HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1908-10-15, Page 5LAURIER AND THE LARGER CANADA SUPPLEMENT TO
The Twelve Years During Which He Has Held the Pre
miership Mark an Epoch in Our History -.-His
Work Will Always Live.
Sir Wilfrid Laurier may be fairly•Jeseribcll-as- the brit atatestnan
of the. new Canadian era. Nlueli of the lifework °f his l,redeec':sors
had been done beftire Confederation: At Confederation Laurier was
a young man, just beginning his practice at the bar, and it was four
years after Confederation when he began his public earecr as a memn-
ber of the Quebec Legislature. Three years later he made his first
appearance in the IIouse of Commons. For many..years he was known
ae a graceful orator, little interested in the oraiinary- pelitieal-ftrife,-
but always commanding attention by the'd,ignity and grave courtegy
of his bearing, and the distinetion of his style.
From the time that -he was elm -tit -1 lender of T 10-0- sl on in
1887 he steadily grew in public esteem. It was gradually realized
.that he possessed not only eloquence of apeeeh and urbanity of man-.,
-is-&a-i neobtatAR- egreet-wtfrlftiCttC-l}Treeitte7s, anet
the power to make decisions quickly. IIe could rise to an oeeasion,
`and the greater the occasion the better.' This charaeteristie was gen-
erally remarked in the various meetings that have been held in Eng.
tirmness gave him a.high position•among the leading representatives
ei the Empire. Ile' is`at his very beat in deliberation upon affairs of
national importance, upon Imperial questions and international quea
The-tteelxe years during whieh he ham held the premiership•ligvell
marked an epoch in Canadian history. Not sinee Confederation has
there been such a vital change in the position of.Canada, and in the
Canadian outlook. For many years Canada has been a,land of.pro.
mte. it has beeoine, a land of fulfillment. Doubt, misgiving. dot. •
appointment have vanished; the hopee of the founders of Confedera.
t.ou, long deferred, have tern realized, or assured of realization.
t'amele. has beenme, in feet if nett -in name, a nation, With national
:,tl,irations, ren!1y to do n nation's work in the world. The golden
'West, long unpeopleet, is being rapidly turned into a enuntry of hoines.
R.'ligheis and raeial strife have vanished, and all the diverse elements
'et our population are working together to build up here a free and
strong eommnuwealth.
• With this splendid era the, name e.f Stir. Wilfrid Laurier will
:.seal's be associated.
GODERIU11, 111URStL\' , OCTOBER Dill, i
The Ties Which Bind Him to the
People and Give Him His
Hold Oh Them.
Nothitt ; of the Hypocrite About
the Chieftain -The Premier
in Action.
The secrets of Slr lVtlfrld's hold
neon the pubtlr are mnrtfottf. '$,1ne of
them have to4. with the tree' Le the
silk top14G fife -i ]histo* figure a -r!►
wcrld-statesnian who la nlsn a Cara-
glan. Rut there Is ano•htr iter which
binds his people to hint. It 1s the sett
tied e....rl.N,.,, th.,t tine
old soft hat. the Cdr Wilfrid ,•f Me' hi -
titre hoer. he • xactly the name Sir Wll-
frld ae the than who steps upon the
-flettosttr -Wilts his -data ea -rerun) en'
a.onced In the. atilt topper upturned -•n
the table beside him.; It is all summed
up In the spontaneous .•xprossion of
the loyal patriot who watched hint
'keit of Lis .recent rneetlnal
t an's stc•elght." alio /In m••,4tut 1t -e!'"
s,l ralght itial.(ligt hi r, morethan pub- G gglbe:
Ile H(c'. He meant that me Chieftain 1,: humnu vol
sin., re: no, hypocrite. It he had re. n Itader's dist , sae rave what they
the - Premier lounging In his ear In Ile
beloved comfort of an old telt hat, he Lal her. ,l (mitt this handplsy. with a
fete ha:t life
would lthave remarked that the w.,nt etcaslunxl wafted on the fickle '
life o tit the m1411 . the sok bre, se Yct 1h laughed w•Ith 8)r
Tat Tire Or the leader are pretty • mut h H4HtftMS- hamt•; . me Parne•et- w4t4
In accord, and that neither has been besmirched: Wilfrid's, ).aims: MO(' ked ala foal
besmirched:by Sir ll'llfrld's nae, i most of all.
