t ha) 141(8110) cottvru ,tlluoet rut WM
two D�4}•p�,trtments, the Orient wrllt
te-i,fF*eine-ienf fire -130 r::.
,Mat -inti and Fisheries. • ,181- one s iys
that unlet the Hou. Frh11k Oliset• the
l)rparttnrnt- -Li._114e_ Bade hilt -.is
Kitt e, honest hands. Unties -hitt :Id1nu)-
sale of timber 1110118 have 1 - 1 am-
ended to 4afeglar(1 more sural)*\the
interests of the p4,4pte', and the Op
(tion do not even suggest any, futile �-
improvement in these regulations. ti
t1* Marine Depae*,i** ft+-
,1rur took steps a0un• time ago to cor-
rect the minor ire' {ubu iti,•o. that were
taking place anda,to put the Dopar t -
al Paas
.t urt,uu .(4 lobo Itu4-fad, l'Ittttuu... .. l
it P.
, • Aurtiun flu (•Isrca,'0.l'euuingtuu ..... .,. 1
Rxntraou LAT..'. F. F. t. wrerer.. ... 1
a 1 ' 'kts!_lil - L. Mild., _t:w 8
r,. MoRatt . ':oliullnt Stove, - J. D. 11'oraoll ,,
a Intenigma Etronotity- Walter 4-, 1'ridhaor.... 2 '..
.r The Happy Thought Range 1', 1'; lea 3
, I/rjM,nnSking •- Mi,. E. 5I. 14 lostton 1
u- .)bait le*t 45,4(441 4)41ce - --. t
t, Tu1L,y:, New ltrlrtty l'u(-1, I.L.
Coit,4u0 . /
T -t7T Od'1,i h- •.ol I•tnuleutus-- W.
11 Arlie.uu 1 Nun 6
•lalkulu. h4les_Doa'a4ngatlMacyicar 'a
i1 .Wash F.ra October Lad, 2F, 2., :lf,-(;, 1'. IF.., 6
v. Tearhrr 11,ytted--S,,.. No, A. Colborne 1
,f Seholl4 Antares' sit 't.'r- W. F; Kelty 3
1�a-tuc•`Jrio.-Uiy+Jt+r«.x.-!It 4.,trPOw'-''';-;:;":''t �. _:-t-
list urtey Korgnitr. •\t'ur.olt. _Bari ware ,1
Hun«• m1 Rent -J. 19• uiK 1
It'- T.. ited l'ek4t.lautesuuJ.•.lush►.:,.,- 4
Ov erwew 1 tArr we,t, Et., 3I.•1•,an Bros., 7
Inu'tte.e l h: a •-,, ,_• �1'il.yl<;_ I
0i' an
A 55 ot'k of Dre.s 4:004. ',how liolgens
Rc.W.r--. t'ui;eiaa Nartt.•re.. 2
4 414 of Thauke-sit'., l•'vigu.wu 1
the. ('n years 11Y,m .1u1.• 1.' 18St'
r .NI k{
r let! ,4 ,
Ihn 1 ;
I l muaert• lye
Ile t<.pk hold of it, two ),•ats',a,;o
'lite 47 ,vernnlent is Stile e.alub)e o
instituting refurw and iwprovenen
whets #heT
\Vhat, then. is at the bottom of all
this Oipoaition *141141441 talk it Mi1np1\
thiederlre'- f the Oppo4)4:on 1 1 ,one,•*r1
their own esknem+ and lack of cl,
etructi •e a�!ail' t. `) • i
t 1 rt I < turd n
1_ iK f sac
eeiaT any o -tura, i11,,4u� in 1 he 1.1,,' of
the (iuverpnte*t' 4 ulggi,itic.•:*4. t'ecor 1,
they adopted the sr,urdal cam-
paign i(t the\ hope that in the ava-
ianche of w11d-tht•ow'ing route .,f -it
would stick ff, lhrir oppom,uls ,u1d
1.1(11 Stone ehtn4-sight r.l 1ahet yes
aright fail 10 say' t hrou)7h the -trick .
• The Opposition campaign i., itseli a
scandal and a disgrace. It idlers net
a single useful idea. or tit ibciple, ,41.
tura+ure, for 11144 CConsidl•Ibtion of tht•
country. It is not fair either 10 the
people lir to the (i'lv,'rmulerte Such a
1114111011 is raised 44Il0 t petty things
Oral if li rend scandal should 1N' lis
''Iniad the Deiinle wunlll be in chats,
-iur assails. r tart
if - Opp wit ion titWr-4444 r4.-. Further -
awry'. until it i. 11140,44 t..
harbor t e t 141'11 sunt o1 $141J,14)7.144. 11*
the ten ye -4 Ilrss I tree month..) from
.Iuly 1. 1, to Murch 31, 11MkM, the
pWOtn'ttt - ' , tent has spent on
(i, derirh lar -.r . the tut*t gum of
$:;11•'„1111.117 oto • than four titles as
1)o t ho proal, of -' lerich say that
Ibis Inl.•redxP Of 4'X • }inure Is not
right ,dud proper . .
