HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1908-10-15, Page 13More proof that Lydia S. Ptak• ham's Vegetable Compound carer Nick women. MIAS M. IL Moral, 33.' l hltari0 'Nontfeai, writes to Mrs. flnkham: I was in very poor health and doc- tored fur months:, receiving eery little benefit. I had last all ambition, was nervous, and subject to dizzy apeus and painful periuda each month. •• A friend suggested Lydia K. Pink., ham's Vegetahie tbtnpoupd aa the proper medicine fur me. I procured a I.,ttle of this remedy and began tear- ing. and before it was finished, I felt .l, much better that I continued its nae and gave it a thorough test, with the result I am to -day well and a much healthier girl than 1 was three years ago. ''1 have no more painful periods, dirsinesa or nervous troubles." FACTS FOR SICK WOMEN. Nor thirty years Lydia E. 1'ink- ham's Vegetable Compound,'made from roots and herbs, has been the standard remedy for female ills, and has ptlaitiv cured thousands of women who haver .'.n troubled with displacements, e i t e ulot,ra, tion, fibroid tumors., irregularities, periodic pains, backa(1he, that bear- ing -down feeling, s - t on;d1Zzi1 Bas ornervona n, Why don't you try it? Mrs. "'inkhorn invites all sick women to write her for advice. She has guided thonaan. ,to health. Address, Lynn, M -lk#EALTt1Y- ENS are the only kind that pay The most healthy are those free from lice and Tice cannot exist where EmpirePoultry Duster Is used Endorsed by all Poultry Fanciers as 'BEST YET 25c. package For sale by all Druggists and dealers in Poultry Supplies EMPIRE CANARY DUSTER 11 kills vermin on Canaries. sio Good roceries Real 5ood Groceries Only good Groceries Cheap considering quality ,t verything fresh and seasonable Ring up 'phone No. 91 Immediate attention your order Everything delivered proptly Sturdy Co., THE GROCER ON T ' - SQUARE, the THE 'SIGNAL : GOL)ERICJ ., ONTARIO NANNY GILMORE'S DEATH. i Man Accused of Killing Former Wiag• ham Girl. Chicago, Oct. 12. --The mystery in e ineetlun with the heath of Fanny Gilmore Thompetnl. the Cana'111111 tt'nrtian wh.. was found ruuolered he a 1 •e ou Michigan avenue in July, .reals to he nesting a want' Lu1u- an C. Manu, sou of a wealt by levideut et Oak 1`�,rk.bni (sen.pi.sitively-l.lwe. 'tifit d tum the pul•l•itase' of the tope which hound Mrs. Thi mpwtn `in brae death draggle.. and is udder a *a - Olt bawd to appear in court on October Ile 11. 'l'he 'melee say Manu ha. leen idrutiflt•d Ly "lis of the tenants[ .th housie tt't-W1iieh the`ieuraae•r tn,k place es 1 e ,vtupuuit)tt of the cid ire When he was arrested a 'edict' said to leloug to 1 he murdered woman and a key to the duan' of the death ,•hamla•r wieet found in Manua possession. Th,• Secuse*I protests his innocence. and declares he is able to prove au alibi. The vie' MI of t he rder ens tranuy Gilmore, drugl,Iter of a retired Hritish sPblier who lived for mtuiv Venter at 1Vulghluu, Ont. After Jetty. lug (home Fanny, who was a strik- ingly lwaulifulgirl, oseethete.1 for sumo year,' heti' Pen • Toronto, Detroit and `VittAipug. Fur mains time plwvious to lila January she was a waitress in Eaton'. luuch room in Toronto, and frau, January to May she worked for the saute firm in Winnipeg, Where she was known as Mies Irene• (faker. She is dsid 1,r _Lave Inaerie'l ,. 