HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1908-10-15, Page 168 TsoftaDAT, October 15, .19011 CHURCH NUTES• • • THE SIGNAL : GODERICH. ONTARIO -- Thr lwlirn to: \'irturiu atrwrt M.„,t dist church peirpoor having et 'Ebonite- giving tea un Thanksgiving night. Don't forget the old titan 1.:,utw1 t iu' Victoria street Methodlat church un Theo/id/iv evening of next week. En tire program Ly youupt turn. novel tr- I lresbclient s served, MUSIC by 14411(40i,, orchestra. Admineicen only 15c:- Victor4. street rgt.--atimrch tiers ices on Sunday : 11 at M. -- The continual inn of /erht,Spirit's Ale mot• to the Churches." 'l he church of Thyatira 1%111 le nest Mabllaths rule- brct. 'rhe set. ute i to young welt will 4elstp\nned until the elecUig lights are again in operation. The Bible classes and ladies: Aid of the Baptist cheirelt.are uniting their efforts tte bring about a succewful sup- per and wusi'al evening un Friday, October :filth, the eve of Hallowe'en. Full particulars tsill shortly lw made known. The proceeds ars' to be de voted to the feud for completing the butsetuent schoolruiiw t ( the church. The sermon topics at the services 01 the Baptist mhurch next Sunday are announced aN follow•; Moruitue. ••First-class Prosperity:. Evening, '•1listakes in Measuring: Th.. Phil- athea and Iluraea Bible •lasses alert +u 3 o'clock in the afternoon. t'orri n I greeting at all services. For the even rag service, cutue and bring with you a tamp well trimmed. A delightfiil time teas spwwL by 110, tnenttwr. n1-�t. Oeorge'e'ettar'tt amt. last Thursday . tooling, tit hell the) were the gueete u1 Mr. Cogswell, the • organist of theehuitl;. and Jliv, t'ugs- well...._larttlottinLcr'exting_ game* -aunt __ entertainment made the time lease all toe. rapidly, and 11 Was a late hour when. after the Revving of n•fresh m•'nte, the happy gathering broke up. Tla annual eneetiltg t1t:h. U.•vegels -branch' of thee-- Angtimrtr-Yi,mtg- People's Association for t ele'rtiuu elf ofileen% was held on Ti.ettty' even- ' . when -tile ("Bowleg _unl.s•ca were • • IIT) , f -� II 10/ 41 ' , , (/ 1 "liRteiu. �IT HO Y ABOUT V" g1J_ NESS DONE Tse PROFITS ," T"t BANKS �DTne .ASIER DUR - 1 FOR ALL COt'CE~A-MEO ACCORDING To THE OPPOSITION EXPERTS --- IT WOut D 9E WISER To STICK TO Tr+E i:{QLp STONE 7r�. It'itTHODS Of E T- 1�14 Tlli(G OUR PRODUCTS TO THE MARKETS Of THE WORLD FOR IN TiIAT WAY EXPEnDITuRE WouLD 6E AVOIDtD Hall 1.*10/1rT) .et. l'1 3o 310 002 at- •v Tse BANK DEPOSITS .I t.. 2e3 019,14) as -6110 146,232, _ hitt test Areata► So In oB 4o So Wouko ANY SENSIBLE MAN Go' DMK To ti Hall ; vice-pt.sident. Jamas l'urrie secretary, F rank Foster ; tree -starer. Miss vanity tioldtheave:, tither mem- . hers of the- -evertnh et r utanllTti'e, Mies 1:nttIy Shepherd,. Miss Lama Cr/0g ,tied Thomas StIlril Ite.e 1. Lion, social. lookout. visiting, ante,t-- taint nt and sunetuary committees were a pointed hy the exeentiVe at :t subsegu nt meeting. and Miss Thee - low 'he B- low was osen as organist. The Epw rth 4 .ague of Nort It eta -.•t' Methodist c arch has plauned un at- tractive an \ hel14u1 tenni%ersnry. which will takeelate November sell and Oth, the firsplace and Monday next mont b, Thi Sunday sersiccs will consist. of it sunritle prayer meeting. then a rally of the -\Junior and sen- ior Leag%es itt the -i ytituriuw during the usual' morning service. Dr. Dnu- gall will give it suitabl add;'....: fol- lowed by the Lord's upper bur Leaguers and church mem! re. In t he evening there will be a platform ser- vice and three short a.ldresst4,, will be the 1 given by prominent laymen. ' Monday earning follu1rmit thet will be an at bowie +n Lice - Tec are re Tbc church will he beautifully d r atetl, and the spirit of the occasio will b.