Mia Favorite Gesture were convinced by Bir llfrld's open -
armed surrender of hint If and ale
Offb end. an ebservrr w.ntld probably record to their judgment an their will
. _.-_-_ . - -- __ - - - -- --.--. - -_ _�,_.r- ----s
Even the most bitterest of
trials have their humorous side.
A supporter once telegraphed
to Sir 1\'llfrfd from a remote
t c rot It uenry "Report In elrcu-
lauon herr that y•ur antagon-
ism to lt.hglon Is so strung that
you Fate never had any of your
children buptlsed. Very :lamas -
mg t., {arty. 'Telegraph me if
untrue.' Ser W,I'frld'sreply was
chareterlstle. "Statement Is -un•
tt rtunat.•ly unite true. I never
had a_ child to baptise."
say that the eloquent !tench-Cana-
titaan Is a man of 'Many gestures. He
Put there ••n• two or three which
es again and again. and of these,
,tie, W cit is his fa•+.,rite and his beet.
W tit th., out■tretrhmt-arhsa.
palms to th luoplc, baring his breast.
115 it were, as ne who would say, "1
have )1111 to Ju tit tt all" -this fa
the Chia Neltl cony •Ing. the Premier
with a_rauard wnloh h 4 not ashaat.d
b:,a.,hien are tuning and .e. The
ellueh,•,l. lands held almost a level
with the late defy the criticls of
the for The 3pen left. with
right Met pounded into It, ,this Is the
elft her of the, finished_ argument.
be remerttherete-•at the
]ren -air meetings held In On -
ere vast.•r e-oncouraes came
an could he reached ey a
knew, uothing of the
stronger man n• siat> - . t •• he was . -
Ind Is Stronger Now Than He at „tater, and to every ,way- cquit to `
tit.. rxrr4un. emelt PI campaign of 4 I AM TRUE
:Rr next lite weeks Will Invoh'e,
Early Riser. I Whether aa Prime Minister
Was Six Years Ago -An
Nothing Of the Glad red Artist cot''-juggler.:tor a hurrah arttat. There
g han.e heel; statesmen who have bluffed
About Sir Wilfrid -His His Is inters into camp 14y an affected boa- ,
Wool..., by getting "down with W
Lays," by a shrieking assumption of
patriotism and wetting of the flag. O!
this type Mir Wilfrid Laurier. Is not.
He:doe•s not 'lose poles. even When •h•
estimates fIallnq--.rnthuskt«m, ills Is the quiet
t t ..ver dignity .,f son.rion5 poleeTI
. Hts hand-
-Ilfrfd 'hake thrills, but It trills because It
Is I'ae. re Ilnndrede have shaken
•'''n •'hone,. nith him, a. 1 If • one thins
hada .ire e, .idol la:,•ab .. more then-
ther it has been that they have
e_en_of.•tfl type of thinking men. ra-
r than of th.l:"gushers" who rush
mrdto clasp hands and yell "Mur-
tha _demdnairatlous- aoeordes
"rtfrl''rean-Be-Fto dfscount-
rP regmrt with whh•h they
Quiet D.
Areepting the very towns
of nttrnuance. It Is conceded
50,000 penile went to hear Sir
In- the triumphant course of his s
meetings In Wcetern Ontario: Ma
of them walked miles. nth. rs
drove more miles, °there Crest
by train still more miles. Many saw for
SIR WILFRID LAURIER, CANADA'S GREATEST STATESMAN. -tem, not one -halt heart him. but the roo; ti
magnetism or the man held fh�m ati.
t - - __Alt f.
- More than this nr cou�h.re w•as
1 --------- -- - _ t� - -the
CANADA NOW LAND the realisation that the figure before tnq thre-
�' then] was a world -figure„ that ori tit- throbbed No-partlean addresseshall-
1 the country editor and lRw•yer. tier hasIS
[ly ff
throughout Lie career followed the TO ENGLAND
Four yr/MI sgr. when the ]gat N•ifple idle, and it 'Ir wonderful. 1n.
deed to tlaoso 'Avila have known atm I
from boyhood to "ea how little his I
habits of -Irving have changed. (3n the Sir Wilfrid Laurier, While in Op -
mornings wh.•n styes sage Pic la sleep-
tn- In atter a particulariy 1st.• sitttia position, Described Himself
i ut p as oueual. ehates�hhfrntoli, as an English Liberal.
and Is finished with his stmp!c but sub. -
stantfal breakfast at time to Ret down •
to business as early as the earnest clerk,
His (n Ivr,e s••creter) to .•n hand at that TRUE TO CAUSE OF
hour, with Bo -over -night mall, and qct
hour, or an hour and a bat. Is enough LIBERTY AND JUSTICE
as • rule to dispose of the coreaseen• -
deuce- .
