HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1908-10-15, Page 15THE SIGNAL : GODERiCH. ONTARIO
The News of the District.
MottDAY, Oct, 12th.
'1'tlgasitgas Datong. - It never
rains but it {shire ! We did not tuner
a threshing machine lu our urighimtl'-
hrxld fur a lung time till taut week,
when we had within -a radius of a mite
iso fewer tltau four threshing outfits
at once, which tatted the neighbor-
hood to its utmost capacity 14) supply
the needed help. The threshing wee -
mon is now nearly (niched for this
sinnary meeting held in the Presby-
terian church on Mouday night was. a
splendid affair us every respect. The
night was line, the attendenee large,
the entertainment xptendid and the
audience very appreciative, which
was very encouraging to the ladies
connected with the auxiliary. Inter-
esting ttddressrs were gieen by Rev.
Jas. Haulilton and Rev. J A. Ander-
son. of Ouderich, and vocal sultan were
•tbly rendered by Mrs. Anderson and
Mini Potter. A reelection was taken
up in aid of the society,
MONUAY, Oe1. 12th.
Mr. and furs, Antos ('artwrigit, of
telndetaboro: err- the viests of Mr.
8111 Mn. -Higgins.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Cougram. of
Kiul. w, wen• Use guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Abs .:ulbert on Friday.
Dlai 1i�.Yu,V .• e.ul Lr•I►JuY-
. ander.nf Kidr,.r.-wean- visi•leg att t1..
home of %Vol. Pierer here yester-
Mrs. 1Villinul J,ua.•s hind her son.
`-I;dwartl, and her dadghtert Mr.. Davi.
Johnston, of lfol'nasl, intent a part of
Thursday and Friday visiting t,-lutkes
net Haat terrible bnn'Jen of intent -per- nit. Srptt, Junior 111.-1Vltfrid Dren-
nan, ltharlieSherwood. Mentor IL-
Hertiette O'Loiighlin, Thomas Little.
sluuir Ureunau, Lizzie Drennan,
•Hrllis Uuirtl, •Freddie Johuston.
Jaunts Little. *Neil McAdam. Junior
els--11'iitrid G'lAwgtllin. Elsner Fse-
isb..1o.eph Howler. Part II. -Julien
Thorax el. Jean Mcol t. Edward Smith.
I',u't 1. -inert Johnston, Torre For-
tieth. Marjory Johnston, Sidney Fer-
Leunine! O'Loughlin, Victor
Verna Mmeltzer, Bessie
Minefizel'. W. 13. STtl'rH-
xHx, Teacher.
mace. which . it daily deetruyiug the
happiness of many fiends and of
want' inulsent w %'ss and shildien.
ron 7Yuu..day of last week weI 'seer
all at Dungannon fait•.
Mr. and Mts. D. K. Webster. ut
Luckuow, visited at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Jas. Lane on Friday of last
Mira Attie Gardiner, of 'Zion, and
Miss 1Vhyitt. of London. called en
friends in this vieiuity on \ edue.day
of last week.
The cool weather has at last rows',
which is very welcome after tit WArul
weather of late. Thr farmer, are
In the twelve month.. ending wi
June :fish, 111111, the exportsvif I'i
adieu' tem groducfaawou+tted to life
sod tete-half million dollars.
In the nine smooths which made- u
t he short Heal year ending 'wi
March 31. 111/7, the value mly far
peedne•t*• ex)etrted seam 11 BMtf11t: -
-liftsr7ir'tne three quartetp Of 11
pear lllt7rplu' export.. in this one In
wee,• righty per cent. greater thu
they were for the full fiscal yeitt• .
This phenomenat erpitneton lit 5•
porta of fn.alstufs Deceivers all 11
more remarkable when the increase 1
consumption in the home market
taken into account. The extant t
which the -Mime warner'- • am grow
may be gauged from two bimple start
menta of, feet :
• (1i The salaries and wage§ paid
Canadian Manufacturing establib
meets in 1001 Amounted to $1 1:i,2411
NMI, while the wages alone totalle
=134,:!75,1110 in 111111.
l The t 1 1 cost of operating the steam
railways of the country in -rea.rd
front $07,4111,UU0 in 114U to 1111Ki,74it,111►
ie 1007. -
These additions to the operating ex-
pense of tailwaya laud the wage bill of
manufacturers could not have. taken
place without creating a corres-
ponding expansion in the local de-
mand for food..tuffs produced on
Canadian farms. The assertion may
safely 11e venture that greet as ham
been the development in'the market
beyond our border the development
in the hotue market has hewn greater
All the progress is not the result of
chance. Then• is a reason for•it.