1:e Yaut, ••sense! teacher mimed Tholnlw,ry, and to hate• lived with him for some Ilene. •hitt the pair Iaepareteel ever a year ago After leaving Winnipeg in Ma IItlre'woman heed vartoutl posltiitil^ 1 -rhIitgo,'and i1'was there in ltreon, i 1 11 n m alma anent house at 1.'12 Michigan avenue that her iuody wee four, on July 2nd, There was every evidence of a terrific, au•uggle in•-ruuan.- though no one in the house seems to baa board- n»y- noise. .The woman had Iteeu gagged, hound hand and foot with a clot hes lint. and strangled to death. A man who had been with tier tit ale house had dlsippeared tour or five days in•fure tie•.1a.1, le+aa found. - - Dungannon's Big Event. .1 an Itidesi front page 1.1 H. Pentland ; emit apple, Jas. Alton, 'tV. Alton ; four named varieties, .-Kirkpntt•ie k. eerie et..- - Three named varieties of rs, Jas, Kirkpatrick, Jai. 11- touu : vee hartlet pears, R. Mcllwain. A. W. Alton.; five, N'I,•Igieh beauty pears. J Kirkpatrick. R:Mellwaiu e hour clageon, H. Mcllwain, L He eringt u• • ;' three nahted varieties of ph . '. 11. McCracken ; one named v et 01 plums. W. 11. Me- ('racken, ' ell wain ; collection grapes. R. Mcf ain, Miss Syming- ton ; plate pe es, Jew. Alton plate ,lujoce•., Tb s: Risher. R Mc- llwain ; collection a en Hower., Kra Andrew Kirk. Judge -W. Wm nock. ' •h. ° ,,., _ Manufactures. Teti yard,♦ all -wool 11 • nee' A -Min : pair -woollen hlanke . J. Mc - Mama'. Jli.. Alton : Ind horse hlankuts, homemade, .las. Al' I, A. W. Alton : collection of cabinet urs, Win. span!!. ,nudge - J. M. Robert:, Oungann Ladies' Work. ('rachet in eotten. MI's. A. .John- ston, Miss S) mington : rreehet in silk, Mrs. It. eitevtenson, Miss feyming on ; Mexican drawn work. Miss tiyiunngton. Mrs. Stevenson lady's anee- wool mitts. Ms*.' A. .lutlnston, M len Sy • gton : hilt'.. fancy apron. :She. A..lohneton, Mies Livingston tory sofa cushion. SlimSymiiigton. ors. P. iL Johnetuu ; Milton -lace, Miss Syinington. Alis Living -ton: mint lace, Mies Livingston, Mrs, A. lohnston ; Roman embroidery on inen, Miss Livingston. Mrs. R. Ste- vens•r M etOn t ahnnlslippers. iss 11, on [m Hayden : embroidery ouslin, Mise_ .yuns, Mrs. Stev,ns,nl : crochet table- nats in cotton. Mime Symington, Mies u41t:n1 • rereee crust )1r -s_ Steven= ori : {`lat•hwork guilt in cotton. Miss htniilton. Mies Symington patch York quill in wont. W. H. McCracken, I iss Lyons : patch work guilt in silk, I Symington. Mrs. S. Il. Johnston: esu pairs woollen socks. Miss Lyons, lies H. Hayden ; two pairs woollen Welting, Mrs.. Stevenson. W. 11. I.('r•a,•ken ; two pairs woollen mitts. lies Symington. Mrs. Stevenson ; mbroidery in silk en cotton. Miss .ivingstnn, Mra. Stevenson; eml,roid- ry in milk on.linen, Miss Woods. Mrs. teetelimma ; tea cozy. Miss Livingston, Inc A. .lohhst„n : shawl.' euu,e net. ire. A. Johnston.Mr:.. Stevenson : awry pin cnshiun. Miss Livingston, ism. A. Johnston ; table cover, Miss ivingston, Mrs. Sternstm : five 'BInek heti cloth, Miss Lyunr, Mem, teeyenw,n : Ing cabin guilt. Miss Sy tington, Mrs. Howrie ; handkerchief re-het,•nso ehet, Mrs. !Recommit). Ars. S. IL ohnston ; sofa wool Itl•ghnn. Mite' n, ymingtoMee. Stevenson : sofa illow, Misr !.yon.. ells Livingston nen shirt. mnehine•nutde(unwashed), Inc S. IL Johnston. Miss Hamilton : nen shirt, hang made innwnshell. Miss Hamilton ; whiskholder, Mrs, fe'enson, Miss Symington ; pillntc haws, Miss Symington, Miss Woods ; ,•e handkerchief. Mrs. Stevenson, rs. Howrie : bat tenburg Ince table over. Mrs. v Steenson. Mrs. A. John. pit; laundry ling Miss Livingston. rb A. Johnston : Berlin wad work, at. Mise Lyons. \lis, Symington ; raeey knitted. Ism -Mt*Stevenson. iss