Said He Belonged to the School of
r•ral election campaign, was held
t".. Prime Mtnl-ter was a alek
Iran. Yet. In the face of ; this
--t'!tysfeathandicap; he- wee hare, threw,
and •verywhere In the fight encourag-
ing hie own• following and 'ready at
all times to meet his opponents race
to tare. Rut to the rears that have
intervened his remarkable vitality has
Riven him victory over the tnrturea'of
Indtgestlon. Sir WIIfr'd Is a much
Sir Wilfrid hes always had a
rm corner in his heart for the
St itch, and he always enjoy/. a
m.• ting among then]. Ih•et.ly
heel ed In his sensitive nature
are t e, root', of a love for S,•nt-
Uslt-1 'thy and -Scottish toler-
ler-ance.. hlch came to him from
his .rest enc.• as a boy with a
Scottish amily named Fraser.
in the Pro ince- of Quebec. At
a French- median concert, not
long ago, a riend made the re-
mark that • mangle equaH, .1
the French. lint that is not
so." repiedSir-Wlifrid. "There
ore no songs hat touch mw
1 hart like the ' otch." Tho
Pprli of those tew simple lays
Illi of Scotland, to w ich he had
1 Idle\youth. hail APyeF n heck-- 1
en d all the changi • ;memos t
t haracte Hter attie life,
th - in this Is
dtryetnese,\ his broad- fled -
beep. and Ws' steadtastn • of
Hampden, Pym, and
terance. of tale mart could be more im- rd t1. 1'Irr=a .1 •I.t••r as a man of Ideal
O1~ FULFILLMENT prleteli :.red of 'era. pnMie Ill°.
portant than his achlecep.eutle. They e'attn,tixNM ww.t .11 erlrxns at IClagar•.
- saw In Sir Wilfrid the man who had the Scotch at litre, , y, the i'rench •t
done things. That, after all; was their Tilbury. the e: ental at Ilrrlln, men
Has Always Been a and of Pro- best guarantee that he would do thine. and women of tl..•s.: ar nth -r nation•
- - t a'll.atow; Anrth-this;-- dJrckson's
nuse, But Now Is one- still. Point -all have united In •tribute of
The hauriPr gatherings *Weir -not unitirpaesed anNdlty t., the -• an who
thing More. aolwty: t tberal;: neither will the Laur-
ems r.md« t'a•,ndinns tree tAer Can-
her cot.' he, ail° than ever l'uhadlans have iH De•
Sir Wilfrid 1. neither a glad-hand fore..
if Industry Languished It Would
be•Blamed, So Now Credit
Should be Given.
Canada has for many year. herrn •
land. of promise. In the last twelve
')ears 1t l,al become a land of fulfill-
ment. There may be honest difference
I of opinion ea to the extent to which
• thfa rcault Is due to,the acts of the
- Referred to the Dominion Premier TWO ELECTION STORIES' present- e.lminf''r` t on4?hecoucountry
erof deep
as a "Picture Gallery Al]
THAT HIT RIGHT HOMEif the Industries were languishing. If
by Himself." •- _. _-- its farmers were, unable to find a
Hew. Nr. 1-1.1.11, 1.•ns ,, r.tr wf ,nrket for their produce, If the West
arty en...1.,ars ..gas ,.. teilr.4 to_,,attrt.•t a etre-am_of lrfl'
in the Llheral ; n - 1
huetlnis t ro.o hart Cana the ap-
peal 1s made by Liberal' In
the present campaign that S
Laurier should be alinw'ed to f
work. r.'frrring to the construe
the new 1'ralee ongnrhtat iia
which 1. to open to settlement
great hinterland of Canada. But, p.
haps, after alt. It may not he throng
this great con( option of the future
destiny of the i)omir.nn that his name
all go down In histor, PO Much as It
will be through his_w:otk won cnncili-
roans. la I hem. ant 'toes any man in his senses
At (11 Massey Hail m' -sting a ae
that11ms1 calamities would not
Fielding told to... stories that hit p be • lb•dtto the Liberal tana,-rnntent?