The chief explanation of the on -
weld .e,tuut in apiculture is
found in the intelligens.•, industry acrd
progressive .spirit of the Cauadiati
faeeer. Meteh is owing t-r-thre tud-
mire) Ie. work done through the Agri-
cultural _ ( collies-ol---tenta'io.- -Otte
Farmers' Institute ay stem, and the
agro-ultural press .4 the 1kes+iMuu.
But It Ie bluntly .t+tlrtlg a feet when it
is de.htrel that nue of the prineipa9
influence-. in making for pt.gresa
elwuuted (rein 05 taws.
The work „f the Dominion Govern•
merit Lam toid in many way's. The-
OomiNon Experiment .1 Patine hare
dieseminated a last flue I of vahsable
infnrniati..n regarding rnrietiee and
methods. Many of our most pt•ufit
ablegrein ct•ops haul their origin in
wimples sent from Ottawa. Th.• seed
divis lute performed a 'nest useful
iiiotelLL--••a^"ingegruater-fuuvty in
the groin and duvet ,seryls .old to
ferment by merchants. The It nit 4liv-
keen, through its numbly retort, in
the season of ppro duetiun, has kept
fruit -growers informed met./ the crop
a.t...tt .t nit market untlix,l., end has -thee
en inl'orwat' te growers which
mailed fbr to market- their
tete to the st advantage. The
ivixu n, I Y Il effectlyesuper-
of packing. has given our
standing in the Nritieh tuar-
ket whic]'t "moires an a%eraag. selling
price of al1tttrt a dollar A barrel -over
American apple... The .laity division,
1.y, drmonstrl►tionx alhordel through
(ZinIR hnilt en the par(xme, has con
vinc.d cbeementakers of the value of
cool curing and a vast improvement in
the quality and price of Canadian
rhes has followed as a cunse,luence.
The average vithre of the cheese pro-
dncett in Ontario in Letet waw a little
over Sc per 1b. ; in Ils1;, it wow over in
cent s. -
Nut only has a valuable e.Iuculioieal
work been raveled 'en through the •
Dominion Ihepart cent of Agriculture,
but through that and ether depart-
t i 4 practical ark has been u e 4144,
r len prat rex w d n
well. 1{y pls.t•iding tori. refrigie•atur
ear seIA ice and ctxd ••ha111ber metier on
ehiphonrsd it has helm made p,e dble
to land oor fruit ausi dairy pr•oduets
in the British market in th,. 1..est. pos,
cable condition. Throe, h 1h.. railway
commission again a 1...leniin t in r.'.t
and improvements in service have been
forced a!Ion the cnri•ying companies.
Timer ,edte•thone Imre- added at hetet
one emit tri the farm value of .every
bushe•I of grain marketed in Ontario,
fifty cents to the vallis' of each IIe.•f
bullock sold, and between five and to
per cent. to the tet lent ohtein
rAiv�voluit ht' pt•oln�s:ra n the
OBITUARY.-- -A touch . teented real•.
detit oI this district passel away at
th,'aageof fidtyeeix year. on Thursday
Iasi, in the person of Mr.. Pierer, wife
of the late Nathaniel Pierce, who pis•-
deeteuted 'Mrs. Pierce about sixteen
years. The funs'ral to..k Iola. eon Sun-
day in the 'meteste Prow 1 he rtwidenee
.1 the d.ct•as.d'.+ tdaught•r, Mrs.
George Nixon, over Belfast. Rev. N-,
A. smith conducted the fun.•rut eeer-
vices and the pallbearers were John
Kilpatrick, William Shackleton. Ralph
\ , Nixon, sr., John :denary. Hugh .I.
Blake and Jas. Culbert. Mae. Piero
w borninLumber as lou 1 . u
. t wn.hi 1 an.
,'� carne with her parents when A child to
Kinloss, county of Bruce, where ihe
a.. married. 5Fhe deceased has been
a •ontinuous resident here ever since
lie mat i e.
r a In religion she w
b as' •
M,•titediet. She was a kind and indul-
gent mother and a good and obliging
n'•ighhor. She leaves tot mourn her
1.. s. one .on and one .laughter : Tnnev,
on the of homestead. and Mr.. ti,o,
'iixon, nt. Belfast. Hire ntso leaves
five brothe and one mister • Tone
and Kleine d
H 1 Httgb.•r,--err Mi.-higatr
R, Ii. rt Hugh... in thee, West ; Jnhn
and Albert, in •rice eouoly. and Mrs.