• cheer, hope, and Christian en- terprise. THE POLITtCAL'ARENA '- Montreal Herald : Hewn. Mr. Pugs- ley has followed up his first .reply to the Haien charges by a challenge that clews )tint lentis',' U. he say-., Mr. Hazen hes proof of the ,accusa- tion that while +, Minister of the Drown in New Itiatnswkk lie helped himself to the public funds whenever he felt to disp/e.we, there 10 nu nerd ..f a public meet.ing,. all Mr. Hazen has Ie. do is 10 lay his proof'. (myonaSir Wilfrid Laurier. and Sir Wilfrid 'would not ` P1•p 11111- u man in hire Cabinet five minute.. , The Premier and -the Opposition der have both been neeminrated in t o•constituencieii -Sia \• ilfrid ).aur• per 'n Lluewe Ea.t and in Ottawa, and .Mr. torden in "Halifax and --U--Wane t•nunt tit l'erIetun, Ont, • There is a ditferep e, however. its the eel stances terra ling threw deeuble nonainatio Mt•. Kellen wets 4,*itele at the het e ai,sl in his old cnu.titei- ency of Habit and sought re(ngr in Carleton a (:ti .wrvative stronghold, and heia 110W wee sing in both rl.nstit- uettelea to snake 911 'r -of having a seat • 1\ ' •'t 11 •e• in the -next Howie. a dfr t 1 r election In (plebe. Eawith a matter, ity of thonwtnds lir an candidate it pelt lip against hiltit to e, of the cer- tainti.•s. Hr is 0 randidat /thee in 4It- .tawa nt the renewet 01 the ►'berets of that city. in order b. allay 4.1 e irrita• then among tweet a4 prosier. to. e laude dates. 11t•. Horden'% toutinat1 in Carleton it. a sign ret we/Armes: Mir 1\•ilfrid's nnn,iuntion in lntnwn is indication of his I.ersomal strelgt n nt l • pr•.etsee figs', lie thecItt)e•d16,-1,•••hatSt,.tlii- t•o)'1PM. 1t'ilftid tat..i. r tint. rrh•rn•il 1 . rental ittn• newel l,.'• la•,•ti 1•3t nn the private life ,.f one of his colle:tguc., Sir Freslet'i1•k Borden : "There, has 1.4•11 1.1i ..ne n'•.•a4intt, and ono I Ire•t141, 11, a tone, :111 aeries/it ion a mast nor of nit 1 ll.ngues. Sir 1t'n'detiek 13urden, not o11 arruunt of :my preitir'itt tn'tirm,- hot, won t-bt per: haps worse, an ncru.,tl ion convertible his private life-, tint Sir Frederick li odea, •dinle•ly the acen:nlinn wits brought against 1iin1, font - had yi.I JttL_' •. ttmlrre,• hurl 111 n'1111 - draw the arra,.a11011 and apwdotize his insult. '1'hos• year. ago Iliac r'nsat' had Gallen into the gust.., but all English jnmru:llist wit.. este. herr a sear ago, and who was wr•iline for olio oI' Ill, gr.•at mutgazin,•9 Brent Hrilain, 11141 not think it leeneet1 ' bio to KO 1{14{0 1{1111 ¢.-Opti• in the }foot.•, arid Itearctl in "the -mutt, alt there 1,. found that •tcrusaliou and wrote it nt. wt his 311494•. My rollengue, Sit Fred - or irk Mallen, brought deal rrutgazinr to task, and it hA.l„ 1.. iinme,hnteh 1IH,lo1i/.. 11 is jest such neensittioll. 4hat haeme been brought agninat my rollpagnes, and if :any other ban teen brought it shell be met: in the same way. 1.31 her 16.• Minister will helve to got 4e• -In titterer will have to 0pn1.. sire .. 411. St. John, N. B„ Ill:tule•r 44.- Al it )sift sal meeting in Sweet leaf night., Dr. C. N. Pearson, who was %clerical as a C,lnservetive rendielatc for the Legislature last spring, but declined to run, declared he would nn 4)etoh.