Wil rtdr` teal nails on the besets, One of them Ever, tier acr-tsatinn against the
1.h his he told "off the bat" In reply to a r..- I(toverni nt would be subordinated to
an et mark from s..mrnnr In the audience. the grand dicer,, T,t t,ha• it had rulned
.way. Cane fila -]'rated 148 P*mark hist 1'1 ,,., `th&-dUt.That .. `o1 tar t until• `WrrtPd-•
have Rla•rn you a 4]M .Ol,dlu .b IIsi Ret, w.. 5ar11.11 Into_ desert, ..lacouragrd the
have also giten you •..i3o0.0oo.aott ruga-,P•'t'plr nasi s ret tnthelkhro:ad Into
try" In this partir •rr tunnel -was -alt reign-tauAs yarn that br•ad...Th.
".l' 1 \ eek.- z,' t;or-rbmcnt Wag .f.•atM
'rata, sa trains haee jE habit ret hr1n4$. t) the u+^ vt s.,'h.-ttlSthttknt. aiot by
nit in the train .ca. a young etmPle, n. ,.• roe . .th'r. la• onset Is 'rin"c fully
ung couples have a habit of bring •.•hniti.,r I.c • . as v.,tivt•.., iittd Maas.
the train. emerged 5lienthe girt y:as•k']..+.l,r Ins 4,.n . nholaed. t.. Th. -re
wr,ufd 1 alto• -n cul,' I'lnt nal. '•tan-
t1nR her tet ..':seer e," oar r.•., n .•ij &r( . iN tgrmll. x tl ,.�8i4tin. sit
'4.11-14-4 know "'ALth1. -UM' frit-Mt-141Nowet .P..el--tt 4t in a•)•PAtt
milli b ,t dollars ,• 'Hum," forsuch abundant p rep rlt
mnekIta eillpI, 'i.1'riii f rare t.,m_a`TS ulnar. .;s rat nt x 115 Pao
it did: 11 was worth It mi.!Fd•)••d .M11 -e. L'.,• last t1 blve-y.•ttrx,
n •• t n' re o a. ;t Snore i,nnnrtt-n 1,n•eprrlty,.
tannate. Mr. Fielding a•a. after tar Int1,,IM 11011 of th National' .
ha Alr. d°aster. won is :•o i1'.'llry. and tenant rvatiseg n • •r filled
tion •romisee of publle 1., take, th.• cr.,llt 1 , lh.meelrr . iota
4 11, -m stmt a Sar jat0 - to r ME --
rttrrt-if the e•onaerv,,. s, f' muse.! .hr 11••.,5 to lay terser
to poWPr. .... \
Wit,': shoal• .t \
r rel laiught•r., SIR �'J(CFP'D VIGOROUS
An Englrah.L.brrat, rano ret- s4 :tt .'t-IJln,r ;oar
r.mini•a h,.• at,'i 1 ,. Pruett - led • t Goinn through Cam,-. .
inn n of tar nnttt .prorhe. of Al. on••e w•uh a Its of tit• men Wtoo xrr,: dace- n{ Health.
With Ahun•
ltpposltinn. days. hrm,ed« {,rnfesM.rn of . to a Fn•rety >.r+ry :„.4,,,,
o y fln't• ••ire �
his ;,rlteltd4- In the f.. ;na•h,•t t• em ;'e(p1 ' .dint the g,,. 5: -• tit i went t ,' Rlr Wllfttd hems--lt 1. c .inR thrrn,th
"1 air true to my rare. i aura true to�J-^rs, and a•k••.l hint whys his pried . 11. is 8,4.tal,tt5 with an aih,,nrinn... nr
Canada. I am true to England, and 1 "vas. Sud hr said 11:" Thrn wby
) 1A• ntmvt• all. true tR the emote of lib- i din'! you May from Jones. ' '•>it•ell,'. I physlcnl am w• 1 • n[ mental tlg-w.