John M.•Kaig. 1 Te•swater. When
the last .ad rite- ere performed th.•
t em/tins were laid rest in' Port Al-
bert cemetery.
Ml,*ns Oct. 12th.
Item. Finlayson, of the .-
t) f, efts
at Ute par. ntd 1 ' the . d of last
Tb.s.. Mandy ix at posted IN
remota 1 dation under th
Ps. hvterian ehnwelt here.
1'nuuuun1,•fl services are to 1m•
in Ashfield Presbyt4•rian church n
Sabbath. commencing x1 11 a. rue
Mies Bella Ilender..•n, of the (tit
Hnr'.i eras •
Rod. Cameron's at the end of the
weal... .
Donald A. Matheson has 1.•t't for
Toronto, where he intends to begin Ids
....liege career be entering Toronto
1'nivesit y.
Murdoch McDonald has purchased n
complete White threshing outfit, with
which he intends to conuuence work
in a lee 114ya, -
M19e. F. McLennan, of Gaxlerieb.
with the Mise, Tenn and Minnie Mc
l.ennan. was visiting at Dan McD1n1•
all's for a few days.
Out postmaster, A. R. Fitdays..u,
Ila. 1 '..ernetl from an extensivetrip in
the Northwest, duly impressed with
the vast resnuts•ee which tend to make
Canada a great nation.
%Vint' McKenzie. of Vancouver, ft.
I'.. who resided here snore t wenty•tiv.
r5. n d who. h wife and
u an h tett
family. is visiting friends in Onlsrin,
was renewing old aeemeint1ncea with
rattle '.1 the old neighbors Irl titin
icinity lax? week.
'l'he tnllowhug quotation from the
Ausierle•y currrapondrnre of a local
paper will int. -tent the friend. 4 near
tourer school bawler'':--"1•'red Ross is
a happy loan these days. You ran al -
wave' hear hint whistling 'Thr Camp-
bells -Are Corning.'"
h -
it1CAI. O,TION. Petillnns are now
Ileing_eirCulats•d in thisewe Mil,. Willi A
Vie' tet obtaining a sufficient nlnrh..r
of signatures in order to have a vote
neon local option for Ashfield at the
TJtw teat
th t thee,. deaf hs, t too ut which were
vio et, of r-iyil and otherwise well -.lin -
pone, voting nen, during the mist few
moot tenth' be die era ly traced to tie
pernie•io .. iutluencem of the Ian•-lsxtnt,
and ti, within re radios of
11111en (rot bete• -this fact, 1174x,
shodd 1.. ;. .tinmhie to ery grad
citizen. Who ny at art the moral
well-being of h �htwrr, to ra.t hit
vote and nl n, in favor of placing
Ihis m c parity Ashlleldl under the
�tr�tion of the local option law.
"1'hie law has now most passer) the
experimental stage .1 that it is tan
exeellent law is eviden even to pre-
judiced ohmerr'era, who eve had 1h.
1epp.rtunity 5,.observe it. elation in
the neighboring township df Huron,
and in other parts of (hltario. In the
coming corned, is in every moral con-
test, there is no doubt whatever on
which side the Immoral. the rofllg i e,
the. openly wicked will Omni, for it is'
against such evil men that moral re-
formers in all ages have had always to
contend, That is not a surprise to
anyone. But it will always he a Ruh-
,je•ct of wonder when some of ua, who
,tine perhaps the unhappyvictims of An
evil obstinacy or generacent reriness,
stand ahntild1•r to N1lnnider with the
above-mentioned es 11 els. es, and art
precisely in the sante manner AR they
art., that in to may, refuse our signet
three to alma! option petition, nr vote
Against, Ruch a temperance ITleMnee,
7o do ale evil men .1.. in Any moral
contest is to do evil. To state thin is
only to stale a Iruinm. W.•, then,
who plofles to have the uno•a1 well-
being of our fellow -thrift a et heart
should come out from Imo�douhtful
Position, and not steed the de-
clared enemiem of dew and order. hut,
In tbe coming contest, asslst la reaper-
e"fr(ffr"-e'f„ r sees by
means of COMMON. Agents stationed
at hauling 1 • e slattern in Greet
Britain, a through displays at great
..x11' ' tons, oor prxlucls have ieen
ept steadily in the eye of the British
buying public..
