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The Signal, 1908-10-15, Page 14
le TIM Mao, October 15, 1908 THE SIGNAL: GOUERiCH' .N'I'A It1O r --al? 1 TO New I 1 Jnternatronal jYewspciper Subscribers 1 D ble Study Club THESIGNAL . StrigestP a Questions on the Inferno:tonal Sunday School Lessons, Prepare,' The Family ANU - l feral • • ..._4 and Weekly Star MONTREAL to January 1st, 1909, 25 CENTS It is mut necessary t' hitt oduce The Fluidly Herald and Weekly Mtat',i which is already tlioruughly known lin - this district las a splendid all - I round weekly paper. Send your suheeription to Vanatter & Robertson, The Signal.( Goderich, Onj L Toronto Parry __Sound Suar�• CONDENSED FALL SCHEDULE. No. 2 Southbound Nn. h by Rev. 'Dr. Linscott. Brantford dtrttilurrrvl in 144.•,1(4 •u• 1 .. 1t 11 t " •'o , v.4lrni, Art.* October 19th. 1408. David's Kindness to Jonathan's Son. CURRENT LITERATURE. Itt•MY N't4 MAO ttl"1.. %Yrleum11• ••hrow11 (haulier tile'. to •l he jolly 1•:nglishulau is the current (411114(14.4' Of Tile Hus> Mati's llagazlne to 111e Canadian reader. It tells of wavy thit9ta of int et est and is wore *Hilar Lity*i4) .4 )wara*ter 11.4111 any pi reed iug iss11e•. The (Uueteat iota rutbrar4. srvet•al line elite u( the exterior and interior of the _Vanudi.0 L �,(llt'iy_jl4 o nJuu, (hie 1 lea. relig' s , err. 'montes and ('(114(4)11(1 of Ihr Sic Nation Indians. 4,.u'iinie seem*, of the taming. forest and railway 4' 1111(1 tier 01 the 1tv11(ier labeler, as well a-• rhe 44.1111)14' 1i. Sam. ix. good lean in a ((1111(614 Isoaitiypt to pay and n0,01101( huuw' of thetildret telig- Mt ff-i'•ext Arno lx, m}..m Iti4..trr • ..iv lxwpecl au a 446446444+a -u►- nu +'salted- Ana hrurd in Auierlrx. 111-i111-iIi,11017,-iii,aµ*Inother, tender-hearted. furgiviult position Limo he should lox weval1e1 (8th oriental and selected. ha alrot*g 111(4. another. EMI. iv. ::12. 444(11x1 1(r (o r('(444.1' uhsrqutmls 1)14.11,- 111 rha *rrrer deliu11 ealioAnd plot in• What is the greatest srntimriot wire to Any Ill All ? lei est.* The• 4)t titles lora the Wurld'e which a human heart can experience nce : Haw would .you rhnrAl trrixr the' 144+uliilt( puhlie*Liuus • uupr44hru- ract of Ilav1.1 in glvlig to filephilaoshet11 sive• in rlnitarlrr .4144 well rrlrrleL all the land that was minus 1 by his white the original cunt .1,,iii A*r grandfather Soul :' bright and rut r annels. A r,ug there If a son legally a4quill." pa14(14'I(Y "(4 bring "A Men Who Ile Deified' the death of his father, which the son many a Young 1(l:tl i4) If 8itrw. •; afterwards learns the lather 1111d no "'where Pro,ttree 44(01 1{Juwti 1 lou; al right to. is he i4) honor 64)111111 11ands- : '•1Vhat Constituter True to restore the property t4) the mural Ir4ulelwh114 ?" -The Uhler Hr I. vows 1%'hxt would you way of a than owner, as Soon as hr learns who it IS :' the More Active• lie 14:' : "%%'herr \ 'o• who rrf11srd help to A stranger, until Terse u - Thr earth, the akv and the Iter%Hama to Gast Their Votes" : ,.T11r he learned hr was the son of oat old. sets are the r gifts cif Biel to (Story of the l'owatd," rte. Th mankind as a whole : what moral variety' and tdmelinw.i. of Illr reading right, therefore, lout :toy than to es- nlxtyar ',mar tin, llrt.J,.r_ editiuu of elusive, nwnrr•ship in riH1Pr. or any 'Thr /bele :,Ian'4' 6114*,,;441 a w'CIclWr Verses 1'S --What had leen the rt - Ito bet bet wren David :rad .luunthan ? What degree of merit would yoy give to kindness shown to one person, for the sake of another person This question must be answered in writing by the members of the club.) friend, and then laa',ishwl kindness upon him % LI,lesus were'u come to us, wcog• Hitt), for help, 1(1111 we refuse," him : part 111 these coentlnu gifte ,f Oita ? visitor in 441(y hou%Chotd 141141 n prime then learning who he was, rap and • verse 111 Frani our usual standards favorite with all c1114...'