•4 2Inth rant his first Liberal p„te. He said : "in all previous compete there has leen a distinct line of drayage .,.palating the two parties. In this contest the,•e is a total at/Renee of anything .en the pert of the Cnn,rrra• tires t bat would warrant the support of int.11igenl eiti,am. The eoutitt1, four yearn ago, gave the present std - ministration a tnanlMe to construct the Grand Tr,n'le l'aeette Hallway. The Conservative/: at that time op• posed the railway policy of the (iov- eratsent mot hfit.. . fio moment. actin[ 0450rly0 theTbmandatev• glean by she people, have mad. "pest work, "Are we then justified in t tk ing Iron/ the Literal administration the task• cif-errmpteting their handing it over to the l',nservatives. who have always )trail avowed en colics tit' t hat road :- "Aside alt ogre her Irian the •fart,. l hat t he country, in the 'least twelve years has .progressed at a ratio alto- gether undreamed of 'in the old ('.en- servative. days; in the fart that the ,resent *ilfl)iflibt -at 41) has het s{1 broad an41 pn'greee.ive that the Con- -.,.rvat 1ve. of toot ty ran And nothiug in the Literal party to criticize, hence t hey have resorted 1.. • campaign slander and scandal. We know the genil•ttwu who wake three 144u.i pretensions to puri. y and we take their pndession% for what we know they are worth. - PERSONAL MENT1O4t Carleton triunes from her visit in Itftroit last week. ' Mie, Helen Strao[.leers. today uaher re. 'turn to New Y irk. Ter 3laliee ma4e t brief v. l - to hiThitTniiiil Vittoria this week. .\Ii. 1'. w1 nu left ye.t. nl ,y on a t i.h to her 4441 41 m {:,.11x8.• (J t Mrs, 1'. 14. fiortou and held lett un set nrday o,tuln Nit. Horton at Purl Hope. retold•'uwan len 1...1 week- to ,resupi. ht - 4.1 . es tit 'The ItetitatT•.,Tlege nt T rtInto. M. . Lane ba. returned to hie datieu in the •'+seta. 'au liaak of t•wunlet,e, Tor'N.W, after •peudi. - holiday. in town and vicinity. ., Harry holo:.. of 1.er Park, Toronto. w,. in town -a iirday ands.uuday 0•111.1ah4..uu, H. M. Tho,, el the Hank of 4osoneree. • The Allow. ret items& m• Tuesday to their louse at Lekeke after ridting at the rest .1,,,. -. f Mr. an 3.I,, William Rolland. their rou•in-. \Irs. W... Parke tell will reamer at the bottle of her mother. Mn. Jas. 1•rA4rh•, Wil- liam •l recti \a wine •q, 4h 01.er :14, after 0011111\11d e. e • . Ise'. 11. X. Me('aa.,,,. .f itt. Mary, wa. in tna:nlhieweek. He it or of the-pe•iker. at 1111 iSpwettl• 1.esgue a , $4ti.tth .911) 1 .•Ott% nation .41 .\ II ttll. Stn.. N. Y. Ilaya..n will mid her po.• anotia) reception on '1'nn,atay ernoon 1 '.l. . *•1 n1•ot .1, 17 end afterward. wi Is• at home iur area wta,rewd Friday.. Hobert 1.Boll returned tit ? at" 1... t. New York slide, where he pyrrha v1 nn.. 1111, barrel. of apple-. Our genii) Nr p. -hexer -Jasdt!YTf76rat11ffibi-dnaTeiridiSS. '_- Mr.:.n.: 31r.. TMw. Law on,ll orls•e .et. 1:011er(rtt tfonuerl% of Stratford), announce ie• .•nuagenn int 04 their daughter, \bah 1. to Urtarafer r:illlprt tit r,t(nni. The a .n:.,-, +rill Sake yl0,4•••.tni.•tt-y o0 iI ,tuhrr _'••. Mrs. Jig-. %%bun), sod her 111,1g, • \Lary %%loll). of (V,.,•un.ul, .u. 'he . n,lruce of NI r• w' hill r ...ter. Mr-. rat nets I.ynn; w•elhnittnn •tenet. They intent' i..1 ing 111V111. Luekpu* and I..m11nn. on ,1 heir w••*- t«-tyPFreit, wh.r...4h4.y r.'HF-ri+er-f.w week, before. retnrnlhg hunt, Mr. cud Mr•. 