In brief, the 1)eominion Government,
by wise direction and intelligent as-
sistance, has materially aided in in-
creasing the volume of farm produc-
tion and in eventing for producer;
better returns for the fruit of their
11 is eminently fitting that a Gov-
ernment which has done so. much for
material well-being en that farni has
now undertaken to give the farmer
city conveniences by delivering his
mail at his own door.
busy saving ter root and corn crops,
the latter being a heavy yield in this
locality, while the former it rather
N -e extend A hearty welcome to our
new neighbors in the persons of Mr.
and Mrs. Percy Sanderson, of Dun-
gannon, who will take po.seasinn this
week of Lane. general store. We are
very entry to lose Mr. and Mrs. ('.
Melktnagh frorn our midst: they have
proved themselves the test of neigh-
bors and friends- They will still be
near gh to have many a hearty
Ss Moor. Rltr•oIC1 . -The following in
the report of S. S. No. 111 for the
month of September, the names being
in order of merit, Masted on weekly
test exatglatttion, : t V. -Rae lemie-
son, Labra Johnston, Irene Smeltaer,
Lavine Sherwood. Senior i1i.-
Rachel Alton, Allan Nelenn, Mamie
O'Loughlin, Charlie Smeltzer, John -
Heel Paul
TL'ICsUAY, Oct. lith.
John MacKenzie, of Toronto. Nemeth..
guest of Mrs. MacNamara. '
Communion .ervices will lie held in
Rev. A. Miller's church on Sunday
Ileal. -,
Mlsee.111jnnie Bakes', of Kineus din(, is
the-guest-v�-Mas, P. 1t, McNay for
over a week.
We are pleased to be able ter report
that 11te.. Tied. Campbell ia•ahlr tulle.
around again.
Mt.. It. McKeith and Mrs. C. Mac-
Kenzie called on friends in \ 'inghutu
one day last week. _
themect,r Teen paid a visit to t3. 8.
No. 7 recently and found everything
in the best of order.
We are pleased to report that W.
M. Hogan is able to 11e around again
bieateeer'e iejet ies----
' Utiles Nellie Mi•Donald hail Leenr vet=
icing at the residence of her gta►nd-
father, JamraMeDunehl.
people from
around here toe in the Dungannon
fair and report a ery good show. -
Robert Holmes, ex -M. P. ` made
sunt.. friendly -� herr last
week. We wish- hien every success in
his campaign_
. NOW. -- t
A honer every d► w5. Than•
Y 7
day+. New remeoyfor extracting Meth IHomno-
forwe. better than gas. flown and bridge work,
etc. Aluminum plateal Inon-breakables.
N. H. -You can el way. have your work much
better dere 0 the dental oMoe-quote Uwe,
better facilites fur doing the work. dote cow-
fortable fur the patient.
1\ e. Dungannon annon fur The Siguai is at the Po+t-
ofib:e hook and Stationery Storewhere
orders will be received for subscriptions. ad-
vertising and Job work, and receipt, will be
atven fur amounts owed for the tome.
WansesnAY, Oct. 14th.
Harry Walter. is today moving his
faintly to Lucknow. where he has a
good situation,
O. F:. Augustin.• moved this week
into the house he recently purchased
Henn' Petry Manderson: - --
Will Elliott is home front New On-
tar•in and-ixa-pending a few days wtttr
friends here before he returns.
Her. W. A. Smites tett yesterday to
attend the Sunday school and Ep-
worth League convent -1.m at Auixlen.
A numtwr nt the young people went
over relay,
A. A. Young, who met with a seri-
etf, a'cideut on the I)gngenu,nn neer
tous!• nu fair day, is progressing
tavnrebly and expects to ret ant t a his
1 in is day or two,
Itev• Mr. lostigfurd will ptea.h
siunxry se•rrtmns in the Methodist
rho: eh Sunday morning and evening.
He will also conduct the service at
Crewe in the afternoon.
Perry Sanderson and family tnoved
on' Monday to lane., where Mr.
Sanderson has ``mrchase.1 the genetsal
bnxinewa of Mr. McDonagh. 1Ve wish
r. Muuder,on suer,"' iu his new
bnrintr•s. -
tle'N.xrL Ricp.sRT,--The following r5.
the report of 1-. S te. 17 Ash-
1ieTd -and W.attr SVaw an, sfie, for
the moat Is of feeptetsh. u. 1'he
numbers indicate the percent-
age obtainer on the wt•ekly tests:
Senior V. --FlossieElliott, Wt. limier
V. -Charlie Niven,, 75. Senior iV, --
Ella Stothers, Ti: Norman Kirke, ski;
Carrie Dunkeld, nu. Senior 11i. -Oli-
ver Kirke, 75, Junii'..111.---lit-ueat
.teliratten, it. - Senior II. -Willie
Iirif ln, 512. Junior 11. --Mamie Sproul.