I r. nfeessd the rustoa.er. you xee Jonesi hack rH those It nr!) eiyem of h1. (ho
arty and Ju -flee. site 1 min of !'ranch Is ,tut of flour" \
trig{ end 1 -hnee the pride , of my •The story hit straight home. \ t•m m tit thou ht \m�, burnhtg cot-
Mce; tit -In pnllt'n i am xn I;nRll.^.h - - -- \ timothy. 1116 M :hr 'CMVIIIeing. clean.
Llbrr.1. The principles which i urn- A Clean Campaign. \ cu, taco of a • •nu. w ,m.' peltate awl
la public rife 1a ugh• .,11 ehet:. Not an
almlot.y 4110s he to ruse, 'ith the con-
fbtrn.•P a .int.amen w f has .1.1.4(:.,-
his heat, and thnt nobly. 1,o- feces Lis
Iople ttafrhld and_gpAlitm,tjed.
_111••1 c•
"French by birth. but British by t It' . a
elt:.rn.hlthe lies ►w.w lila *mutt a►Hre•-+ a darn 1
in French and Hi 13u;tllsh-.peekine III °od more
1 Canada. and happily, bdore his pot. f reminded Speaking t
IIe career has closed. to Sir Wilfrid apposed to t I
" OUR HZART IS IN THE FUTURE." taw, ear •. tCP> are. are th• met- 1n the Laurier n.mpnlgn no eft()
"T rot nationalities were lee(watrd fn the pertC. but the pia( R th n -htAy and rrflrrttnn. They
he differ sial not rntitr •to me from the Ian4 of i bring mile to stamhr•de tie vote, t..
eta concord
r. O'tr heart Is In the fn tare, In 'tette. hnrmonv, hew e. and) --_ -.._. _. __ . aurtr•e!ee orad 1.'11. a,1. Mntanry •peel
concord for one beloved Canada." -From x eperch,of Sir Wilfrid batistes. ft'ontlr,t. a- Tv. , I Ienelnlntongertng are eschewed.
given the privilege of a -M.10 41,m the ward Intend t
lasting .reecnc111atinlr of the Y:nRllr,t, tit'•,. are return -o
and tersnete rnet,e to (Meow, elle is Pat.--. Lae.
., 1,10011C .111111 rear
" 011 YE OF LITTLE FAITH." - 1P9
"We want to provldr another rn•Iwiv to Itud.otit Pay. There will, the',
he the pre •nt 1..1t• and lhu Hud-....,'. Nay route, and the man who raises
wheat an,' . filo wIl!',,tnve ler, out!. tr for his (tr..dne lion. b',.' have been told.
'Ah yo,: net dna to hurt the trade of the Rt Lewrrnret If vondo that?" 'Chet,
of little fait ; the trails of t'ane.la Is t..., great coto for these two outlets.
rI-rote, .pe501'. f Sir Wilfrid Ian,rier.
--. - -- -- - -- --
Vote on
insist on seeing
tober 26th For Sir Wilfrid aurier, Unity, and Progress
Painting on rnole*kin, Mrs. Ft.
Stevenson, Mrs. H. Mcllwain ; paint -
log on bolting cloth, M1i55 Nyntington,
Mr.. Stevenson ; oollertion of on
painting*, Mrs. liriflln, Sirs. titev,•u-
son ; collection of water enlors, Mise
Evelyn Hayden, Mise Livingetnn ;
pencil drawing:^Miss Livingston, Mrs.
Howrie ; crayon drawing, Miss
Evelyn Hayden. Miss Livinptnn ;
collection of pen aid ink sketches,
11145.1' til 1)455.nand
1 wnetwwan Haver, i'enetwng, Midla
1 and Lakefleld. Mwdaweskit to Depot
Harbor, Argyle to ('ol,ocouk, Lindsay
to Haliburton, Nharttot Lake via li
P. Ilailway, and points from Severn
to North Bay inclusive. Return
'mut on all ticket& Pwtntrlay, i)eretn•
her'itb, hest, or until clone of naviga-
tion, it earlier, to points reached by
steamers. Full information iron any
Grand Trunk ticket agent,
t.uUuH DROPS 2 or 'g..
.1 )41./1/1)
511E1! ea
to and all work fully guaranteed.
PORTLAND CEMENT always in stock.
tririt� AMIStore 'Phone sg CHAS.
C. r EE
Houk 'Phone t 12C. j �