1V J. Mortiew .tri ill 1 ^ on Monday. artee .their 4.t.11. to Mar.3ta ..:.. wJww- lhey +prat miffs! 14.autnt urea.. M,. Morrow, who.. Istat. i . The i ignat Int , .Manna),. .larfng.hi• trip lase 119.n rend wi111 .naeh in 1.re-1: pruruiw+0110 •n r o u wore : I,1,1 he , o that to to relit* know what the %Ve-t i- hke oil..• mu -t sl -i, it and rev i1 far ttiw-alt , Ji • Gra- around er -a ro wd aeltin after his inaiufttl ac- cident. ('111 title Nerves. --The sacrament of ^ r s *new. In the Presbyterian •taarth last Sabbath Morning. 1p11ite a large cougregat4.,, W.a.s- presrtt, despite the - very un- pleasant weather. At the evening service Bliss Lloyd. uf'roruuto. pleased the audience very. much by her reit- tiering of the beautiful .arras) song. The Heavenly Song.'. A St•i,o):x Cat.)., -A very sudden death .s+cttrt•rd on the Biouson line on Teiesday morning of this week, when 111•x. :lames Armstrong, ono of 11w oldest settlers its the ton nshipe, paaeeel awa,vts. Mrs. Atu1.t1'ung ruse as newt! on 1'ucs.Ll)' morning atter-Went *Tenn her work, apien1eutly suite well. but shortly after breakfast was seized -by sudden weakness. and before a doctor for 'could he stuumoue,1 death had debited her. Deceased was seveltyfeeur years of age.and was very highly respected hy her many friends. She leaves a. family of twelve son. and daughters, un. in homes tit the d and most m aware Of- their own, May one soni iiniT Iwo. 4laughtele toeing with her at -the The sincerest sympathy is felt for the bereaved family. . LUCKNOW. n w 11nxt..1 s , Oct Iah. A grand concert is to be givc•1 in the town hall oil the evening ..f 1lie lath inst. under the ravagers of the Lucknow pipe hand, Excellent oleo.. has been secured. Jaa, Ilryatt returned last week front Vancouver, Li. C.., :tail- )tae- com- menced his duties n, fruit juspertor, having recently leen appointed to this position. He speaks in glowing t ernes of 1414(iale Columbia :aid is ch pleased with his i111• hone• and surroundings at Vancouver. The old pioiterr ggetin w.uehtiu44%of l.ucknowis shortly to 4. 11.1110V,-,1. It is now waned In .Hay' ties•.., %vim will wove it to %VitlWt► ad, I he nett ti. .1ptt-(iutl.•riva. 41:utir•h ,.l' tl,e 4' 1'. It. T'he hnilding referred t•, 1- a-'u:t11 adding_-Jte3w.sea-J.'hn .1..v 's o.•w building and the ,edelr. ator. CHAS. E. GRIFFITH UFHOLSTERING AND REPAIRING MATTRESSES RENEWED AND RE -MADE 46 -A -R -PET,._-__. _.. _v4HM.r -O .. .. pronn'tly at 1,-..1••1 . LAYING 4 M 11M., m,1.•r:l• • Rr)wlr 14o..ne : 1e• . u 33.1 of 1'..I, 1Lu1 e. . 14.'., Ntor.. a-11 env.••. Ra.-id.u.,-l;lgo, tell Ile. t 1'I II Gentlemen Who are Yald. j ` ' 4'...•s igati and •ee for yourself the ail .. %,ring in nig, need tempwe.. Prot. Dm -missend patent tqupees are dr.., horn on o..t 110.11111 3i.;u1. I,y :111 a•„•• in all .I :11 inna of life. e this pal ti. oho' .11mime the .ell till 'nn 1, 411'1tect a. 111;111 a• .. (,•1411, • : i. .4.1.414•1 adjst.te.1 4.. I h. fle•+u("; an -le• '....1111.1.41. .11.,1 :t. . oilI e ew'ii-Tiniu snake any mat. ti 11.11-.. yi'a Olinger, is•!114,•:i the Inv, 11•c1 ion van .•r trona eat •ural, ,olds• neuralgia, etc. Call and sec throe al Hotel 11.•11411 1 al Thfu•.tla) • O.•I..)'