741 Ghee:I)'s Rivers, 75: I'.oLrl Stothete,
68, fart 11. -John Sproul, 70. Part I.
-iraMtot her+, Howard Mewed. 7'ho.,•
highest in spelling 1'.n the luonth
wets•: Flossie Ellint1, hILI Steelier.
and Marie Sproul. lit. 11.‘ lie
Tl'F.soA v, Oet. 13th.
The Misses Cousins, rn of Gaxlerich are
se present visiting friends at Nile.
15.01 1 forget the teameet ing which
will he hell on Novemlrr till. {lig
preparations are its progress.
The meeting of the Epwnt t h League
this week wits wit hdrawn owinv t le
eon vent ion at A'thurl, Next ' redo
night there will he a nli nary con-
test. The meeting N• in i hnrge of
Mtn, at tbet tett rPxTiffg
time to to or.
The ' onan'. Mieniunat'y Mociet y
an t etre meeting thio 'week .»r -
ng to the amount of work oak hand.
All the ladles of the Society ate 1e-
queated to..meat-!mils banieweutot-the
church on Friday .ft. i mem 1„ .emit
and toattenii tr. other important t,te,i-
1VIcuNrsfryY, Oet., 1411t.
1Vttuuuvu Iturt.e.--'rt'np Walnuts,"
the home of Mr. and Mia. Jelin (li a►ig,
Mt. Augustine. way oti Wednesday
evening, September :Meth, the .eerie of
a pleasing epee y, when their
eld••etdaughte, Sarno and Thos. Ham -
ford. of Westfield. were united in
matrimony by Het. A. E. Jon.•.,
of Auburn. At 5 o'clock. the bridal
coupple, unattended, entered the tast-
ily decorate) parlor to the attains of
the wedding march. rendered by
Herbert Bamford. bebther of the
groom, and, taking their poritioni
under a handsome ureh of wedding
belle, bunked by a greenery .4 ferns,
took neon them the vows whjefl
united them for life. The bride leho
wag given away by her bit wore
an element gown of cr 1 e)Iientie
with point d'emelt t mings, with
neatly &PARINI eoifiwfe crowned with
orange bloisouns 4n8 bridle! veil, And
carried it e es' bouquet of bride's
ince.., es' the eerennn , t h.'
guests. numbering seventy-five, re
paifhd to the diningrooni, whish «AA
appropriately deeoratel And WIPP.* a
dainty dejeuner wait Nerved. The
bride was the recipient of many
beautiful and valulable present% testi-
fying to the P4.41111 in which the
young couple are held. noticeable
among the gifts being a handsome
mantel clock from the choir of the
Methodist chinch, Donnybrook, of
which the bride had for some years
been organist. An *ninyahle evening
tens spent in music, games and reseed
converse and at an early hour, avid
shower' of Hire and -confetti, Mr. and
Mrs. Remitted took their departure.
for Myth. w hee they took the morn-
ing train for Toronto. Niagara Fall.
and tit her places of inure+et, followed
by the lest wishes of their mutt
fries tie -foe hwir,-i'
their new 1 `
Tt•r:snty, Oct. 13th.
lieneon long was at his hove herr
over Sunday.
Mouse of the people here took in
Dungannon show on Thut:xiey 1145.1.
Mise% Elsie Okr and Pearl Elsie r
lett Imlay as delegates for the league
au,l Sundry stetted to attend the cin.
ventiuu at Auburn. •
duct.• a nonuser of the young -people
here attender the fowl sapper at.
'/.ion last night aid we suppose the; '
all enjoyed the -merit -es immensely. -
SINS UV T)i]1pt:ItAit'k IS(TYHTA4\•
Mgt(•... --The concert given by the !.enc.
of Temperance on Friday evening of
last week proved quite a eucees% The
weather-WasfavoraAi+ail"ani Picea•
lent program wake given. The Sans
Slick orchestra wits "the limit !" The
door -keepers took is something over
fi1M -_.