Symington collection of burnt trot work` Mrs. Jos. Griffin. Miss amilton-;.mbroidered linen picture eine, Mins Livingston. Mrs. Steven - on ; elnhryidery)en satin. Mrs. Stc'e- tson, Mrs. Griffin .1,fanc-) head rest. ism Lysins. Mrs. A. Johnston : ribbon ork. Mrs. Steven.nn: Mrs. Howrie : et slippers. Mrs. A. Johnston. re.Rhtvenson ; rag mat, Mies Ilam nn, Mk. A. Johnston ; 'Japanese aril mat, , t Symington ; crochet tilt. Mims Symin n. Mrs. Hnwrie ; ay cloth, Mts.venson, Miss ivingston ; embroidery with jexvels, iss Symington ; knit slippers. Mrs. Tiffin. Miss Hamilton : knitted guilt, iss Symington. Mrs. A. Johnston •[stool. Mrs. Stevenson : table ntre piece. Miss Livingston, Miss yens : washstand sptasher. linen. iss Symington, Mrs, Howrie ; draw - g -room screen. Miss Symington. rs. A. Johnston ; hest collection of les work. Mims Livingston, Mrs. owrie. Mrs. Stevenson. Special whet on enol, Miss Lyons. Judgem Mrs. T. R. fame, Dungan - nn ; Mrs. Thor'. Stofhers, Dnngan- on; Miss Mary I'hillil/s, Belfast, Fine Arts, Etc, fainting on moleskin. Mrs. K. Stevenson, Mrs, R. Mcllwain ; paint- ing on bolting cloth, Mina Symington, Mrs. St fit ; collceun of oil 111111..paintings, Mrs. (irieln,111111.. . Steven- ; collection of water colors, Miss n Kvel Hayden, Miss Livingston ; pencil drawing, Miss Livingston, Mrs. blowrie : crayon drawing, Miss Evelyn Hayden, Mies Livingston ; collection of pro and ink sketcher, f f 1 HiI' to S 11 S .1 `K li I1 S la M s1 M II M 51' 11 ter m, et M er '.l int 7 I' tr e; fo ceL in M M lad H Bn nt nc Get your size in Stanfield's- and you will get perfect fitting underwear. Stanfield's Underwear is absolutely unshrinkable. That means, no stretching ---no bulging over the hips, wrinkling at the waist. All sizes from inch bust -in 3 . I nsist on seting 22 to 70 winter Stanfield's IlIshTI)lC . Underwear 1911 To the Electors ' W. ACHESON - & SON 411 West Huron. TWO DAYS' BARGAINS IN Seaspnab1e Goods GY11I.I•]ytbti. - As a candidate for Pilrllantent, 1 rr• spee•tfully ask your uttpport . in the Bunting e,aulpaigu. 1 have lived its the cntetey, with., only_ ahb,ir since Titly: Alfti. T !rove en a. t.utuewhat we•tit'e port in public *Waiter, and have always bream willing that the searchlight should be turned um either My public or private acts. 1 di, not say that 1 have not uttade mi. - tate' Two one knowlrtttat:t-n•tce deet ter than Myself, but l do say that have always endeavored to advance the interests ur the Dominion am a whole, and Chow• of the Riding in par- t irulat: While in general 1 out a u porter of the present Government, i ata a believer in the abolition of the Senate•• I think it would be wise to reduce or abolish the duty on coal 1 would try to make the customs taxe,s paid by tartlets .w light as possible. I favor any scheme that will give fainters a telephone ayeteni, so that every farm- er could have a telephone in his home. 1 think toe fl►eilitlee of the postoftice could he materially increased in the public interest. 