•r awns__.._ THE WAGE- EARNER - SHARE fin m0000'TTii> p"Daia�t(1 Can- ada's manufacturing estabhs ents amounted to $113,249,150. In 1905 the wages hill tot'altsk $162.155.578• In five years an int reale of $48,- 906,228 in the amount paid to Can- adian workingmen. Condensed Crean' We have the kind so highly rec- ommended by the ladies of the West Huron Women's Institute at Gtuoerich Industrie/ Exhibition, Everything Fresh and Up-to-date` in GROCERIES . - at right prices at THE PEOPLE'S GROCERY. Wm. L. Lindsay l.mlltoe St. 'Phone No 165 Liberal Meetings Public meetings will be held"at the fulluWiug places in theiuten-tit or the Liberal candidate in Weed linnet : , NOMINATION, Dungannon. Monday. Oct. 19. "tiw•tkels \\'. 1',,e,ulf.H,t, 1\, 1'., t Al. 4'. P. '!'hos. M.•Uillnu. 1.. 1•'. Blair and R. Holmes. St. Augustine, Monday, Oct. tq. Speakers J. L. Killoran pun and H. Holutes. St. Helens, Tuesday, Oct. ao. 4peakeis T. 1l.SVilhin :unl H. I )altar.. Grant's School House, Con. 12, Ashfield, Wednesday. Oct. 21. 4iwake•s - Al. G. Cameron, IC.t'. 1'. Mcllillau, Walter flat keit iuld It. Holmes. . McDonald's Hall, Kinuil. Saturday. Oct. 24. Speakers Al. 1:. t eon, 11. (volutes, Wittier IIto. keit and Each meeting. except Nomination, to commence at 8 p: m. STOVE -You get not run'+' 31ORH Stove Polish but J: the br,1 stave --polish that tnuory Can buy when you use "Black knight." _It -trisect -aflis et -3.y -the -heat. N6 matter how but the fire, the stove stays brikht aiid shiny when polished with ' Black Knight." Shines quickly t,,o-ant +tlw.ys ready, for use. Keeps ;note:, Grates, Irdnwork, etc. fresh and clean with prncticallynotroubtr. If you are ,:nab)- t.. obta -t Knoche' in ) ,or ...wit • n.I name ..1 nearest deals dad lac 1. r +on us0.1 c.o. Tbe-F. 1, OMIT CIL 1llyd. • M 'ROME SWEET now Ladies -cordially invite4.. Mr. Lewis is invited to attend BLANKETS ROBES \•l Ln nal• our 5A The Walk �'j t(Littt:..1 FALL SHOES, hrti''e the -Junior" Model. h' you're p,4tiet1lM1 about the sheltie of your shoes err this Over Shoe ,-4444 Walk•Over Model. A fetching style and it cowfier•Utble Ia.t. The stun who wears this shoe wears the cor- rect thing. We rarrylltis . Ju„- iur" tluand iu nearly every kine) of lather. Come in and select the one you like the best. Sole agents for Goderich, Downing MacV car GREAT BIG an Patent 1borse Blankets in all .tyles and qualities. Robes. Robes. Robes. sit6katehewan B u fl a 1 41 Naudwlch Fur. Robes, Manitoba Buffalo Robes, Bishoplcur Robes. Horse hiile R.obe.. (solve :ani get %"i i H. E. Knox AUBURN ,China -Sal 1 • lhlrin4' 1114, Sale. we are selling iiiniint...T2'fiiiut and'('nt 44lase. et one-tidoI and our-1lalf teR regulu. t ire., p • Hundred,. of trill, cloth bound Hooka at les. than one-half off, -• • i..,ok sharp •and secure the grenle.t llat•grt t er otferr.l in Gesle'ich Mingle elects goods. %V..t.le show windup t. u• pri.ws.a hn I• .o .•l fnlpll• are STRICTLY CASH. PORTER'S BOOK STORE Court House Square. Godench 'Phone No. too. sulk sL4MMOIW r `t z ''l1TIR Oysters GO TO THE OLYMPIA Cafe Served in any style or in bulk. Athas & Vassos, Lc� t'ropnrtc rs werel immassmnleltMMEs OIR�Ci' /MOORTLRS GODLR/CN, TT THAT i ALWAYS FRESH rim,* b. 1111•1ts.-omethtng new t.e 1,.• .ern in our big, brie let .how root 1 .11t'In 11T weekly I,n3joe insures u• P 914•014.4 tittN' firs ae they appear in the larger centres, 1'e sue al waste in close Witch with the .,iia sls,and whenever nythiug m w•hppears it is not long eef•ar {y ap'peara its our a,. 