.. offered our servir(s, what wotald bef r t4a t)vl r..41duct, 1).4.1.111 did a "`"."‘•t,he attitude of Jr14u4 to 1114 in such It and a grumous act ill inviting 411 "`"."‘• Ow +tho,dJ we wait 1" he "Pealed lo, T( '(l1. fij;'t l,r.1mr(on Io ea( at is table, hot by what how of Thrix. lows, or should we take pains to hook Dan ethics xoe asters justified in 1(p those who nerd our kindness and 1(r atatr.tahlr- s xl t p _ _ ._____. itger pr - Y traa 117 ' -i4. rleh chola TA,. t\ Inter Ire g, 'I uroult, Tr w4. •pea cf•osely to. 4)r snub, a Landowner, 1414(1 his 1111 g nniiiher of and \\'wuipeg, is gst the plruut- strangesr, 4)r refuse to help hint in servaults, Who till his 14041, dors 114141 iltr44t lnrt and WMIIOII UAW, tastily p, dell 14114.11 we have the power: or if m,censsril% have any' more love for. %1(w-Ituk's great coven ie .(sower. Hr 1.e stn just the contrary to this, is or Admiration 4)f, 4)r in14(4' *.•it1, Ihr there any reason to believe that .irsn= writes to the i, 1, 11. (1' [(41*MIx: 11414x114 than the w rvaNtts r ilentlenem, 1 hair ilia+ilii. in nitwit ntrrWillitia►siflenderldtoLilo 11.1:1--%%'hal 11- 1,1 Is• the st:atitiethatupon the reconIlmendation persotMily e Verse li 1\•hnt are some 44f the Ielatiun bet wren masters ;and e4.- of a, rrlatil1 1 pourh.4.s1 A Isom of your benefits which-4Iltle (ruin being the %ante, secorlliug to the. staoda rds of rrit*(14 1%14(4111144114., curd by airy ap- won of a good father ? the kingdom of tial ' Idicatiuul ('1111*( r ve•rv' .4.('4.4.4. a in before we show kindness to our fel- errin' iscuit Leap Year Biscuit. A unique line. Made only by ourselves. 64 to the lb. Your dealer will supply you. If not, write direct to D. S. Perna 6 Co. Ltd Landon. C4,.J. O 11111-tH:H Prominent Manager's 'Telling Testimony: e pilling their .eryant1 14) east at 14 %Ir. It. It. timidity, Advertising twin - NW; 411.....11. StIdbill) ' 844)4.111 parry Sound12.11* p.m• 7.14 " 44 ...h+4t, 2.21 „ ...«. tth.ebi. .__- .tan --1•- u 112 " 11.a,enuu e,♦i (1011144 .111 -rt . 10.31 '• 1oront4, Northbound 1(._I " :t.is " 'so 13o. 1 ,bio- 1. 111. `audbnry• 11.1• " ('14.,')' 80.411,1 11..,11, p, at, 12.21 " t;a.h:aun 11.114.111, Hrecbut 7.1-• .. 1t. " t*C54 orlon 10,12 " - Mount Albert 414.14-, •• '• Toronto. Observation Dining parlor rare on trains 1 and S1, " HUNTERS' EXCURSIONS SiNGLE FARE bu J (4)r the round trip Sudbury ly n ,alt I North October lith 4)a Nmyamilees � 4, Sparrow Lake to S. llwaaf inclusive October Ylnd to Nuvvnttwt• and. All ticket. gad to return until De:ember :411. Write Px14srugrr- Department, ' Canadian, Northern Building, Toronto for eopy of "frig Game hunting." GRAND TRUNIS SY'S EM Hunters Excursions Return Tickets at Single Fare ©eTollER-bth-T-0-111tiVEMBER yd to points in Truuagan,i, points Mattawn to Port Art low; to firoc•gian (1 (v ati1 Mackinaw Division : • fort A (hoe vi: N N 1 .. nn.1_144 14.x11( Npoint. in Hurler, New Brunswick. ova Hceitin and Newfoundland. October 22nd to November 3rd; Muskoka Lakes. l'enetnng. crake of Bays. JI id hind. Maganetawan Ili ver. I,aketleld, Mwutawiskn t, Depot Harbor, Argyle to Cohuconk, Lindsay for Ilaliburtiin, liharlat !Aske via K. it 1'. Railway. And points from SeVellt 10 Norah Ray inclusive. Iteittirn Limit on all Liekets, Saturday, Peenllwr :,th, 11114, or 1111(11 '1,4.' of vigatiun, i(- 'earlier, to (1„11(111 re' e1 1*)' steliatters. Full fort may tw obtained from \ 1', 1". LA WHENCE. 