1 believe the voters' ists should be more up to date, and that no one should lose his frsncbiee Ietemee he bad moved from one con- atittency to- ansther. I believe in IT-vqrnrneot controV any pubic uIiliiy. • believe in the prudent expenditeire of public moneys for the development of the trade and reeoureee of this gleet Dominion. I believe that public omen should be Above reproach ; that principles should mast' more than party; that the interest of the country is greater than that of an individI. tr you nee -Ir t -to- erect rue as so e representativk. Lawlor* you 1 will do wy best to show that your confidence. hag not been Healthy -ed. Reelpect(idly soliciting your iofiu- vote, 1 am, Very truly yours, ROUT. HOLMES. SATURDAY &-MONDAY, :OCT. 10 & 12 announcement VALUES of this anouncement are unusually attractive and will show bow a saving may be effected on seasonable articles by buying from our large stocks. LINOLEUMS Two, three or four yards wide, lit a tenet. of patterns, burs! 3- lied block mitten's, special it' yell'... ...... 40 PAIR COTTON BLANKETS Largest best double eixe with pick or blue borders, �� �C regular J $1.75quality. et per pair SALE OF TABLE LINENS A shipment rw.eeived of 'seconds in table linens; we're placing the, on sale at fully 2.1 per cent. less than real value. All putty linen ,•1 standard quality, some with wu+il weavingIrt'reta--e1et 2 l---2.211. 2x:i and 21x3. ttegular $151) to $t'.tao„v:alues, at o 0 $1.00 to $"i. from 0 High -Class Dress Goods PRINCESS BROADCLOTHS in rich shades. VENETIANS. IMPERIAL CORDS, CHEVRON STRIPES. • WORSTEDS in handsome self and two tone effects. Pretty COLOR COMBINATIONS and BLENDINGS, correct weight and finish for the smut tailored suits. - ADIOS' FALL COATS A large choice of Ladies' l•trket. iii Krises and Beaver. sneaks neitly teilurtel and trimmed. ine,lnl,n 1•.nt �Z On�l t„ g U10 QO lengths[ prier. range Miss Livingston, Miss E. Hayden specimen 'of peumapship by boy or girl tinder fifteen years, Reggie Glen. Stella Kirk ; collection of sowers painted on glans, Mies Livingston, Ire. R. Alcllwein ; collection 01 fruit painted on glass, Moe, R. Mcllwain, Mrs. Griffin ; collection of animals painted on glees, Mrs. R. Mellwitin, MTs. Howrie ; collection of metallic lustre, painting. Miss Livingston: Miss Symington ; collection of autumn leaves,. Mrs. Andrew Kirk ; oil paint- ing, animals,, Miss Livingston. Mis. Stevenson ; collection of noxious weed seeds, named. by boy or girl ut.der fifteen you., attending shod, Har- vey Pentland : collection amateur photography, Miss Harriet Hayden. Judges -Mee. McNabb, Dungannon.: lee.M. t 1 Bice, I) tngannon. ' 1RIII►E l REPORTS. Liverpool and Chicago Wheat Futures f Close Lower -Live Steck- Latest Quotations. Monday Evening, Ca't. 12. Idverpou wheat future. ,•hse,1 to -day i,d to Yrd 10 r than Saturday'. and corn our hanged ..►1 Chlrago, Vacwheat closed .e 1. mer it ,,, Saler !WOO,/ isueenber 15101 closed ere higher, :uta ter 015(5 wi- n Winnipeg Options. • towing are Mr clueing quota t eQa on win • . s grain futures : - W --Cletubev Paye bid, Ileesethe•r Y-yc L1 May ltic 1,10 Vats- •tuber 37%. bid, IJsoember c asked. T to Grain Markets. Wheat. fall, bush f0 90 l0 10 to wheal red, sVlaea I, goose, tlwh o w----._.;: ` Itye, bushel Buckwheat. bust Peas. bushel 090 Itarlry, . bushel 0 i.s V-14 vats, bushel ,.... Toronto DairyMarket. flutter, separator, dairy o 21 0 Bulger,, slag .luta Butter, creamery, lb. rolls. V 1e F:ses, new -saki,. dozen 0 Christ•. large, 1b 01 Cheese, twin. Ib ' 011 Honey, extracted ....•c 0 10 0.11 Comb honey, doz. sections2 SI 7!r Now York Dairy Market. NEW TORI:, Oct. 12 -- Butter s. •-t :it steady, receipts 1112t4; 1rruu,en, spe rlalx. _de to 21Ki•; .arms. :-tor thirds. 'to firsts Ile to '.ie; held, npe•elalx. to 'e. .talc dairy. cannon to Crest. ice• 1., 314 poocess, common to specials to ^Zii. western factory, first. Is lit I.,,• western Imitation , reamery, first. 1914, ,o, 2u•. Cheese- Flan: receipts, 11111; state.