Cet.t f) Aw.tr ht MtrruuaN.-Ute
-and Mrs. Charles Walte7 returned
home front Yellowlgress out Mor -
day of last week atter spending a
few day. at Toronto ou their way.
but Mess. Wwlteaselime since been eallr.{
-away again-be-rdestination this time
being Cedarville, Miehigan, forty
miles from Sault Ste. Marie. whither
she was suminened by a telegram
fe".n hsr d...RLtsr, M.•. Ar.hir
Dewer. Mr. Oewer has for a long
time been trpubL•d with his lunge and
bitter his return bons this place in the
spying has been getting weaker anti et
now very low. Me. Dewar's family
are well known herr and we are sure
all will wish hint a speedy rei.uvery>,
which, h
w ihthowever, a i, regarded d 1tt-
etl ail ou
fel. Mts. Walters was aaccoitpnnied
by her son Edwin and left .on Friday
WujNset.AY, Oet. 14th.
Put.iTlaw,--Thr political meeting
held last evening in Waltere Hall in
favor of the Liberal candidate, Robt.
Holmes, was well attended and very
enthuslastie. The large hall wit, eson-
plel.ely titled by the rept e..eut itis,
yeomen of this district, among whom
were many of "our l'otl,er.ative
friends," as they were called by each
successive speaker. The manna-
awn prevailedno
Y tout kerngrant'
WAS to the -peckers: �o much
has been said. ill the .public preat
and ou the platform ea to the Merits
of the different eandidates, each prais-
e up itre own side, 'that the eleeturs
aiie+iisd eager to kiu,w More oT I1%
questun.. at issue and be able to judge
fin-thrmsrhre-how they* should rn.c-
their votes. Th.' meeting was called td
eider ley - the shah*►*.. Net•twn--Ker-
mighan, Who, by the way, .Joey fiCe,l
the l' uncut. and the fleet emelt ker wits
Thos. \fsMiilalt. R •eve !If H.lit•I r,
This gentles ul is a retry f. .1
.plaket• and aicising Man. In an able
mariner he .•spnae,I the slander.. foisted
the electorate by • the Opposition.
addr, e. of filty minutes duration,
WM. listened to with rata attention,
and at the efiiu, he Was given nu os+► -
tion sut'h a11 is se•Idour en ata ptlit I -
eel meeting in Be Nle4•, The ne xt
speaker was Role. Itolnult. the I.lisemial
candidate, and In hi. ureal lucid ityle
be won the goodwill both tlf IIIc sup-
porters and of these npp.ro.d dole hint .in
their political views. Not onemil in
his speech of rorty five fro credit
offend the most inveterate 'Tory. Hie
remark. were confined to the good tic -
one of the Laurier administratiann arkl
wrist haul Leen done for Canada.
Imdur t 11 a Liberal leaders wuh
Mir -Wilfrid - Laurier- se-I'reinier.
Thr next speaker Was 1V. Proud foot,
our worthy tneirilwr of t ht• L egislat urs'.
This gentleman is nu Strange here
and is always weleontel by a lieunlil-
ler• Alldielie.•. Ilia eemerks were
mainly confined t1 !eluting the scan-
dal talk in which the Opposition in-
dulge with a view only of 41144111ng
power, and by An able expose of their
tactics lie mhowed that the Conserva-
tive party has no mitt grievance
ng:tlniet the Liberal patty. 111.. npi'eell
Left a good impression with his healers.
and 111 t he clone be was cheered to 1 he
echo. A novel feat nue of this Meeting
was the Ltlnnlneti,m eif ROMP mnatral
Feleelionai by a well-trained nun rletle.
composed of .lames 1•'. '1'llwu.ou. Don-
ald Clark and the Tyndall brat s,
'1'h1..' gent leni In wire well reared
Allll 84 1t IS Rl new idem t aye 11111..1,`
a 1'
to xhliaa l e.'
1 u Ptn
1 pleasure. { rr la.
1 r n
all the gref'r. Arthur- Kingsbot
.'ugh gave se a Well -played m•lerlionr
on nn a- Henn which Were tvecirel
Wit. treasure, but the t •el
it of the Whole evening's enler-
ttiuruent VAMP wheel 1{..111. 1'.Aigie,
of Ii derieh, gave alt,,- real Scotch
airs on his rut{pipes. This was the
Iirst time that pipe music had been
beard in Kenmllter itifr7TIf il.Vis, per
fnrmer wee cheered. again iiflil torah].