'I'uw11 Agent Y.411, Flr$v Lake Superior Division titeann 4.s leNve Sarnia 3.31 p,' m. on "011014ng1AI'S ;:4.pP11 " and :111, Ortuts'r 7, !I, 11t. 11), 171 amt2•(. November .t, If, la, In, 'Stand 2.1. Freight smiling In addition to above Ir often ' 4• e a :•1t e4. 4) parents, as in the ease (of Saul, en- tirely changes during the period tovrlyd by the birth of their chil- d -et,. : does such ihangr affect the hereditary tendency of the children Morn under the different dispense, tiops ? N'et.es 7.8 -Is it ow es:airy, or right. under our'('hristian civilization, fur a be toward the "lame- and those who are untitled to make their own ming? 1%11-ativyntalri?'Yoe rage for the a%•rraage young elan in iwlmg aide to sit enntimtnnsiy at "the King'14 (x1414" Should the slate make provision to keep the aged and all who are not able to support- themselves': . • ( .I4 giVen o In s. criminate use 4)f, or belief in. patent ntelieinral. 1 ran r..0ro sri,tione y re- cotmlrnd %+1(u -j,��i�l?, '"'sin "'sincere( yours, t�rttue"11. L. ,un•iay," - 1'1)*t is Piet whirr $14:111 t:11uL pruvrs its suprrit•tity' 1t is treated by men and wullten who have tried it at alto- gether different (root ordinary prepare. limns. Doctors, hospital mases. train - October 5tllt 1408. -The lot of Forgiveness, all give %am-Ifuk a gold word : an de1s, m1(1 raly of anyala,canL_aa4uuw P.ahn :C. tial 4)*Y be (maull mote readily :u 1rotrr x(411 they use It. 1(ru•1Sk is, � a ih• Ptail'anti xi vain 4)1the i.uk1«o-T.al-11114....1 114•_!4. wioseo.tutu- than anAtrer:' aig good r(401x1(1lnr s Kn iw sprains, , 011$ tif. 4)l hmtV city altd- ,t1y, Ire n.gressinn i• f0l'gl1 ell, whose sit is 1). est 1dle prayer r''rr-.g,e. un:ul- .a I.1w1,w*tiaxa- and ,arilte1 :1-nar--it-is-foil *hake 1t 1mla.•h trouble.. F4vr 141 14. 1.14 reel. Palm 1(2: 1. .were( ? . r skin' troubles. Hockey players and I sutler (.day whPar cute diel 11141(1 y. h Verne I %%'hal is implied lit the far- itaw', tial take any s(s•eiel care .11 athletes ill general Hull it invaluable. 11410 with sir1 hexdsrhr, dizziness; 111i'- givenes' of a Mat's sins? the sten who obeys 1 ' , or is be just For rluptiuun; postnlrl', scalp sures, 'device, (lisle..., after- .Iting, sec. k - i. a ratan who is forgiven as rtes( a as liable to all life. cata111ities as are itch, eczema. ulcers, (,oils. xbseeeses, befot.• the ryes, bloating, 11,•rrons114.,s. omit. in;di iesiw•cta, as if he (bad never shiners? blood psoisson, rut*. burns, in 'Ilse) and sler•Ples.ne:s and the many-. -nth. r Jnllellc 1'4.1,14 it-14saw- '4w,H4a-1.0.0441--' '.. abrllu it s. itis ai'1) 141. elite. rakes .ylnptttms of in.ligestiotl. - _ pia.* livid t .•I r re• linty w. la's 1 4.n 141 i - 'r •4)r .Its oenJ n u 1 n the wo t4. `4)h o wounds 1 14 .. %' rte - 11 h r Illy u t rel ss t w r xl 4)u t n• e I 1 111. K 1 l pe p e guiding u. it •all the affairs of life? that( list Aeptally was ashes away a gull g ids/idly, 14(404 kirk all disease germs, nuin s sins, 11141 wakes IOW 11.11\' good, All men in this a,nlntunit)• have the ,thus prrt'4.11ting festering Awl in►l+,tu- ur that his sins are -revered'' with Bible, the church and their common nlation. All druggists and steres 144'11 mile robe 111 (h,-i•t's tight., wallow," sense t11 glade them : does Dial pruneat ,Ill• a I8ox, or (all.( free front the and Although he is 11 ill a x11((4111, Hod '1114 any other or s4)_ rer guide, wl (_ is ma .Bnk- C_-: £tt, 1'0* tap+e'er g i ITe441ve ,-Tnrhhlg 4"114. r•att be so Thor. dove nql impuTe sin to hod'? - ;tradable. to alit (4)xes for 42.:l41. 