-, ill erwtm. apeelaIe tale to War:- do. small. colored or white. fancy. IP"; dv.. large. colored or white, fancy, 1254 : do.. good to prime. 13.• lit 'Mix; do., common to fair, 10''u- to llxc; sus. 2.• to mew. gage- Vim. reostpq, 7714: state. Pennsylvania and nearby, selected. whit,' fray. ati• to Tic; de. fair to choice _'r to 3tt; brown and mixed. rangy. :'0.• to re; do., fair to choice, Mr. to ;7.•, wen; - ern, first. Stec to 211e; seconds, to :3.. CATTLE MARKETS. Cables Are Firm --No change In Prices at American Markets. LI,N11(51 Oct. 12. -!.endo, cable. for tattle are steady at [talc to I.•„ tee ts.und, eresset merit. refrtg.ral,e 1•••.•f Is quoted at Plc to bees par Pound Toronto Junction Live Stock. TURONTo JCNt.T1ON, ter I2-. Receipt& of live stock at the inion Stock Yards were 65 carloads. eom- I.uaed of 13.70 cattle, K3 IP,,Is, 46n,htep and lambs and 30 calves Exporters. Export steers sold a1 1450 to M, per cwt 1.111ch 1. 13.- lower than the hlgheet pries paid one week ago. 1: xport buns solei et 13 70 to 14.x. the balk going at 017•, 10 11. Ysteaer.. There was n good, strong market fur the beet finlshen butchers which are Searcy, thea. days. One load of ,•holgs pleked butcher: helloes were sold by picked butchers'... hetf0rs wan Mold by ttunn & I.evaek at 16 per cwt., wbhrh weighed 1300 lbs. each, hut they were ex- ceptionally good, as cattle are celnlne now. }'Irked Int 15054 at 1471 to 14.11; loade of gond, 14.40 to 1470; medium. acts to KM. common, 11.75 to M; lows. MAO to 113.75, canners, 11 to 12. Feeders and eeeeb.a. H. & W. Murby were on the market, as well an several others, who were (noalltg Hunters' Excursions via Grand Trunk Railway system. Retitle' tickets at single fare ; October lith to November 3rd, to point. in Temegami, points Mattawa to Port Arthur. To Georgian Bay and Mack. inaw Division ; Port Arthur via N. N. Co., and to certain points in Quebec, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, and Newfoundland. October ''22nd to November 3rd, to Muskoka Lake., Lake of Bays. Mag- anetawan River, Penetang, 'Midland and Lakefleld. Madawaska to Depot Harbor, Argyle to ('oboconk, Lindsay to HAlihurton, elharh of Lake via h. it P. Railway, and points trout Severn to North 13ay inclusive, Return limit on all tickets Saturday, Deceit). her:rth, WOK, or until clone of naviga- tion, if earlier, to prints reached by steamers. Full information from any (.rand Trunk ticket agent. W. ACHESON & SON for o.nuer; CAW!. Inc messrs. muroy sold u ng load of good. 1100-Ih. .leers at 17.1a. and they smote feeders, Mal h, 1100 Ms each. at 1.3 GO to P.M: feeders. We to 1000 ILS. each. at 1$25 to :sofa. goad stook• era. at 13 per cel-. common d .• rt to 12.;0; distillery bull',. *•.:A to 12 , •t springers. Fred Rowntree bought 21 nm1k..s a apringers at t:21 a1i 170. or an average , 1•sl reel. but Ihry wet. of good qual,t.. veal retiree. ' Receipts light price .tend., at 13 to 16.50 cwt. aberp asd Lambs. Export ewes. 1. = • to 1'S.500; rams, 1:.30 to 12.75; numbs. St et to 14.70. Itega. !loons, Limited. report selects at 1610. fed and watered at, the market. and, gee f.o.b. cars at cnuntry point, which la the same as at the latter end f last week„ Montreal, Live Stock Central Stuck Yards West Eud Market the receipts of live shock for the week 1> ending 1. 1n were _ 51 cattle. L'a'g.' sine.. and !arab,, 2"411'144.gs and In valves, whir - -H..