133:L1.0 For Saisiolay we will ha • a 4y1enti.i Int t4 11Pw trimae.1 ' h tt. to-buw•,'t4ats that 1yrilI rep went the very latest idem n i t.hi..ttalrle-ittil++tyey Fo' Falk- 'I' • 144411itt..".aw•-4444t•y-prepttr- in4: I 11444 tide %PO,. r{1ed they will is welt worth.o-.ring. Nothing Fits in Better .t ill 1111• - }wino of 11 I., t1 vii el{ toent I hate 111 an Edison Phonograph 11 is the a,11 psi Cortina in :{1i% co,uprul3 nn.i on y in.erninrt. It i4 NEVER OUT OF PLACE. OUT OF PRACTICE, OUT OF TUNE. )'all and hear one or write for 'i,,stalog1u', \yon ,{1.• thinking 1 buying an ORGAN or PiANO \ rale and ser re different cine of leminp18 plte.ti lua in a 40ISI4 n to handle the ie.t. atoll Io give inlrllige advice to 14M(9. 113. loupes. We have just re,•yeel:a Marge nail • 19solted stiwk of . CHURCH HYMNALS, BiBLES and GOSPEL SONG 134MIKS. , I lin' Pial llnl%t to 11.11:. alt. 1 ,1.nt1ab11- JAMES E. THOMSON PORT ALBERT. • \Cy:mtllSu Blast.•'• Iuvitalion: are• out for the marring. of lilies Annie Crawford, daughter of Mr. and Me. Jame* Craft fort, to ,John 4. Quaid. on Wednesday n.•xt, Oetole•r21st. at theirresid,mre, Port Albert. AUBURN. - ('o3tt.,i A-rrkc'.-rinv. The pnbhr library has .e•cu.t,l the 01.1 f ..'..0 lnml Sextette for a concert in the Tetnpu•t• anre Hall on 4atto•day evening, Or - tearer '2tth. This rotnpiuly consists elf seven colonel art tete and is concede.) hy nil who have had the pleasure of hearing it to be the hest competes .4 jubilee angers that has ever ."meal the rennet rv, 1'ho.e who would enjoy A rare good time -:hnniel not mien t.hi . ro e t e• r n t f h. n eat n O r 21 n t3AYFIELU. Trest,Av, •tel. 1;1110. 'forte Feistier. Sr,t.t.. rea.t Thnt•aday morning before Ira%ing hi; bedroom Mr. Motley wit. tieised lie a fainting spoil and fell, striking 'ilei bead on the dnor-latch with such severity that he doctor found it nee•.eaary let pat- }r' sl itttChes. e 1 • sso.00 NO ether giftrouldbefo dthatwdl Imes move pleasure to the spent then a Diamond Ring from 'R 'e'..' OUR 950.00 'SPECIAL' .haul here,, exceptionally good value Tile None is pure white in rolor and a perfectly free from flaws of any kind. The mounting ie an ink hand male 'en.ng, to the In.-othle Lesley style. Complete to velvet rase, the price N .50.00 SEND FOR OL'R CATALOGUE. RYRIE BROS.. LI MI Tin 134.136.138 Yonge St. Ilintammemmasseaeweisammoingemmonmels Hunters' Rates] ` Now In 11.•Inrn 11' 1.. es to the 1/{111 14114 Miming distillate reecho -al 1.) the C. P. It . at single fare. all ee1P tinily until Nov. :(ret. Apply to tee id f..r inm e. totes and 1,11 1 lnt•IltI4 1.41, Las Chance this Year Inc it , ,1 Kates to the I:want. !aeratedelr -, lirkrto, one tea), M 11. (', pnih Vane outer, Meiotic., etc., at `4..15 only until October 81st. 1`tl la.Ihq*s.t.e flaw M, 4111. alar. . ...enlace ar . nal am, D R e:.P. -toady supply nt 1 '1'b'•seare the hnsird weeks of Ill FiaNrell+.il. 11)11 no -risk of disappi.inttu.•ut Sat'trd`ty yon %our urd.•r :14 ..:111%" in the week Its 1„ 411411 'You will COATS that are new Nearly 200 coats on our rack today, each and every one new this season. More coats, better coats, coats that have more style, here today than you will find in most stores here- abouts. This is a strong statement, but the garments are here to back it up. The heit styles of five -makers- go -its -make up a. -tit Ck..... that gives you the greatest variety to select from within your reach. More new garments in this' week. New styles in colors and blacks that arc worth seeing if you have any coat buying to do. At $ 15,00 \1 a are showing a splendid collect ion of et ylish gat mem, ii leho•k and colors, Their ,111 .right or tern di:dinct *tyles tee select from In black, earn, navy, brown end the• s shade of grey. Meri o1 ligh ting And full back r�.tyIee, �rI�y vet 111 e to n.,t1 1, n t 15.00 me He•tter garmentnn'fwtt alike, its car, Sao.