14.1(4 le stump for 1 otighty r.•Iit.l utH,l - to relieve all How would you Iles/vibe a 1(0141( ."hi Iles (io.1 actually import- either trial box. wh...e 441 it their is no guile"? k.tuw'letig,•-or window hpart trim_ the • • I , 4t 1 fit[ rttouBLE _µE5 HERE You Cannot Do Justice to Your Work or yourself %Oh a spillting b.cka.he. It .hues there is something radically wrong. It you have repeated backaches, lame or weak hack, quick pains when stooping or lifting'Aif you are tired and nervous, have headache, ditty spells, rheumatic or neural- _ git pain, Kneel, scalding 1114n., too treauegt Passages, scanty Or discolored , urine, your need attention. lir. HOW s FiJnry and Liver Pills will 44, bring q»ia:k laulp utai(41.1.1,-n:>,+.an.Liosx.ecute/av that _:In tee taken by young 4)r r_rf old; weak or among,. and In every case -+1011 prompt benefit. It1tS� _ RHEUMATiSM CURED Mrs. Silas Davidson, Smith's Falls, says: "1 had rheumatism In 1(l( hips so badly 1 could scarcely walk, i concluded it must be caused from the kidneys, and started using the _.-11.1. -•' u - j be et, so continued taking them. After taking the fifth box, 1 had no trace of rheumatism, or lame back, and 1 give the 4r44111 to Dr. Root's Kidney 1 l or r Pills." ■ l4( ft 1 SAMPLi Ir>R send coupon to Dr. 1 . of S014411414 Ars.. Torun ••, fur a free sample. 25e box of all druggists 1r8404, of p,l1(1plid freer -- Dr. Root Co., Spadina Ave., Toronto. 8 boxes for $1.25. DK ROOTS 25480X KIDNEY&LIVER P1 LLS OSA atlr4n A44(4 STORES to the lines PA /nose, at horse , my 11144) ,,flit',•+, 141,.1 b. . 4)t• t Ilir 11(11, says 1 -pools ilrs 1114 .• ,, .'veryth1t1gg r -o _1('111.4" theft Lc_tli. not think11.' will Is• able to (eke an ('0(114. round - action in fr.' ,hint ter, Tln•r•e 14 in4. kinitdoau- foe astiow,*," whew in the gallery shed, "Would donkey not do as wilt?*'; "Yee," re- plied the actor pie to the stagy door.' THE STRENUOU 'LIFE -Pulls -so Hard on the Stomac%It Must • Have Help. , - - nn-tatrnrdu1X I.' 111, SI all iia. •Clair. -.w ih 7- 31 14*4d the reader had to infer what- i i 4)r amt- -This is like +oltrlr 'Id 'til ,an4(al talk of the Op`eaadtii. r 11:s... -s1( indefinite 11141 not bin t •':11) 1,.- 1long (1e41114. ,11 any of th.- 1111i,t1,s, Enid in reply' 1.. 11. All who are suffering gNllh sl tunnel' trouhlem, and Hutt means at (east two 0411 of Sheer in 44oderi.'h and olhet towns. *houtd 4).e' Mi-' 'ni1( 'tutnrr•(4 -tablets :slothing else i. 4 e etifi• yet \\'fiat Messing. 40,•14 n trio.f>'iini-- 1)4141481 nndb*1iir1l1n1•Ihods - , Two worthy drac,Is, dillalssitg 11x11 poe leas that are not . ra4juye11 1+y \'er1e 11-14 4 Neve ally w:1( ..f karts- tl(4.1ogica m*) I,. , ,m4. day 111x• of hers w Ito i 4)' not 4'hristians % roll nholit 11ar4ttfnl 416118- -h"rt 4.1 41e- die eel, and the 4argnnlrnt wired hot t.t.•ul.les tr..n, 1religrstion /w 511-0'1114.. t4)1, 1i/tide i. Mi -o -1(a 1(1.11 Jas. Wil 8011. with 4.4, L l' :411-14.111,, 6.04. he Neil., gives A gllar*rltet' 1" t '11114(1 flit. ht,nry 114)11444.'111.• 1.•111'.114 • errs. %erste• :1-1 13esrrifte the state ..f tial ex114•rience? what o4).' ts•xreahly-ineiined._aaiai wittll of a 4441(1* 7111(-i1( atsray.a* going - Auiaawa+ al..i4. brew +.* avnitF tM,rx ' .•%wee!. :atvrel, y.o, think rifler,. 1h. you rea.7'I'Itr Sigo..l 4•01,11 eery to Ili". cunscirnee. which hurt thea, and 1s•cou,• ol*4i. 1(t tight and 1 think 1'110 right" lint iia - Compare 4wr--men, nne wh.. hushes Io "the t'it Anel 1lridlr," hilt what iia •friend answered •''1'1141'4 Ilii it OVAL. Ileo. 1►1. ('how•o. Ill, 1,1.1•(1 1.