• supple thin nr..rrrinK -ware too t atvA 1:GI .sheep and ;..u,Lo..13W buns ams .fs+ "deft,. A wr:ekes feeling developed. on the market for tattle tins -morning and prices .1 .-lined 4, per pound for all grades. T1.11 was due to the fact that the offerings were ninth larger 514n a week :ago. and, as they consisted prlurl pally of oeuall stuck of lightweights. the defraud was only fairly glad f r such. but users was a good enquiry- for good 10 rbun'.- heavy rattle, which were scarce The rsuse of the increased receipts Is said 10 be due to the high prices ruling for feed and the scarcity of hay In mine sec lions of the'eouatrf. ', t, -h are forting farmer. to til their surpto, stork Veto.. the winter Has In. -Cables from Ialver- pwl on Saturday stated that trade In cattle was s1ow, but noted :t firmer feel- ing In the market at an advance In prices of 'lee 1. :l,' per naiad. as ...mewed with those of a week ago. which tended to in- ce-Mee the demand front wet etkorhrs; -IiOT.'-Q--xuitaYne-'7LttA'R'-7iu:r-.rciiree`77re- volnme of trade In this .direction was sm,..11. Lural :,utBhrtr 1.' • agar lac for char.- beeves, 4' to Ole,' fur no.. Jur. Sly.• lar (.5h, AP lit 31..e for Boui Bun, aa1 ye 1u °M• (or ilderlyn, ter Isl. There was no furttter change In (00' i hs - u ouz-ut the ntarkett for .Iambs sinew- 1 day wrrk. '1•I4•• 'attn.', was mart, Invite Out, as,the demand from local buyers wawa Raid. as active. trade was done. and pieces+ were' maintained, with ...Ie., ef choler tuts at :s' ;•, Sano, And good at .kyr Nle per 11 '1'l.re was no Improy.•miarut 1n tie demand for sheep for export :ic- eau oal.g to the eoptlnurd low priers that a Is•1riK rral5sed for then' In all the ft ` market.., consequent ly 1- ale was slow. but In spit. 44 Ills fart values rule',! - atm u steady', and ..Ira of- cion., tuts for lora 'aerosol were Inadr at and ,'urs at .. r t,. 354a'pe Ib. A fah', trade was dune calves: -_and priers oh or ole uu. arSX,• Sale". f stall -fel stuck vs:re ',sada. at ='v to 4 per 11, live weight Owing to Increase.! •elpts atf bo,, .md e'aaadlan ba,•ou, a as'. •,-r fes;tng h:w prevalk•.' to "the market, 1 pile.•. are. •:r per In, lbs lower than week ago. The drn..u,d at this ,vara4 llu was' woos! from- !owes*. .Ms -al !owes* wad Ztrtrrr L adz was duns. with sales mf Ir.9e•d u lta at sa l:• per la, 10s. w.ljlatrl or - •ars.., ._ Thr rats,rls of Inv.• 5(as•k for the 10 , t1, of rLylentb.•r were t:,:Tk; ,a111,. 2431 .1, maY1nK a total for the season M NA rattle and 7152 sheep, as cantered with ft,IMal rani.• and 41J6r• sheep for the .ant• WI lsl in 1sr17. East Buffalo Citta Market, I:AS'1' !tl'F'F.V,u, Ort L' cattle it. cripts, MMI brad: slow and generally steady: prime steers,. to si.±.; ship- ping, 15 to 03.aa; butchers', 14:::. to i, 50, heifers,. 13.30 to ft; ewes anA 1,0115. 1: 75 -lo- 14-_'•' ,Ns-krrs and feeders, 13.35 to - /1"u sm.*, heir, -r4, 12.75 to *3.4 - fresh -,Ws :vol springers strong, 112•C to 164. Veals--Reowlpts. Iia, head, active and 1n higher. PI.o t10 S. tenger--ltecrtplx, 21.000 treat!; slow std stead.. heavy. N: to 16.10: mixed, 13 7. h, 114.14; voakers.