** and 82S.Oo At $8.30 We shot. 1111 . iet entails good coat made from et string in)poeted friez.'. This coat is cut very full, and is 414 Inches long, trim- med nilh black coseeed buttons, All sizes. QQ it,* vahm• at . 3/C). 5o At $ 12.OU \'i.• •haw n c0H1 mode from fine duality black lu•av,•r, waist is lined with good duality &sateen, Ila. -k is semi -fitting, and it is trim- med with strap sing. nttd military !weld about l an Unit wile. It is an excel, 1ionally stylish garment ttt. IIIedletate• prig... 12.00 All ei4e•s. elude.. wJ L 35c Cashmere Hose 25c 'flouts live cents i. 110• tigure they would have tit 6.:11 at if you p.id the recular price f•t, t hem. A hie Whnleraler Iseight. too many:and and I a clear then out quickly Irl then) go low eningh f.•r un tel /tell thein at .... .................... 25c per pap, I:d) pain.1 I In- I cashnp-ur hose. Fine (nimbly, /weft finish, Risen RI to 10. .Inst the right w.ight for FA1) tad \Violet wear, 3.-4• would he the real value. Saturday morning 25c we put these 1:i0 retire en the counters marked at per pair a,�.y. a..t •lY •. FOR �---A DELICIOUS DISH OF PORTER'S BOOK STORE Court House Square. Godench 'Phone No. too. sulk sL4MMOIW r `t z ''l1TIR Oysters GO TO THE OLYMPIA Cafe Served in any style or in bulk. Athas & Vassos, Lc� t'ropnrtc rs werel immassmnleltMMEs OIR�Ci' /MOORTLRS GODLR/CN, TT THAT i ALWAYS FRESH rim,* b. 1111•1ts.-omethtng new t.e 1,.• .ern in our big, brie let .how root 1 .11t'In 11T weekly I,n3joe insures u• P 914•014.4 tittN' firs ae they appear in the larger centres, 1'e sue al waste in close Witch with the .,iia sls,and whenever nythiug m w•hppears it is not long eef•ar {y ap'peara its our a,. 133:L1.0 For Saisiolay we will ha • a 4y1enti.i Int t4 11Pw trimae.1 ' h tt. to-buw•,'t4ats that 1yrilI rep went the very latest idem n i t.hi..ttalrle-ittil++tyey Fo' Falk- 'I' • 144411itt..".aw•-4444t•y-prepttr- in4: I 11444 tide %PO,. r{1ed they will is welt worth.o-.ring. Nothing Fits in Better .t ill 1111• - }wino of 11 I., t1 vii el{ toent I hate 111 an Edison Phonograph 11 is the a,11 psi Cortina in :{1i% co,uprul3 nn.i on y in.erninrt. It i4 NEVER OUT OF PLACE. OUT OF PRACTICE, OUT OF TUNE. )'all and hear one or write for 'i,,stalog1u', \yon ,{1.• thinking 1 buying an ORGAN or PiANO \ rale and ser re different cine of leminp18 plte.ti lua in a 40ISI4 n to handle the ie.t. atoll Io give inlrllige advice to 14M(9. 113. loupes. We have just re,•yeel:a Marge nail • 19solted stiwk of . CHURCH HYMNALS, BiBLES and GOSPEL SONG 134MIKS. , I lin' Pial llnl%t to 11.11:. alt. 1 ,1.nt1ab11- JAMES E. THOMSON PORT ALBERT. • \Cy:mtllSu Blast.•'• Iuvitalion: are• out for the marring. of lilies Annie Crawford, daughter of Mr. and Me. Jame* Craft fort, to ,John 4. Quaid. on Wednesday n.•xt, Oetole•r21st. at theirresid,mre, Port Albert. AUBURN. - ('o3tt.,i A-rrkc'.-rinv. The pnbhr library has .e•cu.t,l the 01.1 f ..'..0 lnml Sextette for a concert in the Tetnpu•t• anre Hall on 4atto•day evening, Or - tearer '2tth. This rotnpiuly consists elf seven colonel art tete and is concede.) hy nil who have had the pleasure of hearing it to be the hest competes .4 jubilee angers that has ever ."meal the rennet rv, 1'ho.e who would enjoy A rare good time -:hnniel not mien t.hi . ro e t e• r n t f h. n eat n O r 21 n t3AYFIELU. Trest,Av, •tel. 1;1110. 