-(.. ,, the voice 111 644d in his rout auld an- I1he better ttay, (.uesllile•to *411 fluorin other who listens to that voiea', and (o•ing.? ote•yr; 440.1 say what. if stere effect 1 he- habits of these torn will 111411• up- on the length of their lives. What is it in amen which lo4.4(5 his •auvisture into (tie droutl, of .11ut' 11Pr," thaat is, turns blessings into .:al- .1mi1 ies:' Verse 5-11'hat are inlvaHatay Ihr results of a full em lt..skin and tw•.a1i- Ing of ado? - • 1101.1410'10 vefil NN' iirwar.iii(1i ii i 1p= on a real emote -vim' to IIrdY . • • Vt./Off WI - 1s it (rut•. or mut. t4a) r Verse IV •\That .nrru44 4 .lo the wicked suffer, which "he that Iro•teth in the Lord- is exempt froom: \'.t•.4. 11 Is is _thri truly taut tit Irg,• 01 .•,rrylssl%, 044 "rejoice an11 shorn 1'11 j' o1." at all times What are the essential conditions for being glad and rejoicing at all times ' This question must be answered in writ- InhbyTe�f ((lees, o[ 11tt r11t0 a .ese'44 (01' M1111.1*V, Nos,i14l0•1 '1.4,� 1t104 A't'ltl..m Rel pis Against Ihn id. 11. Kant. x... LEFT ON HER DOORSTEP FOR How Her Tooth Felt. THIS "OTHER. amid J'w*n t Mrs. A. lie Tu.anl. 4)f I.icrru4.,lr, mission of her 'mistress to tank.• diad wh ntf fm• t1t., pltt•lsw• 111 r. l'al., doorstep writes : "1 pie 14 4.l u{, ft•on1 u1y 1,11111(¢ a .1.116,x1, 1'p on her 111111 • whirl, 1 un)• 11x, a little IH- '1 in the rnnurrasaaid : . which 1 *1180 ittk girl very ' •h in ••11''•11. n'"aalie, di,1 y..0 11:4,4'.(11'' trresteJ. Aly little girl n rive years t4H•Uo fill*(( !" of age had (,ern 1 rnnbled for a long time with loss ..t appetite. extreme: ..*4'1111,1,1"i •A�ij 'Xhat�lid_thl•._aleraLJ t._1JU it • nor.,Natw as tad wMttle fatigue She • was all rim -down And in it eery deli-, "iib gull 414. awAlg:un-Y" t4. rundiHon "I don't I. 'too ""Phis {it lir book was Yeti rom?• pr4 uwm : boli from. 110(4141 think 11 l,ightniog, 1uom hrneir.•ly written, and told of the new method I of exfra••ting the medicinal elements of the cod's liver (runt the oil, eliminating the obnoxious ail which le so hard for children to take. '• 'Just the thing.' *aid I. 'for 4),y little ('laughter,' and 1 iulnlesliately went for la bid tle ..t Viotti. It h4.1pP 1 her w,n,lettoll�. She has gained 171 pu14 in flesh a1)41 Ammo l4. And she does not take r•dd half s1( ria.ih . "I am .•heeling(}• grateful for the good it. has JmtP her. *4)d I hope other mothers Who have weak, deli- e1t4' or ailing ',blithest wilt he Ilene - Med by my expel•ien1e and just el... Viottis *or Vinod is sold in 4icelerieh by H, 1'. 1bailor, lh'u(ttiid. Mad, the Block *System. _ (ltte lay *11141 11 tram thorn, ••1111.11 hail made several sudden ,[1'erks Yuri 8111 opt stops, the tlxleller II4Caltlr sp. 1>,ehensiie. • a,. n writer in The ('hi- cag., New.. There hal (leen nitnProls tts on the !Meld Inter„! 4.-.tl'Pe# tletflainv-tering'the porter , he said n, iv the train .:tfe?" "Ha its+ .any, snh,'' a88nrtd the pot. (P4'. •• \\'ell, I his road M*ln'- grit, it"oiled from Pill 11, ear, ''III.e•k .vs(Pi f1.,-1?--%t'hi, wP bat) dr.gt.enth.t b►o1•k stslwo in ole it•nhl. Tei. utiles bark we 141.1'* blurkel hi a (.,4,4) ..f hay, 4144. tl s\ hark we weir blocker( by al nndP, j1 t '11,4,4 ,(e ate blocked 11( a row, nod reckon whet. we get further soot well hy."'ked ht all 411941 1.11. It1..rk -4- 'tri: 1s,,.. %%'ell, Ah goes. A PAiR TRIAL. 1;.nlruy, NflJ., Ort. .(h.