- Its. to P. pigs, Si to 1fr-5--•rmrJhs-tr75 n1 *0710: stags 14 to 14 at, 11.11 rtes :.nd grassers, 16.7: to 11, W. . ...,..,ivy a m Cold Weather Comrort in Cold Weather 't'HIJlwn-►v, October 15, 1808 6 1 We have lust received a very Targe importation of the High =Grade Cutlery of LOCKWOOD BROS., of Sheffield, England. This importation includes Table Knives and Forks, Celluloid Knives in dessert, medium and table sizes, A large range of Carving Sets, Tea, Dessert and Table Spoons, Bread Knives and Steels, Pocket and Pen Knives, zors and Scissors. Putting t with our former stock, we can now: give a wide range 10 :hoose fr and as we are crowded for room we will make s special sale for of Week, and giv: a discount ranging from I0 to 20 `PE,R: CENT. OFF --. on our whole stock, for cash. We want you to see these goods,, if Lott do not with to biay now, for the prices wail pleasantly surer you. - HowdL Hardware Co. Limited. Couch = Dave- I port -Bed SEE OUR COMBINED SEE OUR COMBINED ALL IN ONE INSTAN7LY ADJUSTABLE STRONG AND DURABLE It will save its price by economy in fuel this winter. Asksee it. No trouble to show it. 1 1 l'hmie. GEORGE JOHNSTON Stun{,. 91 Night Palls promptly attender, FURNi I URE and UNDERTAKING Hot Water Bottles and Syringes 1 Now is the time of year to be thinking ( buying your Hot Water Bottles. We have the largest 'stock of these in Western Ontario and WE HAVE THE GOOD KIND Those that wear and Rive satisfaction. We have them at all prices. Call and let us show then[. BUTLANDtf GODERIC " THE STORE THAT PLEASES." �IMMO -- i 1 FOR THAT COLD Our WHiTE PiNE and TAR, with WILD CHERRY, Guaranteed to cure. 25c per Bottle. HOREHOUND CANDY sec Ib. ROCK CANDY 20( Ib COUGH DROPS 2 or sc. BEDFORD BLOCK GODERiCH, ONTARIO RST. READ OUR FREE CATALOGUE >•R:;. `d q` THEN Decide on the Business College We ash therlv '� + LIi't'h►. P !lege of sending you our intensely-interessting, handsomely- illustrated FREE CATALOGUE- In fact, you really owe it to yourself to get fo,se► Cilf a► a copy and read It thoroughly before you ?1a• .ad 5bo,lk•a select the Business College to attend. BO'1°•��Cotles• o....e• This Catalogue explains all about our t..a••� school, our faculty, our different courses. Tellm why we honestly believe our Col- lege to be the best forou. After reading the boo& we will leav you to fudge for yourself. Sending fora copy places you under no obligation. Just mail your name and address on • postcard. Students ad,ut.d eat rim.. Sperm! opening. S•pt•,nb•r .nd January: The Forest City Business and Shorthand College 7 LONDON, ONTARIO 21 WI WESTERVELT ?,.ap.l J ,t w6STCR VOLT. J. C.A.. yer.PAA•401 Granby Rubbers GRANBY RUBBERS wear like iron. SOLD ONLY BY are the best -looking and the best -wearing Rubbers on the market. G. M. Elliot. MOW 4, OVES ! STOVES! STOVES! W1 1'11 t1 approiu.11 of winter the 1hought;nf Stoves in nmsoBi,tl Pd. We have' it complete line of Ranges a l l d H ea r Orn ti, 4.1104 perp f rynt. The world wide -known HAPPY THOUGHT & WORLD'S FAVORITE aro• leaders, .,,no•thinw twit in the If.tnge Ilse THE SUPREME I u this range the this travel towhee live tildes of the oven, whereas other, only touch three. It is the only mecondery eunibnstion and v keg-on/mining range on the market. 1t is guaranteed to maSP :dl per cent. of the fuel when using turf( coal or wood and :1'1 per cent. when using hard coal. It horns the gases that others throw, up anti out of the ell inrney. In Heating Stoves the RADIANT HOME still leads, the market. we can give you monit. splendiil values in second-hand I;.,nges and heaters. BUTTER MAKERS, have you seen the new SANITARY CHURN displayed in our window, which is to be the find price for the hest \ ht -Tb. crock of butter shown at the ((rklerich industrial V'hihitien P Plumbing, !lotting, I:avestroughint and Electric Light Wiring promptly attended to and all work fully guaranteed. PORTLAND CEMENT always in stock. Store 'Phone 22 House 'Phone it' CHAS. C. LEE