The hall .vas' graced by the pt•esence
of a nuutber of Indies and each speaker
in succession was gallant rnnngh to
thank them for attending. In fact,
one speaker went so Gar as to ..y that
say take Cod Liver Oil -they
undoubtedly mean Scott's
it would be just as sensible
for them to prescribe Quinine
in its crude form as to pre-
scribe Cod Liver Oil in its
natural state. In
the oil is emulsified and made
easy to take easy to digest
and easy to be absorbed in to
the body -and is the most
natural and useful fatty food to
feed and nourish the wasted
body that is known in medicine
Nothing can be found to take
its place. if you arc run-down
you should take It.
i,aA 5hi, ad,ert6eaw,tt. reentler with nays,
ef eater 1n winch n •gearswan address and
low cat, en mw, footage. IAA w 4.4.411 wart
yes • 'Yaw.mbV Nan$ -Ana* of the Wneld"
SCO T A nowati'
ItdlsYa•laalssat W_ ToRnhTO, OMT.
Colds on
the Chest
Ask your doctor the medical
name for a cold on the chest.
lit will say, "Bronchitis."
Ask him if it •!s ever serious.
Lastly, ask him if he pre-
scribes Ayer's Cherry Pec-
toral for this disease. Keep
in close touch with your
fancily physician.
W. p.baw ••r errs•!.•
W urge, x•r t•
When you tell your doctor about the bud
taste in your mouth, loss of appetite for
breakfast, and frequent headaches, and
when he sees your coated tongue, he will
say, " You are bilious." Ayer's Pills
work well in such cases.
-nada by tab J. C. Aviv Ga. i ew•ll. sestet
a sstsati�em� • • al�s�ta•aa(g.
When made by
The Tailor West St.
the ladies should have the right of
the franchise as well as the turn and
the day, might .1101 be tar distant
when th would Ind h a the ease.
The meeting doted at 11 .4eclo.ik with
he singing of the nuti•nm1 ant hew led
the quartette. and w'itt hearty
s for the - popular candidate,
Rn II Holmes. This polling sub-
d'vits(on los telwnye returned a good
Libeled tua j e ,; r and indicnt • . are
•that the uutj.•t-iry will tae ii,eu .t.•s•d on.
the :left tt of October. '
'I'PBIiiAY, Oil. 12th.
''/.rhs Cifeei9 ANNIVElt451ty. -
The Mini vet \tit�, surview and an-
nual fowl 'supper et Zinn Methodist
churns, Ieud.•t-t'(I 1..wnsbip. en Sun-
day and MI/111111V ore very snec.•ssful.
The attendance at 1w service on Suu-
day afternoon Was n.ut lerge.,,.n tic-
rrrtHH-of-t-tp- hn„,..t :.1 tie --late Mrs: -
Edward w loch wit- e•'d list after-
-minim.- but 1l•• atiendayo.+v--int the-evrn-
i0g da. good. Rev. 1V 1. Heal win, eif
Parkhill, a former- (sty or of -Zion,
prettehed at the. service 1n the• evening.
The supper mt. Monday ,•s.'uiug Wxs 4
t•ety sw-sa..tel'affier. Tin' a-t•lid-
11nce 01151 . irar•ge :1. Shrug 7.15. a''rinn-
nntlaliun for inrae'lay ..11x1•,• 'us' L.rlr.
Rini a gest 1 pro,tiion tea.. 14yel, Her ,
R,_ W.. Miliyard occupied the chair.
11111 th,. •program ten, /I. follow.:
Opining s •It• .t inn Icy the orchestra, of
the (ioderich band. "All Dail the
bIyvetervrf 61.171;1 ilNlyaamn.": : s.pIrnecyti•urum IYl
t Ile oerllest ra : sung by Master inert
IInt t : 1111,.•'-. by Rev. Willett,'
!tangle,' of ti.•nmill.r ; u.'eibition by
Mesa, Wanes•,.: selection by the or -
chest nt: men Ilion, Ezra Hirst ;
saeclien by the orchestra ; address
by! Rev Mr.' Godwin ; God Save the
King. lel by the orchestra. Th.:
procee de ermmnted to 8fit1.
ate ht•re for thise w h•' like ride itheir fo u.twea. 'rtu•1.• .are a thfa1hio111111. kat111•t., .tll thenevaI In
Styles. There In 1. .hues for Lusinr
eho'm for dr,•.4 W1,1,i,.11s.
For Fashionable Fall Foot
1V e n r
)•011 rail do an hefts',' hau 10 5.,•e elm
disloln)-. Aiui_ to .PP ij 1. -tee kte.w
!inert is no time seeking further. if
it i.. the shoe you might tm have it is
hie in item highest quality and ,tt•the•
lowest price.