- (Special, The,. clan y related (w•low by (len, ('nfttn, lot this place, prove* 0nee again th*t if I1odd'), Kidney Pill* are given a fair trial they will cute kidney trouble or any of the many dilieese4 that follow in its train, "1 w*s tronhlyd with headache, dizziness, pains in the Nieto cold bands and feet and loss 1(1 eppelile (,Atonal thmitgh 1(,j kidneys being out of o -der," writes Mr. ('ofltn. "1 6*iell no end of renlydiee 11,11 they all proved ,se ens, But having Mad *Mont the wonderful cures of l)Idd's Kidney Pills 1 derided to try there. New 1 can honestly say After giving 1)rold's Kidney ('ill,. a fair trial I never felt Letter in my life. It is, a year ago since thelcured me and 1 Qustill In good heath." in I Snhscrihe tor The !lignah - Georgian Bay Division Steamers 11'ayr ('illingo.e.1 I,:t 1 p. m., Owen +knrr4(1 11.:x' 1.. 11(.. Tn,lldaysand Saturdays (only. for S. M. Marie end way ports. Tickets a 1.1 i I' , it a' i , t (1..o1 ..Ii rail way agents. TO CONSUMPTIVES Edward A. 'Wilson's Preparation of and Blodgett' the Hypophosphites gett from I th original ",mill, is ole• Sovereign Rem- edy for Consumpt ion, Asthma, Bronchitis, Catarrh, La Grippe. Coughs. Colds, nnd all Throat and Lung Maladies. Thousands ,f people say they have been relieved by it. Thews who have used it will hare nn other, and recommend it to their fellow sufferers, 1t hes curet( many ?ter they were given up a.incurable by 1 heir physicians. The undersigned its a eonaumptite coin testify fr'nrn his own experience 141 In its value. T.Vritest once - delay , are dangernu1 n I may1n•oye f*tah For ull peirtleulari.- testimonials. •tc., addr'eea C. A. A SS° T T. Sole ilte.t. M Ano Street. New York C'tt,, N. Y. th..,,' n 61ork .(.len. •.n just what it. w1(., the way 1 feel, I was thnnJ.•t• and WHAT HE WANTED.' Mang 1)11 Nnrtl, true., 1116. 124),. rvperial.)- The posttnaslrr• herr. A11. Itaioa-r Y. Hourllur, is to hr run - gra! ulnted he 1114, got w•lut 114' wanted. After Minting, art,nld for over ten years he lots 1(t 14st 1 1 e 111e 104. kidney disease in Ih,Id'. Kid- ney fills. This is how he relates his riperienee •ot' them)• gt•eitt kidney healers : "1 was nittieted with kidney di-- '4. 4. u 11 and 1 1 1110• limn r •r x en- dured t4. batt int at e 4. durel all the agony (hat ,wtTPrer• from this-'e.mplai,t know only ton well. 1111411.; (1nat doe'''. s 11141 all other 1.•(4(4•414.. wete_,tw'It'.s I should hare given m1(. Tilt 4 wM pl•t'l•ralbe) to try l -'.* I'. Kidney ('ills 11111 1 ran honestly sky 1.146- cli1T me w 4(h tie 1/�-�,F1441\P. 1111,1 41)0)14. * flew 11)4411 1,1 me'BRON CHI Jam/ oidia You think you're rigJtt.l_lett I kru w 1 4.right.' The great Irish 1nageslia14, Larry Sullivan. 14as ..u(', playing Ihrhanl 111. in Shrrwsluna•, 441.1 Iota els( e.n'" *''«1 •»t '1' st.•ph •t1 h*v.' IN•.•1' 4, 141) 1, &gin rof 1111• Mel ieeti,-* ehtt 4.h, 4, • been liyirig 1., .lop tb,s .ah• its I. root.. of 'The (*algal'; Eye4) -,i,1(.sheet not orl",r•1y scurrilous' .eet 4"00,111* (,14(1.4. •.-t/1__by _Dr- __4.Lwca4-*,• • - Let us show you how easy It Is to shake the "Heck" Furnace •i'he."ltecla" Itas toter grate bar:: Each one can be '(take(( separ- ately'._ This Means that you can ,ilhakc down just the part of" the fire wherr_.the ashes are, w ithvut disturbing the rest aft 'e coals. With "I lecla" 'Triangular Grate Bars, you can get rid of all the ashes -save coal -keep the tire bright and clean -and do away with sifting ashes, because no fresh coal or half -burnt clinkers come down in the ashpan. \CP w'.1ntt) hr. -pleased to talk Acer the furnace (p)14'tiun with you end show you, part by part, just why the " Ire. la " Furnace is the Lr.t for )444* to buy C..Ile in at1r 111411• Made by 1:,. salters 01 "Peerless Pealraular" Ranges. eJ C. J. HARPER. - GODERICH Justice. - - said the lawyer for the de - surto AAA F fence In .hie client, "I w1(4 er'14'n1 y BAFFLED DOCTORS inert at your conviction,. (Tient - "1 wasn't : It wars nlI yam. fee'I " 1,4w yer'- •'All'nty fault 1' \\ Icy. I pin up a m*gnifM.nl light for you••S-es, an' you kepi - the jury !hill 41.1( .lrnen,lrrl jii-flee tea' me 1111 Ill*% 0.111 1111' Kii'P 11 1.. ter," CAUSE FOR ALARM. Epidemic Influenza, Grippe, Catarrhal Troubles. Pneumonia Increasing. A 1(1.7"keel Mei ' •-0 111 t4l,nbl . of the hr.