,1 hieing Ile later years f Conserv-
ative govi•ruu.rnt the h blur was
wretchedly neglected. and t ` trade of
this port. Watt m danger of • y fishing
altogether. 'l'he presrnl (tour intent
hits tile groin innwoyrn(Pntik and
4.111 Wilke still more.
.440.a-4411)' lesxeued the burdens of the
I'nttedian tstxpayer, [n it plate we
wouhl hide,- the pulley of eestrietion
Which brought C(nada to stagnation
and almost toe despair in the former
day • of Conservative 1.1114.. Let- well
enough alone is 45 4400d cul,- to keep in
Inin,.I just law,
1L..1+Yug f+I) I Lr. W.wt Nnrup ,y ly
1 gid t ti --for -u-- s s 4.' ---of -reinsure
444.441 4r4! Ofrforsttton--revalidate. _%lr.
nary we heave the right to to lirv••, Lewis bets refused fo stand on the
*tad the penal, OI ,4Lltvr 4r,utiUies ['hareem before the people and ac• -
hare the right to I •liege, jhnt__thr ''„tilt for lis:lets •during his term of
ngflofH( in -.flit Fpunitl scut> i-rentalion, He leas ...inducted
men Of honor, upright and iNl1l,Hdlr, thr,iiglimt a hole -told -corner cs,n-
1u•rh oleo they ate, and the r.tupnigt" 1'ti41n, d'441gt *g fr one eeetion to
of petty detract ion and spiteful lois- another with what different ppleas and
representation deserves the .,•yeleet ''x''Iis('s *rad promt,.es'in please dif-
rondeuunation of the, eople, feryent people one can only guess. 1)0
the Conservatives of Weet _Huron
Leaving out .4 colwideret to,1 its approve of Mr. Lewis conduct :? Du
splendid program 'f develtipmetil. its 4ht•) feel that he'leprea•nts them ?
.ucreesfal Uurncinl manrr/ter out, nnJ Is there ,tnv w►tietf,ctton to them in
all the brilliant a'Irninistrati e r.cord hiN [political career:' It is not that
1 err. political
heti ,t certain sort of
which ham raised Canada to the pi
position which it now .eeupi.•s, ren• ability --t hr ability w .fair, care of
thaterunien!_..wigb -'-,Rarer.•,,--{,.r_1( re- himself et all eyont+<-hot hr believes
of eonlidene•• solely on ing legis. f lint the course he has adopted is the
1aton ''f last session tmaugltrati,iq successful ilea rse. 110 deliberately re-
fuses to reform. The mighitieanr4 fns4•s a. Ire lemma. and candid with
f this step in tit' nphftiug of polio- the people. because 11r thinks that to
he honied an
crmditiunr in this • u'ion(ry .1(,andcandidie to lose votes.
. v be overestimated. To replay,. He deliberately chooses the -still
Laurier with Borden would mean re- hunt" wanr}xaign. becense he thinks
reete400i.in: We wordiTTv• at (►t- TIC"tH to way lo get votes. And
town what we have had at Turonto-
Viciolli1 application of the spoils sys-
11Meell 11111101111i111 {Or the Dentin
tie( y worker.. and ca pa 1de of-
dismiesed mak.. way for
oliticel favorite's.
safer to keep in potter Lam.-
, Cartieright, Ayleswort h.
•cr and t he tither Liberal
to place the country- in
%not, Mester.- ft ohlirtt-
Fowler. Pope and
r. Borden lateens
ter surround
la it n
ter, Pi-4.1th
Ministers I ha
the hands of I
the rest of -them?,
well, hut he does no
him. either he would be
Sir Mackenzie 13owell in
F41444.1. and the fest of the
It is not /1 prospect that eit her
servativer IAberals can view
rat isfactiOn.
What else would am get front Cie
Conservatiy.•• ? The repeal of "the
Whist) pleferenc.•, whi)Ti her drawn
the Einpiic together and ;cite!) Can -
tie. hearts ..1 Britons everywhere such
as it In-\ cr haft liefure Whirl. ha.,
with theitiother Country. anirra;.-
men's Harem% Bible (lase and the
young woinen's Philat h.: 1, Mile elass
hot h uwet at &chock in the art,, -
noon. A rordial welcome is giver! to
At Victoria street Methodist eloireh
the 'MTV 111•5 SIIIIIIMy W111 NO NM
Chinch of Sardis." p. in.. "Casting
Shadowa." The anniversary will takr•
place on the 8th and telt of Noverriber.