Clofh in
Comforl �---- =---
for Meit_
Clothing Store
1'ftnitanee, October 15, 1908 7
cArttstic effects
and styles
in rnaterials
and tattering.
1W,o better goods made.
No goods better nteade •
Fits nice,
Small price --
Brings us lager trade. --
L Everythi -Men-- and-Boy<,ts.-- -.
That Na:;gzng Pain in the Back
1s eaaaei by la--t--vny t:tar •-tresk, -strained, irritated kidneys.
And there is just Lew wit; to .top it
Gin Pills
kidneys-ueutrah,: i tl.,, mile.- step
those scalding passage .- and. nicl.1 -
relieve the pain inlhe bac'; and limb,.
Gin Pills are clan the rrro:!ntzed cure
for Itheumatb:':n and t'eint:•• tonic. ;•,
box; B for 11110, At , 1,s'
sent on receii,t of 1.. . .
Sande free DEPT. A.--;Li,T;Ol,'.1L OWE,'. CiIFL�. CO. LIu1:TED
5.i )uu
meet,..n the, TC'7,-TO
Y, weedy
m..)4 ay
r,, res, c..,
14 ,4444
oras N.•1•1 1.1 1.1 I- daily curfew the
n10•1 ninlmear ea.,•. of Vernal., Uisor-
h•n, Falling of the %Womb.IA•ueorrhoea,
I'ainful !it'd Stl pyrerest Menntru ailon.
etF., efe.. me all of r h,•m Relieved front
b.• alert by its use, ..,,,t a few weeks' or
oe„nlle. treat ncnt ,.cvoulpli.be, a rotu-
pl.•lecure. This remedy i. • positive,
•ei.•n1 UL• prepana fon, and la Baser 011
I11.• di.eot erne. of 14tsteur and I.Isler,
fi i. an "eM*••d trenrment : that is. It le
not taken internally. but M applied
dlra•,r to the suffering parts, and It.
therefor•, art. with all the certainty of
the known Taws of "entire! action. As
l� 11 a In dire,•t contact with the dis-
rA.•st tissue. Its antiseptic and nerve -
food infln,•n c.,. 1 rear(c,• n,x❑ 10 10 fond properties 491111101 help but have a
t letter daily, spanking of the benefits and cures
i i• pct forming : and w stir.. ant 1 That al. will do w tet Is claimed for If that 1 will stand, nb-
.nlltely fur, a :t,ewomanPri
ent box to .t ery snterin,; who will write for It. ce ei.!u per
Luz, whish i,..utnclwnt for oxe atom b'5. !nee liteek d b stauw,
_....�-.- ._ 3fTr3: I'L'ItRA41.-VinMoe. 4 t.
Fall and Winter Styles -'-
PARLORS in floe, most attractive shapes and
.lades.. Ile stes'k includes the newest and most
artistic 'Meets. and the inspection of the ladies of
(ioderich anal r ir•inity is cortlially int ited.
Hamilton Street, - GODERICH
1 Wm. Sharman
in \tnl' WANT
1 have for sale several good
young driving bullies, ',Leckie and
greys, from which f rntld probably
suit you.
were yesterday, are todev, and will
he tomorrow t he beet en the
market. 1 am the agent for -Cod-
Get your NEW PLOW from
me. 1 have the two bet ln,kes
Fleury and Peri in, both riding and
walking plows.
Carload of STANDARD
FENCE WIRE Inst receival.
for building es' ether pia pews
'opplieel in large or email gran
t.itiet% drliv.'rel or Al. tlie quarry.
Agent for
Warerooms Hamilton St,
Our Cuarante
e i
We, J. 11. Worsen
& Son, agree to
refund the purchase
price of any stove or
range sold by us
that does not oper-
ate perfectly when
directions for use
are followed: -- _. _
We stand back of
anything we say or
See our stock of
Stoves and Ranges
the largest and best ever shown in town.
The goods and prices are right.
Stoves and Ranges sold for cash or on time
We'll take your old stove at part pay on a
new one.
Good second-hand Stoves, Ranges, Furnaces
for sale.
Stove Pipes, 8c, ioc, I2',c and 15c each.
Repairs for every make of' stove, range or
Special bargains in Cattle Chains, Hinges,
Glass, Nails, Tar Paper.
You get our prices. - - - We'll get your order.