-IIhing org*1(1 is 11 .14.41 in ninny haaliliC$. '1f y(111 (till .m14 litre H,. nmei *t. Ilanct^ to us'' 14'4111 the fit • t attack of told in the head, prtrin,umi», didr1e -, brunhitle, bon stows., .ore j th tat, rrn0*'. i4) fat-( env remind/lay i . the trotolde wi11 he quickly Duerr. 4)e. . 1f the -,attack is neglected and lie - come -every, s1s•edy relief will mole in most cases Ann A persistent use of 11y- nmei will elite, The dirr'ethine for using it (Ary, ht11 the ))lrinr•ip•l tanlways the (sine, that of dem lo/ving all the gel 1Ae in the air you breathe and hitting it reach the ail p14.+Apewith .Ily ne(li('*lion how the pine *o4( e,rnhyitti'. forra(s. It emem6o',''bat liquids- or 11(4'(.' 4)l is bei rill A. 411e IrrOnelii41 tlwh.•8 send kings. It's the dry air of II vntnei (hat reriehrs the spot. lames 11'11x.1(1 guar- antees it. Complete motif. $1. The strength of a woman lies in the display of her weakness. PSYCHINE EF FECTED PERMANENT CURE 12 YEARS' TEST. That the Psychine cures are per- manent, Is proved by the following remarlahl• statement received by the proprietors, as recently as August loth, 1908, Mr. Rim. Collis, of r.9 CUWS.B Bruce Mines, Ont , says: "When i first wrote yon ten or twelve years ago, I had Bronchial trouble and s ranting in the chest and! troublesome cough at night. My Doctor could not do anything for me. Finally 1 decided to try PSYCH 1 NE and have much pleasure saying that before 1 had taken all of the third bottle t was as well as ever, and am grateful to say 1 have been eel evsr since. 1 weith 188 pounds and would earnestly recommend P5YCHRW to anyone with the same trouble that 1 had." BRONCHITIS SYMPTOMS.--Rroncht 414 la an Inflammatory disease of the bronchia or airssaes lading to the lungs. it commences with a common chilly feeling, achingpains in the limbi, the patient Is thirsty and feverish, with langour, headache, loss of appetite, and restlessness, soreness In the chest Increased on taking a Ion`` breath or going out Into the cold air, wheering sound In air passages, difficult breathing. A few doses of PSYCH 11'lF. will er.dicats the trouble. Sample sent on application. Send coupon attached. All drug. gists and stores sett Psychlne. 5Oo and $1.00. FREE TRIAL COUPON. 1'o ttr}�iloeawl, t hnit.e. I ad m Mott) TRIAL farnhine.OOTTI IC ikix. ret mal tt)tryM1TtLR Ppt.4 Dressmakers Prefer BELDING'S FOOL SILKS a' they are u n c t (.1 (1 11 1.1 41 i Len -th, Strength and in EMPTY ' POOLS ARE VALUABLE or Belding,` auI & Co., BflDU1GS LIM TED. jot's!"1 s x11: 74 Ray tree 'Toronto '1 Sp Ask youdealer for premium list or \\ rite To New Subscribers *5R woe la DIM THE SIGNAL AND The Weekly Globe to January 1st, 190q, 25 cents to January zst, 191o, fifteen months $,h60 The Weekly Mole- And Can nibs Farmer. with illtedr*(,',b magazine neer each week. is areat store of information g :11tcacti vely presented. Thione who want a gall general w•r('kly paper will maks: 1(0 mistake in orilet•ing The Globe. Mend your subscription to Vanatter & Robertson. _ - The nal, L Goderichi.sai To New al ; ! Subscribers THE SIGNAL AND The Weekly Mail and Empire i to January 1st,` I9o9, 1. 