Rev. James Livingstone, of _N1itchell,
will preach morning end evening.
On M..nday evening folio% ing the
ladies will serve a Thanksgiving sop -
per in the basement. Furthia• led ice
of t his ss ill be given.
when he gets the votes be cares for
Not only Liberals, but independent
men of all stripes, end Ornservatives
who refuse to countenance Mr. Lewis'
&vier's nays, should join next Mon-
day in showing hint that this constitu-
ency demands arenething better ftom
the a 1)(4 would represent it.
Oysters served in all styles ice
eream bricks, vont eetionery and
cigar... MC. lit.ACKSTOIVE. %Vest
street. restaurant.
"C.` supper nod concert. Baptist
elitirch, eve of Hallowe'en. Friday, Oc-
tober 3ffili. shipper tickets, 25e. Sup-
per 6 to 8 o'clock. concert P4 o'clock,
vocal and instrumental talent. See
HABOA Ms. -Every Sat-
, We will give extra apecial bar -
Next Saturday we will sell
s' cheap hardware.
paints. :in
-at Witless
The ',interior obi- 't
learn Unit thero-t- at
core i. the only peritive titre item known to
w•ting itrant the end
sr triyirte the foundation of tlie ditteime, 4444
(4‘ itlft ill., tett tern .1 nongt h by betiding' e
cork. The proprietor. have wi much faith
in its curative totiverr. that they offer one
1.111T. :^11111 for lir) of testimonial..
1M0111 all druitterit*, 73r.
'rake Hall Family tells for constipation.
ward, R1OD.,
•r will he plearied to
1 mos emitted .114 -
Wit to cure in all
. 11411 Catarrh
0,___.=. .
Freer,. Oct.....ard. --clearing auction rele of
The Harare class of the Rtiptist form% farm .1ork and implements at lot 118.
and belie,' Aid, mill ;silent...41 to a 1.1 MOIIV,1\11010111.•Vt.
..1,,!" ariproer and concert tvitich they s ATI. it LLAV. 001. 44th.-- Avirtien MOTO of
314.011 end Itkelo piano, commencing at 1:31.
*him tilde companies and completide
1111 tle ,,..-4, ..tonotiltat, !udder; AfteP trio
striese• a ele,ice end 1.011fiiN1• vomit, In thin .ale of 611111 doek And ill1PleIIII.4.4 at lot .
att. entoll ami literary ;inerrant will et K.. s. I. triksstasitn. proprietre... Timm.
be carried to completion by eloohen, API 444'51/14T. auctioneer.
emigre! cut, el nnpinernt, congenial W.:rowel, ty, 'kroner ..elth. -A netioe rale oi
itistist.. including the Ileinicke (aches. horse.. ..,artages. Amite, IINT111m1/1, MORIN, fit,
11.1% : Alias noncom, (if Clint i ill, 3101111kt: no the stable.. Roes asset, commencing at
lines. the entirr outfit of the Dna Tmi Livery.
?red (7ook, poloist. turd others who i ocke.k. tv 4, see ft Ai tit •114 or; premie-
rs* eleverly con...melt to Nino -Unite 4444. 3/111•4 PI It \ 14. atirtioneor.
their efilf.l.eil (*sahib' nee. The *nipper Tin mini!. (October 3e h. -AnotIon *ale of
will he served from 6 until /4 ii'elock itt .1011 1, FIntiett, about ton mileit north of
. tam otiock. Implement-. toe.. at lot 214, comas -
I alive on 11.i4chttilinoe street, Anil too*
lie hall nf The publie library, e.n. tfilotertrioc,iiima.1 14:131.1hEwp.Ausfn:.e„:1:1,41.r,ruNF,1..141,:,,,,eka.1.44.1v..,..
'of the ehtireh. Ovine 1 and tiring tt•it It '
event OVIanee arni Hear complexion. Mr. and Mrs. K. leklewert.. ogee 3 months
miter 2Irt, verb. 110011, Infant- daughter of
.All NIT invited, from it t'amlitst ' te a end oi day..
cook. Charge on coming in t..Atipi,t. onber 23n.t. at 3 0 cleft e to Mistthere
The timer& will take Ithesn nize Fettle,. rye -
:2;4 cents. Silver eollertitet 1st thr-ron- crnteiets. ,4.-1-. tee st Jin or h.
isietion r,f the Sunday elite)! rooms of
i Month*.