'forte Feistier. Sr,t.t.. rea.t Thnt•aday morning before Ira%ing hi; bedroom Mr. Motley wit. tieised lie a fainting spoil and fell, striking 'ilei bead on the dnor-latch with such severity that he doctor found it nee•.eaary let pat- }r' sl itttChes. e 1 • sso.00 NO ether giftrouldbefo dthatwdl Imes move pleasure to the spent then a Diamond Ring from 'R 'e'..' OUR 950.00 'SPECIAL' .haul here,, exceptionally good value Tile None is pure white in rolor and a perfectly free from flaws of any kind. The mounting ie an ink hand male 'en.ng, to the In.-othle Lesley style. Complete to velvet rase, the price N .50.00 SEND FOR OL'R CATALOGUE. RYRIE BROS.. LI MI Tin 134.136.138 Yonge St. Ilintammemmasseaeweisammoingemmonmels Hunters' Rates] ` Now In 11.•Inrn 11' 1.. es to the 1/{111 14114 Miming distillate reecho -al 1.) the C. P. It . at single fare. all ee1P tinily until Nov. :(ret. Apply to tee id f..r inm e. totes and 1,11 1 lnt•IltI4 1.41, Las Chance this Year Inc it , ,1 Kates to the I:want. !aeratedelr -, lirkrto, one tea), M 11. (', pnih Vane outer, Meiotic., etc., at `4..15 only until October 81st. 1`tl la.Ihq*s.t.e flaw M, 4111. alar. . ...enlace ar . nal am, D R e:.P. -toady supply nt 1 '1'b'•seare the hnsird weeks of Ill FiaNrell+.il. 11)11 no -risk of disappi.inttu.•ut Sat'trd`ty yon %our urd.•r :14 ..:111%" in the week Its 1„ 411411 'You will COATS that are new Nearly 200 coats on our rack today, each and every one new this season. More coats, better coats, coats that have more style, here today than you will find in most stores here- abouts. This is a strong statement, but the garments are here to back it up. The heit styles of five -makers- go -its -make up a. -tit Ck..... that gives you the greatest variety to select from within your reach. More new garments in this' week. New styles in colors and blacks that arc worth seeing if you have any coat buying to do. At $ 15,00 \1 a are showing a splendid collect ion of et ylish gat mem, ii leho•k and colors, Their ,111 .right or tern di:dinct *tyles tee select from In black, earn, navy, brown end the• s shade of grey. Meri o1 ligh ting And full back r�.tyIee, �rI�y vet 111 e to n.,t1 1, n t 15.00 me He•tter garmentnn'fwtt alike, its car, Sao.** and 82S.Oo At $8.30 We shot. 1111 . iet entails good coat made from et string in)poeted friez.'. This coat is cut very full, and is 414 Inches long, trim- med nilh black coseeed buttons, All sizes. QQ it,* vahm• at . 3/C). 5o At $ 12.OU \'i.• •haw n c0H1 mode from fine duality black lu•av,•r, waist is lined with good duality &sateen, Ila. -k is semi -fitting, and it is trim- med with strap sing. nttd military !weld about l an Unit wile. It is an excel, 1ionally stylish garment ttt. IIIedletate• prig... 12.00 All ei4e•s. elude.. wJ L 35c Cashmere Hose 25c 'flouts live cents i. 110• tigure they would have tit 6.:11 at if you p.id the recular price f•t, t hem. A hie Whnleraler Iseight. too many:and and I a clear then out quickly Irl then) go low eningh f.•r un tel /tell thein at .... .................... 25c per pap, I:d) pain.1 I In- I cashnp-ur hose. Fine (nimbly, /weft finish, Risen RI to 10. .Inst the right w.ight for FA1) tad \Violet wear, 3.-4• would he the real value. Saturday morning 25c we put these 1:i0 retire en the counters marked at per pair a,�.y. a..t •lY •.