25 CENTS to . fifteen months). $1e60 %` The Weekly ad Ano I 1 1•:1(l it1+ i* An PA P) the great Met - to dila eeklies. Ito news e '1o I C ronin a tthehe n- itufs of the w•hnli• world and its n,trielihnt•al and nen(' , epnrt- torn,e make it h1( especially w•elrno• visitor in the country holm Addues c, Vaunter 4 Rfb:rtrla, January ISt, 1910 V PPe' i The Signal, l,odenchj Ai,,1i1(•'ne•1 11141.• (eel. 11014• e.It the 111.1.sb •4.s . 11e• Busy Man's M. gazine nnhliug us 1(4.,tfer this right, up-to- 1he-minttte pt'rio,til•4t ;('111 (411)) The Sign 4.,,. $2.50 The regular -ettIns •r•iption (1111-4' f the Slag: wine alone i1 $2.IP 1, BUSY MAN'S repr'1410;rs the t•I r*til of the would's Is'rilslical press by r•ull- ing lit, live, interesting and in14true- tiy,• art irk.. bitch issue also contains 14 gi 1(,l 4'111,u)i:to aartiehav of interest t., every ('arl.mljlltl. Many M*1('N is the kind of Magazine which arouse/. the retuler'a interest in the first nage :and keels it 1(p until the. Nick cover in r4. 14(4.11141. All thosewishing W keep pastel on the live qurstlone of the day 14111,1114 nut hesitate to take_ ad-, vantage of this offer. A 4(d. resi VANATTIR t ROBERTSON, The Vignal, Ann *as To New Subscribers THE SIGNAL AND The Weekly Sun TORONTO to January 1st, (909, 2-5,,cents LO -'January 1st, (9(0, (fifteen months' $1.75 The Weekly Son u is the u Farmer's Ifnsineee Paper, giving moot campeeheneii•P market re- imorte encs &sailor, n*eh week with other matters of intereft and value to the fanner. Bend your stiles t'ipt' 144 Vanatter & Robertson, The Signal, GIWIPrlr h �- elws aesiecii TTINICaH rains but as tlus)sldu 111111 fur 14)41.11 w4. uu7ewrr t St Once, the ured x011 i1 nu "1111. 0.11,111.8:r ear. Mlv**UN simnary 111 urian chu ,1,I4.rltlid a :i::tW7t:elt'rt anruc,very.•o1(aH:G)1) rstiugg add Jas. !(anti sou. Uo ably of 4.4.04(4. Mita Potts up in aid u 11r. :Ind Londeslw :and Mi». 1 Mr. 111)41 Kinloss., w Mrs. Abe Mat. IL. adder...(" home of they. Mrs. Wi Juhgrtun, Thursday herr. 0111T1'.\11 detit 111 th t he age of Iasi, in the 1,f the late dr. •easl•d years. Th. .lay in Ilse of the 4 George N A. Stull!' vices and Kilpatrick, Nixon, sr., }flake awl was born 1 \ carne with Kin10l0. CO la. marri a •u inuou 0t 11P 11141)11* . Met odist. gent Moth* __i!!_igh014i'. loss nor son oh the 1,1' Nixon. ha' five bruthe 81.41 1(icll*i R,lu•rt Ihr -end Albert, John MeK the last sad remains we hest ('chic(* 1 Iron. F'inl At the pare *seek. These. San cement fou -Pts- deeteri Commune ill Ashtiehl 1alduuh, COI Mils He1 (lad. Cartier ___ week.,_ I )ouatd Toronto, wh college ca t'nivel-,it s. Murdoch . complete 'V which he in 101 a4 few (1*) Mui.. F. with the \1i Iwmnen. w1( *14I'. for a fe Our pu..t1 ha- 1 '_,14.11*. the Northw the vast res Canada a g \\'in, Mc 1'.. who resit yeast ago, family. is vi wail renew'in some of th tieinity last The folio Awls'rley 1• paper will i former echo, 111 a happy mat wave hem- h Ie • $14 -7Ci- aCo Loca t. Or being circuit Viet( to ohm of signature upon bead 4 • t.: model th 1 three d, vio 1(t, of ci pose, sarong nl4+nt1 , 140111 perniein ,11 ill and tin miles fro ...hook' h.• * cit Win. win well-being o vote and iii, thism c ion n ie law I,, experimental excellent lay judicel••1,'* "pp*.rt unity the nelghllc and in other coming cord lent. then, ' which ...Wet the openly 1 again.t easel formers in is contend. i enynne, fit jer•1 of won. :11e perhnpit evil njettinaz stand n 1 shall &h..ve ment precisely in *ct, that is tures to a 1 44t(*Ine1. rim In do As 1 ('((1(116 ie t, only to eta who pllofss• being of 1) should coin position, et clam( *1(4.11 in the ('0)111